HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-04-03, Page 111.1r.URST-411; IIiL I, MO • News Of Dungannon DUNGANNON, April 1. Dun- gannon United Church on Sunday for the congregation and other .visitors who Completely filled the auditoritun. Alma College Choral Club, ofSt. Thomas, a group of 45 girls attending the college, made • - red jackets and harmonious voices, a lovely„ colorful choir with their' Miss Maxine Harper, AOC°, ATCM. directed. In the choir were the pianist, Miss Doris Johnston, Clin- ton, and also a Dungannon girt Elizabeth Pentland. .Elizabeth is taking a secretarial course with music as an added subject. Rey. R. Kerifiedyi the minister conduct- thi Sunday address. The- beautiful choral numbers given were "Meg. ed," "Joyful .Eastertide" and "Were You There?" The latter piece, best known to the audience; was particularly appreciated by the conggegation who were visibly moved by the rendition., Trans- portation, donated by Dungannon residents, brought the girls from St: Thomas early Sunday morning. They arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Franklin Pentland, par- 'ents Of Eli7abeth Pentland about T. PRYbE & SON MEMORJALS The above firm will continue to operate under the ownership of Jack Pryde who was long associated wtIflt fatlfer, tbe Itite-Tlibmas Pryde. Your- ebn- tinued patronage will be approdulted: For the Goderich district, the firm is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Frank McIlwain as its representative. Any inquiries will receive prompt attention by calling McrLWAIN-at Carlow 27. 1 •••••••••••••.AI•••••^ 9 a.m., with a het coffee break before. going to the church for practice. After the service, the Sunday School teachers served din- ner in the basement, Incidentally, Mr. Prank Pentland is". superin- :tendent of the Sunday School. The guestettribe dinner. Rev. Kennedy thanked all who willingly aided in making the event possible. The girls were appreciative of the Spring gating. Some' scampered back to Pentland's bush to see how, maple syrup is made. Some of the girls whose .homes are in various parts of the world had, never before seen hoW maple syrup is made. , Por oyer three qiiarters of a century, Alma College, a resi- -dential school, has offered courses of study for girls and Young ladies. The college is the property of the United Church of Canada, but en- tirely non-sectarian in its Board of Management. Religious knowledge is emphasized in the, training of the girl students there. At 2 o'clock Sunday afternpan„ the group left by bus (Allan Reed's), and other cars for Wingham CKNX radio and TV Station for the Young People's Youth- Rally where the choral group sang, Chaperoning the girls for the day were: Mrs. Flora Sifton, BA, B.Ed., Alma Col• lege Principal; Miss Maxine Har- per, ATCM. AMus, TCL (Eng.) ACCO, music directress, and IVriss Mary Ann Neely, secretary. a Ac- cording to the home addresses of these young ladies, they are from ,Canadian centres such as Dundas, Kitchener, Woodstock, Orangeville, ldton, Chathain, Cornwall-,- Lis- towel, Stratford, Tillsonburg, Ham- ilton, St. Catharines, Georgetown, Brantford, - Sarnia, Thamesford , Clinton, Montreal, Quebec 'and Pembroke. They are also from Bermuda, Cuba,. Panama, Brazil, klolombia, Venezuela• and Stock- holm, Sweden. Miss Barbara Wilson, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, returned after a three weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and Murray. A visitor at their home for the week- 14-17 Designed to give you the ultimate in cooking perfection, a ,modern -electric range will roast, broil, fry, bake and boil —all automatically. Electric cooking is clean cooking. Your pots and pans stay shining bright. There's no film on walls and curtains— ' and your kitchen stays cool. Electric cooking is fast cooking—economical too. With an automatic electric range you LIVE- BETTER ELECTRICALLY— the safe, clean, modern way. cook better end was Misa Gladys qj#01014: art also nurse trainee at ieteria 0 S •, re Hospital, Mrs. Atthin• Stewart was taken ill at the home of her parents,: Mr: and .Mrs. Richard Park, while attending their gohipz—vedding, AlAln*kagest.v3$0414aApv 'March 22. Showing no improve- ment after a few days, she was admitted to Goderich hospital. Then she was removed to Victoria .Hospital, London, for%treatment and possibly surgery this week. We wish for her a speedy recovery. • Mrs. Minnie J�ne on Thursday last enjoyed the .dsy with Mrs; George Baxter, Colboxne TownShiP, who was • quietly observin g. her 90th birthday. She iS still " quite active and bright. She and her late husband and, fantly farmed on the .4th cOnces- sion of West Wawdnosh. We join with other friends in wishing her continued health and happy birth- days. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert ail(' son, Bill, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Crawford, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wilson attended the marriage of Mr. and 'Mrs. Edwin Post, Galt, on Saturday. The groom is the nephew of Mrs. Reid and. Mr. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Guindon, Bay City, Mich., visited for the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pearson and Mr. Gordon Congram. We are sorry to say Mrs. Congram is at present in Victoria Hospital and is not in very good health. Born, Sunday, March 30, to' Mr. and- Mrs. Leonard ChishoTm, at Wingham hospital; a son. Visitors recently with (Mrs. Ab- ner Morris were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knight, Allan, Kevin and Carol Ann, Detroit. The LOL on Friday night spon- -sored a euchre party at the -Mir High winners -were Mrs. George Errington and Bob Mole. Second high scorers were Lorne Ivers and Lorne Hackett. Visitors with Mrs. M. Shackleton were Mrs. Norman Shackleton, Bel - grave, for a few days last week, • * .ACUVUIeS rena "eltAdde r '"*t 110 -Wits to 'GI:Klerk% Arena • during. the summer ,fifoliths, the Arena Manager has advis- ed the Recreation and Arena ' Committee that he had made contacts with various- parties • trying to rent or buy a -ring for wrestling. The manage' . was instructed to make con- tacts with parties in Exeter and Guelph for rent or pur- chase of same \Nth power to act if he found something suit- able. The committee also approv- ed a dance for the ?atter part of June featuring Jadk King- ston with barn dance music and rock and roll. In addition, there is a show early in June' featuring midget car racing. The advance advertising' on this should, appear soon in the local paper. The committee heard' a re- port from the Arena Manager with regard to roller skating. It was felt that it would h' too expensive to purchase skates at the present time but they decided to open up the and on Sunday, Mr. Amos Cor- nelius, Goderich. We are plad to know Mr. Thomas Park, who has been ill tor about three, weeks, is able to be out again around his home. The Dungannon United Church will on Good Friday hold 11 a.m. church service. Mrs; A. Morris Lh.w43 'end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken .Morris, Benmiller, Mr. and Mrs. Dougjas Freeman, Clinton, and Goderich friends. ,forMor. This 7 Summer' Waaahwis,4114/W410-4-1P.L.'IR. those 44 who had their skates. It roller skating can, prove to be a paying proposi- • tion s further study will be made by the committee rela- tivp to buying skates. Fire insurance at the Arena was renewe.d at a cost of- ap- proximately $2,800.00 for one year. „ OBSERVE 40th ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. John Snell, of Londesboro, were pleasantly sur- prised on Thursday, March 27, when their family arrived to cele- brate their 44)tri wedding annivers, ary. Present were their 15 grand- children and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pentland and Jack, of Port Albert, and Mr. and Mrs.Hugh McCabe, Goderich Township. A three -tiered wedding cake, wiLich was made by Mrs. Jack S*11, made an attractive centre- piece for the table which was - spread by a lace cloth—one of' the s.everal hand -crocheted by Mrs. John Snell. Lovely _gifts were reeeived in, eluding a living room rug from their family, and a bouquet of spring flowers from their grand- children. Mr. and Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Pent- land and Mr. McCabe. were pre- ,seded, with corsages and bouton- nieres. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher (nee Betty Snell) were also pre- sented with the same since %it was their lath wedding anniversary. Th4; special family date also mark, ed Mr. RAY Snelr4 bWkdaY, During the evening., the grand, children entertained .tonoeally, Barbara, and Bonnie Open sang ."The Wedding Prayer.' ' Dianne Pon/a*T-Ofirsang,,"IKVAPeg. laive''-';411arick-Selettions wee 'a played by Gail Fisher. A butEet dinner- was .enjoyed to end the happy event. - .• . • The .Anglican. will POOnt',0401:010,t.:1#0,13444: Ontarki,-.:rantor stai4ons.:ou,Good Y4): 4;:"C: 13resentatiOneri'::..the.eventat: life JP).41.43.t.04,.'H nt Thursday. leading up. to The Last Supper. CANADIAN LEGION BRA..N01609,13,E,A1,16 Vinly Memorial Bent:164f to be held at 624) p.m. at the Legit Wednesday, April 9, ,1958 Guest Speaker — Rev. Bren de Vrs. Legion Members and Veterans. );1; Turkey Dinner — $1.50 per plate: Dress, — Berets and ,Medals. ..,Piereefe ,„. YOUR BOAT! 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