The Exeter Times, 1890-11-20, Page 1THE TIMES .FROM NOW UNTIL JAN rr 1891 20 Cents AN]) HURON & MIDDLESEX GAtaTTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TEE CHIPS FAiit, WHERE THEY •THE TIMES' TRIAL TRIP OFFER --ee- WORTH ACCEPTING VOL. XVIII, NO 8. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1890 1! JOrn' wHITE ,Tx SON r utdisherr and rroPrIetor LEGAL. DIOKSON, Barrister, Soli.1 • titer of supreme Court, Notary Public, Oonvevancet, Commiesioner,, sice Otticein Ferisoe'entock, Ezeter. Aionetr to hort.n. 117 H. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Itc., eNETER, - ONT. 0 Moe Seine:isle* Ineek,flaWa eitt feces ELLIOT es1 ELLIOT, Banisters, Solicitors, !rotaries ?Wit, Conveyancers o, &c. Oney to Doan at Lowest Pater, .of interest. MUM. • hf&IN sTABwr, .sXETEB. A. T. =4M:1T. 107. DENTAL. O H. INGRAM. DENTIS'r. sueeenor to U. I.billiuge. Member of the Royal College of Dental Suigeouse enisestbetio given) for the pathless extraction of teeth. OFFICE Over O'Neil's Bauk.) leaven every Friday. IT KINS1AN ,PTISTJ.D1 lel- • S. Samwett's Meek, Itein.st, Exeter, Extracta Teeth without Path. 14104y At rieNom,T.ou 31vit Valley: Craig, second Kee fourth Tuesday: and Ztwu c4lto I at Thar 1 slav of each nunitit. . anDICAL T RIZOWNING. M. D., M. 0 Pe • S, Graduate Victoria Univeraity: (Mace and residence. Dom -'ion Labor*. tore. Exeter. 1)11. HYNDMAN, coroner for the County of liuron. 011leo. opposite Carling Rm. store, Ex titer. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M.0...'„ S. O. Oftlee. Main St. Motor, Ont. nespiarmo, /lease errantly occupied by r. tioPlullipe, Hag. AUOti011 Sale FRIDAY EVENING, Men'sFur Coats,Men's Over- coats and Suits, Shirts and Drawers, liats,Caps, Brae es, Ties' RIM, Soeks, Ladies' Yur Sets, Storm Collars, Children's Lamb Boas, Caps, hoods, fascinators, hose,cuffs, 3ollaxs, dress goods, children bootees and leggius, horse blankets, robes, Boots, Shoes moose skins, mocoasins, o. Our lease will soon expire, and our object in holding these sales is to dispose of the stock before leaving. Regular business during the week as usual and prices the Lowest. Call and Fee us. BRUMPTON BROS. The Motsons Ban (011AnTE1tED BYPA itLIAMBSTeatia) Paid up Otipital liestFund ... ffeadOrtiee,Moutreal. F• WOLFE:MAN TS031.ASe4ein, tinentiletelenelite 20 bran o flices n t3o Dominion. A gene ie in the Deininlon,17.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Brancii, Open every lawful day arum IP rt. 2it.t0:1P40 SATURDAYS,10 a. in. to 1 p. 4 Po eCen t. er annum al low ed for money on Deposit Recetets R. H. ARCHER, Manager. LA CUTTEN, M. D., C. M., i CONDENSED NEWS onto' ral.Truk. Med. school. Toronto ; Grad. • arouleate Trinity 'University. Toes Am mite Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropologe; Member Col. P. Ls 0M2, Dashsrood• 0 et. Vroiti Various Sources Through out the District. The Luolonow council have disposed of the debentures for the $5000 loan to Messrs :Cliff en Feester, of the furniture feetary to Mr G A Stimuli, of Toronto, at bait per cent. premium. Mr James 31cLarty, who has for the nest year coudueted the. Palace livery stables, St Marys and recently disposed of thenitto Messrs Sheldon Bros, has purobaeed a hotel buainess in Chesloy, Ont. Wm Wilcox ("Prof,") WEE fined 335 and costs by Ur Welles P. M., at Parkhill. Thursday for violating the Ontario Medical Act. This is the second time that Detec- tive Webb hes had him fined. The death of Mr, Hugh F. McCallum occurred in Ailsa Craip this week. He bad accidentally fallen against the stairway in the hotel at which ho was stopping, and bruised his face considerably. Mr Teton C Ross, of Parkhill, who is few weeks ago had the misfortune of having a piece of rusty iron strike and wound one of his eyes, is able to be out again. but sad to say he has lost his eye. The wound is festered and after causing Mr Ross the moat excruciating pain for about ton days, the eyo slouched and ran entirely oat. George Steamier, a farmer in good cir- cumstances, !ivies on the Gth concession of West Wawanosb, committed suicide on Thursday night about nine o'clock by shooting. De3eased had been in poor health lately, and at times temporarily out of his mind. During one of these fits he took a loaded. gun, which was left in the room by his son, who bad been hanting, placed the muzzle in his mouth and pulled the trigger, the charge coining out and blowing oft his right ear, killing him in- stantly. DR. WOODRUFF M11.114.411••••.• Diseases of the Erie \ EAR, NOSE 4:41) THROAT -- Eve glasses nnd Sneetacles furnished for both Nenrand Distrust Velion, Always at home,excent on Fridays. No. 185 .Queen's .A.VenttOr London, On tar10.- AUCTIONEERS. "141 13OSSEN13ERRY, General Li• 1.4 • coined Auctioneer Sales conducted in Minolta. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Henson I? C, Ont. HENRY EILRE.R Licensed Auc- tioneer or Hay, Stephen. and Mc- 011ivray Townships. Sales conducted at moderate ra,tes. OttIce , a t Posh -Wilde. Cred- iton Ont. li. PORTER, GENERAL • AuctioneerandLandValuator. orders sent by mail to my address, Dayileld1,, 0., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. POIlTD1t, Auctioneer. Tennent & Tennent EX.ETElt. ONT. - Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary col- lege, OEN= : Ono eloor Soutb of Town Ball, Mr. f3cott, of Blyth, has sold hie tuatara 'Whalen. business to a Mr. Chillow, of Colliegwood, for a good price. Hamra -Bain fraf heavily alt day Moe - Archie Nichol was shooting in North dayand aocoreing to old "probe winter to Easthope the other day when a de ran against the trigger of his gun and disebarg- ed the weapon. Ono of Nichers hands was ' shattered. Some of the shot entered ilia face. Two former Wingliantites joined their for. tunes to that fareoff city of Sap Franalatio, when on Oct 30 Mr. Dana Campbell. of Victoria, IL C., was muted in bonds of matrimony with Mies Laura E. Linn, of San Preemie). The Mitebell Advocate in itislaut Nano cbarged Bev. W. MnDouagb Ishii bowing, while preachiug at Firkton on the previoue Sunday," displayed an unusual amount of bad Mete," and insulting Bishop Baldwin who vas to be at Kirkton that week,by say- ing that when Jeans Ostia was upon girth he said not weer a White abut to 111110 his other clothes, neither was be while upon earth willed My Lord or Your Lordship." Mr. MeDotiagli in a letter to a London paper denies the charge, saying that hie reference was not to /bebop Beldwio, whom be esteems as a saintly man, but to eaCte• detaliem and tbo historic eplacopatcy of R0170801010. The Advocate 111C10 ta denounced as a slauderoue scribbler, About thirteen yeara ago dr F. W. 3fereliant, men a young man about 20, was engaged as assistant at Port Dover High School, at the rate of 5350 a year, which was afterwards increased to 5,590. During the three years he remained there he completed his college course by self study and received hie M. A. degree. He then went to Ingersoll as /ugh &oboe' as- sistant, salaryt5G00. In a year he returned to Port Dover ote principal at a misty of $750. He next resat to Aylmer High. School at a Warr of 000 In a few mouth he retained to Ingersoll as head master, pillory $1,200. Last year he became prin. cited of Owen Sound Collegiate, salary ellsOlt. This year 3m went to Stratford C,Idegiate Au priueipal at salary of $1,800. and naw he has received the position of bead master of the London Collegiate In- etituto at a salary of $2,001). -Waterford Star. (MANTON. linters -Mr James Clarke left on Non- day for Cleveland Ohio to till a position as book lower in a rubber manufactory at a salary ot 51200 111 a yehrs-rIi Midoleaugh thug clerk in Dr Laug's goes to Do ayten next week to a similar position there, at au advanced Wary. We understand that elr W Middleton ire will be his successor. =PEN tide Bezers-Mr and Mrs Beaman have sue. ceeded in organizing a council of Royal Templers in our village. -Miss Deletion, 1 of New Hamburg, is visiting her sister, 3Ire Wommiller.--Mr 33 Blair, were has been in Califeinla for several weeks, attending business for his nephew, ieturntd this week -Jr D Cooper, youngest son of W Cooper. sr., is home ou a visit, after au absence of seventeen years in California. Orintnn-Our barber is at last opened, and not by the aid of any Governinent, but through the indefatigable efforts of our citizens. As the sand drifted in and filled the gap in the north pier, it was thought it would not be in vain, as form- erly, to dig a passage through the bar. This was done, and novo an eau; Bent out- let is afforded. MONILLOP Briefs. -Mr. Geo. Browo has bold bia farm on the 13th con.. to Mr. Young, of Bibbed for tbe sum of $5000. As this is one of the best farms in the township, and con. tains 112 acres, Mr. Young has certainly made a prudent purobase. Mr. Jas. Wiltsie had the misfortune to lose a valuable yearling colt the other day. It appears the animal in trying to jump' a fence, got its foot caught between the rails and broke its leg, and had to be nbot. It is almost impossible to escape Cold in the Head this wet, disagreeable season. But Nasal Balm gives instant relief and never fails to cure. A trial will convince you. .0 p .2 eN twee " 0 4) a n cas E 0 0 4:1 0.0 Pt) r. cd oi r•I 1-4 0 e el) Cal Ui 4.) tstt 0 Cr3 0 0 0 ot 0 0 0 0 4_, P4 E4 cL, 0 ° r° 01 7.• .0 U•RI 4 4.) et:1 bn 8 0 .10 cd 0 al 0 a tn 0 0 .0 ,0 04)0 - o•-•; 0 0 Iv a 4-, 0 •10 cd Q.0 4.4 (1) 0 0 >• 0 en 11.1 C/I ••.4 CV 04-1 1 tz.) c:a 0 0 ,...0 .1 • g co .c.,,, a) 0 a) 0 t--, ' 0° aa U .-al s •EI - 04) En M O-> 0 ° c0 LAJ 03 0 4j;:"17,4 ..02 l"''' 10 ...4 .... 4-, 0, CCm •0' 4 ,._4 • 0 El) -41:3, -9, "1(:11) 10 0., 0 _ .. 0 ••••• 0 b.° ....... 0 - c, - = I) 0 ,•?., ielel cd ••°-.) eli ••0 C:‘, Z v >•' .;:l t;•, '",,,, .,ti Lij o o. to 3 1EL czs 4-. Ca g 0 -__,„ -; 11'...? 'MIL" "1 -8 u .1 CCge00 0 -- -',-,4 1 a) al 4-, 2 iz 0 o re ot ..0 -'.4 it en 0 a cd 4) cs) 0 0 60131 0 0 0 We have far t IlaaMaaleallea6101111MINIIIIMININE at b444, -the swamies being 1u1l„-4fastee Dave Hodgson, who has been down with Typhoid fever for a month put, is naw able to be around again -CteorffOXillsolab building e new kitchen and putting a stone well under his house. -Bill NIRO, after working a year in this neighborhood, could not leave without taking one of our fair maideua withhhn. He was therefore unit. eil to be handl of holy matrimony with Unie Smell, only surviving deenthter of ldr. Wm' Duffield, ou the 29th u11, -Mr and Mrs Rapid; of London, are visiting friends and relatives here at present• -.41r it Rona bas had the front of hie lot fenced with a ow potent tenet,. 41. Lucian. CONCIM-Court Candeboyo, No 461,1 0 F, held a courted in the town hall on the 14th met. Before the concert a torch light procession in winch a large number took part, paraded the principal streets. Tho °fled brighte"4/ "9° November came inertly gav iionot often there It November -oar Jens.s con, had a brit* tiro Mount, Carina wsoniso Eterza-rtnt oorner was all astir on Taesday toffees -ex of a wedding in the vAllage. At le, clock .in, the R. C. church well filled to witness the marriage of Mr Joseph GlavirD, to Mies Ellen, only daughter of frZUjaUan. of Stephen. TbeY were assistedeb Mr -Jahn Edgellon, and Wow J. Brae; jop1on. The knot was tied by Rev. her Keeley. Atter the oeromollY Krell inner was served at the reeidenee ot Mr 1g11ou, at whio1 ver fifty couples sat. Aeon& 8 o'clock the party drove to Ceetralleireetiere the newly•wedded couple kook the traleiseenroute 3a1° and other eaateru eitisegamid the googratii. ; lationa of a host ofeiriende. The Tines ; tome in wiahing theta peaspority, beelth,aad 1 bappluees. 1,1tiro. Damn -The recent fine her proved I a great boon to fermate, they were est- , abled to gather in their aver in fairly ; good condition, and their flbje Have short- , gly. When up hope, as it weather in e, of tbe Oth Satardsy„ whets atted. twentv were hanleil • mid pleasing address The Supretaa Seam. h If concert wall of averted character conoieting of recitetione,, songs, addresses etc. John A Ucerillivrov Supreme Seerotary of the order at prelim% and delivered *very inetructive ome. the warm ontinnes we tory aleo presented the court with a set of now not bo re& rrittpraed it he vete a otlicerl badges which had been won in au hasetneatunder las bor initiation contest durin th months f 4 feri,137"5-, Market store Fo:eter. up tea o Bargain Depot The snow is flying and the chtlly winds of winter are already beard and felt to certain extent. Many are found unprepared for this, some of the formers' roots hem atilt in the ground. Well, we would like to help you, take in your roots etc., but we realty have not the time. But we will make time to help you prepare for winter and minister to your comforts m many other ways. We are fully prepared to clothe you from bead to foot in ap- parel suitable for any weather (and this for your comfort.) We will do so at prices that are within the reach, of all of you being as low as any and in zany instances loiver than any house in the country. Remember we have the best assort. ed stock of ready mules in town and cannot be beaten in quality or price values considered. SHODDY RULED 01.7 r. All kinds of underwear at job prices. Overshoes and rubbers at 20 per cent lower than ever. Also a large stock of flats, Cape and Genta furnish. inge, pretty and cheap. Call 10 and see ust Jjjj uly and August Seveg ral of the nelebbor- 1 In the ilkige for Ibew 11411 Courtt! sent delegations who aided prii„e who wen reported nutters'!, in corryiug out Use programme. Int week eve much Among thee* may be mentioned Court is going 10 have resit, who ia oleo Provincial Deputy ida anoth Exeter wboaa chief rauger Ur G. W. Hot. Fry. This is tho t 3 4.013 18 bl k h 8003) t ha reshimrlel as r months,- u the to4 Het Mrs Wadliu Sion sale next 3 within a year, -- High Cluef Itentiert ateardPelned bIr -Ur I', 8000 4i4 possible. Tot is an announce - U. Dialogic, 0. D. H. 0, and others were preseat. Mr Holman gaYS, en address merit that Mr Webb it bar; suntamt re.i. sua alto a very humorout reading both of dente -The ministers' het wilt soon ba on, ars it is whispered aniturethet several conoarter a aeorob 8685100 01 the court woe buffeters are heed of their present way of held at which the Supremo Secretary and living and are grant; to peter into lifo parte which we loudly: applauded. After the • uerabige.-The mint services at Zion al - Bro. Holman exemplified in 0 very inetrua- peiataieue have been a ftrotifyin onorn.„,. WO manner the neret work of the order. over 00,04, having made a, rabsee profiNsion On the whole the entertainment MIS of a very instructive and amusing character and May the veil vvork go en and prover. - part acquitted theraselves admirably aini throughout the circait next Slaty. Rev the large audience Resembled. toe Eliniville dental on Sanday *veiling at half past elz.-3r Wen Sleet:tone late of l'Ing BidduIrth Council tows has MoVel into what known al Wilson's; house on the gravel road a short The Connell met pursuant to aajourn- aireeaue0 met of Retavine. went at Park's Hotel, the seem and all the members resent. Standard loan company addle ssed the Counoil anti a largo deputation of the pre. petty owners of Claudeboye in Nue matter of ear petition asking for certain strews in Claudeboye to 1.10 closed. Tbe either con. sideration of the matter was mutually doe ferred Dec 15th twice The following accounts were ordered to be peid viz ; Ed, Glisten, tile ditch, B, Moiety, 53 ; Jas Thompson, rep bridge, Moiety, 52 ; Woe Youngson, gravel acct. in full, 53 75 ; C. Preens, cimmutation money, 52 ; do, grant to Claucleboye, 510 ; J. elePherson, rep sidewalk, Clandeboye, 51. ; McIlliargey, bal on bridge, 60 eta ; T Ityley, rep culvert, div 2, 50 ets ; W. H. \ Atkinson, building approach Bauble bridge, 525 ; 0 Hodgine, expense time and attend- ing court, re closing street, 51; A Will:area, rep streets Clandeboye, 51 25 ; J Stephen- son work new road div 1, 57 50; J Simp- son, 45i cords gravel, new road div 1,545 50 B. Seel), gravel met in fell, 53 45 ; Geo Seale's, gravel acct in full, 53 30 ; Jas Whalen, 28O cords+, Luoan boundary, 504 50 ; T Hedging, concrete culvert, W B 55 ; E Blake, 10(10 the, Whalen's ditch div 4 525 ; W Howard, gravelling C 5 R div 4e 5107 25 ; Ryan, bal on bridge and repairs, 511 ; W Bonn, gravel acet in full, 525 95 ; W Hedging, ditching div 4, 52 50 ; Jas Ryder, rep div 3 and 4 51 ; John MeLauglalin ditching the 3 and 4. 57 ; A Lampbier, tile ditch div 4, 155 65; W Carrigan drawing plank, div 4, 60 eta • Jas Carrigan, ditching div 4, 56. The Council adjourned to meet in the Temperance Hall Graaton on Monday Deo 1st next at 10 ani. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk, of faith ie Jesna ("hetet theis Savieur. was well patronized. Alt thine who took Misaiounry sermons will ba pretielle1 succeeded in instructing as well as; autlissug Mr Thetorsou Ihystoston, wi 1 preach in Alr. D.. teltIllan, manager of the Royal 4) 0,00 0110= o 0•t•-• e„ •- i (I) n ,t) _(0 on as .or et9 ,,t• 0 0 o 0 to - 4-1 ••0 vs „, 1.4 co 0g.a..02g C/1 .. ,••• - ss- 0 CI) 1-1 : ""I6 -; • • ° -3 44 54.,..9 c.) •-• e. e, ,,t - 0 cd g1 0 (13 ° 1) '4). cn .0 0•al 0 04 c64 3 0U)0 01C0 4., 0 'El ""-• .4 0 .0 0 ;El. 74 0 E 0 0 .0 al ei se 'es n me o ,o s) 00 0 1.4 CV ..... ›. 0 "." ..1:1 ,.,03 n en. cd bp pi Et on on el o ce risan -mem Z .4.4 MPH= 0 0 0.0 CA) 0 rn 2 _1 cn ci) 33 0 GA X 2 72 0 7.: rn1 o t0 0. 0 ree o v et 0 11 air41113 ; 54 )0 E C3•4 (1=4"-il , 0 ers 4.4 43 41, 0 - 0 130 co t-tre A 2; p ko e-44 03 1.4 ea (0. 0 +. ^ge'3 00 0 613 0.413 0 Si 7: C1,-4 2), ts,,0 0 LC s4303 0 13 13 C.7 s. C-4 a 4.1 what the loss to us. 641 133 L4 se o 4-3 .o 0 cd I>1176 4,01 60 60 4-4 0 60 04) a.) •••• 04) 5 5 0 (i) ba• 0 0 0 "01 0 0 04? "E. 0 4., 11 60.0 .0 ttn co 0 04) E 6)0 0 4 L. 0 0 0 4 t5 „sz '404ca d d (3 . 0 ;a , • • 0 4a 0 ft= •••• ct co eta L• •• 0 4-4 In he° o en, p 0 841-14 ;12742111re T-• 1364 to eiSe ,t% "42 C4 0 .0 0. o .0 or-Orp.a.° L,'Z'cp;1s,, to re o e e. • 03 -0 43ee.8.5-3 elGsee-o4r..10 er 4al ... Ci 0 'AD • "et, PI 6% ve e. .o 4304 . fro 0 -4 s -,04-4 -!•-; - 8-' 114.9.4 iii l'ise i 4:17; -32',5 '" t el seee, 4- " e e P ..,4° ig i 03.,,,,., •sil be,0 0 0 0 4 .1..., 0 43 ff..iii-s._*.5., ,t, 8 6:4:4 7,1`m 4.1:7 te te ee 1 121 PE" Iofli 0 .1 P. RC SS Crectiton. Mum- Me John Voelker and neplaw of Kilreannagli, Mich, are visiting in the neiglihnillood, after several years's absenre. They intend taking a few good horses back 1 with them. -Mr Wurth has re:tonal from Michigan, and thiuke that things in Michigan are not what they aro cracked up to he, although some parts pleased We very well -Nfr Davi-t Finkbeiner bee bought a boot and shoe sten 1 in Kilman• nagle Mieh, and will mare hie family there shortly.-Mieses E.la and Ida Gauld, of Exeter, pail our village a visit on Sunday lave. as the gnests of Mrs D. Link -Mr 'and Mrs It. D. Beeman have been holding 1 a saris.; of temperance meetings in the tome hall, and met with considerable • sumac At each meeting they renamed. ! some fine duets in which lairs Beetnan showed that she has wonderful compass in her come, as well ote splendid ex eution. . On Tuesday evening Mr Beeman gave a magic lantern exhibition which was with - 3 out doubt the beat over SlIOWA here, which .11eahatrOOre ee besides being au illustration of their work Sates -Large numbers from all direa. tiona attended the sale of Mr Sack& on Tuesday last. On Saturday Mr 0 Hartleib intends to have a sale. CHRISTMAS Poarxw.r..-Tne Dashwood Sunday School of the Evangelical chutob have decided to celebrate Christmas in the usual way by holding a Cleistmas tree. A itiATIVR oir DAPAWOOD --Last week Me W. Freid paid his native village a short visit. Mr Freid has just finished a amine of Phrenology in New York. At present he is teaching, a closes in Berliu, but in the near future he intends to visit either South America or England. We wish him success wherever he goes as be is a yonng man of more than ordinary ability. Poatia sumer, EXAMINATIONS -We hear that the Dashwood and. Blaokbush schools intend to hold puteio examinations this winter. Dashwood school Deo 121.11, As there have been no such examinations in tbia vicinity for some years, we hope that there will be a large turnout at each of the above schools. themes -Ur Thou has sold his stage to Mr ItleKisio.-31r P Omit, of Milverton, paid his brother, Mr R. Cook, a short visit on Saturday and Sunday.- Mr F Ethers attended the funeral of his uncle, near Elimville, on Wednesday of last week. - Messrs M. and T. Johnson, of Zurich, spent a few hours in Dashwood oa Sunday. -Mr E. Merner and wife, of Zurich, were the guests of Mr R. Cook on Sunday. --A num- ber from Dashwood and vicinity attended the protracted meeting at Znrieh on Sunday evie-On Thursday evg last there was a schnizing bee at San ceder's corner, ' a a ›' 0 •-• • Lel ea el) u•L' " 0 cr) tC) cd > a) .2O 0 . (17 13 py, rv--‘ sal 4) • • 0 1,4 4 0 C.) pal44 > d313 (..) 0 -0 4) 9 cs, o 4 .0 ,11J r:2 a 0 46. cd 0 0 > "ct frAc73 u.P) - .00 Z "..41 0 (4.0 1-1 co 2 ...cO68 ui 0:7! 40 cc) 0, rtr, 1.1 ".0 ‘2 (TJ ° 0 ° L)Cahe tca: ?. • 41 4' C.) 0 4..9 ai as a) E_n 04 1.o m 0 bp g3 ‘4' 0 0 0 0 cq „tz,i) .-8"c38 _ 13 0 en 0-) Cd 0 4?4) ;-.16 o tr) 4-1 N.4 '110710 p 04 Is .44 vw 0 00 414. F••• 0 0 00 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ala consistel largely of acorn 'Lltntr-e*,-.4,s7 views. -Messrs 0. Kibler, W. H. Brown, Mrs M Brown and Mrs C. Yaeger went to Hamilton ou Seturdav to atteud the foment of a son of the Bev Mr Geo Fink- ) beater, who formerly lived bere.-On Monday morning last Mrs 0. Kibler Ipresentea her husband with a bouncing I baby boy. -The syndicate sale, held by H. [Hillier, auctioneer, on Tuesday, proved a success, awl a large quantity of stook was sold, some 3.1 head of cattle having been ) disposed of -The season for tile making • has been a great sums', and there is hardly a tile to ba gat hate now. lir Kuhn's yard is completely sold out and err Heist's nearly out, with orders for next year ahead. The class of tile made hero cairn st 131 beaten in Canada, and orders come in from distances ranging tip to 50 miles. We are glad to see our industries prosper, and hope to see the brick business pick up the same as this. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make theta a perfect little pill. They please those who use them. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed "perfection." importaut °hangs in regard to the administration of pupils into high schools has been decieed on by the Department of Education. Hitherto there has been two examinations annually; in metre there will be but one examination. The change is made in aceordauce with the reports of the high school inspectors, and of nearly all the high school masters. A. large pole tion of the public schoal trustees and tete:here also f4vor4‘.1 it. 0 0 0 4.". CI 0 ...-I o 1-4 cd 5.,= o 4400 0 E. 13 b 0 ri) at p 0 cl-• 0 cd IC b4to 0 163, ,••0 raj :3 tri cd 1, 434) '.°0°' 73)1° oQ ›„„. cs) ...... , 2 0 0 -0 - 060 0 Tu. Psi E 45, ve ie e60 ) tee se os - >5617 .0 ai.12 et) ei 4 7:1 es 4)41) ?. ;1111;16 "0 0 44.4 ee 19# o le. se. e o Q) > t) cd cd 0 ;17,32,,to le m co C.) ft r) g 61)