HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-27, Page 12bt
AG ; ' 4[fF1aVF
THORSDA1c4 MARCH 27th, 195
W1114011StillY upon (rs deadline for Classified Ads
Piva lines or teas, 50e; 10; fors*ch additional line.
2Sc extra for office box number.
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Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25c extra N
- Ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of pubic; a+t00
-q,`t�FA'.iM1Y�i� �-.b'r'+4 : `-'�. 1-4..w�r�.�� �Ga,'iw-i^•lk4 _
• 1.A. .For Sale (General)
10" GENERAL Electric, $29.00; BUILDING suitable for summer
"•� z , 10" General Electric, $69.00; 12" cottage, in town. Phone 1421R.
Philco„ $59.00; 17" Westinghouse. -13
appliances, see SHORE AP-
PLIANCES, on the Square. Your
Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent
tor_ CNR money orders. -12tf
TORS, ranges, washing mach-
ines, dryers, home air conditioning.
Best prices, low terms, good trade
allowances. See LUMBYS, 3919t.
David ---street, Goderich
R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 1190J.
Hygienic ..uppnes (rubber goods)
mailed . postpaid in plain, sealed
envelope with price list. Six sato-
- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail
Ord.., Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBERJ
CO-, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.
speed, this chain saw will fill
your needs. Highest power and
lightest weight. The McCulloch
Model (Thrifty Mac) seen at
rich, phone 295.
1939- — We specialize- in egg
production breeds only. Sussex
X Red, -- -Red ussear; • iced X
Sussex X Red, Red X Rock, Rhode
Island Red, Shaver Leghorns and
Leghorn crosses. Record layers,
the famous Honegger Leghorns.
Started chicks of all ages. Free
delivery. Hatchery, Linwood, Ont.
Agent, S. J. McGRATTEN, phone
Carlow 3008.
a complete stock for all-
Sparton TV's, and all . tubes and
most parts fur other makes of TV.
B. R. MONDAY, TV, Radio and
Sound Service. Phone 598. 127
Widder street. -7tf
$119.00; 17" Admiral, $119.00; 17"
Hallierafter, $129.00; 17" Admiral,
$139.00; 21" Coronet, $119.00; 21"
Admiral' (floor model '58), $229.00
Admiral refrigerators (new): 8 ft.,
$199.00, 10 ft., $239.00. 13 ft.,
$299.00.- Save $150.00. Huron
Tower Installation Sales and Ser-
vice,' phone 1344M, South street.
hours. W. J. DENOMME, 140
The Square, Goderich. 9-12x
vent andtreat calf and pig- scours
the improved proven way, avail-
able al. 11JECK's Drug Store, 14
Square (near Colborne street).
,Phone 939. • -12
sKTLL radial saw,81, inch cut,
1, h.p. motor. Phone 588 or 666-
GOOD baled hay and baled. straw.
- Don Hamilton, phone 652 r 12. .
USED tractor cultiVator, 612 feet,
on rubber, new teeth add in good
condition. Bert Crawford, R.R. 3,
Late Winter Specials
Five -room brick cottage. Good
west end location. A real buy at
only $4,200.
Four -room frame and insul brick
bungalow near schools. Only $1,000
down payment.
Goderich, ghoue 11-u_n g n 11 -Q -1113
-o 3 +_--puniex- -- Good Location -
22 r 20.
NEW set 3 -ply stainless, steel cook-
ing utensils (covers water seal.)
Half' price. Mrs. Dan Melick, 206
Picton street E. 13x
GAR;.Y seed -oats and Brant seed
'barley, grown from registered
seed and registration standards
maintained.' Cleaned and treated.
T. C. Anderson, R.R. 1, Dungannon,
phone 64-22. 13x
FREE—To anyone purchasing a
new baler before haying season
starts, we sha1T give either, an
elevator or one year's supply of
twine. New' Idea •spreaders, used Brome,. 25c; meadow fescue, 20c;
machinery of all kinds; Purina Reed canary, 50c; Kentucky fescue,
Chows; leave -eggs for collection by 27c; blue grass, 59c; Ladina, 50c;
Golden Glow. Geo. Wraiths Mon- white Dutch, 55c; Trefoil, 85c.
Certified - Na. 1 Gary oats, $1.60
bus. Brant barley, $2.00 bus. We
are buyers of red clover and tim-
othy at top prices. Cleaning rib
grass from clovers a ''specialty.
Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton.
Phone Cargill 68 W 3. Paisley
151 R 17. -13-16
SOLD -House - — ,W ill sell excess
furniture, piano, chesterfield,
stoves, tables, chairs, 'rugs, book-
case, dining suite, sewing machine,
ironer, etc. F. W. Currie, Britan-
nia road. 13-14x
NO. 1 first cut hay in square bales.
J. R. Murray & Son, R.R. 2, Luck -
now, phone 56 r 2, Lucknow,
FERTILIZER drill, McCormick -
Deering 13 -run. Norman Fuller,
RR. Goderich. 13x
RALEIGH sports model 3 -speed
bicycle, two years old, like new.
Phone 256 evenings. -13
GARDEN manure, gu ranteed no
straw, $5.00 truck load, $7.00 large
wagon load. Earl Williams, R.R. 2,
Goderich.,- `13
KERMATH marine 'engine, 60 h.p.,
four cylinder, high-speed type.
Phone 1221. -13
GERL'S Spring coat, site 8, light
blue, like new. Phone 542. 13x
NEW front spring for 1947-49 °, -
ton Chev. truck, also lock ring for
rim of same; one pair of 7 ft. oars
for rowboat. .Apply before Mon-
day to Clarence Essex, R.R.,, 3,
Goderich, pfione Dungannon
25 r 20. 13x
WOOD wheelbarrow. 234 Oxford
street. _ - 13x;
SEED for sale—comp)4te, stock of
grade 1 new crop seed. Priced per
bushel at: Ranger Ontario or West-
ern Canada alfalfa, $24.00; Vernal
alfalfa, $37.00; red clover, $17.50;
white or yellow sweet clover, $7.80;
timothy, $6.72; Climax timothy,
$14.40; alsike, $17.00. Priced. per
pound at: orchard grass, 29c;
Two completely self-contained
apartments located in this duplex.
Each with two bedrooms, living
room, dining room, kitchen and
bathroom. Only $2,500 down.
treal street, phone 1285. • •' -11tf
FARM Agency—Major oil company
has an established farm route for
sale. This is an excellent oppor-
tunity for the right party. Write
Box 65, Signal -Star. . 12-14x
GARRY Seett-Oats, power cleaned
,_and tmated._TIrvine Tebbutt, R.R.
2, Clinton. Phone Clinton
HU 2-74-74. - 1:2:13X
WOODWORKERS' 2 and 3 foot
bar clamps. Scat -smith -Furniture
Ltd- -12tf
ER. Pigs ??55C'( Heavier' al weaning
when LMFERON-treated. INIF'ERON
available at RIECK's Drug. Store,
14 Square (near Colborne street).
Phone 939. -12
17" WESTINGHOUSE; 17" Admir-
al; 21" Coronet; 10" Admiral
(new); 90 day labor and parts, 1
year pic tube. Take your pick.
Anyone! This week only. com-
pletely installed, with 20'tt. Inline
antenna and Crown rotor, and fully
guaranteed, $199.00. No money
down, $2.50 per week. Huron
'Tower' Installation Sales and Ser-
vice, phone 1344M. South street.
.THREE-PIECE bedroom suite; 2
piece living room suite;' chrome
kitchen suite;' 17" television • and
,nunret'ous other items, nearly all
new. Bargain for cash as owner j
leaving Ontario:Apply 29A East
street. 13x
GIRLS coral spring coat, also
aqua nylon and pink nylon dresses,
mall size 12 • years. )'hone 1356.
Mrs. E. F. Sale. 13x
Four Bedroom -- Red `Brick
In an excellent location, this (Inc
home has double living room, din-
ing room and kitchen, first floor,
four bedrooms and bathroom, sec-
ond floor; forced air oil heating.
Now an excellent buy having been
reduce.d recently by $2,000,
80 Acre Farm — Goderich Twp..
One of the best in Goderich-Twp.
this farm has large brick house,
good bank barn, driving shed, col-
ony house, garage, and eighty acres
of excellent land. Offered at a
very reasonable price for quick
sale. ,
Classified Ads Omn Cash' ..Basis
5 lines or Tess 50c`
Each additional' line, 10c
Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NOON of week
of publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver-
tisement for bookkeeping expenses.
115 Acre Farm — Good Terms
Situated in an excellent farming
district, this farm has 110 acres
workable of light clay loam, five
acres of bush, large house, excel-
lent bank barn, electricity and good
water supply. Offered on excep-
tional terms.
Salesman: Hervey Lassaline, R.R. 2,
Goderich. Phone 1599 J 2
GIRL'S blue organdy dress with
printed --tinder-skirt, size 6; .. other -
dresses, size .4; lined navy coat,
size. 5; beige coat and hat, size 4.
Phone 422R. -13
C'HELD'S red two-piece spring out-
fit. size 2 years. Phone 980. -13
WELL rotted garden manure, de-
livered. Phone 1248J, • Goderich.
[B. Real Estate
furnace, modern kitchen, 1.2
block uptown, partly furnished.
Possession in one month. Apply
46 Church street after one.
, I2 -13x
Phone 766;
Hamilton Street
118 Elgin Ave. E.—an interest-
ing bungalow, having an attractive
living room with fire place, a
pleasant dining room, three bed-
rooms, bath and kitchen - on one
floor; basement, furnace, garage
and •in addition a lot on' Picton
ONE and one-half storey stucco
house for sale, 3 bedroom's and
garage, good location at 116 Btuce
Street. -11
A really nice, new small house,
east end location. The dwelling
is modern throughout including a
very good living room with picture
window, very attractive kitchen,
modern bathroom, 2 up-to-date bed-
rooms, tiled floors, oil furnace in
basement, aluminum storm and
screen doors and windows, alum-
inum awnings and venetian blinds.
A modern attractive dwelling in
very good location_ .-on. Britannia
road. Has two bedrooms and bath
on main floor
A two -apartment dwelling on
Arthur street, in o,:cellent location.
Each apartment has two' bedrooins,
self-contained bath and: kitchei,
Stoker equipped. Reasonable price.
FIVE -ROOM house, two bedrooms.
tile bathroom, modern kitchen, oil
heat, Centrally located. Phone
588 or 664. ;10tf
3UILDING lot on east side of Wil-
, son street between Britannia road
and C-ayley street, 66' x 132', $600.
S. H. Blake. -12-13
MASSEY-HARRIS No. 30 tractor,BUILDING lot, corner Trafalgarin .good condition. Dirk Wolter- I and Victoria streets. good location,
beek, 153 Lighthouse street. Apply at 110 Victoria street.
Very good lots in town.
Summer cottages: -
For buying and selling, contact
Real Estate Broker °
40 Wellesley Srreet, Gofierich
Phone 1108.
Salesmen: -
Geo. McGillivray, Lucknow
Joe McConnell, Seaforth
Angela Bosveld
SIX -ROOM house, modern kitchen,
nice porch, new oil furnace. Write
P.O. Box 792, Goderich. -1314
2,.. Real Estate Wanted
PERTIES for sale. No charge
to you until property is sold.
Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode-
rich. Phone 115W. -12tf
46 West St. 'Phone 115W
insurance Agent -Rita! Estate Broker
Real Estate Broker
• List where you obtain the best
results. List today with
Real Estate -Broker
38 Hamilton St., Goderich
Phone 766.
WANTED to buy Three or four-
bedroom home, in good lo'?ation in
Goderich. Send full partit (ilars to
Post OfI'1ce, Box 1003, Goderich.
3. Agents Wanted
In a good location, 4 -bedroom
frame home, living. room, dining
room, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, garage,
lots of fruit trees, priced for quick.
sale, only, $4,800. Low down pay-
Two-year-old brick, long ranch
home; three large bedrooms, spac-
ious clothing closets, L-shaped .Hiv-
ing room and dining room with
natural fireplace. Family -size kit-
chen, tiled _ bathroom., Forced air
oil furnace. Built for comfort and
convenience. Choice location over-
looking lake. Mortgage arranged.
SALESMAN or woman with car,
wanted by well established firm,
to work in Goderich 'and Huron
County. Full or part time. Write
Box 66, Signal -Star. • -12-13
4. Help Wanted
115 -acre clay loam 'lend; 15 acres
of bush, 4 -bedroom home, living
room, large kitchen, bathrooln,
garage, barn. Located near high-
way in Goderich Township. Price
only $5,500, down payment $2,000
SERVICE Station to lease, fully
equipped, immediate possession.
Shell Petroleum products. Write-
P,O. Box 64, Goderich. -13'
PROTESTANT teacher wanted for
S.S. 5, Goderich Township, duties
to commence September, 1958.
Apply stating salary and qualifica-
tions to A. Lockhart, secretary -
treasurer, Goderich R.R. 1.
FROM 1,500 FEET TO 35,000 -
feet factory space, suitable for
heavy or light manufacture, or
storage; equipped with sprinkler
system, exhaust system and heat-
ed; office space available also.
ED, Cambria . road, phone 396. 9tf
NEED assistant (27-55) in Huron
County to develop as area manager.
Excellent remuneration; group in-
surance. Worthwhile and com-
mendable work. Teaching or sales
background valuable. Write -J.
Shepard, 900 Valetta, London, 'On-
tario giving age, education, experi-
ence and phone number. - -12-13
This is ap exceptionally good buy.
Five -roam insul brick cottage
and, garage. good location, only
Choice list of farms in Huron
Commercial properties in Huron
County including many • stores.
Income properties for invest
ments. We'll look after your real
estate and rentals.
• air
*5 -
"Because we know our business
YOU SAVE when you
0 'Y" AR.1 °
P�p1'P 1.117•'P1totra CAm4iC.w°rb'1PoATM1"Ngmtr.,7P•,,,, V{;11MNtapP'gyA'U,iGIp'M'1':K
COMPETENT woman wanted for
housework -one day a week. Write
Box 6$, Signal -Star. 13x
party heated, private entrance,
wired fo range, suitable for couple
only. Phone 565. -8tf
LARGE front furnished bed -sitting
room}, hot plate. Mrs. Ken Arlin,
54 Victoria streef. • -12tf
10. Briefs
We 'now have in stock the very
latest in high grade` German Trade
ZEISS ,IKON Cameras, also Projec-
tors, Light Meters, ''etc. ' Mae-
• Photographs for all occasions.
Also religious goods, ' picture
frames and franling; photographic
supplies. MacLAREN'S STUDIO.
Bert Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaforth,
licensed auctioneer, now booking
sales for the coming season. For
appointment phone Clinton
IV- 2-7534, 1245x
Order Shell furnace oil and
stove --oil from F4ward Fuels, lank
truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co.
products. Phone 98. -39tf
Large size sale of Du Barry Pro -
duets, 25% discount dtiriig bal-
ance of March. Campbell's Drug
Store, phone 90. . -13
Laura Secord chocolates for
Easter; also Easter eggs filled.
Campbell's Drug Store, ne 90.
Make your reservations early to
avoid disappointment for Easter
Sunday. Chicken dinner at Tiger
Dunlop Inn from 5 to 7 p.m.
Phone Carlow 2406. G. Kaitting.
Vulcanized -repairs to all sizes of
passenger tires, including British
and European sizes. Special" prizes
on, new Dunlop tires. Large stock
to choose from. Bridge End Ser-
vice, Saltford. -13
SEVEN -ROOM house, hydro, heavy
wiring, good cellar, immediate
possession, five miles from Gode-
rich, school buses. Gordon Jewell,
phone 304, Carlow. 12-13x
APARTMENT on Hamilton street.
Hot water heated. Large living
room, two bedrooms, kitchen and
bath. Back and/front separate en-
trance. Possession April 20th,
1958. - All applications must be in
writing and addressed to P.O. Box
547, Goderich. -13tf
PROTESTANT Teachers are .re-
quired for one -room rural schools'
in Ashfield Township School Area.
Duties to commence September 1.
Applications to be forwdxded to
secretary by April 12. R. T. Kil-
patrick, Secretary. R.R. 7, Luck -
now, Ont, 43-14
TWO heated apartments, three
rooms and bath, back and front
entrance. Phpne 90 or 328.
SIX -ROOM house with bath, fur-
nace and garden. Available after
April 1st, Phone 1178J: 13x
FIVE -ROOM unfurnished upstairs
apartment, with bath, oil heat and
hot water supplied, heavy wiring,
available immediately. Phone 50.
8. Wanted t� Rent'
MUSIC Supervisor required by,,
Ashfield Township School _area.
Duties to commence September. 1.
Applications to be forwarded to
secretary by April 12. R. T. Kil-
patrick, Secretary, R.R. 7, 1Luck-
now, Ont -
MAID wanted for bedroom work.
Apply Bedford Hotel. ° ,• -13
5. Employment Wanted
BABY sitting from Monday to Fri-
day night- inclusive from 7 p.m.
35c an hour. Phone 871R. 12x
ti. Wanted (General).
FIVE or, six -room house wanted to
rent, unfurnished, for family, of
three including a small child.
Phone 1003. . • 13x
lb., and dead cattle at Value.
If dead, phone at once. GI.LBERT
BROS. MINK 'RANCII, phone col-
lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1• -ltf
• I
SMALL two -room furnished or un-
furnished cottage wanted. A.
Featherstone, % Cementation Co.
Phone 1318. -13
9. 'Coming Events
11. Auction Sales•
AUCTION Sale at McLelland's Sale
Barn, Bervie, every , Friday at 2
p.m., of 30 to 50 fresh and spring-
-ing dairy cows and heifers; big
first ' calf Holstein heifers spring-
ing; 30 well marked Holstein
heifer calves Deliver for $3 a
head. Guaranteed in four quart-
ers. Buyer and door prizes.
Euchre and "500" party at L.O.L.
Hall, Hamilton street, each Thurs-
day evening at 8. p.m. Admission
35c. Lunch supplied. Good prizes.
The Kinette Club are holding a
ESTATE Auction Sale of farm,
farm stock and machinery will be
held at lots 21,,aud 22, concession
14, McKillop Township, 1 mile
south Walton and 1 mile east, on
at 12 o'clock sharp.
CATTLE -15 Hereford cows with
calves at foot, and due to freshen
in April; 17 Hereford year-old
steers and heifers (a number ready
for market); registered Hereford
bull, 3 years old. - . -
PIGS -2 York sows with litters;
2 York sows, bred; 18 York chunks.
MACHINERY —No. 40 Cockshutt
tractor; Willys jeep, 1956; 12 ft.
1955 Cockshutt combine; 6 ft. one-
way disk; Cockshutt ,8 ft. tractor
disk; 10 ft. cultipacker; New Hol-
land forage harvester with hay and
corn attachments; New Holland
hay and ensilage blower; 7 ft.
power mower; power side rake;
set. diamond harrows; manure
loader; snow blower; tractor; man-
ure spreader; 3 -furrow plow; 16 -
disk fertilizer drill; Spraymotor
weed sprayer; stationary power
plant, 45 h.p.; forage harvester; 4 -
section drag harrows; 2 ' steel
water troughs; wagon unloader;
bake'- sale and bazaar of children's .heavy duty farm wagon and box;
hand made_clothing.OR- March 29th 2 .-forage harvesters; racks, with
at .Larder's Paint shoe. Articles. unloading_ aprons; . hammer, .Mill,
will be on display at Denomme's and drive belt; milking machine;
Flower Shop, the previous wcream separator;- ensilage cart;
-10eek.-13 straw cart; scales; grain auger and
motor; fanning mill; extension lad-
der; tilt bench 'saw and motor;
electric drill; full line mechanic's
tools. The above machinery iss
practically like new.
GRAIN -700 bushels spring grain,
wheat, red clover seed, hay.
FAR:VI—Consisting of 160 acres,
more or less, good clay loam land,
exceptionally well drained, 114,
story frame house covered with
asphalt shingles, large bank barn,
silo; garage, henhouse, new steel
drive shed, hydro, , good water
supply. Terins,. 10% down, .bal-
ance in 30 .days. Sold subject to
reserve bid. Chattels, cash.
Estate of late Lindsay Stewart.
Ha-rold Jackson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk..
3 Free Draws
for childre„n under 12. See our window' display. FIRST
PRIZE -- Giant Chocolate Bunny, retail value $15. SECOND
and THIRD PRIZES are Chocolate Rabbits valued at 54.50
and $1.75.
Chocolate Orange Cake ea. 40c
Pineapple Filling and Orange Creme Icing.
PHQNE. 465
CLEARING Auction Sale of live-
stock and implements of the Louis
Hogan Estate, E.H. lot 1, conce#
cion 11,,. W.D„ Ashfield Township,
eight miles south-west of Lucknow.
on •
Commencing at 1,00 sharp
CATTLE—Eight grass steers.
PIGS -38 Pigs.
GRAIN—Quantity of mixed grain
(Gary oats, Brant barley) suitable
for seed °
IMPLEMENTS—No,, 44 Massey -
Harris tractor, po,rq take -off and
belt pulley; International ace -bot-
tom 3 -furrow plow; International
28 -plate disc; ' John Deere 8 -foot
-springtooth harrows; 5 -sections
drag harrows; No. 68 New Holland
baler, power take -off, 1957 model;
32 -foot smoker elevator, 1957 model,
with electric motor; John Deere S-
ton wagon, nearly new, with -hay
rack; New Idea 7 -.foot power mow-
er; New Idea side delivery rake;
New Idea 2 -wheel manure spread-
er; , Gehl hammer mill, one year
old; 50 -foot endless belt; Lister
cream separator; trailer; logging
chains; hay fork; two ropes and
slings; power emery; wrenches;
miscellaneous articles.
TERMS --Cash.
Emile MacLennan,
13- -- Auctioneer.
WANTED, 15 or 20 head of cattle
to grass for the season. Apply to
John Brindley, Goderich or phone
19- 14, Dungannon. 153-14x
PLAYPEN and high chair, in good
condition. Phone 794R. 13x
and roomers wanted,
two single beds in room,• suitable
for two - men. Mrs. Wolterbeek,
153 Lighthouse street. -13
Keep in mind the annual Spring
Tea and Bake Sale at St. Joseph's
Convent on Wednesday, April 9,
from 3 to 5 p.m., sponsored by St.
Peter's P.T.A. Everyone welcome.
7. To Rent
.arid -standards. ' SKEOCH OF-
E'ICE SUPPLIES, phone 611, Gode-
rich. -36tf
Regular meeting of St. George's
Churchwoman's Guild, Tuesday,-
uesday,April1st, at three o'clock in the
Guild room. -13
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held in Mac-
Kay Hall, on Thursday. April 3, at
2.30 p.m. Annual reports will be
given and election of officers will
take place. -13
Hobby show at Carlow Hall on
Tuesday, April 8, from 2 to 4 and
7.30 to 9 p.m. Tea will be served.
Admission 50c. -13
Bake Sale and rummage sale on
Saturday, March 29, at 2 p.m. ' at
MacKay Hall under auspices ,of
Benmiller W.A. 12-13x
Keep this date , open—Sunday,,
March 30. Open House will be
held at our greenhouses on Bruce
street. Come and see the .Easter
plants and flowers in all their
beauty from 2 to 5 p.m. in the
afternoon. There will be a door
prize and tea will be served. Gode-
rich Flowers, 99 Bruce street.
$25 a month LES. CHAPMAN,
222 East street. Phone 154.
easier by renting a floor
)olisher .and vacuum cleaner from ' card party of the season at the
t,&UO tEp.. ?I ,+ . A .:.trhil .Sal 'ri;.04oL » 0Y . Ma -ch:
Squhre. ltf 28, at 8.30 p.m.. Draw will'' be
OMFORTABI.E 1'URNISHED made on the quilt. Usual prizes
J two -room apartment, two large
and lunch.
--closets, a -e of washer. frig and The Women's Hospital Auxiliary
phone. Agent MISS MARY 13 Penny Fair to be held in Septem-
H'O'WLL, 10 St. Vincent street her. Further details _will be an -
phone 213. -5ti bounced later. -13
Card party on March 28 at 8.30
p.m. in the green room of the
Legion Hall under the auspices• of
the Ladies' Auxiliary. Euchre and
"500" will be played. Admission
35c, ladies please bring lunch. 13
Goderich Pavilion, Friday, ;<1 rch
28, Johnny Fama and his playboys.
Cabaret dancing every Saturday,
music by Don Downs and his
orchestra, -13
The Maple Leaf Chapter, IODE,
will meet 'at the home of Mrs.
John Wallace, 35 Wellington street,
on Tuesday, April 1. at 8.15 p.m.
14. In Memoriam
15. Cards of Thanks
PARK.—Mr. and Mrs. Richard -
Park, sr., would like to take this
opportunity of thanking their
friends and. neighbors and fam-
ily for the happiness their kind-
ness brought them; for the many
beautiful cards, messages of con-
gratulations and also the lovely
gifts they received on the oc-
casion of their 50th wedding
anniversary. -13.
McMICHAEL.-In memory of a
loving father, Garfield McMich-
ael, who passed away March 23,
Sunshine fades and shadows fall,
But sweet remembrance outlasts
—Ever - remembered by Harvey,
Dorothy and family. -13
McMICHAEL.—In loving memory
of a° dear husband.. and father,
also a dear soli and brother, LAC
Edward McMichael, 1943-1954.
You left us quickly, your thoughts.
"'put you' left a memory we are
proud to own.
Thougli absent, you are ever near,,
Still loved and missed and ever
dear. .
We cannot forget our loved ones
so dear,
Your memory grows sweeter in the
lonely years.
You cannot return, so our tears
are in vain,
But, m heaven- -we hope to meet
again. ,
—Sadly missed by wife and
mother, sons and daughters, ' bro-
thers and sisters. -13
PEI fiVLAN.—I wish to express my
sincere thanks and appreciation
to all who sent me cards and to
those who visited me during my
recent illness at the hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. G. F. Mills, •
Mrs. Wm. Clark and nurses 'a d
staff for their kindness.
Walter 'Pettman.
18. Births
GORDON,—At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich, on March 24, 1958, to -
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Gordon,
Goderich, a son, Ronald Scott.
JERRY.—At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich, on March 20, 1958, to
Mr. and Mrs. Burns Jerry, Gode-
rich, a son, John Henry.
MOORE.—At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich, on March 26, 1958, to
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore,
Goderich, a son, Stewart Edward.
1VIcCLINCHEY.—At Public Hospit-
al, Clinton, .on March 14, 1958,
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McClin-
chey (nee Eileen Cunningham),
R.R.- 1, Auburn, a daughter,
Karen Margaret.
19. Notice to Creditors
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of Louis Hogan, late '
-of' the Township of Ashfield,
in the County rof Huron, farmer",
who died on or about the
18th day of February, 1958,
are required to file the same with,
fullparticulars with- the under-
signed by the 29th day of March,
1958, as after that date the assets
of the estate will be distributed.
Dated at Goderich, in the County
of Huron, this 7th, day of March,
---Goderich;.: Ontario, -_
11-13- Solicitors ,for the Estate.
REED.—In loving memory of a
dear father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Reid, who passed away
April 6, 1925 and March 28, 1956,
Many a lonely heartache,
Often a silent tear;
But always a beautiful memory
Of the ones We- loved so dear.
—Ever remembered and sadly �°
missed by the family._,... ,,..,.._ 13x
SH ELDS.—•In loving memory of a
F. dear wife . and .mother,. Mrs.
Percy Shields, who passed away
March 27, 1957,
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and true;
There is not a day, dear mother,
That we do not think of you.
—Ever remembered by husband
ESTATE Auction Sale of farm, and daughter. 13x
farm stock and machinery at lot
25, Bayfield - road, 2 miles west of
Brucefield, on
WEDNESDAY, April 2nd
-at 1 p.m.
GAIITLE-3 Holstein cows, due in
April; 1 Holstein cow, fresh with -
calf at foot; 1 Jersey cow. due in
May; 1 Durham c6w, due in May;
1 Brindle cow, due in May; ,,Hol-
stein farrow cow; 2 Hereford heif-
ers, bred; 4 Holstein heifers, some
fresh others due time of sale.
MACHINERY -8 ft. M. -M. combine
with motor, fully equipped; Oliver
70 tractor on rubber; Ford tractor
and neword plow; springtooth
tractor cultivator; diamond har-
rows; 2 -row Ford cultivator; Mas-
sey -Harris 4 -bar side rake; 6 ft.
mower; rubber tired wagon and
grain box; Chevrolet truck with
grain box; bean. cooker; 2 colony
Houses; 2 electric brooders; Hin-
man milking machine, 2 single
units; 3 milk cans; 8 ,pails; Emery
12 ft. plywood boat; 4 to 5 out
board motor; forks; shovels; chains
and other articles ton numerous to
mention. •"• •
RAY and GRAIN -500 bus Rod-
ney oats; quantity baled hay.
FARM Fa will be offered for
Everyone welcome to the final
,o111..,'ai•••. M1.P.T11111,nlnr
sale, if not previously sold;., 90
acres. more or less, elay loam,
good water supply, bank barn,
cement silo, henhouse, -frame
i e wtift sphalt- shitighest :,w,••
nace, bathroom. -
TERMS ---Chattels cash; 'property;
10'-' down, balance 30 days.
Estate of late Yeoman Aldwinkle.
• Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.I
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of John' W. McGee, late
of the Town of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, retired, who died
on or 'about the 13th day of Febru-
ary, 1938, are required to file the
same with full particulars with the
undersigned by the 5th day of
April, 1958, as after that date the
assets of - the estate will' be
Dated at Goderich, in the County
of Huron, this 17th day of March,
HAYS ..ajid PREST,
-,,,,-Goderich, Ontario,
12-14- Solicitors for the Estate.
Other Classified
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