HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-27, Page 3TiPMdPA%: gam Rnh.
The fourth annual OPP-Lions TV, London, both of whom gave
hockey game at the Goderich ' their, services gratis.
Arena on Friday evening drew a Lie -up for the Lions was; G.
crowd of about 1,400 'people and
resulted in a win' for the Lions
by a 6-3 score to tie up the per-
ennial series.
Music was provided by' members
of the Blue Water Band dressed in
clown outfits. Giving the . crowd
laughs in between periods were.
the antics of a group dressed as
clowns and inoluding Randall Mar-
riott, Hord Kuenzie, Ebb Ross
and Leo Walzak.'
Winners of a pie, eating contest
were Charles Skinner . and Roger
Mitchell while the balloon contest
winners were Billy Sheardown ane.
A. Cook. .
Rock 'nd Roll music was pro-
vided by a quartette of Collegiate
students -- Wayne.. Willis,. Waynne-.
Muck, Paul Smith and Bob Mellick.
Prior to the game, Arn McCon-
nell welcomed the gathering and
_ _introduced Mayor E. C. Fisher who
presented a trophy to Sgt. Charles
Anderson for the OPP, as winners
of the game the preceding year.,
• Referees for the game were
Johnny Brent, of CKNX-TV, Wing -
ham, and Alex Kelman, of CFPL-
Gardiner, goall_G. Parsons, H. Bet -
ager, J. Stringer, B. Ainslie, J.
Britnell and F. Calahan, defence;
B. MacDonald, G. 'McManus, W.
Schaefer, A. 6Mac,l)onald B. Chis-
holm, W. Lumby, W. Robinson, B.
Erskine, W, Brown, and C. Baevh-
ler, forwards.
;144ne-u'pifor the Ontario Provin-
cial Poiee was: • Ia'tol1 goal; Reis,
Jeffers, Standen, Balls, Lewis and,
Johnston,. defence; Sayeau, Arm-
strong, McIntyre* Twaddle, Terry -
berry, Horan, Dtibrick, NcFatter
and Therriault, forwards.
First Period
Brian Ainslie received the first
penalty as the first period got
under way and the first goal scored
was by Don McFatter on a pass
from .Arzinstrron . for, the OPP. The
Lions then got two goals, both an
sel,o rushes, ot�,e by Bruce Mao -
Donald and the other by Allan
MacDonald. Terryberry added
another for. the OPP, to end the,
period a 2-2 tie. Only other. -pen-
alty in the period went to Reis of
the OPP.
Bill Lumby scored for the Lions
on a pass from Allan .MacDonald
_Vim_ Memorial _Banquet
to be held at 6.30 p.m. at the Legion Hall
Wednesday, April 9, 1958, •
. Guest Speaker — Rev. Bren de Vries.
Legion Members and Veterans. •
Turkey Dinner — $1.50 per plate.
Dress — Berets and Medals.
Cheques : ,
. . printed to your individual business • require-
ments are a valuable asset. .For quality that will add'
prestige to your accounting system, at a very moderate
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The Goderich Signal -Star
Dates. Fc, r DST
Set' By Council.
A daylight saving time ,by-law
was given final reading at Friday's
TownCouncil meeting. tinder the
terms of the by-law, clocks are to
be set 'ahead one hour on Sunday,
April 27. The town is to revert
to standard time on Sunday,
October 26. ---
"I notice that some of the sur-
rounding towns are sticking to
September," said Councillor C. M.
Robertson. "I wonder if that's
going to cause confusion?"
Town Clerk S. H. Blake said that'
Council could wait ^until near the
end. of August, then survey the
intentionsof other district muni-
ipalities. Then if Council wishes
to end daylight saving time on
some other, date, the by-law can
be amended.
� MacEwan Insurance
t . Court'sAtten " ► n
ip,travel, CO"
vet ; dor m
"There's no question the heavy
truck tra ti c has caused the roads
to break up," declared Magistrate
let it be known that he- takes a
dim view- of truckers who, by dis-
regarding regulations, try to evade
paying "their share of the damage
they cause to the roads.'
The • magistrate fined Ivan;,
Prouse, of Mount Elgin,. $100 and
costs, or three weeks in jail, as the
owner of a truck which was open
ated withouit a public commercial.
vehicle license. -
The charge was laid pn com-
plaint of Constable A. Twaddle, of
Goderich OPP' detachment, who
checked the truck in Goderich
Township on February 21.
In setting the fine, Magistrate
Holmes noted that the record
showed 13 violations involving Mr.
Prouse's vehicles since January of
There are plenty of heavy trucks
passing through. Goderich now, ob-
served the magistrate. ' He':'flt this
had something to do with -the fact
that the road down to -the harbor
has had to be re -surfaced a couple,
of times in the past few years.
Angle Parking
The manner in which many per-
sons park their cars in Goderich
also came in for some attention
from the magistrate. There would
be a great deal less trouble, he
suggested, if motorists would obey
the -angle parking rules and park
on a 45 -degree angle rather than
at a 90 -degree angle.
His comments were made during
the .hearing of a careless 'driving
charge against Charles E. McLean,
21, of Goderich. Mr. McLean, who
to open the second period. Hatch,
-the. OPP goaler, later received a
hit on the head which' held up
the ganie for. a while. Bruce Mac-
Donald--iiotched two. more ..goals
to end the second period 5-2 for
the Lions. Penalties in this per-
iod went to Calahan, Britnell and
In the third period, Bill Lumby
scored a goal for the Lions and
Ken Armstrong for the OPP, to
end the game, 6-3 for the Lions.
Penalties .in this period went to
Allan MacDonald, Bill Johnston,
Bruce Erskine,. Harold Bettger and
Brian Ainslie, Towards the • close
of theame, the referees started
handing out penalties left and
right, so the .players hoisted the
referees on their , shoulders_ and
piit them ii the penalty box in-
Manager of - he OPP team was
Sgt. Anderson and coach was Con-
stable Sayeau. The Lions team
manager was Clyde Everett and
the coach, Bill Robinson.
.Following the game, the players
and their friends were entertained
at the ILegiotrHall where Arn Mc-
Connell was master pf ceremonies.
Winners -of door prizes were not
only from Goderich but from many
other centres where draw tickets
were sold: Those from Goderich
were: Madeleine Naftel, Elmer
Sowerby, Mrs. H. W. Gauley, Janie
Ainslie, Frank MacDonald, Edward
Evert, Mrs. F. Sanays Mrs. ..Gerald
Moro, Bernice ,Bedour, Gerry Den-
otny, Miss Carrie O'Neil, Robert
. Daer, Ron Feagan, Helen Riley,
James Brewer, Carlyle Bannister,
Roy Reinhart, F. Chisholm, Mrs. G.
Griffith, Mrs. Edna Stephens, Elmer
Weaver, W. Dockstader, R. Bridle,
C. Laithwaite.
'Among winners from the im-
mediate area were: Wm. Dodd,
Auburn; K. W. Colquhoun, Clinton;
Jerry Riehl, li..R. 5, Goderich; S.
Seers, Auburn; T. Hackett, R.R. 7,,
Lucknow; , C. .Denomme, Clinton;
J. A. Addison, 'Clinton; Frank Fal-
coner; R.R. 5, Clinton; Rae Watson,
Lucknow„ G. Harbanuck, Clinton;
Jack Merner, =Clinton; Kay Sharp,
Clinton; Jo Anne Pollock, R.R. 3,
Auburn. .
Other winners were from Eg-
mondville, . Exeter, Port Dover,
Dundas, Guelph, Zurich; Seaforth,
Mt. Forest, iBruCefield, etc.
Rs••••••••••••••••••••••v•••••••••••••••••••• M
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