HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-20, Page 10° BUILDING lot, corner Trafalgar and Victoria streets, good location. Apply' at 110 Victoria street. 7. To . Rent SALESMAN or woman with car, wanted by well' established firm, to work in .Goderich -and Huron County. Full or part time. Write Box 86, Signal -Star. - -12 13 Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25c extra It ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of pubic: alfa+ r Easter Specials AUCTION Sale of farm- stock and implements on Thursday, March 27, at 1 o'clock, at lot 14, Colborne Township, six miles north of Gode- rich, on Highway 21, - No. 30 Massey -Harris standard tractor with power take -off;, lights and belt pulley; Massey -Harris 2 - furrow plow; Massey -Harris 8 -foot binder on rubber, nearly new; Massey -Harris drop head hay load- er, nearly new; Massey -Harris No. 11 two -wheel - manure spreader on rubber; . International heavy duty farm wagon . with six ply imple- ment tires; 18 foot hay- rack --and slide rack; International 28 -plate„ tandem disk; International spring= tooth cultivator; Cockshutt No. 11 13 -disc seed drill; John Deer No. 5 power mower, nearly new; John Deer 4 -bar side rake on rubber, nearly new; Gehl hammer mill with 50 foot endless belt; 6 -section heavy harrows; farm roller; 44 steers ranging from 600 to 1150 pounds; 325 De Kalb , hens laying 80%; 5 York sows, some due sale time; • 1, Landrace sow in, pig; 20 chunks; some hay, grain,- ensilage and household effects. TERMS—Cash on livestock and poultry. Machinery .6 months on bank approved note'• bearing six percent. Emile McLennan, Auctioneer. John J. Hussey, Proprietor. No reserve as farm is sold. -11-12 The popular horticulturist, Pro- fessor John A. Weall, of the OAC staff, will be guest speaker at the monthly meeting of Goderich. Hor- ticultural Society at MacKay Hall on Friday, March 21, at 8 p.m.. Members of the Clinton and Au- burn societies ,have been invited to enjoy this outstanding- program with us. Tea with a flower stOry. 11-12- A play entitled 'SHer First Party Dress," and variety concert will be presented in Union United Church, Goderich Township, by Clinton Junior Farmers on Wednesday, March 26, at 8.15. Admission 50c and 25c. 11-12x Mrs. Lill.a Tillson, color consult- ant, Canadian Wallpaper Manu- facturing Ltd., will present display of latest trends in. interior .,decor- ating at North Street ' United Church on Monday, March 24, at 8.30 p.m., sponsored by Evening Auxiliary through. courtesy of 20 W. Schaefer & Sons. Rummage sale in St. George's parish hall, Saturday, April 12,- at 2 p.m., sponsored by St. Patrick's group. -12 TYPEWRITERS — PORTABLES KEOGH OF- FICE S ds. and standar FICE SUPPLIES, phone 611, -Gode- rich. -36tf On Wednesday, March 26, at Knox Church, the Arthur Circle invites you to a spring tea and showing of fashions for the Easter parade. Tea served from ,3 to 5. To reserve a table phone 1342. Admission 50c. The nursery will be open for young guests. HOT GROSS BUNS EASTER HAT CAKES, ideal table centrepiece for Easter Sunday $1.50 each BIRTHDAY CAKES, ,decorated in Easter colours. EASTER EGGS,_In .light Or chocolate cake. Decorated and in- - scribed with either birthday or Easter greetings $1.00- each CUP CAKES, decorated for Easter .06c each 40c dozen Specials _fir Children EASTER -BASK-QTS• in several - sizes. - CHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES, such as rabbits, chickens, etc., boxed for 'Easter in a wide variety of prices and sizes. DECORATED CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS, names inscribed free of charge, while you wait., See our window display for 3 FREE DRAWS for the children, CULBERTS BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" WEST STREET _ ' PHONE 465 ` 12. Tenders Wanted CLEARING Auction Sale of farms, farm stock and machinery, at lot 19, Maitland concession, two miles north of Holmesville, on Wednes- day, March 26th, at 12.30 p.m. Cattle -25 Holstein cows and heifers, some fresh, remainder due in 'spring and -early summer; 2 Hereford cows, with calves -at foot; 9 Hereford steers, 2 years old; 5 Hereford heifers, 2 years old; 14 Hereford- yearlings; 3 Hulstei heifer calves; 1 Holstein bull, 18 months old. POULTRY -225 Hybrid hens, 1 year old. , MACHINERY — Ford tractor, newly overhauled; • plow and culti- -12 vator; 24'; George ,White thrasher, 85 bus.; Cockshutt tractor spreader, nearly new; 3 -furrow plow; set spring -tooth harrows; ,hayloader; -12 dump rake; mower; 7 ft. Cockshutt binder; rubber tired wagon and. rack; farm trailer; 2 unit milking ft. hayfork fork • 220 machine; _13 cans, _.,y rope; cattle dehorner; quantity "f hay, grain, ensilage. ' FARMS—lst parcel—lot 22 Mait- land concession, 150 acres, 95 acres Saturday March 29, at p.m. at workable land, remainder bush and grass; parcel 2 -lot .23 Maitland concession, 86 acres, 65-- acres workable land, remainder bush and pasture. TERMS -1O , down; balance 30 days. Chattels -cash. Orville Blake. & Son, Props. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Sale will be held under cover. TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders, clearly marked as, .to contents; will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., Monday, March 24, 1958, . for the crushing and hauling of approximately 6,000 cubic yards of %" screen gravel from the township pit, to be de- livered and spread to the satisfac- tion of the township road super- intendent, contract to be complet- ed by June 15, 1958. A marked cheque in the amount of $200.00 must accompany all tenders. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4, B. C. STRAUGHAN, Clerk,' Township of Colborne, R.R. 4, Goderich, •-Ont. tl , Bake and Rummage Sale, Knox Ladies 'Aid, "Saturday, ,April 19, at 1.30 p.m. Keep in mind the annual Spring Tea and.Bake Sale at St. Jos h's e 9, ril Convent �,on Wednesday, Ap, , from 3 to 5 p.m., sponsored by St. STORE FOR RENT, 15 X 24 FEET. Peter's P.T.A. -12-14 $25 a mont i. LES. CHAP11AN,,. • 2222 East street Phone 154. Bake -36tf MAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a floor polisher and vacuum cleaner from SHORE APPLIANCES, , on the Square. . Itf_ rROM 1,500 FEET TO 35,000 feet factory space, suitable for heavy ,or light - manufacture, or storage; equipped with sprinkler system, exhaust system and heat- ed; office space available also. SCOTSMJTH FURNITURE LIMIT- ED, Cambria road, phone 396. -9tf THREE ROOM APARTMENT, partly heated, private entrance, wired for range, suitable for couple only. Phone 565. 1. 1e1p Wanted EXPERIENCED stenographer as secretary to general manager of progressive manufacturing com- pany. Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and de- pendable. Modern office, pleasant working conditions, • permanent pbsition, group insurance, etc. Salary $200.00 to .capable girl. I Kindly write full -particulars in oVir hand. Write Box 61, Sign al2 -12tf Star. a 4 MP TEN, t�. nowsy won Is Headline ,for Classified Ads crAtilt:'Ilii o of less, Soe; let `for tach additional time. 25e extra for office box number. 4 THE' .GQPERICR SIGNAL -STAR •N7 H • '1111URSDAY, ALAKIII 20th, 1950 u, For Sale (Gene 1) SEE these tractors ready for spiing work—Minneapolis model U 'trac- tor, real good tires, overhauled FOR THE BEST BUY . USED last summer, perfect for heavy appliances, see SH RE AP- work; 1952 Ford tractor in excel- pfL,XA.NCES, 'on the Square. Your lent condition; 1946 Ford tractor, Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent. t. totCNR. money orders. W AND USED RE?RIGERA- TORS, ranges, washing mach- ines, dryers, home air conditions g. Best prices,. low terms., good trade allowances. Spee LUMBYS, 39 St: David street, Goderich. CEDAR POSTS, POLES AND stakes. JOHN HIND MARSH, B:L. 2, Goderich. Phone 1190J. -4tf Hygienic ::uppnes (rubber goods i on,.ilec] postpaid in plain: sealed piesenvelopec 24 samplerice s st. Six sam- $1.0 . Mali ppirl�es 25c; • Ordor Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. SUPER POWER AND SUPER ►7 speed, this chain saw will fill your needs. Highest power and -.lightest weight. The) M Culloch at Model (Thrifty BEE VERS' AUTO SUPPLY, Gode- rich, phone 295. • step-up transmission, rear tires fair. Also. some '57 models. G•ODERICH MOTORS, South street. Phone 83. -12 15 CU. FT. Zenith Deep Freezer ';hest, nearly new, $100 less than retail value. 146 Picton street. l2x BABY budgies. ` Phone 13 1R. 12x ONLY two more days to save• on Sealy Firm -O -Rest Mattresses. Reg. priee $59_.50- Special $39.95. -Blackstone Furniture. -12 BOXWOOD shrubs and prevet hedge. 'Apply Mrs. Juck, phone ne 297. -- BED, mattress and springs; one dresser, coffee table, three ' end tables. Phone 730. SCH'UMMER CHICKS, SINCE 1939. — We specialize in egg production breeds only.' Sussex X Red, Red X Sussex, Red X Sussex X, Red, Red X Rock, Rhode Island lied, Shaver Leghorns and Leghorn crosses. Record layers, as te famous Honegger Started chicks of all ages. Free delivery. Hatchery, Linwood, Ont. Agent, S. J. McGRATTEN, phone _ho ne Carlow 3008. 7tf JE.....SPECIALLZE AND CARRY a complete stock for all Sparton TV's, and all tubes and most parts for other makea,of TV. B. R. 1VIUNDAy, TV, Radio and Sound Service, Phone- 598. 127 Widder street. -7tf. FILMS DEVELOPED IN 24 hours. - W. J.' DENO92ME, 140 The Square, Gdderich. 9-12x SALES BARN -SCOURS?. ? ? • Pre-' vent and treat' calf and pig scours the improved -Proven way, avail- " able at RIECK's- Drug Store, 14 Square (near Colborne street). Phone 939. -12 SKILL radial saw, 81/1- inch cut, 1.1x2 h.p. motor. Phone -588 or 664. -10tf • GOOD baled hay and baled straw. Don Hamilton, phone 652r 12.1 16x IB. Real Estate HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE' BROKER Late Winter Specials Five -room brick cottage. Good west end location. A real buy at only $4,200. • Four -room frame and insul brick bungalow near schools. Only $1,000 down payment. Four Bedroom -- Red Brick In an excellent location, this fine home has double living room, din- ing room and kitchen, first floor, four bedrooms and bathroom, sec- ond flogr; forced air oil heating. Now an excellent? buy having been reduced recently by $2,000, - Seven Room — Frame On the Huron road, here is a good family house with four bed- rooms, full basement and large lot. Reduced $500. JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker In a good location, 4 -bedroom frame home, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3-piecebath, for garage, lts of fruit trees, pr sale, only $4,800. Low down pay- ment. Two-year-old brick, long ranch home; three large bedrooms, spac- ious clothing, closets, L-shaped liv- ing -room and dining room, with natural fireplace. Family-sie kit- chen, tiled bathroom. Forced air oil furnace., Builtfor comfort and convenience. Choice location' over- looking lake. Mortgage arranged.•• On the outskirts of town, 51:. acres; also 71.2 acres. Both parcels of land located on the -highwa .. Future possibilities. Reasonably priced. If you are looking for ;an invest- ment, here is an exceptionally good buy, large brick house with three complete •apartments, good income, price $8,500. 115 -acre clay loam land; 15 acres • of bush, 4 -bedroom home, living room, large kitchen; bathroom, garage, barn: • Located near high- way in Goderich„Township. Price only $5,500, down payment $2,000. This is an exceptionally good buy. RED Clover seed, Garry and Rod- ney . seed oats,. Brant barley. - . Graham Bros., RR. •3, Goderich. 11s12x- b• 80 Acre_ Farm — Goderich Twp. One of the best, in Goderich Twp. this farm has large brick house, good bank barn, driving shed, col- ony house, garage, and eighty acres of excellent•land. Offered at a very reasonable ` price for quick sale. 115 Acre Farm -,– Good Terms Situated in an excellent farming district, this farm has. 110 acres workable 'of light clay loam., five acres of bush, large house, excel- lent bank barn, electricity and good water' supply. Offered—on eXcep= 4ional terms. - Salesman: Harvey Lassaline, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 1599J 2 LISTINGS AND INQUIRI S INVITED Phone 766; Hamilton Street Goderich ''IX -ROOM HOUSE AND BATF, furnace, modern kitchen, 1/3 block uptown, partly furnished. Possession in one month. , Apply 46 Church street after one. Choice list of farms in Huron County; Commercial properties in Huron FREE—To anyone purchasing a County including many stores. new baler before haying season Income properties for invest: starts, we shall- give either an mets. We'll look, after, your real elevator or one year's supply of estate and rentals. •Very good lots in town. Summer cottages. For buying and ,selling, contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Srreet, Goderich Phone 1108. Sales nen: Geo. -Lucknow _ Joe McConnell,Seaforth Angela Boeveld twine. New Idea spreaders, used machinery of all kinds; Purina Chows; leave eggs for collection by Golden Glow. Geo. Wraith,- Mon- treal street, phone 1285. , -11tf GARRY. Oats, cleaned, and Sor- ghum seed. Phone Carlow 1420. 11-12x FARM Agency--aJQr oil company has an established farm route fdr WANTED to buy—a home, at least sale. This is=an excellent oppor- four bedrooms, on rental basis, $75 tunity for the right party. Write -- a month guar, on ren l bass P.O Box 65, Signal -Star, 12-14x ' jOtf 12-13x • ONE and one-half storey stucco house for sale, 3 bedrooms and garage, good location at 116 Bruce street. • dassified . Ads On Cash Basis lmommii,Nm•gman...waoi 5 lines or Less •5Q; Each additional line, 10c - Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NOON ®ofaweek of publication there is an extra charge of 25c P r- tisement for. bookkeeping expenses, EXPEEIENOED ” furniture finisher —including hand rubbing, shading and spraying. If you want steady employment under good working conditions Write us, in.absolute confidence, iving FULL details of age, work story, etc. Writel Box 58, Signal -Star. 0-11,— HELP wanted, female. Apply Goderich French Dry Cleaners, West street. -12 FIVE -ROOM house, two bedrooms, tile bathroom, modern kitchen, oil heat, F centrally located. Phone 1e 588 or 664. . SIX -ROOM house, modern kitchen, nice porch, new oil furnace. Write P.O. Box 792, Goderich. -11 8. Wanted to Rent Only two. more days to save on Sealy Firm -O -Rest 1Vlattresses. Reg. price $59.50. Special $39.95. Blackstone furniture,. -12 Am going -to' Preston` next week. Anyone with, old woollens for blankets contact Mrs. W. Do1ck- staler, phone 1096. Order Shell , furnace oil and stpve oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 9$. -39tf FARM wanted to rent -100 acres or more. `Willing to pay rent in advance with first option to buy as soon as possible. Tyme Reurink % Gerrit Logtenberg, R.R. 1, Dun- gannon. Phone 85 r 12. 12x 9. Coming 1Jv encs PROTESTANT teacher wanted for S.S. 5, Goderich Township, duties t6 commence September, 1958. �. Apply stating salary -and qualifica- tions to A. Lockhart, secretary - treasurer, Goderich R.R. 1. 1213 N1IT E.Jl.00M house, close to Cbl- legiate.• Easy terms. Apply to P.O. Box 12, Goderich. 11-12x 2. Real Estate Wanted NEED assistant (27-55) in Huron County to develop as area manager. Excellent remuneration; group in- surance. Worthwhile and ' cgm- mendable work. Teaching or sales background valuable. Write J. Shepard, 900 Valetta, London, On- tario giving age, education, experi- ence and -'phone number: -12-13 MEN wanted to train as sdraftsmeo, mechanical ,and architectural. No experieece necessary, but must be willing to accept approved training program in spare time, prior to placement. Selected applicants will be interviewed within two weeks. Send , age, reSent employment, phone r, to Box 63, Goderich Signal -Star. 12 WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to you- until property is sold. IYIALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St„ Glee de rich. Phone 115W. SELLING YOUR PROPERTY ? List where you obtain the best results. List today with • f HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker Goderich Hamilton St.,G ode n 38 Hami Phone 766. Euchre and "500" party at L.O.L. Hall, Hamilton street, each Thurs- day evening at 8 p.m. Admission 35c. Lunch supplied. Good prizes. The Kinette Club are holding a bake sale and bazaar of children's hand -made clothing on March 229th at Larder's Paint shop. Articles will be on display at Denomme's Flower Shop, the . previous week. 5. Employment Wanted DUTCH girl wants housework by the hour or day. 'Phdne 1027J after 6 o'clock. 12x BABY sitting from Monday to Fri- day night inclusive from 7 p.m. 35c an tour. Phone 871R. 12x PART-TIME work wanted- by man with power saw. Write Box 64, Signal -Star.. "12x MALCOLM MATHFR` _ 1 Rox•541, Goderich. E�l ATE NIlVFIPIF�`4`l;, modern dining room ailite, strong and sturdy, like new, dark oak. Phone 411J. 12x �'rARItt Sena cOa.t5, power cleaned and tr@ated. Irvine Tebbutt, R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clin12-ton ton HU 2-7474. , w McK�EE . Forage Harvester, two years old, complete outfit, 40' of pipe, stacker hood and stand, 20' box. Charles Anderson, R.R. 3, Lucknow. Phone 69 - 15, Dungan- non. INSURANCE AND REAL OFFICE — - • 118 Elgin Ave. E.—an ' interest- ing bungalow, having an attractive living room with fire place, a pleasant dining room, three bed- rooms, bath and kitchen on one floor; - basement, furnace, garage and in . addition a lot on Picton street. A modern attractive dwelling in very gond location on Britannia road. Has two bedrooms and bath on main Boor. WOGDWORXERS' 2 -and- 3 foot , bar clamps. Scotsmith Furniture i A two -apartment dwelling on Arthur street, in excellent location. Each apartment has two ,bedroon'is, self-contained bath ana kitchen. Stoker equipped. Reasonable price. ..MALCOLM MATHERS 4!i West St. Phone 1-15W r" insoratictirAgeroiReal Estate Broke. Ltd. -12tf ONE only, 21 ft. hay bale elevator and 10 ft.. extension, brand new. Complete, for the low price of $250.00. May be seen at' The Dominion Road Machinery Co. Limited, Goderich. Phone 8$0 for further •infprmation. W'1IITE enamel sir.gle bed with springs, also Singer sewing ma- chine (treadle). May he had for $5.00 each. Phone 998.1, -12 HOG -RAISING: PROFIT 20% HIGH- ER.. Pigs 257, Heavier at weaning when LMFERON-treated. IMFERON ,,,available - at R.IEGK; s Drug 'Store, 14 Square (near Colborne street). Phone 939. 3. Agents Wanted 11. Auction Sales AUCTION Sale at McLelland's Sale Barn, iBervie, every Friday at 2 p.m., of 3Q _ ,Q 50 fresh and spring- ing dairy cows and heifers; big first calf Holstein heifers spring- ing; 30 well - ;narked, Holstein heifer calves Deliver for $3 a, - head. Guaranteed in four quart- ers. Buyer and door prizes: l ltf 6. Wanted (General) OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31/lc - lb.,. and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT IROS. MINK' RANCH, phone col- lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1 -ltf A CAREER in Life Insurance is offered by a --leadingcompany in this district. Applicant should be married, between the ages of 25 and 40, have a car and leadership qualities. Excellent opportunities for advancement; liberal income; group insurance; hospitalization and sick benefits; pension plan. Direct full particulars to Box 67,2 Signal-Star, Goderich. BUILDING lot on east side of Wil- son street between Britannia road and Cayley street, 66' x 132', $600. S. H. Blake. • -12-13 ---• l "SPEEDY" SPE by S &MIS MOTORS "Because we know our business .,- YOU SAVE when you-'- .HAVE YOUR(A.R GIVEN A . � i f+zrri ir,SPRINGTUNEUPHERE!- , A. A �► 41 i '„10 GOD RItcw + �' P, lw+w MacKay Hall under auspicesof Benmiller W.A. Card party in Masonic Temple on Friday, April 18, at 8.15 p.m., under auspices of Eastern. Star Lodge. Keep in mind May 17 for the - bake sale. - Full particulars later. • -12 (IOMFORTABLE FURNISHED two -room apartment, two large closets, use of washer, fri'+and phone. - Agent MISS M+ARS B. HOWELL, 10 St. Vincent stet at, phone 213, � APARTMENT, furnished, heated, self-contained. no children. Phone 429W, LARGE front furnished bed -sitting room, hot plate. Mrs. Ken Allin,1f 54 Victoria street. - 'TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living room, kitchen, bathroom, heated, good location. Also 10 acres of land and barn on outskirts of town. Apply John Bosveld, 40 Wellesley street. Phone 1108. o-12 DALTON.—Mrs. Jerry Dalton and son, Charles, wish to express their heartfelt appreciation' for the many acts of kindness, spirit- ual and oral tributes and the comf tting expressions of sym- paty they received in their bereavement; they would like to thank also the nurses and staff of the hospital for their thought- fulness. -12 ERWNE.—The relatives of the late Mr. Clarence Ervine appreciate the kindness shown them in their bereavement, they would like to thank those who sent flowers,, messages of sympathy or loaned cars. -12 GODERUCH SAILORS Jr. "B" Hockey Club wishes to say -a sincere "thank you" to the host, Mr. Mahood, and the staff of the Esquire Grill for the won- derful banquet tendered to the players and executive members: 12. SEALED Tenders, addressed to -the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Interior Painting, Federal Building, Wingham, Ontario," will be received in the office of the District Architect, Department of Public Works, 385 Yonge street, Toronto; Ontario, until 3 p.m., April 14th, 1958. Plans _ and/or p : cificatio'ns can -be -seen -anti ob- tained at the Office of the District Architect, at the above-mentioned address, or at the office of the Caretaker at The Federal Building, Wingham, Ontario. To be con- sidered, each tender must be ac- companied by a • security in the form of a certified cheque or bonds as specified in the form of tender and made on or according to these formsirand in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. - 'Department of -{Public=Works, D. G. Creba, District. Architect. - - Toronto, March 14th, 1958. -12 Goderich . Pavilion. See display ad. on page three of this issue. -12 The J annual meeting - of the Goderich Duplicate Bridge •Club Will be held at Mrs. A. A. Nicol's apartment on Monday, March 24, at 8 p;m. A full attendance of members is requested. -12 Keep this date open --Sunday, ,March 30. Open House will be held ..at oifr greenhouses on Bruce street. - Come and see the Easter plants and flowers in all their beauty from 2 to 5 p.m. in the afternoon. • There will be a door prize and tea will be served. Gode- rifh Flowers, 99 Bruce street. 1213 TWO heated apartments, -three rooms and bath; back and front entrance; also small store to rent. Phone 90 or 328. -12tf ESTATE Auction Sale of, farm, farm stock and machinery Will be held at -lots 21 and 22, concession 14, _ McKillop • .Township, 1. 'Mile. south of Walton -and 1 mile, east, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1st ^ at 12 o'clock - sharp. CATTLE -15 Hereford- cows with calves at foot, and due to freshen rn April; 17 Hereford year-old 'steers and heifers (a number ready. for market); registered Hereford bull, 3 years old. PIGS -2 York sows with litters; 2-'iork sows, bred; 18 York chunks. MACHINERY —No. 40 Cockshutt { tractor; Willys jeep, 1956; 12' ft. 1955 Cockshutt combine; 6 ft. one- way disk; Cockshutt 8 ft. tractor disk; 10, ft. cultipacker; New Hol- land forage harvester with hay and corn attachments; New Holland hay and ensilage blower; 7 ft. power mower; power side rake; set diamond- harrows; manure loader; snow blower; tractor; man- ure spreader; 3 -furrow plow; 16 - disk fertilizer drill; Spraymotor weed ' sprayer; stationary power plant, 45 h.p.; forage harvester; 4 - section :drag harrows; • 2 steel water troughs; wagon unloader; heavy duty farm wagon and box; 2 forage -harvesters. racks, with unloading' aprons; hammer mill and drive bet; milking machine; cream separtor; ensilage cart; Straw cart; scales; grain auger and motor; fanning mill; extension lad- 15. Cards of Thanks , MITCHELL.—The relatives of the late Miss Jessie A. Mitchell take this means to thank the neigh- ' bors and friends for their kind- ness during their recent bereave- ment; they would like to thank also those who sent flowers or messages of sympathy as well staff of the I" as the nurses and ata 12 ,� hospital. ' OrBLANDEI3..—The family of ..the - late Mr. Wm. Oblander wish to The regular meeting of Gode- rich Home and School will be held Tuesday,' March 25, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. `IVIrP Ross .Hamilton, of CKNX, Wingham, will be guest speaker and be will speak on the part radio and television play in education. Mr. R. Klinck, director of musk, will conduct an orchestra. Everyone welcome. 12 Card party .on Mai; ch 28 at 8.30 p.m. in the green room of the Legion Hall under the auspices of the Ladle' Aux9fiary. Euchre and "500" wills be played. Admission 35c, ladies please bring lunch. 13 SiFNEN-ROOM house, hydro, heavy wiring, .good cellar', immediate Possession, five miles rrom -Gode- rich, school buses. Gdrdon Jewell, phone 304, Carlow. COMFORTABLE bedroom, suitable for two gentlemen; also one single room. For your convenience, use f -private.iiving.roomi,.anthliitehen privileges. Phone 1570 or 332. 12 GOOD pasture, water and shade, for 10 head of yearling cattle, on 2nd `concession, Ashfield Township. Apply Clarence Essex, R.R. 3, Goderich, before April 1: Phone Dungpnnon 25 r 20. 12-13x SMALL apartment over Tots and . Teens Shop. Phone 1521W. -12 HU 2-7834. 10. Briefs MITCHELL.—In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thank• to our many relatives, friends and wonderful neighbors for the kindness and sympathy _shown us ins the loss of a beloved husband and. father. We especially wish to' thank Rev. S. A. Moote and Rev. V. R. Snell for their. consoling Words. Also the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary 109, Goderich Men's Branch 109, Orange Lodge and. Mr. George ,Maclntyre; also for the beautiful floral tribute, mes- sages of sympathy extended to. us and all funeral arrangements. —Mrs. Wm. Mitchell -and Family. -12 CHAto ex- --press. like IP MAN.—I w --^press• my- deep:: appreciation_ -to all my friends - and -, neighbors who remembered me during my *. 'recent illness. Special thanks to Dr. Drake and Dr. Thompson, of Victoria Hospital; - L-ondort; Sheaffef .Pen employees, Bowling League, Curling Chub and Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. • Mrs. Catherine Chapman. -12 STOCK.—We wish to ,take this' opportunity to thank all those who so • thoughtfully het ed us in our hour, of need; or cars loaned, floral tributes and the many - other acts . of kindless shown during our recent ber- eavement. • 'ITie Family -of the late Michael J. Stock. . 12x We now have in stock the very latest in high grade German made ZEISS IKON Cameras, also Projec- LAREN'S' STUDIO. Photographs for all occasions. Also religious goods, picture frames and framing. Photographic supplies. MacLAREN'S• STUDI( . Bert Pepper, R,R. 3, Seaferth, licensed auctioneer, now booking sale for the coming season. For appointment phone C l i n t o n 12-15x tf der; •tilt bench saw and motor; -electric drill; full line mechanic's tools. The above machinery is practically like. new. GRAIN -700 bushels spring grain, wheat, red clover seed, hay. FAR'1M, Consisting of 160 acres, mole or less,. good clay loam land, more' story frame house covered with It shingles, large bank barn, aspira silo, garage;.-.lienhotise, new stee drive shed, hydro, good water supply. Terms, 10% down, bal- ance in 30_ days. Sold subject to reserve bid:- Chattels, cash. Estate of late Lindsay Stewart. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Chesney, Clerk. , -12-13 1141008001140400416066.41144166600.0000108004060664t61096•6 41ri8/w 041606if/41e x6600.00001080 4060 6a 1096•6 extend their sincere thanks for. .�. the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent ber- eavement. eavement. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ON PAGE 5 { 4 .• • 5ITRRIA16- a Rev Satin is homogenized. You just open the can and start right in on your paint job. Even more important—you escape the pitfalls of inadequate 'stirring. Homogenized Rev Satin gives you a beautiful, smooth job every time. It's perfect for every x' , yeti and bathrooms. ba , SERVICE ELECTRIC, PLUMBING HEATING WIRING PHONE 808W and 808 VICTORIA ST: