HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-20, Page 9spent a few days with bee sister, Rose O'Connor, here. - Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mulhern, Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Tlieadore Redmond visited► Mrs,' 'Louis Hogan and ''fam- ily; Friday. Mr. Will Kinahan spelt Monday in London. It is' St. Patrick's Day, March 17th,. but Old Man Winter is still, with us, We ail' have a 0n00u amountof now on the fields and hills: Ths your els are atilt' en- joying xtheir to*oggai rides, al. `though the Toads are <geed for metering. four _district ministers"'debat- ed here - last. F rtday evening on the subject, "Resolved that preaching is more effective -to- day than it was a50 years. ago," the judges , gave. the nod in favor of the affirmative side. Upholding the affirmative were Rev. Rod' Kennedy, of Dungannon, ` and Rev. R., S. Hiltz, of Auiburn. Supporting the negative side were Rev. Mr. Clark, 'of Wingham, and Rev. 1V.ir. Brown, of Brussels. The judges were Mrs, Wil- liam T. Robison, Mrs, Sidney Lansing, Mrs. Harry Young- blut and Mrs Lorne Scrim- Preceding the debate at Knox United Church was a pancake and salad supper. ,.A. concert followed at which Rev. Mr. Hiltz presided for .the sing song with; Bev. Mr. Brown at the piano, In charge of the program was Charles Scott, Mrs. Sydney 'McClinchey play- ed an accordion solo. Duets were sung by .George Million and Oliver .Anderson, dressed in costumes of the Gay Nine- ties. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor played mouth organ duets, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. KIN'GSBRIDGE,--March-17- Mr and Mrs. Pauhl and little daughter, and Joseph Martin, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with the Blaise Martin family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville, of Toronto, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter CIare visit- ed with relatives in London during the past week. Mr. Chas. Dalton, of .Ottawa, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Jerry Dalton, and visited with his father, who had been seriously ill in Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital, in Goderich, and who passed away at 7 a.m. this morning at the age of ai. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Austin were among the relatives who motored to Timmins to attend the funeral of the late John Dalton last week. Mr. Joseph Garvey, Michael, and friend from Toronto, Miss Delores Dalton and little nephew, Billie Dalton, of Detroit, spent the week- end here with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garvey recently nlohvannMefenbaker Elston Cardiff Published by the Huron Progressive Conservative Association returned from a winter holiday in the West Indies. Congratulations to Mrs. Martha O'Neill, who celebrates her 80th birthday on March 18th. Mrs. �. _e family, of ,AL.. gonac, Michigan, spent the week- end --at the—O'Neill -'horde: Mrs. O'Neill enjoys exceptionally good health and takes a keen interest in all community activities, her fam- ily, 24 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Joseph Courtney is in Wingham hospital for further treatment for diabetes. Rev. Father Van Vynckt cele- brated 9 a.m. high mass on St. Patrick's Day, followed by a ser- mon in honor of the great saint. A social evening will be held in the parish hall this evening, spon- sored by the Ushers Club. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, March 17. — Christ Church Women's Guild held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Agnes Foster. Rev. H. L. Jennings acted as auctioneer for a bake goods sale, the pro= ceeds to go for church extension. The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting. Mr. Ted Vrooman, of Port Al- berni,.B.C., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Airs. William Vrooman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tigert visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rooth in Clinton on Tuesday of last week. Tom Dickson is visiting with his uncles, John Quaid and Merle Quaid, and families, in Sarnia. The Sunday school of St. - An- drew's United Church held a suc- cessful crorkinole party in the church basement on Fridayeven- ing, followed by a social hour and lunch. Mr. David Martin, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, is reported to be progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Petrie were Sunday guests of Mr., and Mrs. Robert Nix, of Preston. A01,' March, •18.41r. end Mrsz, .&nest ,Craig, of Gederlcb visited last'Sunday with lb, an+ s. W.. Craig, , R r ,, ;' Y : l� "�>i'3: ,i�Q;flSloicireV7alxirl Miss Ethel 'Washington, ofr Q- rich, visited last Thursday' eveg with Mrs. 'Charles Straugban. Miss Betty Moss spent the week- erid in • 'lderton with her little friend, Miss Vera Jane Craig. Mr. and Mrs: • George Wilkin, Robert, Patsy and Mary were guests last Sunday withthe form- er's parents, M.r. and Mrs. Archie Wilkin. Mr. and Mrs. Donald King, of Strathroy, were recent visitors wih Mr. and Mrs, Russel King. Miss• Laura ' Phillips received word from her friend, Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, of Sarnia, that she is enjoying a holiday in Acapulco, Mexxico..-._ She is- With her daugh- ter, Mrs. Larry Sly, and Mr. Sly, who are also on their vacation. Mrs. Sheppard and her family lived for many years in this village, when the late Mr. Sheppard was bank manager here. Mr. and Mrs. James Blake visit- ed- last Saturday evening -with their eau hter,V_illiq_e- 1VIr. Seersaria Gail. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and daughter, Nancy, of 'St. Thomas, spent last Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Arthur. Another Lenten service was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies. Rev. Bren de Vries was in charge. 'Mr. William Riddell, of La Riviere, Man., is visiting with his cousin, Mr. Walter McGill;- of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLarty and family, of Goderich, were guests last Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nelson 'McLarty. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor spent the week -end with their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr. Rathwell and Michael John, at St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie, Wil- liam, Gerald, Jannett and Ross, visited on Sunday with friends and relatives in Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1Vlerrill -and family, of Summerhill, visited on Saturday evening with the lady's aunt, Mrs. George Hamilton. Euchre Party.—A social 'evebing and euchre party was held last Friday at S.S. No. 9, Hullett: Prize winners were: high lady, Mrs. Wil- fred Sanderson; low lady, Barry Young (playing as lady); high man, Elliott Lapp; low man, Arthur Hallam, jr.; lucky prize draw, Guy Cunningham; lucky chair, Steven Haggitt. The following program was presented: duet by Brenda Archambault and Nancy Lapp; piano solo, Billy Lapp; song by Wendy Schneider, Betty Hallam and Dianne Kirkconnell; a skit by the junior pupils. The teacher, Mr. Wilmer Errington, and his pupils served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Plunkett visited over the week -end at St. Catharines with . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman and family. Mr. Gary •Byrd and Mr. Gordon McDonald spent the week -end with Mr. .Byre's family -at Chatham Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan visited in Wingham with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Jardin, Mr. Jardin and family and attended the icecarnival thereq Knox Presbyterian .W.M.S.—The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church met last Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Duncan 'ltliadlcay. The president, Mrs. Wes. Bradnock, was in charge. The de- votional period was taken by Mrs. Charles Stewart. A duet was sung $adie carter ant a " Matey, aeennipante r by ; RobertMnutoa wer read. Y' s,Tilrs,.4 vi°Ideatharb u 11W4tation oi atte. d�the :Syn+ seal meeting' in tcaPi.fr4t0 ova read. Mrs. Eerbert Voter—repot ed on the quilts to b: Qtglted $a ' ing that Mrs. J. C. Stoltz hag dei ated two . tops. • .Mrs. Govier .. , Mrs, John Graham will be. the veners of the quilting to ,be held At: Mrs. Ed. Davies' this week.. Ati iii- vitation to attend the. Easter Thank, 7 offering at Blyth on. April :8th was accepted. Flans ' were made for the Easter Thank -offering meeting in April. The study book on Japan was . taken by Mrs. Donald Haines... A . short skit was ,given by Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mrs. Frank , Raithby and 1VIrs. Raines. W.A. Group Meets.—The Happy Hustlers- -group of the W.A. o Knox United Church met last Wed- nesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. J. Craig. Mrs. Gordon McClinchey presided for the de- yotional period and _gm_ Craig was at the piano. Mrs. Wil- liam Dodds read the Scripture. The topic was given by -Mrs -.-Trim Law: s. lienneth__McDouga1 micas..-_,..:__--- - in charge of the business, after which Mrs. Alvin Plunkett was auc- tioneer for the successful. auction which realized $15. , Lunch was served by Mrs. Tom Lawlor, assist- ed by the hostess. St. Mark's Guild.—The March meeting of St. Mark's Anglican Ladies' Guild was held at the l'ectory, Blyth, on March 11th. The hostess, Mrs. Bren de Vries, sang a solo. Scripture was read by Rev. de Vries. The study book was taken by Mrs. Clifford Brown. A quartette, consisting of Mrs. Gor- don Taylor; Mrs. Larry Glasgow, Mrs. John Daer and Mrs. George Schneider .sang, accompanied by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Mrs. Jewel, of Brussels, gave an in- spiring message on "You are God's Chosen People'" She told also of experiences on Manitoulin Island with the Indians and spoke about the bales sent there. The presi- dent, Mrs. John Daer, took chargeg of the business period. The roll. call was answered• by each naming their "Self-denial for Lentr" It was decided to buy new choir books and have the old ones re- paired and rebound. A vote of thanks was given to the hostess and the auctioneer who had the sue, cessful sale: A lunch was served by the hostess and her mother, assisted by Mrs. Larry Glasgow and •Mrs. Fordyce Clark. • Some trees have been tapped and maple syrup is on the market at about $6.50 per gallon, says the Huron County Agricultural Office. Considerable interest has been shown in the use of nitrogen on .fall wheat._ Since our Seed' Fair and panel discussion on Land Use Survey, a considerable number of applicants have been received for that ser- vice. Interest in varieties of grain and small seeds are increasing. The price of weanling pigs is up to $20, and a high of $23 for beef cattle has been reported. Close to '40 percent of immi- grants entering Canada during 1957 were in the manufacturing, mech- anical and construction trades. Sir j ohn M cDronard built the Canada of-fo=clay . Now, John- Dief enbaker envisions the Canada of Toi orrow A BILLION DOLLAR PROGRAM FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT • • o TAKE IT EASY.... • • with step saving • •extensioxi • phones 0 .•P TO CREATE NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR CANADIAN INDUSTRY TO DEVELOP CANADA'S UNLrMITED NATIONAL. RESOURCES TO EXPAND PROCESSING OF OUR OWN RAW MATERIALS p ° TO PROVIDE MORE EMPLOYMENT FOR MORE CANADIANS TO ENLARGE HOME MARC(ETS FOR CANADIAN AGRICULTURE • • • 0 • • • • -e • • • • • • • 0 0 • To order—call your telephone business office" • • O ®0®mqP0►®0®•e•0••••••••®0•00•••cio0 NOT A SPENDTHRIFT PROGRAM — A SOUND INVESTMENT IN CANADIAN PROSPERITY 'Carry On, Elston and John' These- men know sound investments lk ... Huron & Erie -Canada Trust • Debentures hnd Trust Certificates. On units of $ l00 or more both these safe itigtiVnents pay 41/2% interest for periods of 1 to 5 years. Why not call in and ask for details? Pubtislihd by Authority of Huron Progressive Conservative Assoc ihtion ,1-i• d ode - London, 4O>ntario r.. tistrittit I opresenta,tives Alexander & Chapman