HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-20, Page 8ades Of Sailor ost Toa Involved' 'teas " sighed st Magistrate D. E. i nea an the escapades of 'Elgin Spears, 20, were unfolded in mixt, here. ' Spears, a short-statured sailor kom Owen Sound, was fined $100 •and costs or 40 days in jail for tireless .driving. The youth admitted that when he last appeared in court here as a result of a restaurant fracas, he bad been requested by the magis- Dressmaking ! The latest in fashions from New York and Paris. REASONABLE PRICES. Ilona and Jule - _- --PHONE.._1435..__�_ ._.:. 77 EAST ST. GODERICH .4tf trate to- sta3i o rnr b'iferieti.-°`33u't` he didn't choose to take the ad- vice; he was involved in another fracas here only last Friday night, the court was told. The careless driving charge was laid after, Constable Martin Horan tried .to stop Spears as the youth was driving around the Square. The youthful. driver "took off" at a high rate of speed, turning off the Square and proceeding through the town to Widder street where he delivered a girl who had been a passenger in the auto. Magistrate Holmes said that this time he wanted to make the penal- ty stiff enough to discourage' Spears from returning to Goderich. He said. he had heard echoes of the youth in juvenile court, and that he was becoming "a complete nuisance." The youth requested .extra time to find the money to pay the fine, but he was refused. ' After a hurried consultation with a few pals, Spears matte a new pro- - oral: -w Re ---asked the magistrate:. "If I leave 1':0 with you, will you trust me until tomorrow night for the rest?" More Complications n At .;this point, it was disclosed by Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays that a local bank was holding the BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chirapraetic. Office Hours: • Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8' p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. and Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office House 343. 343W 33 Hamilton St. Goderich •-•Stiles Ambulance Roomy -� Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal. St. Goderich FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business Insurance; Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment. SQUARE GODERICH EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone Hu2-9097. Charge moderate and satis- -faction- •guaranteed, Alexander & Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Get insured -Stay insured— Rest Assured. A. J. ALEXANDEP. C. F. CHAPMAN Bank of Commerce Building, Goderich Phones 268 W and 1.8-W. NO you can have TWICE THE COMFORT.. TWJCE THE ECONOMY.. CEMETERY u- MEMORIALS - T. Pryde & Son EXETER Engineered for oil heating, the Gar Wood counter flow principle means amazing savings in heating costs, far more comfort, health and convenience. Why delay, - when you can enjoy oil heating at its best right now. For further information and demonstration, call 5G1 Worrell Bros. Hardware, Plumbing, Heating Phone 283 H Goderich 1 err OUT ON A LIMB THS GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR like a hand, some of thorn had. * Maybe the Jonquils are lovely in 'Paris, and the, first crocus has inspired a letter to The Times, in England. Maybe the chinbok has breathed lushly on Red Deer, Aha Maybe in such tropical Ontario 'mitres .as ,Blenheim or - T'ilbuu there is a hint of intoxiicc)atiion n the air. But I'll wager that in Renfrew, and Atikokan, and Brace - bridge, there'll be ngbody running around in his bare feet on what the calendar claims is the first day of Spring. WITH BILL SMILEY The Ides of March are past At last. But whether you can say it's Spring • 's another thing. * * * The 17th of Ireland has come and gone. The equinox (from the Latin equus-horse, and nox-night; loosely translated — nightmare) Is upon us. Tomorrow, or the day after, or maybe six weeks from now, it'll be Spring. * * * One cannot help but admire the dour reluctance with which Can- ada relinquishes her clutch on the National Season—winter: Spring is gree£ed with all the ,e ithnsiaSfl1 a new potion for everlasting life would areuse at an undertakers' convention.' * * * And that's as it should be.. You can't gambolin the woods like a Botticelli maiden, just because it's the 21st of March.. Not unless you are able to gambol in' goloshes. Come to think of it, some of those Italian primaveras . would have looked better in goloshes. Foot * * * Poet T. S. Elicit, the Edgar Guest of the eggheads, opined that "April is the cruellest month." Maybe so. But 1 doubt if he'd have been so dogmatic if he'd ever taken a stroll in the True North Strong and Pres some "first day of spring" in one of 'those March zephyrs that would freeze the brains of a brass monkey. * * * For any honest, thin -blooded Canadian, March is 31 days of pure misery. ,He's just about at the end of his tether, anyway, after a gruelling, four-month, toe -to -toe slugfest` with that capable heavy- weight, Old Man Winter. He's punchy, stili in there wily through .sheer _.b.ghting Anstine ...SO:,.What's he supposed to do just because March 21st is the first day of Spring? Peel off his 1 ng -handled underwear, stick a daffodil ,behind his ear and, launch into Mendel- .ssohn's Spring Song? * * Not likely. It's much more prob- able .that he'll contemplate the occasion with the gloomy despair of a taper trapped into a tea-party. For 'March is a month to try men's souls. - * * ,« The ,body, racked by a succes- sion of bouts with the 'flu, is call- ing feebly on its last reserves- and getting no answer. The ward, robe is a wreck. The mind is, a morass of income tax evasions, monstrous fuel bills, and, the cer- tain knowledge that the .-muffler and tailpipe on the car are eaten through. ' * * * , (By Briane McLean), This week, we're going to take time off froin our "Brief;, Biogra-,, phies'' to discuss one .of. . the newest and most ambitious summer pro- jects for the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. e * * The Reserve Trades Training Plan, known as RTTP, is a scheme operated by the ROAF reserve to provide pre -trained personnel in a number of technical trades for the various auxiliary •ti"nits across the country. One phase of RTTP— the one we're interested in—is an eight-week summer course at vari- ous units, Theunits.in this vicin- ity are Toronto, Hamilton and Windsor. Each year a certain per - bag for $225 as a resulrof a cheque cashed by the youth. The cheque purportedly was signed by his, bro- ther. For some reason, the cheque was returned by the Fort ' William bank on which it was drawn. Spears said that, if the court let him go, he would "scrape up" the money' to pay the ,fine the next day.'1. •- "You're a great scraper-up-er," commented the crown attorney. When he got off the boat last season, Spears bought a car. Later, as he himself described ' it, he "scrapped" it. The carp he was dtiving in Goderich when .the, con- stable saw, him belonged to an- ther "person. It has ..•since been eked down around Mitchell, ice said. Spears indicated that he had used the $22,5 from his brother's cheque to .buy another car. . "It's. getting- almost. too involv- ed," sighed Magistrate Holmes. "I get unemployment insurance in the morning;', chirped Spears, still seeking time to pay the fine. Magistrate Holmes asked Police Chief E:. M. Hall what sort of .a risk he thought Spears was. "I wouldn't give him any credit, your -worship," declared the chief. Spears lamented: "I *won't be able to collect my unemployment insurance unless I'm there." TV :ANTENNAS !SOLD - • SERVICED • REMOVED INSTALLED Les ChapmD TV , Phone 154 38 East St. -22tf centage of the quota is set aside for the use of the Air Cadets. * * * The type of training varies with the type of reserve unit involved. Toronto and Hamilton, being Tech- nical Training Units, offer' courses in aero -engines, air frames, elec- trical • s$tems, instruments, and-, munitions `and weapons. Windsor on •the other 'Band, being an Air- craft Control Unit, offers only a course iii (figh*ter* * control. Because this is an RCAF -oper- ated ,plan, requirements are strict - Air Cadets wishing to take this course must meet the following: be at least 16. years of age; have parents' consent in writing; have cotppieted two years' air cadet •training; have attended at least one Air Cadet summer camp; pass a specified medical, examination; be recommended., by his command= ing officer; be nominated by the Ontario Provincial Air Cadet Com- mittee; pass a specified classifica- tion test. The cadet is given a regular Domestic life It at its lowest ebb in March. The kids have holes .in their rubber bgots; which does not prevent then tracking in enough dirt to fill the St. Lawrence Sea- way.. Their zippers are shot, their buttons are few and far bgtween,., and they have ,only one mitt left. Their winter Clothes are in shabby their parents ignore them in 'pub- lic, hoping other people -won't 'know whose kids They are. * * * Their mother is like a caged leopard. ' Her. nerves are rubbed raw from mopping, up pools of: water, looking' for people's hats, and listening to the syncopated thump and rumble of the stoker. She's sick to death gf prying frozen sheets off the .clothesline. Hee skin is .becoming dried, out, and the housecleaning looms, like, some fearsome monster. It's wise to tread softly, and in wide circles, around her: . Mind you, I'm not down on Spring, as such. ...Give me a burst of Sunshine,. -a. -.balmy - reeze, -ander• a sight of green gress, and I'll be quick as the next fellow, to get. giddy and run off with a widow, or whatever you're. supposed to do in the Spring. " * * *. But when I know that the pile of ashes 'in my cellar is four times the size of the coal -pile, and there's almost.,a foot of snow on my front lawn, and I'm catching my seventh cold of the winter, please, if you value your life, don't -conic up to me on March 21st and say bright- ly: ' Well, first day of Spring, eh." INCo has made loans promptly for 2 generations Since Dad's day HFC has been making prompt loans, in privacy, to people who need money for all kinds of good reasons. At House- hold you can borrow up to $1,000, . get one -day service and take uli to -30 months to repay on the terms you choose. • Borrow confidently from IIFC HOUSEHOLD -FINANCE e atad. R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street _..,,- 'Telephone 1501 GODERICH go-by/ 7'RWiN and :CAVE GOOD GOING - TUES. & WED. Mar. 25th - 26th Between GODERICH AND RETURN t.JM1T.-- 77, DAYS ..�•-���x�gtr�ri mar s �' a'ls'o - aP9'_._�o ':.�.. points listed to intermadiafa ste- ° tion$, and from „ intermediate ilfatten , a peiht5 shown; ° Enquire RETURN FARE YOU 'SAVE STRATFORD . . $1:00 $1.20 KITC'HENER , 2.95 1.85 TORONTO . . 5.30 3.35 • • monthly salary With allowance for board and lodging (if' necessary), transportation! and • anything else required. This amounts to rough- ly $300 for the eight-week period. * In order 'that cadets may receive the above-mentioned payand al- lowances, it is necessary to be enrolled ,in the Ii.CAF Prj.lna,Y Rei serve for the duration of their training. However, they may be released at the end of their course if they so desireAny ca et who lives in the area an uxiliary unit may be assigned h squad- ron if he .lvishes: He may- also, if he wants, be assigned to the RCAF Auxilihry (secondary' or inactive) Reserve. This is, a rare opportun- ity to see what the Air Force is I like, and at he same tiimawigain a -useful trade. - Just a reminder: -watch for Mr Cadet Week, coming up in April. Citizenship For 44 New.Canadians Judge Frank Fingland present- ed tlzenship-papers to 44 New Canadians at Huron County Court Hauge 'last • Thursday. They were from all parts of the county. Of the group, 35 were Dutch, three Italians, two Germans, two Yugo- Slavians and two Polish. Last January some 45 New Can- adians received citizenship papers. James Richardson & Son•s Ltd. "Serving the Feed Ddalers of Western Ontario" PHONE 543 AND 544, GODERICH 38"r`F • THE MA1ST whose sure, skilled 'hand is needed . now to guide Canada out of this period of difficulty and doubt. He is the man of peace, the man of action who in times of emergency comes through with positive, workable solutions. GreenWasTheme At W 1 Bazaar "... NOT TO THE POLITICIAN . OR TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE AS SUCH, BUT TO THE MAN LESTER PEARSON BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL QUALITIES, HIS POWERFUL INITIATIVE, STRENGTH AND PERSEVERANCE, DISPLAYED IN ATTEMPTING TO PREVENT OR LIMIT WAR OPERATIONS AND TO RESTORE PEACE." .-----Fram,thalliobel.Peck; Prize citation spee,,.c _Oslo„_December 10, 1957. The Goderich -Women's Institute held their St. Patrick's tea and bazaar in MacKay Hall on Wednes- day of last week.. The hall was attractively decor- ated for the occasion in the St. Patrick's theme. The tea table was lovely with spring flowers and candles in silver candle holders. Mrs. N. Clairmont, the W.I. pre- sident, welcomed the guests, assist- ed by Mrs. A. Wilkin. Mrs. S. Snider presided at the piano. In charge of the tea and decor- atirig were Mrs. G. Inglis and Mrs. L. Bannister. Pouring tea were Mrs. J. Bisset Ar., Mrs. C. Worsell sr., Mrs. R. Ch'nbers and Mrs. A. Wilkins. - Those serving tea were Mrs. C. McCabe, Mrs. N. McInnis, Mrs. R. Bridle, Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs. J. Snider, Mrs. J. Cook. The baking group was Mrs. H. Talmay, Mrs. J. Kernighan, Mrs. H. Dodd, Mrs. C. Holland. Aprons and music, Mrs. K. Wilkinson, Mrs. B. Mills, Mrs. G. Proctor, Mrs. E. Patterson, Mrs. L: Walters, Mrs. W. Doak. Kitchen, Mrs. A. Alex- ander, .Mrs. W. Kingswell, Mrs. C. Straughan, Mrs. N. Miller. Mrs. D. Riehl was in charge of the quilt which netted $93.60, pro- ceeds to go to l the hospital. Mrs. A. ,Buttler drew the winning ticket with the quilt going to Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. H. Tichborne and Mrs. W. F. H. Price were in charge of the tea money. Bargain Fares also apply between TORONTO o AND RETURN FARE YOU SAVE $8.65 6:65 MONTREAL $13.60 OTTAWA . - 10.55 Regular 150 Ib. baggage allowance. Watch for Bargain Coach Pares effective April 15-16. at your - nearilirt Canadian National Agent, T-8-12 a Now. he is proving it again. Lester B. Pearson is ready with a practical, all-out program to bring back employment and trade—restore confidence and faith—meet Canada's . present- emergency with the Pearson Plain for immediate action. VOTE LIBERAL for constructive leadership NOW with LESTER S. • EARS • BILL C H RANE IN HURON, THE MAN IS ° who aufiports the LIBERAL TEAM WMS CERTIFICATE GOES TO MRS. M. SUTCLIFFE A joint tweeting of the W.M.S. and W.A., of Victoria -Street -Unit- ed Church was held. at the home of .Mrs. Flank Wilson, Cambria road, on Tuesday, March 6, with 30 present. There we 71 sick calls made. Life membership certificate for SA :M s wan ,,assented o4• .Mrs- Mamie Sutcliffe by her mother, Mrs. Tom. Warrener. Mrs. Sut- cliffe also received a life -member- ship pin from W.M.S. The W.A. president, Mrs. Afgyle, conducted the business meeting with the president, Mrs. Frank Wilson, conducting the W.M.S. The study book was taken by Miss Ruby 'Young. headed by • • N NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE • - LESTER B. PEARSON A vote h5 r Cochrane is a vote for Pearson—the Man- of Peace, the Man of Action ! ,ace am(' Hear Bll Cochranett GFPL-TV — Thursday, March 20th at 6:20 p.m. CKNX-TV — Friday, March 21st at 7:00 .p.m. (Published ,by Huron Liberal Association) • • As •