HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-20, Page 5• MARCH 20t11,, 1958 Thirteen pieces b a "halter's - dozen" originatedivhen King Louis ork-Vance 'warned all bakers who gaYe under measure. that they would be beheaded. -7 It is estimated that 76 percent of Canadian homes are equipped with te1ephon.es,96 percent with radio and 63. percent with -tele- vision. SUNDAY SERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH March 23 -4th ,ftStinday in , Lent. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. MORNING !PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. -Thursday— . 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. 8 pan. Lenten Service and Address. REV. KENNETH E, TAYLTOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, MARCH 23. ' 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. What we believe. (4) "THE TRINITY." Junior Congregation and Nursery. " REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minisier. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox Presb ytenan Chun REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, MinistiCr MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10 a.m. CHURCH S.CHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon: "THE PRESENTATION." Nursery and Junior ,Congregetion. 4 p.m. AFTERNOON WORSHIP. Sermon: ."OUR INDENTIFICATION." A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Victoria Street United Church Worship: "Candles Ready To Be Kindled" 10 a.m. Sunday School, and Welcome to Adult Bible Class in the. Church. 11 a.m. "CHRIST, MY STRENGTH." Our families meet for Senior and Juniisr. Worship. 1.30, p.m. Benmiller Church "'after Bible School. 1 p.m. Union Church (Goder;oh Tp.) after Sunday School. MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A. B.D. MINISTRY OF MUSIC—MR. FRANK. BISSETT. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE - "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." SUNDAY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. FRIDAY,, 8 p.m. Young People's Service. REV. R. J. GREEN (Pastor). GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (tsnior Congregation and Nursery during morning service) ,7 p.m. FELLOWSHIP HOUR. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Bible study and prayer hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Minister. TEE 001ARICII SIGNAL.STAR ,ctopratzug pxsTRicm 00TAMIATAT:! STITITT. N •Additional Nssified 20. Public Notice 16. Engagements Mr. and 'Mrs. Harper Fraser, ,Prescott, wish .to announce,t 'engage/nett -Tot Jean, to Lorne Ernest DoughertY, son of Mr. George Dougherty, R.R. 3, •Goderich. The marriage will take place early in April at St. John's Anglican Church, Prescott. 12x ,(By Brian!, McLean) Which Is an upset in any man's language. Lail Thursday, the innior Boys' basketball team played the "All - Stars," a cokabination of several teachers'in the school and the Jun- ior Girls' team. The teachers were Mr. Dorland, Mr. Ogg, Mr. Tucker, Mr, Brown and Mrs. St. Michael. SMith acted as referee and t teachers involved were sporftng various colorful , uniforms. " playing fine skill (?) and commend- able sportsmanship, the "All -Stars" defeated_ the boys 19-17. * * * At the Huron County Seed-juag- ing Competition held recently at * * In Brief: the QDCI army cadet corps will have its cadet inspee• tion on May 7th this year.; the bop of 11B won the inter -form hasket- ball championship; examinations start on Thursday, March 27 for grade thirteen and on March 31 for the other grades; they will end on, April 3rd; proceeds from the musical held March 13 came to over $300.00. This will be given to the new hospital wing; As the 28th of March draws near, the curling club is making ready for the tourney in Kitchener and the bonspiel in Owen Sound. Rinks Clinton, Gpci played a prominent have already been chosen. role. Bob Lacey copped a first prize in the novice class, and a Don Young took away a third n / the junior event and a second in Ounci[ Arranges - second in the. -high -school iclasis. C the high school class while Richard , For Warble Fly Harrison brought back a fifth in the junior class and a second in the high school class. , M the bowling club goes into its Spraying Program last week of play-offs, Shielagh Lucas' Pogos are in first place, with Shirley Love's Falcons in sec- West Wawanosh Township Conn - mid place and John Sully's Satel- cil has accepted the application of lites in third. Fourth and fifth John H. Rivett for the position of places are held by Mario Cur- warble fly inspector for 1958. At the March meeting of Township Council, Mr. Rivett Was appointed at a wage of one dollar per hour. On motion of Councillors Mc- Phee and Durnin. Council also ac- rell's Sputniks and Judy athers' Alley -cats, respectively. This is quite a change from last week. when the Falcons were in first with the Satellites in secend and the .Pogos in fourth. In spite of the fact that Pogos have only four cepted Louis Blake's tender for the players, they managed to take a warble fly spraying of cattle in comfortable lead last Saturday, 1958, and accepted the tender of • Howard Smith, Brussels, to supply approximately 500 pounds o warbicide at 441/2 cents per pound in 15 -pound bags. On a motion by Councillors Mc- Phee and .Miller, Council decided to make a charge of 15 cents per head per spray for the warble fly spraying of cattle and also to levy a charge of 10 cents per head for each application for those who brush on the Warbicide. On a Motion by Councillors Cul- bert and McPhee, the road super- intendent was instructed to ad- yertise for tenders for tInk crush- -12-13 ita_and hauling of appraimately 7,000 cu. yards of gravel. Ona motion by Councillors Mil- ler and Culbert, Council agreed to renew the four insurance policies with the Frank Cowan Company, Woodstock, through the agent, Durnin Phillips. These policies ex- pire on March 15 and are as fol- lows: (1) public liability and pro- perty damage on township roads, (2) spray liabilitypolicy, (3) non owned automobile liability,(4) floater policy on the road main- tainer. The following accounts were ordered paid on a motion by Coun- cillors McPhee and Culbert: Signal - Star Ltd., printing account, $7.70; R. T. Kilpatrick Insurance Agency, bond on township treasurer, $12; John S. .Durnin, expense account re road convention, $35; Lorne Durnin, expense account re road convention, $35; Eldon Miller, ex- pense account re road .convention, $35; Durnin Phillips, insurance premium on township roads, $210.48; Durnin Phillips,- warble fly liability insurance, $25. The following road accounts were paid: Lorne Ivers, salary, $498.75; Thomas Finleon, brushing on -roadsides; $18.90; James Fin- leon,"brushing on roadsides, $16.80; Thomas Armstrong, brushing on roadsides, $21; Albert Phillips, brushing on roadsides, $7; R. W. Mole, helper on snow plow, $63.70; Robert Stothers, tire and tube, $391.97; Norman McDonald, plow- ing snow with- truck, $1,296.00; Imperial Oil Ltd., fuel and tax, $227.13; Reg. Hamilton, welding and machine work on grader, $9; Durnin Phillips, insurance, $31,7.29 TO RENT Store, close to Square. Would renovate to suit right party. H. BRADLEY & SON Hamilton St. Phone ,805 SALVATION ARMY, Special- Speakers: Lieut. Jean Grade,. Lieut. Florence Mitchell. 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday! School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. Capt. Reta Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell. Welcome to the Church That Cares SUNDAY, MARCH 23 10 a.m. Sunday School.. 11 a,m. Morning Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. "Hour – of Power:" 'Free Methodist Church Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor. For Your Eas\ter. Shopping Convenience . . . A photo of Campbell's Drug Store,. of Which James Campbell is proprietor, is featured in ,the current issue of !`The Shareholder," a monthly magazine published by Drug Trading Co. Ltd. ,An accom- panying article describes the transfer of the Infsiness to a new location on the 8quare. The article comments on the ultra- modern appearance of the store. the iollowing SHOE STORES WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS, Commencing This Friday, March 21 Ahl's, Shoe Store Ross Shoe Shop lViAer—Sh-6"e ST -6-r-6 ..1.11,,FALIVA) 18. Births DICKSON. — At Kitehener-Water- loo Hospital on March 14, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickson,. a daughter. JOHNSTON.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on March 16, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, R.R. 2, Goderich, a daughter. '= MELADY.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 18, 1958, to • Pr. and Mrs. Thos. R. Melady, Goderich, a daughter. STEPHENS. — At KW Hospital, Kitchener, on March 5th, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j. Stepheus, "K_Merier, a soxi,-Rob-ert Bruce_ 19. Notice to Creditors ALL persons having i claims against the estate of Louis Hogan, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the Cotinty of Huron, fariner, who died on or about the 18th day of February, 1958, are required to file the same with, full particUlars with the under- signed by the 29th day of March, .1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 7th day of March, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 11-13- Solicitors for the Estate. ALL persons -having claims against the estate of Grace Anderson Straughan, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County .of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 3rd day of March, 1958, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 29th day of March, 1958'; as after that date the assets of the estate will be diStributed. Dated at poderich, in the County of Huron, this 7th day of March, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 11-13- Solicitors for the Estate. NOTICE to Creditors and others in the Estate of Michael Joseph Stock, late of Holmesville. All persons claiming against the above estate are required' to fur- nish full prar4iculars to the -nnd r - signed by April 19t14, 1958,..'41 which date the assets of the atate will be distributed. Donnelly & Donnelly, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate -12-14 ALL persons having claims against the estate of John W. McGee, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired, who died on or about the 13th day of Febru- ary, 1958, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 5th day_ of April, 1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 17th day of March, 19Q8. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 12-14- —Solicitors- for -the-Estate. ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, March 17. — Sand Macdonald spent last week Florida. --Bobby Simpson, offer skull fracture ove a we ago, is able to be again. Born.—To M and Mrs. Bain MacLennan, a aughter, on March 14, in Kincar ne hospital. The teachers of Ashfield and Ripley Presbyterian Churches Sun; day schools met on Wednesday for the third ,film in a series on Christian education. 4titier PROPERW.,,owners desiring to have young trees planted on the boulevards in front of their pro- perties should leave their names at the Town Hall not later than 4pril 15th. Phone 200W. , IEBOCSIMPS110 we LOCAL INIPROVEMEINTS PARTIES wishing to have side- walks, curbs or sewers completed under the Local Improvement Plan should have petitions returned to the Council not later than April 15th. Forms may be obtained at the Town Hall. 42 21. Business Notice STD BULLEN'S CABINET SHOP, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kitchen cupboards and furni- ture repairs. Saw sharpening. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -38t1 ROSS MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE located in Hil5 Automotive and Supply building on Huron road. Phone 1415. Same service as always. pad AR'i iFICIAL INSEMINA- TION infOmnation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 hetween 7.30 and 9.80 a.m. We jhave all breeds avail- able—top uality at low cost. , VISIT' OR PHONE RE'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534 'til 9 .p.m. for an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the know-how. Pick up and delivery. -9tf supfric tanks, cess -pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels_ or phone 42 r 6, Brussels, 10-32x CARPENTRY, building, remodel- ling, dealer in Epps pumPs, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing.. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. 10-13x SHARPENING! saws, skates, cut- lery, etc. Axes wet ground. Well experienced. C. H. Homar, Huron road, opposite store. 11-12x SEWING — Dressmaking — Alter- ations. Get your suit material now for your new Spring suit and have it made to order. Mrs. M. Schmidt, 103 Trafalgar street.p 'lone 1370. -11-12 Used Cars 1950 HILLMAN Minx sedan, mech- anically sound, -tires and battery nearly new, G.M. deluxe heater. Very cheap transportation, $195.00. Also 1950 Prefect, A-1 condition. Ken Allin, 54 Victoria street, Gode- rich. -12tf 1953 CI-IEV. Coach, reasonably priced. Phone 788M after 5.30 p.m. 12x 1950 METEOR, $250. Must go. Phone 1202. 12x LEAD the Easter stile parade a fine used car from Goderich Motors' wide selection. _ '56 Fprd Fairlane Tudor, automatic -blid radio, special interior.' This is a low mileage car. '56 Ford Custom Sedan. Ford Custom Tudor, tan and white, exceptionally good car. 54 Ford Custom Sedan, A-1 con- dition. '52 Meteor Convertible, yellow with black top, automatic, .turii . nals, radio. '52 Buick Sedan, autoinatic, radio, -turn signals. See these and many more values at GODERICH MOTORS LTD. Ford,Edsel Dealty— South St. Phone 83 .-12 In 1958 tax payments of all gov- ernments in Canada will be about $500 per capita. went the very finost SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS ARE ALL PLASTIC COATED Wallpaper is easy to look after - - easy to look at and easy to live with. Colour texture and carefree living all yours when you decorate with Wallpaper. AVAILABLE AT HENDERSON S BOOK STORE 12 More Than 100 Attend The Men's And Boys Banquet At Benmilier BENMILLER, March 18.—More than 100 men and boys were wel- comed by Mrs. Milford Durst, pre- sident of the Woman's Associa- tion, to the complimentary dinner and pi-6gram at Benmiller United Church on March 6th. Mr. George Jefferson, of Clin- ton, the interesting guest speaker, was introduced .by the chairman, I Stanley Snyder, and thanked for his timely message by Reeve John Kernighan. After the banquet served by the ladies, the group retired to the auditorium where Mr. Bob Henry, of Goderich, show- ed some excellent films. During the evening a,musical number by Frank and Garry Allin was en- joyed, as well as a singsong led by Rev. S. Moote. After some dis- cussion led by Mr. Moote, a com- mittee was appointed to investigate possibilities of forming a men's club and the boys present were reminded of the Trail Ranger pro- gram. W.A. and W:M.S.—Mrs. J. Stew- art, president, opened* the W.M.S. Meeting held in Benmiller Church on March 15th. The devOtional section was arrahged by Mrs. Howard Baer. A chapter in the study book wag presented by Mrs. Franklin Mitchell. During the. business session, delegates were appointed to the Huron Presbytery meeting and a work report by KW; A. Baxter was given. It was de- cided to collect woollens and funds to purchase blankets again this year. Mrs. Milford. Durst presided for the W.A. section of the meet- ing with Mrs. Frank McMichael reading the opening meditation and prayer. About 30 ladies an- swered the roll call by naming their first Sunday school teacher. Thanks was given to all who help- ed with the men and boys' banquet. The parsonage report was brought in by Mrs. Norma Hazlitt and the ladies were invited to the manse to see the requirements. There was also a discussion regarding the decorating of the church audi- torium. The meeting concluded with lunch by the month's hostesses. NT armirsimmo, MIMI/ Decorating With Wallpaper _Mrs. Lilla Tillson, color consultant, Canadian Wallpaper Manufacturing Limited, will be present and will display THE LATEST' TRENDS IN INTERIOR DECORATING — at. North Street United Church MONDAY, MARCH 24th , . 8.30 p.m. ADMISSION 25c Sponsored by the Evening. Auxiliary <1 2 tlirougb the courtesy of SHEPPARDTON SHELPPARIYI'ON, March 18.—Mr. Lorne Dougherty, who left Iwo weeks ago for Prescott, Where the boat he was sailing on last year is getting ready for the season, spent the week -end with his father, Geo. Dougherty. Miss Shirle.y..Brown, nursing aide of Wing.ham General Hospital, is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Brown: Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth, of Teeswater, -who recently returned from Florida where they spent a coupfe of months, visited a few days recently with their daughter, .Mrs. ,Cree Freeman, Mr. 'Freeman 3nd Carolyn. Mr. Jerry McCabe, who had the misfortune to have a piece off the end of his little 'finger, returned home from the Goderich hospital Sunday, after spending a couple of days in the hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Nixon, 6f Luck - now, visited Sunday with their diughter, 'Mrs. J. Hussey, Mr. Hussey and John. Geo. W. Schaefer & Sons DUNGANNON Molorists witlf1955 and 195.6.model cars to take advantage of the big % trade-in allowances offered on new 1958 Meteors and Mercurys at Aberhart's Garage. Now -- while your present car ha s its highest trade-in value — is the time to trade up to a breath -taking new Meteor or Mercuiy! Come see what we mean at ABERHART'S DUNGANNON, March 17.—Mrs. Thomas Park was hostess at her home for the March meeting of .._,Zgulls Anglican guild._ Mrs, Ben Mole, president, opened the meeting. Flowers were sent to Mrs. Jennings, wiTe of the rector, who was ill at her home. Mr. Kenneth Brown, Ottawa, re- cently visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, and brother, Wayne. Mercury Lincoln — Meteor Dealer ST. ANDREW'S ST. .0.0DE ,