The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-13, Page 10• • r •_r P4kGE Tent W,dnr#sday Moon is aeadlh»- for Classified Ads , Fiver lines or less, Stec: 10c for each additional line. ° 25c extra for office box number. �yy wuv LWr rl v.aw� nw_-. - �.Msnw•. awu.mmrtaw .�.-cu "�,.�J�,XMrt'3':�,'�'� '�w`""z^`,...�:�?`( <�``?]o •.,ss�+a.%i4$i"3 `flii.+�,,. i_nis.w .«.v,. ..f,'"""v����naa,,..w,... T I QODERIC SIGNAL -S _ AR IA. For Sale (General) FOR THE BES'. BUY IN USED appliances, see SHORE AP= PLI,ANCES, on the Square. your Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent for CNR money orders. -12tf NEW AND USED R RIGER,A- TORS, ranges, washing made Ines, dryers, home air conditioning. Best prices, low terms, goad tpeade allowances. See LUMBYS, 39e St. David street, Goderich. .1�H CEDAR POSTS, POLES AND stakes. JOHN HINDMARSH, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 1190-4tf Hygienic supplies (rubber goods) melted postpaid in plain, sealed envelope xith price list. Six sam- -pipes-25- essamplesr--$1500•,---Mail. Orth,r Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. SUPER' POWER- AND SUPER speed, this chain saw will fill your "needs. Highest power and lightest weight. The McCulloch Model (Thrifty Mac) seen at BEEVERS' AUTO SUPPLY, Gode- rich, phone 295. -4 S0H'U1VL.M R CHICKS SINCE 1939. — We specialize in egg production breedse oply. Sussex X • Red, Red X Sussex, Red X Sussex X Red, Red X Rock, Rhode Island Red, Shaver Leghorns and Leghorn crosses. Record layers, the famous Honegger Leghorns. Started chicks of all ages. Free deliyery. Hatchery. Linwood, Ont. Agent, S. J. McGRATTEN, phone Carlow 3008 JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker Modern brick four-bedroom home with dream kitchen, living room, dining room, washroom and three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, very reasonably priced; also Willing to exchange for home in London. in a good, to iac oto, 4 -bedroom frame home, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, garage, lots of fruit trees, priced for quick sale, only $4,800. Low down pay- ment. SPECIALIZE AND - CARRY a complete stock for all Sparton TV's, and all tubes and most parts for other makes of TV. B. R. MUNDAY, TV, Radio and Sound Service. Phone 598. 127 Widder street. -7tf plums, DEVELOPED IN 24 hours. W. J. DENOMME, 140 The Square, Goderich. 9-12'x SKILL radial sew, 8e ; inch cut, 1.1/2 h.p. motor. •Phone 588 or 664. -10tf RODNEY and 'tarry oats. Frank Baer, phone Carlow 1204. -10 POWER saw with 1'., h.p. motor, .like .new. Can be seen at 72 Hamilton street. llx On the outskirts of town, 51/, acres; also 7e. acres. Both pdreers of land located on the highway. Future possibilities. Reasonably priced. - - elf -yet ar-e-looking can ineeat ment, here is an exceptionally good bey, large brick, house with three complete apartments, good income, price $8,500. On the highway, a good borne, barn, garage, henhouse, hydro, lots of water with 5 or 10 acres of land, only $3,500. Choice list of farms in Huron County. Commercial properties in Huron County including many stores. Income properties for invest- ments. We'll look after your real estate and rentals. Very good lots in town. Summer cottages. For buying and selling, contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Srreet, Goderich Phone 1108. fgalesmen: Geo. McGillivray, Lucknow Joe McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld 2500 BALES of hay, also quantity of, mixed grain. Phone 210W, Goderich. lix -GOOD--baled -hay and bales>,,. straw._ Don Hamilton, phone 652r 12. 11-16x 1` Ute- Beatty washer. 1 USED Rangette. TRADE in your old washer on a new Westinghouse, only $124.95 with pump. INFRA red heat lamps, only 99c. SALE on Westinghouse clothes dryers. WILE REINHART'S TV SERVICE MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER Late Winter Specials Five -room brick cottage. Good west end location. A real buy at only $4,200. Four -room frame and insul brick bungalow near schools. Only $1,000 down payment. Fqur Bedroom — Red Brick In an excellent location, this fine home has double living room, din- ing room and kitchen, first floor, four bedrooms and bathroom, sec- ond floor; forced air oil heating. Now an excellent buy having been reduced recently by $2,000, ROOMERS or Phone 806M. Seven Room — Frame On the Huron road, here is a good family house with four• bed- rooms, full—basement end large lee - Reduced $500, • tal Classified Ads On Csh Basis 5 lines 'or less 50c Each additional line, 10c Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY • NOON of week of publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver- tisement for bookkeeping expenses. 118 Elgin Ave. E.—an interest- ing bungalow, having an ,attractive living room with fire place, a pleasant dining room, three bed- rooms, bath and kitchen on one floor; basement, furnace, garage and in addition a lot on Picton street. ' A new two-bedroom' dwelling in a very good location near ,the school. Good living room, modern kitchen, utility room, oil furnace, $7,500.00. A very nice, 'well maintained 3 -bedroom dwelling in north end location; new oil furnace; a very attractive house. SALES Barn Scours? ? 'Prevent and treat calf and pig scours the, improved proven way, available at Rieck's Drug Store, 14 Square (near Colborne street). Phone 939. -11 GIRL'S spring coat. size 12, like new. Phone 989J. -11 F Clover seed, Garry and Rod- ney seed oats,. Brant barley. Graham Bros., R.R. 3, Goderich. .11-12x FRF --To anyone purchasing a new baler befqre haying season starts, we shall give • either an elevator or one year's supply of twine. New Idea spreaders, used machinery of all kinds; Purina Chows; leave eggs 'for collection by •Golden Glow. Geo. Wraith, Mon- treal street, phone 1285. -11tf GARRY Oats, cleaned, and Sor- ghum seed; Phone Carlow 1420. 11-12x TWO boy's 2 -pant suits, size 16, black- and blue, in good"' condition, s reasonable. Phone 779. -11 80 Acre Farm — Goderich Twp. One of the best in Goderich Tw,p. this farm has large brick house, good bank barn, driving shed, col- ony house, garage, and eighty acres of excellent land. Offered at a very reasonable price for quick sale. 115 Acre Farm — Good Terms Situated in an excellent farming district, this faf m has 110 acres workable of light clay loam, five acres of bush, large house, excel- lent bank barn, electricity and good water supply. Offered on excep- tional terms. Salesman: Harvey Lassaline, R.R.;2, Goderich. Phone 1599J 2 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED Phone 766; Hamilton Street -Goderich A modern attractive dwelling in, very good location on Britannia road. Has two bedrooms and bath on main floor. A' two -apartment dwelling on Arthur street, in excellent location. Each apartment has two bedrooms, 'self-contained bath and kitchen. Stoker equipped. Reasonable price. MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St: Phone 115W insurance Agen• Real Estate Broker SIX -ROOM house, modern kitchen, nice porch, new oil furnace. Write P.O. Box 792, Goderich. ' ' -11 boarders wanted. Goderich Pavilion cabs et dant lix ing every Saturday. Mdsic thin week by Benny Goodfellow and his FURNITURE wanted — complete orchestra. Friday, March 14, danc- outfit for three or four roomed apt. ing from 10 to 1 a.m. to the West- - _or..small_..home,-_.for-cash...--43-...St_. ernaires.- --•Coming-hada-y, -March street. llx Patrick -March outfit X concessions; 85 '` acres, 65 acres workable land, remainder bush and pasture. • TERMS --10% down, balance 30 days. Chattels—cash. Orville Blake & Son, Props. HarMd Jackson, Auctioneer, Sale will be held under cover. -11-12 AUCTION Sale at MGLelland's Sale Barn, , Bervie, every . Friday at 2 p.m., of 30 to 50 fresh and spring- ing dairy cows and heifers; big first calf -'Holstein heifers spring- ing; 30 well marked Holstein heifer .calves Deliver for $3 a, head. Guaranteed in four quart- ers. Buyer and door prizes. Also on sale will be five big, really top red. Durham cows springing. .. . • - -11tf- 1111•1•11111114 ••1111101111 NINE -ROOM house, close to Col- legiate,,..„ Easy terms. Apply to P.O. Box' 12, Goderich. 11-12x 2. Real Estate Wanted. 'MOBTT.R HOME, •IN EXCFI.l,ENT condition, fully furnished, six sleeper, extra cupboards and drawers added, 1956 model, 36 feet long, parked adjacent to Shell Service Station on Highway 8, East end of Clinton. For ,.further information, telephone' 931 or 344, Goderich. 8-l1x 113; Real Estate sax -ROOM HOUSE AND BATH, furnace, modern kitchen, 1,(l block uptown, partly furnished. Possession in one month. Apply 46 Church street after. one. 9 -fix WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, Rea 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. ' -1211 SELLING YOUR PROPERTY ? tissewhere you obtain the best results. List today with , HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate -Broker • 38 Hamilton St.; -Goderich Phone 766. BOARDERS and roomers wanted. Rooms suitable for two men,- twin beds. Mrs. Waiterbeek,. Light- house street, phone 331R. -11 e� 7. To Rent TYPEWRITERS — PORTABLES and standards. SKEQCH OF- FICE SUPPLIES, phone 611, Gode- rich. a -36tf STORE FOR RENT, 15 X 24 FEET. $25. a month. LES. CHAPMAN, 222 East street. Phone 154. -36tf STORE ON HAMILTON STREET, close to Square. Possession at once. Apply H. BRADLEY & SON, phone 805. MAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a floor polisher and vacuumNcleaner from the SHORE APPLI,A ' ltf Square. FROM 1,500 FEET TO 35,000 feet -factory space, suitable for heavy . or light manufacture, or storage; equipped with sprinkler system, exhaust system and heat- ed; office space available also. SCOTSMITI-I FURNITURE LIMIT- ED, Cambria road, phone 396. 9tf THREE ROOM APARTMENT, p�,a rtlJ heated, private entrance, wired for.range, suitable for couple only. Phone 565. -8tf 21, Johnny Fama, . Canadian play- boys. lay boys. See special ad 'next week_11 The Order of the Eastern Star will hold a card party in the Masonic Hall on Monday, March 17, at '8 p.m. This will include euchre, "500" and bridge. Good prizes and lunch will be served. Price 50c per person. Everybody welcome. -11 The Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet, on Monday, ,March 17, in the board roe at the hospital at 3 p.m. The W'CTU will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 18, at 3 p.m. at the, home of Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Stanley street. The roll call will be answered by a.. verse from the book of St. John. . -11 An extension course is to be held at Carlow Hall on Wednesday, March 26, sponsored by the Tiger Dunlop W.I. Next Wednesday, March 19, from 3 to 5 p.m., be sure to attend the Goderich GraduatoesNurses' Spring Tea and Bake Sale in . the Green Room of the Legion' Hall. Hats will be shown courtesy of Grace's, and flowers by Denomme. Draw for pink aluminum tray, and door prizes. Mrs. R. Brewer is in charge of reservations, so plan to meet your friends and spend 'an enjoyable afternoon. -11 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED' two -room apartment, two large closets, use of washer, frig and phone. Agent MISS MARY B. -HOWELL, : 10 St Vincent std 5t phone 213. WANTED to buy—a home, at least four bedrooms, on ,rental basis, $75 a month guaranteed. Write P.O. Box 541, Goderich. -10tf 4. Help Wanted BUILD- your own home under Colonial's Do -It -Yourself mortgage plan. Only Colonial will guarantee you . a mortgage to cover 85% of the cost of our homes. You supply the lot, choose-»aesColonial model that best fits your family's require- ments. We arrange complete mortgage coverage on terms to suit your budget: Act now! ' and receive storm windows for your new hoQme at no extra charge. COLONIAL HOMES, Canada's larg- est designers- and manufacturers of prefabricated homes, cottages, garages, etc. Contact Doug Mc- Knight, our Goderich representa- tive, 40 West street, phone 932 or write 904.. Oxford street, London 30386. Home or cottage catalogue 25c. ,,., -11 EXPEftlENOED furniture finisher —including hand rubbing, shading and spraying. If you- want steady employment under good working conditions write us, ' in • absolute confidence, giving FULL details of age, work history, etc. Write Box 58, Signal -Star. -10-11 • EXPERIENCED stenographer` -as secretary to general manager of progressive manufacturing com- pany. Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and de- pendable. Modern office, pleasant working conditions, permanent position, group 'insurance, etc. Salary $200.00 to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand. Write Box 61, Signal - Sear -11-12 ONE and one-half storey stucco house for sale, 3 bedrooms and garage, good location at 116 Bruce street. ,-11 FIVE -ROOM house, two bedrooms, tile bathroom, modern kitchen, oil heat, centrally located. Phone 588 or 664. ` -lUtf HARDWARE MANAGER.—A man- ager is required to manage a Mod- ern Hardware, Appliance and Heat- ing -Installation State, in a. Central Ontario location, with an annual volume of $250,000. The succegsful applicant should have had considerable experience and be capable of assuming com- plete management. Farm trade -experience- preferred. APARTMENT, furnished, heated; self-contained no children. Phone' 429W. -11tf LARGE ,three-room apartment and hall, ....unfurnished, partly heated, built-in cupboards, ground floor, private entrance. Phone 816J. -11 SIX -ROOM upstairs apartment. Children welcome. Mrs. Allen, 56 St. Patrick street, Goderich. fix This is an excellent opportunity for the right person. Write giving full qualifications and salary range expected to Box 'G0, Signal -Star. -11 6. Wanted (General) 8. Wanted to Rent THREE-BEDROOM house Phone 1156. OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%c lb., and dead cettle at value. If dead. phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, „phone col- lect 1483 J 4' or 1483J 1. -ltf "SPEY" 1 • • 1 s ti ti;.EED SAYS: by SAMIS MOTORS "LOOK THESE OVER' 56 BUICK 2 -DOOR 55 BUICK SNIAN' 54 BUICK SEDAN .wes0AlleUriP Atik GODERICH 54 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR 53 C'HEV. 2-DOOlt 52 011EV.2-DO R NISIONSIONNWAIMMIN 10. Briefs Order Site 11 'furnace oil and TENDERS will be received by the undersigne,up to 7 o'clock p.m., Friday, March 21st, for the supply- ing and delivering of the following: 1,000 yds. half-inch stone chips with not over 10% sand, 4,000 yds. three-quarter inch crushed gravel. Material to be delivered to stock pile or where the Town Foreman may direct. Delivery date to .be satisfactory to the Chairman of the Public Works Committee. Low- est or any tender pot necessarily accepted. A marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany' the tender. S. H. Blake, Town Clerk, Goderich, Ont, -11 stove oil from Edward Fuels tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf We new have in stock the very latest in high grade German made ZEISS IKON Cameras, also Projec- tors, "Light Meters etc: Mac- LAREN'S STUDIO. l =4`ftf Photographs. for all occasions. Also religious goods, picture frames and framing. Photographic supplies. MacLAREN'S STUDIO. So you plan to dd some wall- papering! Fine! And a fine time to buy, too, during Henderson's wallpaper clearance sale now on. Sale ends Saturday, March 15. -11 TPRS»AY, MARalL3ih, 1950 Classified Ads on GASH BASIS. Charge of 25c extra If Ids not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publtratlon eseTeSw. 1x + serene _ ,e . :-,fineessess..es..... - t ,.;varmc 4cstdsa.ieEtx,.s�5,.�"'Y.�Y...'"'.wF•AS'.!•i% 00004sNl04000004041 eommpievoimemmeesNesiimm mm SPECIAL -FOB FRIDAY ANS SATURDAY HONEY SPICE CAKES Raspberry Pies, made from fresh frozen raspberries EA. 50c 49c pie ° SF (DIAL FOFl SATURDAY -ONLY' Coconut Clusters (reg. 80o lb.) Special 69c lb. - HOT CROSS BUNS FRESI4" DAILY 1 CUL5ERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" WEST STREET PHONE 465 O40040N•4000040N0000000044.4sNi4/4111000 s4 0.011 fit_.__ TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE 'TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., Monday, March 24, 1958, for the crushing and hauling of approximately 6,000 cubic yards of. Ye" screen gravel from the township pit, to be de- livered and spread to the satisfac- tion of the township road super- intendent, eontract to be complet- ed by June 15, 1058. A marked cheque in the amount of $200.00 must accompany all tenders. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. C.•STRAUGHAN, Clerk; Township of Colborne, R.R. ' 4, Goderich, Ont. -11-12 wanted. 11. Auction Sales -11 9. Coming Events Euchre and "500" party at L.O.L. Hall, Hamilton etreet, each Thurs- day evening at 8 p.m. Admission 35c. Lunch supplied. Good prizes. -2tf The Kinette Club arc holding a bake sale and bazaar of children's hand -made clothing on March 29th at Larder's Paint shop. Articles will be on display at Denomme's Flower 'Shop, the ,previous week. -10-13 Rummage sale at :MacKay' on Saturday, 'March 15, at 1.30 pee., sponsored by Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Phone 923 for pick-ups. -10.11 ,Come out to the annual St. Patrick's supper to be- served buf- fet style at MacKay Hall'on Satur- day, .March 15, from 5 to 7.30 by St. Peter's -QM. -10-11 The ' local association of Girt Guides and Brownies will meet in the Guide room on Thursday night, March 20, at 8 p.m. -11 13. Personal MUIR,—The relatives of the late Mrs. Robert Muir wish to ex- press their` gratitude for the kindness and sympathy extend- ed them in their bereavement; they are very grateful to those who sent flowers or - cards off sympathy. MoNALL.—We wish to thank all those who were so kind to send cards and flowers during our re- cent bereavement, the death of our mother. Special thanks to Miss Thamer, of Seaforth.—The McNall family, Blyth. -11 MR. and Mrs. Richard Park,' sr., of Ashfield Township, will be at home to their friends and neigh- bors on Tuesday, March 18, on the oedasion of their 50th wedding itnniVersary. =11. 14. In Memoriam ., CLEMENTS,--In loving memory of Harry Clements who passed away ''March 10, 1956. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere and ' kind in heart _ and mind, - What -a beautiful memory he left behihd. . AUCTION Sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday, March 27, at 1 o'clock, at lot 14, Colborne Township, six miles north of Gode- rich, on Highway 21, No., 30 Massey -Harris standard' tractor with power take -off, lights,. and belt pulley; Massey Harris 2 - furrow plow; Massey-Hefies 8 -foot binder . on rubber, nearly new; Massey -Harris drop head hay load- er, nearly new; Massey -Harris No. 11 two -wheel manure spreader on rubber; 'International heavy " duty farm wagon With six ply imple- ment tires; 16 foot hay rack and slide rack; International .28 -plate tandem, disk; . International spring - tooth cultivator;' Cockel iitt' No: 11 13 -disc seed drill; John Deem No. 5 power mower, nearly new; John Deer 4 -bar side rake on rubber,, nearlyr new; Gehl hammer mill with 50 foot endless :belt; 6 -section heavy harrows; farm roller; 44 steers ranging from 600 to 1160 pounds; 325 De Kalb hens laying 80%; 5 York sows, some due sale time; 1 Landrace sod' in pig; 20 chunks; some hay, grain, ensilage and household effects. TERMS—Cash on livestock and poultry. Machinery 6 md'nths on bank approved note bearing six percent. Emile .McLennan, Auctioneer. John .T. Hussey, Proprietor. No reserve as farm is sold. -11-12 On Wednesday, March 26, from 3 to 5 p.m,. the Arthur Circle of Knox Church . is Sponsoring a spring tee and showing of fashions' for the stere parade. • To re-; serve a table phone 1342. -11 ' CLEARING Auction Sale of farms, The popular horticulturist, Pro- 'farm stock and machinery, at lot fessor John A. Weall, of the OAC 19, Maitland concession, two miles staff, will be guest speaker at the north of Holmesville, on Wednes- monthly meeting of Goderich Hor- 'day March 26th, at 12.30 p.m. ticultural Society at MacKay Hall on Friday, March 21, at 8 ,p`.m. Members of the Clinton and Au- burn socie't'ies have been invited to enjoy this outstanding program with us.,, Tea'with a flower story. -11;12 SALKELD. — Mr. George Salkeld and Joseph Salkeld take this . means to express their gratitude for the kindness shown them; they are very grateful for the floral tributes and the messages of sympathy. -11 WAlThe--The relatives of the late Bessie Waite are anxious to thank those who assisted in their bereavement; they would like to thank these who sent cards of sympathy and flowers: -11 WALTERS. — 'Mrs. Mary Walters wishes to thank her friends for gifts and cards while in the hos- pital, special thanks to Dr. Wallace, llx —Ever remenibered by wife, family and grandchildren. llx LARDER --In -loving memory of Mrs. Ada Larder who passed away on March 17, 1956. In our hearts your memory lingers, Always tender`, fond and true; There's not a day, dear mother, We do not thine of you. Ever remembered by Vera and Harold and Wilfred and Edna. se --11x '.Margaret Seager 'dub of St. George's Church, will hold a rum- mage sale in the Parish Hall on Saturday, April 26, at 1 p.m. -11 Repeat perfor Once of "Junior "' tonight it?MacKay. Hall, at p.m. Card party ' at Saltford school on. Friday, March 14, at 8.30 p.m. Good prizes, lunch. Everybody welcome. -11 A play entitled `,Her First Party Dress," and variety concert' will be presented in Union United Church by Clinton Junior Farmers' on Wednesday, March 26, at 8.15: Admission S'Oc and 25c. -11-12 NV "T. - ONTARI O, i Cattle -25 Holstein cows and heifers, some fresh, remainder due in spring and early summer; 2 Hereford cows, with calves at foot; 9 Hereford steers, 2 years old; 5 Hereford heifers; 2 years old; 14 Hereford yearlings; 3 Holstein heifet calves; rl Holstein bttel, 18 months old. . ' POULTRY—•225 'Hybrid hens, 1 year old. • MACHINERY -- Ford tractor, newly- overhauled; plow and culti- vator; 24" George White thrasher, 5,,hnse-Ceekebsett .tractor seeder: nearly new; 3 -furrow plprow; • ' spring -tooth harrows; hayloader; .dump rake; mower; 7 ft. Coekshutt ' Binder; rubber tired wagon and rack; farm trailer; 2 unit milking machine; 13 cans; 220 ft. hayfork rope; cattle dehorner; quantity of hay, grain, ensilage, — FARMS—lst parcel—lot 22 Mait- land concession, 150 acres, 95 acres workable land, remainder bush,and grass; parcel 2—lot 23 ,Maitland 18. Births - BRADY.—At. Unity 'Hospital, Sask- atchewan, on March 9, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brady (nee Sylvia Bullen), of Unity, Sask., a son. POLLOC'K.—At Alexandra 'Hospit- al,- Goderich, -en-..March 7,. 1958, to Mr. and, -Mrs. Cecil Pollock, Goderich, a daughter, ' Darlene Joan. - 19. Notice to Creditors 21. Business Notice SID BULLEN'S CABINET SHOP, chests, desks, ete. custom rnade; also kitchen cupboards and furni- tute repairs. Saw sharpening. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -3et1 posy MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE located in Huron Automotive and Supply building on Huron road. Phone 1415. Same service as always. volt ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of- cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BIt.EED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—tap quality at low .cost. ``jJSST OR PHONE REID'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534 'til 9 p.m. for an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the know-how.. Piek up ,and delivery. -9tf ALL persons having claims against the ;estate of Louis Hogan late of the Township of Ashfield, in 'the County of Huron, farmer, who • died on or about the 18th day of February, '195 are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 29th day ,Qf.March, 1958, as- after that "date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderieh, in the County of Huron, this 7th day of March, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 11-13- Solicitors for the Estate. THOM,PSON.— In loving memory of my dear sons, Alvia and Reggie, who passed away, 16 years ago and four years ago. Words can not tell how we miss e them, And, deep in our hearts there is a pain; ,God alone knows how much we mist them, - ... - _.. _ - As we journey life's lane. But their voice seems gently call- ing, Dear loved ones, be good and true; At the end of your life's journey, -We will be watching and waiting for you. -'Ever remembered by their mother and dad and four sisters, Ruth, Maud, Vera and Mildred. -11 15. Cards of Thanks SEPTIC tanks, cess -pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern egUipment. All work guaranteed. Write or , phone Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, or' phone 42r 6, BSbissels. ' 10-32x CARPENTRY, building, remodel- ling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners,; bathroom - fixtures, plumbing of all' kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phobe Carlow 1108. 10-13x SHARPENING! saws, skates, cut- lery, etc. Axes wet ground. Well experienced. C. H. Homar, Huron road, opposite store. 11-12x SEWING — Dressmaking Dressmaking - Alter- ations. Get your suit material now for your new Spring suit and have it made to order., Mrs. M. Schmidt, 103 Trafalgar street, phone 1370. - -11-12. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Grace Anderson Straughan, late of the Township of. Goderich, in the County of Huron, widpw, who died on or about the 3rd .day of ..,M,arch, 1958, are requited to file the same with full particulars with the' under signed by the 29th _day of March, 1958, as after that date the assets - of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of HHuron, this 7th day of March, HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 11-13- Solicitors for the Estate. CANTWELL—I- would like to ex- press deep appreciation to all my friends and neighbors who remembered me during' my re- cent illness; also ,Dr. J. W. Wal- lace and nurses and staff of the hospital for the kind attention. Kenneth Cantwell. lix COMRIE.—I wish to express my deep 'appreciation to all those who remembered me during my stay in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wal- lace, the nurses and staff ' for their kind attention: Lynne Comrie. -11 GODERICH CURLING CLUB wishes to thank the Town of Goderich for the prizes donated for __the Town of Goderich l FEAGGAN.--We' wishto express sincere 'thanks to our neighbors and friends for helping at the time cif little Paul's accident; also thanks to the nurses and doctors of Goderich hospital.,. A special thanks to Dr. Mills, Mrs. Howard 'Fowler and' Mrs. Wm. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Feagan and family. lix 22. Lost and Found GOLD ring set with large pearl and two rubies, lost. Finder please leave at Signal -Star .Office and re- ceive reward. -11 23. Used Cars 1955 CUSTOM FORD. FULL price $1,250. Will consider older model with some cash. Can be financed. Apply 29A East street. 9x Mr. and Mrs., George Currell. were in London for the capping ceremony at St. Joseph's Hospital school of nursing. 'Their daughter, Margaret, who is back 'at the hos- pital- -after surgery, was- one of the student nurses who received their caps. Mary Boyle, of R.R. 3, Gode- rich, was also in the class. vt.•iN M:M'.wy . • -.i NO SrirRiivG n Rev Satin is homogenized. You just open the can and start right in on your paint job. Even more important—you escape 'the pitfalls of inadequate stwang. Homogenized Rev Satin gives you a beautiftil, smooth job every time. It'd perfect for - -. and bathrooms. o. SERVICE ELECTRIC PLU"`IVIBING -- HEATINtt WIRING, - PHONE 808W 'and 8083 VICTORIA ST. it0001imeesisoeseemilliesolimeeee4soe ssets iaeos4y1ioup �, w 1 4,