HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-03-13, Page 5THIIR'SDAY, MARCH lath, Woe • ASHFIELD, March 11. •-•1?..' Miss_ Annie- Mite MacDonald, of Haini ton, Spent the week-eed with, her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mr. Douglas Horton of Toronto, visited recently with relatives V. rreetii seeere facial •cuts whets the car in which she was a passenger was in re collision with anther car on No. 21 highway south ofh'AnnberleY• ee-Year old iiobert Sliliap oR: sso'h of .Mr. and Mrs. Robe 8inip son, of "(fantail:, who suffered a skull fracture in a ' fall th,rough a trap door in a barn, la in the. War Memorial Children's Ilospifel, tie irltelZ`Q ar, Brantfol* Was home for the week- end. eekend. SUNDAY SERVIC E IN GODERIGH CHURCHES ST. 'GEORGE'S CHURCH March 16 --•4th Sunday in Lent. 8.36 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNiON AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. • EVENSONG AND SERMON. Thursday - 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. 8 p.m.� Lenten.. Service and Address. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. -F. STEPHENS; •-M:A.,--Organist-and--£-hoirmaster: THE UNITED CHURCH OF' CANADA North Street' United Church 10 a.m. 11 a.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 16 Sunday School. MORNING WORSHIP. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV:A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ,ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O-, A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING ,•,'RSHIP. .Nursery and Junior Congregation. 4 p.m. AFTERNOON WORSHIP. Victoria Street United 'Church Worship: "Candles Ready To Be Kindled" 10 a.m. Sunday School, and welcome to Adult Bible Class in the Church. 11 a.m. "MY DEBT FOR THIS LIFE." -- Our fami.lies...:meet -.for. Senior- and. Junior Worsh.ip..- 1.30- p.m. Benriiillef Church after Bible School. 3 p.m. Union Church (Goderich Tp.) after Sunday School. MINISTER—/REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MINISTRY OF MUSIC—MR. •FRANK BISSETT. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE `"ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." SUNDAY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING- WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. FRIDAY, 8 p.m. Young People's -Service. REV. R. J. GREEN ,.(Pastor). • GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery during morning service) 7 p.m. FELLOWSHIP HOUR. Tuesday, 8.30 p.rg. Bible study and prayer hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Minister. -NILE NEJE, .March Il.r. Walter Pettinan is confined, too, fierich. Hospital. We understand he was some bette yesterday; and wish hun a speedy return to health. Rev. Mr. Kenne4Y, minister of art'in the debate, wicl{t will "fol- low the pancake supper in Auburn church on Friday next. 1Z ?T?A QIgRI `! I SIGNAL -STAR GomtlluIx PIOT 0T>,00144,,,(1141%, A" T"E ASHFIELD• `•• r {, SALVATION ARMY Suriday -A. Day with God, 11 a.rti Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directors 'Clam 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m` Salivation Meeting. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. Capt. Reta Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell. Welcome to I4te-Church \- That Cares SUNDAY, MARCH 16 10 a.m.. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. "Hour of Power." Free Methodist Church Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor (By Brian° McLoan)- • sing three selections f f om the Broadway hit musical "South Pacific." Dorothy Enzensberger played a lovely arrang4lnent of "Praeludium" ,on the piano and was followed by the Allins, Gary and Paro), playing the •saxaphone and piano resPectively and rendeF,i, ing two modern hits. Following this was a medley of tunes played on the accordion by April Pridmore, and four "Rock and' Roll" arrangements by ,The Rock and Roll trio, Paul Smith, Wayne Willis and Wayne Muck. Marilyn Smith contrasted this de- lightfully by singing "L'amour, Toujqurs L'Amour."_ A quartette, made up of Pat Boutilier, Jo Parsons, Na n c y Hughes and Marion Sutherland, sang "June is Busting Out All -Eyer:21---•-phis -was-followed-by -the- senior Glee Club presenting five songs, including "You'll Never Walk AIone," "All the Things You Are", and "Till We Meet Again." Following the seniors was a duet by Dianne McConnell and Lorna Pratt, "A Perfect Day." The even- ing ended with a finale with the entire cast singing "Around the World," followed by "The Queen." _As a result of the show,, Alex- andra Hospital's new wing Will be enriched by about $350. • * * Although the junior girls' bas- ketball team was unable to defeat Beal Tech on Saturday at London, they put up a good fight only giv- ing up 37. points to 23. The top scorers for-',Goderich were Mae Stewart --with 7, Barbara Durnin- with 4 and iHelen,Fuller with 12. An assembly was held on Tues- day and Mr. Stephens showed two films, "Speed" and "Last Date" in connection with the safe driving course. • The climax . of weeks of hard work came for Mr. W. A. Tucker, last Friday when the • students of, MCI presented "Murch Musical." Master of ceremonies was Wayxie Stewart, while Mr. Tucker direr ed the event. The highlight of the :evening. and the performance which, stole the show was the irepersonatien of Al Jolson by Johh Morris. This was very realistic and the, result of much practice. Another clever number on the show was the fashion parade, stag- ed by the students of 10A. Thie. featured styles of dress from 1875 to the present. Worthy of praise also was the presentation of the Charleston by Pat Boutilier and Jack Clements. The junior Glee Club rendered "Aura'Lee"" and-"C-ate-h`walling Star" to start the evening off right. This was followed by a little bit of Scottish music with Jim Scott and Will Linfield. Mary, Lynn Leonard did a most professional rendition of the sword dance. 'Mit- was balanced by something from the ' shores of the Emerald Isle when Faye Brereton gave a stirring solo, singing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" and also -"Dear Old Donegal." The all girl choir followed to 4110.1111, -4 - Ironing. Board, VALUE $11.75, FREE with the purchase of any chrome set during Lodge Furniture Clearance. This is a modern, deluxe ironing board with ventilated top and adjustable legs. LOOK ,AT THESE BUYS ! 5 -pc. Chrome Set s109.�o FREE IRONING `BOARD__ Table 58" by 36"- High Quality and _Stine 5 -pc. Chrome Set 59" by 36" • Walnut Table fiop, Rounded, Corners, Copper Legs. slll.00 FREE IRONING BOARD 7 -pc. Chrome Set Table 83" by 36" Six chairs, an exceptionally good buy $139.00 42, FREE IRONING BOARD There areseveral other attractive chrome sets from which to choose, so make it a pont to visit LODGE FURNITURE West Street Goderich KINGsBRIDGE; KINIGSBRIDGE, March 11.—Mrs. Blaise Martin returned to her home here after a week's visit in Toronto, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Clarence ° Doherty, and husband. • • - Mrs. Catherine O'Connor, who spent the winter 'with her sister in Wingham, is now hack to her home here. k -, • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dwyer and two children, of Fort Erie, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne. 'Mrs. Dwyer; sr., returned to St. Catharines with them. Rev. H. Van -Vyncct sang the Requiem mass for the late Philip Murphy, whose funeral took place at St. Joseph's Church here last Wednesday -at -10 call. with inter• ment in St. Joseph's cemetery. The pallbearers were Henry Drennan; Alvin Collinson, Wm. Lannon, R. Miltenberg, John Wallace and Larry Wallace. Mr. and .Mrs. Kerr, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald and Mr` and Mrs. Jos. Murphy, of Strat- ford, tratford, were among therelatives who attended the funeral. Mrs. Andrew Martin has been a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich,'for the past week, -with, a fractured ankle. Mrs. Gilbert Frayne returned to her home here recently from • St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where She had been a patient for the past two' weeks. Letter to Editor: If you, don't stop printing Scotch jokes in your newspaper, I'll stop borrowing your paper from my neighbor. (Signed) Angus McPherson. Total commercial meat output in Canada during 19157 -. amounted to 35,000,000 pounds or five per- cent over 1958. Inon ,editor gets Waming 410' 1Mareli 5. -- Miss, Wilncxa. Dinn?ln, editor, of the Clinton news.+ .-...w. u. eYy°eS todayat h court's request to answer for an editorial which appeared during an adjournment in a case. Following the hearing of charges of drunk driving figainst Leo Zimmer and „Clare Regeir, both of Zurich ,district, arising out of a. fatal • accident in Zurich last Dec. ember 22, Miss Dipole wrote, the editorial which criticized the naa tit° of the charges. The editor admitted that she had no knowledge' of the legal 'defini- tion of criminal negligence at the time the editorial was written, but ,said she had taken such advice subsequently and conceded that she" 'had bee in error on the meaning of '_t a law. She apolo- gized to the 1 ourt. Accepts Apology The -magistrate accepted her apologies, but warned that it was a serious error to comment on a charge, as had been'' done, during an _- djo merit a the eksee to arch 5. , lie- said slid, comment could cause considerable pressure on the court in the disposition of a pending case. Had a jury ,been involved, it would have been more serious and' might • have . resulted in a contempt of court charge. ,Magistrate Holmes said during an adjouinment it was the first time he could remember. such an editorial appearing in a Huron County newspape>. DUNGANNON: ° DUNGANNON, March 11. --+Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh, • Petersburg, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Jones,- and -Mel: Mr. and Mrs, Ross Henry and family, Cedar Valley, visited on Sunday with his , ,.mother, Mrs. Frances Henry. Mr. and :Mrs. Anderson Mugford and Mr. and Nits,' Jim Chandler, London', .visited for the week -end with Mrs. Abner Morris. S.B. No. 17, Westz . Wawanosh, with., Mrs. Howard BIake as "teach, 'er, sponsored a euchre party at the school on Thursday night. High winners were Mrs. Graham McNee and Mr. Thomas Rivett. Scoring low were Allan .McNee and Mrs. "Gladys' Rivett. The Sunbeam Club sponsors the next party at the school• -on March 12. Brenda and Fa 'e Bradley, Gode- rich, 'grandchildren of Mr. and, : Mrs.' Phomas "Webster, spent the weekend with.. them. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson and little soft' of Toronto, spent a week with her parents, ,Mr.. and Mrs. Victor Errington. `Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan and J. G. Durnin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure, jr., Elmira. Miss' Margaret Joy Durnin, Tor- onto, also .visited her uncle ,Bill Nretlurc, -t:linira. Mrs. R..•McDonald .visited and at- tended' the sale at the farm of her sister, •Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Zion, whose husband "has not been en; joying the est of health. He was .having 'a clearing auction sale of stock, implements and farm. • Mrs. Hugh MCWhin-ney- and. Mrs, Chester Finnigan, leaders of "The Club Girls Stand on Ghdard," took their' leaders course on Monday and Tuesday at Wingham. Mrs. Ada Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. Wilson, Goderich, and Miss Mary Wilson, London, visited with Misses Nettie and Rebina Sproul on Sunday. Mrs. S. J. ---Kilpatrick visited at the home of her son, R. T. Kil- patrick, at Crewe on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and family, - ort:--• Albert district; -and- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crawford and family, on 4th concession, visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errington, and brother, Wilmer Errington, who '&-jr 3r 'e're choosing alipaper.... Because Modern people -proud of their pos=' sessions, know there's flo substitute. TQ -day ,Canadian WatIpapers ;possess Charm. ; and Durability. They're beautifully interesting and -fashion-wise, will give " a 'warm and gracious beauty all through your Home. PLASTIC COATED . WASHABljli SUNWORTHy NOW AVAILABLE AT H 'E N D E RSON' 5 BOOK STORE teaches near Auburn and resider' --K I WAIL at hone. Mrs. -Wm. Bradley-, and---daugh ters Alice, Brenda and Faye visit- ed her parents,, Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Webster, on Saturday, the latter two girls remaining longer. The United Church W.M.S. :March meeting was held Friday afternoon atthe home of Mrs. W. H. McClure. Mrs. Clifford Crozier, president, was_ in the chair. De- votions` were led by Mrs. Harvey Anderson. It was reported that four, hospital calls and 25 home calls were made. Mrs. Mel Reed reported on the World Day of Prayer. • The sum of ^ $12.45 was sent as collections to the Women's Inter -Church council of 'Canada. Mrs. Esther Rivett is being sent as Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. dele- gate. Mrs. Rivett gave the topic, assisted by Mrs. Robert Bere. Mrs. _Cecil_ Blake will have the topic for next meeting at Mrs. Rivett's on April 3r¢. Try a classified ad in the Signal- Sjar for quick results. KI TA'll,, Match 10.—The March meetiu4---of -the Kintail -W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Pert Alton. • The roll call was ansi eyed with payment of dues and a gift to the Cancer Society. A parcel of useful things is ready to go to the Cancer Society in Goderich. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Fred .McGregor, Mrs._ Stewart Lennon, the 2nd vice-president; presided. The olffice of the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario has • been moved from 1207 Bay street, to 20 Spadina road. This is an improvement over the crmwd- ed former office, and we wish them success in their new location. Mrs. Henry McKenzie gave a fine deo monstration on making satin cush- ions. She showed us several ..dif-- -f -rent patterns, each of which she explained and ' showed samples. She -offered- to -.help us •start -one if- we brought suitable material to the next meeting. Mary Alton played a piano sblo. _In the 'ab- sence of our pianist, Mrs. Bill Johnstone substituted. . this Spring ... a new lady blossoms Sew for softer styling .. . in softer colors Plan your wardrobe as fresh and feminine as the season's style dictates. No better place to start than right here in our fabric department. Pick your patterns from a complete range of styles in the soft silhouettes. And . ,.. spring demands_titat colors be equally g`oft. For instance, the magnet line suit (Butterick $088) would be wonderful in one of the new subtle mauve or violet shadinfs. We have a full pallette of pastel colors in the style fabrics... soft sheers, silks, cotton, blends, . in plain and print. aHl$�3. 11 SON Phone -86 Btittorle Goderich 8088 19 4 -New - Issue • ' ° $15,000,000 �x,, - T. EATON' REALTY CO3 , (incorporated, under the laws of Canada) • 55. First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, Series 2, 1956 Trust Deed , To be dated March 27, 1958 To mature April I, 1978. r A copy -7W the official offering circular will be supplied promptly upon request. . Price: 98.00 and accrued interest We, its principals, offer these Bonds, subject fo'Prior sale and change in price if, as and when issued by The T. Eaton Realty Company, Limited and accepted by us, subject to the approval of all legal spatters on our behalf by Messrs. Lash, Lash & Pringle. Toronto, who will rely, as to matters of title to the specifically mortgaged premises, on the opinion of Counsel forthe Realty Company. Messrs. Mason, Foulds; Arnup, Walter, Weir & Boeckh, Toronto, who in turn may rely, inthe case of provinces other than,Ontario, on the opinions of the Realty' Company's solicitors in such provinces. Subscriptions will be received subject to rejection or allotment in whole or in part and the right is resery'ed to close the subscription books without notice. It. is -expected that interim Bonds of the Realty_Gompany (in bearer form only), later exchangeable without charge for definitive Bonds (in any authorized form), will be available for delivery in Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg on•or about March 27, 1958 DOMINION SECURITIES GRPN. LIMITED ., + - . Established '1901,i' TORONTO MONTREAL 1ENGLAND HALIFAX SAINT JOHN QUEBEC WINNIPEG CALGARY . EDMONNON VANCOUVER VICTORIA OTTAWA LONDON KITCHENER HAMILTON BRANTFORD BOSTON PHILADELPHIA March, 1958 • Inon ,editor gets Waming 410' 1Mareli 5. -- Miss, Wilncxa. Dinn?ln, editor, of the Clinton news.+ .-...w. u. eYy°eS todayat h court's request to answer for an editorial which appeared during an adjournment in a case. Following the hearing of charges of drunk driving figainst Leo Zimmer and „Clare Regeir, both of Zurich ,district, arising out of a. fatal • accident in Zurich last Dec. ember 22, Miss Dipole wrote, the editorial which criticized the naa tit° of the charges. The editor admitted that she had no knowledge' of the legal 'defini- tion of criminal negligence at the time the editorial was written, but ,said she had taken such advice subsequently and conceded that she" 'had bee in error on the meaning of '_t a law. She apolo- gized to the 1 ourt. Accepts Apology The -magistrate accepted her apologies, but warned that it was a serious error to comment on a charge, as had been'' done, during an _- djo merit a the eksee to arch 5. , lie- said slid, comment could cause considerable pressure on the court in the disposition of a pending case. Had a jury ,been involved, it would have been more serious and' might • have . resulted in a contempt of court charge. ,Magistrate Holmes said during an adjouinment it was the first time he could remember. such an editorial appearing in a Huron County newspape>. DUNGANNON: ° DUNGANNON, March 11. --+Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh, • Petersburg, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Jones,- and -Mel: Mr. and Mrs, Ross Henry and family, Cedar Valley, visited on Sunday with his , ,.mother, Mrs. Frances Henry. Mr. and :Mrs. Anderson Mugford and Mr. and Nits,' Jim Chandler, London', .visited for the week -end with Mrs. Abner Morris. S.B. No. 17, Westz . Wawanosh, with., Mrs. Howard BIake as "teach, 'er, sponsored a euchre party at the school on Thursday night. High winners were Mrs. Graham McNee and Mr. Thomas Rivett. Scoring low were Allan .McNee and Mrs. "Gladys' Rivett. The Sunbeam Club sponsors the next party at the school• -on March 12. Brenda and Fa 'e Bradley, Gode- rich, 'grandchildren of Mr. and, : Mrs.' Phomas "Webster, spent the weekend with.. them. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson and little soft' of Toronto, spent a week with her parents, ,Mr.. and Mrs. Victor Errington. `Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan and J. G. Durnin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure, jr., Elmira. Miss' Margaret Joy Durnin, Tor- onto, also .visited her uncle ,Bill Nretlurc, -t:linira. Mrs. R..•McDonald .visited and at- tended' the sale at the farm of her sister, •Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Zion, whose husband "has not been en; joying the est of health. He was .having 'a clearing auction sale of stock, implements and farm. • Mrs. Hugh MCWhin-ney- and. Mrs, Chester Finnigan, leaders of "The Club Girls Stand on Ghdard," took their' leaders course on Monday and Tuesday at Wingham. Mrs. Ada Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. Wilson, Goderich, and Miss Mary Wilson, London, visited with Misses Nettie and Rebina Sproul on Sunday. Mrs. S. J. ---Kilpatrick visited at the home of her son, R. T. Kil- patrick, at Crewe on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and family, - ort:--• Albert district; -and- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crawford and family, on 4th concession, visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errington, and brother, Wilmer Errington, who '&-jr 3r 'e're choosing alipaper.... Because Modern people -proud of their pos=' sessions, know there's flo substitute. TQ -day ,Canadian WatIpapers ;possess Charm. ; and Durability. They're beautifully interesting and -fashion-wise, will give " a 'warm and gracious beauty all through your Home. PLASTIC COATED . WASHABljli SUNWORTHy NOW AVAILABLE AT H 'E N D E RSON' 5 BOOK STORE teaches near Auburn and resider' --K I WAIL at hone. Mrs. -Wm. Bradley-, and---daugh ters Alice, Brenda and Faye visit- ed her parents,, Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Webster, on Saturday, the latter two girls remaining longer. The United Church W.M.S. :March meeting was held Friday afternoon atthe home of Mrs. W. H. McClure. Mrs. Clifford Crozier, president, was_ in the chair. De- votions` were led by Mrs. Harvey Anderson. It was reported that four, hospital calls and 25 home calls were made. Mrs. Mel Reed reported on the World Day of Prayer. • The sum of ^ $12.45 was sent as collections to the Women's Inter -Church council of 'Canada. Mrs. Esther Rivett is being sent as Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. dele- gate. Mrs. Rivett gave the topic, assisted by Mrs. Robert Bere. Mrs. _Cecil_ Blake will have the topic for next meeting at Mrs. Rivett's on April 3r¢. Try a classified ad in the Signal- Sjar for quick results. KI TA'll,, Match 10.—The March meetiu4---of -the Kintail -W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Pert Alton. • The roll call was ansi eyed with payment of dues and a gift to the Cancer Society. A parcel of useful things is ready to go to the Cancer Society in Goderich. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Fred .McGregor, Mrs._ Stewart Lennon, the 2nd vice-president; presided. The olffice of the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario has • been moved from 1207 Bay street, to 20 Spadina road. This is an improvement over the crmwd- ed former office, and we wish them success in their new location. Mrs. Henry McKenzie gave a fine deo monstration on making satin cush- ions. She showed us several ..dif-- -f -rent patterns, each of which she explained and ' showed samples. She -offered- to -.help us •start -one if- we brought suitable material to the next meeting. Mary Alton played a piano sblo. _In the 'ab- sence of our pianist, Mrs. Bill Johnstone substituted. . this Spring ... a new lady blossoms Sew for softer styling .. . in softer colors Plan your wardrobe as fresh and feminine as the season's style dictates. No better place to start than right here in our fabric department. Pick your patterns from a complete range of styles in the soft silhouettes. And . ,.. spring demands_titat colors be equally g`oft. For instance, the magnet line suit (Butterick $088) would be wonderful in one of the new subtle mauve or violet shadinfs. We have a full pallette of pastel colors in the style fabrics... soft sheers, silks, cotton, blends, . in plain and print. aHl$�3. 11 SON Phone -86 Btittorle Goderich 8088 19