The Exeter Times, 1890-11-13, Page 5✓ FIGURES TELL Stovyge's,,r� ` Tinware#. r h Hardware, Groceries Mica axle (!tease 2 for, .. etsf124 Q Sunshine Stove Polish, six ' boxes for ... 23 Shoe Blacking, G boxes for 25 2 Steel l\ails,3taGfn, 90 4 gallons Coal pit... 70 4'gala do., (Vaterw•bite)1 010 H Annealed wire, per 100 Ibs 3 90 leo ta-t let b wire lj'Iau strap wire`' a 50 rel re clay 's ii. 1, 00 \ # 0 Common iron ._ .. " 9 75 H Horseshoe nails, C, ver box 2 75 ' Chesnut Coal per ton 14 No t coal Blacksmiths" Coal per ton, G 60 r Brilliant I enensular coot: 15 00 rr .Famous Wood Stove.. • , 18 40 H iia! See these Stoves and other H r-1 Ifeattng Si Coal Stoves ec before buying. His No. 9 Tin Boiler for...., . 200 see fel No. 2 Daisy Churn-. ... . 4 50 r� No. 3 Daiey Chute.... , . , 5 50 -a 114/41414/1/4 441114 M +\ r. ORDCERIRS. SHEARS, TEAS. Ca Toilet Soaps -full line --Electric, itudbian, London, Dingo:en. ra: -Dried Apples. elm Rine, Hides. -- 1,4 h'4 F gge, etc stilton in Reel/ante Exeter Railer Flour tont hand at $2.CO per cavt. JAS. N. HOWARD, Proprietor W. R. TIIO BUB, Dianager NEWS NOTES John lsyestrotn, eked 17, was drown. ed by breaking through thiel ice on Lake Bancroft, Ishpeming Mieh,, while skating Saturday night. The Chicago packera ,.of canned meats have deaded to advance meats I cent a pound, to cover tiro cost of the Cana under the new tariff, Daniel if. Burnham, a Holl -known Chicago itrehitoct, has been appointed by the World's Farr directorate to rho 'positron ofchiefof construction with a salary of $12.-000 per year. At a joint meeting of the Toronto guild of the Wholesale (3r000rs As- sociation anal the Toronto branch of the Holed Croa;ers' A>asooiation, held at Load of 'reale rooms on Friday night, it was decided that one per cent in ten Jaya be allowed the retail trade on 30.day goods and three per cent in ten Clays on three month's goods, after- which a per cent be al- lowed for unexpired time. 'Ile question of abolishing the funo tions ot grand juries in relation to the aii'r{itnlstration of the criminal larva has on several occasions been brought to the attention of Parliament, and insinuations have from time to time been mode to the Government .by mtrtttcipal bodies, judges and others interested in criminal jurisprudence that their alioattton would be in the public interests. Therefore, it is the intention of the liinister of Justice to lay before Parliament a bill oodyling the criminal law of Canada, both as retards substantive law and pre cedure. Blanshard Council. The muninipal council met on Monday at the township hall. Pres- ent, a full board. Minutes of the last meeting read and 1hpprovedand signed by the Reeve A communication was received from A.W . Ford,solicitor of St Marys, in behalf of Robert Henderson asking for damages for right of way to gravel pit. Council agreed to take no action in the matter, On motion ot Hutchings and Berry, the sum of $25 wee granted and paid to Blanshard and South Perth agricultural sooiettes. On motion duly made and seconded the following accounts were paid : William Dunhall, plank, $4 70; Ruth Richie, charity, $7 00; Walter Gowan, gravel, $5 68; Biddulph council, lum- ber, $2 20; John Bolton, gravel $1 60; P.11ern, grant graveling Town Line B. and U., $15.35, South Perth agricul- tural society, grant, $25; William Wiseman, gravel,$12.73; P. S. Arm- strong, seo. Blanshard ins. Co. $1 37, insurance assessment Tp,hall; Thome Tufts, gravel, $10.64; Robert Moir, culvert Thames con, $11.00• Robert Moir, gravel and gravelling town line B. and St. M; $15.20; John Skelly gra- vel,$4.00; Donald McLennan cleaning ditch C. S Road $5.00; Wm. Dykes cleaning ditches and culvert London road, $9.25; Wm. Dykes, tile drain, 10th con; $1.40; J. G. Hayes, gravel $2,08; Wm. Rundle, gravel, $8.00; Robert Moir, culvert 74th con; $13.00; George Milner, culvert 4th line, rep. culvert C. 8. Road, $3,25; Abray and .Edwards, plank, $32.68, Wm. MoCul lough, digging ditch M. road in leiu of culvert, $6.00, J, and B. Bear, Doon,' Ont, tops for bridges at Battentyne's and MCGregor's,$500.00; J and B. Bear top for Fish Creek Bridge, $258.23, Ww. Wisemau, undermining apple tree in gravel pit, $2.00; John Howard graveling base line, $30.80; B. Rosen- bargo, gravel, $2.90. Council adj turned to meet fleet Mon- day In December at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Save Iinnuie-With its intense itch/ 1, day, clot shin, often broken into painful cracks, and the little watery pimples, o(tmn causes indescribable enferiug, lieod s Strslah illa has wonderful eafnl :ewer over this disense. It purifies the blood and expels. the humor, andthe skin heels without a scar, Send for book containing meal;; teiat,"inents of cures, to C. I Hood & . Co , .AFaothaaa..riow, Lowell, Sines. CONDFiNSFaD NEWS: I?roinVar. Ions Sources'Pt rough; (Alt tills pistriet„ Tyl'ltcid fever is prevalent in tete town - hip of McGillivray. Lueau's rate of taxation this year le 20e mills ou the .dollar ; 13iaddulph'e rate is 9 mills, The water in Lake Huron stands at a higher marls than at any time in the pig five. yeses,. There were two days sleighing in Melicit township last weeks. The snow was fifteen iuehc•s deep. Mrs Boyd, of 1st eau, Diddulph, relict of the late Robert Boyd, died on lbursday last at the ;elect old age of 1Q1 years, The Norte: Middlesex ebeeee feetory Shut down nil on Nov. 1. The total make, for the five mouths was 1,401 boxes. S�hi'e plowing one day last week Mr W. Cunningham. con 1, McGillivray, unearthed an Indinn gone llatebet. Mr E. Day, of Kintore. one day last week thrashed '2,t 2100 bushels of oats fur Mr Wm. tiosaaclr-one day's wort:, Tbe Clieton; New -Record soya there are several houses to rent in that town Then Clinton cannot surely be hoisting its own. Mr Jonathan HodRine, of Lucon, bee sold out his livery stable and 'bus to Ur W Meld who taken possession Peat week. Mr James Mann on Tuesday. bought Mrs Martin Poreny'a farm en the 6th eon, llideulpb, containing 191 acres for 53,700. Tlie farm Is a fairly good one. elr R. Johnston, cheese maker for the North 4iddleses and Vedas -vele factories, bas ss cured a r itnilar position in ;ca nbre, Osfora county for next year. The Luclluaw business rhea have decided to ellen thew respective places of business at 7 ucl. ek 1'1X11 rltanhlg 020:0pting $atur days daring the entire, year. La.t week we referred to a 0 tat tool, place in Ieneknow. 8o eerioni was the affair that Sam Grundy, one of the prin. cipals has sliippe4 to the States to avoid the penitentiary. M the Clinton rifle match !stet week, Ur John Dunbar, of Downie, carried of. the prize fe.r the hi.;h at ai'ssregate, scare. ba•,ides wintaiter tho nledel of the Qrotasia Rifle! Mem:iatien. :l yteasg lei named 1B9efy. Bing in Welt It London, went ou a *hooting exposition the other day with three cempauione. Thu gun vas accidentally diaelter.;ed when the eon, tents passed thronali the lad's at ia, inviting it severely. Tito dwelling -house and C4111011114 of Ilovid. Carter, Molillop township, near Winthrop, was destroyed by the PAW, night. Lose 5300; no insurance. Carter was absent visiting relations in Brussels, and the home was unquestionably rat on fire. While driving home from saboel on Monday, ;!firs Bella Grieve, daughter of Mr ]rllictt Grime, of Pond lulls, drove over the end of a onlved, and the buggy upset. ting site Mas thrown lo • tete ground, breaking her arm. The t. wnebips of Usborne and Tooker. smith will not bola plowing matches this year. Tho mznagement claim that their trouble in "getting up" the matches Is not epprcalated as very little interest is taken by those in whose Interests the matches were inaugurated. On I£allowe'en some mischievous persona managed to suspend a plough from tbo telegraph wire, out by the (:iorrnan church near Auburn. It totally stopped the cur- rent, and a man from Mieltatn lina to be employed to set matters to rights. It nre.ns something like $30 to the evil. workers if they aro fouud out. -I3 yth Standard. A sad and fatal accident happened on Sunday, 24th Oct, to Miss Delaney, siker of Cornelius Delaucy, of the 4th con, !iib• bort, They were driving to church and ware in the act of turning to go lute the shed at the church when the waggon jolt. lug at a onlvert, throw Visa Delaney. ant, bar head striking the ground and breaking lior nook. Death wait almost inataetan• sous; Mr H. E, Moffat bas returned to his family here, after an active season as agent for the blliott Imp Co, of London. Iu the counties of Huron and Bruce he sold. macbines to the va'ue of 528,000. This speaks well for Harry'd abilities a9 a sales- man, and also of the quality of the Elliott machines. --Woodstock Times, Mr Moffat is well known in this noighborbond. At a meeting of dairymen held in Lm - don on Saturday last the creation of es. tablishing dairy schools in the western dis- trict was discussed. It was finally decided to petition the government to establish two, one in the northern district and one in the southern. In the event of this request being granted by the government the location of the school in this district will undoubtedly be at Ingersoll. • Paris Star :-Over twenty years ago Mr Nixon, at that time learning the telegraph- ing business with Mr Hitchbox, stamped his name on a penny and sent it out on oeaselees round. It has ever -since circul- ated here and there over the world, and a few weeks ago , the wanderer oamo baok to the town attain, falling into the hands of Mr R. Meredith. A little daughter of Mr James Findlator, of Luoknow, had a very narrow escape from drowning on Monday last. In company with a little daughter of Mr Alex Ross, she attempted to p croset the foot bridge over the creek on Wheeler street, but losing her balance she fell into the water and was rapidly parried down stream by the current. She was rescued in an almost exhausted condition by a couple of young men, but was brought around all right. School report for No 5, 'Osborne, is as follows. Names appear in order of merit IV-1Ia Westoott, Edith Westcott; III Sr - Violet Russell, Blanch Westoott; ILL Jr - Lila McCord, Jennie McDonald, Lily Mc- Donald; 1I Sr -Garnet F Frayne, Willie R Frayne, Nelson Pront, Lily iday West. oott; II Jr -Emily Wood, Violet Willis, Norman McDonald, Eliza Higgins; 11 Part ---Jessie lliohards. Maggie Russell, Vinoeut Wood, Arthur Sanders; 1 Part George Westoott, John Richard, Lily IIL liowoliffe, Willie R•twoliffe, Edith MoOord, 1)ayiu McCord, Tommy Higgns, 'Fred Cornish, 13enuie Bruce. A Free Home. A cottage worth ;5750 will be erected. or its equivalent in Dash given to the person detect- ing the greatest number of typographical er- rors in the Dboember issue of our monthly ( journal entitledOTllt MMES." 'Throe hundred and fifty additional clash prizes. amounting to $2,300, wlil also be awarded in • the ormentioned dot innin ul e governing r o .ore K g nom- petition. Prizes payable at par in any part of Canada or the United States. Send 15e in stamps, for complete rules and sample.00py of Our Homes." which will be issued about Nov 20th. Adetress,Our 'liomos Publishing Co., Break - villa, Canada. Seeder Roller Mills. i!TARK,ET BIPOUTS. Wheat .. 90o. to 92o. per bush, 0(31 SE«1LLi'1'Y,I'. 441..CES. Flour, Strong Baker's, e2 /A per IRO do Hest Family 2 110 h« do Low Grade . 1 75 1$t ori ,.. .,, 70o. Middlings . , .. .. 90o. Sareeniog , , ,., 00e. Chop .. ... 1. 15 to 1 25 Bran per ton, - $12 Middlings r. - - 15 Chop stone running every day. M'TERMS CASU. T t BX -WEIR AIL IN040 S, ii 44 R5 Ra 11Mert young, old, or middle-aged, who find theta selves nervous, weak and eehaasted, who are broken down from clews or ocerwark, resulting in many of the following eyw town Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of eight. palpitation of the bead. ewis_lone, lack of energy, nein in tee neys, headache, pimple.- en the face or body. netting or ;reeuler sensation abent the rctotem, wasting of the organs, dizelnesr, bpd etas lletoro the eyes, twilebiug of the tnueeles, eye lids acrd elsewhere, bashful• nese, depetits in the urine. lose of will paver tenderness of the scalp end spine, weak and fiabbv muscles, desire to sleep. failure to be seated by aleep, eonstrpation, dullness of hearing, loo ref voice. deeire for solitude, excitability of temper,ettnken 0505bttrround- eel with lt'atlen circle, oily lookieg akin, ole., are nit mom tretan of nervous debility that lead to ina'anity gni death: unless cared, 'rite spring er vital force leasing 1081 eta tension every fnnetien wanes lit cunseesteneo Those who throstdl1 manes committed in ifinoranco near be permanently enreal. Send emir address for b rot, on all diseases premier til man. Address M. Y. Lulc n, 50 Front St. E.. T,arnnt.i, tent. Reeks fent free sealed. Heart elieeeee, the sty/septuple of whirl% 'ire feint sl s re. Purine lips, numb nes, pelaatatieta, eel;in beats, hot dell/lea, rub, el blooit to the head, dull pain In tl.o !hart !shit la,avt clow. timid and irregular, the; see,antl Hiatt be';ti guider than the drat. train ant tet the breast mane, eta,. can past. tivtlr be cions!. Net euro, no pay. Send for beak. 4,l1reett M. V. Lt'aaN, i0 Front. Street East, Toronto. Ont, A BENEFICENT DISCOVERY. 'Til: S0BLSST &CUUIEV1 MENTOV SCIENCE 1'bo iran horse, with its tireless strength, its pubes of vapour and iii hart of flame, is a glorious exponent of the creative capacity of the human mind'; and lite metallic nerves through which iutelligenco eanreeeover a continent prove by every Hsieh of thought whish traverses/ them that !eau p.wieeasns one atttibnte egaentielly grant!, the power to en Whittle spaao and time. But wait and iniparten t as have been the resulto of tunkiug steam and lightning the ceuituun carrier and taassen- ger of tate world the disscavery by which weak or implies blood can be vitalized or restored to uelo vigour and purity by Meting of internal and extorted remedies is of le. finite volae Tim resources of vegetable chemistry a, developed alld spoiled by Thompson Hail tway have proved equal to this inieltty task. Hie inmaus remedies impart to the stream of life n dieinfectiug principle which /ma the system from all impure and poisonous elements. The Powers of 014 mi:dry are almost beyaud cnlculatscu,and ria he ling brought them to bear upon all the varittiea of disease in those invaluable vegetable cotnpouuds known as Ilullowav'a Villa and Ointment, they halo compaes:d their ',Wiest and holiest objt:ct• Steam,as the great tnotor,is a subsidiary agent. Its usefulness consists, mainly, in conveying substantial benefits, with speed and certainty, to the fields m which they aro to operate. It is simply the bearer of blessing, not their originator, Of all the freight which it carries overland and tea, there is perhaps none so precious as Hol- lowa)'a remedies. It is scarcely a figure of speech to say that wbithersoever it couveys them it flies "with healing on its wings." Under the influence of the Ointment, the skin, however disfigured by eruptions or excreecencet=, becomes a tabula rasa, pure, spotless, and transparent;; and this erasure of blemishes is not accomplished dy driving back disease into the vital recesses of the system but by neutralizing the morbid inu- terial which feeds it. (.+,The Pills sot upon tbe internal fluids and the organs which secrete them upon the sanitary principle. They destroy the norid particles subjected to their chemical adieu, as infallible as an alkali neutralizes an acid; oud at the same time impart a mild and constant electric action to the secretive and excretive maohinory. The sanction of governments, the patron- age of princes. the approval of all Christian nations, the gratitude of pagan millions attest the worth of these twin curatives. Iu fact there is no region with which Eng. laud or any country bas any commercial intercourse where Holloway would not find himself at home. Some estimate may be formed of the extent and variety of his foreign correspondence, from the fact that sixty corresponding clerks, of which num- ber sixteen are accomplished linguists, are employed in conducting it. He is the centre of a anter), circle that belts the world. --Daily Republic. THE PEOPLE'd YITA$s- People make a sad mistake often with eericne resu: is when they neglect a constipated condition of the bowels. Knowing that Burdoctt Blood Bitters is an effectual cure at any stage of constipation, does not warrant us 10 neg- lectiug to use it at the right time. Use it now. THE QUEEN PAYS ALL EXPENSES Tho Queen's last "Free trip to Europe" hav- ing excited such universal interest, the pub- lishers of that popular magazine offer another and $200 extra for expenses, to tire person sending them the largestlist of English words constructed from letters contained in the three words "British North America." Additional Prizes oonsisting of Silver Tea Sets, China. DinnerSots,llold Watches,Freneh Music Boxes Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses. Mantel Clocks, and many other useful and valuable articles. will also be awarded in order of merit, a special prize of a Seal Skin Jacket to the lady, and a handsome Shetland Pouy to girl or boy (delivered free in Canada or United States) sending the largest lists. Everyonesending a list of no twenty t less than tw nt : words willreooive a present Send four 8o stamps for complete rules, illustrated catalogue of prizes, and sam- ple number of The Queen. Address Two CANA- DIAN QUEEN, Toronto, Canada. i'ar Pitcher's CastnriP its, 1 `T REPORTS.. exzeelt Red Whest Spring Wneet... t3arley ,. Oauts Clover S sett Tituotby Peas Core gage Batter Flourperbbl .. t'otatoes,p er bushel Apples,per oag Ariedei.pplespr b (Wee.) per lb. Tarkev per ib Ducks peg lb phiekensper pr Bogs. lresseCperl(O Beef -. r{idea onah, dressed Sheepskins each Calfakin8 Wool perlb Hay pert or•. Onions/Der-lush Wnodreroord 404 4.114 411 AAA 4. omt '.M114414 441. 444 1.4 0%0 00 91 • 00 y0 to 00 91 ▪ 4+0400095 +•. 35 to 3r ▪ 3004037; "+. 1 50 co 2 0/ -, 55 to vc ••+ 0 40 to `1 C .., lto 17 ... f3 so 1• Co 5 ••• 0. 70 to 0 7' • 1 CO to 1 00 .,. 0 4to000 • 0eato047 ,.. 0 08 to 10 0(0to007 .., 0'2S to 0 34 .. 0 te55'1 .., 4001052.5 • 00 to 2 00 • 350 tow4't ,.. BO A0 Y'e 050.to05- .., a13t002) "„ 6 (0 toe no • 0se400(5 .. 250to300 ET: traltlee 0 Fall Wheat 0 9 ) 0 02 Sprirg Wheat................. 000092 !lanes . 1 014410 0 43 (lets 4 11. 3 e Clover Seed...... 1 �, S'imotfig ... .......................... ... ... 1110,, ix iPeas O,,i1'ai a 100lfa $miter ..... 12 0 VI Potttoee per Mia ......, ,s 9. APp1en per boob 050 'Wool perIb 2i 020 lily porton 5 516CA i raw per fou .14 On 1410 shorts'• ., oatmeal perbbi...... ....... ...,. 0 00 7 0). LONDON'. Wheat, eta to Ole ,per bus. Oats. eerie to 4ite per bus. Peae,5.o to Ole per bus. Bar- ley,'rtrleing-13 101 a ver bus Bailer Feed, to Pc per bus torn. Oiie (e per. ru+hal. TORONTO. Terauttp. Nov .S.--Wbent to Oto per hue• red winter.!\o.•e ,e mese per 1 ua '�lanitee_a n t herd.13' 10 I'rtNo.2,1 4 lel rt: 11E err me to'so per bus 0AT:` 40a to 41e per bus. FLOUR, extra. el.10 to ' 4.15 per is 1: straight roller eel ell to e. tong h rlrers,e4,eet to $1,r0. 1i llf,k Y, 0 1, e1ete(':-: "to3extra. Ste to 5:0; No 2. le ,..,. Newsitt A Nutsl1ell- ht3:e3 etlit:is tt papulltion of 4:,121. 1$. `l T2ti'a, 11l,,eps� by the Pietau, :\, „ fere weft S' "When atilt Nevembetes ebihy Masks lay wateIsseed forestsbare,'. Ness! Reim le the ens seen s ms'es'. Never toile, It,•it. \largo and Scratches of every kind, uta ltuar,tn or animals. cured in 50 minutes ny Woo:lforvl's Sanitary Latfou. Tlois never fails. Sold by e. Lutz, (rupgist. Prisma of pintos are aIvaueing in New Brunswick curl€egtmnt on largo shipments across the lines. Ilytatt•psia in inti worst fauns will yield to the Dare of Carter's Little Liver Lille. 'Them net only relieve present distress bat etret,gthenthe stomach and digestive ap. drains, John Waite to Co, rcorchaits at Weed - stock, milted a tweed cheek fur $112 Sate urday, signed by U a Riau of (Fest Oxford. The rune elm ret the !nonny cannot be found, of come. Ministers, Ltiwyerv, Teachere, ani others wee • a mum -aloe gives but little exercise, eltnnlet use Casae a Little Liver fills fur torpid liver ails blliousness. One is a dose. Try them. Kline or Miller, the cowboy who swindled the homers of Qxfurd so badly and rapidly, has been sontene-,t to t'renty Wren months at Kingston. Whee.iufi and snuffles in children can be instantly relieved by the nae of Basal Balm. Why let tbo little ono suffer when au:h lte:ip and sure euro eau be had? Try it. English Sperm Liniment removes al bard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, 131ooti Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring 13one, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sorb and Swollen Throat, Copps, etc. Savo $50 by use of one bottle, Warranted the most wonderful Blemish. Curo over known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If sou will send us your address. we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Cal brated Eieetro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and theirehartningeffects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore YOU to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send seetaBolt and Appliances on a trial, VOLTAIC Bars Co.. Marshall, Mich- Wl.^ti .'aa ' rn wo gave her Ccetoria When sho was n Child, sho cried. for Castoria. When she became ]suss, sho citing to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, WuAT Is A DAY'S LAnos'7-One days work for a healthy liver is to secrete three and a half pounds of bile. If the bile secretion be deficient, constipation, ensues ; if profuse , biliousness and jeundico arise, Burdock Blood Bitters is the most perfect liver regulator known in medicine for pre- ventingauil curing all liver troubles. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from practice bav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pormanentcure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous eomplaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive. and a desire to releivo human suffering,I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe in German, French or English, with full directions fir preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Block Rochester, N. Y, • Avviah Toitornttiis.-&reyou tisturoodat. nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and oryiug with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so sand ast once and got c, bottle of"1trs Mimslow'eSoothing Syrup "forChil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable It will oilieve the poor tittle sufferer mediate!., remind upon 11, mothers ; there is n mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates tbe Stomach and Boweis,oures Wind Colic, sot tons Inc Crumb;. reduces fnffammntio•u, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to rho taste and is the prescription of one of the oldestand beat ea female physicians and nurses in the United States and is foe sale by all druggists throughout tbe world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. 'Be sure and ask for"!fns wiNSLowa seerai:ie Syne"and take' no other. • R . ,.. AND B R _WHERE TO BUY The Best Goods for the Least Money. We carry the largest siocll: of STOVES and TINWARE in own, and we sell them at the lowest possible price for cash. tnimilimms In Ilan, and .Library Lamps we are showing: an elegant clisp!aj' at right prices. AU !antis of Tal:4e aril Baas Lamps at wholesale prices. In OROSS•C:UT SAWS we are showing- a!l the fatest and leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to oh r <:son.. =E5 -•A large stock at prices that defy ecwpetitiou. As usual, a !hill stock of general hardware, on hard. infs. Oils and G:aas� ;agents for the celebrated Reymond Sewire; Machine. *eF•-+FJSSE TB '.R S, WHAT THE •PEOP .;(E The Most Economical Stove 1 The Rest I:i(itttir, A. Perfect Taker for Putty ' or I The Best Faucet St:.:.1,v r• Dread. i Gond fur Verson in P.n. Call and fano this and other first -el' C. Gurney Company fol' sale only by ITATILIZa FOLATA AND CENTRAL Dru.. Stor 1 (IV. S fr.,u1 E. A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exetei. C LUTZ. yes Tested l T{. • S 3.1 LI tt11.11.. t.T Practical Optician, Graduate antic School 1.Y Eyestested; defectivesigbtrestorrdbeth. Md ofano glass s. Large assortment et an nnestglasses on hand. A callsolf.citcd. ..4. S- r 1-4A. 2 , 5.00 rYLTNT.)A.S-ST Landon. )OAll Fort; SI RVICB. iy'..NELL. of lot 15, eon 7, lesberno. will keep for the improvement of stock. a thoro'bred Chester white boar. Terme: el at thee of service. �r� NOTICE. 7' ,.:L Freshalzcl ,New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Jurat arrived at the family Grocery, Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with one ib. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A..HYND 1LAN. DO YOU WANTTOBTJY 0 l FIRST -G I j S FURNITURE N AT LOWER RATES THAM .SHA M GOODS t -ARE USUALLY SOLD---- THL BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET t Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price; Pantings at any price Rest Ordered Clothing pieduced in Exeter Gentlemen 1leave your orders ar l y, for with the best staff sof Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town , yea are sure of satisfac- tion A.. J s ��1 riZa.41�s. -TBkN CALL AT- GIDLEY'' -ON LY FIRST -(:LASS - Reliable Good At Prices Lower that so -caw led' Cheap Houses can give Undertakini a,11 it Branches. archas S. . S, GIDL,EY f (Successer to C, & S. Gilley) ODDFELLOWS' BLO$