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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-02-27, Page 6
;b- TH . GODERI IIGNAL -STAR raftIMPAY, fliM. 27th* 1 4-,o, • ,.t ers Honored At And Son Banquet ,. Father and Son banquet Fri- ' a ii- da evening at the Legion Hall by Scouts and Cubs was the first of a ,series of events locally to honor the ' founder -of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell. All round,the world, Scouts are holding celbra- tions, to mark the 101st anniversary of the birth of Lord Baden-Powell. • A, ttnrke► dinner, prepared and served, by .tile Legion ladies, Was enjoyed. •11Ma§ter of ceremlonles at` the banqu, t ,, as Jack Cory, who ` 'gavea brie tory of Lord Baden Powell an it origin' of Scouting. Mr.Cory bxplained that Scouting actually came into being accident- ally. Lord Baden-Powell found that ''a textbook he had written and intended as a military hand book for training army scouts was being used by boys in England. •1t was entitled "Aids. -ta. Si outing ," Ile then re -wrote' the book and called it "Scouting for *Boys:" at the same time forming the Boy Scout organization, with the aim of developing good ,citizenship, self reliance and service to the com- munity by • the boys. In the past ation has grown, to a membership of 7,500,0.00 in practically every country in the world outside of the Iron Curtain. i Wood badges were presented to Cubmaster,Jack Cory and Ass'istan.t Cubmaster ''Don Stem') by District Commissioner Glen , Lodge, who explained that earning of Wood badges required the writing .of three sets of examinations -a week in leadership training came„ six months on probation as an active leader, and the recommendation to 'Dominion ,Headquarters by the dis- trict commissioner. After presentation of the badges, the film of the 1555 World Jam- boree at Niagara -on -the Lake was shown. Swlday. February, 23,. was cele- brated throughout the world as 'SP Sunday:" The Goderich Scouts, Guides, .Cubs and Brownies and their leaders attended their own churches in uniform. Enlarged Goderich Summer School Is Pressing Need The pressing need for the en- larging of the Goderich Summer School was told the Huron Pres- bytery of the United Church of Canada in session at Clinton this --week.: --=Presiding- -was . Rev._ Ii .1... McRae, of Wingham. Rev. J. L. G. Brown, Brussels, reporting on the Christian Educa- tion Committee, told' or the ea7np that are being planned for the coming summer. In the statistical report, Rev. W., J. V. Buchanan, Gerrie., showed that there,was a rise of 14 per cent in ,the missionary givings of the Pressbytery, a membership increase of 250, and an increase of 350 in the membership of the W.M.S. Rev. C. E. Daniel, Hensall, was elected to fill in the remainder of the term as chairman of the Pres- bytery, as Rev. D. J. McRae, Wing- ham, has accepted a call to Renfrew. Rev. B. 'W.' Hall, Seaforth,.. ref. ported that in the drive to- build 4 i;esidence for United- rhureh 'students of Western University, London, $37,830 had already been pledged within the Presbytery. Speaking on evangelism and social service, Dr. James Semple, Egmondville, stated that t h e Church was alive to the broad issues of "this complex world," by referring to some of the recent statements of the Church on tem) perance and unemployment., LI-- u --- ---u Taylor's Corner 'PAY'LOR'S t`ORNtR, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oke and sons, Zurich, visited during 'the week end -with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Oke. - Mrs. L. L. Walter, of Goderich, and Mrs. Coleman, of Bow Island, Alta., visited Mrs. Wm. Straughan and Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Sturdy on Wednesday. 'Miss Lois Holmes, of London, spent the week -end at her home. Taylor's Corner Community Club is holding its turkey "dinner on Friday night. Three residents of the commun- ity are patients in the hospital. Miss Clara Harrison is in Goderich hospital sgffering with a fractured ankle and Miss Florence Stirling and Mrs. Ken Holmes are in Clin- ton hospital. Former Exeter Mayor. Is Liberal Candidafe. (Continued from page 3)produce is the United 'States." "it's all disappeared naw." He' The Conservatives, he said, had'e i , that the Liberals had never , been talking about restoring mar- saidk'ets "which in my lifetime never overtaxed the ' people -except Pos- ' existed," and they're puzzled. be- sibly for one occasion about 10 'cause the U.S. is " now restricting years ago when there was an un- purchases of Canadian goods. expected surplus. ! "On every occasion when we This year the government will ' had a Conservative Government in run up a deficit, in the opinion of Canada, tariffs went up against us Mr. Harris, ail next year the Con- , in the United States," said Mr. servatives ' expect a deficit of Harris. "A Liberal Government $500,000,000 'to $600,000,000 if . will restore normal trade with the they remain in power. 'United States, to the profit of all >,q. `'.:i•. Harris said that Mr. Fleur -Canadians." Canadians." ' ing had stated that- he would de -1 Mr. Harris continued, "The past liver a budget -containing some eight months have been a ' clear ax u s, in ica fon a un er a onse the government decided that this ' ative administration they 'don't would not be done. Mr. Fleming"' know how to tackle the job. And, had hedged and was trying to 1 as a matter of fact, I think the avoid giving any . accounting to public- knows that and will vote the people, contended Mr. Harris. them out of office on March 31." The Liberals had never tried to 1 - Not New? conceal the government's financial I Speaking on unemployment, Mr. 1 position, said Mr. Harris. In fact, I Harris said that many people might.l he said, "under the Liberal ad- ' have a mistaken impression about Mr. Diefenbaker"'s recent announce- ment of a billion -dollar public ,04 ministration, we had ,more than one budget' in one year." He accused the. Conservative•agov- works program. ernment of deliberately avoiding 1 The fact is, said Mr. Harris, such an accounting.- "there wasn't hardly a new thing FoundNo Waste? 1 in the whole lot." Nearly all the Tories the reached power, , public works . announced by Mr. they complained of wasteful spend- ' Diefenbaker were in Vis' blue ing by the government,. said Mr. book six months before the 'Co11- Harris. After they got into office, servatives came to ' power, he the Liberals prodaed them as to I claimed. what would be done to reduce I Stating that Canada has 800,000 "waste" in the various depart- unemployed persons and that the °.menta. This question. ;had been figure may hit 900;000 or more put to at least 15 members of the ; soon, .Mr. Harris claimed, "They Diefenbaker cabinet, said ' Mr. r are not seasonally unemployed per- 'sebs. These are real lay-offs . r . people who haven't much chance of employment unless they can • Harris. Not a single one was able to suggest a saving whatever in his department:" asserted Mr. Harris. , catch seasonal employment in ,May The Tory ministers actually de- or June. The plain fact is that fended their departments as beim; business 1s declining in Canada." . efficient and they resisted siygges- , Ile charged, "The Tory gov- tions that expenditures be ciit, he' nfent has done nothing -snore than said. ' the .usual campaign • (I)o It Now) 1 - Mr. Harris recalled that in his started three .years ago to alleviate first year as finance minister, ex- seasonal unemployment." 1 , r. 4w^ WHY SHOP.HOP? iota WO Nap •�l 11, •• 9.. • YOU'LL GO FOR THESE Why hop from shop to shop when e stop at A&P' gets you wonderful variety, quality and value! When you do all your shopping A&P, you save on your total food bill. Our ,policy .of STOREWIDE, EVERYDAY low prices on the many' foods you buy often, plus specials, do the trick! Yea, it pays to. turn into A&P every time; you'll find a carload of values whenever you come. IEEE CUT SPECIALS VALUE Honey Pcd Reg. Price 2 tins 35c—SAVE 4c STOLEYtS PEAS z 3 15-0z tins-4r9>E Rap Rite TOILET TISSUE Aylmer Reg. TOMATO SOUP Monarch Chocolate or White CAKEMIX Reg. Price 27o—SAVE 4o pack of 2.rolls 23C Price 2 tins 25c -.-SAVE 2c I-1'0;4;ns 2 3 Reg. Price 35c --SAVE 4c . 16 -oz pkd 3 11 c CANNED GOODS SALE Choice Cream Style • Reg. Price 2 tins 35c—SAVE 6c A&P CORN 22o.ortinsl9c Choice Quality, Ungraded Reg. Price 2 tins 21c --SAVE 30 AiLP EAS - 10 -oz tins L y ft Choice Quality u Reg >_Price -tin .33c—SAVE-..7c A&P PEACHES 228-OZtn559c A&P Sweetened Reg. tin 31c—SAVE 7c ;RAPEFRUtT JUICE 248.ortins5 5c RAKERY SPEIALS! Jane Parkcr - Reg. Price 49c—SAVE 4c LE .'.•' 0 PIE - each 4 5 i Jane Parker Reg. Price 65c --SAVE ,6c BLUE;ERRY PIE each 5 9c Jane Parker Spanish Reg. Price 43c -SAVE 4c BAR CAKe each 3.9c Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. Price 33c -SAVE 40 BREAKFAST ROLLS ' pkg 29c MADE IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Mild & Mellow — Custom Ground 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 1-4b .pkg 76c 3 -Ib bag 219 LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Nippy Canadian R. Price 49c,t-SAVE 40 OLD CHEESE 1b 45a Ready Cut Macarcni, Bite Size, Fork Size CREAMETTES 2 7 -oz pkgs 21 Sardines FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS French Fried Reg.' 2 for Pc -2 -SAVE 2c A&P POTATOES 2 9 -oz pkgs 31c Birdseye Reg-. pkg '21c—SAVE 6e PEAS (7 212 -oz pkgs 37c Dr. Ballard's Chicken, Liver, Regular Reg. 2 tins 27c—SAVE 9c - 0 penditures had been reduced by He claimed' the . Conservatives seven million dollars. He agreed know that something is wreng with that, witO„the country's population l their approach to business. They growing, it is most difficult to cut are being plagued by the same down on spending without cutting , thing which plagued Bennett in down on services. He did not sug-1 the depression, he stated. - I gest that any services be cut off. I Says investors Afraid The Conservatives have. spent The reason, said Mr. Harris, is , more than the Liberals in just that big investors are afraid of the • doing ordinary business, said ,Mr. policies of .Mr. Diefenbaker's gov- Harri3, and- they have not tackled l ern.ment. .. `:•You can't `expect in - anything out of the °or-dinary. 1 vestment, by people in Canada and It is now evident, he said, that oiitsid". in an atmnsnhere of con - the Conservatives agree there ,was fusion and lack of confidence. no waste, in the government ma -1 "That's what has happened since chinery which they -inherited from , the 10th ,of June. The result is we're having more unemployment in Canada than we have had since Bennett's ,day." The only way the trend toward r • more unemployment can be halted is by throwing But the present �. government on March al, said Mr.: Harris, "and -if you do, employ- 1 . will pick merit i p c up within, two Vtolegl As ler l aderehip, Mi- Iisr ' ; said he krriows of no one More.. thoroughly tletrstworthy t#lid under- standing than Lester Br Pearson; Liberal chieftain. „ In the import ant area of guarding world peace, Mr. Pearson has demonstrated this ability to deliver the goods, he added. At the conclusion of his address, Mr. Harris was thanked by Hugh Hill. the 'Liberals. Not- only have they tailed to reduce expenses, but the Conservatives.. _. increased spending of _the public's money., stated Mr. Harris. Beef Prices - Mr. Harris commented on Mr. Iaiefeiibaker's recently announced intention to encourage moretrade with --the`"- A14-11 d----redttee - tir'rat" with the -ti.g, The re -sort that leaf prices have been ' better lately, he told his audience, is" due ,,to "the people south of they border that you have been ,. asked not to do business with by the present government." • f iberats have al'Whys felt that a L,•,iati 8ho111d bur free to take the beat price oered for,his product, -. Mid the spa et ., "ane 'the_ best packet for .altnost:. cverythtrlg we • 1 • • • 11 Mary Lou PEPPERMINT PATTIES Monarch Reg MARGARINE 4 -'Delicious Canned Meat KAVA The Oat Cereal CHEERIOS Beaver (In The Shell) PEANUTS So Low In Price 44, Reg. 65c—SAVE 10o 1 -Ib box 55c . 2 -lbs 55c—SAVE 6c 2 i -Ib pkgs 49 c Reg. 45c—SAVE 6c 12 -oz round tin 39c SPECIAL1 2 101/2 -oz pkgs 49c Reg. 25c—SAVE 4c 12 -oz pkg 21c SOLO MARGARINE 2 1 -Ib pkgs 5 5c Liquid KINGSOL BLEACH 32 -oz btl 'P 9c Liquid Detergent Special 10c Off Deal GAY 20 -oz btl 49c Makes Water Softer Than Rain CALGON 16 -oz pkg .41c Funk and Wagnall's Universal Standard ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUMF NO. 25 ON SALE THIS WEEK only 99, WITH ANY PURCHASt BACK -,COPIES 'AVAILABLE FOR 99c Special 10c Off Pack GIANT TDE Cleans Walls • and Woodwork SP!C & i SPAN 5c Coupon Inside Package' 4 IVORY SNOW Chinaware Premium BONUS -..r..w: giant 4 pkg Pink Detergent OXYDOL Giant Pkgr a March Issue Now On Sale OMAN'S DAY w each 1 5UPERRIGIITMEA-rspEa4Ls----- Erade A' Oven -Ready For -Frying, Roasting,or Broiling, Giblet, Removed 21/2 to 3 -lb lb avera9e _ PORK ROASTS ._ SHANKLESS <SHOPLDERS le39< • LEAN MEATY BUTTS 49c SIDE BACON -Super'Ris"4:a a��d�e,. POLISH S � USAGE9RIT! CEAN PE' CW SOLE FILLETS Smoked Fillets 163 Sea Sealed Fancy Quality Wheatley Brand; Cooked Perch FiIIets 1 -Ib pkg -. Vac - Pac Ib 4 2, Ib • 12 -oz pjCg.4 ( BILLIONAIRE Fancy Solid White Meat A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON Catelli Cooked • SPAGHETTI Cooks in 7 Minutes KRAFT DINNER Kraft Deluxe CHEESESLICES Sunnyfield Long Grain RICE Homogenized FRESH MILK Large Size GRADE 'A' EGGS Small SHRIMPS Aylmer ©t-rsice - - PEAS a CARROTS F JANE PARKER HOS CROSS • V p.3/4 -oz jin'j1 c -oz I Vs's tin 47c 215 -oz tins 31c 71/2 -oz pkgs 31c 8 -oz pkg 3 5c 2 -Ib pkg 3;74c qt ctn i 2 3c 4�c ctn doz 41/2 -oz tin 5 3c 115 -oz tins 35c Pkg 69c giant size 79c large pkg 42.c umb6"pkg 1.49 Bath Size Reg. Size AY 2for33 2f0r23C JOY. LIQUID- • 1_20=,i.43c. ° Large Pkg. 41e 't ARri c 0,3, FRESH FRWTS and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA Packed In Our Own Plant Under A&P's Supervision NO. 1 - GRADE CELLO PKGS Florida Valencia,, No. 1 Grade ORANGES Hand Selected, No. 1 Grade TOMATOE, No. 1 Grade, New 'Crop, Texas, Fresh CARROTS. No. 1 Grade, Bradford Yellow ONONS Full of Juice . 4 LEMONS PER PKG '2. doz 4 9 c, -Fresh, Firm, Rips cello pkg 29, 2 20 -oz cello bags 25, 3 -Ib cello bag 19c For Cooking BE SIRE TO VISIT OUR EL OWER DEPT. -A Beautiful Array of Spring Flowers Now Available INTERLAKE . ! w�i�r� ca�ssLARK'S TO/LET TLfSUE PICK CLARK'S, THE LABEL WITH THE BAILOR BOY 1 Oven 'Crook 'b - CLARK'S 1,..C.LARK S BEANS 20-620,23c Clark's Assorted Sandwich Clark's TOMATO SOUP 2-3.bytint-2-51- 2 m -oz this 2.3c VEGETABLE SOUP 2o25c SPAGHEiiI DINNER 'Pkg47< r� n family pack of 4-- 9c s...^..gib_: . HEEZ PLEEZ 16 -oz jar 59c Super arkets Mir mot Atua►liili ot, pAeltie iiA COWAN? ttb. Prices' Effeetive .Utntft`*aturdriy,,'March 'ist 1958., •L n --5 1