The Exeter Times, 1890-11-13, Page 1THE TIMES FROM NOW UINTIL J.AN'Y 1891 20 Cents AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. THE TIMES' TRIAL TRIP OFFER -Is- WORTH ACCEPTING VOT4 XVIII. NO. 8. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHlaitE THEY MAY.' w.A EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1.890 JOHN WHITE & SON Publishers and Proprietetr LEGAL. H. D IORSON, Barrister, Soli- .• cher of Supreme Court, Notary Pubic, Conveyancer. Cammiaaioner, .kc L(ouey to Moan. 0111ceiu Fanson'sBlock, Exeter. R a. GOLLINS, Ba!rcfr, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., TeSSETE7t, . ONT, 400,/ ;flee Samwedl's Bleck, Hall's old offioe. j1cIcIOT tcc ELIiIOT, barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablic, Oouveyaucers &c, &cl. 1 -'Money to Loan at Lowest Bates of Interest, QFFWE, - MAIN • STREET, EXETER. B. V, kr.lIOT. 3, 'Mom DENTAL. a(1 H. INGI AM, DENTIST. • Successor to IT. D.Billings, (Member of the Royal College of Dental 5iu«eons,1 Auaestbetic given for the Painful extraction of teeth. OFFI,,B ; Over O'Neire Bank. Lucau every Friday. TX KINSMAN , D E NTI ST.L,D. • fig. SaULWell's Iliork, Maiin•st, Exeter, l+xtreets Teeth wvitbont Pain. Away at HF.Nsenn On Brat Friday; Craig,secoud and fourth Tuesday; and Zrnuca on the teat Thais day of each month. 111a DICATL T W.13tttOWNINU M. D., M. C f! • P. 8, (}r.•rdnsto victoria University: Office and residence, Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. I)1. HYNDMAN, ooronor for the County of Huron. QRloo, opposite Carling Bros. store, Exeter. FIR A..ROLLINS,M,C..k',S. 4+ Waco, Main St. Exeter, Ont. Reeide'co, liorlflo recently 000upled by P. 1ltoPhrlOve, Eng, T� F. CU T'VEN, AI. D., 0. M., .:a.Js Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto • Pol. Trig. Med. school, Toronto ; Grail. Am Inst.. Orhtniolo* y ; Member N. Y. Aead, Anthropology; Member Col. P. S., Ont. - office, Let !Amapa. Ont. r: x • WC)o1)RT.TF11? Diseases of tiro EYE, EAR, NOSE Asn TEROAT Eye glasses and Spectacles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision, Always at home, except on Fridays. Igo. 1S5 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. monmennonotaxamennimani AUCTIONEERS. Ti BOSSENBERRY, General Li .L.-1 • caused Auctioneer Sales conducted iu allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderato. Hansell P 0, Out. HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tionoor for flay, Stephen, and Mo. Gllivray Townships. Soles conducted at moderate re, te a. Office, at Post -office, Ored- iton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D• AuctioneeraudLandValuator. Orders sunt by mail 10 myoderase, Hayfield?. O., will receive prompt attention. 'Perms moder- ate. odorate. D. H. POItTE6, Auctioneer, VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY - SURGEONS EXETER. ONE. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. OFFICE : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, 325,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, INSURANCE.. THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or eontents,tho,most favorable protection in ease of loss crdamage byfrre,orlightning, at rates 'upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- apleoompany can afford to write. 42,375 poli: cies in force lstJan ,1890. Assets 3378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government dopes t. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JADES GRANT, President ; D. C. Mo DONALD, Manager. DAvrn JAIu*s,Agent for Exeter andvioinity, THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INS URAN0ECO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This 'someone, has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western Onario, and continues .to insure against toss or ffamagebv ,'ire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip- bona of insurable property. Intending insurers have the optiofi of insuring on the Premium Note or cash System . During the past ten years this Com- pany has om-panyhas issued 57,096 Policies. covering propertyto the amount of 340,872,089; and paid in,Iosees alone 3709,732,00., • Assets, $176,100.00, consisting o3 Cash inBank GovernmentDer•csitand the nn - assessed Premium Notes on hand and in , doroe. J W WALDEN U. D. Prestdei t,O. M. TAYLOR Secretary, J. B . Hvoaiys, In - CHAS, SNELL. Assent ter Idxoter and vicinity, • • STILL IN FULL BLAST' TELE 7310 Cl1E A B,INC SAME AT BRUMPTON BROS. litleiM41BtittitstittItN S1110tlMl141111111111RININNE4IssiY1li11iiiliilliFYfiMl osis It is an undisputed fact that public opinion, that inexhaustible source of wholesome instruction, is constantly proclaiming that our facilities are the best, our goods the newest and of the very latest style, and WE SELL THE CHEAPEST Follow the crowd and you will go right to the spot for bargatns. We do not like to demoralize trade. We know it affects ether houses doing business in the regular way, but cannot help it. We will have to pack the Goods or sell them,`aNd we will not pack them it slaughtering prices will sell them. Our Wool Goods nothing can touch them, -lust think, a good Hood 255, worth Soc. ; Oloud 5oc, worth Iz ; Shawl $r, worth 52 ; Children's Boas only r21c, worth 2oc ; A. line of beautiful Black Dress Goeds 25c. MI other lines equally as low. We should not Have bought any Dress Goods far this fall, but 1101Y we have them we must sell them. You make a mistake if you buy before seeing them. Fully 20 per cent reduction in buying skirt lining --8c, waist rale. OVMRCO..TS Y Another line wo are overstocked in, but prices will sell them ; they must be put to their intekdcd use. Just imagine ro oz cotteuade 250 per yd. Heavy ;hater shirting the best 121c per yd. Men's all•wool shirt 450. Our 50c shirt is regularly sold at i5c, and our 35c top shirt at 6o. Uen's linen colla:; roc each. A jab line of braces 25c ; Gloves, Hose, Ties, all away down in pricy:. Men's Felt Boots .$1.50. Devon. shire Slippers 25c. Home made yarn 450; good factory Fo,35c. Ladies' cashmere gloves r5c; everything else equally as low. Our lease expires this month, but as we have secured the building for a few weeks longer it will give a chance to unload. We fulfil all we advertise. B]IIJMPTON BROS. Farquhar. BRI] rs-Mr Thos MoClooklia has finish ed for the season iu the building lino. Mr McClocklin has bad a big season, and has as usual, given the best of, satisfatiou. Mr Spears' baro on the centro road, Hibbert, was the concluding job of the season, and 1t is a testament uf the manner in which Mr McClooklin performs his contraots. Mr Silts delivered several fine specimens of cattle at Farquhar Monday, for buyers. Blake. BRIEFS -Mr William Nicolson, of the Royal hotel, is now sojourning in Huron county, Michigan, with a view of locating there if suited. -Mr Allen Douglas, one of the moat prosperoue farmers in this vicinity left home in the early part of last week and returned on Saturday following, with a lady he calls Mrs Douglas. We wish them all the happiness imaginable. -Mr John Baechler, of the Bronson line, Hay, dis- posed of his farm stook on Saturday,the 8th inst, Ed Bossenberry wielded the hammer. -Mr Archibald Bishop, M P, sold for Mr John Beith, at Drysdale, on Saturday last, his farm stock at good prices. Mr Reith intends seeking his fortunes in Uncle Sam's domains. Biddulph. BRIEFS- Jonathan Hodgins and John Darcy disposed of 63 head of cattle by auction sale at good prices on Tuesday last, and although farm property sells lower than ever, yet cattle realises better prices this fall than for many years.' -Mr McNamee, clerk of the Division Court, has removed from Mooresville to Lacon to reside. -Mr Richard Webb. formerly of Usborne, but late of Biddulpb, has taken up his.residenoe in Mooresville. -Mrs Wm Lewis, who has been seriously ill for some time, is, we are pleased to state, again re - coverings -Mr James McRoberts, of Liman, who has been to the Southern States with a carload of horses is home again,anckreports good prices; -Mr Simpsou and 'wife, of Petrolia, are yi-icing friends here. Mr Simpson has purchased a lot in Lunn, and intends erecting a residence thereon in the spring. The Foresters of Court Clande- boye purpose baying a litbrary entertain- entertain- ment in the town ball, Lacan, on the 14th inst Dr Oronhyatekha, of Toronto, is ex- peoted to address the audience. -Mr Near- ness, Inspector of Schools fog Middlesex, who has been making his annual visits re- ports progress - favorable. -We learn that r J. D. O'Neil, of London, recently dis. posed of his celebrated stallion "Highland Boy" to an American buyer fora largo bum. 'Highland Boy' this year, took lstprize and diploma al London, and thirty two first prizes at different fairs throughout On- tario. This is a good showing for a three year old. -Orange lodge, No 462,Biddulph, celebrated the 5th Nov in grand style. In he forenoon lectures were given by Revs Messrs Shaw and Henderson, which were highly instrnotive. In the evg a ball and supper „took place at Mr Jos Hedging; at whioh'there•was a large attendance' and.a. good,time-spent After daphtheria,scarlet fever, or pneum- or;ia, Hood's Sarsaparilla Will give strength to the system; and expel all poison from the blood. Brucefieid. BRIEFS -A very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent et the residence;-, dr Wm Kaiser, last Monday evening; :s- icing a party for iklr John McGregor. of Michigan, who has been spending a number of weeks visiting his mother and other friends. - Mr Moses Dixon has returned home. after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends up north. -Mr Dixon, our popular hotel keeper, is having his barn roshingled ad- joining hie hotel. It will make quite au improvement to the building. Elimvilie. BRIEFS -Many will regret to learn of the death of Mr Alfred Liddicott, which oc- curred et his home in St Thomas, on Nov 9. Deceased was well known in this neii'bborhood, baying resided on a farm a short distance north of Elimville, for sev- eial.years. Previous to his death ho was fireman on a railroad engine and while en- gaged at his work, took fever, which in two weeks accomplished its dread work and hurried him out of time. He leaves a wife -formerly Miss Louisa Cook -to mourn his departure. We join with all who knew them in extending to the bereaved our heartful sympathy in sheir trial. -Mr Thos Veal has been laid up with a serious oold for a week, Mr Wm Johns is also under the doctor's care. --A good many people went to vee "The Babe's in the Wood" on Saturday evening and had a hilarious time. -A concert will be given in the church here on New Year's evening; All foreign talent, Good time, 20 cts. Usborne. 5 S No 6, report for October. The fol- lowing are the names of the pupils who obtained 50 per cent or over on written work, Fourth Olass-L Andrew 79, J Russell 70, H Spicer 72, 0 Delbridge 71, N Hind 79, G Miners 68, E Turnbull 67, E Row- oliffe 67, E Johne, 66, W Johns 64,. Sen Third Clans -M Brimacombe 68, L Halle 61, A ]Earl 61, M Clements 60; A Frauds 57. Jun Third Class -A Hunter 65, I' Miners 61, E Powell 53, E Andrew 50, 5 Johns 50, L Krause 50. Secdthd Class- 5 Clements 84, E Cle- ments 72, E Johns 68, M Miners 67, W Fletcher 66, H Johns 64, 1' Rowoliffe 62, 0 Francis 54, L Miners 51. Part 11 Class -B Bowoliffe 86, F An- drew 67, G Godbolt, 66, F Coward 54, 0 Johns 51. First Class Nu 2,--(t Wiloox 82, L' Cooper 80, E Deibridge 78, 0 Rowoliffe 75, E Berryhill 70, M Ooward 65, W Hunter 61, J Berryhill 59, J Coward 53. No 1 -E Camm 79, E Fletcher 79 E Brown 79, M Johns 76, B Upshall 56. Promoted -All the fourth class to senior fourth; sen 111, as above, to junior fourth; junior third, as above, to senior third; from par, second to second, the first tour above. Geo. Hot.MAN, Teaoher. • ::. OUR BEST PHYSICIANS AND CHEMISTS,- Oertify that ImperiaitCream Tartar Baking Powder is` made from pure Crystal Cream Tartar and English Soda and is by far the beet known. Sold by all grocers. Children Cry for P+tl{,t Pr's Castorir 2,7 Hensall Men must wear olothing,land the point is whet°toget theta. Who is your tailor? If you have not been satisfied with your clothing we shall please you -not only in fit and work. Deanship, which aro the main points, but also in material and price. You cannot go astray in selecting any pattern in oar stock, A full line of Cents' furnishings atwayson baud -and which will be sold away down below regular prices. A call will convince you that I am the cheapest man in the county. Smut Porc, Stand--McBevea's Bloetc, Reusall. Blyth. BRIEFS --Mr Thos Scott and Miss Hattie Ritchie, were joined he the hold bonds of matrimony en Wednesday, 12th Met. They tonk the evening train en route for New York where they will spend their heeeymoou, Mr Scott is a furniture dealer here and his parents live in the vicinity of Laeen, We join with their many friends in wishing them all hap pintas. -..-Tho anniversary eervicos in oon nection with the Methodist church which were held on Thanksgiving, was a decided euecees, proceeds amounting to $160. -The trustees of the settee! board hays engaged Mr Christie, of Hageryifle, for the prin- cipal department for the peeling year, Mr Stewart having resigned. Greenway. lihust-trace Church has been repair- ed and looks beautiful an the inside. -The 5th Nov was a beautiful day, but many wout away very mach disappointed on account of the sickness of Father Chlnigny. A large number caste from a distance, but returned home early in the evening. At 8 o'clock the church was nearly full, and Mr John Neil, District Master, was called to the chair, and made a few appropriate remarks, and called upon Mr Itobort Hutchison, the master of the lodge, W. J, Wilson, secretary, J Foster, district master of Stanley, and Rev T E Holmes, who gave very Interesting addresses,-Boaton Meth- ()dist Sebbatli School have appointed Mrs F Ulcus and Miss Jennie \Vhiteeide to train the eeholars for the Christmas tree entertainment which is to be held Christmas night. -Mr 11 II English hue rented Mr D :tf Edward's place for a term of years, - Mr John Sheritt shipped two car loads of cattle last Saturday, to Mr Scott of Guelph. -Mr Robert English has bought Lila J A Wileon dwelling house, -kir SV J Wilson beeps a store here, and is also the Poet;;eiaster and ;Magistrate of the village Lately Ile has had a great deal of tiontilo with thieves, his store being broken into and goods stolen quite frequently. Last Thursday night be lost 120 pounds of honey in this way, and one evening lately some ono attempted to carry off n hive of bees, but haul to drop it as the stings nettle it too hot to carry. Mr Wilson sent for Detective Graham, of London, and that officer reports that ho has scoured pretty strong evidence evilest tour boys living in the village, but it is not likely lir Wilson will prosecute, Kir1 ton BRIEFa -• Mr W. J. Stacey, whet has been seriously ill the pact week is now convalescent.-- ,Ire Adam Kirk, of Dakota, is visiting friends in the neighborhood, - Quarterly meeting of the Methodist churches of Kirktcn circuit was observed in the village cllaroh ou Sunday last, the Lord's supper tieing administered, -Holy cent - mouton wilt he celebrated in St Paul's church, ou Sunday morning next. --.Our veterinary aurgeou, Mr W. R. Carr returned home from Waage a abort time sine, and is now busily occupied with distemper in horses, rids malady being very prevalent in the vicinity -.••lir Geo Vickers and family contemplate moving to Mitchel -Ma Steele has returned Immo after an absence of a few months in Toronto, •.•,4 Grect1ton. Blum -Messrs Walter Clark and Chas Kerr have gone tip on the Georgian . Bay for a few weeks' sport, --Mian Annie Banes has left for Indiana on a visit to her numerous relatives there. -?ties Mary Finkbelner left last eight on a trip to Penora, Ohio, where she will spend a fear wooke with friends. --The band goes to Lacon to -morrow night, to play at the For; eaters' eonoert there,--Ou Tuesday next Mr H Either wilt hold a mammoth auction sale, at which a lot of stook Will be sold. The sale will be held in the village and promises to belt big One, -Tho 1hunt'ra have been heard from to the extent et two deer and a porcupine which arrived an Saturday last, -His numerous friends will be pleased to hear that Mr Floury Fink- beiner was married yesterday to Mise Hey- wood, of Usborne tp, They will mom to Crediton for the winter. -Tiro of the latest gage in Crediton are :-"Who *toed on the box 7" and " When did you have your photo taken ? Dashwood. ORITUARY-Last Tuesday Mrs Sacks, Sr., died at the residence of Mr H Tremner's. She has lived in this vicinity for a long time and died at the ago of eighty four. Her remains were taken to the Goshen cemetery on Friday to their last resting plane. Rev W J Y' aeger conducted the funeral services She leaves a great many friends and aquaiutances to mourn her lose. BRIEFS -Miss Ratz is the guest of Rev W. ,T Yaeger. -Mr H Ross spent nfew days at homo last week. -Mr T Snell, who is attending the Clinton Model Sohool, was home during Thanksgiving holidays, -Mr Hauch spent Thanksgiving day and Sun- day in Dashwood. -M. Weber moved into our village on Tuesday. -A number from here attended Mr Holt's sale on Thursday last. Sales seem to be the order of the day; On Tuesday next Mr Sacks intends to have a sale ou Ms farm -Not long ago, Mr J Kellerman raised a shingle upon which is painted "marriage licenses " This has been a long felt want in our village. - On Thursday last a large number of sports- men tried their luok in the neighboring woods, with little success. Mr J Graybil,jr, managed to gee a rabbit, though. -On the afternoon of Thanksgiving day the boys assembled on the football grounds to play a friendly game, Messrs A Birk and A Teliman acting as oaptains, The match lasted about au hour during which neither side was successful in scoring a game. -- Some of our young folks attended the harvest home at Zurich, on Thursday evening last. --Mr B. thinks tootliaene 18 one of the horst things cnt.-Never play with razors again bays, -Drab colored buggies are the style now. -On Thursday afternoon the usual quiet nature of onr village was disturbed by a load of dudes from a neighboring village. After spend- ing a few hears in drunken wassail they left for home, but after driving at full speed for half a mite they got dry and returned for another drink. After that they managed to make a move. -Raffling for dunks and turkeys is all the go iu Dashwood e.t pre- sent. It is pretty hard lines when one has to pay 41.10 for one dunk. We would rather buy our ducks some where else than have such luck. -Mr F Hese, reeve of Hay, was in onr village last week -Mise. Egan left on Tuesday for London --Mr V Ratz, from Shiva, paid onr village a visit on Monday evening. The London Chronicle's. Berlin cor- respondent says, It is rumored, not- withatandingbf5cial assurances to the contrary, the young King of Spain lis weak and not likely to live long. Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Mr. T. P. French, postofAce ins ,ector at Ottawa, dropped dead on the lawn in front of his residence: Ile was attend. ing to his duties at the office In the morning, and went home as usual for lunch. St. Marys. Brum-Guy Bros the fawone minstrels, entertained a large crowd in the opera houso ou \Vednesday evening. -James Clark, of Granton, who returned !tome a week ago, after spending two years in Melbourne. Austrnlia,was in town on Satur- day, Matting Ida frian.le good bye before his depart tre for Cleveland, Ohio, where he has secured a good situation. -License Inspector Collin was in town last week; looking after enforcement of Sunday law. J'tme, Moore. of the Ontario Hones was summoned to appear. Case discoid:; 1. Moir and Fleming"were fined far amend offence. -James ilta0ullon h and wife with their cbildren are spending a few days amoug old friends in town and vi oinity before leaving for their home in Sanborn, North Dakota. -The Rev Thos Follicle, father of T H Follier, Science Master, Collegiate Institute, is spending a few days in town. -T T Smith and Wm Johnson, who loft here seven or eight weeks ago with a carload of Canadian stallions for the Iowa markets, returned home Sunday morning. They report having done very well considering present ' market. -On Wednerday evening a row 000urred in the National pool room, and as a coneequenee several of the participants had to appear before the mayor and 11 Box, I P. -James Hamilton, of Woodstock, who at one time owned a hardware store here was in town on Sunday, Zurich. BRIEFS -The furnaces have been placed in the new town hall, and having been tried seem to work satistactory.-Mr W Utley, who broke his leg about a month ago is moving around on crutches. -We learn that a Christmas festival will be held sometime during Christmas week. It will be in connection with the Evangelical church. -Everything was very quiet in town on Thanksgiving day, but a grand ball which was held iu the evening cheered the young folks np, and everybody present bad a very enjoyable time, there being about thirty couple present. (From Another Source,) BRIEFS --The slight fall of snow we hal has left the roads in a terrible condition. Farmers thinking winter had Dome sore, have been very busy taking iu their roots. -While splitting wood at home last Friday, Philip Randal, eldest son of Mr Harry, Randall, had. the misfortune to out his foot very badly with an axe• It will be some time before he will be able to work. -Mr Chas Lippert, of Marlette, Mirth, but form- erly of this plane, has been visiting friends here. -Miss Sharon, milliner at D. Stein- baah's and Mies E. Steinbach, snei,t Thanksgiving iu Exeter. -Mrs D. Dier- stein is spending the week in Hensen, the guest uf her sister, Mrs J. Pope Rumor has it one of our millers, Mr Frank Mason, leaves us for the United States. Success Frank. He will be Badly missed in our village, especially by the fair sex. -Quite a pleasant time was spent by the young folks on Thursday evg in Paine's Hall at the Harvest Home Festival. The ball was finely decorated for the occasion, an,d a speech by Mr A. Roth aur enterprising tailor, was enjoyed by all. But while we mention the assembly iu the hall, we must not forget the one in the sample room, which was immense, knocking bats being the chief amusement of the evening. Where is that $2.50 hat ? Echo answers where. Bat 1 say, boys,would it have been pleasant to attend a funeral this week? Fun is fun but it Dame very near being a reality this time; will it be a warning? -Dont forget the school entertainment next mouth, Wait for it, as it will be a treat for everybody. The school teachers are doing their best to make it a success and the pupils are not far behind them. STANLEY. Baines- Mr Frank. Williams has bid farewell to Canada's fair ones. He sails from New York on the 5th inet for Eng- land. -Mrs William Clark, sr., has been ill but is now recovering. -The little son of Mr James Campbell is sick. -Mr Nelson Clark, of Dakota, has rented a farm on the Goshen Line. Bargain Depot The snow is flying and the chilly winds of winter are already heard and felt to a certain extent. Many are found unprepared for this, some of the farmers' roots being still in the ground. Well, we would. like to help you take inyour roots ate., but we really have not the time. But we will make time to help you prepare for winter and minister .to your comforts on many other ways, We are fully prepared to clothe you from head to foot in apt parol suitable for any weather (and this for your comfort,) We will do so at prices that are within the reach of all of you being no low as any and in >s,any melanoma lower than any house in the country, Remember we have the best assort• ed stock of ready ml.des in town and cannot be beaten in quality or price values considered, SHODDY RULED OU 1'. All kinds of underwear at job prices. Overshoes and rubbers at 2t) per cent lower than ever. .A,leo a large stock of fiats, Caps and Gents furnish. Ings, pretty and cheap, Call to and 800 U81 J P. RC SS Market Store Exeter, Osborne Oounail. The council met on the let init. All the members presf?nt. The minutes of the previous tneotiu4 were read and. ap- proved. Moved by T Shier seeouded by J Halls that \V Lydd be authorised to purelmee material for covering a bridge on the Oth and 7th con, and also a bridge on the side- real between lots 25 and 20, con 7, and that W Kydd awl T (Amnon lr.tv..i sail bridges pat in proper repair. Carried, :tfoved by T Cameron seconded by W Kydd, that Geo Drell receive 51) for keep of T Bennett, and T Briuhacombo $1,0 far keep of A. Carmichael. Carried, Moved by J 1111114 seconded by W Kyd3, that the solicitors of jurors receive $3 each for services, Carried. Moved by J Shier, sec by J Ball% and resolved that eiders be granted ret follows, viz :-Jas Laukin, 45 13; T liaz ela'md, e,,5; Sohn O'Mara, 53 50; David Miller„Stt Amos Donpe 50 ets ; J Ballantyne, 83; J Rivers 520; W Bray, 51 75; J Blatchford, 52- A McDonald, 51 50; 0 Perkins, 53; \V Beaman 50 cte; .3 lieamnn 52 50; Mrs Beer, 510 80; 11 Samwoll,$13; A II etgart. 51 50; S Campbell, 536 50; A liuukin 510; AI Thompson, $10; J Vance 510; W Ste- wart 510; D Duncan, 5 10; Jas Anderson, $12; S Passmore, $7; 11 Borland, $10; W Turnbull, 510; 3 Kelley, 515 90; L Stone 52; W Brownlee, 533; 5 Banter, $10; R Bell, 24 48; J Fitzgerald, 5140; T Hai ton, 57 75; 11 Herdman 5551 10; It:Cann, $18; Jas Moir. 523 45; T Oudmore, 522 40; J Wood, 55 75; W Monteith, 522 85; W Wood, 53 75; Geo Hogg, 5100; (leo B ill, $6; T Brimacombe, 510; Jno Miners, 53; Juo Allison, 535 50; J Hawkins, S0; F Haist, 522 60; T M Kay, 53; G W Holman, 53; T Heywood, $3. The above orders were mostly for gravel, gravelling, rip cul- verts, and bridges and ghadiug. On motion of W Kydd, sec by J Sb'er, the council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, December 6th, at 11 am. All accounts agaiaet the council should be in by the above date. GEO. W. HOLMAN', Clerk: GRANTOR. BRIEFS -Mr Wr..Langfcrd has rented Thos. Eedy's farm of 63 acres for 5200 per annum for a term of five years. Mr Eedy will move to Sande:dry, Ali ch., where he has secured a situation on a stock farm. - Miss McGowan, teacher of the senior de- partment of our public school, has been re- engaged at a slight advance in salary. TUCKxR5MITH. BRIEFS -Mr Wm. Coleman has almost recovered from his accident. He can now do without the sling. -Mr James Walters, formerly of Tuckersmith, is now working in Chicago at the cabinet making. He re- ceives $3 per day. Jim is a good mechanic. -Mrs Ferguson and son, of Buffalo, are yisiting friends in this locality. -Master Robert Carnocban had the misfortune to sprain his ankle. -It is , understood that Mr Frank Crich intends moving to the old homestead on the 2ad con. this fall. Mr Crich has been in the seed business in Sea - forth for some time. As his health is greatly improved he has decided to return to the farm to which he will be welcomed by hisetfld friends. -The trustees of school section No, 4 have spent nearly $500 in improving the school. They have put a stone foundation under it end painted it and have also purchased the grounds. T2iAT LITTLE TICRLINti-In your throat, which makes you cough once in • a while and keeps you constantly clearing your throat, arises from catarrh, and as catarrh i4 a constitutional disease the ordinary cough medicines all fall to hit the spot, What you need is a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, Many people rho have taken this medicine for sorofula, dyspepsia, loss of, appetite, and other troubles, have been surprises that it should care this troublesome cough. But to know the actual cause of the cough is to solve the mystery. Many cases of consumption clan be traced bask to the neglect of tome such slight 'affeetien as this , Consumption can be•,contr•olled in its early stages, and the effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla in putify- ing the blood, building up the general health, and expelling the scrofulous taint which is the cense of catarrh end,gaiiinsamn' tion, has restored to perfect heelth many persons on whom this dreaded disease seem- ed to have a firm hold. Chfi►•et^ Cry for Pitcher's Castor!a