HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-30, Page 9471URSPAY/ ;TOMO
Tlia, 'A&P Meigazithp ..,
r nif r r; 1604. -Now '9
. 8414
1,14NEY 41A,VI Q la MONIEY E:.A1I 1E4; •..� Ali ' o101 '">Milyl i o and to r s lu#' o
- spgigistlar- oni�`t t � �! .p�Q � ,�►'' p 101 �p .. ��rtat>Ilrldlrlq
! -, llotl.O+_;Ii, A4,P s J<Viogi,,,PI t,.. Como sea. how A4 -will., ;help you balahca Your busiest with
oaih Sailing; on. your ulrsskl$t food bill i y - ,4.
•'ref t fruits: and Vegetables
California No. 1 Grade, °Fresh, Tender Green
targe bunch
,No. 1 Grade,
Fresh Tender
No, 1 Grade,,
Fresh Green
Fresh Crisp.
No. 1 Grade,
' California,
Ns. 1 Grade
Iirge bunches 29c
large heads 29C
Nc . 1 Grade, ,for'
Marsh Seedless
Regular Price 59c—SAVE 14c
•Jane Parker Spanish
Jane Parer
Reg. Price 43c—SAVE 4o" -
each 39c
Reg. Price 37c—SAVE 8c
JELLY WHIRL each 29c
Jane Parker Plain or Seeded R'eg. Price loaf 21c—SAVE 7c
RYE BREAD ,: 2 24 -oz loaves 35C
Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 29c—SAVE 3c
RAISIN COOKQES -. 2 pkgs 5 5C
Deep.,.,ut p eciu s---:--PEAS7
D ONTE Reg15-oz tins
Be 'sy C,rdcker (7 Varietieg:'"'°
Reg. Price pkg '35c—SAVE 5c
pkgs .00
Reg. Price 47c—SAVE 4c
24 -oz or 3 C .
Reg. Price btl 19c—SAVE 3c
211 -oz btls 35c
Canned Goods S�Ie
Choice Quality Ungraded Reg. Price 2 tins 35c—SAVE 110
Cii�ice Q & uality �Reg. Price tin 2,3c—SAVE 70
A&P Fancy Quality Reg. Price 33e—SAVE, 20
Saico Mandarin
No. 1 Grade, dozen 5 9C
Size -113
e ove n /tractive Array Of Cut "•FI owers and Potted Plants
10o Tide Coupon , On PackAda
Tide's,ln, Dirt's -Out
Amazing Blue
- y::79c
9 _
°o -giant'
1 C large
large 0C
83c 'size 41c
giant 79
Cascade '
Reg. Price 2 tins 35c—SAVE 2c
211 -oz tins 33c
Frozen:food features
Snowcrop +�._.. .�».r F,.-
a• -w
Blanched . v..._
Margarine - '
54" x 54"
Garment BaaS Appro554" long
3 for 23
I'-',112 oz lin;
Pink Rego Size
(AMAY 2 for 231
l"YOtr�l m•
Reg. Price 37c—SAVE• 16c
3 15 -oz pkgs 9 S C
Reg. Price 21c—SAVE 5c
oz pkgs 37c
Reg. Price tin 29c—SAVE 4o
14 -oz pkg 15c
Reg, Price Ib 33c -SAVE 110
21 -Ib pkgs 55c
ineeting.of Colborne Ton ns p sed-.
ieratien of AgricultO o, held.in'the
Township Hall, :Carlow, Wedges-
day Of last wee. saW "many faers
and their wives in ;attendance. 'The
president, John Diiiit ar,'was e#ta3r-
Special speaker was J3ob &eegrd,
of Hanover, diregtor of cone nunity
progr'ains, with ,the Department of
Educe. ion for this section of. West-
ern "Mario. He explained 'e"
funct on of his office :and outlined
various programs that had proven
valuable in other rural commun-
ities, such as forums, " community
workshops and recreational activ-
The meeting was divided into
four groups to discuss projects and
report -on the value of each to • a
cnmmunity...,,Plans were made to
visit Ripley workshop, now in ses-
sion. A vote of thanks was moved
Dunlop W.I. Hears
County Librarian
is y her, •
Followin re i t usiness,
the presentation o chiegttes . was
niade• t 4-H boys • pr tsei, t,1for St14,e*
cessf.. • • b; .
S?.111 `Woxk. ;Utliernke'ber,
of Com. Gra.;in, •Calf : d`'`; Garde
Cubs 4ot present will 'receive
'ar ;� maiL
abo.noW u<1t3r aresideiii f
'tor J►S its ton pf` i e s •sero
� +�l'cr! Wks l�tr'a
ducod) r t�.iring.president ,Doug .
M Neil, of olborn . r,, ebaptonr;
brought �hxoet ng fron the county
and spoke brieli of the ;ori
the Federatton,,r espe�lly with reg ,
garb ttr',;its marketing policy, e
was followed b3r-ea l: l emingwa
Federation Fieldrna for, H ; ;
who presented infor iation•-on Fed-
eration 'activity arid' aclii'""i emnent
in 1957, ,. :`< .,
. Officers and directors 'were rre- ,
turned for another year. The dir-
ectors' meeting -was set tor "W edneS; --
day, January 29, at the"Township
Hall, Carlow.
ST. HELENS, Jan. 27.—The an-
nual congrekat
n-nual-congrekat oral meeting of Cal;
vin United Chureh was held/on
Tuesday evening with a large at-
tendance. rrior to the meeting, a
bountiful pot luck supper, s rved,.
cafeteria style, was enjoyed • It
was able to get around again as was arranged by the W.A. ith
well as the rest who had been sick. Mrs. T. J. Todd, Mrs. Chas. Mc-
Donald, Mrs. L. Woods and Mrs.
Frank 1VIcQuillin, as oommittee in
charge, Rev; B. F. Green presided
for the meeting and M. W. I.
Miller was secretary. The
-Sehpol report was given--W-Mrs. - -
T. J. Todd. The reports of the
secretary and -treasurer of the
W.M.S., Mrs. Wood's. and Mrs. Mc-
-Qui-l;fin, showed a successful year
with the allocation reached and
$175 sent to the Presbyterial treas-- --w-
urer. Miss W. D. Rutherford gave
a reading. Mrs. Green reported
for the Baby Band ,which has 16
members and Allan MDonald sang
a solo. Mrs. G. MacPherson re-
ported much' activity in the W.A.
and a balance on hand of $20$•49
There was a good turn out to the
Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute in
Carlow Hall on. Wednesday of last
The president, Mrs. A. T. Lamb,
Best wishes were expressed for the
recovery of Mrs. F. Allen and Mrs.
F., Fisher and any others whir may
be sick.
T,he ladies are enthusiastic about
makingpratg-rite `--nre -"excellent`
course conducted by Mrs. G. Ross
and 'Mrs- W. Hardy, Husbands are
warned to watch _ their underwear
since the ladies are gathering wool=
he annual pot luck supper will
be held in Carlow Hall, Saturday,
February 15 at 7 p.m.
A Scottrsh reading was given by
Mrs. Joseph StEiwart. The roll call
was answered by a gift to Alex-
andra Hospital. Guest speaker was
Mrs. G. Eckmier who spoke on the
best books and their authors;. She Mrs. IMcDonald gave a reading.
left a good supply of books. ,,.- . Mrs. W. A. Miller reported for the
Hostesises were Mrs. T. Ii'unter, Missionary and Maintenance fund
Mrs. B. Chsholm, Mrs. E. Hunter with $358 being forwarded to Tor -
and Mrs. J.Horton. ' onto .- Mrs. W. I. Miller, the church
„ a ----o- o treasurer, reported a successful
t i
year with a balance on hand of
Taylors Corne' for the trus-
r tees, Mr, 811.86. orne tWoods stated that
six tenders had been received for
TAYLOR'S :CORNER, Jan. 27.— the shed, advertised.in the Signal -
The annrial meeting of Taylor's Star, andthat of Mr. Thos. Hackett,
Corner United Church was field on jr., for $325 being; accepted. Rev.
Friday last at the church. Reports Mr. -Green reported two marriages,
for the year..w.ere..submitted after five baptisms' and three burial's dur-
which the election of officers took ing` the year. Six members had -
place. .Church officers for 1958 been received by letter and seven
are as follows: Rev. C. E. Peacock, by profession of faithmaking a
minister in charge; Roy Wilson,
clerk of session; Jerry Ginn, treas-
urer&of stewards; Chester Sturdy,
treasurer of M. and M. funds; Miss
Nina Walters, secretary; __Sunday
School superintendent, Mrs. Roy
Wilson with Miss Nina Walters
assisting. Sunday School is H'1'd"
at 2.30 p.m. with church following
total, of 84 resident and 14 non-
resident members on the roll. If
was agreed to pay $110 a .1year for
three years from the church funds
for the University of Western On-
tario United Church Residence
Fund, The following officers were
re -appointed: Stewards, G. Mc-
Roberts, J. Cameron, G. MacPher-
Congratulations are in order for son, G. Stuart and Chas. McDonald;
Mrs?, Wm. Straughan who will auditors, Allan Miller and Don
quietly observe her 101st birthday Cameron; sectetaryrtreasurer Mrs.
on Sunday, February 2nd at, the W. I. Miller.
home of her daughter„ Mrs. Howard Mr. Rodger Swass, of Wingham,
Sturdy and family. -Very best was the guest speaker at the Com -
wishes from her many friends. munity Night under the auspices
The community was deeply sad- of -the Women's Institute in the
dened on Sunday with the passing hall on Friday evening. He was
of Mrs. Austin Sturdy. The sym• introduced by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt,
pathy of the community is extend- the president, and thanked by Mrs.
ed to the family'. Fred McQ'uillin. Preceeding the
Miss Wilda Wilson, of Brantford, travelogu''e, Mrs. Gaunt presided
visited with her parents, Mr., and for a short program of eomnlunity
Mrs. Roy Wilson, `during the week- singing, a duet by Erma and
end. Lorne Forster, piano solos by Terry
Sunday visitors with Miss Nina Wilson and 'Mr's. Chester Taylor,
and Charlie Walters were Miss and a solo by Mrs. Gaunt. Follow -
Beulah Long and ,Mr. Clyde Gled- ing lunch, dancing was enjoyed to
hill, of Benrniller, Mr. and Mrs. music ,by Mr, and Mrs. Chester
Goldie•--Newten,- of Goderich, and Taylor and by Dod Cameron, Mur -
Mrs. W. McLean, ,pf Saltfofd. ray Gaunt and Mrs.: A. Gaunt with
and nd Mrs. Adam.Craig, of Mr. Heffernan as caller -off.
T6fonto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Norma Mru•ray,, student at
Barrie Walter and family for a the Stratford Teachers' College,
fevD'`'lays last week was practise teaching 'at Woodstock
The February meeting of the last week.
W.A. will be field: at the home of Mrs. Gordon MacPherson has
Mrs. B. Walter. The roll call will been a visitor at Brussels with her
be answered with an exchange df sister, Mrs. Raynard.
Valentines. .Miss Isabelle MacPherson, stud-
() • o ent nurse .,at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London,- and LAC Fred Thompson,
of Centralia, spent the week -end
at the former's home here.
DONNYBROOK, Jan. 27. -= Mr.
and Mrs. H. Jefferson were hosts
to a-• number of friends and neigh-
bors around St. Augustine and
Donnybrook on Friday evening for
a progressive euchre warty. _Prizes
won Were: gents' nigh, Stuart_
Chamney; low, Edward Robinson;
ladies' high, Lois• Chamney and
Anne Thompson (tied); low, Mrs.
ardy. It is planned to make these
p • fes a weekly event and one
o d o
Mrs ,and--Mrs:--Louis-fsovier--nnd-,.-
Mrs. W. N. Watters attended the
funeral of Mr. Govier's brother,
Charles Thomas Govier, on January
/l at Port Colborne. - Mr. Govier
died quite suddenly on the preced-
will ee held next Friday evening ing Saturday night while he and
his wife were visiting friends. • He
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Thompson. was 64 years of age and_ was as-
, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chartiney
and girls were recent visitors with
Mr..and Mrs. Cliff Henderson and
family, at .'Kippen.
sistant secretary of the Canadian
Furnace Company Limited. He had
been with the firm 42 years as a
- Mr. Govier was born in Hullett
Township, clear Londesboro, a son
BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS andtMargaret Mair Henry Gnvi is -
began his
career as a telegraph operator with
Grand Trunk -- Railway, at' Londes-
bor9, later accepting a:position-
with the Niagara, St. Catharines '
and. Toronto Railway Co., at Thor-
old. He was past president et
Greater Port Colborne Chamber of
Commerce and of Poft"' Cblborne
Lions Club - and was also a mem-
ber n th • ...Unite . ,_ Chur
mem e r o t o n. ependent Order
of Oddfellows.
Extra -Speciat
Margerine 2ibs4c
SaimOn 216 Ib this 89c
'• F a
Ib 69c-
15" x 20"
Itititie,size, 2C.
�, 1f 01�At AflANY7C 1 PAOnC tiA COWAN
Prieh Effective Un:i1 Saturday,
• N
l`=ebruary lit, 195q. ,
At North Street United Church
Sunday morning the dedication
took place of Bibles and Testa-
ments to be used in the new hos-
pita} wing and also at the jail.
Mr: C. R., Roberts, of Kitchener,
field Secretary of Gidteon's Inter,
national; conducted -the servic and
•"lel tr tff' Kr.a
the Scripture: Mr. Harry HoFfrnan,
if 'Dashwood, sang a Sold atjida.eb.
A, .E:,,rustace led in the dedicat ry
prayer. The service was arranged
by the local. South Baron Gideon
Camp, which has 1%centlay,_. been
organized. This wa; -.:their"`, first
church serVi e in Godcrith.
Bibles have been ^ plata in the
schools in Gocteri+ hd : rrou d
ing :district a.t't elf -as i`inf.he Mote' ',.
hotels at?d rest homes :...
0- . d Y. ..,':.b.
meaning " 1 Aftes forbid."
Besides his, wife, he leaves a
son, Donald Knox Goviier, at islingg-
ten, and a daughter, Mrs. A. SStirI-
ling `(t tledg'e, of Port Colborne.
are also two brbthers 'Wil~"_
ham K. G'ovier .l ontlesho °and,:
'Louis, of Gnderich, And two .
Mrs. Aff Webster,, of'rid bero, ;•
and Mrs. d'. C. R,ldford� bfxntori.A.
nr 44) "
' tiling was originally • a•: -protea''
1 ensure since ,1 iirds ;„
were e� y'for opponens in cnrnb -
to -s,'' +, a,-•