HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-23, Page 711109..`,, curr.�t.up..ditureswu gayenth.1 ;pasoeciAin oecounta-7"-: were orderoil-psidt• Norman CuloZrt, one Association;''mempershiL fee, -315; laid Alio- toY.alloviti',. 1141A.Asteitse,'Iti. niitalcicalary of $76•00.'''' . • miuma may now be , deducted from • income for AtaF., purposer'svithin_ certain limits. e includhig :self-employed persons —is now_allowed thettax'advaptage which. • Wats:, formerly tA*ftilisil?le only 40 contributing to regislered pension .plans. • • ••• Marilige ii• ii.;woiderful Institia% "tronf-71E_Ittlinitinit2-190 inViiriablyviiddilefAtind of 'rano, when the remark ii:iiiidei2who wents.te live iri alvinatitiation?",• :Far be. It from' mo tomak. udd y.siJts about inarrispo.. As Mt b fait 'thiiiit'sAte usi, hsif'a life maillr:'.4:::;',1111).11tvi14' :Sr ,womb Al•d7the • tcienti.vil':*,z,:i•,! yOu 4eVright'clown•;te itilythetelis tweenl itiatitntlOn; -Irtflbethth&e ie.the :sense,:-ofl.lbsV.freediim when the oeir;1:Clangs;,,*fiut .behind you.',-;ZO both, 4bu're 'told,;when4to get up iinctwbentto go,to-bed,- what clothe*, ybit:.ban wear. You have to eat what's .put:in--front'of you're bhlyallowedvisitorsat -certain times, and you can't get out When- ever you feel like it., * • • • In some ways, institutions are superior to marriage. „Inmates are not required 'to stoke the-furnics. Ydfik orAvorkAind worry mernselies-, in4O--- *oldness-- and ulcers trying to keep the Warden tyPt• • ••• • • , • • r-But.therit's" one -respect in which marriage is miles ahead. In every ,..-.." ,..• 11.z4ent ottiiisidS's ..i?,labor forceiwss eseeleyed, in sigri.; •,,,tYibstli-tht WOsent n soeniPlOyidt, .'-'?I'''..'" 44.,Wbotwu ibellit6 et tbe'.eoren-/ &tie* t A: . '30111:014.. ‘... 1 ;it'll', , ,,, 59The*ManitItentidagtailii-013tetak. "". Aridfie Whitt :Perm._ im_,,,,, ,,, C ;Labor Ma T 7-41itAlkopttroni-tbirril: ., 3. Abollt 10 er dent.4.1,41anitobe: .--"I'ventitii 1870; .".,/iri --.Columbiait- 187_1; of the Pplawthersire-. pu e,nsee Prince' ;Edward Island,' 1b73; Al ing is-011ed,ltbeichainnan.,stated. betta,"..4nd;,•,, Saskatchewan,- 4906: .Ttiough.„ it ii dePends :ion .the Prcf. ,Newfouodland,,.:1*49', '-„4.., June 2, vinclal, deperstmentiv4he -,*-law 1268.:'2,1.117-4.'Pee eent:"-- - , • • shoUld: be readY;JOr.;Prellentatipn ,...',;4.4,,,,,,,,,-'• •-'11P.,,-,..r.44440411iiir:...„--",7...-u-s." :s .. 4- .f.na,bg"lalTheiyukon• .Territory Is 2n a Je:Aider-ntsvgg that- ,separatel Standitdi•-tline'' zone and membersof c ouncil and'the nen= elocke ittlit Territory ate.five and . . . .. •,,,, 'hours ' behind clocks in .....******.iiiim...... Newfoundland.. . ,, . - ... • . . • . : - 43--.....- -u- —4-,---0 4- or thret, 400110 th0v: .":1A'.0“1:Yeein'egq wee*. 14,0,11. • becatimseipp ''401114 otuuboonty;• sew that ferli • tVY`,4""riitl'..P ; (*maxion6in deduction allowed fir tax purpose*/ • • , For full information and assistance in ..• O.* • •,. ' ae1 g 401114P 414# .84444 A° .YoUr needs, mail this coupon -postage free. r---- ....• , 3 , Te3 Director. Conemilowl Oovenunone Annviiies, I -D•partnesed ad Wm.. Oltilsvo (P•01011, Ave) .. . Pieom 'timed infOnnotieo showing how o Canadian Govenanant Annuity I . con bring Ana rofirantant incontwof low cod.. , 1 Menem. /a ... - .1 - ' (Mr./Mrs./Miss) FEDERAL.. • . DEPARTMENT of girth OF LABOUR .1 A..1.4.0, Ara," !•on;r1 'Tal•phon• I linodat+nd ihot inionnation.givoa will b. kaki strictly oinfldwgial The Christian Science Monitor - One_ Norws/r_Stv_Dosion,..g.L.timee.e.,,, Send' your newspaper for the tbi4-7- checked. Enclosed find my check of money order. 1 y-$tBH---------- -Gmonths$9Q 3 months $450 D — 4, • . §ousrf MANAGEMENT and steady growth have earned -for The Manufacturer _Life a reputation for strength, safety and service in - , the public interest, thaunds we hold intrust •• for policyholders and their•beneficies are rxdAtablyjn.veitiiikrAteam_ of .experieliced: inyostMentmccicalists.. Returns onAliese5are- . Nilyxasiegiid hiVestments help itt lower; the •coati oflifeansurence-for ouicyl4fiers. - Eddie Allen . isone of the .,Happy Gang" '‘i_earliiit _Men:di-eh and this_., - year starts his-29t1riiiii1iilir.the show... In this composite you will see the change that has taken place in the tenor during that time -r. from his first daps as a budding young aecoedianist to -his -present status- as emcee bf the show: 5E4 T Th'Ru THr , ••• • 4.—• ;.Our•iiTst sctioni, is to thank you for the .cen#414snee )70eliTt. have shown in' dealing with us in the paet and look for Ward, to ourcontinued good relations: We feel we esti sem& you -..best at our SEW , LOCATION, .48 EAST institution there comes a time when tension mounts to the danger. point. If it's a.prison;lhere's liable to be a riot. If it's a mental outfit, someone's liable to set fire to the drapes. 0 it's marriage, •however, you can save day by ,sending theliead Keeper away to visit her ther,. sisters so ebod . . 4 „ ,0 • Ttiet's ..)vhat, ..hae nut , at our place last 'ciitak:!'s „Winona roachecrthaP tiOleKorrawn.ss- at which Ives hiding the ix*" to pre- vent a trikgfoil: The kids had been 'sliding up, .for *mks, to unpro-; cedented ;heights OTsurlineis and sauchieis. Bugged by a stuttering stoker in • the cellar; an 18 -foot. icicle that was pulling my roof off, and a throbbing on the ball of my . •foot,..I was _g' oing around like a revolution loikhig-for a place -to happen. Overwhelmed by tracked - up floors, lost scarves; prying fro- zen clothes off'the clothes -line, and another birthday coming up, the Warden was sizzling like a Sputnik with thefuse lighted. ' • • * • There was nothing for it but to get her off our necks, and us out from wider ,her feet for a couple 'of days, by sending her Way far the weipk-ond, with a couple of -Oiscoss-Of --Col d iponey - in --her hand. Which we did. • • * Well sir, you should have -seen' that institution of ours after we got her on the early train. First 'ng.- we did was go and have breakfast in a restaurant. None of this, grubbing around in the kitchen. Hugh ordered his favor' ites, hamburger 'and milk shake. Kim had apple pie a la mode and ginger ale. • I luxuriated in_three cups of coffee and. three cigarettes, .insteakof, one.- , . As.IETSP1076109;880.areporettion ample to fulfil • , onsiO:Tay- the Awns% o(money proftnised in our:c9.qtpictseTilis Jiiiirejncludes an \amount of $590)0;5580;set, asido.in,''surpIus funds providing a - v.,* niFsin oflafety. • THE 7Iyr ANNUAL--RaPplrthows The Manufi(tuters Life- noW.provides , $2,610,631,086 in insuranceand ' .retiremettt protecOon for over 506.000.,politylaolden, In 1957 41,000.,:peoi1eliurch'esed $380,499,333 ok new insurancelo talce cart of toTOrrOw's uncertainties. The listAnifual-RePort-also shows that the Company' * • * * thifirihe got- back/ it was the same.- We really Hva. No keno practising. Elbows on the table. Reading armealy-Unmade beds. • Never changed our socks. The kids went to two' cowboy pictures, and -stayed up -as long as they liked. I had Ihe boys in for a little session. We had delicious and exotic meals such as hot dogs and ice--; cream pie, or fish and chips with cherry • * * • tri4it worked like a charm. By the time she got back, we'd had enough of this wild freedom. We were ready to change our socks, eat off some clean dishes, and get some sleep. We were also slightly ill. •• * * • - • It was the same for the Warden. •After a couple of days of freedom, in which she had nobody to order abput,she was_ glad to! get back to the institution, some authority. She didn't think wi were nearly, so repulsive as n fact,. it •was ,,seviteat days before she got ' Yes; indeed, marilige,is a wonderful InstitiitiOn. For thorn; that has the constitution. EV ANTENNAS • SOLD SERVICED # REMOVED # INSTALLED These days moot .-poople work under pressure, worry more, sleep loss. •This -strain on body ant brain makes physical - fitness .oasior to Imo—harder to !soil is. -TedaYilitesis lowored-rosistancoi • overwOrk,,,Worry—any'of them may elect Donnal kidney action. When kidneys. got ,g. of oilier, moos acids 'end wades ;main is • the iydees.•Then backache, diStarbed last, that "tired -out" heavy- :.heided• liVow often follow. That's tho tilde' to take Doddl Kidney P& awes stimulate the kidneys I...nasal- action. Then you feel bettor—,hep _better—work better. Ask for Doild'a Kidney Pills at any rinkilMunter. 53 More people borrow from HFC than any other con- gumer finance company. Reason:. HFC has an 80 - year reputation for 'helpful tits advice on money manage-. 'ment and prompt, friendly service-orri borrow Modem money service backed HFC upto$1, withrempaye0/61? from.,teri by 80 years of experience you choose., . . .. printed to your individual business require- ments are a valuable asset. For -quality that will add prestige to your accounting system,-iit a very nrderate rate, consult • •-; The Goderich Signal -Star .1••• • - • Illustrated: Front to rear, Regent 4 -door hardtop. Mayfair 2 -door hanitop, •• 4-doet-SportySoborbaa.-Just-3 of•2I beautiful Dodge models for '58I • Beatty TBros, Buy :Lucknow Plant ..Itieve George. Joynt,. of Lucknow, has aneounced purChase.ef an LiieknOw inchistriarplant by Beatt Brothers Ltd., of Fergus. The plant has beep idle4iince ,1948. .11datty -company - officials said therplan using the-factbry as a woodworking shop wWll special em- phasis on a Woo4sy.. litider"bUsi- ness, but -final arrangements hinge on village ratepayers_ voiing_agree- inifiVN.Coiiiteil'has already Itigreedi tr'dite his been set 'for the plebfacite.„- " 4.--SeeXt.,..A9..ynt,_ who has _made •sPeclal .etforb- ro'activate 'the • plant for two years, said purchase -WC - fritiiV/fdtiant'tRenitud; of Kitchener: ,Average hourly wage - ,Can- adiati -manufacturing at October 1, • 1957. was 180.5 ;cents, c&fipared ' 16-153:3-Aihtsc.;eilb--yeaFleatiler, ant! 129.2. cent s 4IVe years_ earlier. • , • • In the January -September period — --totalled' 811.412.000,009„„ compared -/of.'4957 Canadian labor income •.,„st.);"43, to*10,498,000.000 in the same .1period of -19418. . • Why welt for itprIngdme.to come when now'e the smart time to. go pedspel Why put up with an,UNdependable old oar when you Gen wheel through viiater with a completely view. PU14-de pendabl Dodg•e/ .ome see how Dodge '58 Torsion-AIRE suspension seems to flatten frozen ruts and ridges smooth as a.skating rink . how Dcidge Total -Contact brakes bring you safer stop -control. • • Come try new Dodge V-8 spirit that powers you through deep snow_and slush . and trouble-free, mechanically operateDodge -7•- push -4114m Torque-Flite automatic transmiSsIon that 'It/Ways lifta•yourArivink pleasure, never lets you down. Get a real winter buy 'on a beautifully built hew '58 Dodge, and • you'll be way lhead all year long! Dodge push-button Torque-Flite transmits power simply, instantly, automatically! And nes'', Sure - Grip . differential automatically. Rasura' better traction in snow and mud . . .let you pull out of places where other care would be ice -bound 1 VOWS'S ALWAYS A STIP Atiliato IN-6-AlteOlvirtte-irtonwAytta-L.00 ClirtvsLan CORPORATION Or CANADA, LINIITKIS TVZIVT.E'R.'S - WOND.V.E/PriZ TIME TO GO.DO.2D__cm HAMILTON STREET REG. MtGEE 1&• SONS GODERICH, OI? - • , f "'ow"' w, • • . So Climai--theout Stirs ivory Tborssy night on TV— deck toca! prettamma listing for time sad " • ,