HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-23, Page 6a Januarya' .eetin of Victor a' Stir "�1;t°.A, was. -had, the b e } .•Argyle. ; TiiseuSSiR0 wereheld` voncerniii t110, bazaar 4r this year. A donation ' of $28 is td. be ,se14;to Fiv.e. Oaks tat Paris. The following officers werre elect - for 1.000t honorary .president, Mrs. C.. San erisQt1; past president, Mrd, ]N� lnnon• resident Mrs. S. Argyle,. .st 'vtce-pres'C ent, rs. 5 niMar " 9- eSidient, ra xn;, recording , secret tary,, Mrs, A. Stoll;, Corresponding` secretary,- MPS. M. Hort n; }real. •,urer,. Ml's. FBarker; pianist; s. ani 4Ohnst' ne; li er4ture:ssec' - ...�t,�ay,r�t' firs. •. ar .; devotional a conxener, rs. , R: Good; repent atiye to Officialard, • Mrs. S. 'Argyle; ' press 'secretary, Mrs. H. ` Ppanford; visiting convener, Mrs. E; atterson; Christian • stewardship, '.Mrs, G, Baechler; nominating com- mittee, Mrs, P. •Barker, Mrs.. G. Beech*, Mrs. N. McKinnon; seere- tary to ,committee in co-operation with Christian Education, Mrs. F. Barker; representatives to Cancer ' Society, Mrs. M. Fisher and Mrs. J. Thompson. " -_ Lunch was served by the hostess Who was assisted by Mrs. Stoll and Mrs. Sutcliffe. Thomanager :end l clerks of 'ou part(eular atppeid nto (their cu*to! er.,. • You•nat:r erd �sal 14'4001;020i. **el St. Peter's Parent-Teacher As- SOCiation held their regular month - 1 meeting last TI wraday with Mrs. R Enzensterger in the chair. A report was given on the a Stmeet- Held at ratLprel t4 RIMl Regional'. Council. Tho,, following members of the GO, Brie executi,,v attended: Sister .Alexandrine, gist r Mary Immaculate, Mrs. H. Fria nsberaer_ Mrs. R. Clark• Mrs, E. Jeffrey, Mrs. ' D. Worthy, A. Wisser, L. Cundari and J. Graf. -•- Plans were discussed for a "Teen Age" dance and a St. Valentine's dance. After the business meeting, Rev. 'Father J. P. Finn, Director of Education for the London Diocese, gave an interesting talk, on educa- tion-. A social half hour followed. o_, o 0 Tayi�r's Corner bY. n 1 -'Dl t .ttt1 Breeding' Association, Woodstock, -bas been selected ads the •Rese,rve ' All -Canadian. Aged Holstein 'Bull fax 1957. He was reserve grand champion at the Roy= Winter Fair and the late •gationai,. Dairy Show at •Ohicargo and was_ .grand champion at Western �Fa�ir, Landon, and the Oxford County Black and White Day at Woodstock. , Auxiliary Pledges Cubs, Brownies I{ear Sale( Rules $1,000 To -Hospital The Hospital Auxilryz met on All Wolf. Cubs and Brownies in Monday with 16 in attendance. It ' Goderich held a _joint meeting at North Street United Church .Mon- day evening. With 104 present; Constable Al Hardy, of the Ontario Provincial Police, presented a brief talk and a motion picture ,on the rules of safety. • The title of the _ picture was "The Talking Car." A`°bright red convertible explained some of the' dangers of traffic and how they can be avoided. 9 o 0 was decided to have a bake sale in February, and a rummage sale in March. Last June, $1,000 was donated to the hospital and at this meeting another $1,000 was pledged to be used as the Hospital Board decided: �virs. C, mpion was appointed re- presentative to the cancer meeting. Officers for 1958 are: past presi- dent, Mrs. Rivers; president, Mrs. Kinkead; vice-president, - Mrs. $tiles; secretary, Mrs, N. Jackson; treasurer, Mrs. E. Pridhani; press secretaries, Mrs. W. Maclaren and Mrs: A. Alexander; nominating committee, Mrs. Stiles, Mrs. 3L Mads in AJI,Pia own E.ekery by-11i1.aster Beke i Jarie Parker. Rig. Priv. 55c—SAVE Eo PUMPKIN PIE . each 49'C CHIFFON CAKE each 49c Jane Parker Caramel Reg. •Price 43c --SAVE 4o --PECAN ICO, _ : pkg 9C Jane Parker Rep, Price loaf 21c --SAVE 7c RAISIN BREAD 16- z loaves Jane Parker Reg. Prio'a, pkg 29c--S45, E 3c SUGAR COOKIES ` 2 pkgs S Sc--. TAYLOR'S CORNER, Jan. '20.— The January W:A.. meeting was held at the School with the follow- ing officers installed for 1958: pre- sident, -Mrs: Geo. Ginn; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Barrie Walter; secretary, (Mrs. Wm. Snyder; assistant secre- tary, Mrs. !Walter Hicks; --treasurer, Mrs. Irvine Oke; flower fund treas- Mas„V,, urer, Miss Nina Walter; quilt com- mittee, •Mrs. Roy Wilson; Mrs. H. McCabe; buying committee, Mrs. Elroy __B:od ge .+ 1Eirs Mbert •eke; hostess committee, Mrs. Robt. Ful-. ler, Mrs. Irvine Oke; auditors, Mrs, Albert Oke, Mrs. Lorne Rodges;. community treasurer, Mrs. Ken Holmes assistant pianist, Mrs, Chester Sturdy; visiting committee, Mrs. Chester Sturdy for seventh concession, Mrs. Sam 1VIcNall for highway and Mill road, Mrs. Jim McMillen for sixth • concession. After the meeting, -a pot luck lunch -was enjoyed. The February meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. B. Walter. ' Mrs. Geo. Ginn has beerron the ,sick Iist for some time. We wish cher a speedy recovery. • _ 'Congratulations tv- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ginn on the birth of Janette Elizabeth on January 1st, 1958. Mrs. L. S. •Gorrie visited with her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Ginn; and family and her new granddaughter, Janette. Mr. and Mrs. John Westbrook and- family attended the birthday party of their great -great aunt, Mrs. Andrew Shepherd, at Clinton: As pointed out in a Signal - Star editorial last week, Tay- lor's Corner news, when there is any, is read by a great num- - ber of people who lel the comtnunity during past .rears. Sometimes this is their only tie with home. If you 'have .any news, won't you contribute it for the interest of these ° . people's Call 442'W 4 by Mon- day night of each week. Thank Films Offered To Local Groups -WAFFLES 2 pkgs of 6 2 5C Broder's Rem"Price 2 pkgs 39d--SAVF. 10o PEAS 2 12 -oz pkgs 9-0........-.-. • The National Film Board is now providing a film service for the benefit -of service clubs, church groups and other organizations in Goderich and• district. Robert Taylor, of Hanover, dis- trict representative of the NFB, states that a projector is on loan to Goderich for six months. While a local film council hasn't been formed yet, it is hoped. that this will be done later. In connection with the program, a training class was conducted in Goderich Baptist Church last• week for representatives of" a number of local groups. Films are being kept at Knox Presbyterian Church at presEnt, but a -permanent distribu- tion centre- is --being sought, says Mr. • Taylor. The NFB's main aim, he adds, is to provide organizations with films which will fit in with their own ..programs: "The films will be changed every month. Most—but not all—of the' films are NEB productions. • ... • u 4 0 And Appointments . Grants to -four organizations were approved by Town Council Friday. Maitland Air --Cadets and the Sal- vation Army will receive $100 apiece, while the pt: John Ambul- ance organization and the John Howard. Society of Ontario will receive $50 each. Councillor C. N.E.-gyp ertson . was re -appointed to the •Boar�d of Gov-„ .ernors of Alexandra' li arip.e and Gen, real Hospital for 1958. E. J. Pri4iem was named to Goderichl Public Library 'Board fb'r a three- year term, and George MacEwan and R. G. Sanderson were named to Maitland Cemetery Board for three-year terms. Vern Smith's lease- • on the con- cession at Agricultural Park was renewed for one year. The mayor and one other mein: ber of •Ceuneil were authorized to attend the .annual cgnvehtien of the Ontario Good Roads Assonatibn in the Royal- YOtk Hotel, Toronto, F:,bruary 25 and 26. Peamealed; 2 to 3 -Ib end cuts K NGSBBRtGE, Jan. 20. — Mr. Gerald Garvey returned—to his, .*home here last week from Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dalton and two sons, were week -end •guests with Mr. Frank Dalton and the ''Mark Dalton family. 'Mr. Michael O'Neill, Mrs. Martha O'Neill and Mr. Desmond O'Donnell rnotored to Sarnia and tu.Algonac,' Mich:1 to visit the Moore family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne and family ' visited with relatives,. in lesson and Kenkora on. ' Sundag. re T` Dwyer returned with the . Word has been received,.here of the death of Mrs. Mary 1�IcGtyynn (Clare) ill Detroit recently. o- MR. IRA G. NEEDLES, • of Kitch- ener, president 01 B.: -F_ _' Goodrich Canada Limited has been elected president of • tht Ontario Safety- League: Mr. Needles plebes -the Teague to "continually promote an, educational- =crept, of safety; em- phasizing the Ontario -,safety League's efforts to develop school' patrols, high school driver. educa- cils." ^ •o ---r- o 0 CODE LADY S,IROTHEk DIES FROM SEVERE BARNS • Mr. A. C: Whitehouse, Royal Oak, Michigan, brother of Mrs. B. R. Mianday, Goderich, died on Tues- day as a result ofE burns received in a fire. lie carne from England to Goderich in 1922 and in 1923 left Goderich for Detroit where he had been emMoyed With the Michi- gan Bell Telephone Company for more than 30 years. Mr. Whitehouse spent nearly all one night in a -hospital visiting with his wife, who was a patient there. Returning.. - home in the early morning hours, he sat in...an easy chair to take a .brief rest be- fore commencing his day's work. There, helell asleep while smok- irig a cigarette The lighted cigar- ette started a fire which was•finally detected by his daughter, who was awakened by -'the smoke. Firemen were called,:• who 'extinguished the blaze and rushed Mr. Whitehouse to hospital. He had suffered severe burns to his arms, ba T and chest . which resulted, in .:his .;death on Tuesday. Considerable fire damage was •done to the house. ..-i fiitehouse was fhe''otllyy'ant' viving brother of Mrs. Munday,. ire .ut c.QlDorne Town Council' has agreed to Col- borne Township's -request that- the town fire brigade service a larger area of the township. ' Up until now, Colborne --Town- ship has been paying the town a stand-by fee of $185 per year, pint $50- per call, for fire protect on. In return :.for - extension- of ser- vice to a larger area of the town- sship, the stand-by fee will be in- creasedrto '$21i1 per .year, but no change will be made- in 'the fee of $50 per call. •Colbor-me's •- Council recently wrote td ask that the •Gederich fire brigade service all of the township "except the- north-easterly part (north and east of lot 6, concession •. DO Y B ROO K- { 8) known. as • Elmer Robertson's I corner sideroad." DONNYBROOK, Jan 1,— The h °$ rcn rt' me rig n to `: , W.A.rwas held on Tuesday after- ; ^ 4QQI1 ate thy -.home of the president, •Mrs. Chas Jefferson. Prayer was b "' i J`e'er ii ` 'M , �W T. H'ardy'. reported for the ..Heralds. MrS. E: ,Snowden gave .a reading. Mows of the December ,Meeting were approved as read and thank birds-- :were read•.- _ The study book lira"' taken by Mrs. Jas. teddy. ,Mrs. . Robinson was in charge bf, the 1 '.A meeting. 'Prayer was. offered by the; leader. A contest a5 enjoyed: Mrs. S. Charnney a e a reading. The meeting„ was rs by the president, .., J. ,(stmt• unch .was.seed by.- 0,1$5;., feted by,,' is. "Slain 'taps ill pod Mrs.,iL..Jeff ,son.• •Constabl'e .W --.44' 1ieldon, form- erly4,stationed at Seafor h, has• he tratOet d"t e o ericii - o c of ,the Ontario Provincial, Police. Mr. }Tarry' Sturdy, West street, was_ ken to hospital Monday fol� lowin a slight stroke. He is rc- pportecJ..-,he .now progressing. quit vorahly. M'r. W. B. M. Armstrong 'than- ' ager"• of the -)lank of Montreal. is at- tending a tank of Montreal man., agers' conference at• Toronto, which bale until the eind of January. Councillor William Tipple is con- -:ad' Bingat his home following an operation at Al'exandra •Marino and General 1ospital. • CAR HITS POLE A hydro pole was `snapped in t*o at the. corner "q# Quebec and , Wellington streets Monday -•- even- ing when hit by a car. given by a Goderich youth, the ear skidded` on the slippery, road and hit the bore on the side of the road. Con- siderable damage was done to one side of the car. n-_�.__0••__ ___ _(► TREAT FOR PLAYERS A special tfeat will be waiting for local `squirt and pee wee hockey players when they g., down to the arena Saturday morning for their regular games. Pepsi-Cola and •hot dogs will be distributed to a`1T"'the youthful hockey players through the courtesy of Tuckey Beverages, of Exeter. o 0 BRIDGE SCORES Winners at the. Goderich Bridge Club' on Monday night were: Mr. and Mrs.. F.• J. Curry, with 667,1.,E •points;,.Mrs. F. H. Lee and Mrs. W: G. MacEwan with 5813 point r: : A : -and--'VFrs: -Bakes,` -wits'[ :'5 points, and Mrs. G. Paterson and Mrs. C. A. Reid, with 56% poihts: Kicked by a horse at the Gode- rich- raging, barns. Toni 1Torton- was taken to Goderieb hospital on Sun- day. He suffered a fractured arm and ,oth s*r.injuries: p APPLE JUICE 48 -oz tin 29e Rase°.Brand Reg.' Price 2 -lb 59c—SAVE 23c • MARGARINE 41 -Ib pkgs 9 5 'FUDGE. CREAMS pkg 29c Electric LightGeneral Bulbs Special 1 Rei.. Price each 21c --SAVE' 25c' 25, 40, & 60 -Watt 4 for 59c �$pecial ! Reda:rice each 25c -SAVE 11c 100 W tt, Froi0 for 39c Farcy -Quality , rexcis Curly Leaf, Fresh_.Tr..immed, WelatcliteadyloCooktIci.1 G ante g. Price 310- SAVE !c ° 7c Off"Deal pkg 69c, Ala Page Homogenized Reg. Price 35c --SAVE 4c PEANUT BUTTER • 16 -oz jar 31c, Aylmer Sweet, .rte+ Reg. Price 33c --SAVE Go, f r36 -az lar Nabisco Reg. Price 2 pkgs 39c --SAVE 40 SHREDDED WHEAT . pkgs 5 cello bags bunches ICE �. ERG LETTU�.Clifornia,�No, 1� grade 11ar9013adx�I J- • i ^ �Sweet. Fancy California ..Seedless, Sugar „„i�'"•-,•-.,��� Grade dozen y TWO TRAY ; HOSTESS CARTS $4,9 . . 54 x. 54:.,:_ ; . . Plastic TABLECLOTHS 49c HEAVY QUILTEf} `SOAKER CRIBMDS 89c Visit Our Fresh y F!o wer- Department This , Week -- A Re F ,eat : ut bunc... «.4adilsFresh Ch 9 Tulips and Da •� • . Uhl (�tt4trC Ptf C iE/l 1 !MMI ua Prices Ef#active Until Sitlaturda#y,ACJanuary 25thY, 1958 _LOW PRICED AT YOUR A&P _STORE 48 -az tin .33c ,O1+ . LNG sI Fancy Quality,, .Wl}ued '$tztokl* o