HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-23, Page 17.77111rtiv.., •
ie .rock -.0att projet at
willWeet 0
a:addressbY pence,
*areal:"at tIu iiQns Club
ep);20040tf vv. e,H:Turiczsi its qii$013,4
c -,-14011s" CIO on 1414 0e011
i204.814' •ealtr4S0P4,11g0004,eiWah10014.4vaigT;
oL om11040A 110.01$441t Corn-
*404 -04 also Sifto
•soxne :414Y:'414t"Fietr0in the :51f14:4_0-7100,7e::,p4,1:11,40t:play
d be nvited: to
oe,„ 4,0„„„01.1.
der an immediat4 increase. in
stated. Reeie
'624* iere J?riday mid *hipped Seaforth
onO3L-.3,11e___giT.U-___s ,ft `to right, are:
Lynne Leonard and Elizabeth Harley. "
S.S. Photo by R.H.
DonneIy Friday 11g*.
motion :t0 this 7W-44,70.--"Mtn07:.
was 5
d carried by Councii It is st.0t:ma
,roforitslikoTy';._that,J110.t*o. ,011trtho: '04100t0r
041 b0OloS -viA.',diacuas4h0 tho
0000 Perea,$.0° At the '004 regular . The golloctq*,:
rOoting;" large: ,e0n0
Iraw Up„ 111,,e0ntieet1011 witli. the
w'o pr.0,1ects-:;mentione "
Want ,
.t (TAY'S )00404 mc;eiing,.'I
at 400100% 't0 ask 1411110Y Afet110
Water '$0 anada) •
orle'Ver,a14011tha persons
'wilo are acquainted With the faets,
,Ve considered a rate increase
just. a Matter Of !glow seen." The
public Was informed a long-time,
ago thatliwvater-4ePaittent-Wa.
operating at a deficit' - -
'100 funds are available to helP
-parfor-a-neW water -supply -system
and sewage- ditp-osral plant, pro-
le,Pts .which are now being studied
by Council. In fact, there are not
Stifficient funds to pay- ler- any
slightly since the beginning of the
year in the area served by the Na-
tionak EmPloynient Service- 'office*
at Goderich. •
on.__Thursday of IOC Week further reports or plans which con -
the 'suiting engineers may. be asked to
tog_ seeking employmenWiteod at -
1,039 Whereas the total -at-the-t —
ginning Of the year was 1,119. This
is a -drop-of VI •
, Of the 1,039 now seeking employ-
ment thereare370 • men and 169
WPmen.Since the beginning of
the 'year some .30.0 persont who
-*ere listed as seeking employrnent
have found jobs on the other
hand, another 300 People have
also , been added to the niiinber
_seeking work.
, Among those listed as tm
ed are: 24 machinists; 25 welders;
err .61
truck drivers; 200 construction
laborers; 52 food processers;27
unskilled lumber industry em-
• ployees.
Sunset not
• 0.1110 :IOW
Eanney OrgazOation, Which. •_ The -Beech? .
has Its head. (Iffiee COIUMblia, 'ltee.it"0 00.nriellY- Oa* '-`'Ir„.'tbefe
Ohio, drilled tts4,,iroles at the local "any .Serious notion 'of PUttl-Pg
waterfront Cdouple of months ago 4annoy collector the WW1! ,
determine 'Whether, -their pyategi VeRUPpiteever- Peter WillaltvOfl.
mi work for . said that he would not recommend
report said.. that the es
-that be leared-:'bre-Iltrileat
lector would be on -the bathing.
unapt IfOtelY 1eVeI0
ttired.,guarAtitX,of' at ana t t ey no
9 'W/A;$ told
te' *OW 8$stellrf
19 tr1.4.0t0014.ere .00a
unit szatmo.
pop1e earIT
Pieta 0404,,,--in00:1
test—o, cost of 2
•, ifoliAltarnativ,ft,
In addition ,the antie)1,- -
14104,14 -b0011. -'•studying
onventional,,-water A1P
jg felt it would be preferableto whioh -Aost as 004
locate' the &Meade' elsewhere even- -$502-40i- this -plan prepareAitaa,*•",-t
-if it 'would cost More ' bY• James MaCLaren- ,A$40 „
_ Members of Council have been --of -"rdttifito.
given to understand that the :Ran- Deputy -Reeve Afac,BWan- suggest,
•lleY Officials were a little disip- ed -Friday night that, in order.**
Pointed with the results of the get'satisfaction, it might -be a g00.41
idea for,. Council to Ask•-au0l4.1**
independent. -consulting el/MOW
T analyze --the a1ternative41aTin
give his (Onions 10 Courteit
___Reeite„:2110nelly said that ,the
idea suggested by Thomas'SarldY'ha
a letter_ published in last Week's
Signal -Star should .also be inveSti-
Councillor C. M. lloberts911
dicated that he -hasn't been vent
impressed with the RanneY
posal so far.
o- o o ,
• „
' R was -further stated in the -re --
port: "It was determined that stif-
ficient depth of gravel did not
occur on the gravel bar (below the
_ r ,,, '
Friday -night's. Town Council
eeting came 'elese-to producing
ome verb*, firewerks When. ;cowl-
illor Joe Allaire 1:t a Move
. „,......„ ,.. 4
o ' drOP'hillif Ir011u'the sa$14' ra
oderich Otriat''00* * '0 .,.
Afte,P'a rntber,.110-ite exchange
f ..wOrd0:--,betweefl - CP OW.' 4.1.-
-eve Peter Macl
"xifitgion., - To
satisfied witrrthe work of the com-
mission members• appointed by the
Jaycees. •
The deputy -reeve felt that the
'aiirrimisSion Is doing all that it cap
lirmote'•Goderich.° Only by. the
„aipokiitiiient... of a fulktiyee indus-
trial cOmmi0§i01101A9010- inere 'be
4011e, in his.
tilly';''',a.firrat4t 010inber who was
lated to -- replace :011ffbr Al -
ire on tb,:-$:ritilOtrid-Cirniiiiission-
slEek'thatd•his-'01101 'mine be-
• •
interested in being On there,
but not at expense of -e-ranap-
ing 'Joe's style? said CoUticillOr
All membert, of Counekl,'' except
Deputy -Reeve lVfaCEwan; Who heads
the Industrial,,, COnithiSsibn, 110
voted for . sby.aa*T`x0APPoilltulg
CounoillbtAllaircOlistead of Coun-
cillor, $411Y.,.-twtlig' Conniussion.
Need 14OrtnOlii ' ••
"At one stage 'in the argument,
Mayor,,,Ernie :P.. Fisher warned,
- -
felt that the present commission
has done good-rwork; ife- support-
ed the re -appointment of Council-
lor Allaire,, but did not favor en --
„biting the commission. li there
are interested persons Outside the
coramission 'Wbe, would like to work
on it, he felt that the commission
could Make some arrangement
whereby these _persons can par-
ticipate without changing the von-
stitution. - '
Asks. For •
Deputy -Reeve MacEwari, who did
tak`e kindly toward Councillor
reason, behindliis suggestion which',
he had`nat'made' known Yet. The
.deputy -reeve said ' father , bitterly,
that he felt the ,thotion *as meant
aS "a slap against the Jaycees." •'
'When the two-part motion was
voted on, it 'was defeated 5-2:
Only ,Councillors Allaire •and Frank
Walkout suPported it. As- a result,
the Constitution ofthe ,commission
vvJl not,be„, reviewed,
'tniliflor-2--Bruee-4411Y Maid
that his name be withdrawn from
the by-laW appointing members to
the Industrial Commission tor 1958.
After Some-,`diScussion; this was
done and-Councilloi-Allaire's nam
was substituted. All members of
Council., except Deputy-ReeveXac-
Ewan, then voted for the amended
Earlier, the Jaycees' exectitiVe
•roposed William Anderson, Ralph
Clark and William Haysom as their
representatives on ,the comnassion
for -1958. Mr. Haysorn takes the
place of Ken Croft.
he would like to make loom, on the
cenuniSsie1. for a couple of Persons
who cannot serve now because
they are net •ineinbers of Council
•nor -do ther belong to the Jaycees.
Deputy -Reeve MaeEwan. extkreSS-
ed fear that it 'would be More
fieult to get a quorum at meetings.
in event of the' industrial commis-
sion being enlarged.
-An, line With Couteillor.Allaire's
thoughts, .a two-part. motion Was
passed An ComMitter of the Whole.
The motion called- for a review, of
the Industrial Commission's con-
stiention and islfe.d that no further
appointmentale Made to the com-
mission' in--tb.e meantime.— -------
When--Courreil reverted to regu-
lar session more arguments were.
"Let's n t- start,,pft...With a heard ,on the mo ,
-Assembly yards for hogs under
the direction of the Ontario Hog,
Producers Co-operative were -open-
ed on Tuesday at the Clinton Com-
munity .Sales Barns. Ilensall Co-
operative was thetop skipper when
nearly 300 hogs were ShiPPeirr"
Stratford, Kitchener and Torento.
Officials present for the op frig
were Eldred Aiken, ford,
chairman of the Ontario eg Pro-
-ducers.IVIarkethig Board, and -Wes --
ley -aVlagwoodr-Hanover, •-a director,
+Huron County, ranks third in hog
production in Ontario.
The new yards were established
with the assistance of W. R. Lobb,•
e--'-ft:R. -2,- Clinton, 'president of the
Huron County Hog 'Producers;
Joseph Corey, Clinton, is in charge
of the new yards. --
Them strolikelihood that
a new 22-unit,,ren hosing pro-
will be laiincilred in Gocierich
wrgiln a matter of weeks. •
In a special release to The Sig-
Eder Of Ontario. announced to -day
that the rental survey requested
recently .by 'Goderich Town Council
has been approved.
The preniter said that the Hop.
W. M.• Nickle, Provincial minister
of Planning arid Development, and
Hon.. Howard Green, federal min-
ister of Public Works, have ap-
proVed the carrying out - of the
survey. • ,
"If the survey indicates a need
survey shows that -there are eneugh
persons seeking to rent houses
here, work on a housing project
might be commenced as early as
February.* This would help alle-
ateL.the.4themployment....5i '0 1_
in Goderich.
In an advertisement elsewhere
in this issue- of The Signal -Star,
Gdderich Housing Authority asks
persons interested in rental boils,
ing to pick up a survey question-
naire, fill it out and retuxit -by
Feb. 8. The goeStilinnaires May
be picked up at the office at 30
North street,
Ellis Ct.' Jeffrey is chairman of
Goderich Hbusing Authority. Other -
rental survey after it received a
letter from Goderich Housing
Authority. - •
The letter...signed by J. K. Hun-
ter explained: "The authority feels
continuing--d-ericiara for -rentaHi
sing in Goderich during 1958. Since
May of 1957, there- has been no
time-,- When we did not have a
waiting list of abottt 10 would-be
tenants. At times this list was
ever:25, and this did not take into
account those persons who came
iii to to Rpply for a house but did
not ,make out an application due
to the size of the -waiting list.
"We feel that the re -opening of
the organ company building and
the developments at the harbor
will spur the already considerable
If the survey now under way
41lows that More rental housing is
needed, there is one hitch which
might ,delay the start of a project.
Dr. A. E. Berry, general mana-
ger pf Ontario Water Rescairces
CM -Mission; •bas refilled 'to give
Council permission to extend a
sewer to the ----land' assembly pro-
ject until the tawo takes some
concrete _action towards planning
a_neW sewage disposal system.
Hoping to avert any such delay,.
Council, -will meet . this Friday
night in an effort' to • cheose a
firm of consulting engineers to
prepare a report• -.on a new sew-
age disposal plan: .•
-for rental 'housing," Prenuer Frost member§ . are: . -F. Chapman,
stated, "the two govern•meets .are secretary -treasurer; Alex. Alexan-
rapidlY der, Frank Young and J. Hun -
pee ared to push ahead
ter, who is housing Manager.
Goderich Housing Authority is
responsible, for the „administration
of the two existing 'rental liotiSlifg
projecth, the Dunlop Memottal
Project and the. Strang Memorial
The Dunlop, project, .consisting,
of 25 subsidized, rental housing
units; -was •built, in 1953. The
cost per Unit was $8,076.26
and the average rent is listed at
_ The Strang project, containing
26 rental housing units. Was built
in1955. The average cost per unit --
was $9,461.04 and the average
rent. is $62.
reittee that's btekering,-
Aln vie* of the present unemploy-
ment sitlmtion, industrial promo-
tion is an iniportanr matter‘ and
there should: be. harinony on the
commissiotvhe stated. - • .
According to its constitution, the.
commission 'Mist consist of, four
members : -of. Town Council arid
liree...menibers -named by Goderich
Junior ChaMber of /Commerce. •
Debate started_ rriday ' night,
when, a recommendation „was
brought in for the appointment of
Mayor Fisher, Deputy-ReeVe Mac-
Ewan- touncillers ytrilliara
with the development of a project
for approximately. 29 units.”
. land ,
project earlier requested by Gode.•
rith has been yapproved by the
Vito ministers coneerned and the
Ovelopment of this project is
being hastened,,ad much as. pos.
ble.r . •
'The /and- assembly- plaiti---which:
incmorates the Willis .property
which the town bought last year,
is situated • near Goderich 'District'
Cellegiate Institute. It contains
22 lots. •
Early Start Possible
It was hinted earlier that if the
1958 Goderiell Ihdustrial' Commis- stitt suggestion that the cbn,
Tipple and -Bruce Sully •to tile All ir 's
. , tion be revised, aSkl Coun.-
Piaiiiiii4".litt-ThilititaSr night '''CR-1-?---"=4-:'-'11---air"re'-- 'llg''''11.1F:re. _w_ .s1 wine
Co ,.
at the eoMmittee_ meeting which
preceded the regular Friday
Council meeting, CouneillorAllaitre
agreed _to, •tfu.s proposal *hie r er. 'o
n -0. S_ peak At Knox
coniniison. . --- _
• ,
Three sows were burned to death
when a fire destroyed the barn -of
John Rimmer, Blake street, early
Tuesday mailing.
Origin Of the fire -is not defiiiite-
ly known, although a -lamp Was
left on during the., night to Provide
heat for a litter of Pigs that was
expected, The alarm was sent in
at 3 a.m.
Sixteen- head OI cattle were re-
moved from the barn before it was
completely destroyed by fire.
'The fire siren sounded oirTties-
, day night, for the purriose of ,call-
ing firemen in to drain the hose'.
-Reeve John Morrissey, o f
Stephen Township, edged out
Reeve JohnDurnin, of WestWawa-
nosh Township, br-orie- vote in the
final ballot to determine the new
warden of Huron County., The
vote was 1-7-16.•;' •
It - was the most keenly ,Ieught
contest on Tuesday, in years and
went to, the fifth ballot before
Reeve 'Morrissey was elected
warden. In each case, 33 ballots
were cast. ,
Four 'other reeves entered the
six -man contest: Orval Taylor, of
East .Wawanosh; William McKen-
zie, of Exeter; 'William Morritt, of
Blyth, and John'Deeves, of Gode-
rich Township.
Reeve MeKenziej-was the third
- closest rival, . surviving until the
fourth round of- balloting. Reeve
Morritt was elhninated an the third
ballot, Reeve Deeves on the second
ballot ,and Reeve Taylor on the
fil--st ballot
The \warden, was escorted to the
chair by retiring Warden Harold
Gowdy of 'Howick Township, who
would mean: his removal fr6ifillie" ''''- ,
.Sometinre -Wiihin the -next
hours,.he elianged his Mind, / --° ' . , ' . . .
He itid-leated - that he had -been -- Mr. ieifonhah- Loth, a ftifinerg)---
taken-by surpcise Thursday -night. Mbslent,--Who_was converted to
"Up im.tillasit nighaliadn't.leeri _ChristianitY and is now studying-
approaelied n any fashion about for the Presbyterian. 'ministry Will
getting , Off,. the -.commission," lie delffer'sn- address in Knox Church
said. „'r.• ---, . • ,• bri Sunday afterndon at 4 o'clock
-ItYanfg To- Stay on • the subject ,."‘From -Crescent to
.. ,
Vow," he • linno-tnieedy,,n 2-feeL,...I " in which he will relate the
would like to remain Oir the In- experiences iirlar'doliversion:- -,
dustrial 'Commission.", Neil Shaw, Mr. 'Gordon tiraltei and
He had -always been .interested Mr. William Asher, nalinberS"Of the
-in the eonionssion's workr:ho said, Wn0X.1VIen's Club will share in con -
and had -Iv -en, Triade-industrial pre- -duating the taymen'S Segiriee. .
motiliAxplank inins,eleetion pl-at- 9' RrOtiglit up in. the IVIoslem faith
'fOrdis. . In fact •,..saTd---1.-Cetificillor in he' northern pat of Irari Of
key. The oath was administered
by Judge Frank Fingland and a
devotional prayer was said by the
Rev. E. A. Eustace, of North Street
United Church, Goderich.
Judge Fingland said: "We live
in extreme, and changing times,.
and it is the duty •and responsibil-
ity .of governments ao 'keep- par;
With the times" to preserve the
present way -of life.
Warden Morrissey has_ served
ten years on •the township council
and is -beginning his seventh term
-as reeve. , He is a,„riatiye of Credi-
ton, a farmer arid drover, and a
director of the .Canadirin Trotting
Association and the" Western -On-
tario Racing Asiociation. He has
eight Children. „
He is the first warden eleeted
:from -Stephen* Township in -22
years; Sweitzer, now
of Grand Bend, field the post in
Town Council ,requested the new
For County
The Warden's Coinmittee ream, .
mended at (Huron County' Council
on Wednesday that,aa ,corornittee
be directed to investigate the coun-
ty indigent patient situation and
report on a possible remedy or al-
The report from the 1957 com-
mittee chairman, Reeve E. C.
Fisher, pointed- out that, the De-
partment of Welfare have indigat-o
ed they 'will Pay, 75 per dent -Of
the maintenance of the Huron
County Rome in 1958. It was sug-
gested- that an additional patient
wing at the County Horne might be -
a solution to the problem. -
Cost of indigent patients for tbie
County in 1957, exceeded -4105,00k
Therez-are. -5/ patients in hospitals
or nursing homes who have *fen"
there for mOre-thair a7,00-dWtiers011-
on which the County pays *elan •
costs.• These patients cost- the
• CAnnty $4,877 for the Month •of
-NoVember,.,1957. In additi011,. the.
hospitals or nursing homes -receiv-
ed $2,800 in pensions Ori --a, total -
of $7,677. It was pointed out
there is no further 'accommodatroir
for bed 'patients at the Cckinty
,The County Home Committee re•
commentled that the rate of main- '
tenance at the County Home be in-
creased to $75 per month from the
present $60 a month.- ,
' o o -
Industria l Commission To Scout
For New Industries:For Goderich
A delegation will visit Tor- nwas amed tredsurer, Re-en-
onto once a month from Gode- gaged as secretary was George
'Clingan. Town:- Council repre-
,rich. in an effort to round up sentatives on the , commission
new industries for Goderich. are Mayor Ernie Fisher, de -
Contacts will be Made with Puty-reeve Peter iVlacwan-and
- banks, railways, industrial in- Councillors . Joe Allaire and
vestment firms and ill possible ,. illiam Tipple. The JayceeS
sources in- order to; find in-
dustries,seeking to locate new -
sites in Ontario,
' This was the decision 'Of the
Goderich Industrial Commis-
sion which convened at the
'Town Hall_on Monday evening
for their first nieeting of the
new year. • '
- ,lie -elected chairman was W.
Anderson. W- W.
1935, • - '
Reeve Durnin, of West,- Wawa-
noshrsaid Ihat'townstrip h0 had a
waiten only twice in 117 years.
-Reeve peeves, of Goderieh Town-
ship, said was 20 years since
that townShip had had a warden -
presented :Warden -Morrissey with
I •
the chain -elf office and -the warden's ship.
Councillor Frank Walkonc,moved
at Friday's Council -meeting that /
consideration be given to establish- •
ment .sof -a-police commission te„,
replace Council's police committee,
tePresentatives are W. Ander-ogiviaesnt. nwoeteikce,s_eissaruliee,r,thasat rehe,
son, Wi W. Haysom, , Ralph -Hpoertheaddi
CwlaTarrhdkeTta a
year of action tion.
commission looks for- . planned to introduce such a -Ina --
which three important phases Council decided to delay discus -
with resilect to industry may sion of the proposal until the next
- be settled. They are the zon- "'committee night," which meant
ing by-law, the sewerage sys, the night before the ,next regular
tem ,..and` the water ' works meEeatrintige;,ofc0Coortuendliolr. wakom said
system. — that a police commission would
probably consist of the mayor,
county judge and magistrate or
-crown attorney. - •
• There has been little. formal _dis'
-cussion yet as to thejeasons for
changing the existing set-up where
by Council exercises. direct super
vision over the local polite de
partnient. -
o •0
--, .- P • • 4
Allaire,, "Of all conmiltteetrI;doetthe' ruling -class ,heritage, Mr. Lot& - Reeve J. M: 'Donrrelly,- 'Of (lode -
want to;he• elf that One " ' : . ca ' in contact .ixtitli Western'in-
, .. rich, was named to Abe Equali?atien
Asking Ilivi‘viihy, 1A0. had changed', "ft tivis and Subsequently. became Committee of Huron Cennty Coun-
his' initut, Deptityilte040 alacEwan a coxplevt to .Christianity. Its de- eil for 1058. . This committee has
said that the reason., „Counelllor 015011'0 ' .fr Om the •AVrosieni faith, to do . with the'setting of assess-
, Allaire 'had not beet - Slated' far iatitoinatlealty 4veted.iiis_faitily tie ments, for ..tounty-t-nriinieipalities.
...entAfttihooingus - • jid used Ole. great diSiirea 01 -TW Chairfnan of . this corminttee is
WaS beiiiiiiie -it Was'161trzlio•-would' litaiTaren
be tao busy, Andre a" Mayor in! different townirir-rtife— -,Others--ort-th •
earlier' .-10-Suptibinted-thnirniarLiot ran Area Of :northern Iran (Mar- tee ,are Reeves 4nlih-treeves-,---of
Councire -diplitnittee rid, la MAO sattir-of the --Rus- Go -aerial, Township, W. (McKenzie,
f6r. 495 '7 - er)- and, was. assalated
of , Exeter, and Ivan 'Forsyth, of
Tuckersmith. !
, -Allaire , proposed
fhb .d0hailthttOn _Of t "e Industrial
-*-COrtqllasiOti be revise
tnelit-.Wat that the ItYeeee -MOM-
berohip te4torrt8.tietn arge In coo,
litoirowto *lot it VV,a.`b,P,Ute Y647° tioti ,tlute tho 'Christian- 011100P Y.,
iniStry Of the -tine-tier. Chairmen, of the various.- tom-
'Pored ,an 107 was 'sent to Eng.
landf0WArother Fored person-
nel 041at' training4t,altdraft
engineering.- in iiithr0h* 1,0g*
t INiff, :Loa roathat the
th tluan 'J' -
any other etgoiiitieti 110derieliv the Valigelical Preabyteritio nox College -Toronto. litr, LOtrx,
,110-40.4teletre,..Nt(ei6vart rep1104 theLeile for Upon,
.troAtAtio40yoteo 410movointostost.: "rotiVntng t.,to his, faith was
1044. itaustriAt .vrtatetioh. tteeprocroittitigh-tbe ifillfieniee-
0100 $ ,
Nkri 11 AMU,
• 11
In 1949, he came to the United Legislativez-Reeve Jelin Deeves,sof
States' where he obtained his B.A..' .Goderich ToWliship. ,
e to Canada rinance-4temte J. M. Donnelly, of
Goderich. •
ReforestatioReeve J2Keringlian,
of Colborne. .
rrOpeit-Ateeve Dan lieuerman,
of eltillott.-%
-degree, Later he cam
ahd worUcd. in Winnipeg 46 an
afrerAft engineer. nAt• the present
4, joie ;-lie,,-is, studAng .1lieolo'gy in
llas- dramaile story to, te
County, Home — Reeve Norman
Sco'ins, of Seaforth.
Children's Aid—Reeve Bailie Par-
rott, of Morris. -
Agriculture—Reeve. W. NteKetizie,
of Exeter.
library -Reeve 'Orval---T-aylor, of
East Wawaliosh.
Watik—*- .ep
Trewartha, of Clintoni* ----
Equali2ation—Reeve C. Smith, Of
Good Roads—Reeve Cecil Blake,
Howick. -
Airport — Deinity-Reeve Joseph
'Kerr, of W:ingham.
Criminal Audit Board -:judge F.
Fingland., •
Consultative — Reeve Norinan
Jones, of Hileusall.
historic — Deptity-Reeve Chester
Mawhinney, of tteter ,
The old ditving- shed a toot.trittqa ohttith, Atibtim has been
_ onver,-ted into an_indoor rink. NtYw on it second winter'of Oper-
ationl'iit is a -•
earnival is to be held' there some tithe in February. Last winter
the .ctirnival-drew nearly 1,000 people, Attendance at the rink
Varies frora`25 to 40 youn,.:g.::_katers.. Two girls are shown here
watching two boys clean oft the ice surface. They in 'l
are, ..froeft
to right: Je'annetteDoine, Calvin Bisback, John Arthur and**:"#iThifiii-*
Sanderson. • ••
-`Officers of Mallock • Chapter,
Royal Arch Masons, Seaforth, were
installed by Rt.. Ex • Comp- W. H.
Roope on Monday evening, He
was assisted by Ex Cornps
C. MacDonald and C. Laithwaifte„ -
all of Goderich.
,• The following_ evening, the of: ,
ficers of Huron Chapter -RANI,
'Goderich, viere, installed tifEx
Comp Robt.-Bisset, assisted by Ex
Comp Ross, 'Ex 'Comp C. Mae-
Donalti,41 Ex Comp W. H. Roope.
The officers installed at Godeticla
re; Com Frank,. Meihfai
Z; EX Comp Clayton Laithwaite,
Ex Comp Kenneth Hunter, Ji Ex
Comp, William Currey treasurer;
Rt. Ex Comp -80.;
• = __IlisSet ,SN- „comp
Ra p en= ers n, onrelifer -
Cox, -SS; Comp John Westbrook,
IS; Comp Wm. Treble, Mtd.-4th
Comp Wm. Leesou, al of
Comp Joe MaeDmiald,A1A..4.114A7
-Comp- Earl Elliott, 'A.W°W Ist
Comp. Wm. Bushell, &der Alla
Ex Comp H. T. Barker, organ`