The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-16, Page 9the Sell 0 Or 1,94, u1100011: Ikna 3 Ye oarge,„, tt•Cathie iotter read.. the ure.r4ariOp Iiiebo1d re -z, PtOilf!, MIL -Ate r giehti• Bob T+70 tir tiPineSS 'periek' to'n44100'1, crib c10iit4"for the ja1e gerran pIayer. Yeo. ',,react a."AtOry" .;eai reeolotions gndfnnI•04, ote''re a &One Ihe.eltalAterOir book .were.reviewed VaaddOok,"atgt IOW sed-cWitit,Ipr 'Sittida; e. 110IS%'reti:1*114 vine' • ikurb4i• er an olat should'114v0, sacre 'patint- in ClintO 'c }1osptai,• Stn., own,.of Detroit spent ,mother, s Of pend the nil oft; s'. 3 33 4, „ 4 Or, 14 0 , ami e, an I 39 16 • °Uri Batavia, who k with the latter,!a .CA 10- tot a. este witji Mrs. K. orrish.,;,VereL.,to. dauhter, Mure1, Of London, and alfd 'omen Douglas, who is tatOIX rorI Jan. of!lei, Utt t Urcit Met _ „ . 2i.OftoMVSA f`ttgret. Stratt , eaday 4,tisi with a goo :•toiidarice,,:Ther.president, ;MVO% 4,0 it''. VIA4 -07 prev1ou znethig' reved. as..;:re 4 by- t . .4100 0 0: tlanefiti, ,,*0 , nr.04,11 zn "Igaggr Z:: 4;1_ 0,41:%:i4eirtrrilgatts- alit the lint).0.144' 0.0' boats,:' teany'.:th oittotts.:Ive0' V-090/"' bonfe 00.404'..Veikg*,hPlic1Sy. ,e4f," h • „William^ ,gual.40,0+ ' aYfaldKOUgU.UUS:,.•rgOne., Ws' 1 4,Co conducted the ceremony o Toronto for lhe,*10, ro, .1,forgio.lootilation of OtNert, The ,S; . ,Retiort,::104010,nalti, 0 eiv lrylo. 'ealloil,,,Ancl-„Wgo,-ansWerect ,oiiritii::4!, Robert 44 ,etyQroi., Q 3y-:44,, : ,pt 0,,,,poy t ilyo,1.4.,0%;,‘b7r4it:,0f,".0.0.-, A: Pig , 7.V.2.414,••ti erg 14')!,&•'*,i elolow,,wi i erm00 ' fit , OOP citainhanW r '02t •• -,,,,..0"' '011-41re "V Mtedritc. 4 • 3y -Ba oter was fht• 4A11D13 She was - 00:$444 ,0040,00hr,her- 1 .671,1,,,‘0:0440:,,,ov,,41ir 4,Ibhe,iivig4tpx0.,titiVoonr.40,t., ,.„ _.,_1,,g,s:.• g ,V9A4440 0.1,l'irepor oil', , , v irvivin „ r '''.6011(4311410'PaYI: '4' son,'''8p,111'QM1:471:11sC:Wtii.:(::tri,'''19$11:1.•::::n'r4;ad- t ;, 4 ' ':400i0eosi. nieetiligityrotlitg. an IAPPr°Pliate 'Ws: Nyigt#4434...;"epAtioggl' the '0„Isl; 'aid a•gtetitialOiler.'Urs•'''th $--1 t' ---f la ' " -15-Y--' ' ' .orgard ,.• of ,Q11,tesgo 40 b e.•:avg I) tireo., Pi 'wed... . lirg:r es vot Bte ., '0010 O. ' cmpau1st* for unekooks-ge t ,e1040 after1100 ere ary • • $ Ve-, -* LS ;tondered aig W u lova, es. 'a ,q1 London,visitedlast Sunday with 4410,0**Ott * at jj Congratulations to .Mr. and;Mis• another son WO in Godech hospital, a * 4_44 t,)!1?.:. °:11:4.4r-fgh,:er, Ailrry le tzi ,rtalti0; $441e$14 -4P-414‘ a Raniers, A with -their daughter, Proltuk BrownThe% YX:4$0elety of Xarles, Angki.ogn,; Church, held a .e.108,11-' rjdirig pert -Jag; Thursday evening 'fro home 0! Ancl„ *Kg. or, eo -i,lOwShipOorthe ' 364.1e•l'O ortir•roto'ii4040-i, 0 aro ' iftz4141°!!ifftIOSA4OutiiKVA ghtMant 1,4t.'119p,.0:0-31c.10 Oliver- Andors914 ',2nd ',1114 tO, 40,tri'MktA,',.•Aydney• -0Ording,secretarri,MrS.;49Ygasoi,:;. .0 ID ID .$4 .4tiohild: , . ,. , , y,.., , s. . Wm.. Strapoab,. ,. .s. , - - George t Milltan and tr,f4. ''Fred Metzet.-04riwar:dudt.. A portion of he,zewi ,stindoolc--olk- Iapan.. -was wepared by • Mrs. L. --Areliarobault ancTread by her,. 'Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett -favored- with an instru- mental on- thepiano. Mrs. Fred Toll gave an interesting message an ,Christian Sflwardship. She also informed the •ladies, that -the mis- sionary for:praYer-tbii-Year is Miss Qretta L. -VAIGauld,, RN, • Tainan, 1 Formosa. Md. George.,Millian gave interesting facts on temperance. Mrs. Hiltz informed ,the ladies that ---the-gorean.awernen niake good use of worn gut nylon hose. She -would 'like the ladies .to save them , •I"iD , . ,• print,ed; to :your .indiyidual business7 -require- men,ti are a var 1l asset: YOF. qualitSr-thaf tir aa • prestige to Tear accounting system, a.4.„ very moderate rate; ccisi1t' 7 The'4Gocterich-St§Tial-Stai t tlie" • ast ,p#0 ekfii ,no i1,4101479 00004, , p1l mot_ cadets dritegW. . ...;**.t,*(1*?i,:ceernegtrftrOoritialt' -4;•'. *NO, Finnigan, P';'.4:4#1g4 Ik..egtrittcr-aild Diaeld (P.4ting At. . P.O.PA,0 UM% presented sorgea,n4- *ArIP-Ps 0.4 Pgt .4/10,1,044; aergeant'S.hatigeStO oroyo, aSSIStant recording 40eretar)/;• IltIrSi • VoG:PiauitOrc.literstor 04:NW' Aioar,r- 1014' .V.hat100 ft41.4 hatk; ek4QP :eret - AlatiaeAt §tew Oved:TOlt clArIP an .4401 Ifrai.litilltan;t, ROD hrtstian,cdtteatkinr#Irs. gad ightman; treadreeto 4111AL.Harol -Webster; finance 00intnitteerMrs Fred.Toll, • Mrs. Webster, 0.0orgo Nirs,,, Gordon McClinchey; community friendShip,. Mrdr*JOhn. Durnin, Xrs.* Gtir.Cun- ningham; Mrs...•__LChartq .StraUgha • c'StipPly ,e0trInlittke, Mr's. William. Straughan, ,Mrs. James Craig, 'Mrs. James Jackson; temperance, Mrs. Guy Cunningham, WS. George illlanc,• soda. -c-b.lbinittee, cM1.0: -Bert Craig, Mrs Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Kenneth, 'McDougall, Mrs. John Durnin, Mrs. Bill Dodds, Miss Viola Thetripsen; pianists, _Mrs. 1/4-. J. Craig, Mrs. S. McClinchey; music committee), Miss Sadie Carter; Mrs. W. J. Cr 'Mrs 'IreClinehey, WS. S. 1VIcClinchey; Mission Band, Miss 1Vlargaret R. Jackson; assist- ant, Mrs. Arthur Grange; Junta' Band, Mrs. Maurice Bean; Baby Band, Mrs. Leonard Archambault; flower cOnimittee, Mrs: W. T. Robi- son, Mrs. William Straughan; mite boxes, Miss Viola TICOmpson; preps secretary, Mrs. R. Easom. , Farmers Union 'Meeting. — The first meeting of the year for ,Huron County was held- in the agricultural board TOOM, _Cdintan_Qn January 2. In spite or a stormy evening, ther was a od attendance. Mr. • Shareholdersng of ' 'fOriner xesklent,orthe - Nile ,area andr-19tOwn, Mrs. llobert •:Luutily passed-,4way, reCently at StreetSVille in her 83rd year Pre-' decease -4'. by laishap4; Bev. Robert: Lundy, .111rd. Lundy was 4 member Of 6treetsville Horticultur- al „Society, the Women's Institute; and, past president.of the Streets - Ville United Church Woman's Aux- iary. 'Tile late Mrs. Lundy was a well-known 'writer of books of pioneer days. • Celebrate Stith -Wedding Anniver- "lary.-Mr:- and "Mrs -J. C. -stout quietly -celebrated their 59th -Wed- ding .-anniversary last Saturday, January 11, at their hone 'here: Many friends and neighbors, called during the afternoon and *ening to extend best wishes on the oc- gasion_ Refreshments and tea Were served the guests •by their daugh- ter, Mrs, Marguerite Chopin, of -Wingham,' and Mrs Fd Ross. The best wishes of this district go to this esteemect couple. . At the recent annual school meeting, the following trustees were installed: Mr. Edward East, Mr. Robert Turner and Mr. Keith Arthur. The skating rink is now in oper- ation and the wee folk are having a wonderful time. Mr and-Mrs:-IIL Wilkin, of Gode- rich, visited last Sunday"with their teringavr,-Mrs7George--litVil- kin, Robert, Patsy and Mary. James Muir declares ' Electors .1 ---and Gornmenfjointly • reipoiisi414 -with -' Business and, Labdur in curbing inflation Creation Of new financial ,institution suggested to fill need for nigre adequate long term , et -port financing. Time ripe for Money Market' to titsume More positive functiOn. . _ Although the round-robin ofa cost.' 1 and price rises is undoubtedly' an I SMALL 'BORROWER inflationary factor,, even- the best NOT ,NEGLECTED -.intentions on the part of., both __,Generally--sPeaking, banks_ labour and- .cinnot --take care f long esi..st an inflationary environ- ment created by .excets.spending, through errors or inefficiency ,,.of monetary, and fiscal management; declared James - Chairman and President of the Itoii Bank of it ere has been a -great to-do Canada in his addrels at lie-hOltl- --abotit•seareity--of-credit for this annual meeting In' Ittiritreal sector of our economy,' and goy, Thursday; ,JantiSry- 9th. such , a elluAleAtt authorities have ap- parently become exercised, abOtit- dt. Frankly, r am baffled when I read Of these things and I cannet..eseaDC• Tito -impression- • that the whole case must be grossly exaggerated, or that, perhaps without realizing it, we may be witnessing an evolution in ' 'It May -be -that a ftiridanieMaI -change is taking -:p- bee in our econOiny and .that the Small mershant is experi- encing something that credit cannot help: "Mere is some ,evidence not only that- sales out- lets, are becoming more and , more -• concentrated, but •that taleS' and, prothietion„ units are •developing an increasingly close relationship With one another. , "From- the inception . Of the tight money policy, ''your bank has made it clear by •.word of mouth and by repeated written communications- to all of our .branches they Were still ,_*.guired to deal sympathetically with VOlications for -personal and Small business loans. . " "In Spite of our lending policy there has been a reduction not only in the number of borroW, I ers but a substantial reduction ,las well in the amount borrowed this particular field: As far as this bank is .concerned„the. Credit faeilities have been avail- able), OtteilitanagersAnrve-knoivit this policy -and :Yet it would lee* that small borrowers have not taken advantage of their opportunities to obtain- other than rigid; exchange. controls,•- ' _ to the elier'ehaugittt. f01, fem. enOrOver a period, of yearS. However, for eqUilibritim Canada s when the exporter considers his national accounts. "It is sonletintes own .financing, we have no &Vie° argued that the' investment within thiS country suitable to his covers our, trade defleit,'! said Mr: riet6,- • • , Muir* "ght that aq., stoppage Of - • A - thig:Ilow,30104,AeAlsrotretis, But "What he- requires is the dis- we reineinber -dist that a eotiht** of 14110E-Atlattiffia tritot largelyairtsourtitat,-ItnpOrts are the pried years. r a term loan for result of . the of • investment -sinOtr4Perr secured by t1ntt funds, and„ second, that, shOUld ''PaPa;•-c4,-Durilig a period •.o tight I itorket in Canada. -"Such....a rear- ..fdreign, investment Mid" invest i JlioneX; the Chartered banks -de not tket," he said, "did come into being niett4iitaneett'irotobrtsyteitOiti.onr: et.:01414able..'' in any cinerai0._ about six Months later. ?We should, Ilexible exchange " rate' Provides ti fts for *ROO;• The result I- believer now studY 4he Poss11)11-- • antomauk. device', for adjuSti,hg. hat -.,beetr•-that Some of our Can- ities Of broadening the base p1 Our, defieit ientaitting-in--PILLtrade: a4ign- eortio gins have, had to go .money market. now, the goodslii .bervicesimith e outside 00010.--1h0r.. country---40-••=ang0 onlytMitrumenti,aVailable,fOr use world?' • 44 tloircredit re Weenie/its with non- Within thia-inarket are Government • - Canadian bank .• We have actually Treasury ;13ilis and Overt/10411V eett cases in '41,011 ,absurdity bonds with a,, maturity not exceed- , ar S • , titditftrfratlHetta Mr. Muir Phinted out that desert,- ed to lend its customer money particularly mind Its a study of businessmen Seeking` export witch he, in turh, deposits 'with a possible steps to achieve the sta., Inarket,s_my„...be. ,hariverelLzby onitanadjan . --to facilitate ture of a. real Money Market, that adeciate,••eXPOrt financing 'oompar- that foreign, 'lending °Per- is, a rirarket-that vould-7,ittchttl ed- with that fitallgole to,: Their atter%) . 'Conithercial parietal' the form of foreNii competitors.. _vA$ natters like-to-tsitggeSt that a bankers! accepfatiaS, tTheful stand at the,atiordenti"-te- tonhOltintk Of '-'04ttadiatt, banks, our Present -money, market is, it 0,4, '..two have an absurd Situation. -Canadian efilititera, and. perhaps believe, be Worthwhilejp leanadian'indiistrytAr exemple; other interestorsuouia:CMvider the determne 'whether Or not it ' is btaing an order ,frOin -abroad, term tion of eOnitiane'Vtii. Dowel' ready by AO' time to outgrow its ginounting to, Millions of 'tlislitirg •ted !ehininetOtat, paper bei,;. swaddling clothe' and boogie o and 60...ogort Credits ,tosurgfice, thelchtitAt 1.0.1ifk•terin. export More lusty and incregaltiglY ih- Ca' oration ''''IgniirOntees: to , AO- traliattetiont. %Welt I htt‘te here dependent part of OW' finantial ender per de4e,ritio-41):Yt system." , are posiuon to the legitimate needs • of all. :break:WO-thy small to Moderate borrowers," Mr: Muir .• "In tile past few months, however, situation, wages would rise even without trade unions_ to press for them,"- saicl Mr. Muir --"The -em- ploYer -finds that to increase pro- duction in 'response 'to /rising, de.;- mands, he must 'bid for 1060 at a higher price. He inay often -find necessary- to raise .prices, ,._ but these higher_ prices can he Paid*only because_the original inflationary environment 'makes it possible for his custoriferS1O-pWiliem. Under these conditions, wages and profits rise together, but they are sYmp- toms rather than -fM, cause of inflation.. .."However,..„ once r the circle is broken, by effective monetary and fiscal policy, mutual restraint is clearly hi order: 'Profits fall, first and unions might well at this point, temper the wind to the shorn lamb. In -fact, if we are to obtain not merely*" 'full i , employment and growth, but stabilitY, as well, the exercise of restraint ,in making demandtmi)stibecojne the respons- ibilityinet only, of labour and busi- ness, but of -electorate and ‘govern - merit asoNVell.", • • ' , FREE EX,C.Hm40E-- RATE r. MU* inentiOned that anion -0 stabilizers"t of the economy is Canada's 'free -foreign exchange rate, -and pointeii (*too in the absence 'Prtce levels and ''',witIrltaz,40oiri.e.stfiOCal policy geared to 'full employment,' the_finatiAg-egoe rate the old %Canis' 'a s mac Total _Assets - have now passed $3% billionmark K. M. Sedgewick," 'General Man- ager, noted that not enly had the' assets of the Royal Bank reached thelinposing total pf $3,760,544,617, but •that mortgages under the National Housing Act had increas- ectby more than $30,000,000, reach- ing a figure of $216,590,000 which represents approximately. 38% of the total for all Canadian banks: Sedgwick repelled the year's net profits at $13;919550, an increase of 11.6% over the previous . year, and .that capital funds vow and . at more" than $202,000,600. 'Vile Valente: Sheet- confirms- that the cash position of the bank is strong,'' he said. "Assets in this form, coupled with 'Canadian Gov- ernment Treasury Bills and Day4o- Day Loans represent'22.'5% of the •hanles_aggregate_liabilities_to the public." . • "Because of the period of so- ealled-digestion through which we are now passing," remarked Mr. SedgeWick, "we look for no par- tienlar, increased.demands_from in- dustry as a_whoIe, but we wish to emphasize that the reals needs Of our credit -worthy ,customers,' small Or large, are of concern to us, and are needs which will be satisfied within the limits of our ability." # o ay or presi e . s Nesbitt, lady director, gave g re- port of the activities of the direc- tors for the last three months when two executive meetings were held. Bob Taylor was elected as a direc- tor. The guest speaker was Gordon Hill. At the close of the meeting; Mr. Reg. Meyers, chairman of ,the Wheat Board, arrived and gave an informative $addreSs on the Wheat -Marketing 4Scheme. .The Ida White Group of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room last Saturday afternoon •with the new president, Marilyn Daer, in charge. Flag - bearers were Marion Youngblut and Margaret Youngblut. A prayer was 'given by :Eileen Schneider. The. minutes of the. previous meet- ing Were read by the secretary,- Jannett Dobie: The new study book on Japan was introduced by Mrs. Wilfred- Sanderson:- The election - of officers resulted a§ follows: pre- sident, Marilyn Daer; past Presi- dent, Marie Leatherland;• 1st Vice -7 - president, Margaret Haines i secre- tary,'I Jannett,,, Dobie; assistant, Eileen Schneider; treasurer, Bar- bara Sanderson, assistant, Barbara MacKay. The leader, Mrs. Donald Raines, was in charge. - Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot.—A well- known former resident of this corn- munity, Mrs. A. G. Broadfciot, pass- ed away last week in Egmendville in her 75th year. She Was . born at Auburn, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. • W. D.. Wilson nd -attended school at U-.S.S. No. 5. The fernier Bertha Wilsonlived in this district Until 1906' when. she was married- to Mr. A. G. Broadfesot, who. predeceased her in 1'923 'She was a , member of Egmondville United Church. For the last few years she made her home with her daughter, Mrs,. W. McLeod, of Egmondville. • SurViv- ing are two sons, Clifford, of' Sea - forth; Wilson, of Goderich; and one daughter, Mrs. E. (Greta) McLeod, Egitiondville, -also- four sisters, Mrs. 'George Hamilton, Auburn; Mrs. W. 'Chapman, Mrs: A. pepper, and Mrs. ,A. Routledge,_all of Egmondville, and one- brother, Lorne, of Bruce - field.' Interment took place in Maitlandbank .cemetery, Seaforth. Mrs, Ilainilton attended her sister's II • re Discussing the bank's extensive building and renovation program, Mr. Sedgewick reported that the ank now operates a systera. of 821 branch -es in Canada and 82 abroad' total of .903, representing an increase of 31 during the past year: Included among -new branches was one ,established at Frobisher BaY, the srganadian bank to be open- ed- the Arctic Islands, ROYAL BANK ABROAD - • - "Due ex,perienee' gained in nfore than 50 Years since our first branch was established a ad, we are Well equipped to den ith the peculiarities of international bank - said, Mr, .*$edgewiek. Itefer- ing to the !British -West 'Mies area where important constitutional . de- velopment§ are,takingplade Mr , • Sedgeyvick mentioned that the bank is playing a part in assisting in the .eeonomic growth of this newly de- ' Moping -member of the Common- wealth family, He -also spoke of the 'unusual - opportunities which exist, for young men -with the apti- ttide and desire for 'a career in international banking, -pointing -ou that there are Openings.m the bank for a select number of such young men each: year. • • • r" t,t , ••• • ver BROADER MONEY MARKET Pour years ago,„ Mr. iluir-recall- ect-leliad Mentioned that It.,might, be worthc.whiie to inVestigate the possibilities of a short-term money • ••• - : - • • Poo ALBERT *,t4Ftfi.liazUwoitseTeMulrbik• Corporal P ItleIverr,b4tame corporal , ' • This 'bringS-X00 strength lip to 12 corporals, two sergeants and three .flight sergeants. - '* The •Air'Cadet Christmas party lielcratIlacKay Hall was, according to reports, a huge success. Movies we shpwn. along with other enter- tainment, and refreshments were served The Christmas draw netted a profit, of $140, and Cadet Gates; Of Clinton, sold the most tickets. The *inners -of the draw wereB. and. Barry Culbert, both of cGoderich. - The first parade 6f the new year was held on January 7 P/0 W. Anderson, squadron adjutant, com- mented an the need for a better turnout to parades by squadron inemberl• „ • 0 0 0 , ings n ge Grace Churcl On10; Of Mxg. Presklentt the' meetthg. on ledin and the top' towerb treasurer,* 1,A adopted. 1019,1011*..ox ed 1464 -with joining. Aot „ 06 er OA 0.1 • S. A. 4! tier narrA, ficriptUre en hy Mr. ere A *er$440,.: '44S-SeCt an. w clded,to con nd .S**. ti.010.',•the'•no •can and -travelling on, 'OppAct sotritax1,4.. mil s.heA4'werel .0400 -of, the 'Oros-, • neon. !Tim ent in 1958 empiiyment Ln th Ca `an; manida reached' n'Tee in the Year Abe in Btryr 0 Ott in wages and. sa1aij 1 spent $i1,7 - biljQIl for pi Woe . ti • • Matvgi,pt:4"': etix llad, the 15tpi r.nment- go wheir,:g„ameither'..eleete tlY net at 4,10lifax,: Drennan ,ancl,amily on the .death - .. .. KINGSI3REDGE, Jan. 13.—Sym- pathy is extended to Mr. Thonias of his brother, George, which oc- curred on Saturday at, -the Drennan omestead.. -Mr and:MrALINlic,kotas Perry; of Detr it, and Mrs. T. J. • ' derieh;-spent-- weektend with the Earl Drennan family, and,will attend the funeral on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Niargaret Kraemer, who spent Christdas vacation in New York City, returned to her home 'PORT ALBEItT, Jan. 13.—Christ after spending the week -end with Church ,Women's ,Guild held, their her si§ter, Mrs. Gene 'Frayne, and Monthly. meeting"at •the- horne--of family. - Mrs. Elwyn Petrie on Wednesday Mr. Wm. Van Osch, of Toronto, ' of last -week. Mrs. Forester presid- and friend, Miss Anne Jans, of ,ed. Mrs. Foster read the Scrip- Montreal, spent the week -end at ture. Mrs. Hodges, secretary, and the John Van Osch home. MrS. Petrie, treasurer, •read their Sympathy is also extended to the reports which showed a most spc- family of the late Gus Kinahan, eessful year4. Rev. H. L. Jennings whose. funeral took place in St, then took the chair for the election Augustine R.C.•Church during the of officers for 1958. They are: pastweek with many relatives from honorary president, Mrs. H. L. Jen- this community attending the Re- nings; president, Mrs A..Forester; quiem Mass. vice-president,- Mrs. A. r oster,' sec- Mr. • and Mrs: ' Victor Green, of, retary, Mrs. M. Hodges; treasurer, Cantina, were Sunday visitors -MTS. R., Petrie; press secretary, here. -. ,Mrst.,W.- Tiger4 flower committee, Nir. Fergus Dwyer visited with _ itilts7 E. Draper; work committee, his sister, Mrs. Don Frayne, dining Mrs. Petrie,- Mrs. Tigert, Mrs. the .1:last week. His mother, Mrs. '-etister, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. T. Dwyer, returned to Kinkora with (Draper; -, chancel guild, Mrs. R. him for a week's visit there. Petrie,: Mrs. E. Petrie, Mrs. M. ' Mrs. Jack Kinney and - Hedges and Mrs. W. Tigert. The Sinnett, of Detroit, spent the week- -various reports were read and ac- end here. .., - • - cepted. Mr. Jennings commended On -Sunday afternoon ' at 2.30, the Guild for their splendid work special services. in • honor; of -the throughout the year. Mr. Jennings Feast of the Holy, .FaMily were., Closed the meeting with prayer. conducted in St. Joseph's Church hostess served served an enjoyable by Rev. H. Van Vyilekt., In ad- - dressing the 'children, Father Van TheIunc h Twenty-five friends_and relatives Stressed the importance of each enjoyed a bountiful turkey supper child practising and cultivating the at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs' David virtueofobedience to parents, Martin on January 6. The occasion teachers and superiors. Each child was -1411-:•--Martiff's- --80tit birthday, --*WAS_ given 2 _medal by the C.W.L.:. Congratulations! ,- : and a -special . blessing by Rev. Mr.' and Mrs. Arthur Forester Father Van Vynckt, followed by 'visited last week With their daugh- Benedietion of the Blessed Sacra - ter, Mrs. Francis Glossop, and Mr:- ment, and a final visit to the Crib. Glossop, in London. before it was dismantled- for an - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MeBricle,, of other year: The following children London; visited with her parents, with -their parents were Present: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tigert, over Leo Courtney family, Desmond, the week -end. ' - Helen, Michael, Ursula and Sharon; , Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Neill family, Mary Ellen, Harold Adams on the birth of a Edward and Peggy; Fred Vassella daughter on January 9. family, Linda and Diane; Gene Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crossett Frayne family, Danny, Jimmy and and family, of Sarnia, were Sun- Paul; Dennis Dalton family, Alice, day visitors : with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maria and Brian; Don Frayne fam. Petrie. ' ty, Peter and Margaret; Jos. Mrs. Archie- Granier has been O'Keefe family, Mary Ann, Jos. and under the doctor's care. We are Nancy; Norman O'Connor family, glad ' to report she is improving Patricia; Jos. McIntyre family, funeral. ' , slowly. , ' . '' ' Marilyn; Louis Hogan.family, Ray. - Knox. Presbyterian W.M.S. met .1' Mr. aticl. Mrs. Victor Green, of mond, Francis, Kathleen, Anita, last Thursday - afternoon l!'iat, the-- Sarnia, spent the week -end at their Leona, Janet and Lawrence; Edwin a--good.attehdance. The. president, -0 0 0 ' Meyers family, Ronald, (Bernadette, home of Mrs: Herbert G.ovier with home here. Mrs. Wes. Braffnock, wasiu,charge. • Kenneth, • Colleen, Edward, .Janet Prayer was given by Miss Miniire and Gregory; John Austin family, Wagner. Mrs. Fred Ross, was in ---:- OBITUARY I . , Jos: and Ralph; Earl Drennan ,fam- charge Of the devotional period .• ily, Patricia, Mary Lou and Denny; An interesting reading was : given , . ROBERT REID Frank Doherty family, Kenny and bY Mrs. • J. Mutch. The minutes Mrs. ,Mel Stewart, Cameron Catherine; Fitzpatrick faiily, gn Kenneth; Ray Dalton f a m i I Y of the previous - meeting were read street, Was bereaved by the sudden , the secretary, Mrs. AlvinLierman family, Peter and Diane; ' death of her brother, Robert Reid, Danny, Terry, Cletug and ICathleen; by the study Wok was read by Mrs. of Luckiiew, pn December ,28. awn Wilfred Sanderson. Mrs. Robert Reid was 33 yearsofage and was Peter and Jim. . . , Martin family, 'Patricia Ann, Teddy, . Leartherland.. „The first chapter of Phillip's was accompanist On the a son_ of the late Mr; and Mrs. n John Reid, of Ptingarinifii. ...._ ._,. 0 -.--_ ---:n The Ladies' Aid -he • lallieff,4-e-et ' He is survived by his wife, the Ontario, lie south of the 42nd de - Point Pelee and Pelee Island, harp. ing after the WM.& with the presi- and two mall children as well as fernier Eunice Reed, of Lueknow, gree et latitude,Nvhich is the no i The minutes were read by the see- three brothers and four sisters. fornia. •*".'-':-.-7 2 ern boundary ef the state Of Ca -^ dent; Mrs. Ed. Davies, in charge. 'S report, a summary of the year's 40',:,:,:,..= '" * '" - -----!--: - :•.''...:';"-::''' - - • *-7— -t- . rommonsaits. , rotary, Mrs. Roy Deer, and ap- p?oved. 'FolloWing the financial ' - * - - . 4 Work was reviewed by jMirs. Davies. •-.A...- vote -of thanks' was given to Mr. Gddon. .Dobies3 for the cup- boards that hetliareW4n the base- ment of the church recently., - A, beautiful artificial bouquet of .flowers was purehased for rtlir auditorium._ Thank -you notes for .the Christmas boxes sent to shut - was served by the hostess. --,,--- - *tt'M shut- ins were read. A delicloug-lunch Auburn-Annettes held a pot -luck supper at the horte of the assist- ant lead -6r, Mr4. Ed. Davies, on. ida1arma4AL-: ..- -.E. ' • f it wool skirts was the business o the eveeing. Mrs. Gordon Mr- Dottgall, 'presiaent, opened the ting: vital -prrangements --f •thievenient Day, to be held in I inghatn- on February ilth were made. This Club is ti:i. have an ex- To hibit and' comment on "A Wool Skirt and its Companions." . The„ president thanked the leaders „tor ' JEWELLER , Iheiii ON TliE SQUARE , Mr. Vatritaittibp *ill 'be guest ,spoaker and will WIMP his pictures A ' • of a regent trip to the-I/Aiken Ter- , ,41 411 11 ON rninq Star' .AND 0 flptwa re it for limited time only, k HP ONE. 128 r ,T, ./4",`r VI OS New—Phone Nuinber, Our first action is to thank you for the confidence you - have shown in dealing with us in the_past and look Tor - ward to our contin4d good relations. We feel we can --serve "yofthe.st at our NEW 1....0QATION, 48 EAST st .4100111011••••••1112•11, REAL VALLTE I STOCIC UP SUN BLEST STANDAND GREEN PEAS ,BETTY CROCKER-- , - 'Wang OR DEVILS F201) CAKE MIXES TOMMY TUCKER pzucious PEANUT BUTTER ' 16-0Z. JAR BASSETTS IMPORTED 7-0Z. .. CELL BAG ' 144110.111:Ct ALLSORTSCP3kr. 230 O 'ADDS ZEST TO ANY MEAL 1 ) MADE FROM RED -RIFE TOMATOES A SPECIAL -HEINZ KEINCI1UP,4.-.,-)4..4vgis • - • — '1!SPECIAL1' TINS 3SPECIAL ! '0'4 licat ,'i ECONOMICAL SPREAD1 STOCK UP!flEGULAB ' TUuP MARCAII HANDY Fbn SANDWICHES, SNAG/CS, ETC. KRAFT -,- PLAIN - PIMENTO 04 OLD ENGLISH •-• _ 0.. iNE 1 1 4 45 4 SPECIAL PKGS. 11 C ESE MIMIC - SPECIAL omit - SAWN' GS AT TIME OF PURCHASE! , 3 REG. BAR DEAL 15c OFF PACK ! FOR CLEAtr= COMPLEXIONS300 PALMOLIVE SOAP C,ANNED MEAT IBITIAT'S SPAM - SERVE C LLED - SERVE OFTEN 1 MARTIN' CHOICE AP LE JUICE - _ TIN 12-0-Z. 470 2 SPECIAL 1530 .413-0Z. TINS DELICIOUS .riEsiirer -'SERVE WITH CAKE OR ICE CREAM .1 HENLEY CHOICE tSPECIAL 68,0 28-0Z. ” TINS " a --, FRUIT'' COCKTAIL LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE 3 SPECIAL 15-0Z. BEANS. 11171TH PORK , niqs 9.4p niScurT IT.ArrnE! -PARTY TREj ,SpECIAL imEA. `A•11000LATE MALLOWS '"cm-triA'cr OUP „ ot Macatom SHORT'ENING WFLARE gg: 280 READI CUT ONTARIO COLOURED MILD SiNOKi POLLt"LP3AG REA AST SyYLE-FRY'S CHEESE I:P. 430.— C 0 0,0 :IV' 430 • ruffs We` geta blies smotirs—cHoics 1D PITTED KYLIVIER-CHOICE DESSERT CHERRIES itrNz. 200 PEARS 2 '1=14 350 LYNN VALLEY ---STD: WHOLE STOKELY-CREAM- STYLE Faticra‘ - BEETS 2 rat 310 CORN 2 42' 330 iticinvid.z.o— CREAMY 330 SALAD DRESSING FEATURED THIS WEEK ON DOMINION'S "FUN WITH FOOD" TELEVISION COOKING SCHOOL e,g° lit ,IVING • r reeitAtifrWSZ,-'`,Vg. ii SELECTED GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS & VEGETABLES 2 LBS 33e SWEET, JUICY CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS LARGE SIZE 113 SIJNKIST QRANGES :ALIFORNIA NO. I poz, 59c CELERY STALKS SIZE 24'4x- 2 - 0 Rt H 10 N 00, 1