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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-09, Page 7
MI ft . uu,• aq .s; s: .y a Ta "; ara, At aieF1t ak e wea ,.t ��td4n°h � . ,some" ,� �1410,4 oefOrag 111} de ce w r � r V t e Hr ,.:'. a yu] .py �1yp WO a R eieln.a 8�f �' +MF h d ch 0 :hit . � +. .,,the rector, - ,".'CO .Jenlgs,, at tier a u e :u .. 1rt e 444 tt 4.p et .furter + e h . st the !� Lodge„ funereal Jiome_on. Wednes. day afternoon,. i ermc t was e t r �y n �' .matt w ir' , ere f m . _'d�'r , 1?` � d 4. r o. a a ; 1t� 0 ti..',tii4, urar SAW a* �} 4" I` redrew' ' �. t a r „ i Ire d� ` n. q n . :Baru r 0404, at r1 , da n o H n e o` f: X r.x W �h. z M h ��t at d" a x °da t � (ken; M Iver of"W )40,1.?` a =bad en `andY thr `r Otri F fe N� 'a list. � rre `f1"edon. t a •e dye /�/�,fIF' tR� p�k d -R7 to r' '••_ si 1, c. B aa_tlat Ch ur c � itictiaat. ze ,4ntot�ti' a$ . Meterr, ' ��.alltesr rS; *ere �dr e .:; a ,,. t# r, k a ..ed., Stan ,1 !� ha `� a lx t. a aoi:. .� . Kaimer� K. •Dawwson e nma e e' h ir►� err !� d .'' da ef'_*K e1 d ` a. e . esid ce, rn, r e.� ,� ':. laau Streets .41,14411"aux .+gab . ianWas- r a . d i •. +�f a�n�1 e, en1. er . Th K Clayton w,0war r+ /,14"‘ de�+w+r «,re �y ��oy y e °.at t11e. . Or hut oto+ ktarla d: CI t` a ,R;Ors of as e: e . 1>t- : whi t. •. I' t .en. w s yt fo t � fid at �sr .a re � m ('fit i �, /. 0 A Si'ECI,t` L RCAF CAREER C() JNSl= ,1OR See hien and find mut what the • it Farce offers you iri vakiabkk' aviation trades training — pay —pension — cad other benefits Durnin. , r,; a ara�n" ►Mrs; . , ilk s was the . foim r •, • iBarbar'ac =Jane, aw'sonl', .:a . dough t,er Qf the'.iate,utr,. d lrs..0eorge Dawson d was born 79► year,:. ag at Auburn where she: continued to reside until her marriage; to 'Albert M; ; VWtlkinsK, •The ►,celebrated=- their fiftieth -wedding anniversary ,u ust~ 4th last' ,After' .aa. linger.. -pg. illness, she lied' at her home ..(+194,c_est6r Terrace,on Friday.,. .She- was a member of .the Baptist Church' and Until herr mesa` pas pan active. member, of the various organizations of. that church. She is survived by her husband and...:. one son, Howard, of Wood stock,. and one daughter, Vera, at home, as well as one sister, Mrs. Amos •Bal1, of •Goderieh. .There are lase two grandchildren, 'Barbar+a Pr7d :;ed het+ r �d tiurYlving e Odin, as ;: rel ' l� .�. w +g a 1. =�o, Q .alb � ..a 0 ,. d . K -: N � 3� d ,afTOO/44,c' liv attritre? � . el=`x.; ankg'0 o are.eigbt,,grande dr , k t r e .�1.. , . ` .. XS. R"un1.r,,yG� of';th 'L'„�'f,D.li. and a;past presideht` of the Poit)W03740 Zi._ al.- A . Qc. }a attending �n e ad .• 410 r, Oral �.from .a.�-.Q,„.f•af tq n 1i. fie e. d�w�F. � eo.f 1447 dolt,''s A. Mitchell;. , f �'. „'el ph: Mr. andMrs. :Galey, Of 'Oakville; Mrs, Joseph Johnston: and u r e cfa, ghtn ,, 3�a?rY,. Q. 'Vat ,ri s. Archie `'Becher, of ,London;, Dr: and Mrs.` A. Newton.&ady, .of -.amnia, ton; Mrs: G. E. Holies: and daugh- ter, Tooroth of; 'London; 1). M. Egener, of ndaii. x COL. WO' Col.. Charles magistrate • at Starr: up to 1949, and. i,t C4j11� DEAD Wooerow,_ 83, 20 yearn dge of the Juve- niler and / Fatnil1t Court died at, Sarnia on Saturday. Me ,was com- manding officer of the old Lambton regiment from 1920 to 1928. For 30 years he was active in the Blue Water Highway Association and president of itfpr.many years.-. In this. latter capacity, he, was inter- ested in the development of Gode- rich and the•• tourist trade alpng and Sandy :Wilkins, of Woodstock. ' the ',Blue Water Highway, e7 too l t,'ve c°d "to�Cld,` E. •Bvter'ett .,.preaiden ► th W�' ., - 401 ota�► ■y e r o e Sala„, 1# �� °. e n b' +Pi' tx tx t R y ua` ou a V�1l' 'k't*r!eR'•.j,+ *r ,; Q ?d Q t.� d 'a. r. a. ,f.o� cartr d e fountain e 4 a e *potent e in pep; n • io tothe ,Y ,, +� ri, F ;r" e t np � rSa e S" *time/ 'p r .st4e p ,.e1;h s oacq0 ,hs. rtXy' after, ;ted=up•, birth , rate aft r the war is lust, now beginnipg to be felt in the market. place. • We, feel •,thgt.. :this, population,'. growth mill'' mater - 'affect�, esalewriting � x t the . a. str m nta „Asthese ' wartime yu.� 4 staer grow • attend school n graduate and carry, the school and gift markets become increasingly important to us " Mr. Everett said. "For the net few years about 400 040 i new1# ud ents will enter our,grade schools annually," he pointed- tut.-.=•,S.Aald each 'elle .of them adds anew pen user 1O.our market." Although sales of ball- points- and cartridge pens should continuettheir upward trend in line with the growth of the school mar- ket, quality fountain. pen sales should also show a good --increase 'Serving the. ,Fend ....Dealers ...of Western; .,Ontario" PHONE 54; AND .544, GODER1CH -3a•F A vote ton .at :Petition receivedx fro the Oitax o' W!1e t Producers' A etin plan be oc ation,that ;a Opposed w4eat roc ucers ma g approved .w.all'be..l eld on day, January 17,1958. *ollig booms wl be open fropt, fro,,.10 a.m.to 71p.m. gol, *A* at The . ount,y ,}`tdb� �► �pt'„-open_ Department :of Agriculture, from.9 •a.m.to ''5 ,l4,. —Monday, - 'day; January 24hinclusive._ , , .-....... . _ -. .. ---max- rt a , to location of ritarest,Polling Booth consult your One friend tells another about �„t v li.ousehold'a prompt,, courr- teous.and businesslike service_ --In fact, 2 out of 3 new customers are referred to HFC by old customers. You may borrow up to $1;000 with co- fidente from Canada's Most recom`rne ►ded consumer ►'..4 Modern money service Macke$ by BO yeor?, of experience r c0:4#111110, T, lSr !(1 tin G . liRp, t = ltd e ve L �+ '844000.4' eY yars lne, a d thetop uali �n� .nt o ,PalA1$0eQCt. f e ° M •�y7 �(1•r��r+ P rAd.g•c.. .. p e iueatrnta F. "'. +M+ r'�. �.Q�++y . , w�f r a iyr�!';�"•,'� over, x Everett said. �.. l `ew trends lit \ writ.nguastru- nt _. esi , and use, of color, ~ rm�e d .� are anticipate : ,fertite.g. ,year, be„ : e pfafned. +gh, fashion 'colors. in S:ieaffer Snorkel pen :'barrels- found; innnediate consumeracceptance last year, Increased use , of fountain pen .desk setsin the home should help boost _Pen Sales in the next few years, :according to Mr. Everett. "Desk sets haven -gained solid ac- ceptanre as office furnishing items aS well as functional business tools in the office," he remarked. "New desk set designs, which qualify them as home furnishing items, should make them almost'.equally -popular-for-home use -in 1958." e d h�h'bu ,raontt ° r ahs :yrs. f +�, t ` D t 2r ,rich, 'ndza.,d "rr, nd 9frs'!':Le Taftela': 'aLogaan rof :Wad `have 'returned homoisfroxn and Detrpit,., wberre, they ;spa holiday season. DAIRY FARMERS ,,ME.E With deereased net •farm � ' forecast for 1958, much of 'the cussion at the16th, annual Mee of Dain y` -'°?a fi efs.d'f'Canada' have to do with the '.rice wotmiIk' for -all purposes' Tobe 'held ' -Quebec City, January 2145, 1 meeting will bring together d ' gates from 32 nn„ember.associiatit with a tot, emeership, of near* 400,000 pr .rucers. Plane rides' and Nova Scotia steaks were featured when MrLan. Mrs. Clarence .N. Chisholm, , , o Debert, N.S., and their family held a reunion in Goderich during th Christmas holidays. It was th -_firsttime -in-H-years that -all---mem bers tif the- family had • been to=- gether. The. reunion was held -at the home of their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs.. Robert (Gus) Chisholm, and son Johan. , Also present were then Nova Scotia couple's two other sons and their families: MasterTSt. - ,,,b'land E. Chisholm, UStAAF, 'his, wife and" two ,Naildren, Janet and Craig, of St., Louis, iMo.; and Clarence Chis- holm, jr-, and—his wife, ofGode- rieh: ----F - . During, the holiday reunion, every Member of the family ..Taw Goderich from the air in a plane 'piloted by Bob Chisholm. For Mrs. Chisholm, sr., it was the first plane ride of herb life. • At a special family dinner, the ... menu featured steaks expressed to Goderieh from. the farin of Bob's grandmother at Victoria, N.S. Mr. Chisholm, sr., is ` in the wholesale -meat -business- in Debert_ He and his wge left Goderieh be- fore r' ew Years's Day. to return to_ their home. 0 o :— - r :s:w?Qi' r+r�!f. "" ..:-•.ft�r%yrir.r7•.•,^$'rr - � ..,.,. � n'�'isY'.`'�•�'Z'Y:.C`a+�rr¢irlrUKv}:4: •r/[>� ''04C"?.4✓'�• .. K. Fitch, Manager 35A Weet Shteet. - Telephone 1501 GODER{CN - There's_ .a .S ECJAL look Hgre.'�s.,the 1pok—the feel --the action— of flight on wheels in Buick's new SPECIAL. This is �,, <'..,•> • . Buick, through and through . . yet priced . at just a few -dollars =r r' more than smaller cars. ,: Greatest performance per`plund ... greatest distinction ;per dollar ... of r' ;e orir,wr ue�3road. Buick's mew C `41 W'.�Offers aerodynamie actton.#oir a medium budget. !.•. -•.alar~'• . . . .. .,>• �. Granted_: Permanent RCA: Commission - Airforce headquarters - has an- nounced that Flying Officer James Ramsay Wood, 27,of 'Goderieh, has been granted 9 permanent com- mission( in the RCAF. . He' is the son of Mr. and .Mrs: Frank Murray Wood, 219 Picton street, Goderich. .Tim- is --now stationed._ at ,Summer - side, T.E.I. as fijtation Intelligence Officer. F/O Wood attended Goderich District Collegiate Institute prior to his enlistment m the RCAF, during March, 1951. He received his +wings as a Radio Ufii'ber at Clinton on February 22, 1952, when he was commissioned as a pilot ofiiter. From February, 1952, toctober, 14555, he served as a Radio • fyicer with 405 Maritime Squadron,. in Greenwood, Nova Scotia. In Octo- ber, 1955, F/0 Wood Was transfer- red to RCAF Station, Summerside, Avhere he is presently employed as the station's 'Intelligence and Secur- ity Officer. , and Mrs. Frank Cook and children,' of Port Colborne, are visiting relatives . in town .during the holiday season. , PURSES --HATS.— WOOLLEN GLOVES -- - _tom-...�T_ BRU D RAYON GOWNS and SS }R', rirmits BED JACSETS TrAPFRTA JEANS — _.. SIAM -DIMS OATCCOATS -- MAgititititt WW1. , ! � N Bit o' farni1y:fiar�for 195C'"... the 'SUP •outstanding ex n le SU`PER' extr Ione',)000$4$6- o� era€ # ta41 .01eafO tiek''A np�•. b ,. •tT' ���` i7,�Ft ane r,.... �. .n_e.. rr. irae Pride takes on -an exciting new meaning when you 'drive ItOADIWASTtit LST'E 71 for the very first time. r .' maim' 10,O9O1h nue! rw .,, IFN IN E'. •,A "t..NA• OA-fLY htw•.*4 n --LIMITED appeal! Ultimate i , magnificent motion, .. . proudlyresented...proudly possesse This�•is the T cTED, Buick's mins ,finest„, n st lnaivolnoddl: The Christian Sele ee Monitor'` • Notf, p, Str,_Boston 1S, Moss. " f0 r. lie mil' -'a. Send your ill Ws - iter lciiYl� -.ricietki tind my e'lii>Rclt ar money artier. 1° meat $18 © - 6 months $$ Ci 3 months $450 D ' C 60 - r e•'— •� L^' re,���aRoerJrr ...-..:;y1'.i �•^:;!{'r:r •r: r, Y{i -If you not have this Liability Insurance CCertificate,-Phan* Your r _ ins company er agent'tdbay. ... or pay' $5.00 EXTRA h into the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund NI tier's why: The additional $5.00 fee to be paid by: motorists without Liability coverage is made necessary bee rise of the' new ---increased maximum payments . available from the . e Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. The Fund was-esti'iished by " the Government to help"pay judgriient"s arising ouVdf acct-' dents involving uninsured motor vehicles: Drivers of such q vehicles must repay the full amount of the judgment to k the Fund.--.-,-_-, . ......... . 11 you do not Maul. Liabllit '-ttYrt eence, and are involved in an accident, you could lose everything y u own. Should a judgment be Made against you, and you% o not have Liability ' Insurance or other iaieans of meeting it, you'could lose your home, your motor vehicle, your savings and alarge part of your future earnings to meet the judgment. - , *LtAseun INSURANCt is your ptotectio against legal obligations arising ram acct tits in- volving injury death or antage to property of -others: A •perity' for Fire, theft viii Ceittsiear•ts 1 « The addi(llinat $5.00 payment is NQT a substitute for Liability Insurance ° See your insurance company or agtgnt today' adn I'make sure htiv+e Li ability Inserante en goer vehicle , sada ill