HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-09, Page 6� tiRadal f yn ita, 44, silver tl It b
Cey' roi l with a ` b� c . -tip zame1 kgs 3u i
1 : ! at estaur nt. ' .n' :onlreollmd:sna'e
reddish' t?in e� ne +
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u> t i►a ad- and -Mr's. ,ttbet. Pirouae aaad faicni1y,
tJo_ bph- rtei dF Grid ch, Mr..�and.'iMrS,. jack
ha >
Ogeolt on January.►:•5,. to $ewart, of +Mitebell, • Mr. and Mrs.
andra Marine d General William , Rodger and Warren, of
eng tial in, J b 75t11Yeg, after' a' Blyth, and, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson
He= •e son_ lodger and family.
„Ai he late J naes Carter and 'Mary The recent draw t for a beautiful
atetheringfOnnd was burn October gas truck at a local gas station.
•.f 87,3,,.,nt Kingsbridge. p mov- was won by Mrs. Thomas Johnston.
ed at an early, age le Auburn. He The draw was made by Mr, Harry
attended relleel at U.S.S. No. 1r. ArthUr.
He Was married at Palmerston to Mr, and .Mrs. William Rollinson,
Abe :fernier Jetrid- Jones who pr of Toronto, spent the weeltvend
eeeasedhim several yearsago. with her brother, Everett Taylor,
__resided in Pert Elgin for and Mrs. Tayllor•
years. After the death of Mrs. Fred Ross visited last week
bis ife, she ---came and made his with her son, Donald Ross, Mrs.
home : with hist , &iter, Miss Sadie ` ass. and Janice, at Oakville.
Carter. (HO wasx member of the Mr, and Mrs. John Dae 'oat d
T?k ited.:C'lIUrch:•-:' Surviving -is one- fast week with their daughter, M s.
son, egtnald, of Port Elgin and Bel} Seiler, and Mr. Seiler, at
tree grandchildren; • also - two Marys.
sisters,.*Miss 'Sadie, of Auburn ' and We are pleased to report that
M. ' Nelson Hill (F�y._liizabeth), of Master `Norman Hanna small son
gderich. The ,remains- rested at of Mr. and Mrs. Ray.J anna, was
the J.K. Arthur funeral home until able to return last week -end from'
Tuesday evening` Whenthey were the -,London hospital where he has
rel oved to the Davies funeral been.: receiving treatment: `
`hoine, Port„Elgin, where the fun- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon It. Taylor
Oral service Was conducted by Rev. spent New Year's Day with-, Mr.
Mr. S1 'de. •Interment took place and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell and,.
in Sanctuary r rk eeme ery. -Fall- Michael John, of Dresden. •
'""' iearer •.vere..S herr ff Nelson gill, The -sympathy pathy of this community
William. ,.. William ;Kidd, Wil- is _ extended to the; family of the
µ liana Cra . ori; Maurice Under- late Mrs. A. 1�Vilki:ns, of Goderich.
'Wood and Harold Jones. Before her marriage she was
Sohn Joseph.: -Soviet. — John Barbara Dawson and lived in this
Joseph Govier.passed away sudden- district.
ly in London on Friday, January 3 Mr. and -Mrs. James Buchanan, '4
at his,,horne. Born in this district, Amherstburg, visited a few days
- he resided on the •1.3th of ,kitiilett with his father, John Buchanan.
for many, Years. Besides his wife, New Year's Day guests with Mr,
.who was formerly Mary Berryhill, and Mrs. Kenneth Staples and
he is' survived by two daughters, family were: Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Mrs. Albert (Hazel) Holme, of Kit- Ives, Mrs. Mary.. Fox, Mr. and Mrs.
chener, and Mrs. Jack (Muriel) Donald Ives andfamily, all of
Steinburg, of London and two sons, Forrester's' Bridge, Miss Jean Byrd,
Jack, of Toronto; and Murray, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, Davide Col -
London; else i four sisters, Mrs. Clough, Kenneth, Larry, Brenda
Fred (Etta) Burt, of North\ Van- and Helen; Mr. John• Staples and
.- couver, Mrs. Margaret ,Longman, Mrs. Margaret IlaY, of Brussels.
London, Mrs. Claude (Ivy) Tyrell, Miss Jpdy Arthur visited last
..of Windsor, .Mrs.. George (Jean) week . with her aunt, Mrs. Robert
-..Edwards, of Buffalo and one bro- Davis,‘ Mr. 'Davis and daughter, of
-;;------ther-Y-Samuel--,GoVier, of Toronto. St. Thomas:_
The late Mr. Govier was in his Mr. Lundy McKay visited several
flQth year. Funeral services were days last week with his brother,
conducted in London on Monday Bili McKay, and Mrs. McKay, at
with interment in Mt. Pleasant Dundas.
cemetery. • — Miss. Barbara Sanderson spent
Mr, Ralph Rodger, of London, some of her holidays with her aunt,
was a recent visitor with his bro-• Miss Minnie Wagner, of Hullett
then, Emmerson Rodger, Mrs, Township.
Rodger,• and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, of
.. •-IIfi1;. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, of - Goderich Township, visited last
East Wawanosh, entertaira�ed a Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
number of young folk 'in honor Scott.
" the 18th birthday of their ciaug Mrs. Simms and Mrs. Hiltz, " sr.,
ter, Donna. - • of .Toronto, returned to their homes
Visitors on New Year's Day with, after spending the holiday with
'Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor were: Rev: and Mrs. R. S. Hilt, Malcolm
ia.iF441. .i "AM1(i...,.. ......{, «r i
Miss rlC en ell triSitcd
last week.. ,with._,. hoc.. sister,. Mrs.
Louis 'Blake-, Mr. Blake,', Faye
Maryanne, .at :Brussels. •
M;rs. Alfred Nesbitt spent New
Year's with her daughter, ',Mrs.
George Gray, Mr. Grand fawlI y
at Toronto.
Plisses Mary and Patsy 'Craig, of
Bluevale, spent the holidays with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
James Craig.
Mrs. Gordon Miller and Gal and
Mrs:Keith Maehan were Landon
visitors last week -end.
Mr. and Mrs: Degglas Youngblut,
of 'Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Russel
King, Miss Clara Shultz spent
New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Percy,_ •Yo:ungbiutr, and Miss Betty.
The Light Bearers. Mission Band -
t of Knox United Church elected
their officers recently -for 1958 as
follows: president, Margje Koop-
mans; secretary, Jack , Durnin;
treasurer, Martie Koopmans.„Sup-
.Sup-erintendents .are Miss M, R, Jack-
son and Mrs. Mau,et. Bean.
The Walkerburn' Club held their
December' meeting last, Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
'Stuart Ament in the form of a
Christmas party. The president,
Mrs. Jim McDonga
of the --meeting. Tb
answered by an ext
by 17 members.
was in charge
roll call was
nge of 'gifts i
rs. Leonard
Archambault •'and Mr Ted Hunk-
ing were in charge of the program
which was given by the children.
Solos, duets and recitations were
given. Bags of candy and treats
were given to all the \ children.
Lunch was served..•
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and
baby daughter, of St. Thomas,
visited on New Yew's Day with her
mother, Mrs.' John Arthur.` -
Mr. Jim Hembly and Miss Anna
May Fletcher, of Palmerston, visit-
ed on the week -end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Heni'bly.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farrow, of
itchell, visited Oast Sunday with
h r brother, Thomas S. Johnston,
and -Mrs- Johnston:
A former resident of this dis-
trict, Mrs. --Andy' Sheppard, will
celebrate her 90th birthday next
Tuesday at the home of . her daugh-
ter, Mrs.. Les. 'Lawson, ".of• Clinton.
Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor ,, returned
home from a visit' n • London with
her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Raithby,
and Mr. Raithby.
Mrs. Geo. Hamilton was visiting
relatives .at Brucefield, Seaforth
and Goderich during' the past two
n 0-•
r"' d r4yti
AT 2.00 P.M.
18th, 1958.
HOLMESVTLLE, Jan. 6. — he
annual \ meeting of the, Holmesv Ile
United i Church Sunday School as
held on Friday evening, January
3rd.. Roy.. J_, A Nairn,- minister iris sistet, Mrs. Willard Sturgeon.
of the -church, acted as chairman, Their son, Glen, London, also spent
and opened the meeting with pray- the New Year: holiday with them:
er. Barrie' Walter read . the min-, ' Miss Donna Leckie, London,
-antes of the last annual meeting spent the week -end in 'the village.'
and William_ _Norman gave the - Mr. and Mrs. Ew.�W. Oddleifson,
treasurer's report. Rev. McKim- London, spent the week -end at
conducted -the election of officers -
and. teachers. The 19_56 Sunday Mrs. Joseph Mayman and baby,thejr home.
School officers and teachers are' London, came on Saturday to .re -
superintendent, Carman Tebbutt; 1 side with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
assistant. superintendent, Jint`Lobb; 1 ll- L, MacMillen. Mr. Mayman
secretary, Barrie Walter; treasurer,
Wm. Norman; pianists, Mary Helen
Yeo, Sandra Williams and Ila
Grigg; missions secretary, Gordon
Not -the aftermath of a maminOth Christmas dinner, but a valuable
part of a scientific -research job is_this huge stack ' of dishes being
washed in I+mperi-al Oil's research laboratories in Sarnia. The dishes
have ben uniformly, . "dhtiisd" with,.._a;. red -dyed. fat, and the Objet_
of 'Washing thein . is to learn about the performance Qt various deter-
gents. Imperial -Oil has just put a $5 million plant into operation
turning out the first detergent alkylate ever made in Canada. This
base material becomes an active cleansing agent in many : familiar
household . washing compounds.
stadt, Sister Mallanie, of St.
Joseph's ;Convent, Hamilton, Sister
Lucille, of St. Joseph's Hospital,
and 11 grandchildren, She. --Was
predeceased, by, one daughter,
Helen Irene, and one brothers
William. { Solemn High Mass was
sung by Rev. Father 'Smith, assist-
ed by Rev. Father Gillen
and Rev. Father 1HaWkins at St.
Anne's - Church -at- nine o'clock,
Kitchener., Burial took place on
Tuesday . morning, December 31st
at St. Augustine with Rev. Father-
Urbanksi officiating at the grave.
The pallbearers were Wm. -Red-
mond; -GusDevereaux, Wm. Kina-
han, Charles ' -Martin, Jack Boyle,
Clarence Gibbons. _.
BAYFIEL'D, Jan. 6.—Rev. F. an
Mrs. -Jewell and family, Grimsby,
spent last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Lindsay Smith. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sturgeon
and family, Port Dover, spent New
Year's Day with Mrs. Wm, Stur-
Mr. and Mrs: 'R. S. Roddick left
on Monday,•to-, spend a few_ weeks
in, Florida. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon are
,spending a few days in Mitchell.
Rev. E. and Mrs. Peacock spent
three days last week .in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. W`rri:`''Ra'rker, sr.;
spent:the week=end in London.
Cecil Colley, London, is visiting
spent the week -end with them be-
fore returning to the RCAF, Cen-
,t.ralia., _ _ ..—......
The L.O.L. No. 24, held a success-
Tebbutt; temperance secretary, ful New Year's Eve euchre- and
Frances -McCullough; birthday box dance in the Town -Hall. At mid;
secretary, Kenneth Potter; auditor, night, hats arid llorns__.were given
Elmer Potter. Teachers are: be- to those present which created fun
ginners, "Mrs. N. Heard; junior
boys, Mrs. H. Cudmore; junior girls,
Mrs. J. Yeo; intermediate boys,
Mrs. E. Potter; intermediate girls,
Mrs. F. McCullough; junior -Bible
and excitement. " Luneh.was served
in the basement. - -
Mr. and Mrs. Gordondleard spent
`last week in United States.
-Mr—and- ,Mrfh Robert I1acLe.4d_
class, , Mrs. Wrn: 'Norman, 'senior, And'`R`�slh ;; -y-ron spent the w&�ek-
Sunday to meet his 'daughter,
Patricia, yvho returned to her home
here after a two-week visit, with
relatives in 'Detroit. -
lyfr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahan, Of
Condon, Mr. and "Mrs.' Bill Kinahan
and children, of St. Augustine,
were New Year's day guests at --tee
)dome of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Court-
ney. • --
Mr. Jerry Dalton, who has been -
ailing at his home here fcr the
,past - several months, was taken
to Goderich hospital during the
:past week.
• _ The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. O'Keefe, "Kathleen :-Marie,
was baptized by Rev. Fr. Van
Vynckt at St. Joseph's Church here
last Sunday: ---Miss- Helen McCarthy;
of Goderich, and Mr, Frank Dalton
were sponsors.
Our best wishes for an early
recovery go to Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson,
f Kintail,- who is a patient in
dderich hospital.
Week -end visitors here were: Mr.
Arnold Marsman, of London; Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Murphy, otatratfort
Mr. and Mrs. -Bruce Hansford, of
Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Van Roy, of
Goderich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton and
children, 'spent the week -end in
School . commenced January 7
after Christmas holidays, with Mrs.
Walter Clare as teacher.
The annual school meeting was
held last week, with the same
trustees, etc., Earl Drennan, Jos.
O'Keefe, Gene Frayne, and Vincent
Austin for 1958. -
PORTER'S HILL, Jan. 4.—Last 1 -
Sunday' the pupils cif the Sunday
Schoolrwere presented with their
attendance seals and , promotion
certificates. Those receiving their
sixth year seals- *ere: Joanne
Harrison, 1 i tint • Sowerby, John
Harris, Richard Harr. Fifth
year seals --- Elaine Townshend,
Sharon Lockhart,_P.eggy.,Ann.-.Ret
tles, Janet I£ ~ris, Gail Lockhart,-
John Manning, 'truce Betties,
Brucd Harris. Fodrth _year seals—
Bonnie ,Cbx, 'Patsy Cox:" Third year
seals—+Colleen Lockhart, Cheryl
Cox, Julia Cox. Second year seam
—Mary; Mac,Dougail, John Cox,
David Mathers;, Dennis Harris
Arthur McDougall, Donald 'Mc-
Dougall. Those receiving their
prometton=certi+ficat1es were --as
lows: kindergarten to primary—
Colleen Lockhart, John Cox, John
Mannings Laurie 'Cox, Shirley
Harris, .Murray Torrance, Sandra
Idsinga; primary to junior—Sharon
Lockhart, Bonnie Cox, Julia Co,,
Corrie Idsinga, Arthur MacDougall,
Stephen Harris, Wayne Bauer;
junior to intermediate,--ABet-
ties, •4Janet Harris, Mary' M
, IacDou-
.Bible Blassrvine Tebbutt. end with r. and L. H. ac-
�Mrs. .
o--• -o o Leod.
NpNmmemos •miosteogress1ee iiO•O®Bass,9s41,
end •
Bay BIankets1
�-double, „single, -nth crib s
bed sizes. > _
s,►r► ffioNle r etrissoN►eetsv moosessesi®fs
rop Pafferns -and Short Lengths
til!i1i rM **04►. _0 '$6,11010.*****
Shop early as the .tlttantlt ,
ST. AUGUSTINE, Jan. 6: -Mr.
and Mrs. Cyril Boyle, Michael and K11NGSBRIDGE, Jan. $. Mr.
Marie spent New Year's at the and Mrs. John Austin a d family
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cronyn,
Mr. ' and Mrs. Gus Kinahan have
returned to their home in. -London'
after spending a week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Will-.Kinahan.,
Misses Joan and Betty Devereaux
spent the week -end in Tor nto with
'relatives there.' -
We are sorry to hear that Mr
.-Jos. Sullivan, of Detroit (formerly
of this parish) is now a patient
in St, Joseph's Hospital, London
recei.)ting treatments there follow
,spent a few -days -in London visit= Ging- as -stroke. -er•-wistr-Iiim- a
mg Mr. 'and Mrs. A. Berardo at _sbeedy recovery.
their home there.- Mr. Norman -O'Connor and Miss
gall, Catherine Harris; intermediate
. to senior—Shirley McCowan, •Mary
Townshend, John Harris, . Grant
Sowerby. The attendance banner
, was won by the junior boys With
- Mrs. Lockhart their teacher.
Cox- and Miss
• Derothy . Co, spent the • ,Christmas
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr.. and Mrs. Leo Courtney, Mr. Betty Becker motored to Sarnia --.on Cox. - • Y -
John O'Connor Mr.° and Mrs. Ray
Leidy, manti Mrs. Gus Kinahan -
celebrated New • Year's Eve to-
'gether..'at•,..the, ,'bome.• '4:;)Vi -. , and
Mrs. WKina'
Betty,ill Joan, 'han.Eugene Devereaux,'
Ken and Will Leddy attended the
•formal dance .at the Wingham Col-
legiate recently,
Miss Ida' Brophy, Toronto, visit-
ed Ambrose and Mary Ada Brophy
for a • few days:.
Mr, and,Mrs. A. Berardo, London
spent the week -end at the-Dever-
ea;ux trome.
Mrs. James St._Marie, 70; on
at her ,home in Kitchener on De-
e cember 29th Where she f i ed
her husband and son Raymond for N -.
the last. four years. Mfs. St. Marie
was formerly of this vicinity and
spent most of her life here before
`going to Wingbam where tIiey
Jived for a few • years. The de-
ceaseti" Was the former Margaret
Giljen who was born in Cliford •
on December 23,' 1887. She was
the daughter of the late Michael
Gillen and- (Mary Flynn. She, was
a member • of St, Anne's R.C.
Church, and Was also a member
df the Women's League, Altar So-
ciety`and--the Ca hl lit ' uilil.-Bhe
was married to lames St. Marie
in S ptembei', 1007. She is sur-
vived by her husband; six sons,
Janes, St, Catharines, ,;Myles, St.
Au ust. n , Jo- - �..i. ,Myles,
ilnyrnond, Kitchener, Raphael,
•,Lansinl, and four daughters, Mary,
Mars. Free Robinsiol . and Lucille,
Toronto, Vel of l l;-- 11 r -s.• Dean.
.Brennan Guelph, Sister Mary
Order of the Good $71epherd. Std,-
John's,- B.C.; three brothers, ,Mioh-.
ael,,1 London, ',John,' Toronto, and
Th ani ,lie, JCla rrxlton; Three Psisters,
l i y, Mr'ss..,Thos.i Rowan, off Neu-
Smoked, Shankless
Super Right, Smoked-
-Ontario -Grown, Fancy Quality, Finest for Eating
3 cI ntcsh Aplples 3-I6cello bag 3 5c
Ontario for Cooking �.�,;?
Spy Apples V 3 -Ib c;110 -bag 3
-8 Colours
Reg, box 35c—SAVE 11a
JANUARY 11th; 1958-
upet .Markets
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Godeflch Branch: ,'...BRL1Ciw._.A tMSTIi't')NG,. Manager
•r/3y r: M :G,�:!v''$'"'+'`r"`ti .+j +s}'.Y 4 yS r
,tY�f A •`• $y`�v� r�.{`k•ffii,,'� � Yrf �. v.3uir 7yy.'vn, '
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