The Exeter Times, 1890-11-6, Page 5FIGURES TELL r
Hardware, 1
Mica axle Crease 2 for. • . 25 0
Su shine ;stove Polish, six
boxes for 25 ed
Shoe Blacking. 6 boxes for 25
- rsr, Steel :Nails, 3 to 0 in , n+ 90
4 gallons Coal Oil70
A4 gals do,, ( t1"atersvbite).. 1 00
Annealed wire, per 100 lbs. 3 90
H Dal wire ,. " 5 50
Plain strap wire A` .a 5 50 „lc
F Fire clay. 64 " 1 00 N./
'IN. Common iron " " 2 75 H
&Horseshoe nails. 0, per box 2 75
No 1 coal 't
Blacksmiths" Coal per ton, 6 00
Brills tint Penenselar cook 15 00 2-1
Fsnto413 wood Steve,.,, 18 00 'se'
,)7! See these Stoves and other "b'
r Heating 4 Coal Stoves
V before buying,
1▪ .1
No. 9 Tin Roder for$ 2 00
Nru, 2 Daisy Churn, , 4 50 rr
No. a Daisy Churg... , 500
$ its
r Ye*4
Ca Toilet Soaps Bull line->-l+lectric,
Russian, London. Ifinan sin.
-Dried Apples, Sheep Shine l ltdes.-
1,4 lrggs, oto , taken in Exchange.
14 Exeter Roder Four cin
bland at $2.60 per cwt.
JAS. N. NOWARII, Proprietor
. R. MORCOR, - Manager
Tho` C. T? R. has at brit secured
control of a line of .ratftvey to Chicago.
Maud S. has remained queen of
trotters for over five years, and 'tOSi
has not yet been beaten.
The Sudbury mines are reported
very flourishing, about 850 men being
employed In the four urines.
Durrn,g he year ending August, 1890
Toronto Street care travelled 4,390.509
smites, at a cot of 1.11 cents per mile.
W. J. Roseburough, ot Toronto,
dropped deals at Chatham yesterday.
Heart disease is supposed to be the
cause of death.
That population oftheUnited States,
exatusive et Alaska and wllltoa in
lnd ay e Territory, as shown by a census
belle in iaeued Monday, is 62,09.540.
The Paris Journal dee Debates says
that Sir Charles Tupper and Hector
Fabre will be charged by the Govern.
Canada to negotiate a s
mink ofn fi penial
treaty of connuereo with France.
tNtare horses were sold in Kentucky
during the month. of October than in
any ainsie month before. The private
soles aggregate $300,00), and About
$600,000 were realized irotn au.'tions.
A \Villiainaton, Mich., man, whose
well ran dry, found that the roots of a
willow had ,grown a distance of 25
feet, coiled up in the bottom in a solid
mass, and were carrying all the water
Into tho foliage.
Mr. Christie, Inspector. of Prisons,
was in 1latnttton on Saturday and pre-
scribed some new and stria regulattous
with regard' to the treatment of Bir
ohall. Hereafter no reporters are to
be allowed around the goal. under any
circumstances whatever.
The Customs Department have ruled
that Louisiana lottery advertising and
other matter may be received at yari-
ous pointe, but that the persons to
whom they are sant will be subject to
prosecution by the legal authorities.
Wednesday night. Mrs. J. Williams,
of Bradford, Ala., a bride of three
weeks, shot and killed her husband.
She accused him of not loving her;
She then attempted to commit suicide,
but was prevented. She is now in
Jay Gould visited .Pueblo, CoI.,
Saturday on an inpeeting tour. A
year ago some land there was offered
to the Missouri system if Mr Gould
would improve it, which he refused.
The property cannot now be bought
for $1,000,000.
California has produced 42 trotters
in the 2.20 or better class, Canada 3,
Connecticut 3, Illinois 9, Indiana 11,
Iowa 5, _Kentucky 89, Maine 6, Mass-
achusetts 6, Michigan 23, Minnesota 1,
Missouri 3, New Jersey 8, Maryland 1,
Nebraska 1, New Hampshire 1, New
York 50, Ohio 11, Oregon 1, Penosyl-
va,nia 1, Rhode Island 8, Tennessee 7,
mont1, Wisconsin 5.
,the petition transmitted from Tang -
land by Sir Charles Tupper .to the
Governer General praying for execu-
tive clemency for Birohall has arrived
at Ottawa. It contains about 300
signatures, mostly business men and
clergymen. No titled names appear
on it. The Montreal petition has also
arrived .
Jr.aW. M. 'Taylor, of Nese York, is I
paid 16;000 a year, the largest salary
f paid to. any Congregational minister.
Three iin Brooklyn, vt4. brit Lyman
Abbott, Storr and I3reliends, receive
$10,000 each, Dr Guneautnit of
Chicago, halt a salary of $$,000
and Dr Gregg, of Boston $7,00,1. Or
Meredith, lately called to the First
Congregational Church of San Fran.
eiseo. is to have $8,060 a year 11 he
accepts tbe ;;alt,
Fire was discovered .at. 3 o'clock
Monday morning in Reuter Bros. &
Co's paint shop, under the Grand
Hotel, San Francisco. Cal, The fire
spread rapidly and the hotel was soon
ui names. The fire extended to the
whole block bounded by Market, New
Montgomery, Stevenson and Seconds
streets, and destroyed a large number
of stores and offices.Also. the -Burl--
ington Hotel. The total loss is : $1,
500,000:. .
Benjamin Smith, a farmer living
some miles' from' Hamilton, was tried
on Saturday on the charge of abduct-
ing a 11 year old boy named fames
Lennox. Smith picked the boy up
on the -streets on Saturday, 001 I8,
and took him to his home against the
boy's will. The magistrate committed
the prisoner for trial, and refused to
aezept bail.
George Sutter, a farmer living about
three mtlea from Milverton, was found
dead in a ditch on Saturday night,
An inquest was opened and the jury
ret-trned the following verdict -7-411'4
find by the evidence given that deceas-
ed, George Sutter, of the 4th eon.,
Mornington, cane to hilt death purely
accidentally, his buggy upsetting and
throwing him into a deep ditch on tbe
side Imo between lots 12 and 13 on
the 4th con. of Alorningron, on the
evening of November lat 1891, where
he was stunned and drowned an the
mild ditch.""
The statistical committee's report
gave the following report;-- Ministers
ar,d probationers, 1,748 ; members,
233,$68 , hsptisms, 18'16-9O. 73:374 ;
marriages, 30,000 ; burials. 41,000 ;
Sunday scbagis. 3,1T4 ; ollicere and
teachers, :18,411 ; .scholars, 226,050 ;
average attendane's, 129.811; volume
In library, 217,388 ; churcht'a, 3.492;
parsonages, 907, burial grounds, 1.117;
total val. f 1 o e
t ire 4 church r rt$11,-
it .
590,491 ; amount of .property,
500 ; raised during the quadrenntutn
for rniniatera au part, $2,771,941 ;
for missions, $857,636; total amount
raised by the ehureh for all purposes,
file Albany journal compiles the
following statement :--The Govern-
ment estimate of the crop of winter
and spring wheat for 1890 is 402,009,-
000 bushole ; esti uated amount of
wheat and flour on hand July 1st last,
40.000,t 01 bushels ; total, .142,0000W
bushele. The amount required for
food for .home use an An estimated
population of 61,000,100 and a con-
sumption of four buagels per capita is
256,W0,U1.10 bushels: anlouut required
lar seed, 55,0:0 (Hg1 bueheda ; for
miecellanooua purposes. 10.010,000
bushels ; total, 326 4100,1,00 11.111110s ;
twvatls,ble for export; 116,000,000 bush -
is. For rears past the amount of
wheat and flour on liana at the ending
of the year July 1 has proved that the
consumption of wheat per capita is
et as .much as four bushels.
tireatbaraains in Roots Al Shop for thirty
days at A. Weseleh'a, We have Just received
over 1,tt ki pairs of Rubbers and tiverhees of
all lends. wbiohwe will sail at the following
,rimes: Men's tuned Overshoes for $1.10 a pair.
fen's Rubbers 55aat pair; Weuien':• Rubbers
rne a pair. and, all otbergoods equally ascheap,
t` ill andseeand he eonvtncetl that wesefl lbuns
and Shoes cheaper limn ans'one else. flutter
anleggs taken to exceanae tar smitls.
thawBoot.hoot. A, litT•
Mao must wear clothingand the paint is
'Miele to at t theta- Who Is your inter? If
ulsyucolitnwesbare please a --o only n Aendw-
inanehip, which are the main points. but also
inumpired u,l price- You cannot go astray
in selecting env pattern in our stoek. A full
lime of dents' furni«bines always en hand, and
which wilt be suednosy .town below regular
prices. at call will convince yea that I am the
eh apest man in the eaunty.
Stand-MoEwen's I aux Iienall.
I11ttI e1> -1It • rt gam sleeting of the Y. P
M S awe alien was held in the basement
of the Pseaty'terian (mulch on Monday
evening save, the attendance being very
good. The chief attracth u of the evoniug
was a debate on the a ibjeot, Resolved,
'rind church property should not be exeml.t
from Watt m. The decision wan given in
favor of tht affirmative. At tbe first'
meeting in Doetmter, there will be a
oh alleugo debate between two from the
Hansell class and two 'rein Bansvilh •
We hare not yet learned the subject -Bev
Chas J Costing, a returned missionary
from jape, gage a lecture illustrated with
beautiful lime light views, in the Methodist
church on Tuesday eve it.g. on Japan and
the Japanese. The scenes and lecture were
good but the attendance was not what
it should have been considering the excel
bene of the lecture-ltev ])r Moffat, seers
tars of the Upper Canada Bible and Tract
SJoiety,1eotured in the Presbyterian church
oil Tuesday evening to a good sized,
appreoiative audience. Dr Moffat is a very
pleasing speaker and his yearly visite are
looked forward to with pleasure -The
weather during tate past oeik has been vire
cold and stormy, a conviderable amount of
snow havingfallen. Much concern is fent
for the potaoes not yet lifed, of which there
is a considerable quantity in the counts y
No turnips have yet been lifted -Mrs (Rev)
J. 8 Cook returned home last week from
her parents'' home in Oddletown, accompan;
ied by her sister. -Mr I Myeis bas stat ted
a confectionery and restaurant in oonnectiou
with his butcber sbop.-Tho roads in this
vicinity ct y are rn a very bad state owiug to the
great amount of n,ud-lire Ferguson, of
Hay, moved to Clinton Tuesday -Business
i exceedingly brisk ,this week. -sir Wm
Hodgins has a valuable horse for sale.
There is not a better saddle horse in the
comity. It is the envy and admiration of
all. -:Che Socy of Christian Endeavor is
meeting with good success. It is under the
management of Rev J. 8 Henderson. -The
Epworth League which was started in the
Meth church by the Bav Mr Casson has met
with excellent success. The young people,
owing to the good taut, and able efforts of
Mr Casson, have been greatly encouraged
in the work and.a great benefit has been
conferred on them rn thus being brought
prominently in connection with church
work. Mr Casson has in this way supplied
a long felt went. -The grist mill and oat•
meal mill are running steadily, The salt
well he also in working • operation. -Large
shipments of apples are being made from
this station -Rumor ,has it that one of our
young men will soon be a "happy beuediot"
-We are sorry to say that Mrs H Cook felt,
from which she has sustained painful in-
juries. She is confined to tier bed frum the
e$'ects --Messrs Chad and Colwill the great
"Northern hunters" propose having a
shooting match on Thaukssiving Day -Mr
Rubt Bali is ' making heavy shipments of
lumber -A Temperance organizatim has
.been started here wi,h quite a taro mem-
bership Among the more experienced
members are Messrs Casson, Rennie, Colwill
Pengally and Sweitzer-The Mechanics'
Institute is purchasing fifty dollars worth
of books.
On Wednesday evg last Mr A. 115. Tod.l
of Clinton, was presented with a beautiful
silver tea servios, by the brethren of the
Orange Order, ill recognition of services in
conneotiou with the recent 12th July cele-
_..4;2;1401Platat4alaea. SSW.
Fzitcr Holler Mills.
.111[ A tt li'1>Ll 1tir E P O.RTS...
Wheat .. 900, to aye. per bush,
UIJ1R S,EJ 41NG vnivr,s,
Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 75 pee 100
do I3est E'atrdily 2 .60 "
do Low tirade , , 1 50
BMA , .,, .., 700.
Middlings , , . . 900,
Screening-• 90e.
Chop - , <,. $l lh to 1 25
Bran per ton, - . $12
1iddlings .4 -. 16
Chop stone running every day,
All Men
young, old, or middle-aged, who find tbeno
selves nervous, weak and eabansted, who
are broken down from escesa. or overwork,
resulting intently of thofollowing symptoms
Mental depression, premature old age, loss
of vitality. loss of memory, bad dreams.
dimness of Right, palpitation of the heart.
eutissiena, leek of energy, pain in the kid-
Ileyti. headache, pirepler en tho face or
body, itching or peonler sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organa, diezineasa,
specks beforethe
ohing 9f the
Innseles, eye tills and elsewhere, bashful.
nese. depoalla is the urine, Dons of will owe):
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
flabby nuteelea, desnre to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire. for solitude,
oseliability of temp:-r,snr,lfe;t ORS sernnitrd,
e 1 with leaden circle. oily looking skis, ete„
are all syinptotu9 of nervous debility that
lead to insanity an -1 death uuless cured,
The spring or vital force having lost its
tension every' function waned fn conse.tnence
Those who through abuse committed in
ignoratcs may be permanently cured.
Send your t►+ldreaa for book on all diseases
peculiar to nano. ;tddress M, V. Lub'n, 50
Front St. E.. Toronto, Ont, Books sent
free sealc•,1. Heart disease, the symptoms
of whielt are faint spells. purple lips, numb
mess, pstprtation, shin heats, hot flashes,
reshot bleat to tho head. dull pain in the
heart will: bt nts saltin& tepid and irregular,
the mend heart bent quicker than the first,
pain shout the breast bane, etc., can posi-
tively be cured. No more, 130 pay. Send,
for book. Address 11. b; fat+gsr, 50 Front
Street East. Torouto. Ont.
Newsl.•n :A Nutshell .
The halt Electric Light. Co, bare dig
posed of the St Marys plant to Ur Reeser,
of Markham, Ont.
blood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by ex-
pelling impurity from the blood, -which is
the c IRO of the complaint. Give 21 a ilial,
J. 0. Walker, deputy grand eotntnan.ler
of the Saaleet Knights of Canasta, institu ted
a legion at Parkhill on Thursday last with
a tare Citadel list.
St Louis whiskey dealers are dissatisfied
with the trust and have organized a ooze -
pally with it capital of 1,1,500,004 to -wake
their own liquors. '
Itch, Mange and Seratebes ot every
kind,c humanor animals cured i
n 30
minutes try Woodford's Sanitary a Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by tom. Lutz,
Smart weed and Belladonna, combined
with the other ingredients used in the beat
porous plasters, make Csrter,s S. W. & 11.
Backache Plasters the beat in the market.
Price 25 cents.
The (iovcruor•Goneral, on Thursday,
laid the foundation of tiro now buildiuga
in eourae of erection in connection with
MoUiil 'University, Montreal.
A large amoaat of capital has been in-
vested in developing the Sudbury nickel
mines and it is estimated that between the
three mines there, over $3,000,000 has
been invented,
While wrestling at the Western Paviug
and supply Company's factory at Chicago,
Thursday evening, Jalius S. Wenson fell
on the machinery and was crushed to death
by the piston rod.
Are free from all crude and irritating
matter. Concentrated medicine only.
Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very small
very easy to take ; no pain ; no griping ;
no purging. Try them.
Mr Joseph Bullock, of Paris, took up out
of his Harden a few days ago, a monster
geranium. It is over 8 feet high, 6 feet
broad and some of the leaves measure: over
8 inches in diameter.
A lady in woodstook, planed her sealskin
muff and a fine winter hat in the stove to
keep them from moths and carpet bugs.
During one of those recent pool evenings a
fire was kindled in the stove and the muff
and hat went up rn smoke,
Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is
wade from pure 99 0/o drys'al Cream Tar
tar and English Soda hence is the best that
can be made.
An Ottawa despatch says: The first of
the snits against the Government for
damages caused by the great rook slide of
the summer of 1889 will be heard at the
Exchequer Court probably on Tuesday
next. There are 50 other claims including
one by the corporation of Quebec for $32-
English Spaviu Liniment removes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Cnrba, Splints,
Bing Bono, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort.
and Swollen Throat, Couggs, eta Save
550 by use of one. bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
Rather unexpectedly Mrs 8. A.. Wiggin-
ton, of the Bayfield line, passed away on
Tuesday. Some time ago she sustained
injury 'by a fall, and though she was able
to go out she never fully recoveted,
THE Flame's Mtsrulta-People make a
sad mistake often with seikus resu;ts when
they neglect a constipated condition of the
bowels. Knowing that 'Burdock Blood
Bitters is an iffeetual acre at any stage of
constipation, does not warrant us in neg-
lecting to use it at the right time. Use it
A Free Home.
'A cottage worth 3750 willbe erected. or its
equivalent in cash given to the person detect-
ing the greatest number of typographical er-
rors in the December issue of our monthly
journal -entitled" OTJR I-IOMES." Three
hundred and fifty additional cash prizes,
amounting to 52,300, wlil also be strolled in
the order mentioned in rules governing cern-
p20etitionth,. Prizes payable at par in any Part of
Canada or the United States. Send 15c iu
!tamps. for oomplete rules and sample copy of
Our Homes.' which will be issued about Nov
Aduress, Our Homos Publishing Co., Br^4k-
THls. Canada.
Red Wheat,
Spring Wneet... ..
Clover 8sed -
Timothy •"
Potatoes,per bushel -,
Appleqs,per ung M,
DriedApplespr b
OeozoPer lb. ,„,
Turler par Ib
Ducks per lb
g idearough,
Sheepskins each
Wool perlb
Tray porton
001000 93
,,. 00 00 to 093
▪ 43 to o0 Ar+
--, 3t to 35
•.. 30uto37
• 1 50 co 2 to
55 to 6;
40 to k
17 to 17
• 13eo014
•- 00 to 5'a
70 to 0 7a
.-, 1COto1'0
M+ o
M, oo7
- 006to 10
0 08 to 0 07
.., 025 toc30
» , Oto55l
.a 440Jtr525
.,+ 200to250
,.. „ 350 to 390
,,. 0 60 to 24
„ 050to05!
„• ,a10to021
5 co tett ""
tlnionsoerbush , 0 50 tc 0 GS
Woodneroord ; 2 50 to S ao
aT arAaxs S
Fall Wheat , ....... 0 59 092
Spring Wboat 089 n9'
Baney....., ............ . .........: 040 0 40
OClover Seen 0 31 ' 75
Timothy 11.50 1 er
Peas .,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, 055 960
anis 15 0 16
Sutter ;2 013
Potatoes per bag ......... 5 1.70
Apples per bulb . „ ..... 0 no
Wool per lb, er 020
IlajF ,. ,. ,.. S S•i 6 011
'Wren per Lou... , IA 00 14 re
shorts,. e. .II•.:0 00 2a 00
ottlensaliierhbl..,, , ... 111,0 ? Oa
Wheat. 9;e to 95o per bus, Oats. 070 to
39a ncr hos. Peas, 57e to Ole per bus. Dar-
ler,d721ting.45 to Ole Per bus. Darter Feed,
40s to 00 per bas Corn. 6(Io to r'7o per.
Toronto_ Nor 5. -Wheat Spring ;So. ?. :13e
to Ole per bus: red winter.t o.2 27o to9:o per
bug tlanftoba No.1 hard, 13t'to 133 No.= 1 24
to i 30: PE48 Goo to rile per bus. OATS lite
to 41e per bus, FLOUR, extra. 51.10 to -445
per bol; straight roller 1,1 30 to d1,,S5 ;
seronebakers.•=4,00 to $4.41. BARLEY. No 1.
Ole to' e ; No 3 extra. 540 to 570; No 2. 5'c
to 53c.
Latest Markets.
] a,,
Nor 4,--711l
--{(DTeriugshere 275 earls;
export cattle. moderate supply mei fair
dustiest, sold 44 15 to $1; 60 ; generally
35 to $150; for lor'tl trade anti coun-
try there was lt'mitetl demand Randy
butchers' stock in moderate supply and
middling demand ; choice medium steers
sears and a trifle higher; niedintn to
choice, $3 40 to 81 31; fat' middleweights
sold, generally $1 15 to 8125; light handy
hutehera' in goad supply, solei $',1 10 to
$3 05; mostly $3 3p to $3 +0; mixed
butchers' fair to good, $2 25 to $3; good
to extra, $3 to $3 35; stackers and fecdera
were mostly from Michigan. sold fairly,
yearling stockers, 61 60 to $2 25; choice
stockers $2 50 to 3 10; feeders, $2 75 to
30; bulls, in good supply, sold steadily;
good cows in fair demand; common quiet;
fair to good, solei 820 to $33; pad to
choice, 830 to $37 50; extra sold up to
344; calves dull and lower ; buttermilks,
$2 50 to 83 32' treats 85 50 to $6 25.
Sheep and lambs--OfFer:ngs,80 carloads;
there were 20 ears of Canada lambs in the
receipts; market ruled dull and values de•
alined; market opened with higher prices
asked, bet buyers would not touch the
stock until value was reduced. Sheep-
r 85
Ionato 53r4
good to choice, i 1 35
3, •,
to $3, Lambs -Best Canadns, 86 25 to
$0 40, mostly,atSal 25; Micbigans and
westerns, $1 74 to $0 25; fair to good.
$5 to $5 30,
Hobs --Off :rings, 1.30 cars Fair Meat
t'ade, but outside demands limited,.
Values were generally unchanged.
Heavy, mixed and medium sold at
$1 30 to $1 35; Yorkers, $3 80 to $1,10;
pigs very {lull, 53 to $i 60,
NOR 4 -There were about 100 head of
butcher& cattle, 450 sheep and lambs and,
25 calves offered at the East End market
to day, These was an active demand, for
the best cattle, but there were no really
good beef critters on the market today
and the best butchers were very dissatis-
fied, as they bad to pay 4a to 41c per lb
for cattle not suited to the trade, and
would muck rather have paid from 4c to
4c per ib for good animals. Mr Bicker-
dike bought 150 stockers here, and at the
yards, paying from 2c to 3e per pound for
them. Common dry cows sold at from
$23 to 330 each, or from 21 to 3c per lb,
and some of the leaner beasts only I:e per
lb, yet prices were hotter today than for
some time past. Calves were in good
demand at from 83 to $14 each. Mutton
critters wore scarce today and lambs were
considerably higher in price. Shippers
continued to pay about Ste per lb, for
suitable sheep, but the season will be over
in about another week; lambs sold at
from 52 50 to 85 each. A lot of 20 sup-
erior lambs sold at.$4 75 each, Fat bogs
areplentiful and sell at about 5e per lb.
If you will send us your address. we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Celt brated Electro-Voltaio
Balt and Appliances, and their oh armin g effects
upon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-
hood. Pamphlet free. Ifyou are thus afflicted
P r
we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a
VoLTAra BELT Co.. Marshall, Mich.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Csetont,
When she was 0 Child. she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorie,
When she had Children, she gave then Castoria.
WHAT Is A DAY'S LABOR ?-One days
.vork.for a healthy liver is to secrete three
And a half pounds of bile. If the bile
secretion be deficient, constipation, ensues ;
if profuse , biliousness and jaundice' arise,
Burdock Blood Bitters is the most perfect
liver regulator known in medicine for pre-
venting and curing all liver troubles.
ADVICE TO nomnans-Areyo0 disturbed at
nightand broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting,
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for caul-
dron Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will eolieve the pour little sufferer im
medistoi+ iebendupon it, mothers'; there
is r mistake about it. Retries Dyseutery
and Diarrb®a, regulates the Stomach and
Bowets,cures Wind Colic, softens the. Goma.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system.'Mr s.Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the torte and is the prescription
of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by. all druggists
throughout the world. Ptroe twenty -rive
gents a bottle. Re sure and ask for 'Moa
VINar.OW8 Sooaarae Smug'and take no
RD AND ..1` ...'"
The Best oods or
e Least Money.
We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARE in
town, and we .sill thein at the lowest possible price for cash.
u Hall and tlrary I,axlas we are showing
an elegant display at right prices, All kinds of Table and Hand.
Lamps at wholesale prices.
In CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing all the latest and
leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from.
•.A. E5 —A. large stock at prices that defy competition.
As usual, a full stock of general Hardware, I",alflis, Oils and Glass
arc band..
Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewing;, Machine.
The Most Economical Stove The Best Heater.
A Perfect Baker or Pastry or The Best.Farreets' Stove ani Equally
Bread. 9 Y
(iotld fur a Person w
sr on in Town.
Call and see this and other first-class stoves fr`llu E.
& C. Gurney Company for sale only by
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter,
Eyes Tested
x3 « S '.i CTI A-"' •
Practical Optician,
Graduate Optic' School 1'."Y
Eras tested ; defeetfveeigl•t restored 1 by tin
aid. of One glass -s. Largo assortment .t tilt'
finestglasseson hand. A oa113olicited•
3.80 ' 4 -S-ST London.
W. SNELL. of lot 15, con 7, L'sbarno.
will keep for the improvement of stock, a
thoro'bred Chester white bear. Terms: 1 at
time of service. j
.1' Fresh and .New
Just arrived at the family Grocery. Also
Pure Extracts and Spices.
1 A beautifel piece of glass—
Ofa I ware given away with one lb.
lk'i'ayelll3 Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Flour for sale.
Call and examine our goods before pur:
chasing elsewhere.
Overooatings at any price ; Sint-
ings at any price ; Pantingra
at any price
Best Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave your ordeis early, for
with the best 'staff ,of Tailors ; the best
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best
Cutting in Town, you are sure of satiates -
Von ♦ Tf T
A. !/ . e i'r 7i TAL.
Relable Good i
At Prices Lower that so -ca,..
led Cheap Houses can give
'Undertaking 111
all it
(Successor to C. & 8, Gidley)