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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-09, Page 4
th, placewiir be at sewhen - R"+c dstQc Warriors an&poderieh, ors . cl h.here' `Friday night in A Junior ''' ' 'gam i €th-place r „. with` GoderiTuesday night thOW they: edged -Stratford 5-4 Ro the lea ,ue 1 eading Sarnia Lep,. "IXOnPAires it a game played in. At was the second• time in five 4sis,IS that Sarnia • posted a lop- 1URSDAY, JAN. 9 ; Learn tct Skate 1.30-3 p.m. Public Skating 8-10 p.m. IFR➢DAY, JAN., 10- Rural School Skating 2-4 • psin. Junior "B" Hockey - Woodstock vs. !Goderich 8.30 p.m. ATURDAY, JAN. 11 - Squirt Hockey .league Infantry vs. Air Crew' 7.45 a.m. Artillery vs. Ground Crew 'k 8.45 a.m. Cruisers vs. Corvettes 9.45 a.m. iPee Wee Motor. League IIIA vs. Studebakers 10.30 a.m. Dodges vs. Sheaffers 11.30 a.m. Fords Vs. Mouse 12.30 p.m. Public Skating ' ' ' 2-4 p.m. - t lie, iaGc. _ Clinton vs. Goderich 8.30.p.m. SUNDAY, JAN. 12- ChildrA____ n_'c_ Skating 14 _p.m. (12 years and under) Adult Skating 8.30-10 _p.m. (Adults and Teenagers) Learn tof Skate 1.304 p.m, Town School' Skating" . (Grades 1,s2, 3 and 4) 3.30=5 p.m. Bantam Midget Towi ,Hockey Mills Milds vs. MA 7 p.m. Ainslies vs. Sheaffers 8 p.m. TUESDAY, JAN. 14- « . Curling .. 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY- _JAN. 15 'Curling. 2 p.m. sided win ove, the Tars.. Before a erpwd of 65.0 fans in TGoder_ ich Memorial Arena Friday night, the Le ie ices. :dumped' the .,local Juniors . 11-3. I•Iigh-seot'ing centreman `Tion J,a.., tom. v. a -.beer; out with an ankle injury since New Vear;s Day, -should ' be back to bolster the Sailers for -Friday's gala. Ren Hodgkinson, another ace centre - map for the Tars, also missed Tuesday night's game in Sarnia but will be playing here. Friday night. Coach Ted Williams would also like to put Bob Baynhain., Hensell boy- who 'has shown considerable promise, into the Sailors' line-up Friday night, but. 'Teri claims the OHA hasn't been .in any hurry to co-operate so far. If Baynhain is not released to the Goderich team wifhin the next few days., he nfay decitl to play intermediate hockey instead, Friday Game. In 17 starts,arnia -Legionnaires have lost only two games and one of those losses was to the Sailors. Improving steadily, the Sarnia club looks nolf like a good bet for the all -Ontario Junior "B" championship, - On Friday night; they definit outclassed the Sailors, who fall&I to cover with the result that Sarnia jumped into a quick - ,4-0 lead. These first four Sarnia goals were scored within the short space of two minutes and 28 seconds. Before the first period ..,ended, Goderich -recovered long enough for Ken Lee and Ken Hodgkinson to score, but no other local player hit the score sheet until Doug Murray clicked late in the final period. -In the meantime, - the Legionnaires scored twice in the ruiddL - f-rame-a-nd_�_five--times- the last 20 minutes to 'win 11-3. Goderich line-up: goal, Ron Wil- liamson; defence, Ken Thompson, -son--wings, Fred ..Israels, Bill_ Gal - low; alternates, Jim Bain, Ron Hugill, Glen Hedley, Doug Murray, Ken Lee, Don Coss, Dennis Car- penter. 'Firs eriod 1 -Sarnia, II I ` (JVi'cPhail) 5.01 2 -Sarnia, ` .. inson (Bentley, Leslie) - . -- 3-Sarnia, Harris - (Turcotte) 7.29 '5-,Goderich, Lee 12,01 .. 6--Goderich, Hodgkinson (Carpen- ter, iGallow) 1428 Penalties---,Kilbraith 2, Arm- strong. Second Periods' 7 --Sarnia, Leslie (Midi.), .59 8Sarnia, Pahment 1.14, Penalties -!Hodgkinson, Foster, •.._Thompson. Third Period 9 -Sarnia, Leslie (Muir)' 2.39 *INTER SH.EL'I It FOR BEEF CATTLE .. . • "n -ter shelter for - beef cattle, Mudd ensure protection from cold '*in+ds and from falling protection, and avide a -dry bed on which the meads can -lie. Such elementary comforts earn be provided by a 3raaeriety of structures,which should Sic 'assessed from the standpoint et adequacy- of accomamodattion, ease of handling stock; cost 'of construction and durability. .'For many 'Years the -Canada De- partment of Agriculture Experi- -- ,aaa ental Farm,' •Brandon, Macy., has - attained. satisfactory results ... by using an open front" shed; with aingieeboarded -frame walls .and a ' straw -covered pole mot for winter - sae ' beef breeding herd. ,In e winter of 1956.57," 34 eovws wintered in this `shed showed little weight change during the winter -period from November ,tf April. the average they lost 11 pouncj per lead in .this period. The cor- responding average loss for '21 head wintered -in a stanchicci; barn was 19 pounds per (lead. " in loth groups the oldest and the youngest. cows showed the greatest tosses in. weight, These- figures show • that the accommodation provided'by an open front shed is quite satisfac- tory. 10 ---Sarnia, McPhail (Robinson). 7 31 t 11 -Sarnia, McPhail 'Muir)` 1%33 12 -Sarnia, Stapleton ((anis) .1"3:41 1 -+Gn eric i, 'Murray (Lee) 15,52.( 14 -Sarnia, Muir 16,4'7 • ----Tuesday Tilt With Vin, -assist from Old' Man Weather, Sarnia Legionnaires whip- ped the Tars. 9.1 in Sarnia Tued.aY night. The l-Goderieli goal' was scored by BiGallow, assisted+ -.by.. Ken Thompson Due to stormy weather, 'Coach 'Williams and two players were un- able to reach the Sarnia arena until .the first period was nearly over. By the end --of that first stanza, the Legionnaires held .a 6-0 Ie d' In the middle, frame,- t e Tars settled down to work and played a good ,checking game. The result was that Gallow scoredjor Gode- rick and Sarnia 'failed to get any more goals until the third period. A shift in the Sailors' Iine-up saw Ron Williamson leave the Goderich goal to become a for- ward, while Don Goddard took over the net -minding duties. Despite the score, Goddard actually turned u1 a good chore and Williamson also performed well in his new positioh. The game was closer than the score Would -indicate, and Goderich was robbed on three or four plays that looked like sure goals. - -' Don Coss, Bill Gallow and Ken Lee formed one forward line, for the. 'Sailors. " On the other line were Barry Fryfogle, Dennis Car- penter arida Ron Williamson. .Bain, Thompson, Fritzley and Hugill were the defencemen for the locals. Due to the storm in the Sarnia area, some of the players, officials and fans who made the trip from e eh',.remained_in--Sarnia• -over= rg�i o ---- o 4, o ;ta,u�+iur�ru, Four'-Thnes �But Is Saya rJinxed Though Bill Gallow fired four goals for Goderich Sailors, his team lost 8-6 in an overtime "contest with Woodstock Warriors in Woodstock on January 1. The Sailors outplayed Woodstock, in the,later'stages of the game, but they seemed tobe jinxed on this one and couldnit get the breaks: The first mix-up. occqrred before the game; Ron Hugill and -Ken Lee, , two of the Goderich Sailors, missed being picked up by the cars going to Woo_ stock They- finally drove down themselves but missed _part of Ifie ' game. For the ..- first pejod, Goderich ;played with only nine men besides the goalie. . It was discovered thht Ken Hodg- kinson's skates hadn't been brought from Goderich, so he didn't play until Ron Mason went- offwith an ankle injury.. in the third -period.. Hodgkinson then took the ice in a pair of skates that' were too small for him. The injury to .Mason, high -scor- ing centreman who joined. the Sailors only a couple of weeks ago was expected to keep him out of action for -about 10 days. Warriors' jumped into a,4-1 lead in the first period, and' were ,front` 5=3 at the- end of the second frame. Sailors fought back and Gallow tied the score in the third, which . endet1.6'6.., Woodstock fired home two goals without a reply in the overtime session.„ Other Goderich- marksmen,, be- sides; Gallow, were Jim Bain and Ron Mason. •••••••••••••!•••NN•••••••••b••••••••••NN••••NNN••••••••••i•Ni•• sw • • • • Eighty carloads of pipe highball north as co truetion oi-tlie main 'Trans -Canada Pipe Line progresses aef'bsa' noithern Ontario hordeing the CNR transcontinental line. Solid train- , loads are now being hauled to speed completion or the pipe line, which "will'' carry Alberta natural gas to eastern Canada. Each freight car hauls an average of 11 pieces of this 30-irinh • pipe, which is in 40 -foot lengths: „. r Meryin-----Boyce's-RinkPeeWee'Teams _ In BonsDIeI Of Go' er c ' . ,Collegiate Wq11 Balanced All teams seem to be fairly well • al :mac; d in tlxe ee MOtoi League, which, e whick g , gof 'under way Sat- urday. In the first. three. games of, the schedule,-Sheaffers dumped :Studebakerties-re- sulted while e4- 3-3 ties -re sulted in gamr.sbetween Rouse and IGA and Fords and Dodges. - There appears to be a keen com- petitive spirit this year and play r attendance has been aboutp cent, which is a big improvement :elver -last year. Most- gradually learning to, play (By Brisne_ McLean) 0--- The GDCI curling club held its ice a t• of otler_years.0hristmas bonspiel- on January 3, In Saturday night's tie game with There were three games or draws and eight steams «sere entered:. The (ensu!!, the line of Ron Feagan, champion was Mervin Boyce's rink. Don Jeffrey and Percy Garrick stood out :fa iGoderich. Runner up -was -David Springs rink. Picotin goalGeog d played very well - �nc1 the defence pair of Frank Miller and ' MarVin Millian was always Donald's rink and Marlene O'Reil st Ran Feagan and Gary Stoddart ly's rink,_ ' fired the Goderich goals, with Don The scores were as follows: Jeffrey collecting two assists. First Draw Marksmen for -Hensall were.M. Bell D. Spring, 6-G: Walter, 4' and ,Brintnell. M. 0 -Reilly, 9-G. Ribey,- 6 The Hensall team went through J. Aberhart, 6--�B. McDonald, 4" the game with only nine men in ..Boyce, 14-G. Townsend, 2 uniform. 0. 1VIacLaren played a' inners then played off for fine goal in the visitors' nets., a. the finals, and the losers played Clinton,- Hensall and Goderich. • off for the second event • Second .Draw are the my entries. in, the district Main event- . juvenile ague, •- _- •• r • Winner of the second event was Grant- Townsend's rink andthe i consolation winners.. were Bill Mc - al hockey, . which is ane of the most important' faotors in the game. In the Sheaffers *.Studebakers game, Don Yeo scored twice for Sheaffers and Wayne Gilders and Frank McLarty added one apiece. Assists were , collected by Art Nicholson and B. Carroll. For the losers,,,,;Gary, ,.;Doak,, and, Ron Mug - fejt flashed the reel light. ,„ Dennis.- Williamson notched two goals for IGA and Ron Crane scorn edanotherrashile assists were .pick- ed& lisp by -Mk -try Fritzley, Rod' Reid and Don Thompson.- For Rouse, the scorers' were ' Gary Giousher,• John 1lughes aid" Pete ket ger: Bill Wtikinson and Jphn Hughes were ith assists_ s In th -third _game; Bob oals Graham, 'scored all three g, for�'ord s, with -assist$'being contributed by Robert- S ruton`' and David Smith -John Atfield dented the twine twice for Dodges and Doug Harrison was the other marksman. O AT :-O Japanese 'army -and air force-© cers will switch from khaki to fight blue -grey, uniforms next .autu ys are :120efeatee hgencr spokesmen h QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ -I 1. Naine the ten provincial prem. iers, and their party:,ail ions , 2. Which is the larger annual -Notal, the amount of money Canadians put away • as personal savings, :.or the amount theypay in ,taxation? 3. In its 27: mile length the Welland °axil' overcomes what difference in --water levels . between Lake Erie 'afd""Lake Ontario? 4. Of - the 186 Canadian, radio sta- owti-onsned? ._ -how many are •government - 6. Canada's 0956 retail abrade total- '' led $14 billion. What proportion was handled by chain stores? A14B: -5. )18 per cent by chain stores, 82 per cent:,'by inde- pendents. 3..:_A difference of 326 feet. I. B.C., Bennett, Social Cre- dit; Alta, Mann'ing,_Sociai Credit; Sask., 'Douglas, CCF; Man., Catnip - bell, Lib,; iOnt,, Pratt Cons.. Que., Duplessis, Union .Nationale; N.B., Fleming, Cons.; N.S., Stanfield, --Cons'.;- P.E.I., Matheson, Lib► 4., 22 stations are OBC -owned, •1l :`are 'privately -owned. 2. In- 1956 per= conal savings totalled $1.4 .billion, taxation about $8 ,billion. osition- swill spur recruiting. eeeeeeeeemeeeseeeesioseememeeefeeeetteeeeepoiesseereemeeeeeeikeeemeee D. Spring, 8-M. O'Reilly, ° o J. Aberhart, 2-M. Boyce, 11 Second event- • Bantam Midget G. Walter, 7-G. Ribey, 5 G. Townsend, 10-B. McDonald, 3 .league Produces Third Draw Main event- (Championship) M. Boyce,. 8-D: -Spring, 3 e . Second event -(Consolation) s G. Townsend, 6-G. Walter,4 tea -ms ms of the newly formed Ban - B. ,McDonald, 4-G. Riley; 3- tarn -Midget Town League played •M. O'Reilly, 7-J. Aberhart, 2- their first games at Goderich Mem- There' -were many outstanding orial Arena Monday nig Mills( plays and ,quite a few good shots edged iSheaffers 3-2 and ICA de - made, but Mervin Boyce and his feated Ainslies 341. rink' swept through all opposition Results of the ,first games in- to cop -the championship. dicate that the league is well -hal- o .._o 0 anted. • The boys have been prat - rising diligently_ and deserve the Juvenile Squa d ed hoc: support of all parents and interest- • � • Each team is composed of 15 0 players -seven- -in---the midget age e group and eight in the bantam • class. % Scoring two goals, Bud Robinson led -Mills tp the 3-2 triumph -diver Sheaffers: The victors' third goal was, scored by Don Gower, assisted by Fred' Israels. Ed. Laitfiwaite picked up a goal and an assist for the losers, and Jim Scott was the other marksman. Scoters for the- IG -A team. wer Ernie Pinder with t`wo goals and Del !Bedard with one. Assists were collected by Ron Homuth,. Barry. Scrimgeour and George Garrick. For Ainslies, __the_....,lone,. marksman was Bud Yeo. There is no admission charge for the Bantam -Midget League games, but a silver collection is made.- , ade.- • - Though the record may -not 'irs dicate' it yet, observers --say that Goderich's new juvenile hockey team- shows signs of eventually de- veloping into a contender for pro- vincial horrors, as did the classy Goderich midget teams of the past two years. Ater losing' e first game `6-3 to CIinton Juveni , they local lads pla ed,;to a 2-2 des lock ock with Hen- sall in a W'QAA contest here` Sat- urday aturday night. The next juvenile game at Goderich is this Saturday nigiat, when. Clinton wil fide the opposi An encouraging sign is the fact that 15 juvenile players hake been attending • practices this year, whereas Goderich was unable to t•' f/^t�,. .s:•......:- : {yf1t�.;. ...,-.��Y�. f�.! r�!+lr.. :�f f r!j}{ � l/�{/: r�.ti r_ {: ��: F; f: .. .... :,{,. irf.PJ fps .. .. ... ..... .. . Those long winter days and evenings are just right for making hay in the way of _fixing up around the farm and home. • Take time this v inter and whdle away those indoor hours with saw, 'hammer - and nails, fixing up everything for the busy year that's ahead. ,1114 s wr yew ....,- IIla Aal1 MOM ;Pi'0 11101.011l$0 as MI 'low llMa aMiossi r n�YenntlnYW}?q h.: "4 CON 011iC+oftnip,'