HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-09, Page 1s .electedehairinaa of Goderich tact .Collegiate Institute DOAN. the - inalign,t41,;,,Ineethig!:41e$dali succeeds, NetsOn Fatter:gni)* or srlitawanosik TawobiP, - • Craig!, litillett Township presentative,4:was named viee airmaU atid•PrincIpatA. R. Scott ntinUes SQ00001.-#0,440rer. COMMIXT005,,v0g .appointed as nows ',Apt named being - Mance and r• . -Craig, Cr. Q. inn, A. P.,413antilier.,: Trananartatien-.,,-,,,ja. Brooks, berteee,. 8,•Valtiitivrrank 'Don, property—A. P .Boutilier, W. L. alg,a.:1);-.(Altinro„--0. Walter, Dr. •:w,,-,;Aughes,-N;Tatter§on-.-- - aI Ilelatiante,-...R, D. Munro, A.P. outilier, Fa 'Donnelly, N. Patter- n, B. '11kr • ure-0,. G. Ginn, :W. L. ..0,?,0.`113io?kcit, D. Wipara, E. obertsan. • 1 • The .repo. of Hi Seh°°I • ectors W. Bishop and E. R. celellen...:011: 'their visit of inspec- , oe,,to....ehMellool-, on October 30, ecerriber''Zio4 ,a -was reed. The teileXt noted a sin* de - ease attendance from last • ar; also that a survey -Of elemen, y school pupils in the. Goderich *gll ,fehebt=distriet-did not in- icate a rapid increase In -enrol-, ent during the -next five years. helirganiZatielt-ellie ents- of time for the -various sub- • cts are satisfactory. A fairly, 'de -choice of options is offered ed, e. full program of grade 13 bleetV1S-iteallable -Geod.:Oath- g was observed at the time of the sits.' - • The *lanced report of the treas- er ilidefed that the board began •firlifith a , bank balanceof .143.73 and .completed the year *th a balance .of $4,36477. - Replacement of the' 18 riun sound rojector purchased 'in 1946 • was uthorfied. The tJanuary " Meeting Of Maple , Leaf *Citaptcr, IODE, was held Itestur,ovOltig at the Gode- rich Business ' College, the .guests of Mrs. ,X• gayer,: 1. After the secretary's - and treas- urer's , !gees reports, Mrs. Harper re= ported an Education, -LettirS. of hankS'‘Were read" &Om Miss Betty lour prip.mlonor 4 -general, ciency "Ptiblie .§cheOi; $s. Yetanied,',fferPStrar4artuAr AM" 4g EngliSh, prize lir, Orade. V4 and the Goderich rOracrta. Club. She also -said that the record player for the, adopted, ,school had been purchas- And shipped As well as an IODE ealendir - . A boy has to get up early t" be a squirt — a Legion Squirt: hockey player, that is. , The first game started at 7.45 a.m. when...,„„the Legion Squirt Hockey League schedule got under way last Saturday -morning. And judging by the good r turn -mit of pleyers,the boys don't seem to the early hour too Much. •' e-first-game,-..the-Air_gre.W. and .Artillery fought to a 2-2 ie. In the second game, the Ground Crew and. Infantry battled Ie._ .deadlOck. The Cruisers and he 'playing together for the sea- son as they are all six and 'seven years old: The Corvettes Won over the Cruisers- 4-0. -11.ast-Saturday (morning, some more boys joipe the six, and seven year group and so the teams will be -shuffled around in that group-oely. -Howard Carredlls in charge of the leagCte. • ' - • • (3y1. D.) "4 "- Goderich r 'residents probabl . of the Nakork„ chart' eal:wdstelartdo-filled-vith-vildw • ers and frontier characters. ad the Sante ideas. That Was be - re ispeliCiotir- months as editor The Whitehorse Star. --- I fiew7north in .early May to hitehorge.- ,Roughly ,the _same size' s Goderich,' it is squeezed between. • e Yiik�n River and a high cliff: is filled with 'rough-hewn,„leg. • bins, -dirty shacks and modern nch-houses: This conglomeration -buildings is a Startling sight. In May, Whitehorse still had ow and cold winds lashing jt Om off theL surrounding moune ns. The anly: thing keeping the ty warm .was the torrid race the iberals and Conservatival were • gingonthe local election pre- p.' The Liberal veteran had • ported former Fisheries Minister anies Sinclair for support. T.hey --ere lying -to -Dawson-eity to Make speeches and I was in - ted along.- - Dawson is the site of the 1698 • old -rush. About 850 persons live a city once swarming with ,000 gold -Insane prospectors. mate saloons and large stores" in ruins , Many sections -of • e„ city, are abandoned. It is a ad sight. Gold mining is still one on idietfamous Bonanza Creek • ut-by, Modern. gold -dredges. The peration is barely ,paying its Way. Mr. Sinclair spoke to 137 persons • unday night and The next - day_ e -Started-Vieth for -iMutehorsp. Our _plane for the 250 -mile' trip orne was a devillarid-Setiver._ r pilot was bleriencedin north- • rn flyiilg. I had no Worries as settled hack and tried CO- forget bout the needle mountain ridges ust below that could crumple a • lane. • ExplArizIttob- - This article on the'Ynicon. _ Wag written by 'John Downing, a .student in,3ourna1ism 'at:the • Ryerson Institute of i*Technol- . o-gy, Toronto. Last summer he was news editor -of The White: ... horse Star, a weekly newt - paper in the Yukon. He has , spent the past week on The Signal -Star. More than a dozen journalism students from - Ryersdit•Weift te various week- ly newspapers -in Ontario this week for, a Ntreek of experience ____on an Ontario- weekly. They will graduate from their three • years' journalism course this • Spring. •• There are no .gelfers`oii the IVIaillarrd Goif Club from the alb `house towards the first tee. 9n course these.days as "cad weather • and a bit of , the toboggan de, ,from left to right, Cheryl .., a • , a ew.-ha-S-reedieed-th , • --Youngblepte-Bachare-Owlete-and-St which preceded Christmas. Instead, the tobog- blutt. In the background are Mr. Larry, Owles,- gans and the skies being used. Here is .a, Brian _-01.,itles and Mrs. Larry Owles. The Young -- party making use of the grade that s ._lop .es down bliitt children are those of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Youngblutt. SS. Photo by R.H. s, Bettger taw her report en citizenship and reminded the, Meinbers of the New.. -Canadian coffee party to be.. held in. the gion_Hall after -the otut Reuse ceremonies on Thursday, January 23. In Miss J.- Saunders', report on Memberehile. Ave new members were rpropfted:. Mrs. W. Harvey, Mrs: L.-Rieek,- Mrs. Robert Smith, Airs., William Mills and Mrs!.&W. W. "Britnell. pens Jan. zi Mi assembly Yard f�i hogs— first 44 IN17,94 CalIntY441411- be ' .00ned atthe COAtnifinitY Saes" ' barn atiClintonoon January 21, W. R. Lobb, president of the Huron Hog PraducersrlSseei- ation, has announced. The move is made foliating several months of effort in this . direction. Final authorization . carte from Jake Kehler, of , , Toronto; general manager of 7 the Ontario Hog Producers' Association. p',:itea ex- the100 aiiee„reeer uron,C0 turn, • Xfx, NeiII,said final. AttpollouFe was 13,054. previous Th bigli 16 with 11,636., qato foliowingfigures show v rececd• is ;Most certab 1954 „. 1953. . 1952 -. 162 1931 2,00 This shows how attendance year, except for 1950, Iner hem when, Mr. NeilIfirst 0 July 4, ' f051 with- .1,000 nen* eNbw he has between, 4,0000 a0 5,000' iterns. - - The .curator listed the who gave him th-e* most trouble.' He remarked, "Irou,--wottld th'ittir little boys would annoy me/Meet with all the handles they can - But I think high school, and ,uii versitj7 studentS ..are the m�d trouble. -They, all and 'stick'their hands into Mg*. thing. Some adults act badly, tack. Some of them Vwoubri like to pat out 2.and show -, 'their a children -F - around instead." The high eosts of -the ...present y-have-net-yet--aff • emit Mr. Neill does not expect tee increase the 25 cent admission „fee "for quite awhile yet." ' The Huron native has one_ jiet. greject in 1950. 1.re *ante TO -Oh: tarn another threshing machine to add to his four models. It. is the largest type he needs, the 20•horse steameri.vith feeder, straw critter, blower and grain elevator. He not sure where he will place the 26 -foot -long Machine whenhe' gets it. His new 40;foot building eat tension is rapidly filling ° up anal by summer, he expects thee mat - - only be small aisles leftfor visithes: Another display 72-yearold Mr. Neill is planning is one on -mil. equipment, 'He needs a first; see, • ond and third type -graderin'add- to the roadscrapers-he already has. M. Neill recently Added :anothesg : school bell to his 'group of tine The general business was then, discussed and money voted te the fellowing: Lucy Morrison Memorial Fund for Education, Provineial -Work Boone Special Proirincial presentative Fund, _Provincial and ational Films, Peace Garden, Commonwealth- Relations, British and, European -Relief, 100 -an- Re- lief, Seaman Amenities, Canadian eel Metuorial-ehil ren's Hospital, London. After nominations, -Mrs. M. Harper showed a film „from the Cancer Society and Mrs. W. Oakes, film convener, presented -one en- titled, "I Went to England." • After tea was served, Mrs. C. Edward thanked., Mrs.- Weaver .• for _ her lerspitality., --Final tribute was-paid--to-,-Tem0 . Pride, MLA for the Provincial riding_ef. Huron, in a largety at- • tended funeral service held at •Caven Peesbytlerian, Church, 'Es- eter,- Tues,day -afternoon. His death occiuTed.atlacterie.11oapita41 London, -Stinday at the age of:69 -years after_a lingering illness. •.He suffered a heart' attack truer 1, -while mowing the. lawn. at his. -home.- - - - ..Many -from, Goderigh and district were among those- from a wide - 'spread area of Ontario Who attend:, edetheiffilietaL Ontario 3rernier Leslie Frostand ten members. of his Cabinet °along with numerous private members of the Legisla-: ture were present. Elston Cardiff,' 11113 -for Huron represented Prime • Minister -Diefenbidrer.• Active - pallbearers' were: - Elmer, Bell, QC.; R. E. Pooley, mayor -of xeter; Frank Taylor; Charles We-, Naughton; Luther Penhale Harry Strang. • • Honorary _pallbearers included: Premier -Thst; James Allan, min- ister of highways. W.;- E. Nickle, nd •_:41evelop- ment,.. Dana Porter, provindal pulled a gun and . threatezied to shoot, him. It was only by fast talking and a quick Irish -wit that Harr/ managed to get hrin back out the door safely, Climb Mountain"' - One , of the stories I worked hai-dest .to get was on June 22. _A .hiking group planned to climb • ight. Around nly• down -for they wanted to the long day. a -mountain at - Jrine 21, the. sun it several hours and take advantage o I thought it, would be interesting for the paper. The only 'hills I had ever climbed were around Owen Sound and Chesley and I soon discovered Mountain • was tougher. ,,The way the, others climbed; joking AIM singing made me feel old-and-out.of,shape41, We built a bonfire below ,the iurnnitit and ate. Then we went on to the top and took pictures of the sunrise at 1.20 a.M.. • . ,Another meuntain three of us climbed was -6,000 feet -high and -Sete Landinz • neatly„preteeted weith sheer cliffs. Gratitiallf -the ' Ve ' v'valked' umpy and the plane was thrown rom side to Side: Snow. began o fall and make. visibility poor. e pilot decided - to land before e ran into a mountainc but where? wally the ice of Lake LeBarge weed below ; and the pilot swoop - d for ,a landieg. No one was ure the ice would herd. It' did. • thge,Ayg,sat or a cold afternoon ating emergency rations and, ondering hoW We 'would get otrie. the pilot ,-rriised hiteherse on the radio and.cars ,sent- to the roes' nearest as. • ter a• long, muddy hike we reach - d the • care and 'finished the trip - he pilot -rooked -back-Vthis - lane several lines. I knew he. hoping he vieteld -get back be- e the -• next thaw alio so hp oida the $26,060- ingeliine to afety.". While. this was an unusual -V* • erimite for me, the.:others laugh-- it:it -oar In the north, a, plane 'Med like the Goderich trains • ,titiSes. Since the towns and • ttlenibrits are 80 for apart, hi ave no roads kJ' the Although' the outlineof • weekly neWspaftt offiec. wag' ore boring,' exciting things 40; appen.', Publisher ITarrY 1103e eed me several years -before no as niosy,shot because of a".,Sfory. li 'written., 'A drunk'vitandered titti'l billed- Wiwi:L.1'1a VII.Lainneo twalyip to•even get to the foothills, My -temper was not improved to find •at the top, -after a seven hoer climb, a 60 peak with about three ,acres of me' dow. I learned heli- gepters practised their landings on top of the Golden Morn. "it all prayed there is not rimcb ef the Yukon left that is not untouched by --Civilization harpassed the Yukon by. The 12,000 inhabitants' live in their *Own little, world and refer tQ the "rest as "outsid'67' They drink too much, take politics too seriously," work too little and at their own speed, which is slow. OY think their country is the best in the worla. Most of th are there Ilftstatrse-therdokt like ,the rush of life.' "outside." They e. well,educated, most . of teem having attended college, • ' Their- territory_ has a chance to ,grow -Iirthe-north,,-gianeoll rigs work around the clock- searching. for OIL- Meanwhile the economy revolves around the -tremendonsly riahl:rsilver mountain of United Keno' Hill -mines, the copper and inc-depilsits-4arld --all-the-4ethe 'Omit the Yukon • abounds in. Money- 0E4 Tnte-the leirlfeiry from the, airbase and arittY head- epiarters, lions which are said to be keys' to fie/than defeAeti; WAS With ,sadness 1. left the "land of the Midnight sun." It was just about time, tbo.. It I had .rernained aesr longer, I preb• ably would have' stayed forever. trees er; WilliarieMarrender, min- ister of Municipal affairs; Rev. W. Dow -wry_ speaker of ---the Legis- lature; Col. W. Griesinger, minister of public works; Dr. W. J. Dunlop, minister of education; Dr. Mackin- non Phillips, minister of health; •Ray Connell, vice-chairman of On- tario Hydro; Col. Hedley Basher, deputy ministerof reform institu- tions. Officiating clergymap was Rev. Samuel. Kerr, of eaven Presby- terian Church. He was -assisted hy -11.-ele Edward Aldward, __Vnited Church, Tillsonburg, a relative of, Mr. Pryde, and Rev. Harold Snell, of 4Inqs Street. United Church, Exeter. Interment was made at Exeter. - Mr. Prydehad been in poor. • alth forsome time. A .Progres- sive Conservative, he Was first ble,Fted to The Ontario Legislature at-aby-election in February ; 1948. Ile was subsequeltlY re-elected at the general eleationof that year and again in 1951 and 1955. . at Largoward in Fifeshire, Scotland, on October 26, 1868, he was a son of the late Thomas Pryde and Isabella Bruce Pryde. He came to Canada in 1010 and in the -First World War served first with the Canadian. Expeditionary Force and later with the Royal Air Force. In the Second World War he served with the RCAF and held, the rank of flight -lieutenant. . During his stay in the Legisla- kere, Mr, Pryde fought for con- struction of a hospital for retarded ehildrele--4-16 aeked for the govern- ment institution to be built_ in Huronz County. Mr. reyde ,was reeve of Exeter in 1986-36 and served also on the ContressinwAltrere: He received hit„„educatiop Kirkcaldy in Scotland and then at a technical school in Toronto. He tias a retail nionurnent dealer in Exeter and had brenche4 of his business- in -Serafertlr-andeClinton. He moved to Exeter in 1919, after working ill Tortinte and London. In his dontest for the federal sea in 1945, in Huron -Perth riding, he was edged out by a narrow Hisdeath leav_esilte standings in the pagrio Legistanre-ratt --P gressive Cerriti'vitIVetfr-82;,- Liber- als, 10; CCP, 3; Liberagaboe, amides, total, Mks -0 Mr. Pryde was .03f -district de- puty grand master -of. the 'Masonic Order;. paSV district' deputy of the Independent Order ,of Odd Fellows; past prcsident Exeter Branch No. TOM PliY6E, MLA 167, Canadiari,Legion; past master of Lebanon Forest Lodge; charter member of -Exeter Lions Club; and he was an elder .of Caven Presby- terian Church, Exeter. He had retiteried home from hos- pital in Septeinber, after two mbnths there, but suffered a re- lapse in Octciber and- was.. again taken to hospital. His first wife, the fonder Jennie Beswick, died in 1941. Mr. Pryde i, survived by his wife, the former Mar-YU:Bell, of 8eaforth, whom he married in 1949, and , four sons 155e -an earlier Mar- riage,. Thomas Raymond, Torento, Jphn Bruce, Exeter; James Doug- las, Chatham, and Robert Bruce, Hensall. o •- Goderich Women's Institute met in MaeKay:Hall last Thur-sday Mrs., Walter Kingswell in the chair St. George's -Cinirchwoman's Guild held' their monthlY meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Munday 'pree. sided. Mrs. Dodd read the Scrip- ture: Mrs. Tichborne, secretary, and 1Virs. Patterson, treasurer, gave their repot te- "which showed a mot successful year. - • -Thank you notes were, read from several - reciPiente of -"Christmas boxes, - ' Dr. Taylor then took the 'chair and the nominating ceminittee pre- sented their elate of officers for 1956, They are: • past president,. Mrs. B. R..1%/fenday; president, ..Mrs, K. E- Taylor; 1st -vice-president,• • Mrs. T. Legg; 2nd vice-president,' • Mrs. C.iVideare 3rd vice-president, Bradneck, of Auburn, district pre - *s. Ross Harris?* recording sec- sident!, • retary, Mrs. H. - B. M. Tichborne; The 'Muscular ivstrophk cannis- treastirer," Mre. J, Patterson; ters which were ,plaeed- in the press secretary, Mrs. G. 34umby; -stores by the Women's Inetitute corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. will be gathered shortly. A ee- Dodd; pianists, Mrs. IL, Dodd and Mrs. R. Harrison; flower committee, Mrs. L. Riley and Mrs_ J. Juck; vestment committee, -Mrs. D. J". Pattere6eand Mrs. • L. Riley. The various annual reports were feed- and accepted and Dr. Taylor commended the Guild very highly for their splendid work through- • rn-the absence ef the president, Mrs. Clairmont, dile to illness. Mts. McInnis presided at the piano. One minute's' Silence was observ- ed in menlory .�f the 1ate Mrs. Gerdon Bisset: . It was :idea to hold 'a riiire• mag sale, in -MacKay Hall, With War C.„jlothind and Mrs. L. -Ban- :rester as conveners. nurither of_ thank you notes were read,from recipients.bf Christmas oxes. • Next meeting will be- the annual pot luck supper. Guest -gpeaker will ''be Mrs: Wee 'monstration of articles made -from odds -and ends of -drapery material was shown by Mrs., Jack Jerry. A piano •sole was played by Miss Sandra Bradley. A 'report of the 'district rally Londesboro,.was given by Mes. Din Riehl. Guest speaker of the afternoon wae,Mr. W. Craven, out the year. The Main project was,the building ';ot a- new kitchen . which has been completed.. f Arrangements were made for the Guild to cater for the "Vestry Dinner" which will be held Wed- nesday, January 15th. Dr. Taylor closed the, meeting with prayer. Ms :Dodd and Mrs. Legg, on behalf of the,Guild, ere- sented Mrs. ,Munday with - a gift of appreciation for her serviees as president, to which she fittingly replied: •" • Miss Judy Patterson played,sev- eral musical arrangements during the serving oflundfi-bk Mrs. Legg, ProbatiorrOffic& forHuron County. His---worle-is-.trying to prevent juv- enile delinquency -and straighten out -marital tangles. He was thanked for his fine address by Mrs. H. Talmay.' tio-stesses for the afternoon were Mrs. 11. Talmay, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mil. Harmer, Mrs. J. Jerry, Mrs. Chambers. Plans were made for the annual bazaar to be held in MacKay Hall. Conveners for the _tea tables will be Mrs. G. Inglis and Mrg. L. Ban- nister; miicellaneous, Mrs-. Wilkin- son and Mrs. W. Mills; bake table, Mrs .D. Riehl and Mrs. 11.--TalmaV• Mrs. Videan and •Mrs,,,Dodd. The nante .the Young Canada Week. pee wee hOekeY todrAaments. held annually at Goderich, will be protected by the Canadian Arne - 'on An _a/Monument-1d this' effect has just been made by Jack Rox- burgh of Simcoe, vice-president of the CARA. Week." claimed a minor hockey. week and called it "Young Canada Hockey Last February, the - CATIA- pr In the fete of protests that this infringed on the • name used for eight years by the.nationally-known • Goderich tourney, the CA.H4Leaek-' e'd-up one ..step. , In' Ofitarice- the name of -the CAHA promotion was changed to ilVlirtor..Hoskey Week. restiit:of more representa- tions made to 'the, CAHA. since Men, it was announced' a- few days ago that the CAHA wilf call its prombtion "Minor Hockey Week". right. across Canada this year. Pleased By Change • LA • ). -(Nip) Whetstone; -who-first visualized the Original Young Can- k is from the first school lie 0/1/1Z" Ada Week here, eoflThOfli&.$fi.Y-:boffirTtriepeetip. The . school u1lg,t--41'e happy to see t enave nowlieed-te• etore township gradient adopted their owe _nape -instead . 0 - HURON DELEGATES NAMED FOR OTTAWA LIBERAL CONVENTION Local officiaLs did not object to the CAHA setting aside a pecial week for promotion of rpippr hockey, but it -Wee felt that there w,ouldtie a great deal of confusion if the'CAM- -used the same'narne as the Goderich tourney. _ • ' Goderich officialslast year wrote the *rivers -that -be with a view -to copyrighting...Abe name-- of the Young. Canada Week tourney, but federal authorities gave scant en couragement along thie line. Some time ago, local officials met with Mr. Roxburgh ta state their Tcase. o 0 S.O.S. Thro' Here The Provincial Police at Goderich acted as a rely Tues - • tyi, nOtli_lig for a messag e t in a -;.1'fishini vess,e1,_ whose operator said it was "breaking in two in the Atlantic Ocean, 140 miles off Nantucket Is- land." The message was first, picked up by W02 Jack Maltby, a ham radio operator at the RCAF -Station, Clinton. The, Clinton RCAF man then contacted 'Pro- vincial Police at Goderich who, in turn, notified Provintial Police headquarters in Toronto who, in turn, notified the U.S. 'Coast -Guard. ..:Donations toward furnisehag the new of Alexandra Marine and— Gendral Hospital continue to come 'donors: Dr. - - Dr. 'N. C. Jackson 21 it1:1:Fenewiee,,,i,s,„ the ,-, latest, ....... 1:11:" H. R. Hall : Anonymous Dr. A.• H. Ta-ylor Anonymous . . - ... ; 1 , -.leo - Ralph Munro A. M. Harper . 100 A ex Alexander - 40 lison me,:t Market 50 Dominion Road Machinery Co500 Harry Knight, Torento 500 _ P. F. Carey - .100 . Anonymous _ 25 Donations may be Mailed. to C. F. Chapman, secretary of the If pital Board, Goderich, or given any member of the Hose1tal-13 Receipts for income tax purposes' will be mailed to those sending donations. o 0._____43 • a iMi: and. Mrs. David Moote, 'Wil- liam, Marilyn and Donald, of wq lowdale, spent New Year's Da* With Rev. and Mrs. S. .A. Moow. Victoria street . Huron County Clerk 'A:. II. Erskine said Monday there was $177,000. in tax arrears /in Huron County. ! "L collect taxes ler-18 reunieipal- ities, not including Goderich, -Wing- ham. Clintort, Seaforth and Ek:' eter," he Stated. "In 1946: I had tax'arrears down to $14,000. Now, 11 years `later, I ended 1957 with $177,000 owing the county," said the County Clerk. "Otte of the reasons for this increase is that thunicipilities-ire. 1946 rediteetl their fine on back taxes from four per Cent to two per cent. It wasn't until 4957 that fines of four per cent could again be imposed," explained -Mr. Erskine. Mr. Erskine eale that- each year he sent out about 250 notices to persnns who were three yeaes be hind in their taxes; -.Usually about 225 of those persons will pay some of theirtaxes to avoid having their_ property , old at a tax.lale. "But I have Tiro gen the remaining-lrfor taxes. The person can redeem, hiF tand---in,'-,a,-(yeaiee4ime:eif-lekqi his bade taxes andliVes the buyer- the--tindunt of -money he ,paid for it plus ten percent for interest," lie .said._ ::_;,.,-.-,-4 7: "I etitottrage persons to Vey their - taxes to avoid these saes," he s d "The best thing ti:, to d� is to pay theft' taxes' oi,"the first year ()Whig, then work up to tho,. most recent yeart7 • .•,,,,,, . . ..•••at• All /Protestant congregations in Goderich will join for a special service which will- conclude the ,Week of Prayer. The Service will be held in North Street United Church this Sunday at 7,30. p.m.., The special preaeher will be Rev. W. Stuart MacLeod, MA. BD, STM, of St. John's United Ohurch, Strat- ford. The service will bein charge of Rev. A. E, Eustace, assisted by Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor, presideiss of Goderich Ministerial Association A special choir. made up of mem bers of choirs of the verious local churches-rwill be under the dime tion of Ron Klinck. . Traditionally, the Week Of Pray- er,is a time when people pause to coilsider the guidance received ie the past and ask God's ,rontinuee guidance in the days That are ahead. ix-. -deleg.atis.—have beam - %ained from the riding of 1Uil.ita- attend the Liberal convention_ at Ottawa net • week which will &de a leader for the Libefal party. Automatic delegates a r from Seaferth„ Senator W. Golding,' A, Y. MeLettn, alSO, lorinekrinember of parlittinellt., .1 -A -MES. R. -SC-iltT 1.4or the.........ridirigf--and--„James_ Scott, organizer for the Liberal -._party, for the prdvirice of On- tario. Elected delegates are Hugh • `-'e'llawkivis-s linton, Ivan Kalb- • fleisch, 'inrich, and kW Elston Wingliain. Alternates will' Mr. and Mrs. W. • L.‘ Whyte, • Seaforth, and Ilen-son-Tuckey, Exetera Two defeede issues with jury i and three net -Nary .casesare sche- duled -to be heard When Supreme - -Court _opens- in .-Goderich Monday. - Hon, Mr. Justice Kelly will preside,.• , One juty action inVOIies James Bertram Bi1cianan, of Colborne Township, and his father, David A, Buchanan, a plaiarlifficsex. • JaKthael ShAlvarPhiea Sharp,*are named as_de-- fendants. . The -Plain a - have-. enteied claim for d nages arising out of a motile' ve tele accident on the county road tWelefith'S Of 'a' mile south Of Sa tford, on &mum, 28) 1957. Vehleles driven by Miss Sharp, o and J. B. Buchartapsollided.. -Also before the •EiTurt 'is a ii0h;., jury action arising -knit of -azt_ cident -which vent:red 'en Iiithi:va1 21, near Bonfield, on August _ .1f 1956: • • "The plaintiffs in this ease are Itornelius van den Heuvel, Ann* Van den Heuvel and two children,. Christina and Lorens. The detend- ants are William iteririeth MeAl Another case involves the IlritMi Vxchange.. -dowif in -December, 1986..,,7!' and Sophia Rabatich are the tiffs and,Alan,,,W1 Jacksee:itg as defendant' '''..Aterie, time, ' I announced by a Seaforth real E agent that Jackson would, n but the hetet was late to Harry Levine, of Toronto.