The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-02, Page 1••
th Year -2 -Ne. 1 2.-
*hum Ammo\
Ra •
an 4Q `N�w:Drivers
CoWegiate Course
orty students have enrolled in
driver education course„ which
to start this moth- at Gadericli
trict Collegiate Institute:
here are 24, girls and 16 boys
the class, which will meet out-
ofregular school hours. At
t, instruction will be confine
the°-i'iassroom. After, the Easter
aminations, on -the -road i•nstruc
n will be given in a car 'supplied.
urtesy -of. Rouse Auto Electric..
D�CI.wa- one of the first second-
schpots in.Ontario to provide
• u
�. er�..ed c
v awn..-.eo e . ..
�s . Toda
iving courses are offered: by 23"
the province's 380 high schools.
. F. Stephens, a GDOI staff
ember, attended a high school
-and--tri -education--work_ ,
op which was held in Toronto'
a recent week -end. 'One of the
ef' sponsors of the, workshop was
e ntariu -Safety'-teague.
Jacksont 'President bf the
lir d --president- of 'ord-
otor, Co- of Canada Ltd.s spoke
g• -the prob'7'am =.,H -e.:. said; _
"Only' a very few of' 16 -year -
ds today receive adequate driv-
g instruction. And what - is the
suit ��
Deadly Age
"The 16 -year-old is : ' 11 times
ore deadly on the road than the
an in the safest age group,
On- the "' other hand, he said,
ecords show that every boy or
1 whet graduates' from your
iver education classes- is only
if as likely to becotrie"-involved
traffic accidents and violations,
d is 60 percent less --likely to,
et. or itause death on the high_.
"Of- --driver education
sts -Money—about- $30 per stud:
t . But that $30 is only about
e -third• what a your graduate. will,
ve in ins rice re
.� premiums in
er- i
years. r.
Mr. Jackson stated; "Three out
every five who are- marked to
e on our higghwayd. would live
harmed if 'all received •scienti
ally -designed_ driver education
the high sehooi;,, age."
He added' that parents are prob-
ly the .'worst teachers of driving
d "th. re are ..only a handful of
mine .tial driving schools in On-
io capable of_ -teaching .the skill
safe driving properly."
Last ,year 39•• stildents graduated
om the driver education course
Id: at GDCI.
94 On Saturday
in Alexandra ,Marine and
General Hospital for the past
two years but still enjoying
fairly good health; David Green-
reenwill -observe 'his' 94th birthday
on •t:§aturday, January 4. A
native of 'Sheppardteni,hewas
somewhat of. a - world -traveller
in his younger days, living in
various parts - of the world. at
different times, before return-
n '
ve ,ar,ea and to, .
'Goderich.. brother, Gavin.
Green, will celebrate his 96th
birthday on Aptil 8th.
0 u1 '' -O
January clearance ales are-get-
re—gettingg under way at stores in Gode-
ricai: tEconothical housewives }rt�•elr,
ested' •'Hia'}tfttg' the 'family' budget.
go as far as possible wilt find it
well worth their while to mad the
January clearance advertis ents
of these merchants. Watch for
them in The Signal-Star,.each week
and shop where you are invited to
s1 op --and save. ,
The Stratford B a'C' h -Herald has
been running a community survey
on the 'advertising views of its'
readers, Prizes are being given
for the most enlightening answers
sent, iny Beacon -Herald readers
resect to advertisements of
Stratfor merchants.
Following are seine of the re-
{maflfs of women readers' from the
rural-areaswho won --prizes: --'~ •
•Mrs. H. Herman, Tavistock, said:
'With a large family, it . has been
necessary to look .for... fhn :barbas.:
The country housewife, if she is
Title me, usually does 'her shopping
in a hurry. The ads in the paper
tell where hurry.,
buy articles, thereby
saving valuable time. Ads that list
price, larget••fl size and not too
cluttered 'up• with . unnecessary de-
tails,: are mostly appealing to me.
If the price is listed, and is reason-
able, it will attract me."
/'Said Mrs. James Murray, R.R. 5;
Stratford: "The Targe ads. with the
big type are most, eye.cathhing."
Said Mrs. L. ,Ratz of the -.Stratford
area: "1 -like ads that are clean}
medium in . size . and simple in
ew firm EmpI�y5O
ithin 2 Months Of Start
$oo'l mith -Furniture Limited
tans to start production . by Jan-
ary 15 in the factory formerly
ccupied• by the Goderich.- Organ
Until heavy machinery is moved
re. from London, production will
e on a small 'scale, utilizing ma-
binery how in the building:
In about two months-- fr m the
tart of production, Lemuel John
ott, the president, expects there
ay be-' 60 persons employed, he
old' The Signal' Star. t,
For the past few weeks, two local
en. John •Vincent and Jasper Mc-
rien, have been working in•4the
aviary to prepare 'it for the --start
f production. The place has been
leaned up, bailers have been in-
pected, and the sprinkler system
A new generator is being in:
stalled and machinery is being
Mr. Sort expects that moving of
heavy machinery from London to
Goderich will begin February, 1
and will take about 15 days to com-
,About 18,familieswill be mov-
ing tp Goderich when the firm
'leaves London, he expects.
The Scotsmith concern, which
manufactures custom church furni-
ture, was burned out of its London
location last spring and has been
'Operating in rented accommodation
since then. tt
, Purchased in` 1. 51 by a Montreal.
industrials§t, the Goderich Organ'
Co. factory has een idle since
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sandy quietly
i bserved their 50th wedding an-
iversary at their home on South
re -a- on Wednesday. Following
family dinner, an open house Was'
.eld in the afternoon. for friends.
Mr. and Mrs.. Sandy were -mar-
ied on January 1, '190B, at the
ane of .the bride near Bervie.
he is ti*ie former Ruby-Glahn.
The marriaget ceremony .was. peri'
• d at-nine-o'ekmk-•irrtlre• inrrr;
ng in ,order that the
le l
atch the 12.30 pm. train tt of
ip1eY that daOn their
oohi trip - they went to Guelph
nd Buffalo. .Mr... ,,,Sandy recalls
hat he went to the bank at Ripley
nd withdrew all the money he
ad there, $65, in order to finance
en he arrived home he said,
e..••had only 35 cents it his
In order to catch the train, they
ravelled by horse and cutter from
ervie to Ripley. They had to
fngle t
h -t
fields for a distance
o -high that, .t eovored%the tops of
the fences.
Mr. Sandy took over his father's
farm in Ashfield Township ,,,with
a small down payment ant a mort-
gage c'; i it for $2,000. There he
farmed for 13years. Later, he
went' in for buildir'ig •concrete
bridges. He was still en'gagedi-i,.n•
this work when he--rnove'd'i`;ode-
rich 38 years ago. Finally, he be-
came engaged in the manufaetur
iflig �f r'o iiuiltaiing maciifiiery in
'hick' he was active until his re-
eht abbuit 15 years ado.
He served for over hall' a century
on the Board of Managers of the
Presbyterian ',churches in Ashfield
and Goderich. For many years he
was on the Alexandra .1Vlarine and'
General Hospital Board.
V l.J
h hav`
of Goderich, and two daughters,
Mr4,- Jdinet lr"aft"el "(Pearl), and Mrs.
;Ben- Mihail- 'tBeulah), Another
daughter, h ter - Mrs. J
8 ernes Salkeld
(Margaret) was fatally injured in
a ear -train (evident a0 -,London
about 1-
7Y ear
Wife i
�Ynow 74 and his
wife s 70.
` i
. •,°aY '• ,nth h�A.: .,... N Y'!eP9�' . ".— -•- ,,_-'
Y' ' „0 a, '♦ :yJRW�JC
ik ,
Subscription IN CANADA 413.00
IN u.e. 414„00..
,Single Copies ?e
Of .Gode
, Q- The- Goderichu Post ,Office receive'
ed the usual -number of letters dur-
ing the Yuletide season addreiised
to "Santa Claus, North Pole." me
had stamps on the letters and. kW''
had net. Some- had one ad s _
and some had another.' . `
But, believe it or not, they reach-
ed Santa Claus. A former resident
of Goderich who now lives in Lon-
don has been one of Santa .Claus's
helpers for ,some years., new._. The
letters were forwarded from Gode-
rich to London and. orn there they_
were despatched on to Santa
: -
t oridon fias received a re
from Santa Clausfor the.
childNow the helper of SantaPlc
of 'Goderich who wrote to him, ,
This letter • was . received by the •
Signal -Star this week. Addressed
to -"The Girls and Hays of Godderich,
/Ontario, it readsMas follows:
My dear little friends:-
?ld_. Santa was.._bappy-- to get se
many clever,. well written •letter$
from you .thisyear, an_dhv now
ypu will know that I have been
,; ying over. your ,roof-s-and-ifknow-•
you'' were pleased with what yqt •-
found on Christmas morning ; fro�m'•..�.
the big red sack. So many of you -
told very good you have--
- been,, too, practically all year, and
this also was., pleasing: But, dear
children, • there was one i sad diis- r
appointment, for Sant* and per.
haps for you, too..:,Qui a few of.
youwaited until the last minute
to send in, Your. lists; and; as
everyone knows,- the.last few days •
before Christmas are mighty busy,
what with ' packing , the sleigh,
polishintg, Rudolph's nose, etc.. And "
this year, we had a bit of an extra
problem' at. the ,North Pole, caused
by-lack:_sl the usual snow. . in -
addition; Dancer, Prancer, Do.
hooves y which
Santa bush•
banefdore euusndg' Nup eamll, the leodin,tmn!r
we had a• ---good- irip, _ tde th e
rounds and. are eAWN-safely laa4;
with the reindeer stabled and eat-
ing -like.:
billy -o, getting fat :and all
ready . for next year. r So,. Sarah,
Conrad„ Carolyn and all the rest
of . you;°-• be sure to write, early
next., time and,...nntil_.,1 see you
again, have a happy New, 'rear_
y Yours faithfully, • , .
New Year S Baby
- First- baiby df 1958 to be
born. at Alexandra Marine and
'General Hospital' Was a boy •
...George Alexander Howes.
His pa'rpts' ,are Mr. and. lgrs.
Colin -Howes, R.R. 3,' Goderich.
The birth took ,place at 11.30
air. oh New_Year's day, The
mother arrived at the hosp'itJaT -
_• at 8." .an., of the same day.
-Sheers -former ' er•-•Garb--Fan
ton, of aintail. The couple will.
observe -their first w.e'dding
yon 'uesday, Seam-
The first- baby of -the- Ne ---
ear will receive free a mount -
e photograph from MaoLar=
en's ..Studio, Goderiek '_
At 5.2,0 p.m? on ew ;Yeareth's
dgy the recon a firth. ' 'took
lirce; that fa: -� a+ iza s
;Ginn, dapghter of.•. ; •. and :Mrs::
Jerry .Ginn. Third ' and last
baby of the day , 6.30
p.m. It was a son for Mr. and
Mrs, John Anderson, R.R. 1,
O •U
fid, � ,4 r7{! J►.`F q .,�+'�
Mr. and
Richard -of 'Stra
W. H. Robb and'
ford; were earl-
'mas day' guests sc *th Mrs, -Rol b's
m the s
Q . ,, �s�,. P. J. Cantelon.
11►1r. and Mrs. L. J. Westbrook
spent Christmas in Toronto withth
-litter's sisters, Mrs. ,JTea1 Y. Walter
and Miss Isabel Young. - •
YI..., Mr. and. Mrs. Walter, Westbrook
and family, of Kingsville, spent
'Christmas with the former's 'par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George West-
Miss Eileen O'Brien, of Guelph;
it -•the Christmas vacation with
her parents 'Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
• ,
,- .s 'B >*:
,* 5 *
Mis Beatrice -Campbell, of Wood-
stock, is . spending the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and lylrs.
James `Campbell.-•
Mrs. R. J. Wheelei ent-�Christ-
mas in: 'London with _ her daughter,
Mrs. Owen Smith,.. Mr. ' Smith._ and jr. �.:
Dr. and Mrs. N. Jackson, Martha
and James were Christmas visitors
with Mrs. Jackson's father, Mr: J.
D. McArthur,
c that in Guelph.
'Home for Christmas with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Turner, were their son Ted, of the
University of Western Ontario,
Londono --•and their daughter, Mar-
ilyn, of Toronto.
:*_. 1. a,: :4
1VIr:''and Mrs:' Deightom'=Walker,
Janet and friend, of, Tgronto,.,spent
a few,. days last - of,
at their
summer home at Menesetung.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sanderson; of
Toronto, spent Christmas with -the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
G. Sanderson and Bob.
Mrs. J. W. Craigia lids returned
after spending Christmas in Bill
falo with Mr. and' 1VIrs, James Haidi-
marrd and family. •
Miss Mary Curry, student at
Michigan State University, Flint,
Michigan, is spending the holidays
with -her• parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Curry.
Tim Sale is home for the holi-
days from Upper Canada College;
Toronto, with his parents, Mr. ;and
Mrs. Ned Sale.
Mr; and Mts.,-Ted Plante, of -Do
Mills, spent 'Christmas _with their
parents, Mr. and +rs. G. Plante,
and Mr. and. Mrs. McManus,
and Mrs.L
Y Cornpeait";'V'o' f"
Tillsonburg, were Christmas visit-
ers,,witli the latter'' parents, Mr.,
and Mrs, G. Plante.
a: :s *4 *
Mr. and Mrs. Llpyd-Bradley and
three children, of Sebringville,
were Christmas visitors with Mr;
Bradley's mother, Mrs. T. • H.
Bradley. ,,,
Mr. and Mil=s. James -Donnelly
-Michael, spent Ch
with Mrs. DonnellY s father,
Wiley tson and Mrs.
son.' .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, of
Weston, spent Saturday ° last with'
Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mr"s.
Ed. T\ Irwin. s.,_.... . -
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Glover, BOO,:
and Jayne,
of Oakville, lie spent en
ew'wer"'diEliihrarOafe ;:
Mr. arid Mra. E. T. Irwin. -
Miss Mary
-spent C
Jr. laird Mrs.
t Ohristmas
• rs. G. II:
Graham, of Toronto,; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Scrimgeour .Mr. and Mrs. Keith Revell were,
e 1: A
4. A. Graham. and Mrs. JaMes Garrick nd' gr
-with her -parents; visited uvelrthe'week=en t}i Mr:- iri Toronto for the, Christmas vaea-
A. Graham. and Mrs. James Garrick nd' and- tion:
gists with Mr. and daughter, , Cathy, of Windsor. .Mrsu
1 , Austin Quglex,. acCp _._ Win: ,
MYss Linda fir mP
_ Breckenridge, St. .led- by Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Free -
Joseph's Hospital, London, has .re- -man, of Chatham, spent •Christhia.
turned after spending her Christ- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moran
mas vacation_ with her -parents, Mr: at Kingsbridge. •
and Mrs. Roy_ Breckenridge: -•r
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig` spent Miss Mary -Andrew; of :London
Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. spent Chriisstmas -with her parents,
Bart. -Bradley,... -and Mr, Bradley in Mr. andmos Andrew.
Toronto, and also visited With' Beth naYst .. f
Mr: • Miss �h, o Landon, was
and Mrs. ,Joe Jackson: in Streets- with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs.
;V 6', "James `Austaay,,, for Christmas. , '
and Mrs. E. A. Wynant. and Mr. and Mrd.` -'Malcolm ' Mothers,,
Keith and -Judith, 'were, Christmas,
-. '
g - Sarnia with Mrs. 1Viathers,
sister, Mrs. James Lunhey, Mr.
Lunney andfafhily ,
'Mr. and Mrs.'" •
Roy Breckenridge•
and . Linda,. were in ' Guelph for
Christmas with Mrs. Breckenridge's
sister rs Gord
mss, •,Piston street,
were Mr. and Mrs. M. 13.',McCul-
lough, of Preston, -Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Tucker and baby, Janet, of
Thurso„Quebec, Mr. George,geatty,
pf Windsor, and Mr. W. F. Scott, of
Brussels. • • •
-••-Messrs. Jack Carrieron;
MoKillican' and Carl Rasmussen, of
Calgary, and. -Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Littlejohn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dew-
ing, of Mitchell, were visitors 'over
the holidays' at the home of Mr. ° son J. Scott, of Plainfield,; ,./slew
qnd Mrs. Leonard Elliot• .:,- Jersey, Miss ,Shirley Young,t R,N.,
Mrx and Mrs. Al.,-Camero . and of Grosse Pointe Farms, ,Michigan;
daughter, Caroll, of Elliott Lake, and, Miss Jeneane Young,• nurse -in -
spent the Christmas holiday with training f St.' Joseph's Hospital,
the latter's ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. London, sent the holiday season
Leonard' Elliott, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
:4 =k Scott
Youg, Cambria road.
Mr. an Mrs: Ken Young and
Y Kitchener, h spent the
holiday season with.., Mr. nd Mrs.
Frank Yoiing, Mary'street.
f -
Sgt. ani Mrs. William' Merrall, of
Ottawa,Miss Sandra Hillborn, o
Galt, anct Miss Bernice Fuller, of
Hamilton, spent the Christmas Barbara zri s a tiara spent Christmas in Water
week with their parents, Mr. an . loo with Mrs, Ellis' .sister; Mrs. J.
Mrs. Reg. -Fuller. . ` N. Amy, Mr: Amy and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oke and two Lynne Amy returned with them, to
da>,igllteh•Sry pf SarAlia, were Christ •spend•a few -days in. Goderich:
mas guests' with z`. and 'Mit.'Ira Clif ista1aS',°¢ estsiawith
� Mr. and
Oke, Huron road. Mrs. Frank Reid and family were
`Cadet Richard Madge . of the the former's mother, Mrs. E. Reid
Royal Military,- College,' Kingston, and his sister, Mrs. W, Evans, Mr,;
is enjoying the Christmas- vacation Evans _and Dianne, of Brantford.
at his home here. - -b MM.r`. and Mrs. Gordon 'Kerr and
Miss Marie Raithby, of Toronto;- 7udith enjoyed 'Christmas -" Cli -
is spending the Christmas vacation ton withMrs:--Kerr's 'father, Mr. J:
with her parents, Mr Mand_ Mrs. Earl H. Bruns -den, and sister, Mrs: -Clay-
Raithby. Recent guests with them ton ;,Dixon, :'V1r. Dixon and family.
were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Raithby. v. :H . _� =k
and Tommy, of Collitrgwood. 'Mr. Don IV1eBride, of the Royal
Mrs. Reuben Besse and Miss Military College, Kingston, is
Helen Besse, -of Wallaceburg,'re- spending the holidays with his par-
newed acquaintances in town -on ents, ,Mr,„ and Mrs: Cecil McBride.
their way to Stay.ner where they 'Mr, and Mrs. Wm. B. Moore and,.:
spent the Christmas holiday. family enjoyed_ Christmas „with
Mr. and Mrs:•• Frank Bowra and Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs
family` spent Christmas with Mr, Harvey Hunking, Hullett Township.
and Mrs. Guy H. Moore, at ;5tra ,Mrs. H. L. Salkeld has returned
ford:___Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Moore �' �, Windsor. where she spent'
and .family, of --Zurich, also spent Christ as -holidays with her daugh-
Christrhas day with his, parents. ter, Mrs. Wm. Currey and family
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Dixon, Cam- and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Salkeld.
eron . s'tr'eet;°"enjoyed the 'holiday Mr. and Mrs. Don Bissett and
with their daughter, Mrs, Sidney children, Wayne and Patsy, moved
Chappel, ahid;„-,Mr. Chappel, - of to Guelph do Friday where Don
Paisley. �” has been employed for some time.
- Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Tor- Jimmy Jackson, of Chicag , is a
• onto, was a Christmas guest with Christmas visitor with his p rents,
'her sister, Mrs, W. G. MacEwan. Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Jackson -",
Holiday visitors at ,the home of Mr. Jinl_Clark, of. Toronto; spent
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gardiner and Christmas with his parer", Mr.
family were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Tait Clark.
Irving, Toronto;" Mist Elizabeth Mr. Robert Volland of the. teach -
:Odium, _�Qdluro, viChitb' ; ..lvt�.•-.a •-iUirs:-•Roy..-•i,ng�-s�taff. at Aylrner,...".�risi't•ed ills"
Beacom and'family, Chatham; Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Volland;
and Mrs. P. R. Gardiner and family Cambria Road,, over the holidays.
;pd Mr, Robinson Gardiner, Mount Visiting during. Christmas holi-
x orest. days with Mr nand Mrs. J. W. New -
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Mason combe Were '•; Mr. anti .Mr . Walt "
and son, Paul, whe have been Newcombe and family, ' Clint° ,
guests with the lad sMrs. rs, Mr.
mother, and Mrs. R
W. G. ,MacEwen, returned today family, -of Minnea dlis, -and a d
to their Omaha, Nebraska. q, Mr'
and xs, William atnp•.
N we
oxt►b i►�air
(1, d_
ald� tonc�h
�'_-..�.�x...�..�pxi °use--� n .
and family, of .Guelph, were Christ- aiiMr. an ':Mrs• Ro + Erin on an
mas visitors with Tr. Stonehouse's two daughteit, 'of Ottawa, were.
•mother, Mrs, M. H. Martin, Mit n, �1•gi`IT, Christmas guests wills,•«�;"AA�riid Mr's/
avenue. • . ' Albert. McCliftchey and Mrs. A:
Recent guests with- Mrs. M. 11. Errington, Colborne Township.
Martin were her sister, Mrs. ' Bert Home '• for Christmas with their
Taylor, •��,,,,
or and Mr.
Taylor, of
Aubi r
n, r n
Mr,' a is
Mr. .
Mrs. R. R
•Robert, enjoyed til Cstaler vG��� their •son 13ob
e, Christmas of the Universit ;of `Toronto and
holiday in New York City. --• their daughter, utli, of Brantford.
Mr. W. W. Bradley, of Stratford;
wa�"t the winner €
o a BeautyCoun.;
sellor Band Box at a draw made
by the Beta Sigma Phi on Decem-
ber 20. .
Miss Helen -Cooper, of Toronto,
is a guest with her mother, Mrs...A
J. Cooper, and Miss Evelyn Cooper
during the iChristinas vacation.
Other Christmas guests were Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Jenkins and family,
or Sunderland, annd Mr; and Mrs:
H. E. Cottrill and familyi-.-of Port
Waverley Nelson,. who has been
stationed at Dawson--Cre 'Bd.,
for nearly -two years, - telephoned
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen4Ne1-
son, of Goderich, on Christmas
day. He sent along greetings to
all his hriends here.
.. -Mr. and Mrs. Phi`, Sturdy; an
family, of Thorold, spent . the holi-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Sturdy, Godericl ;l'ownslaip, and
Mrs. Annie Moran.
• Mr. and Mrs: Cy Proctor, of Tor-
onto, were visitors in town for
Christ as. •--
Reee t guests ,with *Mrs. Bent
Allen,Victoria street, were: _Allan
McCormick and Mrs. Cassius. Mc-
Cormick;,of Mu cie, Indiana; Archi-
ba}d •I Tinto; Mr.
rte and Mrs, olp ' Trope; of Stratford;,
Allah b
. a Chatham, �►'e, f m, and Miss
Marion, Trow!, of Montreal.
Christmas i Nests- with -Mr. and
-:errs. Ray .lr e -were Mrs. and
Mrs. Gordon' George and Ella, of
London;. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Tigert
and family, and Mr. John Tigert,
all of Port bert. M.. ::
Mr. R,ob � t �I�ays, Who is in his •
-inial year .Pf law at Dalhousi5 Uni-
versity,: H.i ifax, N.S., spent Christ-
mas boli • : ys here with his par-
ents, Mr. ;: nd Mrs. R. C. H ys.
Mr. an' . Mrs. Frank Bea of
y their
�,X't5n"tn, eiit"�ChiLisima�s with {;Meir
daughter; Mrs.'Ilan MacDonald
and; Mr. MacDo ',al . -
Spend nChristmas with
.s their
mother,; Mrs. ,George Atkey, and
sister;' Mrs. R. W Hughes, Dr.
Hughes 'and family, were Mr. J. M.
Atkey, Mrs. Atkey and family, of
Cooks. ille . ,anti Mr.Richmond
.... ,ichmond
� �r
�: ,0 . ;��, r�:. key_:��?ri?,r•=
j(r • 1.
o ger, of Garnp
Chilli ' aek, B.C.: was home fpr,, the
ho id ys with.his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. bward Fowler.
Miss .Marilyn Loire and Mr. and .
Mrs. Bud' Gerow and Jimmy, of
London, were • Cls stinas guests
With Mr, and
, L
e:.M s. tCaAt.� foixn�rcl�ers g
Christ aq.wih her'daughter' Mrs. Ginn and farrtflyh
• Mr Richard Donnelly, of North
Bay, pent Christmas with his par-
ents, nts
M d Mrs, Frank
M .:Fre
Moss, y
as of Sarnia
is hot
days with his parents, i'tr 'arid
' Moss /as s r e
• Mrs John
M , E t reet.,
M , on dfatt Mr. Watt
and family: '
Miss ylvfa, Chisholm, of • St.
Joseph's`' School of Nursing,
don,spent the Christmas
with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr, -and -Mrs. George Ellis and
Pipers Entertain
At:County 1{�me..
Representatives of Goderich Oc-
togenarian' Club and the Kinsmen
Club recently made special Christ-
mastime visits to the County Home,
Clinton, and Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich. .on,s candy. and orang passed out to all the resi-
dents of the horde -and --a•• special
program was presented `for their
entertainment: The - -pr ra 'wa as�
featured by the
�.appearance of
Goderich Pipe Band.. ; Tony Etue
played the violin and little Joe
MacDonald played the- pipes.
William Wilson,.. chairman .of the
Octogenarian-CI�ub, acted as master
of ceremonies. Others who assist-
ed...were;..I3. •J. ePat) Patterson and'
Bert Worsell. ,
anta: Claus
n Day -Before Christmas
It- was
cold $
_extremely Mb`os
e -the line, Ja7in Pinder, 44 Inoto>ia
Factory near the shores of James
Bay the day -before. Christmas. But
Elijah Menarik r'
J a k
a an .im
1 h portant
message he wanted to send trough
from that far Northern Ontario
centre to Goderich, regardless.. of
the weather.
To- send this message he had•
to travel by dog team a distance
of some four miles to Moosonee,
whe ' the nearest telephone -was
locate ed. \By the time' he reached
there_ :he was biting cold.' Into a
telephone booth he hastened after
his arrival and excitedly'' tried to
Place his -long distance' telephone
call td Goderich. Ili '"hands were
so cold he could not properly
hsndle.,the .silvery coins required
to put in'•the pay slot of the phone
booth. The long distance operator
suggested that matters co
simplified if. ie ---reversed • the'
0'he party at the Goderich end'4t
the lime overheard this suggesfidn
-and cut in to say he would accept
the charges for the call. *hen
edhtact -was finally ,made, Elijah
Menarik enthusiastically announc-
ed over the phone that -his wife,
the former Grace Pinder, of Gode-
rich, had that akernoon given birth
a bouncing abrdaughter: --On-
the phone at- the Goderich end of
street, heard the joyful news that
he had just become a grandfather
The •
former er
Grace Pinder der
ofGoti '
ericli was a' nurse• --at the goy--
ernment hospital at Moose Fa'etory•
for. some years before her "mar ,
riage. Her husband was on CBO -
TV -.last Saturday night 'and was
undoubtedly seen by _Many people
in this area, Ie played the role
Of -Santa Claus on the King Whyte •
TV show. .The scene in which
Elijah Menarik appeared at Moose
Factory were photographed some •
time previously- for . reprodifctioa
on CBC•Tl'V; J They .showed Banta
Claus arriving at the hospital at
Moose ,Factory and distributing
gifts. o the I� dian and' Eskimo '
children in r�}}
til _ oa' til
�� th
King Whyte, in' appeals, ove -
had collected, considerable money
e purpose of buying _Christ- '
mas presents for children' in- ' the
far north. These were flown,. in ,m
in time for distr
Christmas. .. And E
husband of the fo_ .
girl, happily; played
Santa Claus, 'in=traditi_
for handing out of th
bution before
�ijah Menarik,
er Goderich
the, 'Part of
Ira costume,
gifts. Ile
was• seen arriving, not by sled and
reindeer, but "by the customary •
transportation in the James Bay
area—a sled draw ---• v r1e'a rn of -
Winners ,Of thristmas Sh�pping
•' Local Storei
A umber of Goderich mer.
chant -held -draws in. coiinec-
tion with • Christmas 'shopping,-
List -of `-ri'rriicefpai; "ber"�ot.
Miss. Eileen O'Brien, 202 St:
avid -
s street, eet
the ,lee-
M e
tric blanket at Breckenridge
Hardware while d Marchant,
507 ' Seventh Ave ue ' 'Owen
Sound, won the bathroom
At . Cul ert'�s . Bakery, Mrs.
y .n
- :
a p`
mates m cawhileke
candy house was won• by '
Cherita McKnight, daughter_of
Mr., and Mrs. Roy_MeKniglht.
The, set of xuggage at the
store of
P. E. Hr'lhbert.and Stn
was 'won by Mrs, R. C.. Hays,
/��p G(� y 9
a✓ .' �ry��y�,yYpp///►
o l+'16
V1664; h+�, rs elirl toy
at the reek s'ait•.. ino
•� at od9y
r'ieh,, was' tthe,, win er • of.
R , x.
watt at Filsinger's Jewelry
and Gifts. ,
Oimandy's-Jewellery gave
,a•. ey every day":frei -' �'
Friday'; Decereber 6t a totall
- of 16 turkeys. The lr.of the.
winners` each day appeared -3n'
a previous little of te Signal-'.
- Star end the rest of the win -
iters appear elsewhere in this
issue of the Signal -Star.
(Merchants report that the
Yme of Christmas t as
a ppi
iR7..—'.wLelli�,I y1 y,y
, ii+'.�'�Ju-.�..��d+-Y.i�. ::.��i�, f.:Y.}v:1��? lT.......:,J.vr•..T''v:.l.d.J.,...�T
Some were aheadoflast year
and some from five to ten per
cent down from last year. Gen-
erally speaking, the total vol-
ume might have .been a little
down, but very little. There
�+' a
than h'a boors
the custom in' previous years,
easing t a pressure of lest
.«;minute alpping in the; stores.