HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-26, Page 6THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR R NESS DIRECT CHIRQ RAC 31G 11. BUCK D.C. DoetOr of Chiropratie OW* Mum. Wu, Ties. ---9 a. , to 5 pa:, o Fru. -.-9 a.;'rs,. to 0 pals. 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. lft, & $At. -9 to 11.30 a.m VjttAnnin Therapy Ofliee—Corner of South St. ane Britfallii9. Load. ]Phone 341. A. Ma HARPER Chartered. Accountitrit OfficeHouse 343J 343W Harr1A.U.R.n St. Goderich Stiles Ambulance Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Godarieh HAROLD JAC SON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAF®HSTt9 P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business insurance. Mutual LifR of Canada Phone 346 Church St. Alexajder & Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Get Insured—Stay Insured— Rest Assured. A. J. ALEXANDER C, F. CHAPMAN Bank of Commerce Building, Goderich Phones 268 W and 18 W. ink EDWARD W./ELLIOTT LICENSED ,AUCTIONEER .Correspondence promptly an- swered: Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone Hu2-9097. -'• £harge moderate and satis- 1 faction guaranteed. F.' T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH (mots the chain saws' roar in pulpwood forest. Hundreds of miles from the din of smoky towns and the hectic traffic of busy streets, lies a winter wonderland where Christmas trees grow in countless numbers. It is Canada's number one natural resource, the rich pulpwood forest where in hundreds of depots and thousands of camps, no decorations are needed to give a, Christmas atmo_phere. At left, in the stillness of Holy Night, a, depot glistens with sparkling lights as pulpwood workers prepare for their Midnight Ser- vice, while at right Santa thanks a plow driver who has brought him to the camp. From these camps, in the heart of the nation's managed woodlands, comes the f'� wood harvest that, when converted into pulp and paper, becomes Canada's leading export. HURON AND HA JUNIOR ,FARMERS HOLD A REBATE f' CEMETERY " -MEMORIALS T. Pryde & Son EXETER Local Representative— ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Igln Ave. Phone 158 ammigencsampoweatmewellI sN••••s•••e••mems.• "Resolved that farm people. are ' - losw their independence" was the subject when Huron County and Halton County junior farmers held a debate in Stratford last week. . Upholding the affirmative side, thou Halton County team won. Score I was 153 for Halton and 149 for Huron. The Huron team was pq;ti- t posy;; of George Ribey and Murray ! Gaunt.. Mie affirmative team from Huron. made up of Lawrence Nes- bit and Larry Wheatley, defeated the Halton team of girls on the same topic. Score for the Huron team was 164 and for the Halton team of girls, 162. NsssssstissssssssmN—" IN SMILES HIS XMAS - I No more cleaning clot ing and household articles at home! It is running an unnecessary risk of setting the house afire, of having articles smell Like clean- ing fluid . . . when here, we give evec4hing_._t.he added touch of distinction _that only profes- sional skill can give them, at prices only a few cents more than the home method. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Here's the quick, c sy Way to bor- row the extra•money you need. Simply pick up your phone and arrange for a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Loans from $150. to $2,500. Up to 30 months to repay. Call us today ---by telephone --for a life=uhured loan. THE Alt CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY • OUT ON A LIMB WITH BILL SMILEY my foot, which served me right for doing it on Sunday. But I managed - to limp around well enough to get the dinner and do the dishes, while the culture vul- tures in the family were doing their music' iessons..About ten p.m. I sat down to write my column and was found there, head on the typewriter, sound asleep and noth- ing writtgn, at 4 a.m., by the Old Lady, who blasted me for not get- ting enough rest. :' * :t Monday was much the same, the cosmopolitan crowd in the family arriving home after dark, from tffeir music lessons,. sitting down If people tried to go at the same to the dinner I'd prepared, and clip during the rest of the year as waving fondly to me, their cheeks they do in the few weeks before stued wih venison steak, as dasffhed t off to a meeting, apologiz- ing because 1 hadn't time to help with the dishes. * ;:* * I know of at least ten assorted Christmas concerts, Christmas parties, bazaars And teas in the next W ek� ,or so. The mortgage on the house is coming due. The taxes, aren't, paid. This morning my wife announced she was going to do the spring cleaning, so the Christmas, -the world would soon be populated by a race of wild - .eyed, - twitching maniacs. Even mental constitutions tuned° to an era of guided missiles in the hands of misguided mortals couldn't stand up to that perpetual -motion pace much longer.- * * :i, Why I don't know, but both work and social activities double, then triple, at this time of year, just when you need a little extra time to do that early shopping, laying - away, early mailing and turkey - ordering the advertisements keep hollering at you to look" after. * * * At least around our house they do. It used to be bad enough, but the kids are growing up and turn- ing into the social butterflies that all children seem to become nowa- days, as soon as they emerge from the bib and pablum stage. r , I'll' give you a small run-down, and you'll understand why I'm not even too sure what my family looks like any more. Take Saturday. Hugh had to be at the rink for hockey before I was out of bed. When I . got home at noon, my wife had been making candy for a bazaar or something and it hadn't turned out, so she and ,the kids were eating it. The Santa Claus parade was at 1.00, so we just had time to run for it, after I'd done the dishes, and they'd all got dressed. As soon as the parade was over, ply wife had to go to a tea, so I fixed Kim up with a boyfriontjor a couple of hours playing at his house, before they went to the late matinee for the town kids. Then 1 had to drivg Hugh and five other boys to their dancing lesson, three miles. They had to he picked' up in an hour and dropped at the :low. My wife came in then to get some money for shopping and pick out her Christmas cards. Then it was time to get the kids and get home. In an entire after- noon. I had put in approximately eight minutes at my desk, during our busiest season. y nine p.m., after gorging oh the delicious dinner I'd whipped up, the socialites were all tired out and retired to bed. I Settled down with a good book for a little peace. 1 was just starting to get the hypertension Stowbd down to a mild thudding in the ears, when there was such a crash tha1 thoygit the Yanks had finally \got their ' satellite away and it had dre'pped through my roof. Investig- ation revealed that the entire bath- room ceiling had fallen in,—about thirty square yards of plaster. h * 'I didn't think I had remembered r;ome of those wonderful Celtic cusswords my Dad used to use when he, was down cellar and thought - y Mother couldn't hear him, but I did. I almost added murder tolasphemy when y wife called slm sleepily. after I'd been cleaning up mortar, plaster and dust for half an hour: "What hi the world are you fiddling around in the bathroom for, don't yob ever know enough to come to bed?" 0 0 0 0 Sunday morning early, Kim, who is very religious and says the Grace at an' meals, darted trying to got everybody up so she wouldn't miss Sunday Scheel. ft was about 7 a.9 ...„ WI' 5116 et, ref tett the time too wall, dtt'd s1tc slower It was 9.30. ,, 1 sutore, toe, She !started to baWl: 1 "You dorsi., even want mai to bo a Chrh finite' mild kept if,, up, the pitch risialt steadily, u'ntlf sleep was impossible. let. 'r 0 0 C, That rafternoon, while plattinc on rtorrd windows, 1 dropped' one on Square, Goderich • `phone 797 house would be lovely for Christ- mas. * * * * Tomorrow morning they are go- ing to get up and find a note from their short-order cook, stating that he has taken a room at the hotel and will return to the bosom of his family on Christmas Eve. 0-- o Nobody ever gets anything for nothing, but a lot of people keep trying. BACKACHE May beWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney When kidneys get out of order, excess grids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulhte the kidneys. to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better— work Getter. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. - 51 to ztortztet--tEterV► 7 To you and yours, season's greet- ings. Heartily, we wish for you a Christmas that's merry and. bright. May Santa . . . and the New Year, too . . . bring,you just what you're wishing for! MEL CRANSTON bsW ii Dal -N 2 ta' Izyt�t ccomrno.dation .. Problem Faces Separate School There is a strong possibility that the members of the 1958 Goderich Separate Schooloard will have to consider means of increasing the school's accommodation. Enrolment was 131 in September but has now risen to 143, says W. A. Coulthurst, secretary -treasurer of the board. These 143 pupils are housed in four rooms at pre- sent. A survey is being made in an effort to determine the number, of students who will probably enrol r the 1958-59 term. The annual meeting of the separ- ate school ratepayers will be held in the school on Friday, December 27, at 8 p.m. There are eight trustees, with four elected each year for two- year terms. Trustees whose terms expire this year are Leo Chisholm, Norman Boyle, J. E. Baechler and Joseph O'Brien. Nominations and elections are held right at the annual ratepayers' meeting. The four other trustees, who still. have one year left in their two- year terms, are Chairman Leo Wal- zak ,Wilfred Kinahan; T. J. Dren- unan and Leslie Pitblado. O O o Quality has everything in its favor including the price. Prayerfully, joyfully, we greet Christmas. May the Christ Child's message of love and hope gladdeg your heart and enrich your life. (7 AZCO AUTO BODIES Huron Road Ka z- AJ. Brudnicki, Prop. 141 II} ere $e tatigSt�¢s1 afi10 11010 y°rouse b. eat t�ygss`s $�°d ;:' e4 1� vb�st+tas E 6e r asd 'ost eco°lisg®f A • .offsn bealtb didb oajel !1, BEAT COLD WEATHER essese.eseseseses.... WITH s ij-eating (Fuel Oil and Stove Oil) FROM BEN R. CHISHOLM AND SONS Your Imperil Oil Agent - Phone '(collect) Dungannon 19R2. Iways look to Imperial for the best." -41tf CHRISTMAS ROBINS The season of Christmas cheer this December is actcom- panied by "Cheer -up, cheew- up, cheerily." Yes, at least two Robins were seen around Goderich on Friday. Although a bit of rugged winter weather has already visited this- dis- trict, all the snow had prac- ically disappeared last Friday 06, . and the Robins Were watching the townsfolk doing their last. minute Christmas :hopping, - TV ANTENNAS SERVICED 10 REMOVED I► INSTALLED Les 'Chappian TV Phone 154 38 East St. -22tf X2EZZCE �EZRZE'Z•learatZtatilt .kE "�a'teCZ ataLT SZICI 4tZa MIC Lzf :ItZt "r{ytOZCZ c' i' F� a, May the age-old but ever -pew story of, Christmas recapture your spirit and'inspire you anew with all the ioy and wonder of the Day., HEATHER BEAUTY SALON ��Ei yFr'��P,u�f �!,�,£-v�P��E�'����y�EG���ENt��C����;��y���yP��€�,£�t��;,R• i7/VcJS ".1714/GS Holiday lime again ... and we .take pleasure in wishing you and your loved ones a full measure of good clued. Goderich' Cab AND Pierson's Cities Seryice it as the carolers sing (Alt their message of Christmas joy',' -we wish for you a holiday season, bright with hope, rich in love, and abounding in good health, good will and good fellowship. DRIVE y' esMslsessOssseses•esess 0 MAKE. THE YULETIDE -SEASON .HAPPY FOR E.V-E4Y-B-O-D-Y DON'T. SPOIL- IT FbR ANYONE. YOU CAN HELP DO THIS BY AVOIDING CAR ACCIDENIS. 1041141.1111+006414110411140+111111160, • Spate contributed in the service of the community by John -Labatt Limited. LABATT'S CRYSTAL LAGER yMITED !t.