HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-26, Page 4GE FOUR oy and Fiossings Weseedtoall our friends our. warmest wishes for unlimited Holiday toy and bountiful Christmas blessings. yowt.FRIGIDALRE sq64;44,- FOR SALES d SERVICE GODERICN SQUARE •' 586 -a f`�-t^ ^.t ret,,.,,, aA„,.,,�',a➢^_gyeaerr r,^,.-•aaad g,4,"4o a,zp-a.-nnp�.i yp�or,z,. ,•`A e.aprl ,.:z...,.. a,a Y.r��t-:�t=�-�i�ti`�„ `Q'U U U'C �a'wa �1 �1° �.u'.•1 y c� o �i 4'.� LaVy" `�u &� N�u�U°.. �i '� '.a -u ' 'w y U ng, est Wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from FILS1NGER'S Retiring Honore , Stirring tribute has been paid to Mayor John H. Graham, who is F ,l LA a14 aA Dor ha 232 retiring after -a remarkable 19 -year career in municipal politics in 05 ci HARD LESSON THE GODER,IC SJGI TAR Sailors Dumped 8-3 By Pals But New Centrerna n Impresses Despite the 8-3 humiliation suf- 1 The Ottawa -Hull club played -two stepped in and cleared the front -O fered Saturday night at the hands I games with the Russian team which I row of spectators. Hugill received of Preston Pals', there are a few ' toured Ontario and Quebec recent- a game misconduct: rays of hope today in the camp of ' ly. When Mason announced that First Period Goderich Sailors, he -was 1e•aving Canadiens, the Si.. 1 ---Preston, Schultz (Wiggie Bow - First, centrenfan Ron Mason, C atharines� Junior "A" squad at man) 12.55 Sarnia making his first appearance in a tempted to sign him, but he de- 2 ---Preston, Schindler (Wiggie St. Marys Goderich uniform, scored two goals cided to join Goderich Sailors. Bowman) 13.35 London and helped set up the other. And In Preston Saturday, it was the 3—Preston' Richardson. (Bill Bow- Stratford Goderich Woodstock Preston 0 WESTERN JUNIOR "ci" (Figures do not show games played last night.) W L T F A P 10 2 0 58 40 20 8 5 0 70 53 16x 7 5 0 71 50 1 7 5 0 66 60 14 4 7 0 36 53 8 310 0 55 68 6 1 6 0 27 59 2 o ---o on two more occasions, he was same old story as in other road pian) 17.18 robbed' when his shots hit the fames played by the Sailors re- 4 - Preston, Burr 18.53 Preston goal -post. cently. The Sailors played poor � Penalties Thompson (3), Fleisch - Second, the Goderich players positional hockey. failing to check marl;° Hodgkinson, O'Krafka, Robin - seemed to realize after the {defeat their men. The Preston club.' son, Schultz, Mason. that there are no soft touches in 1 which was winless in six previous' Second Period Jail Sentences the ()HA Junior "13" Western Divi-' starts. turned out to be better 5--Goderich, Mason 1_58 sion and you can't expect to win , than expected and deserved the 6-- --Goderich, Mason (Fritzley, Gal- • any game without working for it. victory, low) 8.37 �y Preston Pals play a return game Goderich was without the ser 7 Preston, Fleischman 10-32 Given Offenders in Goderich this Friday night and 1 vices of Don Coss and Dennis 8 -.Goderich, Lee (Bain, MasanY then the teams <t o to Preston for ! Carpenter for this game. 19.00 _ } a third tilt on Saturday night. If' .liter the Pals took a 4-0 lead' Penalties O'Krafka. Eldred, In Local Court the Sailors pull up their socks, in the first period, Mason clicked , Wiggie Bowman, Thompson, Fleis- they still stand a chance of picleing twice for Goderich early in the rhman, Burr, O'Krafka, Hodgkin- Grant p four points this week -end. middle frame Ken Lee added son Grant Linington, 24, ,of R.R. 5, up present. Goderich. with four another as the Sailorsutscorcd Third Period Goderich, was sentenced to four "iris and seven losses. is in fifth Preston 3-1 in that stanza. The 9 --Preston. Schultz (\V'tggie Bow.,months in jail for breaking, enter place -in the seven team league- period ended 5-3 for Preston and man) 16.09 ing and theft from house Auto Mp-son Impresses the Pals sewed the game up in 10—Preston, Wiggie Bowman Electric. Appearing before Magis In his first appeparance at Pres- the third with three. more cqunters. (Schindler) 16.42 trate D. E. Holmes here Thursday, ton Saturday night. Run \lason Hugill Fined 11 ---Preston, Winton (O'Krafka) he was also sentenced to three looked like a valuable addition to Twenty-five penalties were called 17.11 months concurrent for stealing a the Goderich team. A Seaforth and Ron Hugill, of the Sailors, net- Penalties--HugiIl, Fleischman, ! car owned by Robert Ashton, of buy. he played for Peterborough ted an automatic $10 fine for mis Hugill, O;Krafka, major; Garrick, , Goderich. last year and was with Ottawa -Hull conduct. When Hugill protested Hugill. game misconduct; Hao, 1 Vernon M. Brunsdon, a your:; Junior Canadiens this year until an earlier penalty, the fans started Fleischman. I man from Londesboro, was also he decided that he was playing too, to ride him. He swung his stick sentenced f'to four months for Shots on Goal often and (lid not have enough time in the direction of the fans and On Preston 4 12 7.-23 , breaking, entering and theft of Goderichto attend to his school work. started over the boards when police On 17 '7 14-38 around $13 in silver from the cash Served Public19 Years, Jewelry 4 Gifts 1 Goderich and in his native Col r4-zae4 e zcmt t tc'��+ ream mi� r i borne Township. . i Ma ,,,,king the end of an era, a Now's our opportunity to express our �a , ' farewell dinner was held last Thursday, by Town Council in sincere appreciation for your patronage honor of the "good and .faithful and to wish one and all a veryMerry1 servant" who weathered nearly two decades of political battles with - Christmas and Happy New Year. 8 out ever losing his homespun phil- osophy and keen sense of humor. Mr. Graham will continue as o mayor until *Monday, January 13, when Ernie C. Fisher w'll take over. Mr. Fisher will be ne of the youngest mayors in the 's history. "We are proud of ,pe;" Cou cillor C. M. Robertson told Mr: Graham at a presentation in the Town Hall Thursday night. "On behalf of the Town of Goderich, we ask you to accept these gifts,as a token of our appreciation fqr your wonderful years of service!" The mayor was presented with r ; a pair of gloves and a box of cigars. Councillor `Robertson said that his first recollection of the retiring' mayor was when Mr. Graham sat on the Colborne Township Council. Good Record A Colborne Township native him- self, Councillor Robertson observ- ed, "You made a record out there of being a good; councillor." Mr. Graham's good record had `been continued in Goderich; as 1' + r t aGa DtDa D-42`. -21- a r a 1Pr tza r a a prof/et' `hy. 'tie" number of tie he was re -elected, -said the speaker. Mr. Graham showed ability that - -'re#r aMIC U �z°� t' t �b '' ''z4 ' was second to none when he v qr �� s , a on the public works committee, said Councillor Robertson.. He re- "" ` w called that Mr. Graham was first a councillor, then deputy -reeve and CLUB GRILL CLOSING CHRISTMAS EVE AT 9 P.M. FOR ALTERATIONS. RE -OPENING THURSDAY, JAN. 2, AT 7 A.M. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE WISHES EVERYONE A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. A book full of sentiment would . barely express our heartfelt wishes and hopes for a joyful Christmas and a Happy -Nevi Year. TOTS and TEENS reeve for several years before be- coming mayor in 1957. . Thanking all, Mayor Graham said he appreciated the help given him by fellow• members of Council dur- irlg his term as mayor, particiilai ly because his health _had not been the best at the start of the yeas "I got all I ever asked," said Mr. Graham, referring to his climb up the municipal ladder to the top rung. Mr. Graham said that he actually hadn't had any intention of going further after he completed the 1957.. term, but supporters had im- plored him to return, In a reference to the ®elections for 1958 Council, he commented that some persons apparently had the mistaken' idea that he wanted to "climb up the ladder". all over again. 'Ile said that actually he only wanted to serve one year as cottacillor to "ease off" before le ing entirely the life that he ha known for 19 years. Farewell Remarks In his farewell remarks, he paid tribute to John E Huckins, another former mayor. Despite some dif- ferences they had had, said Mr. Graham, "there never was 'a mayor I 'sat under who worked harder., for the Town of Goderich than John Huckins did." Mr. Graham mentioned the North road; which goes to the north side of the harbor, as one of the projects in which he had been interested .during his service on Council. In order 'to put the P :Oi,e,ct, through, Council had to withstand some.criticism, he said. If Council hadn't persevered, "you wouldn't have what you have to- day, or the prospects that you have today." He declared, "I still think the time to find nut—and there are a salt business is going to' put Gode- good many who haven't found out rich hack on the man." vet." Looking back on lens years three weeks for driving while his municipal life, Mr. Graham phi( license was under suspension. osophized: You can take out just He was sentenced to concurrent what you put in—no more. three-month "J"ry941 give service, you'll get I jail terms for theft paid for it . probably not in of two motor vehicles. Evidence Tor - dollars and cents, but there are t showed that he stole a car in Tor other things that are more import onto to go to Goderich, but aband ant than dollars and cents." oned it at Clinton. Then he stole Deputv-Reeve James Donnelly a station wagon belonging to Mac offered his congratulations "at the Donald Electric, ;MagaGoderich. end of long trail." He said that ' Later, there was an kcident and Council would miss the guidance (tom, station wagon struck a tree and the wit of Mr. Graham. ( near Seaforth. Oram spent about Mr. Donnelly calculated that m� week in hospital. there are only three other former I mayors of Goderich who are still i living. They are Robert Turner, Gei�rge MacEwan' and John Huck- Drive' CarefulIy ins. "A Better Town" During HolidaysMr. Graham: "The `t'own of Gode rich. will be a better town fa 2,000,000 _ register at the Rouse garage in Goderich. Morley Linington, 52, father of Grant, was sentenced to three months for attempting to steal a car owned by Donald Chase. . • i A Port Credit youth, William Robert Oram, 17, appeared before the court on four counts. A charge of careless driving was withdrawn, in but he was fined $50 and costs or. what you have done for it." The other members of Council also paid tribute to Mr. Graham. Councillor 'Peter S. ?MacEwan added that he was sorry that Councillor .Tames Bisset. the man he edced in the election for 1958 deputy -reeve, would not be back in some capac- ity. , Mr. Bisset had been a good councillor. said Mr. 1MacEwan. On Friday night, - at the Close of the last regular meeting ` of Council for 1957, Mayor Graham said, "I guess this will be the last time I'll be sitting in this chair and have anything to sav about Council business." He added, know I'm going to miss it for -;.a.. while." . Then, looking, back at all,..,,,the election campaign which he came through in 19 yegrs. he observed with characteristic wit: "If I never did any good, it took them a long PANTOMIME AT BAPTIST S.S. The Sunday School Christmas 'concert of the' Goderich Baptist Church was: held last Friday even-. inThe primary department staged a pantomime and the Christmas story was read from St. Matthew Y> h�,� ;Y<", sr�r✓Y and St. Luke. Choir numbers' were sung by three groups: kindergarten -begin- ners; primary department; juniors. Vocal duets were sung by Bar- bara Hugill and Wendy Love and by Gretchen Whiteman and Bar- bara Findlay. A vocal number' was sung by Teddy Chrysler, accotn- panied on the piano bye Alai" Chrysler. There were recitations by Patel Marion, Mary Chrysler;" Johnny Vance. Billy Overholt, Vicki Chase, Bob Ferguson, Johnny' Overholt, Allan Findlay, Linda Barlow, Wendy Chase, Betty Vance, Bar - para Findlay, Shirley 'Vance, Bar- bara MacCuspey and Gretchen Whiteman. Chairman for the.zprogram was the Sunday School saiperintendent, William Chase., 0 0 -o Goderich Township • eason sGrec!tingsb k on a note of sincere apprd Moat that %tie thank you for your patronage and wish much holiday boy and good cheer to you and your family! E CKY DOLLAR OOD STORE i•Mv.:»�:r*a,�+'ti-�:.,..+.1.^.,,•.1.+g,-.a-M^Mw� Jy -�d'.W."v^.a •a Damage Totals Close To $600 :In Sunday Crash Three teen-age girls were treat- ed at Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital for shock and bruises following a ecollision at the Dunlop intersection on highway 21, north oil Goderich, at about 4.15 p.m. Sunday. Drivers of the two vehicles were- Kenneth ere Kenneth Glousher, 19, of R.R. 1, Auburn, and 'Gordon C. Lee, of Goderich. Mr. Lee had been pro- ceeding south on highway 21 while Glousher was going west on county road 25 before the accident at the corner. Treated at hospital were Dorothy Riehl, 15; Freda Riehl, 17, and Elizabeth Brown, 16. All three wee passengers in the Glousher car s was Wayne Johnston,.age about 17. In the Lee vehicle were VEHICLE TIPS ON NORTH RD. Joseph Allison, jr., suffered r a cut hand in- an unusual accident on the North road to the harbor Saturday nigbht. state police. At a railway crossing, the car left the Youth Wins Award road and tipped over, resulting in I around $350 damage. Each year the Banner Counties The cat vas owned by Patricia ()SUNDAY, DEC.,29— Each .ronr.titnti4A &a..ri a /I i5 F9 P1 Children's Skating 1-3 p.m. (12 years and a��tder,) Adult Skating 8.30-10 p.m. --(Adults and Toenagersy Mr. and Mrs. Lee and their eight- year-old daughter, Valerie, who suffered a nose bleed as a result of the accident. Total damage was around ' O, estimated Provincial Constable D. Weston, of Goderich. The persons who were treated at hospital were released a short time later. • • aNi•••••a>+u ispook•w••••••••• ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, DEC. `26— Children's Skating -4 p.m (12 bears and under). Adult Skating 8-10 p.m. (Adults and Teenagers). FR1121°A,4 DEC. 27— Public Skoltrao 2-4 p.m. JUnior "B" Hockey Preston ys. doderich 8.30 p.m. SATURDAY, DEC. 28— Squirt Hockey Practice Pee VVee Hcogrov Practice Public Skating 2-4 p.m. are being strongly urged on the eve of Christmas 1957, to think of careful, courteous driving in holi- day traffic as the best possible way they can express theireseasonal spirit of generosity, good cheer and consideration for others. W. B. G. Reynolds, recently ap- pointed Provincial Commissioner of Highway Safety, has commend- ed police and press throughout Ontario on their current campaigns for sensible and sober driving in the year-end holiday seaSon. On the positiVe side the Safety Commissioner's prescription for a safer and happier Chriatmas in- Efild-es these four special seasonal pointers for Ontario motorists: 1. Trans_late your Christmas season goodwill toward all men into goodwill, patience, courtesy and considerateness for all other users of the roads; 2. Watch constantly for pedestrians, especially children and old 3. Make it a habit to allow more space than you think you.need: between your car and the vehicle ahead; for coming to a stop at intersections; wherever You might need to stop unexpectedly; 4. Take it easy—a holiday season should be a time when hurry (and with it the kinds of speeds -that kill) is obviously of no profit to anyone. c THURSDAY, DVC. 266th, 1057 S.S. Concert Of : '`United NorthSt0 The annual Christintts concert Mrs Malls' class; V)i0aao and ac - of North Street United Church ,cordian number by Conrad and Sunday school was held on Friday Carol Watters; "The Guard March” evening. Chairman was .M. Il. by Mrs. Gardiner's class,,._,, Stephens, Sunday school superin- The program by the senior tendert. school was as follows: "We Three Mrs. Art Watters had general Kings" by Mr. Wright's class; supervision of the junior Sunday "Frosty, the Snowman" by the school department. r TT. Moore R . .. J al Miss Following' a number of ('hrist Crane; reading by Donald Glenn; mas songs by the junior ;ehool, Christmas Story by Bill Easter and the remaining part of the program David Smith; ac , r ian solo by was as follows: recitation by Mrs. ! Leonard Baxter;• pantomime: by Anderson's class; "Tattle Tale" by Mrs. Klinck's class. the Parsons children; "The Friend I The arrival of Santa Claus and ly Beasts" by the Eustaee child the distribution of gifts concluded ren; "Away in a Manger" by Miss ' the program. Saunders class; "I wish mum o- •----o-- -- ---ao would marry Santa C'l'aus" by Barb- Three birds which cannot fly are ara and Bobby l;outilier: song by I the emu, kiwi, and ostrich. thw Glenn children; "Jolly Old • a — - 0 0 St. Nickolas" by Mrs. ("hamney's - Business is like oil, it won't mix class; recitation by Betty Wright; with anything lout business, " Twas the Night Before Christ- mas" by NUBS 'tonna Aberhart's class; songs by Mrs. Skinner's class; "Willy Claus" by the Bett- ger children; Christmas skit by classes At this gIG4season, we wish to thank all our customers for their valued patronage, and wish everyone the merriest Christmas ever and a pros- perous 1958. '1'A CA All. '44.8 E TEX CO SERVICE H. C. MacPHEE Huron county WILL ,HOLD INFORMATION MEETINGS ON THE WHEAT MARKEIING PLAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1'95T Dungannon Pailsh Hall - 2.30 p.m. Hensall Town Hall 8:30 p.m. - Guest Speaker—I&G. ,MYERS, Ontario President of Wheat Producers' Association. Sponsored ,by Huron County Wheat Committee .— Russell Bolton, chairman, Frank Linklater, Harry Strang, Wilbur Turnbull, Oliver McCharles. -51 OPEN BOWLING EVERY AFTERNOON .AND-- EVENING NEXT VVEEK DOt":" Jan1,44) LEAGUES CANCELLED For, Reservations Phone 1509 Thepttle Bowling Alley •••••••••••osi•••••••••••••••••••••••••semomee••••••••••immsmen Amhire Club recognizes the out- refulty in getting out after the ganding 4-11 Members from eathehe divel htele came to rest it is. tinder - a the counties. 'Phis year, ' stood by polita2.-,-,,bitt no one' but top member was selected horn Allison was injured as far as is each of the counties and asked to known. , The accident happened write an euamination, whieh was about 1:6 p.m. " prepared by the Secretary:Field- d4 nran of the Ayrshire Cattle Club. First Mace in the comnetition out of den CampbeH Nora 2nd. went to DOD Jr,eltb. A.R. 2. Clinton, DM is 10' years M age and has on of 4rid nervyt Lobb, been an active member since Whe, live en the Coneession 1052. Don has cormaleted tki 4-1I of landerieh TowavAno. Don land projeati and has alwa:vs stood ID ,c.ore a sit nut of a possible 03 the top six, according to the basis on the Avrchwe 011,12. and wins tile, ,awards. ,rovistered .c512. donated by Arr. 'Second prize in the Banner AVilfred nqrtieq of Petoichuf,',7. County Ayrshire Competition went Don'a calf is reaEtered as "Wood. to avad‘ Ballantvne, of Stratford, 106. Public Skating 2-4 4z. Sheaffers vs. Ainslies 8-9 p.m. TUESDAY, DOC. 31— Public Skating 2-4 p.m. Public Skating 2-4 pai? Public Skating 840 p.m. GO! GO! GODERICH 1 PRESTON PALS vs. GODER1CH SAILORS GODER1CH MiMORIAL ARENA Friday, December /7 I AT 8.1'0 Adults 50c Studeits '35c Children 15c • . StIPPORT THE SAILORS dr.)