HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-26, Page 2ClAt Wignat-Otar
.11 Irteat 11,15‘
Down Memory s
45 Years A,,go
Reserved seats were 25 cents and
general admission 15 cents when
the Victoria Opera House in Gode-
rich presented Sarah Bernhardt in
the —sumptuous" photo play,
"Queen Elizabeth." Miss Bernhardt,
ained4he worlors greatest actress,
•as supported by Her original ,Paris
npany in what the advertise -
me it called ".the world's greatest
Two engmes and their coal tend-
ers attaehed to a freight train left
the track as the train entered the
Grand Trunk Railway yards. One
of the engines was damaged to
some extent.
Among the performers at the
local separate school Qb.pstmas
eoncert were James Ryan,'.James
Dean. Joseph Webb', Jack Kidd.
Mar) Webb, Thelma Hargitt, Laura
.'effrev, Gerard Davis, Margaret
Kell), Genevieve Spam Dorothy
and Muriel Spain.
An enthusiastic meeting of the
Farmers'. Club was held at the
home of James McMillan on the
sixth concession .of Goderich Towno
ship. As a result of the meeting,
the membership was doubt. o to 40,
Next gathering was to be at the
home of H. L. Salkeld.
25 Years Age°
With more time on their hands
as a result of the depression, Gode-
rich residents were reading, more.
There was an increase of 3,533 in
the nomber of books taken out at
the lOcal library in the first 11
months of 1932.
Having put. their 'boat "to bed"
for the winter, five crew. members
of the Donnaoona put op $10 each
and purchase -d a Model T Ford to
transport themselves back to their
homes at Fort William. They car-
ried their oWn orchestra; one play-
mouthorgan, alld so on, To the
strain of well known ditties, they
headed down the Bayileld road for
Sarnia and the southern route to
Fort William
Winners of the Goderich Col-
legiate Institute public speaking
contest 1.vere: boys, Alex. Mac -
Vicar, Raymond Dean; girls, Jean
Robertson, Marjorie Prouse.
Relief sewer work in Goderich
cost $16,001, of which the provinc-
ial government paid $7,500. This
was the 16 -inch main sewer on
Nelson, Church, St. Patrick and
Waterloo streets.
15 Years Ago
With rationing in effect, it was
difficult for Goderich residents to
secure taxis, particularly for long
trips. Each taxi was allowed to
travel only 65 miles a day.
An Arctic blast hit the Goderich
district and Weatherman J. E.
Mutch recorded an official teniper-
ature of 14 below. It was the cold-
est since the memorable winter
of 1933-34.
Melbourne McVittie was now a
member of the crew of the corvette
Goderich. So far as could be learn-
ed, he was the only Goderich boy
on the vessel.
10 Years Ago
' Postmaster W. Bisset estimated
' that the volume of Christmas mail
handled here would exceed the vol-
ume of any other year by at least
25 percent.
Marjorie 'Hays, talented daugh-
was one of the principals in the
presentation of an opera in Eaton
Auditorium. Her performance
brought warm praise from the Tor-
onto press.
Retiring Mayor D. D. Mooney
was presented with a pen and
pencil set by fellow members of
The proposal to build a road to
the north side of the harbor was
revived. Council instructed the
town clerk to write steamship com-
panies, whose vessels wintered
TPURSDAY, 6th, 1957
here, to 4sic -their co-operation in
appeoaching the federal qovern-
ment and (Nit for permissaon to
construct the xo4d.
Formerly of Holland, Alliter-
huis, has purchased Tile Harriston
Review. He has been employed•
by the weekly PaRer for the past
five years. Former' owners were
A. H. Gardiner and his son, Wil-
lard. Mr. Willard Crardiner, for >
some years secretary of the West-
ern Countieu Weekly Newspapers
AsNelation, will he moving to
Kingsville, Texas, where he will
take a Position with a newspaper.
We hope this bridhteSt; warmest 'IA
time of all tho year fills your heart &L'il
and home with ifs old-fashioned
_....._ ttil
ONE, of 03Paclas ozti'2=ir,g nearas is ....--ore --p,m. ple.
Mere is still roam for man7 r-,i'llis more than we , Ji-itt
vre-c•Ime v..7e mm give to theae come
=1 able to
LI 14114TED
post,za pin! ITN rant'
fet cas reloitoe in spiriti.At us he glad of
heart, for Christmas' is here—Christmas, rich
in the enduring gifts of hope and faith, peace
C id on that holy night long ago. May this
seasan of ley and wander hring to you a sns-
tnining 'sense of serenity and npliftis'ng happi-
n,.s orgy all the days of the coaling year.
The Employees and Management of