HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-19, Page 6a Latest .Winners inr Draw 'c itanel'$ e 82 more Christ- er te> ley 'have been announced . ` `. th'iBan Jewellery, 94 f SgUare, Goderkh. The tul:key-a-1 dam' drew. began on Friday, Decern- ! ber C, and will continueeright up I =tit Christmas. Omni the toast week,•the follow ing peu'sci ns have won turkeys: Wednesday, Mhhs A. Martins, Ga c- rickh; Thursday, Au,s, : e Hamilton, Saltfordl; Friday, airs. J. Glovksher, 2, Goderich; Saturday, Anna Mae Drennan, Goderich; Monday, Wendy Mitchinson, St. David street; Tuesday, Mrs. John Brind- ley, Wolfe street. No obligation is attached to the draw and there is notjttialg to buy. To be eligible for the draw. all a person needs to do is step inside' the store and sign his or her naipe. Season's reetin s Of nobody+ cared a^ghat happened to you, Ansa ntnohody helped you ,alone, • Of everyone just looped after himself And everything went to the strong, If nobody cared just a little for you And nobody thought aut me, If all stood alone in the battle of life, What a dull world this would be. Life is made sweet by the friends that we meet And the things that in common we share, We want to live not because of ourselves But because of the people who care. It's living and doing for somebody else On what life's splendor depends, And the joy of this life when you sum it all up Is found in the making of friends. So here's to my friends, -and p wish sincere ,. For a Merry Christmas and a Gay New Year, With a hope for pleasure and health to you In all the things you say and do. If '58 should be a year of trial, Meet it won't you with a smile. Your task will always be more sincere lit you correct the mistakes you made last year. And there is orae thing more for you to remember, Q rn of your service from January through December. Sincerely yours, L. ELSTON CARDIFF, Member for •Huron. • CLIIIP 2i7 it Afro' �-,•..�,�s�{�e-z . e2c^M a��g•r}�gF�e-±-�c���znzw^e-tg�2a2;2=KY,x���^c�raYa���V �v�-�x-r�; L>'�1�'V v'V UiU��i��\�V��i �1 V VVt�I-'V'V•`V Uzt �.J`U 'U V -V U V'VT'J 'o To My Friends in Huron At the present time. I trust my friends will understand why 1 am unable to send Individual Christmas messages or thank - you notes. To my Christmas Greetings may I add thank -you and sincere appreciatiorf for all the kindness shown me during these past months. May Every Joy And Blessing Of Christmas Be Yours. TOM PRYDE MPP FOR HURON ISAYURDAiP SUCCESS OODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Tars Upset Lincolns 4-3 Sparked By Hodgkinson Showing plenty of drive and checking their opponents consist- ently, Goderich Sailors upset the highly -rated St. Marys Lincolns 4-3 here Saturday night. - The ORA Junior "B" contest was Watched by more than 5Q0 fans. Ken Hodgkinson. a Wingham boy, spear headed the Sailors' at: tack Derides scoring two "luals, irlaltrdtae the equalizer and the winner, he set up another. The , late of ficdgkinson, Ken Lee and Do02 Murray proved the most cola ' sistant cembination for the kcal, on the night's play. A home town boy, Bill (fallow, .bowed improved farm :Ind c _cd I the first of the four Goderich coals The second Goderich counter wits fired by Doug Murray. St Marys took a 2 0 lead in the first, period and were in front 3-1 1,543 5 a fi 5 43 5 a- 5 a ���s..tr�-"�s��"'+.`�1"ei1�i`��`�.cR.l:.'-..��:•...�..._`�"T�r�"3r.:w` #,+..e�......")x`?s",,z�3z�4.�� wa`.".�t i The Little Bowling Alley and Staff WISH ALL =IR PATRONS AMD FRIENDS A Very Merry Chris tm as AND ANNOUNCE A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS WEEK (DECEMBER 23 TO 28) R -O -LL ik ?Conic lt,s high triple—TURKEYS. Ptten!s and mien' s'ebe Af(il triplel--GEESE 0 Men's and 1 n e ' high sine' Men's and 4 .3° soe,m1 h, singienTICKENS. •'1 OPEN BOWLING Vitt AFL'6tNO0lf'EP11 i06111F0:... . 5 5 a 5 4 a 5 5 5 5 5 a va 5 a 5 5 at the end Of the middle frame. -Then, sparked by Hodgkinson's fine work, Goderich came 00 to count three goals and win the contest in the final period. The win for Goderich snapped a five -game losing streak. For the Lincolns, the defeat prevented' !hem from breaking a first -place tie with Sarnia in the league standings. Goderich--Goal, Ron Williamson:, defence. Bill Fritt.tey and George Casey; forwards, Bill Robinson, Don ( toss. Bill Gallow; alternates. Jing Bain. Ken Lee, Ron Ilugill, Doug. `,furl,l;y. Ken Hodgkinson. Dennis Carpenter, Ken 'Thompson, Barr. Fryfogle, Bob Baynham St Marys -Goal, Little: defence. McKay. Noble; forwards. Lamereux, !team. Vrana: alternates McCue, Stephens. Hogan. Wall. A1dis. Doug las, Stevens. Leslie. Hossack. Initialled Cain Waper Key Evdenc n Theft Swcimped By London First Period Marys, 'Warta (Lamereux, Stephens) 9.29 2 ---St. Marys, Leslie (Stevens, Mc - bailors Run Cold In Fridaf- Game In Stratford Friday night, Gode rich Sailors bolstered their reputa- tion for running hot at- home and cold on the road. With loose checking a big factor, the Sailors were bitten 6-2 by the improving Stratford Indians. The loss was the fifth in a row for Kay) 11.00 Sailors after winning their Penalties ----McKay, Leslie, Stev three garner of the season itr oI�firstA ens. Junior "B" competition.. Second Period _ 'P1T'e Indians spurted into a 3-0 3- Goderich, `callow (Robinson, lead in the first period before Bill Coss) .18 - Robinson replied for the Goderich 4- St. Marys, Lamereux (McCue, crew. Stratford added two more Vrana) 15.56 , 'foals. one in the first and one in Penaltie duct), Mc(� V-ralaa. A1dii. Third Period -'T gaIlle. 5 Guderle h. Murray t Hodgkinson, 'There were 25 penalties, nine to Leet 1.48 Goderich and 16 to Stratford. The 6---,Goderich. Hodaleinson (Coss. Sailors were minus a few regulars, 7 Rubinson} 6.47 such as Ken Hodgkinson, but were --(;oderlich. Hodgkinson (Lee) 7 1; joined by Gary Stoddart. Bob Basle Penalties- -Robinson (21 McKay, hang and. Francis O'Malley for the Wall, Hossack. • 1 t*ame. Casey, Bain (mix 'ue (miscond THUTZSDAY, DJC. 19th, 1f757 con- the second stanza; then Ken Lee ct), tallied in the third to give notice \ that Goderich was still in the TUESDAY TILT Sh.rtHranded0•=� ors :1n .'initialled coin wrapper was a key exhibit in a : arc which end- ed 1,lth the conviction) of two men ern chanes of breaking, entering and theft. Grant Linington. 24, of R.R. 5. Goderich, and Vernon M. Brunsdon, -a young plan frons. Londesboro, were convicted when they appear- ed before Magistrate la. E. Holmes here last week. They were re- manded until today for'sentencing. Grant Linington will be sent- enced also for the theft of a czar owned by Robert Ashton, of Gode- rich He pleaded guilty to this charge. .k third man, Morley Lin- ington, 52, fatlaer of Grant, plead- ed guilty to attempted theft of a car owned by Donald Chase. Mr. Linington, sr., was also remanded until today for sentencing. The magistrate dismissed a charge against Grant Linington of driving without a license. Five other charges, laid as a result of the same investigation, were with- drawn. Grant Linington and Brunsdon pleaded not -guilty to breaking into Rouse Auto Electric. Kingston street, Goderich, and stealing around S13 in silver from the cash register. The case began Thursday afternoon but hearing of all the charges was not completed until early Friday afternoon. Car Stolen The two Liningtons and Bruns - don were picked up by Constable Albert South. of Goderich, a short time after Robert Ashton's car was stolen from in front of his Stanley Donald Chase. This car was park, ties were taken by Goderich play - street residence here. Constable ed outside the Victoria street,plant ers. On four occasions, the Lou South. accompanied by Mr. Ashton of Dominion Road Machinery Co.. BalIs scored while Goderich was and Donald Sallows, found the i Ltd. when the .attempt was ,made- ; short-handed. trio at about 7.45 p.m. on Monday. o o .0 The London tean'i was sparked November 25, in front of Morley by Jerry Thompson's five -goal p'er- Linington's home on highway 21. t formance. Goalie Ron Williams-on. Saltford. Ashton s car was park- ['a Hockey Game of Goderich, was credited with 43 ed in front of the place. stops while Clark ithe London At that moment, police were not This Week at Rouse Auto Electric - the Sheaffer Company Mrs. Camp- bell also s:,id that $13.10 in silver Goderich Sailors would like to had been left in the cash register t,, f, -;_wt Tuesday stent. at the garage on the clay before.',iter trippin:; the high flying St the theft was discovered. 'Mar%s Lincolns 4.3 here Saturday. Entered At Rear the Sailor; went to London Tues- garage,iiithtand said that the party whop` by Lou Balls. took the silver had broken in at the ,'The London put London in sole pos- rear of the buiiding. He stated session of third place and left that Grant Linington had been Goderich ih fifth place in the seven . employed by him for one week team OITA Junior "B" Westerr, Iasi; summer. Division. Other witnesses included Colin Though it may sound like an McMillan, another employee of the ; alibi, it's generally agreed that garage; Police Chief F. M. Hall, London has the worst ice surface William Littlechild, Robert Ashton in the league. At home in their and Donald counselSallos. own small arena, the Lou Balls are Defence James Donnelly a very tough club to beat at any contended, that there was no direct , time. .evidence that Grant Linington and j To this, add the fact that Gode Brunsdon were guilty of breaking, . rich was without smooth forward entering and theft from Rouse ; Ken Hodgkinson and Barry Fry - strictly Auto Electric. The evidence was fogle for the game. Carl Bouffard, strictly circumstantial, he stated, of Sarnia, made his first appear - and the onus was ' on the crown ante on the Sailor's defence but to prove its case beyond a reason-� obviously was not in condition. able doubt. I First goal of the game was scored On the other hand, Crown At-, for Goderich by Bill Gall'ow, as- torney H. Glenn Hays argued that ; listed by Don Coss, at 5.28 of the there was no other reasonable ' first period. London had a 2-1 theory to explain the currency , lead by the end of the first period found in the men's possession. I and scored five times in the sec - In finding the two young mep and frame and four times in the guilty, hlagistrate Holmes indicated last period without a reply from that he had taken particular note Goderich. of the significance of the initialled In -the last two periods, the coin wrapper which, -had been ether Sailors folded, playing scrambly ed as evidence. ' hockey Their failure to 1.check As mentioned earlier, -Morley! gave London the opportunity to Linington pleaded guilty to , at- I use passing plays to full advant- tempted theft of a car owned by age Nine of the game's 15 penal- yet aware that a theft had occurred -end Inets blocked 24 shots • When searched back at the police There will no hockey game office. Grant Linington had over here this week end. five dollars in his poc. et plus an- A Stratford-at-Goderich game 1 ice pick which had been ground scheduled. for Friday has' been post - into a screw driver. In Brunsdon's poned. The change was made be- g - possession were a pair of pliers, cause a number of the Goderich 1 wrapping paper for coins and 58.21 Players found that various holiday tj in silver. season activities. vvould prevent 2 The amount found in the pockets them from .playing this Friday. of Grant Linington and Brunsdon Some of the team members live in _. was within a few cents of the Wingham and are attending Christ_- N amount taken from the garage on rias functions there. N Kingston street. In all the change 1 _ The Sailors will play Saturday tr found on the arrested men. there night, however,a when they travel , ,,was only one penny. There were1 to 'Preston to meet Preston Pals, a no pennies in the chats stolen late' entry t-in•ttie OHA ;Junior "B" 12 from the garage. Western Division. Next week, 6 . Miss Mary Johnston, em - Preston plays here on Friday, Dp- ployee of W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. cember 27, and the same two teams ' of Canada Ltd., testified that one no back to do battle in Preston the . b 'of her duties is to package dimes following night. Saturday, Decem• . in rolls for sending to the bank. ber .28.- The next witness. John Moloney. If the -Sailors play the hockey a eta office manager and chief account- of which they are capable. they'tal such as this. is deposited ing up six good chance three pick- ' N' Change. of of, Sheaffer Pen. staled that stand very pointsolin the three 6 1 at the bank on Mondays_. !games with the winless Pals. Mrs. Valerie Campbell. an ern- ( After last Saturday night's game ployee of Rouse Auto Electric, test- I here. George Casey, the towering , N 0.'-4:.f ed that she received wrapped defenceman, was released by the 1; coins from the same bank and that Goderich club. Francis O'Malley, y the initials of a firm were on. one! of Teeswater, has also been re-' roll. The initials were those of leased after a • try -out with • the ° Sailors. People get the most kick out off life who do the least kicking_ l " 12 - V tense, Bain, Fritzley. Bouffard. (gar' 4` pester; forwards, (allow. Robinson, e? ('oss, Ifugill. Murray. K. Thompson. e Stoddart, Lee. 'D London: Goal. (.'lark; defense. N C. Thompson, Hodgins. Kneahtel.' v Aitkens; forwards. Geddes. Gau t thier. Deface-,- J','.`?h'0lfinson. Dyer, 1z , Kaufman, Donohue. Fletcher. RADIO SERVICE Referees:McFadden Ken rFadden and ; ct George Higgins, of London. . C,1' e o - o - o v y R q �Cq Gy C��j.C�yG� U ! �� q G� �y cC • C�j,.L 2lai2,... Wa1.3-2-Y3`lS4L ✓aliLi.Loi'2,, CDikilJl C=+i�LYT.�OL�'8L'JYDTifiJ 'L '7L`,1Wa;242)a- a -D Wftf REINHART'S Scout News "Courtesy is contagious; let's all get infected," says a letter from i the Provincial Council for Ontario of the Boy Scouts Association. Weather forecast: merrier near Christmas. The following letter was sent to , The Signal -Star by W. Lawrence= May, assistant regional comm:ssac t- er for training for the Boy S eeas Association:,,, "The preliminary training courses held in the Blue Water Region earlier this fall proved vera successful There. were a good number of certificates earned by those who qualified for attending ' the required- sessions and met the minimum age limit of 18 years. Those people will be receiving their certificates soon. "This letter, however, is not so i 11 much to them, as it is to the many Scouters and Layworkers who were either under 18 years of*age or could not attend sufficient sessions to qualify for a certificate. These pdople helped to make the courses a success, too. and I would like to thank them through your publica- tion, for their attendance and eI - thusiasm.' ' I sincerely hope that Goderich: Goal, Williamson; de- ° they will take advantage of other ' $ cluthig. Oki/brim week SIVAS ,''. ittk Bowling Alley ..o.:•••••••••••••.•••*w, ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, DEC, ,1 9— Baatam-Midget Practice 4.6 p.m. Public Skating 8-10 p.m. FRIDAY, DEC. 20 -- Hockey Practice 4.6 p.m. SATURDAY, DEC. 21— Squirt Hockey Practise 71.30-4 0.30- a.m. Pee Wee Hockey Practice 10.30 am, -1.30,, p.m. Public Skating 24 p.m. Juvenile Hockey Prractscb 4.30.6 p.m. S(JNDAY, DEC. 22— Children's Skating (12 yrs. - and under) 1-3 p.m. Adult - Skating (adults and 6.3040 4�14011 .' AY EC. 2. - Pchlic Skating Juvenilia Tito tkeey Piactipa 7 ,p.m. TOM" ldY DEC**? lt3tsbiic Slaatitlig 24 p..t fy for the most thoughtful GIFT of all .. . ag, gel7thathig- to someone you love A A Emerson Drug Store ..-^�'.e. ie.as 1_-t e.. rr, , courses in the future and that, at that time. they will - be able to qualify for a certificate. "Another thing that always pleases me about these courses is the number of Scouters who have already taken training who turn cat;:.in and azain. It proves the old saying that you will never know everything about, Scouting. These folk repeatedly remark about the fun and information they get from every course no matter how many they. attend. Yours in Scouting, ° W. LAWRENCE May." tzta-zerc-kr-,,...-italemitatmtamtvg-talaigtoelatatiatomak RRY'S :TAXI 1 WILL BE OPEN `. Christmas Day and New Year's' Day As this, year draws to a close, we would like to say a sincere "Thank You" to all our customers for their valued patronage. We wish everyone' a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. -50 b WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE BRADLEY & SON HAMILTON $T'REET, PHONE 805 AS WHOLESALE- -DISTRIBUTORS FOR • OUR BATTERIES and BATTERY CHARGER�f FOR GODERICH AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT. ELECTRIC STORAGE .BATTEI' WILLARD DIVISI6N 1 and N oW Ie.. � I P P e. P. • .7/7 �p A .ti 041 11* 1l ISCO- , .a i tmytennis unsd'7'players Averaga entire tear ,9 players e Each men usually played entire garnet a Germ ,lasted four 15 -minute periods C.a (911 eZe. BREWERY? I.IMOTED 'W:...Yi A6,4 ter TODAY-. Hockey teams use g pl"ayers a Average entire team: 16 playa _ a Royer may bo on ice only fro t two t five minutes at a time Game lasts three 20 -minute periods 0 OV -2 .t 1 A ' rr