HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-19, Page 5TUVRSDAY, DEC, 19thOli)511 Ahmeek Group MD Tol Meaning Of 'Bethlehem' The Chriet es theme featured the December Meeting Of the Al. meek Chapter of the held at the home of Mrs. Robe4 Jotni- oton, Waterloo street. Mrs. Gordon Henderson presided for the busi- ness session. rs. W. F. Walltom, educational secretary, reported, on proficieneY Prizes awarded to Separate and rublic School pupils, and I.O.D.E. Calendars being distributed to all schools and public institutions of the district. Mrs. W. G. MacEwan and Mrs. C. A. 'Reid were named as a com mittee to look after treats for the patients in Alexandra Heispital. Ten dollars was voted to the work With children patients in War Mem- orial Hospital, London. IMrs. J. H. Lauder, services at home and abroad copvener, will purchase gifts for local veterans now in We.stminter Hospital. The annual parcels for Korea will not be sent 'til April or May, when Miss Ann Davison, of the Canadian Missions, at present on furlough in Canada, returns. An invitation from North Street WMS was exianded to all Chapter mem- bers and friends to hear Miss Davison on Jattuary 6th when she will address the ladies on her work with Korean orphans and show slides on the work. A nomination committee was ap- pointed to bring in the 1958 slate of officers. It is composed of Mrs. G. Emerson, Mrs. N. Clairmont and rs. K. E. Knechtel. Stockings and talent money were turned in to the treasurer, Mrs. C. J. Gibbons. Mrs. Henderson thanked the hostess for her hospitality, and ex- tended an invitation to the mem- bers to hold the next meeting at her home. A Merry. Christmas contest was veep by Mrs. GibbOs., Special holi- day refreshments were served by Mrs. A. L. Cole, Mrs. H. M. Dodd, rs, C. R. Holland and Mrs. F. X. Ilibbert. Mra. D. J. Lane, Clinton, a form- er regent, was guest speaker and toid of her delight...in visits now and again and of her continued interest •in the activities of the Chapter. Mrs. Lane spoke 9n "Bethlehein,"after which Mrs. G. Dustow ,epressed appreciation for her fine address. Following is the address, in part, of Mrs. Lane on "Bethlehem": Bethlehem, to a great many people, is a beeutiful word, a word lovely in its associations, a word that has become glorified in many. languages. Bethlehem, translated into our language, means "The House of Bread." The word, therefore, is particu- larly .fitted to carry the Christmas message of loveliness,. romance and grandeur, suggesting a cradle and the eternity of Divine love and life. There have been many great ex- periences associated with Bethle- hem. Rachel, the wife of Jacob, was buried there 4000 years ago. It was frail Bethlehem that Naomi went out from exile to Moab and came back again with Ruth, who has cast her spell over the wheat fields for more than 2000 years. David, Isreel's greatest king, was born in that town and it was water from the well in Bethlehem for which he longed when he hid from his enemies before coming to the throne. But when we sing, "0 Little Town of ISethlehem,' we are not speaking of a mythical place. We are speaking of a town of today THE GODERIOR SINALSTAR Thanks Pair l*Ari, Course Should if The Misting snow storm on 1 11 Wednesday of last vie% played a trick on a Motorist who had his e4r parked on West street. The ear was heavily blanketed with snow. Gettig a broom, the motorist took some time in cleaning the snow off the car in order that it could be driven ivithout the operator's view hinder&I by snow covered windows. ut when another man appeared, the first one learned that he had been cleaning off a car that looked like his own. "Thanks" said the second man an he stepped into his car while the firat man went farther down the street to clean off his own car. - • with a long, long history. It is only seven miles from Jerusalem. There are still shepherds and their flocks there. There is a church there, built by Constantine the Great. One must go down below the ground level and there you will find a cave. In the cave you will see a star and in the floor of the cave is a sign inscribed, "Here, Jesus ,Christ was born" of the Virgin Mary. Human nature likes facts and it is a comfort to us to rememberthat our Saviour was born in a place which we know about. But Bethlehem is not only a place, it is a loyalty, a passion of faith and love. It means the beginning of Christian' faith. The word was made flesh. A God who cute sharp. ly through our smugness, complac- ency and hypocrisy and tears down our little wall of race or color or' predjudice. Today, false Gods are nailing. Mars, the God of war is still active, Mammon, the God of greed and self, sits on a high throne, lording it over the lives of a great multi- tude. We can nevera be satisfied until Jesus is born right within our- selves and we become loyal to Him and His way of life. The Christian festival is just an opportunity for everyone to build his own Bethlehem in his heart and life. o On March 21 and September 23, day and night are of equal duration in every part of the world. Own Imagination •• "The SWMstiAl art ieaeher will encourage the child to use '8 own imagination," said Sherman MiZer, of Stratford Teachers' C/lege, in an address here. He was epeaking to members of the Goderich Unit of the Federa- tion of Women Teachers' Aesocia- tions of Ontario, along with other teachers from the surrounding district. At the meeting in Goderich Pub- lic School auditor/ems, Mr. Miller Vas introduced by Q. G. Gardi er, inspector of public, schools for Huron. Speaking on "Art in the Elementary Schools," Mr. Miller said: "Children are blessed with an imagination and have the urge to create. The teacher ilvho under- stands art will teach the child to develop an intereOt in it. "Through a child's picture, he tells us much more than he can exp ess in conversation. One does r not have to be an artist to teach art in our schools. Children are natural picture -makers." Mr. Miller had a splendid dis- play of actual art -pieces represent- ing the different age groups in the elementary school. The use of tempera paint, color- ed chalk, box sculpture and many other interesting art techniques were shown by Mr. Miller. Words of thanks to the speaker were expressed by Miss E. Hume, of the Goderich Public School staff. o o 0 PROCLAMATION TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH AS DIRECTED BY RESOLUTION OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL I HEREBY DECLARE" BOXING DAY Thursday, Dec. 26, 1957 A Civic And Public Holiday and call upon all citizens to govern themselves accordingly.JOHN H. GRAHAM, Mayor. Goderich, December 19, 1957. 50- 51 AT THE Alt.CONDITIONED GODERI* Immo PHONE 1150 Now Playing-"TARZAN and the LOST SAARI"-Greater In Technicolor., OM, Mon., Tues. and Wed., Dec. -23-24-25. Piper Laurie, Van Johnson and Onslow Stevens Back to the days of song -and -dance vaudeville for a bright and happy story of a dancer and his dog. You fit right into any-"icial picture when your spotlessly clean suits, topcoats and hats proclaim you as a person of fastidious good taste. Try us and let us prove Al_ "KELLY .AND ME" - In Technicolor - Thurs., Fri. and Sat.-Matines Thursday (Boxing Day) Said Saturday. Jock Mahoney, Tim Hovey and Mary McColl Present the story of a cowboy film star who, personally, is the exact opposite of his screen character. "SLIM CARTER" - In Technicolor - Winners Of Lions Draw For Turkeys Two bank accountants ran neck and neck in the draw tor the first two of 25 Christmas turkeys held' by the Goderich Lions Club. Win- ners were announced between the second and third periods of the hockey game at the Goderich Arena Saturday night. The draw was in charge of Bill Ltunby. First ticket drawn for a turkey went to J. M. Hefter, accountant at the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Second ticket drawn went to D. R. Gordon, accountant at the Bank of MontreaL Winners were notified and in- structed to obtain a Letter which will permit them to pick up a turkey for free at any butcher of their choice in Goderich. Rest of the winners were as fol- lows: H. St. John, Byron, Ont.; R. G. Sanderson, Goderich; V. 0. Spil ler, RM. 5, Clinton; Bill Haysom, jr., Goderich; (Mrs. D. E. Leitch, Goderich; S. Leggett, Goderich; W. J. Craig, Auburn; Ron Swartz, Clandeboye, Ont.; Mildred Simpson, Goderich; W. J. Andrew, Goderich; Susan Hardie Preston, Ont.; Wil- liam Dawson, London; Ben Chis- holm, Goderich; C. Ibbotson, Tor- onto; S. Mcllwain, Goderich; Mrs. 0. Lassaline, Goderich; S. EWillis, Goderich; Mrs. 0. E. Gliddon, R.R. 3, Clinton; Don Denomme, Clinton; "Mac" MacDonald, Goderich; D. Chambers, Goderich; ,Ken Croft, Goderich; Bob Chisholm, Goderieh. 0 1-o 0 WINS $95 AT BINGO Mrs. Robert Good won $95.00 on Saturday night at the Canadian Legion Bingo. She won the share - the -wealth as well as the jack pot of $70. Personals M. and Mrs.J. Burton Mills visited recently With their daugh- ter end son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Francis, of St, Thomas. They attended the- baptismal cere- mony of their youngest grandson, three -months -old Jeffrey 'Slifterf Francis, in Central United Church, St. Thomas. Mr. C. A. Weston, of Chicago, visited his parnts, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston, last week. Nomamorromms mei mor***mairm I"Serving tifroFOci Dealers of Western Ontario" James Richardson & Sons Ltd. en) Coming -Dean Martin Ind Eva Bartok-"10,000 Bedrooms'-. Technicolor. A Good Movie k STILL your best entertain- ment. of••••••••Mirmwarimosee110111.1mesimmoseimmisios PHONE 543 AND 544; GODERICH -313TV 41111111010111, temitaxgeggieemataceawcztem. actzteectetemearemectattetectoca6 THIS CHRISTMAS SEND FLOWERS Choose from our wide gelection of Holiday Pot Plants and Out Flowers, from One to a Dozen. Prices arranged tb 61.1 t everyone. •Worldwide Telegraph elivery Service. FLOWER SHOP! 8 170 THE SQUARE (at -North Street) PHONE 105. GREENHOUSE at 99 Bruce StPeet will he open fox your earlyfilant selection during the holiday season( GODERICH FLOWERS PHONE 105 . 40,)0 e„.:.) a . 0t;t:c1;;;Zazazzrza4=LM,-.C.,13=2/37,'Lar:=4::=1.-,==-,',11:--,.t'arz.,=::',;:::31.-Zzr...:;`:,1::::::,1 Agency SERVICE WEST ST. PHONE 23 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT smanorsirtime.rammolrower.=... GODERICH PAVILION • IiiiNCING WITH PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT CHRISTMAS NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY AND DANCE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 Advanco ticketr, now on saio. For 4-eservotions, PHONc5, 675 or 41. TEEN - 20 RECORD HOP FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, WITH JOHNNY BRENT. 48-51 Knox W.M.S. Of icers,• For 1958 Are Named The annual meeting of the ro: W. 0. tMaawan; press secre w.ms. of Kno3 Church was bold in the church parlor. The dvo- tional period wae in charge of Mrs. W. Marsh and iriirs. W. Tebbutt. A lovely Christmas story was read kly Mrs. It lisset. Tlae' president, Mrs. George Schaefer, presided for the busi- ness session and excellent reports of the year's work were presented. There were 694 hospital calls and 225 home calls, it was stated. A number of sympathy and get -well c ds were sent, o members were called to higher service, Mrs. C. A. Nairn and Mrs. T. W. Fry, also three home helpers, Mr. G. Green, Mrs. J. Clark and Mrs. Inkster. To the bereaved familis, sincere sym- pathy was extended. There are 41 home helpers, who contributed $60. Seventy calls were made. Six boxes of used Christmas cards were sent to Rev. Alex Macdonald, of British Guiana. The supply allocation of $30 was sent to the Presbyterial treasurer and $10 and other gifts were sent to the Penmarvian fund, and also. Christmas gifts to Byron Sanator- ium. The treasurer reported that $623 was contributed to the general fund, with more to come before the end of the year. Mrs. Schaefer thanked the mem- bers anti officers for their fine co operation, and Rev. R. G. MacMil- lan presided for the election of officers. Mrs, W. Marsh, convener of the nominating committee; pre- sented the list of officers for 1958 which was accepted. They were installed by Rev. Mr. MacMillan. Two Christmas selections were sung by Dianne McConnell and Lorna Pratt. Each girl has been interested in missions, through Mission Band, C.G.I.T. and Young People's Society. They had Junior W.M.S. certifitates and some seals, so Miss I. Mathieson presented the remaining seas, to make them Life Members of the Senior Society, in recognition of their continued interest in the varioes branches of the work of the chutch. The girls expressed their thanks for ethe honor bestowed on them. A social half hour was held at the close of the meetirkg. Officers for 1958 are: honorary presidents, ,Mrs. T. Wardlaw Taylor and Mrs. H. C. Dunlop; past presi- dent, Mrs. R. Bisset; president, Mrs. George sSchaefereelst vice-presid ent, Mrs. Harold Rivers; 2nd vice- preeident, Miss Gra cey; treasurer, Mrg. 6. Stokes; recording secre- tary, iMrs. R. E. Wilson; Home Helpers, Mrs. Con. Bissett; assist- ant; Mrs. W. Marsh; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. Bisset; Glad Tid- ings secretary, Mrs. A. H. Erskine; literature secretary, Mrs. J. White; welcome and welfare secretary, tarY,' Mrs. A. Taylor; We Member- s p secretary, Dillso L Mathieson; supply 5eeretarY, 1Wrs. J. Thomson; telephone convener, Mrs. Neil Mao - Kay; social conveners, Mr. G. Mc - Ewan and Mrs. If. Iliveo; pianist, Mrs. G. lisset; assistant, Mrs. W. MacLaren, nominatigg for 1' ' Are airo. 0. 1163ssQt, Mrs. IP. MacArtilur and Mrs. W. Doak; auditors are 'Mrs. W. G. MacEsvan and 20frs. W. Tebbutt. 0 W. A. SKINNER HEADS LEGION The annual election of officers of Branch 109, Canaciian Legion, last Thursday night saw William A. Skinner elected as president. He succeeds Eric C. Johnstone. The ceremony for the installation of the new officers is to be held at the Legion Hall on Friday, January 10. Other officers are: Neil Shaw, first vice-president; Frank Reid, second vice-president; Jim Adains, secretary; Ralph Blackstone, treas urer; Jack Videan, assistant treas- urer; Walter Sheardown, assistant secretary; Len Westbrook, serg eant-at-arms; Bud Sheardown, as- sistant sergeant -at -arms; the Rev. Kenneth E. Taylor, padre; J. K. Hunter, pension officer; Eric John stone, trustee. Committee chairmen are: Charlie Cadman, sports; Eric Smith, mem- bership; Joe Chambers, property; Harold Duckworth, house; Howard Carroll, sick. Garnet Mathieson, welfare; Bill Moore, bingo; Ken Croft, entertainment. ' o--- --o OBITUARY MRS ELLEN ROBSON Mrs. Ellen Robson, a former resident of Goderich, died in Grace Hospital, Windsor, on December 11, at the age of 93years. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and -Mrs. Mark Morris, of Goderich, and was predeceased by her husband, G. B. Robson; in 1926. After leaving Goderich, she re- sided in Petrolia and 30 years ago moved to Windsor. Mrs. Robson was a member of Chahners United Church. The funeral service was on Fri- day at Windsor with interment made in Maitland cemetery, Gode- rich. Surviving is a son, Dr. R. B. Xtobson, of Windsor, and two grand- sbns, Dr. Thos. B. Robson, of Wind- sor, and Peter, of Toronto. A, sister, Mrs. E. C. Russell, of Gode- rich, predeceased her in 1935. WAMICAMOVOilltM PAIllt MIN• L'• knew book by the author of A MAN CAUED • 131 -ER" TO LIVE AGAIN.. Catherine Marshall The story of how she made a new life for herself and her son, after the death of her beloved minister hiisband and how she learned t». transform grief into spiritual strength. $4.75 BooK Yr.."J 'MILL NM TO READ AND TO OWN • HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE 4950 1 U----M-Pg-Mr-PA --,4, •-•.:-' .f-4 --4 -, The annual Air Cadet Christmas party will be held at MacKay Hall tonight. Ten eadets from Goderich and 10 from Stratford engaged in a rifle shoot recently. Although the Maitland group tried hard, the boys from Stratford won. We are look- ing forward to the return match. No. 532 Squadron has moved again! This time, from the hangar where we have been situated for the past few months to another part of Station, Clinton. 'Remember the Air Cadet Christ- mas draw! Tickets are still avail- able from any cadet. in the squad- ron. Cadets in third and fourth year training are building small radio receivers under the instruction of W. Reinhart and R. Spicer. Thie first attempt may result in a shock- ing discoved in the field of com- munications. Several cadet e recently were guests of Clinton RCAF' Station, where they attended wrestling matches at the recreation hall. The written drill tests have now been completed by all cadets, and those successful will try t,heir oral test. The purpose of these tests is to produce more NCO's. Although a flight from Centralia RCAF Station was planned for 13,ecember 7, the weather inter- fered. o o OBITUARY WILLIAM H. REED A retired mining engineer, Wil- liam H. Reed, aged 81 years, died recently at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Reed was a former resident of Goderich. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. E. White and twee stens, Leslie and Edson, all of Galt. The funeral was on Saturday witti interment at Galt. - • ligiAKI4M-Agrlg-ACMJW-411.0;MX4. The Time. Is Near, E GIFTS RE HERE! For quality gifts at prices that are easy on the pocketbook, shop at BLACKSTONE FURNITURE. .41404340=4MMTOMMtatZ-MergtatZtZtC.i4gla-4Z24e4MtatatatMO' Cedar Chest Christmas Special Table Lamps Christmas Special Tri -Lite. Lamps Christmas Special • $55.00 $8.95 Occasional Chairs Priced from and up $17.95.and up DOLL PRAMS tvl CONVERTIBLE, STROLLERS nr $7.75 - $19.95 P.Dart:',InZiMaDar,ananDanDan-El. r4D3-1/-piDiMraMaa Swing -King Recliner Priced from nd Tables AND OCCASIONAL TABLES .V? Sle $12.95 TWO-PIECE - with foam rubber cushions Chesterfield Suite Reg. $249.50 TWO-PIECE Bed -Chesterfield ° SUITE. Reg. $189.50 5 -PIECE Chrome Suites Priced from CARD TABLES FROM $4.50 CARD TABLE SETS (tahlo and four chairs) $19.95 up e'3 $189.95 $159.95 $55.00 eseewoee,zezee,!ereeeesseereseoeeteteeeeesisece-es.eeete re •• 'f7 . leseRGE ASSORTMENT is ,, MIRRORS lel ,Pft IC ED FROM $4.95 TO $24.95 JUST THE THING FOR THE KID $79.50 Kindergarten Sets $7.75 and up Priced from Clothes Hampers assorted typos and SIZOS Hassocks ..$3.50 to $14.95 Desks, From From Tctzrzzrztztatac:Itzzaratzmctaqtarctatzrzt..1rw====t7atz=7,==,z7.,'ZECY-a.7-aVrItzEtiT=MieVIEMVILtTOMOM, There's something for everyone on yourChristmas shopping list at tnoo-hole type, DESI $9.95 $8.95 up $30.00 up BLACKSTONE FURN1T WEST STREET 4 • GODERIC',,,,, vt4.• ,*A -?ft • iv7E6P. YZX .W71 -0";"e.P: .er.tr>i Jfitc-f iiree-re ,/.2,'A