HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-19, Page 24 Mir e' u1' rtr *tgn i1 -$tar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Established 1848. In its 110th year of publication. Publishei1I by Signal -Star PublishingLimited Subscription Rates—Canada and Great Britain, 3.00 a..year,: to United States, $4:00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates o" request Telephone- 71. • Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department. Ottawa. Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A._1,37 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St....W. Toronto. Over 3,000 -Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron County. --Over Member of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Association, Member of Audit .Bureau of Circulation GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. THE GODERICli SIGNAL -STAR 3,000 Newspapers THURSDAY, .DEC. 19th, 1957 WINTER HIGHWAYS' MAINTENANCE Condition of the highways and byways will take on added emphasis during the Christ- mas and New Year holiday periods. Population of our larger cities will experience a tremend- ous, temporary deerease as people there head for their little hour town or home to the folks on the farm for Christmas. This means heavy traffic over our roads before and after Christ- mas. During the Nev\fear holiday, \while the traffic ais not s(') heavy-, the condition of 4 he roads is important its lessening the number of car accidents `willed oee11r at this time. Keeping.► l ►mtario's 11,000 miles, h i1►g's Highways and Secondary Highways in good ohape for ‘Sutter driving has bee0110 .a.rmla•jor 'operation and one \vhivh ad(is eonsiderahlo expense to the toIlawt'rs. With weather conditions varying •in the 18 different departmental (listriets, of the Ontario Department 01' Iligh\wa's a wide Variety of problems are Islet from the extreme north to the extreme south of the Province. The extent of 1111 winter 111011te11anee of Ontario's roads' (•011 be more fully realized when it is pointed out that in a recent year more than 700,0(X) tons of sand and 138,000 tons of ,salt were used to reduce the hazards of winter driving. 'Phis year, bulk salt will be- stored at 225 points along the highway. I11' a few years hence, incidentally, much of this salt for the highways will be coining from the new sdlt aline under construction"" -at (i oderleh. Some 920 pieces of mechanical equipment are distributed around the 18 districts of the Ontario Department of highways• for .use this winter. This includes: 356 heavy fluty snow- plows, 128 three -torn truck snowplow;, 126 grader snowplows, 282 hydramlie sanders, 12 snow blowers, 10 511.0\V 1oaderS 011(1 six tractor 1)10Ws. I11 addition, there are 250 mechanical The ()uteri() Department of highways will do its hest to make the reads safe for your'i winter driving but you must he. constantly I aware of the special hazards that exist and drive 11n(1 ,let accordingly. May you reach your old home safely on that trip at Christmas or New t'ear's. COMPULSORY CAR INSURANCE', When you _-o to purchase your 1958 ear lieensc.you will be asked for a certificate to the effect that you carry a minimum of $10,000 and $20,000 liublie liability and property dam- age of at least •$5,000. Otherwi t' y.ou will be required to pay an extra $5.00 registration fee. The Motor Vehicles Branch of the Depart- ment of Transport has announced that as of .January 1, 1958, all owners of motor vehicles who do not have this minimum. requirement of insurance burst pad' the extra fee_ The Ontario government has sent out a +supply of these. Lfrtifieates to all insurance agents so that it is advisable 110 Seethe one before the time oome5 to ju re}lase next year's license plates. The government has also announced that an owner of a motor vehicle who cannot pay judgmei►t for damages arising from a motor accident to .at least the minimum mentioned above \will 1►e prohibited front owning, or oper- ating it motor \ •Melt',, If a judglneitt is regis- tei•ed against him, all personal property Snell as home or other assets may be seized and sold to cover damages and costs.'` If assets are not available the claimant can ask for reimbursement from the Unsatisfied Judgment Pun(1 and the Motor Vehicles Branch will prohibit the judgment debtor from oper- ating a motor vehicle until such time as the Unsatisfied Fund has been reimbursed. The 'way matters -stand now, it is simply .not safe to take a car onto the road without adequate ihsuraiee coverage and the govern- -ment's action in demanding proof of coverage is the proper course of action. There have been far too Many inStanclhs of heavy loss 01 which the person responsible simply could not meet the judgment assessed against hint.— ' Windham Advance -Times. ' SIGNAL-STAR OFFICE A OP ALL DAY SATURFAY • r For last Minute Shoppers Who. PIan To Send A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SIGNAL -STAR AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT- D�wn Memory's Lane 45 Years Ago Of the six town councillors, it was reported that only one—.Coun- cillor Graham—might seek re-elec- tion to Council for 1913. It wis understood that Councillors Laith- waite, Humber, Vanatter and Pel - low would retire, and it was be- lieved that Councillor Elliott would try for a higher office. Hogs were selling at $7.50 to $7.65 on the illi ket at Goderich. Butter could b( ought•.for 26c per pound. Employees of Ilamlink's evapor- ator peeled 26,000 bushels of ap- ples during the evaporator season. Four c5rloads, containing 4,000 bushels, were shipped to other points. At the close of the season, 20 employees gathered for a special evening and presented un elegant rocking chair to J. McLarty, popu- lar foreman of the peeling depart- ment, as a token of their esteem for him. • At the Victoria Opera house, the Victor Lauriston for •highest stand- ing among Central School candi- dates in the entrance examinations. A three -act comedy, "Her Gloves," directed by W. J. Ilodge and Mrs. Turnbull, was presented to capacity audiences in the hall of North Street United Church. Cast included Stanley Snider, Carl- ton Worsell, Russel King, G. E. Payne, Douglas ]Holland, Mrs. F. Kershaw, Mrs. .F. Walkom, Peggy Cooper, Marion Chapman and Sirs. Bruce Torrance. Miss . Marjorie Bays sang between acts, and Mrs. Jessop and Mervyn Snider took turns as accompanist. Sound ef- fects were in charge of Donald Stonehouse. A man's love for his dog- was strikingly illustrated when Charles Prouse, 65, of Goderich Township, waded out to midstream in the Maitland River to save his crippled hound from drowning. The dog fell its .when he was chasing a rabbit across the ice. The hound local Drama Club presented a pro- went under twice before his master In .Ontario we know well the gram of two one -act plays, a two- rescued him. truth of his statement, in spite of character sketch and a bit of ' 10 Years Ago this truth however wet victories musical comedy from "Florodora." A saxophone solo by Graham Bin -- (tette trade a pleasing variation. 25 Years Ago William Drew was appointed manager of the Goderich hockey Mrs. T. Graham succeeded firs. club. In the first practice of the] II Webster as president of the season, the veteran "Butch" Jiur ney sustained a bad- cut over the Women's Association of Victoria right eye Street United Church. was elected president of the Perth yot.q..,Thit. Cit.yc.a.only 60,000 popu- Huron Shorthorn Club for 1948. , lation now has 47 legal liquor out- I Dan Siding, of Goderich, opened lets. a shoe repair business in Blyth. . ----- o-- -- One close observer of• the vote in If sold for the value of its chem- , Kitchener and elsewhere has de- ical elements, the human body ' clared that there actually seems to would be worth about 98 cents. be a decreasing interest on the part of Church people in opposing further licensing. If true, surely this is deplorable. This advt. sponsored by Huron County Temperance eration. Teacher -Farmer Sees Both Sides Of Fence "A City Man Looks At Agricul- ture" was 'the tole of a highly en- tertaining address delivered by J. A. Giglman at the annual banquet of Colborne Township Federation of Agriculture in the Township Hall at Carlow. As a teacher on the staff of Goderich District Collegiate Insti- tute and as •the owner of a farm in Grey County, Mr. Seaman looked accompanist. his talk. at both sides of the subject in Greetings were brought from the county federation by the retiring county president, Doug. McNCih, of Colborne. Carl Hemingway, secretary-fieldman of Iltiron County Federation of Agriculture, reported on federation activities. Entertainment was provided by Don Kernighan and George Bolton with their guitars, accompanied by Mrs. D. Kernighan. The ladies who catered for the banquet were thanked by Charles Millian. • 0' (1 - n Mr. Seaman was introduced by Fordyce Clark and thanked by Ruy Fisher. A capacity crowd attend- ed the banquet. The program was in charge of President John Dun- bar. Following dinner, prepared by the ladies of Tiger Dunlop Wo- men's Institute, there was a sing- song with Mrs. George Millian as An Indisputable Fact "It is an indisputable fact that the more types of outlets the greater the total consumption". We quote Premier Manning of Al- berta. He added, "We have to face Noah Webster began writing the the fact that the net result of the dictionary in 1807 and finished in alcoholic beverages is to the de- 1828• triment of society:" -- WE resin� rye SEND A GIFT CARD fOR YOU TELLING OF - THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ALL THROUGH 1958 0 One of this town's oldest busi- are due, as much to indifference on I ness establishments changed hands the part of voters as to anything when Keith C. Cutt, a veteran of I else. The liquor interests know the j World War II, purchased the groc- I obvious truth quoted. That explains' ery business of his father, J. Calvin their continuous campaign to open Curt, on Kingston street. ' up new outlets. One of the greatest triumphs this year has been the vote in Kitchen- er. Ten additional liquor outlets The 1932 fair very clearly broke W A. Culbert, of Dungannon, I were opened as a result of the wet even, it was reported at the annual Meeting of Goderich Fair Board. Roberta Johnston delivered the valedictory address at the annual Victoria School commencement ex- ercises. She received the Robert Park memorial medal for having achieved the highest standing in entrance examinations. • Unpaid taxes stood at $40,000, said Collector Robertson, and it appeared that the amount might TV ANTENNAS reach $50,000 by the end of the year. Mr. and Mrs. William Vrdonian • SOLD celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding. $ SERVICED 15 Years Ago REMOVED A seven-year perfect attendance record was presented to Colleen • INSTALLED Thompson, a pupil at Victoria School: Colleen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Thompson, of St. David's street, was neyer absent or late during the entire seven years. Sheila Hill, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. E. H. Hill, received the Robert -221f Park memorial medal given by THURSDAY, DEC. 19th, 1957 ReturnAfter Two Years In' Germany Goderich district army person- nel, who • have been serving -In Ger- many, returned here last ' week. Although they were stationed with- in 30 miles of each other in Ger- many, they.did not meet until they boarded the same boat, Queen Frederica, bound for Canada. S/Sgt. Frank Heard, with the army dental corps, has returned after being two years at Soest, Germany. Accompanying him -were his wife and family, Sue, David and Danny. While stationed in Ger- .many, the Heards toured many countries, including Austria, Swit- zerland, Holland, France and Bel- gium. Returning on the same boat was Lt. Nursing Sister .Margaret R. Mitchell, who has been twp years at the British Military Hospital at Iserlohn, Germany. Lt. Mitchell is spending a vacation with her moth- er, Mrs.-s.E. Mitchell, -Carlow, after which she will be stationed,at Lon- don, Ont. 0 . 0 o People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing. Les Chapman TV Phone 154 38 East St. • �����t�CtCKret��e�tC��C+crC���c4CKK�itE�QK��re All Veterans' .Families ARE INVITED 70 A CHRISTMAS PARTY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 AT 6.30 P.M. 't' ' . AT LEGION HALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS. Sponsored by Branch 109, Canadian Legion. -49-50 The Fed- ar TURKEY BINGO — IN THE LEGION HALL — .GODERICH Saturday, December 21 AT 8.30 P.M. SHARP. JACKPOT OF $65.00 IN 53 CALLS. 4 SPECIALS AND SHARE -THE -WEALTH. 15 GAMES FOR $1.00. Sponsored by Brunch 109 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. PLANNI NG ANY ALTERATIONS OR' BUILDING AFTER THE NEW YEAR? May it's a "Do It Yourself" job., If so, remember we -will be only too happy to aid you with helpful suggestions. Why not come in and talk it over with us? 1You are under no obligation by doing so. We carry PLYWOODS, LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS BUILDING BOARDS, NAILS, HARDWARE and- GLASS. JOHN JEFFERY> & SON PHONE 782 ELGIN an �. can_ dial headlights. • . . I �l�t�t)3t►10®�oOA ii1a1313®A6liltlilSi`ee iik#Oft' 76dli3gOgi t.. `: 2 r.fliP The year's most glamorous grille . . different—distinguished. Buick's new D nastargrille has the incomparable lgok of sparkling diamonds on. black velvet. Towered -tail lights climax Buick's fresh • new4#yling. Each series is easily ' rati- fied by a distinctive flying -wing plaque on rear fenders. - Here's the face oashiorif for ` -..S 1 "An entirely new concept in car design —the., look of flight -Tis yours in Buick alone. Like it modern plane poised for_ the take -off, the B-58 Buick presents a ____)silliouette of stunning now lowness and sweeping new length. And this new Buick has the feel of flight, too. You top 'the highest hills effortlessly with the ' B-12000 engine ... ride with the level - steady smoothness of Buick's now MiracleRideplus Air-Poilsesuspension• .. and command instant obedience , from.a new Flight Pitch Dynaflow• that. practically reads your mind. For an all-new notion of beauty in motion, see and driste the B-58 Buick ate your dealer's soon, Mir -Poise 911+neion optional at extra coat on all 9eriea, Flight -Flitch Dynaflow standard on LtMiTPn and ROADMAaraa 75. optional at extra wet or ' other series. r., �.r ropInrlAnd See Us About That Gift Subscription ►.�'F�al �-fyj' '�y+y�h.,, -. is . jr y`'a.,'',r: 4 � IG , 'A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PN WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK.SAMIS-.MOT KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STB. BUILD TH,M M-t15eC F%tone 344, (Godoriob