The Exeter Times, 1890-10-30, Page 8INST/ RANCJ.. R1v E 3`i' E LLI O 1', AG EN T Felt A THE WFSTERbl ASSURA;iCR COM- PANY of Toronto; also Por the Plt N/A lflit7rl (NSBRANCF. C01iP-t\Y, of London; :Euglan4, the RutrAL0,1.\A1>IAN. of Mon- 'treai, and tha OIITARIO mil t:UAI+ TAAFF 1#SSW2E A NCE, OO'Y et Waterloo established 1b�it.Asaurantesiutorce,313,127400. Bonuses •every year after 3rd year. GRIGG'S REPORTER -Exeter Fair 1'touday and Tuesday next. -.-Ont Pitney Goods Fair will be held on the same days. -We would like every boy :tad girlto visit our store on those days, --The first intimation of coning Christ• utas Stock will be visible vu our'^iisetul Counters."' -Every ease wi 1 be filled with choice and useful goods on those days. --tiny Staff will do their best to make visitors feel at home and avid be pleased to show them through the stock for an expression of opinion, as to its merit eonr- ;laredl with city stores. -We expeet to open seve•al eases of New ,.code this wecl: =Much will be then cn exhibition. - nettiL,.r we are aloin what wre eau to to ..a .r our st: re an Dan -actin -0 resort. aware a half laver may t e ]rteasantly eoc:atcaeti anals p.al.en w.p i£ re.;uire.l at au.rate prices. 11ntestines Citizens are "getting in" their winter's supply of coal. For Big Bright Bargains try the Big Bankrupt Store The Milling Co will supply power for 1 the electric light. Alr. Jelin E Torn is at present officially inspecting the Exeter Public School, Great values in Sealettes at Richard Pickard's. OIr. Johu Sweirzer, of Exeter North, was married ou Thursday last to Miss. Wein, of Stephen. Aiessis W. H. Verity, Robt. Verity and W, J. Verity each received a new piano last week. don't fail to inspect Richard Pickard's stack of meanies, they are being cleared regardless of cost. The death of Rev. W. 11. Fife, of Lon- dnn, formerly id Cred-ttog, occurred in London on Friday last. A case o£ Job Dress Goods, just opened a9 the Sia; Bankrupt Store. Clearing at 14e, they were 80c. 'Mr. %i'tn. Balkwill, cattle buyer shipped from Exeter station yesterday, 50 bulls for the Inn opean market. Potatoes appear to have Turned out a Letter crop than expected, and sell, in quantities at from 40 to 50e per bushel. The present season Should be productive of ct svottdelfu1 erop of sauerkraut, seeing r the inueen.ity of the cabbage crop. Snell Bros. Co's pork packing house le ring reside ready for aetive business. and the Arun expect to epee in a short time. A light hall stom visited Exeter on Monalny bat did no damage, It ensue-• ivated in n slice snow storm to the evening, Mr Ale:; Movie, who last week badly aided hie foot, with heated mew, in the erity foudry, is off work in cause - e. • A. Q. Bolder. cotnhnencetl ship poultry to the city niarkete. lie itects to do a big huainess in tbis line ]e full. The stock sale Tuesday was not thorough success. Several animals, how- ever, were sold. at lair prices. Mr L. Hardy wielded the hammer. All parties awarded prizes at the Exeter Fall Show will receive them at the c4flee of W. Ilissett, treasurer, 'after the first of November. A. O. Dyes Secy. It would now appear that the Reliance Eerie Licht Co hail given Exeter the w godly," and that the Bull Co. were auc- ccsaful in maintaining their !toll. i.ve Stook Iter Tweeds Tcx'stecls axLd o1 :hags, t3zw being showzt by 7P+i, GRZG G, Exeter X T1B, TO We commence to day the greatest Overcoat sale ever field ilt l° +eter. We are gouts to partlysethe trade. Lack out for the Biggest Bargains in :lien's and !curs' Overcoats that you ever heatii O. Our stock is : im iy ennlinin i s. 11'e were tortu- nate enough to secure the bulk of wholesale jobbers stock at a little by r 50e on the do lar. We had to by a (remotions lot to get them at such a low figure. Some very spt'cial litres are wire to move quickly.. We guarantee to save you from 30 t() 40 pat ceut ou every Overceat. Below we give a tew. quotations; lien's $5. Overeoats for $3, o, glen's $1".00 Overcoats for OM, Men's $10.00 t tvereoats for $7.00, Men's $12.00 Oveleoats for $8.50, Boys' .1.{30 Overcoats for $11.25. Boys' $5,110 Overcoats for $2.75. Boys' $6.00 Overcoats for $4.00. Buns' $8.00 Overcoats for $4,75, Remember we can't repeat any of the above special lines, as they are all less than wholesale jobbers' prices. J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter THURSDAY, OCTOBER3oth, 1890. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. For Jrnskolta. On Monday, Messrs D, Johns and H. Levett, Exeter ; H. Eilber, Crediton 1). Shoff, Clandeboye ; and Mr. Puddi- cc;inbo, of London, left for Muskoka on a deer bunting expedition. The Eagllsh Barley. ' Mr. James Moir, of Unborn last year sowed 1 bag of the two. barley, this year threshed 101 therefrom, He reports the good, and will use the laj. ba year for seed. If the barley is fair cliance it will yield splendid! Satisfactory Work. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co , of Lowell, proprietors of Ayer's popular medicins in remitting amount of yearly contract for advertising in the Trams says: -"We are ruueh pleased with the accuracy with which our contract has been executed, and it may be gratifying, and a source of some pride to you, to know that but very- few papers on our books show a clearer record than the Trwxs." Annie ie Shi nmeaxta, Last week we referred •to the large apple trade done this season by Mr. R. H. Lang, of Exeter, Up to the present elate he has shipped from Exeter 18 carloads, St. Marys,2 car loads, Mit- chell, 2 car loads, Dublin, 2 car loads, in all 24 car loads of apples. Each car averaged 120 bbls, which made a total of 1680 labia ; and at $2 per bbl represents $3,360 paid to the farmers of this section for the partial product of. their orchards this year. - Lemon L'ie. — Three eggs, a cup and a half of sugar, the pulp and grated rind of two lemons. These are the ingredients for a pie most <lelieious to the taste. After eating, if the, stomach fails to do its duty, "indigestion, and headache are the result. The diges- tive organs are never stronger than the. body, and if the system is "all run down," I,y reason of im pure or' irnpoverished blood, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is needed to build it up. This medicine purifies the blood, pro - motel digestion, and makes the .weak etroeg. *; A seereri evueert and literary enter- taiuu.ent under the auspices of the James tit Mcthe li ,t elmeeh etioir on the eveniug of Tharti;agwing day. F riet class pro- gramme. A shooting match will be held in con- nection with the Metropolitan hotel on Thanksgiving flay. It gives promise of See Iii �•,.f :ti .. ee. t n s1 eccs9 ul aft' r, eo posters for parts �atlars, While 'coon hunting in liny township the otherevg, several Exeterites report having treed a wild cat. Guess it wr49 a domesticated cat made ild by the noise of the hunters end their doge. AIr 11. E. Mester) enjoyed a dish of ripe raspberries on Monday. They were full sized and of a secontl crop. Mr Rose of St Marys. has also had a second crop of raspberries. We 'venture to say the Big Bankrupt Store, wili do the over;oat trade of Exeter this season, their stock is simply enormous and prices are just about halt what rep - lar dealers egu•lar.dealers most get for similar goods. (S: median cheese stood in the front rank and received the highest awards at the British Dairy Farmera' Aesociatioa in London recently, Iso have some excel- lent cheese factories in this county, Mr Thomas Beattie, of the firm of Thos. Beattie d: Co,, London, whose name has been prominent on Dnudas street for many years past, has decided to retire from the present business. Thanks to our old-time friend, Mr. Geo. Fisher, for his annual gift, in the shape of a bag of excellent apples, May Alr, Fislaur's shadow never grow less, and his bountiful orchards sever cease ,yielding, Mrs. John R, Jaynes, of this city, has returned from a lengthy visit with her sister et Grand Rapids, Mich, and her many friends will be glad to hear she bas much inproved in health, -London Free Press. As an indication of the superiority of the Ball electric fight, it might be men- tioned that, during the last week the city of London purchased a $10,000 plant, as did the authorities of the Kingston penit- entiary, at a large figure. The school board met Monday evening and examined applications for the prin- oipalshi of e • `c Ptsr Public School. loud words that would or: web .d a Sunday School book, t, need not rush in expecting to be the. first on the scene of a cold-blooded mur- der ; . they are only putting up the 'stove- pipes for the winter. The market was, as usual, 'quite bright on Saturday. It was crowded with farm- ers' buggies and wagons, and from about 9 o'clock to l2 o'clock a.m. busines was booming in that locality. Large quantities of butter found a ready market at 13 cents, eggs 19 cents per doz, Dressed poultry was in abundance. . The Exeter croquet club wish to inform the Heenan club that if they are anxious to try conclusions, Thanksgiving Day will be an opportune time. It is customary to follow a challenge, therefore -it will be in order to hold the match in Exeter. The Hensal;ites will now have to come forward or cease their continued challenging. Last Monday, Mr ,los McClinchey, of Seaforth, drove into town wish a spirited team of colts. When opposite the ,town hall, the animals took fright and. ran three miles southward before they could be needless to thatMr stopped., It is.say McOliuchev was given a clear track. He kept the horses on the road and no darn - age res4tlted. The.entertainrrient in the Thames Road Presbyterian church, on Monday evg was a success. Rev. Mr Fletcher gave an. interesting „ account of his trip to ' the, Pacific coast, while Arch•; Bishop, M. P. I?. ,entertained the`anilienne with incidents of his voyage across the Atlantic, and while in the Father land.' The social was also an important feature, and on the whole the evg was enjoyably spentby the large audience. A Wood Batter. Mr. Robert Leathorn recently re- turned from the old country, and brought with bin a present in the shape of a fancy rat for his son John. The other evening John was exhibiting his rat, and placing the cage on the floor, asked Mr, Ed Biasedit his, dog, which is a Bedlington, would .tackle a rat, Mr. Bissett cautioned him to beware lest his ratescape from the cage and be killed. There was no danger! Finally his ratabip escaped and before it could be told the dog had the rat killed, Thus ended the career of Mr Leathorn's fancy rat. The Same alt Along she x,tne, The Clinton New Era says ; Oom- plaiuts are being made by shippers about the G, T. R. not supplying the demand fur cars. It certainly a mar- vellous thing that cars eau be sent to competing points in abundance, but be- cause the G T Rahway know they Gaye thematterin theirown hands where there is only the one read they appear to be heedless of the interests of shippers. Station agent Patterson is doing all he can. but the necessary cars are not forthcoming. In the produce and grain business the delay of a week may mean the dropping of a good many dol- lars and the railway authorities should consider the interests of individuals and town in the calculation, What we need in Clinton is a second railroad or else some power to take hold of the present railway system and ileal nut even hand- ed justice to all . Send on your cat's. Erratic IUebdoivadal. Our contemporary, for kindly placing it in the right concerning the recent sale of the Pickard estate, sits on ns in the foflowing style :--" Our cntem, in ite local ;eolumu, refers we are inffrtned, to an al- "ileged eiror in our report of the Pickard "Estate sale. We committed no et•ror "whatever, but if Al r. \i'lrite,,Mr Pickard, "the estate or the sale tae suffered any - "thing by reason of aur report we dull be 'Weil ,to recompense them to the fullest •'extent. Perhaps our cattail will fetch "them around to aur office when we will be happy to discuss this very important ",Blair with ' 'en1" all. We believe that "the auhtite imagination of our friend over 'the way had Leen better employed in critietaing the many blunders contained 'in his overt etrofe,a ireLda nicttdctt," It is unnecessary for us to again give the fasts of the sale We admit that no great in- justice was done ourselves, Dir, Pickard nor the estate, but in order that our eon• frere might do common justice to the readers of his journal, by giving the facts,- we simply referred hits to a aource of iu• formation. And, as a result, what an ex pression of gratitude ! ..Erratic !minima - tidal." Great guns ! Wo are puzzled ; auti will handsomely reward any of our learned men who will define this quotation and thus convey to us the extent of our cotem'e magaantmity It isquitea privilege to he able to place adjectives et any point desirable, at tine same time ignoring the Actium of a noun. Personale,. Mr. Jos, Bawden leaves this IS eek for Hamilton, where lie has secured a situs tion.- Rev. Mr. Fletcher preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday morn- ing last ; Rev. Mr, Martin occupying his pulpit, in the Thames Road Presby- terian church. -Conductor Snider, of the L. H. ds B. branch railway, will preach anniversary sermons in the James street Meth. church shortly, Wingham Times : "Miss Mary Gidley, of Exeter, spent a few drays in town during the past week visiting at Mr. S. Merifields".- Mr, William Higgins, of Crediton. made 233 apple barrels in a week. Ne is 65 years of age. He walked from. Crediton to Exeter fire miles on Monday moras lug and walked home on Saturday. He doubts if there is another minn in the county that can beat it. -Miss Brown, of Exeter, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Dickenson, of St. Marys. -Mrs. Spicer, of Exeter, was the guest of her brother Mr. A. McNally, of Blyth, last week. -Mrs. A. Hodgert is visiting friends in North Branch,Mich.-Mr Ed. Roberts attended the convention of the Christian Endeavor Association, at Hamilton, a delegate from the Exeter Branch. He presented his report at the meeting of the home society on Tuesday evening, auditwas of an inter esting character, and highly appreciated, -Mr. Geo. Samwell is at present in Toronto. -Mr. Alsworth, of Hay, is g friends in Hermansville, rirs. Alsworth in Wasbago, Mich. • John 8, Witzel left on Monday rip to New York. -lir, and Mrs, e, of Srmcoe, were the guest of urs Mrs. Emery, during the fore - 41 the week. -Rev. James Graham, dgetown, had the pleasure of meet - Many at his old friends in Exeter on ay and Monday. The Rev. gentle- man is as jolly as ever, though he seems to be gradually losing his old time vigor; his voice is not so strong as it used to be when stationed in Exeter. -We under- stand that Miss Ada Pascoe, of Aylmer, formerly of Exeter, recently met -with an accident by which she will be, crip pled for life. -Mrs. Hobson, who lias been visiting her nephew Mr. R. C. Brumpton, left on Monday for herhome in Guidebridge, Manchester, Eng.=. By reference to our marriage notice column it will be seen that Mr. Frank Hatch, of. Waterford, formerly of Exeter has been wedded to a Miss Tegart, of that town. -Mr. Geo. Wier leaves shortly for Ridgetown; in the vicinity of which; place he will again engage in farming. -Mrs. Dulniage, of ]iirkton, is the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Russell.- Mr. H. Horney.'s many friends.; will.; be sorry to learn of his serious illness. ,.He is suffering from a serious `attack of in flammation of the stomach:- Mrs. J. R Jaynes; of Loudon, is the guest of Mrs D. Johns: -Mr. Robt. Sanders has re- turned from me o f om Dakota, .where he` has spent several months, hunting, The Birclrall trial cost the county of Oxford $2,500. This was merely thewit- nesses' and constables fees: - The coined were paid by the Government, making the total cost $9,000. It is said Biroli,ll'e mother has sailed for Canada to see her sr n before bis death. Birchall writes to a local pi:; or _irotesting against the pnbliaetieu b 16 a Tcronto journal of articlea purporting to have been written by Bili. He says they are all pure fabrications. GRTALT SALE UIQ MA.NTLES- Duritig the coaling month all our Mantles must be saki regardless of cost and in order to effeet a speedy clearance we shall offer GREAT BARGAINS in LADIES' SHORT JACKETS, ULSTER$, PALETOTS & DOLMANS Also C hiidren's ULSTERS aid vY ,t..1.i• PS, during the next two weeks. Re- member everything in this line must be cleared; your selection while the stook, is complete, DIAMONDS! We make a spe+ ialty of 3a daziSONne and the finest class of Jewe)ery. The rapidly rising value of did- onds make them a most desirable nvestment. With every diamond sold we give a guarantee to re -pur- chase same at any time --lest five per cent. off price paid. We carry the largest stock west of Montreal, as our diamond business extends to all parts of the United States at d Canada. Goods sent on approbation by express or mail to responsible parties. A. MORI HY & CO., Cor, Richmond and Dundee Sts,, London. Ont. (Establiabeti WO). A Present To Ow Subscribers. It is with pleasure that we annus ee to our many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wide awake, Pluto tutted farm magazine, the Amf,nteAN FARMnn, published ut Port Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 500,000 farmers by wbieh that great publication will be mailed direct, to the address of any of our sub- scribers who will come in and pay up all arrearages on subscription and $1 15 in advance from elate, and to any new sub. scriber who will pay 51 15 one year in advance. This is a grand opportunity to Obtain a brat -class farm journal, The Aarr:RICAN Faitumt is a large 16 page jcurnal, of national circulation. which ranks among the leading Agricultural papers. It treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights and privi- leges rierleges of that vast body ofcitizens-Ameri- can Farmers-- whose industry is the basis of all material and national prosperity. Its hit±hest purpose is the elevation and ennobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits, The regular subscription price of the AMERICAN Fnrtnnn is $7.00 per year. It costs you little. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of your household. 0.110 and see sample copy. Wanted. A. smart boy to learn the printing, 15 years of age. Apply at this office. For overcoats and suits go to Richard Pickard's. An immense lot of Sealettes and Mantle - Inge at the Big Bankrupt Store. A great assortment on new crockery and glassware just opened up at Richard Piekard's. Appel & Zeller, Zurich, have a full stook of flannels, ahirtings. cottons, tweeds and overcoatiugs, etc, which must be sold. Somethingnew in Swiss Embroidered Dress Robes at the I3ig Bankrupt Store. Ask to see them. Young friends,nnmbeting about twenty,' visited the residence of Mr W. J. Clark on Tuesday, and presented Mr. Welling- ton Clark with a nicely worded address, accompanied by beautiful gentlemen's plush toilet and shaving sets. as souvenirs of a pleasant friendship in Exeter. The eve. was very pleasantly spent. The family leave for London on Saturday. "Great Scott" a rood fur coat for $13 50 at the Big 13ankrupt Store. An arlvertisement appears in an Ameri- can paper reading thus ;-"Agents wanted for fast selling article, needed in eveiy family. It catches them all. Samples light, and clean, and can be carried in the vest pocket. Send 20 cents for sample, andrahte in allthat's going," It was answered by aresident of a neighboring township, who received by return mail e package containing a fine tooth -comb.. The Cleveland Leader of the 16th inst. contains the following : S. J. Whitlock, of Chicago, and Miss, Mattie Phelps, daughter of Dr, J. 1 . Phelps,of this place, were married at the Clongregatioral church of which the bride was a member, at 4 o'clock, p. m., in' the presence of a large number of invited guests. The Rev. W. W. Dunn and Rev. F. M. Whitlock, brother of the groom, officiated. Mr. P. Rawv ei d t of Rir1 oto a g wn. Can, was best man," and Miss Frankie Phelps,the bride's Sister, was bridesmaid. Excellent inusic was furnished, a sweet melody being soft- ly played dnring the ceremony. Mr. and Noire Whitlock took the evening train for Slhicago, where they will make their home -a house alreeiy furnished being there waiter; for them. A night school has been started in St, Marys -an institution badly needed in 'ester. • Chlldrelr tiro' for Fite! era; C,astcrjs 40 001116 at once enc l alio READY-41ADE CLOTHING We have on hand a large quantity of Men's Overcoats and Suits which we are prepared to sell cheaper than any one in town Willi all hr E1ow To be convinced of this fact we solicit a call to prove what we say. Re- member this before going elsewhere. CARLING EU OS. - 1)0:04 1-1.1AN Men's underclothing to be sold at once at less than wholesale price. Having bought the above lot of SIiXRTS and DR,LWERS at a job price, will clear them at less than cost of making. 'FUR CAPS, FUR COATS and ROBES •-IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT— RIGHT 1 , PRICES, :0: 200 Ove cats, 400 Suits --beat quality, best fitting goods in the market at ---TELE BEST ANI) LAR^JEST STOCKSZt*OF-- r 1$ in the county. GIVE U§, A;::O LL. ,,--` SPACEITLAN r AIN r Fanspn's Block, Exeter. ).it GO TO— Goldsmith Hal r✓-��'C7R YOU'RE^-^ WATCHES, -- CLOCKS, - JE WELRY, ATCHES,-CLOCKS,- JEWELRY, - SILVERWARE,- -AND SP,ECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. "Persoualattentiongiven to repairing of watches,olocks and j ewelry: . C. REICHENBACH, Opposite Post Office, E'ABI HILL CENTRAL arber Shop,. /p FANSON'S BLOCK-. A H a ® . ��.�� fir' �`�'�+ fa Shaving and -Hair caning in the 1 atest` style of the art. - Every attention'paid to cutting Laaies' ariaOhi1diensflats.