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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-05, Page 23
TI1U11,SDAY, DECEMBER 5th, R95 QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. What Vnglifhvborn bank clerk ntad© a fortuuae oat of the Klon- dike gold rush even though he never struck it rich? 2. What are, and what is the cur- rent cost of, government transfer O payments? �3. What 98 -room Canadian home was built in the hope it would enterto visiting royalty? 4. What proportion of post-war i un migrants to ;.anaaa have been women and children? 5. Through sales tax on Canadian- kmllanufaetured goods in 1030 Can- adian paid $2 million a week. What is the current sales tax payment?. 4%l $WIEIRS: 5. About $16 million THE GODERICal I'Cs! A,i.!!y-s ST 'A .»..--....�»='�-.-rtm.�------•-- •- tea week, 8. Sir; Henry (l llatt's Casa .1.'' t and'14" Loma, brant in Toronto before World War L 1. The poet Robert, W. Service, whose Klonady�ke bol- o s lads made Mara wealthy. 4. Nearly two-thirds of immigrants have been women and children. 2. Transfer payments are money collected through taxes and paid oat to the public as family allowanites, etc.; 1954 total, 2,333,000,000. PUS =MI wecvi tizt t I ogko 4tectit 'fee,£gBeoroug ngtftet'. ttei€3i .fh;teio 6rze.ta[ te:t sigamtowsitetuE .toe oat woo* Come in and see our complete stock or 'plc= a a vo r tvtRYONE on your list, boxed CHOCOLATES.... Fancy STATIONERY.... GIFT WRAPS ...CIG4RETT ES... CHRISTMAS CARDS .. TOYS.... Fancy SOAPS BABY NEEDS, etc. , 000N000•0 00000N00000000000M00N0N000H0N� OM00000A00000N000000. Dorothy Gray in 7 Fragrances • of all.... ...GOOD HEALTH NIGHT DRUMS FIGURINE GOLDEN ORCHID NOSEGAY • 2, WHITE L1LAC VOLTAGE HIbDEN CHARM . : Super Pienamios 0 72 tablets (72 days) ....... $4.79 • 36 tablets (36 days) $2.59 144 tablets (1444, ,ass) $7.95 JUNIORS for children 6 to 12 72 tablets (72 days) $3.29 36 tablets (36 days) .$1.79 144 tablets (744 days) $5.49 For the BEST GIFT BATH POWDER MITT 1.75 TALCUMS 1.25, 1.50 BATH POWDERS from 1.75 COLOGNES from 1.00 COLOGNE and BATH POWDER SETS 375, 4.50 0• 4110•0111•0•000000060•0••••••••••••••••••00000 New Cara Nome in 3 Fragrances TISH-TISH FAIR WARNING PLYMOUTH GARDEN • 0 0 0 • 0 0 • Rex -Way BATHROOM SCALE$ COLOGNES _ _ 1.75, 2.50 PERFUMES 2.00 • 3.00 • • BATH DUSTING POWDER and COLOGNE 16 oz. Reg. 9.95. SPECIAL 7.49 Electric HEAT PADS BATH BATON (Talcum and Cologne 16 oz.) 2.00 Guaranteed ._.. from 3.99 11000000N0tO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ti0000000 New!' from KODAK just $695 Makes color slides as well as snapshots � E Other Brownie Star Cameras here, too. Complete gift outfits from $11.95 , BROWNIE STARLET CAMERA Movie Cameras from 34.95 ONNN00N000N0NON Blue Dot FLASHBULBS M2 14c each Press 25 17e each 0•"'PLAYTEX Latex Baby Pants. Reg. 98c 2 for 99c • SILVIKRIN Shampoo. Reg. 75c _.. .... 2 for 98c • Pond's ANGEL SKIN. Reg. 37e 2 for 59c • Vaseline SHAMPOO. Reg. 39c 2 for 59c +• NEW Rexall TOOTH PASTE. Reg. 59c 2 for 87c ••Oi00NOONO000000000000AOONOOOOONOO••••••0 • • STAG Shave Cream 69c STAG Electric Shave 1.25 • STAG Sets from 2.10 Utility Cases from 1.98 OLD SPICE Shave Mug . 1.25 Shave Brush from 75c OLD SPICE Sets from , 2.10 Shave Bowls from 1.25 OOOa000000000.00000000000000000•.*_00000000000 • "-DISNEYLAND DOROTHY GRAY'S BUBBLE BATH SPECIAL DRY -SKIN • in plastic container Blustery Weather Lotion •25 bath size 1.29 Reg. 2.50 size 1.25 0000000H000000000000N00000000000Qc©00000000 • R. 000000000000000000.000 • •- COLOR FILM ook Pharmacy •- REXALL DR DEVELOPING & PRINTING 14 THE SQUARE g PHONE 939 "`t`'Mi i t r"�'irD'tt`3'tX�'EAD 73ihvayitrig•r drat DarDiRt-Daxx`% t tYir�ru ` eD-Daz`3arDi 'd-Dakt /3 0 MEAT balls don't have to "go steady" with spaghetti. -,Mere they're cooked in the oven in a muffin tin for fifteen minutes, then served on hot, buttered noodles sprinkled with croutons and poppy seeds. Former Goderich Man President Of Windsor Area Scouts Association A former resident of Kings-' ther of Melvin O'Reilly, Myron, lives in Goderich. Mr. Melvin O'Reilly retired in February, 1855, after 42. years ser- vice with Cani dian National Ex- press. At the time of his retire ment he was General Agent at Windsor. Shortly after his retire- ment he was asked by the mayor of Windsor to assum the duties of public relations director for the City of Windsor. bridge, Melvin J. O'Reilly has been named president of the Boy Scouts Association of the Windsor district. His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Reilly, pioneer farmers of the Kingsbridge area, who moved to Goderich after they retired": Mr. O'Reilly died in 1940 and Mrs. O'Reilly in '1942. A b`ro- FILTEX THE WORLD'S FINEST VACUUM CLEANER ON WHEELS - Outperforms all other clean- ers regardless of price. GIVEHER A New Filtex for Christmas, Complete with storage chest and receive a FREE gift from The Millers Your Filter Dealer 162 Newgate Street Phone 1151:4._ -48 Give the job to IJim'mie".and me i • Y C .... ... Y.:w � .:••. •'. :v^�v.�fKti'.J � ti ' Z Y+ •' ya• '•i1 h Ja "Jimmie" is a truck. Not just any truck, mind you. "Jimmie" is the friendly nick -name truck men give to a GMC. And, as so many Canadian truckers know, "Jimmie" is the perfect partner for bigger payloads and even bigger -profits. This year there's an even greater line of GMC Extra -Value Money -Makers with new special features to save you both time and money. For '58 GMC offers you brand-new Forward Control Utility Panels, the sensational new Workmaster "348"V8 Engine, an improved Powermatic transmission, full Air Brake option on all Heavy Duty models, and GVW's ranging up to 36,000 lbs. But get all the news from your GMC dealer. There isn't a job some "Jimmie" and you can't do better and faster. World's greatest choice of trucks A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE GMC- 2S©D SAMIS MOTORS EINGSTON AND VICTORIA STS - r Phone 344, Goderich O % The executive of the Boy Scouts Association of Windsor, of which Mr. O'Reilly is the new president, is composed of about 30 men lead- ers from the business and pro- fessional ranks of the city. The Scouting program is comprised of some 70 cub packs and scout troops with an enrolment of 4,800 boys. He has ,been on the executive eom• mittee since 1948 and was a vice president for years. o \o\ o DAIRY CATTLE IN DEMAND AROUND HURON COUNTY With livestock now housed for the winter months, farmers are giving thought to barn efficiency, according to Huron County's Agri- cucuraI ReOresentative. Odd jobs are being done outside as good weather still prevails. Cattle are in good condition and dairy cattle continue to be in demand. The County Hereford sale on females ,averaged $25 higher than on the last sale. o o- o "NEWCOMERS" SHOW INTEREST One of the nominees for Gode- rich Town Council has submitted the following letter for publication: Editor, Signal -Star. Sir, -For many years I have been interested in the general wel- fare of . Goderich. I have seen successes and failures of many pro- jects. Some years ago, just prior to the formation of government welfare departments, the mayor asked me if I would help organize a local welfare department. We had a go:11d representative' commit- tee with members from different service organizations. We knew the policy • of every organization and what services they could rend- er, if necessary. Of all the people I visited, I do not know of one today who found it 1pecessary to ask for the services of any welfare organization. They are all good citizens and paying taxes. Today we read in the press Out some cities failed to reach their financial objective in the United Appeal campaign. A few years ago I attended a ,Federatioli meeting in Toronto, when representatives were there from all over. One of the Feder- ation men from Montreal told us they always reached their objec- tive, because he told his people how much they had to give. Someone asked him how he knew how much to ask for. Oh, he said, wehave ways of finding out. I turned to the gentleman sitting - next to me, whom I did not know, and remarked, "Isn't that terrible. I wouldn't give him five cents if he told me what I had to give. If the workers were doing the kind of social work theyz4 should do, there would be no need for that kind of work." "I think so, too," said the gentleman. "Well, why don't you get up and tell them that?" I said. He looked 'at me and said, 'Well, you knots I'm speaking at the dinner tonight." I was talking to the guest speaker, who had been imported to come to Toronto. I believe that many of our pro- blems are the result of not prac- tising -democracy. Years•ago I had the privilege of being associated with some leaders who believed in and practised democracy, and it does work. Democracy, with all its weakness, is still the best sys tem devised. As I 'said once before, Goderich is fortunate in the new people who are coming here. They have been taking an active part in the com- r0unity and in service organiza- tions. It is encouraging to see so Many young men taking an -active interest in our municipal council. It was Gladstone who said, "The ftmrtinn of civic government is to make it easier to dn'right and dif- ficult to do wrong." I'm sorry 1 ean't tell you if I'm rtoing to' stand or not. If I do, I'll be glad to help the young men, and pass on any experience I've had. If I deckle. not to stand, I'll still he glad til help in any wny Tuna Yours truly, JOSTF. SAITNDERS. 'Bean' King` Heads County Soil Group 7kifae annual meeting of the Huron County Soil and Crap Im- provement Association at 'Amides- boro last week elected Sob Allan, JR. 1, Brucefiold, aS resident for, the coming year. W. Allan was named `~Sean King" at the Royal Winter Fair recently. ile succeeds Wiliam Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brussels, who was present- ed with a past .president's pin by a former president, Alvin Settles, P Bay4eId, Mr. Turnbull has been a director of the AssoEiatiin, since lits inception 12 years ago. !Other officials elected' were Del, Bert Geiger, R.R. 2, Zurich; Wil - lm Clark, RJR. b, Goderich, and Douglas Miles, Clinton, agriculture al representative for Huron Coun- ty, secretary -treasurer. )irectors from the W townships are John Taylor, Mr.'Geiger, 41.nson McKinley, Alan 'Wolper, Harry Dougall, ; + ob Allan, 'Norman Alex- ander, James Knight, Fred, Dottb- lee, Clarence Shaw, Ralph Foster, Bob Grasby,, Tom Webster, George Wheatley, Walter Forbes and William Clark. Guest speaker was Dr. ' W. E. Q��,as�ell� Ontario Arrieultu rap lege, (.ti.elpli, head Q;.1. ps drpi* Hent ,for tome eropc COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DEC. 11 'lion. W. *A, Goodfellow, _Ontario Minister of Agriculture, is schen dolled to he .guest speaker04at � annual meeting of the direetari of Huron County Federation of Agriculture. This meeting is to be, held at J.ondesboro on •December 11. The meeting will ,eominence with a banquet at noon. Directors will be present from 16 townships in the county. • 0. 0 for local delivery mail your parcels and cards on or before DECEMBER 17th. Be sure you have the correct posial address e. write or' print clearly. Pack your gifts in sturdy cartons, wrap in tough paper and tie securely with strong cord. Print address, and ,returp address too, both outside and inside parcels. Have your local Post Office weigh your parcel for correct postage. Check your Post Office for dates on • mail going to distant points. - A r •a 1 c •r• ..r . '..f SANTA CLAUS IS Coming To GODERICH Saturday, December 14 Hell be seeing you at the FIRE HAIL on EAST STREET at 2e30' P.M. CANDY FQR.,,,EVERYcWW Goderich Children and ALSO ALL CHILDREN from SURROUNDING RURAL AREA are invited. 4 #4 4�{_ �--. .5"��`+i ''';%C�'a= `r- ;a-� ; •. yrT� +a. �-!'*.zy'�M^"a ► \-440A ,"'R .�'►'"y ``+r ''•tom "w;. A-^ i"f. Cx ,rF}. C .u. . i!✓ cX.l`i' �°✓Y if ` �kr3sl'r e lr�r i i ••:a- :r` Sf "�y+""'a�#. 48-46 a