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The Exeter Times, 1890-10-30, Page 6
ssvirsvesssassuarvsienq For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all. Bowel Troubles, use 0 PERRY DAVIS' - I Used bout internally and externally. It acts qulekts,afferdling almost instant relief ereut the severest pain. BE SURE to GET TEE GENUINE 25o pet: bottle. ,-hlBleic111 E and FOQD COMBINED 1 b - IJL ION VF :.4fil.-u:FILIT,,0StaA Increase -ea Weight.8trerlgtkens Lungs and Nerves. Pelee See and $1.00 per Bottle. Ministers and Public Speakers use SPENCER'S Cbleramine Pastilles Fer Clearing and Strengthening the voice. Cure Hoarseness and Sareness of Throat. Price esc per bottle. Sample free en application to Druggists; TO MOTHERS P4L O TAR SOAP Ir Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet er Nursery. for cleaning the Scalp or .Skin. THE BEST BAY'S SOAP KNOWN. (i' Price Bee. I aysieians strongly recommend. 'p. e•,'s Malt Extract, " (Liquid) To patients suffering from nervous exhane. tient to improve the Appetite, to eater llt� gestic's, a valuable Tonic. AO Ceuta per 'bottle., The most satisfactory BZ:OOD YIIBIFIEA i$ Channings Sarsaparilla, It is ; Grand .E4114T11 RESTORER, will cure the worst form cf skin disease; xis a• ; ural Cutriati..0 still ti t e e 'til moo lila uw. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM gear• cONS ?SPTION, CV•ugbs, me -sleeted Gilds >arm>:ehitis, Ant= and all di.eases of the Lugs. it three sized tattles 25c, 50c, end ,$11.00. genlegeliggestrneere ' OR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, 1 r 1<S t^i^.-vg it 3 ,• ort t 3 T,.', '" ureters ,' sM! t.tr i aht. at ;ey Each plaster in an bis..tthilu tinter. 25c, DAMS S, LAWRENCE CO. Lim., MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents PER WEE OE TRU POPULAR. Proprietary or Pharmaceutical Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. ARE 16 ORME. LOVE STORIES, a a patham of coons worth two dopers to m'anuf•tcturc. and a larto 100p I'icturo rook, that will surely put you on the read to a handsome torture. Write quick, and send 5e. siivlr, to hely. ?pay pos. hive. Aleutian this parer. A. W. 3.Iii1ROtE":. T: trnionth, Uords °N iDDRS Runs Easy - NO BACKAC-'HE. 0 co :p( OOEBEAN. NV roe fo.• demi mire catalogue lintalntng testimonials fron,'aaudrnds or people aha ave valved Fran 4 to thcards daily. %5,000 now Success. Gil used. r 'i 9 Acene r n e a u' h re r b lz t w e there aeancy. A, NEW INVENTION or tong saws sent tree •itb each machine; by the use of tail tool everybody an me their own gaps now and du It bet ter than the reatest expert can without it. iteapted to all toss-cut:3.ms. Everyone who owns 8.'1%N -should ave one. No duty t o par; we manufacture in c• uiad.. A 4 our dealer or write~ FOLDING SA%F.NO, ]ret. HESE co., nos to Sit S. Canal St., CLleugo, I4 F O R Insect Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feet Soreness Chafincr Cata BYu_ Sp Boi Cuts Files Female Comp 'LJ � g gels �.� -s � o Bites Sunburn i n f l REFUSE SUBSTITUTES OEM/AO-MB TLS BAOES. "Will you introduce lne to that lady? z lfl c her Wee." Many year ago, in Scot- land, this was asked of a hostess one night, I when the evening circle were seat tet ed about i a dimming -room, and the man who spoke had not yet seen the lady's face. An in. troduetion followed—a friendship—n mar- rine. No doubt he was a most discrim- inating man and knew that there is a char- m:ter to backs. For that matter, our character comes out all over us, willing ol• unwilling, and even in our handwriting. Lnvater, who was so wondrous wise hr the looks of human- kind, sa'd that from a single finger we ought to be able to Ines it whole individual ; per• lisps we ought, but we seldom do, except in. noticing the difference between the finger of refinement and a nutmeg -grater like the fore -finger of the faithful Peg gotty. But the back—ah : thele i t the whole individual, an easy study—the whole of him, his figure and walk, hit shoulders moulded by the habits of his life, the carriage of the -lead, the wearing of tho clothing. Face to face we see the man as he desires to be seen by rs•behind 1, but h - his act.sv0t~1eh'tb* k list y surprise, and catch sight of his character. Follow the thoughtful man, as he wanders tlirougl. the streets, seeing' nothing: lie has polished his hat and tightened lits um- brella to the last degree, not because he eared for the polish and the tightness, but bemuse his mind was elsewhere while he risked brushing the nap off the hat and splitting the umbrella. While he walks, his Beall and shoulders bend ; of e knows that his eyes geek the ;round, just as one sees his feet huger upon at. In this manner it must have been that Macaulay walked in his famous night wanderings, when he traversed the London streets and saw noth- ing --•a contrast to Those other night walks of Charles Dickens, who -trod the same i streets, and saw everything, with ]read ch at'wttetistiaally bell 1,ae s and slightly to one side—an energetic observer, latherthtan a deep thinker. Very different from what we may call the refined and intellectual back. is the baek of the 1iraad and vulgar figure who struts least us as if lie owned the street, or, at, least, the foot -walk, where he takes up half the space between his striding Leet and his self-asser- tive umbrella. His glory is not in Iris mind or heart—but in his pockets.. He would be always conscious of his purse, even file had not his hand bulging out the pocket where it lives—of course, one knows by his back that the pocket as bulging with the proud possession of a fat parse, and the knowledge of the banking account, and of all he might, could, wouldand should do in the world. He holds theimpeaunious crowd in contempt, like the dust that he kicks before hila. He has a habit of sticking up for his rights ; even his collar sticks up, and his hair to correspond with his inner self, is bristling np, but that does not platter, for he can afford to wear a crooked" hat. • He thinks he can buy anything—from a picture, of which he knows nothing, to an elector, who knows nothing of him. At the front he might take us in—a hearty -looking -glad -to -see -yon sort of a man. ]3nt look at his back he struts like a barn -door cock—and the cock is a more estimable biped. The purse -proud man will never hand money out of that pocket for charity, mhless he is pretty sure that there shall be a print- ed list of subscribers. Not so the wealthy man who has a heart above gold. Look at hila—a back view—as he stands at a public meeting called together at some time of calamity or need. He is sure to be there. The big hands are only waiting -behind him to give freely, the broad back eel' bear a goodly share of others' burdens. The coat sits loosely, but uot more loosely then for- tune sits upon him—he.would slip it off for another's need,. His grey locks are unshorn ;. closeness of any kind is not in his nature ; and his bead bends to give plenty of time ahsd plenty of thought to all whom he could benefit. Such a man as this was once told that he had been giving to a rogue; and the answer was, " If he is a rogue, that was. his, own look-out—not mine'' In one souse very true t As for the back of the rogue himself, it is of infinitevariety. Ij there were oitlycnesort, we might all snake what soldiers would call a reconnaissance to the rear, and detect and. outwit hint.; but his name isLegion, There is the sharp dealer of the business world, who is remarkably spruce at the buck ; anal the adventurer of society, who can bow like the first gentleman ilk Ein'9pe; and ten thousand morevarieties, from the welsherou the turf up to the gentleman who ought to be a baronet, and who has lived for the last thirty }}ears upon that statement, and upon ehat.•itablyeollecting for the savages of Bor- t•iohoola, He could straighten his body if he liked, but his mind is fixed in curves of cunning. He and this principles are as crook- ed as wriggling eels ; be can press others to his will too as tie presses his cane to a curve' like Mimed. His spare form is not the thin bent back of tltestudent. The back of a book -worm is another kind of bend ---a curve to be re- spceted. Nor is it the stoop of old age. -Da se,uh ac iyAttt rejoicing at the sight of this severe back, for the lackless folks who lueve been obliged to look upon the other side of him I There are, indeed, many ba.clis that are more glad- ly seen than the torresponding bees. The baek of the bore is a, goodly tight ; while, on the other hand, when good-bye is grievous, how much precious regard is wasted on the dear cheraeteristie, well-known Leek, that never knows what loving looks went after `��� ! '•' "t'1 • Eggs for Eng'and. And this reminds usthat the haek is an In- A dispatch from Montreal says;--+"F-ras- dex of age as well as of 'diameter. The tus \\'itnan and J. Wilberforce Longley ean- sutallchild stands, a square, uprig ltt> atom trot Clown the Canadian hen, One mouth of humanity, The Juan grows straight to his ago Mr. tieorge Wait, of William street, a full height ; then his shoulders broaden ; verb estensivat exporter of eggs, forwarded then his shoulders coos forward, and his terlsngleud his first shipment of 120 eases, head goes down. Reis the dried and shrivel- containitlg 30 dozen each, and to -day the led leaf that bends towards itself, and t•nrls , firm received the returns. These eg surriv. to diminished size, before ittningles with the ' ed on the English market in quite as good dust of a vdnislted summer. . conflation as when they went out optic ship - But we must notgrowtuelancholy, though per's store, and they have netted, Mr. Wait we eau never see a simile at the back. Who the same price as naw quoted in Boston mid is this individual that conies shuffling by, 2 ew k ork. Of course the dealer itt question lcnockiughis knees, and dragginghis elms,tat unite juhilant about the first triumph of and losing his property front sheen inability the Canadian hen: over iter American foes, to remember that he has got it : There is and adds that, in response to cables, he `s an old saying, a sigultleaut one, to describe now shipping cOil cases to the same market.a man of weak character -•that he has "too Mr. 11 ait took a reporter into his collets, baekeuece n -situ." We are afraid there is where the process of packing was going on, and w1' r a walksn 1 while there the merchant stated that by 1 of u 'i who t tnudi bac. bo e I t the man k as if not quite sure Microbe isgoing to, who next year thue pI,ur1o1p0e,a"n tomcoarnkteitnwntol vbe ildro s his letters, and never cares tostraight- fnUyopened ett his shoulders. Follow him, and note how be able toive ;as much for eggs as before the Inc bat points backward ; and you know Mcliinleyghill came into force, and England from the angles to which he has set his bat w ill take all that Canadians can supply." and his whiskers that, seen front -face. Ins ;aspect is (to use the mildest word) not wise, The editor of the Montreal Tee 11 ittoss' wrote to an extensive dealer in produce in 1 Loudon relative to this matter and received the following reply: 33 Iiosut t rf Runt STAM:lir, Los.un', Se E. October 4, 1S9). '1'b the Beer qd' de ?"ria° 11`Sdfii-.4 : Ma DEAR Sin, --In reply_to your favor of eptentlle r :10, permit nae. In thanking you,1 to enclose a paragraph respecting the egg trade hese in London, I have been assocr, ated with the trade for the last 23 fears,1, bout here and in connection with our l rent h nt houses in Laigle France. I aconstantly handling goods (eggg si from France, Italy, Germany, I umeity, Russia, etc. Time oc- eupietl in transit of goods from itussia, is at least ten days, and as yours would reach its in less than that thue there is no doubt of their lkaing in good condition for sale here, and I can place any quantity weekly on the Loudon markets of Canadian eggs if sent fresh and properly packed. From samples of 14 eases(attaaditn eggs Which I placed in our market here the universal testimony of tae buyers places them an tut equality with the finest of our home products, and if goods of this character can reach. us properly packets and uniform in quality in regular and weekly cos i% nments, there is practically en unlimited, field for them, and a brilliant future before the scatters, as they will always command two prices. Some idea can be foraged of the capacity of this country for absorbing the products of other tatious by the enclosed c'tractrolatingto imports of eggs, butter and mat•� arine. In fact we could absorb all your Gausadian egg produce with thegreatest of ease, sothat yourpeople need not be alarmed about the effect of the Mc- Iiinley tariff: The principal things to be avoided aro bad .straw, loose and careless packing and handlingin transit. The straw best suited for packing is oat straw and husks, thoroughly dry and by no means to use barley straw. (Signed) J. G Cerise. The following is the extract referred to: and that, as a fashion -book once said, "the month is worn slightly open." Still, bo is a good-natured fellow, and by some instinct we read an his back that he has an ambition to beamusing. One is perfectly certain (htat the man with such e back sings comic songs;. equally certain that he never knows when people cease to laugh at the song Land begin to laugh at himself. One is glad for his own sake that there is some mirth iu the possess- or of those whisker -points and that hat set backward ; but it is weak spirit, of the M i- cawber ordor,and soon. dissolves in tears, The poor fellow would not be half bad, but he has "no backbone," and a sprightly, good- natured mollusc has apoor time of it up on the land among the vertebrate animals. But there is such a thing as having too much backbone ; and that i.s rather worse than having too little. When amen has too much backbone, his heart is not as people say, "in the right place ;" sometimes there is no room -in him fora heart at all. Now, there twosome men in whom force of char- acter is carried into the extreme, and be- comes hardness and habitual severity. They If the hall is overcrowded, you can see flim '' standing, never complaining of the lack of ii s• ��e: seats ; he is there for the comfort of others ; I s , Nee he forgets his own. He is a large -hearted ', man; and everything about him is large. BE SURE:TI�AT;BOTTLE WITH B B FPNRAPPER Lo on LIKETE�IS ' fa MANUFACTLjREfl ONLY 6Y POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY 76 FIFIR AA(E.,NEWyORK. are the ogres of the real world, : and there homes are dens. A severe back is a pleasant- er sight to see than a severe face. One does not care to be round at the other side. Itis not what we would cell the just and right- eously indigent back, which is straight encl. noble, a fine thing and a venerable. It is the bnlidog-shoulderedbaeltthat denotes the, domestic ogre. Ibis bald head 'shines ; one knows that in the front the veins are burst- ing,. •liis : moustache has; been twisted to sharpness by angry -fingers. His hands are; clenched or pushing mightily against his hard=sot knee ; he;.could strike, but . he . has too much pride for violence, and' his orders are harder than blows. The huge muscles of his back are to him what the big sinews and heavy make are to a bull -dog. He. has a habit of getting bis arm crookedly bent to his knee in self -restrained wrath, and it re- minds us of the bulldog's crooked legs. Odd- ly enough, in the pictures of ".David Cop- perfield, thattheexact an d observant author, approved, the tyrant schoolmaster Creakle invariably got into this position, with the crooked arm weighingheavily on the knee, and the other hand clenched. Great is the Twenty-one millions of pounds sterling s paid by England last year to continent- al countries for dairy produce alone. The butter and margarine nnported weighed over three million llundied weights and the cheese nearly two millions. The eggs amounted to eleven 'hundred mnillioi.s. .these immense quantities will probably continue to be im- ported until inland freight charges become reduced. At present it is cheaper to send packages to London from Belgiumthan from _rltttny parts of '2orkshire.—Lonclon Daily Wecce. y ' An Unique Funeral. The most Unique funeral on --record rias, that of Ezekiel Johnson, which took place in Breathitt County, Iiy. The deceased was a lad 13 years old, the son of Rev. Elisba Johnson. In. April, 1889, the boy was chis- i tised by his father and sent into the field to plow oats. In a shore time he was missed, i and was found hanging to it tree on the out- skirts of the field, having committed suicide in a fit of anger. A few days ago the funeral I was preached. Elaborate preparations for the ceremony had been made. The clothes worn by. the boy at the time of his de- ceased was stuffed, his shoes and hat placed in the proper position and this effigy was hung by the same rope to the same tree. In the presence of this spectacle the funeral .ceremonies were conducted. Over the grave of the lad, a short distance off, a little house was built, and on this was stretched a can- vas, upon which, in large letters, was print- ed a conversation with a sister justtpriot; to his death. The funeral services were continu- ed three clays, and the crowd present is said to have been the largest ever eonvened in the country. Jest at the 'close of the third day's services en affray occurred tri which Andy. Pa ever was shot'ihtl killed by Tom McIntosh. It being claimed by. one of the sternersex that pian was made first and lord of creation, the question, was asked by an indignant beauty how long he remained lord of eetea- tiott—;"Ti11,lhe got a wife," was the reply. White embroidered :dresses. ajioule,be washed through two clean, soapy waters, then rinsed through two clean waters and then through pale indigo water. Mark the word indigo, for if you use Prussian blue,. the dress will he yellow before spring. Then they should go through a very thin gumarabic water, this also slightly blued. Ds them in the hot sun, sprinkle, fold smooth- ly mooth ly and roll up' tightly over night. Next morning have ironed on the wrong side over a piece of flannel. In this way all the figures will be pressed' out ie hold relief and the gown look just as well as new. for infants- and Children!. •"OnStOriaissowelladavtedtoohildtenthat Canaria cures Golfe, CA)usti ,.tion,. treeRmraenditassuperiortoenppreseription sour Stomach, Dlarrhma, Et•uctateon, knovrtt to ince .17., A. Attcrt Mtt,vt D,, Mils Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dt,. 2 iia, Oxfltrd Si., B,`ooklyyn, N. T. Wethous injurious medication. Tag ensues Costasa-y, fl Murray Street, N. Y. ..ISR, W. H. . G RAH .M, 198 King Street + s tr ra.'aronto. Ont.= TIIEATS CHRONIC: - DISEASES—nnd gives Special. attention to SKCiN DISEASES, as Pimples, UUicert',ete. PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a .Private • Nature, as itnpotencs, Sterility, Yerieoeele, Nervous De, bility. etc., (the result of youtl<ful Lolly and excess,) "lest and Strieturo of long standing. DISEASES OF WOMEN --.Painful, Profuse or Sup pressed Menstruation. 1:7leeratiete, Iaencorrhtes, and, a of ice 1Ieurs...e two to s pent, Displacements et the. Weuib.. sanders, l u tn. to 3 pea. . GOING TO CALIFORNIA IFo tNI VIA TT•',t Santa fe Mout*. en, Stan plalon 1'uc�� 'Wed— 'a hu at Hutt .Tues !Wed Thur Fat ,Sus mon ;Toes ;'.' eai 1'ltur -F !'Sett rues t5. ed Thu 'Ft; :t,tV' Mnis 'Cues lived Ifhu •Fri Sat Mart b tele S. ' nes 1F t 'at S Weil Their n nn T N a t 1 ',Nun Fr! , Aro W Thur Fr- at n n i ed J Inir skis y kit 'Sun ',Mon i Weld (!g it) .._ .. f ': x p. Ar. Kangas Qat 1 ',len, t,. ut. Ar llutchinson,. , 3+t p. 01. Ar "Critakl til ....... .........15 a. In. 1 Ar. Las e -as..., . na- Ar. Alineierque. 1' 3'd is. in. Ar llarstuti. -. 11:45 a• tn. Ar.1 os Angeles ,. . 410 p m: At lion ,Ltiep.o, ,. = loors p, ta' You got the only line of doss s;li ears without change Chicago to Lo ig 11 el( aid on Fat hours time. rOFFICi ; t URIS 2� ULD.S'1', DETROIT, MUM GEO.Ji. tiIl.MAN,Passenger Agora RDIiVE OIL ; The Fanners Heavy Bodied Oil, made only by MOLL BROSI & CO., TQRONTO TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL. USE NO OTHER. MoCoiI's Famous Cylinder OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. At stir L€irdille. FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROa G�t� ��y teat Gr 4> 0(4. �c�� ( .„4,.„_,o,ra of , . % ote ,��� ,Cee GO © C' N •.tis '' .;tP* ,`tip., p;' ... O SO- , C la v' z t `y"s,v .- �Q, c ' ' • N'' Wit;etc -' i7 .r,tti GP e, �1, ��:� �4`i�' `Ota { ,,.•'6' 6 ` �g"a t+•°Ne, tic erA ,§"'' to 0, -, l,N`'e; Ott e, . 'e'Q KS ‘r e te O c' 1 P✓ 5 ti 0 O o •,. •\ C Idanuf.cturrd only 13' Monies iiolltway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 833, Oxford. Sir 01, Loudon. AV Purchasers should look to the Label on the Bores and Pots; If the addre,s is not 533, Oxford Street, Tendon, they are spurious. RIC ..: RDS: "apEOWBC (TRADE MARK REGISTERED Sold by all druggists. Solo Proprietor, H. SOROFII;LD, SeIiOOeld's Drug Store; ELar ST., TORONTO. Tile only itomedy which will por- manently cure Gonorrhoea, Meet, and all pi-ivate diseases, no matter howl ong standing. Wasloug and successfully used in French and English hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to cure the worst case. Price, $1 Every my sig - the la - other Those who have U tried o- ther remedies without avail will not be disap- pointed in this. per bottle. bottle bass nature o n bel. None genuine. Lm�g9 i51iay� and WOEiS Ie an quickly cure thein- selves of Wasting Vitality,• Lost uTnnhood, from youthful errors, etc., quietly at home, Book on all. private diseases sent tree (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over SO years' experience. Address-• GILDED IPILL CO., TOtOi tTCD, Canada. LADIES cur'11.0,5forwomen" fasateandalwayo renablel batter than Insures regularity. er Pennyroyal PIOr. Insures tognlaricy. Pend for particulars. -Address GTL9ED 11LL CO. TORCO14*TO, -Canada. -- a. •E0Q1 bRatdDoS FO IRn 8O1E0160 oramiiontgoet1lnocotbirdd ?: greatest' ehievement.modern B iltosowos.mess darful'd,acetcry' of tlto ugd. Like no other proparftuott1 Magical, euro, almost instantaneous in acpant nelep, LII wltlskcrst Bald head, ",rredtr° Elusions et, amerce, but '.pogIabUlan,._Only action. esrarande i ed. Pric, and bottle, to -give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Prise e1 a bottle,," or three bottles for 50. Each liottteImam one month. Achim,'A. DIXON, Bos- 805, TOEUNTO,' CANADA. - - MUM CIOVINNINI'S POEPIIl TIONS, . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR e1 preparation that will permanently remove superfluous hair without injury to the skim warranted.: Price 51. PIMPLES ADD BLACKHEADS permanontiy renoveu la from le to 80 days. Warranted. 'Price for 80 days tNatment, A tl-CORPULENCE PILLS Pwhoa 9ntibod Dint is matter of solicitude Whether because it is ,. •�. freebie or unfashionable—FAT POLES using ' Aa.' i OitPULEN CE 11558' 10116 1e lha n month. They cans, no sickness; contain no poison, and never fail. Price for one Iron. lt.'s treatment, 52; Cr three months medicine. 55 warranted. COMPLEXION A1I U'WAFERS: GIOVANNANI's-., develop 1 An8PermatL•+ Meech the skin, tet. p rbcs form, . Harmless. t 0 'permanent a• ^ ret. warranted. Price 51 a brut. or. six Luxes for 55. Hddrece BBAT AnZ>i. GIO'CpA 3dILTANL Ilk 290 Icing Street West aoront0,, €Ptd, Exeter Biuterier Shop R•DAii ISt - Butcher 8s, General Dealer —IN aLL- RINDS \TEATS astomerssupplied TUESDAYS, THURS AYS IND SATURDAYS at their :esidene ORDERS LEFT AT THE. SHOP WILL itE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. NASAL BALIM A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the .Head and Catarrh L"y in all its stages. CbLO INot C41EAO;� - 'E' �yc t SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Pbroianent Cur,', Failure Impossible, Many so-called d'seases are simply symptoms of - Catarrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell, for l breath, hawking and spitting, 'n of debility, etc. If you are senses, general fee ing y, iroubl ed with any of these or kindred symptoms, you 'rave Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring t bottle of NASAL. BAI,M. Be warned in time teglected cold in head results in Catarrh, follower- ' 'i- consumption and death. NASAL BALM is sold by .11 druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of ;rice (so cents and $r:oo) by addressing FULF(3R9 & GO., Gnomon's GNTL Besvarc of imitations similar in camp. ;