HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-05, Page 12' 41 i «day aeon is evadElne qQe Cataza�IUilad Ads, Civil Oaf Or Des$a S5eq 11Qe for each eddittQQaaal Una. 2Se extra for office box number. U. For Sale (General) a THE ES1 BUY IN USED pliances, see SHORE AI' - P CES, can the Square. Your Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent for GN1t money orders. -12tf AND USED RI FRIG1f1tA- TORS, ranges, washing mach - es, dryers, home air conditioning. Best prices, low terms, good trade allowances. See LUMBYS, 39 St. David street, Goderich. -19tf NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS AND spreaders; used spreaders; Fox Forage -harvester with hey pickup and corn nose; used Oliver corn - picker, goat, condition; used M. -M. 69 combine; Purina Chows. Leave eggs for collection by Golden Glow. GEO. WRAITH, . Montreal street, phone 1285. 1)0 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP- PING early. Use the convert ient lay -away plan at Blackstone Furniture. Hygienic :uppnes (rfibder geed, m..iled postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 9), Hamilton, Ont. n• 'S BROWN WINTER COAT, size 8-10; girl's navy and grey tweed loose fitting coat, size 16; girl's figure skates, size 2; boy's grey -blue tweed sport coat, size 14; boy's navy station wagon coat with grey fur collar. All articles in ex- cellent condition. Phone 818J evenings. 47x ROY'S SIDEWALK BICYCLE, IN good condition. Phone 879J. -47 GOOD ,BALED . HAY AND BALED straw. DON HAMILTON, phone 652 r 12. ,47-3x IRL'S FIGURE SKATING skirt, size 12-14, black taffeta with red satin lining and red trim on skirt. Never been worn, rea- sonable. Phone 616. -46tf ,'tillUSTIMAS TREES, SCOTCH pine, many sizes. May be seen at LLOYD PICOT'S, 149 East street, after December 11. 48-49x FuEvEN Carrots containers. der street. THE GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR R THURSDAY, 1D liaM 5th, A9S`? NT ADS Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25c extria B oafs not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of pubioa Bien 5 ( l 1RL'S WHITE FIGURE SKATES, R size 5. Phone 9ti9J. -48 1, " SUNBEAM DRILL, ALL AT- TACHMENTS T- TAC 1ENTS and carrying case, new •condition, reasonably priced. Phone 1508 after 5 p.m. 48x STRAPLESS FORMAL WITH NET T overskirt and lace jacket, white, size 18, like new. Very reasonable. May be seen at 107 Britannia road, vv. 48x :STUDENT'S DESK, WITH shelves (limed green). "Phone 445. • 48 WHITE FIGURE SKATES, SIZE 4, nearly new; also portable electric sewing machine, Singer, $25.00. Phone 919. -48 )DOLL AWAY BED, SPRING MAT- TRESS, in good condition. 48x Phone 554. 111E -MALE COCKER SPANIEL, very attractive, housebroken, good with children. Phone 22 r 12, Dungannon. -48 3} SIZE BED, SPRINGS AND mattress, in good shape. Phone 1029M. -48 16 GAUGE SINGLE SHOT GUN, H. and R., recoil pad; also quantity of shells. Phone 241. 48x �1 EFSE, DRESSED OR LIVE. MRS. CHESTER BEATTIE, K.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 530 J 1. 48x ELECTRIC TRAIN AND TABLE. Transformer and accessories. ED. VINCENT, phone 950W. -48 'WILLIS UPRIGHT PIANO, 40 inches high. GEO. B. CLARKE, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 84. -48 I)EGISSPERED GERMAN SHEP- HERDS, IE - HER.DS, champion blood lines. Special Christmas prices. HURON VIEW KENNELS, _ Don Campbell, Biyfield,, Ont. 48x I'PRIGHT PIANO, CHEAP FOR quick sale. MRS. WM. LITTLE - CHILD, 41 Essex sfreet. 48x TURKEYS FOR SALE. ' FRESH dressed for Christmas delivery. QUART BASKET OF .Pleas order before December 16. 55c, bring your owii VV `P 1LEY. TURIC Y FARM, V. GIBSON, on Wid- phone Dungannon 77 r 8, -48 48-49x (1HESTFRI'ZELD, WALNUT COF- 1'EE table, and at? t1q e love seat. Phone 815 M 3. -48 I)ULLETS, 150 RHODE ISLAND Red, six months' old, starting to lay. ARNOLD LAMB, R.R. 4, Goderich.v 48x BATHROOM SCALES, ONLY $7.95.. RECORD PLAYERS, ONLY $23.50. Has 4-s,peedssetwin needles, own .ampliKer, in carrying case. LADIES, IF YOU NEED A NEW washer right now, don't worry. Trade in your old one on a new Westingh w ,at only --$10 a month and no payment ' t'il"19e,et year. 30" WESTINGHOUSE AUTO- MATI•C electric range o n 1 y l $224.95 with your old stove. No money 'til after New Year's. Get your new stove now4.for the holiday cooking. CLOCK RADIOS —, ONLY $47.50. IF YOU'RE THINKING OF A TV set for Christmas, why not drop down and see us. You can have a new 21" set ,for only $10.00, down and no payments 'til Janu- ary. IF YOU'RE FREEZING TO DEATH trying to get your clothes dry in this weather, why not take a look at an Automatic clothes dryer. We have a peach of a model for only $159.95 and it's a Westinghouse at that. Phone 466 -for- a demonstration. Will pick your clothes up and have them back in less than ati hour and you won't even have to iron a lot of the items. IRONS KE'reLFS VACUUM CLEANERS FLOOR POI-ISHERS M1XE'1'1'FS RADIOS TOAS'1'N HIS FRY PANS LADIES' ETeFX'TRTC SHAVERS MEN'S -ELECTRIC RAZORS DON'T SAVE YOUR SI. MPS. SAVE your dollars—Drop down Hamil- ton "street and see us. 'WI.LP EINHAR'1"5 Radio Service CHRISTMAS TREES AT THE Greenhouse, Bruce street, all sizes, $2.00 and up; also budgies, cages, goldfish and supplies. GODERICH FLOWERS, phone 105. -48- 1B. Real Estate HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER New Frame Bungalow This new home contains three bedrooms, each with clothes clos- eta, Jelescpiece bathroom, large liv- ing room, fully modern kitchen with eating area, built-in cup- boards, and counters, full, dry base- ment, oil -fired, forced -air furnace end laundry tubs. See this one today. MALCiPLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE `?_ A new small house in nice cen- tral location. Oil furnace, good sized rooms, *well constructed, $8,750.00 A very well maintained brick home iu first-class north end loca- tion. Three bedrooms, large living room, new oil furnace, garage, prompt possession. One of the best in new one -floor, three-bedroom houses in excellent district. All of the newest fea- tures. Ask for particulars. MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone USW Insurance Agenk Real Estate Broker Wartime house with attached garage, choice location, has large living room, modern kitchen, din- ing room •or bedroom and bath- room downstairs, two bedrooms up- stairs, low down payment and low monthly payments. Two Storey White Brick Located two blocks• from Square in the east side of town, this home hag large living room, dining room and semi -modern kitchen on first Iloor, three bedrooms and three- piece bathroom on second floor. Heated ,by converted oil -fired hot air furn~acre Large lot and garage. Modern three bedroom home, liv- ing room, dining room, large size kitchen, three bedrooms and bath upstairs, sun porch, hardwood floors throughout, trimmed in beau- tiful gum wood, venetian blinds included, high dry basement with forced air oil heat furnace, fenced hi' landscaped lot, only $2,000 down, ,will handle. A two-story red brick home, four lovely bedrooms, hot air oil heat- ing, two garages, excellent locat.on, priced 'for quick sale. Income Properties (a) Red brick duplex, each apart- ment has two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and three-piece bath- room. Automatic oil -fired, hot air furnace. Garage, excellent loca- tion near business section. Full price $12,500. Down payment only $2,500. (h) Frame duplex with ,upper and lower apartments eacli�"'con- taining two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath- room. Good state of repairs. Heated by hot air furnace with bin stoker. Exc^llent location near schools. On Huron road, partly furnished,, three-bedroom home, all on one floor, with double garage, only $3,800. In locality between Goderich and Auburn, 65 acres 'of land, large house and an extra large barn, only $4,000.00. Well-equipped self -serve grocery and meat business in industrious town on main business section, real money maker, large turnover, low rent. I11 health reason for selling. 59 Acre Farm—Soufh of Godc.rich This farm which has large barn, partially completed house -and 59 acres of land has been drastically reduced in price for quick sale. See fit now. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED Phone 766; i Hamilton Street ,God"erich Lots. Stores. Income properties, Cottages. T_ fuying or selling contact JOHN BOSVELD - Real Estate. Broker 40 Wellesley Srreet, ,Goderich Phone 1108. Salesmen: Geo. McGillivray, Lucknow Joe McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld THRLE BEDROO('M COTTAGE, all facilities, new Timken oil furnace, very gentral location, im- mediate possession. Phone 8 dur- ing days or 1174W evenings. -48 LIIX-ROOM HOUSE, WASHROOM ' upstairs, bathroom off kitchen, real working man's home. Can be seen through Wednesday after- noons or Friday evenings. 44 St. Patrick street, 48x 2. Real Estate Wanted HAVE A CLIENT WHO WILL pay cash for a one -floor' modern home. • I( you want to sell, call JOHN BOSVELD, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley -street, Gode rich, phone 1108. -48 • WANTED.—LISTINGS OE PRO PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold MALCOLM M.ATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode rich. Phone 115W. -121f 1 Classified Ads On Cash Basis 5 lines or less 50c Each additional line, 10e Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NOON of week of publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver. tisemont for bookkeeping expenses, �, X ERIIENCED STENOGRAPH- -" ER as secretary tee general manager of progressive manufac- turing company. .'Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars' in own hand and salary desired to BOX 42. SIGNAL -STAR. ;48-49 LIKE TO SELL ? We require two aggressive men to enroll new members in this area. Experience an asset but not essential. We are Ontario's fore- most Motor Club and we offer an opportunity for better than aver- age earnings and real future secur- ity. Area supervisor to be appoint-. ed in near future. Inquiries invit- ed also for part-time salesmen and women. Write to BOX 817, Lon- don, Ontario. -48 SELLL'\IG YOUR PROPERTY ? List where you obtain the best results. List today with HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broke? 38 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 766. 3. Agents Wanted NEED EXTRA MONEY? We need women to sew by hand or machine, ready -cut baby ,shoes, sparetime or fulitime at home! Also men or women to address envelopes and prepare letters for mailing. Simple, easy, profitable homework. For information send a stamped adressed envelope to: SHE!PPARD , AGENCIES 693AB Cordova St., Winnipeg, Man. -48-51 5. Employment Wanted DUTCH GIRL WANTS HOUSE- WORK by the hour. Phone 815M3. 48 'WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connec- tion with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write RAWLFJIGH"S DEPT. L216-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. -48 6. Wanted (General) Bazaar and Bake Sale, December 7, 2 p.m. at Larder's ,Paint Shop, sponsored by the Kinettes. -47-48 Bazaar, Tea and Draw for prizes feature St. Peter's CWL Christmas Fair, on Saturday, December 7, at MacKay Hall. Tea, party'and prac- tical aprons in all sizes and colors; knitting and many other articles. Tea from 2.30 to 5 p.m. Draw at 5 p.m. See Christmas cake at Music Shop. Fancy work, etc., at Lodge Furniture Store end at Worsell's Hardwares Shire from December 4. -48 The Ahineek Chapter, IODE, will meet at the home of Mrs. Robt. Johnston, 32 Waterloo street, S., on (Monday, December 9„ at 3 p.m. -48 General meeting of , Canadian Cancer Society will be held this Friday evening in the Town Hall at 8 o'clock. President Fred Sturdy to explain work of the unit. Everyone, welcome. Refreshments. -48 OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31kc lb., and dead cantle at value. If dead, phone' at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col-. Iect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1 -ltf FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY required for clients on good town and, farm properties. .Will pey 61/2-7 percent. Reply in con- fidence to HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Broker, phone 760 'Goderich. -48-4 WANTED TO B'UY. - LARGE size Ottoman, in good condi- tion. Phone 567J, 5.to 7 p.m. 48x 4. Delp Wanted EX'PERIENCEI) FURNITURI? finisher, including hand rub- bing, polishing, and spraying. If you are interested in stead.y - em- ployment under goad working con ditions, 4ii.e us giving FULL de- tails i age, work history, etc. All '`replies treated confidentially. BOX 41, SIGNAL -STAR. -47 48 "SPEEDY" SPED SAYS• N �wirwf iiit!��++w+tf by SAMIS MOTORS "Sure we haver Christmas Gifts. Everything from car accessories to used cars and 1958. Pontiacs and Buicks." - `MYDMICH 1..4 ONTA .1 V 4.44 7. To Rent MAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a floor poo isher and vacuum ^leaner from SHORE APPLIANCES, on the Square. o -35tf TWO HEATED APARTMENTS, three rooms and bathroom, self- contained, back and front entrance. Phone 90. Evening 32$, or Camp- bell's Drug Store. -43tf TYPEWRITERS — PORTABLES and standards. SKEO('H OF FICE SUPPLIES, phone 611, Gode rich. -36tf STORE FOR RENT, 15 X 24 FEET. L_ $25 a month. LES. CHAPMAN, 222 East street. Phone 154. . 4 -36tf' APARTMENT, THREE ROOMS ' and hath, unfurnished, ground floor, pperivate entrance, Essotane gays rant!e supplied. Phone 783W. 46 .TITE �IIE I E. "r HOUSE.—FRIENDLY home away from home. Furn- ished rooms with kitchen privil- eges. Reasonable rates. Phone 332 or 1570. -47 GDCI Bazaar, Bake Sale and Tea on Saturday, December 14, at School Auditorium from 2 to 5 p.m. -48 See Goderieh Pavilion ad for December. dancing schedule., - --. -48-51 Annual Bazaar, Bake Sale a41d Tea, sponsored by W.A., Victoria Street United Church, on Saturday, December 14, at 2 p.m., in church parlors. 'Mitts, aprons, Christmas puddings and fruit cakes and novel- ties to delight children and adults. A warm welcome awaits you. -48-49 'HEATED, SELF-CONTAINED, 2 - BEDROOM apartment, choice location, rent $55. JOHN. BOS- VELD, realtor, 40 Wellesley street. -47 TW() FOUR -ROOM APART- MENTS, built-in cupboards, newly decorated. Phone 328. -47 FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, share bath. 160 Eldon street. 48x . THREE-ROOM APARTMENT,• heated. furnished or unfurn- ised, reasonable ref}t. Phone 570. -48 10. Briefs 11. Auction Sales AUC'fI0 N SALE AT McLI)L, LAND Sale -tarn, Bervie, on Friday afternoon, December 6, at 2 p.m. Usual number of fresh and springing Holstein, Ayrshire and Jersey cows and heifers, also some due later; open and bred heifers and few calves. Lunch counter. Deliver in clos- ed trucks for $3 a head. Cows and heifers due later are selling very reasonably. P.S.--Want to buy straw? -48 AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE, tHplstein cows and heifers at lot 14, concession 2, Stanley Town- ship, 11/.j miles west of Brucefield, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th at 1.30 p.m. 45 head of Holstein cows and heifers, fresh and close springers due in December and January; number of registered cows; 10 open Holstein heifers; number young calves. Cattle are all vaccinated. Sale will„ be held under cover. TEMS—CASH. D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS, Proprietors. HAROLD JACKSON, 48- Auctioneer. Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank 'truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone '98. -39tf Wilson's Delivery Service, agent for Bruce Dry Cleaners. Free pick- up and delivery. Rugs cleaned 10e sq. ft. Phone 1177W. -35tf Come to Johnnie's Place, 192 East street; known as the `Atlantic Ave. of Goderich." Used furniture of all descriptions; also some beautiful antique furniture in wal- nut, cherry and mahogany; wash- ing machines; refrigerators; elec- tric stoves of all kinds; coal and wood ranges; Quebec heaters; coal or wood annex; also some good oil heaters; also two good . "Warm Mon -ling" heaters; bicycles, and other articles too numerous to mention. 'We buy. We sell. Noth- ing too big. Nothing too small. 47-48x Phone 535 Goderich and ask about having your car tires deskid- ded for safe winter driving. Bridge End Service, Saltford. Your Dun- lop Dealer. 47x FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, heated, frig. and electric stove. 43 North street. 48x APARTMENT, TWO`B'EDR00MS, modern kitchen, self-contained. Available December 10. Phone 1034N. 48x ROOM, SUI'PABLE FOR TWO men, twin beds. 153 Light- house street. 48x 9. Coming Everts Euchre -and "5O0" party at L.O.L. Hall, Hamilton street, each Theirs- -day evening at.8 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. Good przes. 45tf The ('hristm •G 1nertine of North Street Evening Anxili'ry will be held et th- h -nn' of Mrs. R W. 1ln;►hr's, Wednesday. December 11, at 8 1 5. 48 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS at lot part 9, 8th concession-, W.D., Colborne Township, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER llth at 1 p.m. The following: Three-piece chesterfield suite; Karn piano (upright); writing desk; trilight lamp; settee; hall rack; sofa; one rug; pictures; curtains; 3 small tables; 4 kitchen chairs; 3 bedroom suites with mattresses; Beatty washer; McLary refriger- ator (nearly new); Quebec heater; brooder stove; colony house; range shelter; sealers; dishes, and various other items. TERMS OFF SALE—CASH. Pro- perty is -sold. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. MRS. WM. SALLO1WS, 47-48- -- Proprietress. 14. In Membriam Time is running short. Make your appointments now for Christ- mas photographs. MacLaren's Studio,, 196 St. David's street, phone 401. 44tf • Do your Christmas shopping early. Use the convenient Lay- Awas-Plan at Blackstone Furniture. 44 FREE WATCH! FREE WAT('II! Do your Christmas shopping at ,Filsi•nger's Jewelry and Gifts and receive a lucky draw ticket with every $1.00 you spend. Ladies' or Gents' Bulova Watch valued at $59.50 will be drawn for on Christ- mas Eve. -45tf Don't delay. Have your tires de - skidded at "Bridge End Service," phone 535, Goderich. $2.50 each passenger sizes. 47x We now have in stock the very latest in high grade German made ZEISS IKON Cameras, also Projec- tors, Light Meters, etc. Mac - I ,AREN'S STUDIO. -47tf Religious goods, Picture framing, edding Bibles and Prayer Books ''M,4cLAREN'$ STUDIO. -47tf Now is the time to replenish your stock of counter check books, restaurant pads, etc. Call at The Signal -Star Office and leave your order now. -47 The Signal -Star for one year makes a thoughtful gift,for Christ- mas—one that is enjoyed 52 weeks of the year.. Gift cards mailed, if desired. Subscriptions to maga- zines may also be_ left here. Com- plete your Christi Cas gift list by calling at Th. Signal -Stas` - fflce. r,-47 Watch for the opening of the new barker shop on Hamilton street on Tuesday, December 10, operated by Jim Thorneloe who has just completed a course at Windsor Barber School. 48-50x January half-price sale in De- cember. "Great says on our complete line of Chrisfmate cards in time -for this year's giving. All at half price. iFilsinger's Jewelry and Gifts.-4€i-4 Be sure and shop at III. 0. Jerry's for your 'Christmas toys and a wide selection of suitable gifts. -48-50 BALKWLLL.—In loving memory of our dear little : girl, Margaret Lynne,•who passed away sudden- ly in Winnipeg, one year ago .December 6, 1956. Sweet, little flower of heavenly birth, She was too fair to bloom on earth, And, oh, the wrench, an angel came And took our dear child home. —Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by Mummy, Daddy and Anne. 48x ERAIDSHAW.—'In loving memory of our sister, Barbara Bradshaw, who passed away December 8, 1956. • You are not forgotten, sister, Nor ever will you be, As ;long as life and memory lasts, We will remember thee. —Ever remembered by brothers and sisters. -48 MITCHELL.—In loving memory of Samuel Mitchell, who passed away December 6, 1956. It is not the words, They are but few; It's the loving thoughts We keep of you. —Always remembered by his family. 48x See the selection of hats for the holiday season at Miss MacVicar's Nfillinery, Kingston street. -48 — SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HONEY SPICE CAKES oa• FREE DRAW for Children and. Adults, See our window display. 'fry Culbert's FRUIT OAHD --- light or dark available. ALSO Christmas Shortbreads, Macaroons, Date Porcu-, pines, Small Cookies for Christmas Parties, etc. CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" FRITH. To the many friends who- so ho-so thoughtfully remembered me flowers with cards, letters and fi o while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, may I express my sincere thanks. MRS. WILMA FRITH. SQN[S �-I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to the many friends for their kind consideration dur- ing my recent stay in the hos- pital and special thanks to the nurses of the hospital, Dr. W. Watters and Stiles Ambulance. BOB SIMS. -48 16. Engagements Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph Finleon, R.R. 2, Lucknow, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, IM.ary Agnes, to Eldon Eugene Austin, son of Mr. Frank Austin and the late Mrs. Austin, of R.R. 7, Lucknow, the wedding to take place on Saturday, December 28, at St. Augustine R.C. Church. 48x SPAIN. --In loving memory of John Willard Spain, who passed away December 4, 1956. There is no time that we could set For parting. We who must remain Are never ready for such pain. Even our prayer would be: "Not yet! Not yet, .dear God—another . day With us let our beloved stay." We must believe, when falls the blow That, wisely, God has willed it so. —Ever remembered by Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sisters. 48x 15. Cards of Thanks 18. Births FULLER.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 3, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Ronald Fuller, Goderich, a daughter, Desiree Anne. HAMILTON.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on November 28, 1957, -to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton, R.R. 2, Goderich, a son, ,Donald Richard. HIGGINS. —,At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 3, -1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Higgins, Goderich, a daughter. • MITCHELL. --At Western Hospital, Toronto, on November 29, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell (nee Helen Montgomery), Tor- onto, a daughter, Leslie Jean. MIITCHJNSON.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on December 2, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitch- inson, Goderich, a son, Jack McGregor. MOORE.—At Public Hospital, Clin- ton, on November 30, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, R.R. 4, Goderich, a son, Stephen Paul. ALTON. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends, as well as the Lucknow Fire Bri- gade, who assisted them in so many ways during their recent fire. They would like to thank also the ladies who brought food and helped clean up the debris in the house. -48 CLARK. ----It is in times of stress and strain that a nation makes its greatest progress. Thus, it is when we are suffering severe illness that. our friends come for- ward with sincere wishes for re- covery. As I am pretty much a bed -patient yet, it is impossible for me to write cards of grati- tude to my many friends who sent get -well cards and letters and flowers. So I ask them to accept my sincere thanks. Es- pecially am 'I grateful, to the Hos- pital Staff, including the highly esteemed matron, Mrs. Easter, who showed special interest in my case; and also to my highly esteemed physician, Dr. Harold Taylor. In deepest gratitude, HELEN -M. CLARK, -48 FOWLER. -41 wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent me cards, gifts and flowers and to those who visited me during my recent 111; Jess at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Special thanks to Dr. Pr. 11. Taylor and Mrs. Dorothy Easter for their kindnes s. PLUMING HEATIN MRS. 1F)WAiU) FOWLER. pmONi 808W or 3 19: Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of John Robertson, late . of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 16th day of November, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 14th day of December, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 20th day of Novem- ber, 1957. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 4749- Solicitor for the Estate. LL PERSONS TrAVING CLAIMS ase. against the estate of Richard Wright Hoy, late of the Village of Walton, in the County of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 25th day. af---.Naeem required to file the sante with full particulars with the undersigned by the 21st day of December, 1957, as after that date the assets of the: estate will be distributed. HAYS and PREST, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, 48-50- Solicitors for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND • OTHERS In the Estate of JENNI;E LONG, late of the Township of Colborne,. in the County of -Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate' are required to for- ward particulars duly verified to the undersigned by December 28th, . 1957, after which date the assets Of the estate will be distributed. 'DONNELLY & DOINNELLY, . 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Per&Anal Representatives. -48-50 20. Public Notice RON GLAZIER WISHES TO AN- NOUNCE that he has taken over the delivery service of his - late father, Russel Glazier, Reli- ance eliance Petroleum Gas • and Oil for town and district customers. Phone 819.- 47-49x 1'4HF' GODERICH FIGURE SKAT- ING KATING Club regretfully announces that due to circumsthnces -beyond its control it is unable to continue in operation this season. 48x. 21. Business Notice RID BULLEN'S CABINET SHOP, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kitchen cupboards and furni- ture repairs. Saw sharpening. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -38tf REID'S UPHOLSTERING, 51k hAMJLTON ST. THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE—WE HAVE COVERINGS OF ALL KINDS AND COLORS TO SUIT YOUR FURNI- TURE —CHESTERFIELD, SOFAS, CHAIRS, ETC., CORRECTLY DONE—PHONE 1536J. -22t1 CARPENTRY, BUILDING, RE- MODELLING, EMODELLING, dealer in Die . s pumps, water softeners, bathr s fixtures, plumbing of all kin. •, steel roofing. FRANK McMICHAEL, 'phone. Carlow 1108. 10-13x (WOR ALL YOUR INS`UR.ANCF COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY - TEI.EVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) -11tf JOSS MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE located in Huron Automotive and &,apply blinding on Huron road. Phone 1415. Same service as always. -16ti stosffisliersiimiammmisr Other Classified O Ads on Page 7 A CHRISTMAS GIFT ;_' For The Whole Family Pleasure for Years Ahead SERVICE ELECTRIC -s- WIRING VICTORIA or. .