HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-05, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5t$a, 1957 THE TT H v**■■ PP � rtgv M • 'Goderich .. Junior Cbormber of Commerce Urges You to. 'Vote As Yolit Please, Bum P-L-E-�►►,-S-E VmOT.mE 0fl'_M0NAY, OBITUARY JACO YOUNGBL`UT Mrs. George James, Palmerston street, has received word of. the death of her brother, Jacob Young- blut, at his home at Highland Creek on Tuesday. eceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eckardt Youngblut, of Auburn, and was born there 73 years ago. He had Worked in Ooderich for some time before en - 11 listing with, tho 161St battalion and served with it during World War 1. Mr. Youngblut is survived by his wife . nd one son, Everett, of Bri- tish Columbia, one brother, Ezra, of Hamilton, and fouriters, Mrs. Emmett Dennis, of Blyth, Mrs. George Jaines, of Cioderich, Mrs. C. Lloyd, of Aberdeen, S. Dakota, and Mrs. Evelyn Zeigler, of Gode- lcich. A niece, Mrs. Margaret Williams, attended the funeral on Friday at Highland nereek. SUNDAY SERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH December 8 -2nd. Sunday in Advent 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. ' 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. .MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., I.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Ch©,irmaster, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. WHITE GIFT SERVICE. Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. C.G.I.T. VESPER SERVICE. REV. A. E'.'EUSTACE; B.A., Minister MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. • KnoxPresbyteriall • REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister 'MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Preis* 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING' WORSHIP—"The Golden Rule." (Nursery and Junior Congregation). 4 p.m. - AFTERNOON SERVICE—The Annual White Gift Service. NO•EVENING SERVICE. A Friendly Welcome Awaits You COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. BETHEL PENTEOOSTAL TABERNACLE Elgin Ave. at Waterloo St. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES DEC. 3rd To DEC. 15th MISS ELLA PARMENTER and MISS PHYLLIS MASON PLAN NOW TO HEAR TALENTED LADY EVANGELISTS SINGING AND PREACHING THE FULL GOSPEL. TUESDAY TO FRIDAY SERVICE 8 P.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 11 a.m. SPECIAL—SUNDAY NIGHT— 7.30 p.m. "FROM CABARET TO CALVARY" (Miss Parmenter will give first part of personal life testimony). A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. REV. R. J. GREEN (Pastor) -s cl Railroad building and mining development forma a haud ire-h:Ind partnership across Canada as great new;mineral fields continue to be discovered and new rail lines fan out to bring the valuable metals or their concentrates to market. In nine yeF rs Carnauiau National Railways has opened eight uew branch lines from itritish Columbia to the Maritime Provinces to meet increasing con- sumer demand, two of them within a recent two- week period. One of these ,extends 161 miles between Chibougamau and Beattyville in Northern Quebec, and the other joined the Heath Steele Mines in New Brunswick across 22 miles to the CNR net- work at Bartibog. When he officially opened the line at Chibougannau, CNR President Donald Gordon received a key to the town from the mayor. Indians of the Montanee Tribe in full regalia also showed up to welcome the visitors. At Heath Steele, N.B., Mr. Gordon paused to read the inscription on the last spike before driving it into the tie to officially mark the completion of the line. Mr. and Mrs. W. Marsh and Mr. and Mrs. McLville Bell, Norman and Nancy attended the 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mogridge of Auburn on Sunday. tending University in Chicago, 11- Mr. James Jackson, who is .at - KEITH CUTT linois, spent the past week-en4.the American Thanksgiving holiday, LODGE W with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. C" Jackson and Martha. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU TO THE GREENWAY CRUSADE TONIGHT (THURSDAY), FRIDAY (FAMILY NIGHT). SUNDAY and MONDAY (Week nights at 8 o'clock). - Victoria Street United Church "WORSHIP IS MAN AT HIS BEST" 10 a.m. 'Sunday School and Adult Class. HOLY COMMUNION AND RECEPTION 11 a.m. VICTORIA ST. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH. "THE COMMUNION IN CHRISTMAS" 7.30 p.m. BENMILLER C.G.I.T. CANDLE -LIGHT SERVICE. This for the day replaces afternoon church. MINISTER: REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.B. MUSIC DIRECTOR: MR. FRANK BISSETT. INDECISION . caused this fatal accident LOCATION: Rural intersection, • nr. Orilla 4:15 p.m. ROAD SURFACE 1 Gravel. Dry RESULT: One killed. One slightly injured `:v -0,./+..r . .. . , n•• t •` Y >. r • •• .. •.•;....,, r 'tkjt. r�'v is'ScZ?„ �'�'r ax.•... -"'r.'�,l�; '-.:',<w..�.aL6i. �L• lvf'.iC� S. - .�i w�' vr.�.i{Gfi.uh4yiU.::•..:'.:v: rw ?rii.'n.rn 2•:?lf:{•i,�Gj;.`iu The car on the right approached the intersection and slowed down, _ pparently to wait until the other car had passed. But, suddenly, the driver changed her mind and began to accelerate ... no doubt thinking she had "tinge to cross the intersection. The other driver braked immediately, but couldn't stop in time. His car slammed into the other broadside. The indecisive driver died in hospital. Indecision has been the cause of many serious and fatal accidents. Remember this every time you drive. • 1 Additional Classified Ads 21. Business Notice Keith Cutt was installed as Wor- shipful Master of Maitland Masonic Lodge in ceremonies conducted in the lodge rooms at the Masonic Temple on Wednesday evening. Rt. Wor. Bro. A. R. Scott was installing officer and was assisted by a staff of Past Masters which in- cluded: Wor. Bro. Robert Bisset, Very Wor. Bro. J. E. Robertson, Wor. Bro. O. Miller and Wor. Bro. R. M Menzies. Other officers installed were: John A. T. Pirie, I.P.M ; Harold W. Shore, S.W.; Clarence Miller, J>W.; Rev. R. G. MaoMillan, chap- lain; Win. W. Ross, treasurer; C. J. Worsell, secretary; Frank Walkom, D. of C.; Mel Cox, S.D.; Jack Sea- man, J.D.; L. Shear'hwn, ISG.; Jas. A. Bisset, S.S.; W. E. Bushell, J.S.; Harry Barker, organist; R o n Bushell, tyler. 0 --(1--- —0 NAMED TO SOCIETY A special honor was given to Miss Leslie Leitch, whose home is in Goderich, when she was chosen for membership in the American Mathematical Society. The daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. David E. Leitch; of Goderich, she is working for ber B.Sc. degree at Miami University and is also a part-time instructor there. She was chosen by the mathematical, department of the university for znembership in the national society. o-- - ---o 0 Mr. and Mrs. Tait Clark and daughter, Mrs. Gibson, and Mr. Gib- son and son, visited in Ottawa re- cently with Mrs. Clark's aunts. Mr. and (Mrs. Gordon Kaitting and Mr. and Mrs. James Horton at- tended the Royal Winter Fair re- cently. Mrs. Allan MacDonald has re- turned from Toronto where she spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beasley. Mrs. Nesbitt Oliver, of Toronto, visited at the week -end with her mother, Mrs. A. C. Hunter at Huron 1 House. - SALVATION ARMY 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m: Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. ;,EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Bright singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. Capt. Rete Matclett Lieut, Pauline Howell. Welcome to he Church That Cares SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Fre° Mofhodist Church Verlyn It. Scion, B.A., Pastor road. ARTIFICIAL WWII:1NA- TION information or service from all breeds of e4ttle, phone the WATERLOO CAT1'Id I3 (E- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low "cost. SfflARPENINC SAWS, CUTLERY, etc. Skates: First pair free Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays all season. Part-time farm work. ‘C. H. HOMAR, Huron road, op- posite store. 47-48x THE SIGNAL -STAR FOR ONE year makes a thoughtful gift for Christmas—one that is enjoyed 52 weeks of the year. Gift cards mailed, if desired. SubS1'riptions to magazines may also be left here. Complete your Christmas gift list by calling at THE SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE. 47 22. Lost and Found LOST.—HUB CAP OFF FORD , truck, about ten days ago. Reward. WILSON'S DELIVERY SERVICE, phone 1177W. -48 23. Used Cars FIVE PASSENGER COUPE CAR, Ford V8, in excellent running condition. Apply JAMES Mc- WHINNEY, 111 Victoria street, Goderich. 48x Seek To Increase Percentage Voting Here On Monday Though there has been a notice- able increase ,in tlae number of Goderich voters casting ballots in municipal elections in recent years, ,Goderieh Jayeees are continuing their eampa}gn to push the per- centage even higher. Last year, 1,834 voters—about 60 percent of the eligible voters— went to the polls on municipal election day. Once agaiif this year, the Jaycees, assisted by the Jay- cettes, are carrying out a program to encourage an -even larger turn- out. When the Jaycee program was originated about half a dozen years ago, the number of voters exercis- ing their franchises was far lower than it has been in the last few years. In the first Jaycee cam- paign, the turn -out at the polls was increased by about 18 percent over the previous year. The "Municipal Affairs Night" held Wednesday by the Jaycees was just one phase of this year's program.- Also being used are newspaper advertising, special slogans on milk bottle tops, and a sound truck which will go around the town on election day, next Monday, to remind voters of their duty. Representatives of Goderich Ja-- cees and Jaycettes are scheduled to. appear tonight to explain their pro- gram on a Wingham television show which starts at 6 p.m. The Jaycettes once again have offered to telephone all voters in the town on Monday, reminding them of the importance of s'utipg and telling them where to vote. Lucknow Farmer Hurt In Crash Robert Reid, Ltncknww, is in Wingham Hospital fp 1l9dvbig a ear. tractor collision.abo t ;p,an., Weft, nesd on the out 1 of • L ckb now. , Both vehicles were exten- sively damaged. , According to police, Fred Moore, of Lucknow, was proceeding west on No. 86 highway when his ear collided ,*ith the rear.of a tractor and ,manure spreader driven by Robert Reid, who resides just west of Lucl"rnow. Mr. Reid was thrown into the ditch on impact and the tractor and spreader turned over on the 'high- way. The car was badly damaged but Mr. Moore who was alone at the time was uninjured. OPP Constable Lou Boyce, of the Kincardine detachment, in- vestigated. FOR Automotive GLASS Curved and Flat. Any Make of Automobile. SEE DAVIDSON VISUALINING AND COLLISION SERVICE Phone 320 Huron Rd. GODERICH Ageriv ,If you _care enough to give the finest, then you will want of Highest Quality Jewellery and Personalized. Gifts "Heritage" and "Blue Bird" DIAMOND RINGS FINE WATCHES "1847 Rogers" •and -- -Community" SILVERWARE to see our wonderful array SHEAFFER PENS and DESK SETS Weather Instruments ELECTRIC RAZORS BELL 32 EASTJEWELLERST. PHIONE 123 ` Open All Day Wednesday During December - A a 144 e F/IDMIDd 8`rJ"3"zi'dr1a`r7dD3`x76r`7dr.'dza/t` rJd=1-DIM'Datzi''a3D3` D$-Dat-DrMi`rI'd`ziniZz14..Za8r`, Ba:'-a-ZzDtZt--3a4ZsaZa2 dzan MEMO This Christmas --)'N ForMom: AN the gift that GIVES for years and years ! Automatic Dryer fair the f-a-s-t-�s-=t drying SPECIAL possible CHRUSTMAS OFFER ! An Inglis Dryer installed in your home, ready to use . . . AS LOW AS $2.49 WEEKLY CANADA'S NO. 1 DRYER SAN -SUN GERMICIDAL. LAMP i► IN.T•rP LINT AND SCREEN d PUSH-BUTTON lOOR ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Skelt�n's 31 West St. Phone 89 W �. `b� _ `5c��,',t,'=����Ma`. `�'�"17'.; v��a ��''"w1: �sz [w1..^�5t �`J `��a �"x'�a`,/``�- 1?�+wr� •`�t_';i�,^-+�_.'�_`.' �^��4"it�►,:'YS v%W,:�_"�y f, VW"�sv"'+�"��,, �'U�7; t tv' 1` .70,dl,�i• df',^'L 'yl•"ci •. `.i✓':s�: q iG. i`!i^: '.-., cI ':L ^.'� a'��: �. 1d�F-:.4 a �+LL� r `a�'...^'`'r-+# '...F*'y' : "` i''t