HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-30, Page 5FIGURES .TELL i
Mica axle Grease 2 for..,
Sunshine Stove Polish, six
* " boxes for ,
Shoe 'Realag,�G boxes for
S teel
4 gallons Coal Oil. _ ,
4 gals do„ (t\ aterwhite),
,Annealed wire, per 100 lbs
re Bleb wire "+
Plate strap wire "
Fite clay. ""i ".
Consume iron " "
o sesboe nails, 0, per box
CiTesnut Coal per ton, ,...
'\o• 4 coal
Blacksmiths" Coal per ton, G 00
Brilliant Penensular cook 15 00 Q
VA motto Wood ,'stove..,, 1B 00 Hitj .
See thea Stoves and other
1--1 Reatin„os ds Coal Stoves
c.. before buying. 9
No, 9Tin Boiler for. ,,,,. $ 2 00 Q
No, 2 Delay Chum,,.,,,. 4 50
No. 3Daley Churn,,.,,... 5 50
4y° Cts l�
25 0
2 90
1 00 H
B 90
5 50 )1a-
5 50 els
1. 00
2 75 H
2 75 4
(� Toilet :Soaps---fut' 1�line--.Eicctrie,
Reastan, London. Din8,aaln,
d AP?les. Sheep Skies, Hiaes,-�
alags, ete , taken in Exehar]T,e.
Vit.:{ Exeter Roller Flour can
hand at $2.60 por ew't.
JAS. N. HOWARD, Praprietar
W.11, MONGGR, — Mana,gar
gamy apple orchards in Esse
county are an hloasom for the aecond
time this aeason.
A fire broke out on l'uesday on the
Belt farm in the Northwest and de-
atroyed about 3,000 bushel, of wheat
and moat of the threshing machinery.
A retired farmer living at Berlin has
poisoned himself and his five children
lay sweetmeats an whtcla he put poison.
Re and three of the little ones are
Methodists in Canada aro asked to
contribute $500 far one of seven mar-
ble pillars for the City Road chapel,
London, as part of a memorial to
One result of the passing of the ;l le
Kitalfy bill will be the establishment
at Windsor of a large commission
house where farmers cm sell their
Two Mexican: aheep•herders hays
been murdered and their bodies horri-
bly mangled by Indians 20 miles from
,Silver City, N. M. A posse are in pur-
salte 1 the murderers,
Res, Father Humphreys, one of the
defendants in the Tipperary trials, was
found guilty Friday ofcommitting an
assault upon a poltcotnan's "wile, and
was sentenced to pay a line of £20 or
to be committed to jalt foraix months.
A farmer from the western part of
Oklahama says the pet tiers are without
supplies, their families destitute of
clothing, and no work to be obtained.
'The men must remain or forfeit their
homestead rights.
The following executions are =-
flounced .-Birahall, at Woodstock,
Nov 14th; Blanchard, at. Sherbrook,
Dec 12th; Arthur Hoyt Day,at Welland
Dec I8th; Remi Lamontagne, at Sher
brooke, Dec 19th; J. B. Morin, Mont
lnagny, Nov, 2,1.
The Dotninlon Government has re-
ceived advices from an English author.
ity on the egg question, stating that
there will not be the'slightest difficulty
in obtaining the hightest price for
Canadian eggs providing they weigh.
over two pounds and a half to a score.
E Mur pp yh
II ., one of theJ olly Brit-
ish farmer delegates, has made ar•
rangements with the proprietor of the
Big Hill Springs Ranch, Alberta, to
send him out from Ireland a fine bred
Iraeh hunter stallion valued at 10,000
The apple crop has been quite up to
the standard in Nova Scotia this year,
and, as showing the increasing demand
for the qualities grown in•,.• the Anna-
polis valley, it may be stated that the
remarkably good price of 34 50 per
barrel has been obtained for the lest
varieties right at the orchards.
Windsor customs officials have re-
ceived an order from Ottawa directing
.item to collect duty on all implements
ot American sportsmen coning,., to
Canada for a' day's shoot. Hitherto
'the custom has been todeposit a small
sum, which was refilnded when the
sportsmen•re•crossed the riyetl. '
The work of collecting samples of
sugar beets.grown ,during the'present
season in seotim s 'ot the: rireer n4e
from Grananoeue to Windsor slaw 'a
much' greater purity nf.sugar, .than
that obtained from last 'year's experi-
ments. There: is, reason to believe: an.
average of ]5, or even /6 per cent, :oi
sugar oan -be -reached in many sections
' of the Province. S.
The statement of goods `e11portt
from the Dominion during the mesa,
of September show, they were .-e..‘o•
duce of Canaria $11,216,339. compared
with $8,924,031 fur the same period
last year. Produce ot other countries,
$1,433,190, against 31,01,656 for 18139,
or a total of $12.649,528, compared
with 310,005,684 tor the month of Sep-
. temher last year. ; There is a good in-
ereaiioin all articles. The value •of
goods entered for consumption during
the month was 310,700,006, compared
with $10,452,957 for,; the same period
last year, and the duty collected was
' $2,140,552, a'eainst $2,160 607 1'or. Sep-
tember, 1889, or a decrease of over
$'2 ),000.
The Salvation .Army in Winnipeg.
have leased premisea to establish a
f Rescue Home.
Joseph Mahan, a carpenter fell dead
at Qnebeo Saturday night while Rewir-
ing has evening pipe..
While talking toa neighbor near
Chatham Sunday ileo. Gill suddenly
dropped to the ground dead. -
Toe oitizena of Calgary have called
a convention to dt@cuss the formation
of a separate territory out ot Alberta
and the western portion of Aaeiniboia.
A young lean named Fox, aged 19,
has peen sentenced at Rimouska, quo.,
to twelve yoara in penitentiary for
criminally assaulting a woman 82 years
Aceo.<ling to statistics published in
Le Canada, ot Ottawa, there are 2,352
priests, 1,914 churches and a lit man
Catholic population of 2,048,800 in the
Among the communications received
by sire Birchen is one front a fellow
who declares his willingness to take
Eirnitall'a place at the hanging for the
aura, of $1,000.
While Charlea Co nmings, of North,
(Lathe, was drivirtg home from town
Tuesday afternoon his team tookfright
and ran away. He was thrown froth
his wagon and kilted.
The Birohall ease is noW angagng
the attention of the Minister oriustice,
'rho ballot prevails at Ottawa that the
law' will he allowed to take ata course
Nona of the petitions an Ius favor !lava
reached the Department.
OitTuesday night about 1 o'clock
Thomas Rennie, an employee of Hay's
Factory, Woodstock. was walking along
Park flow when he received a blow on
the !tend which k pocked him down.
Ile was then aeiaed by two metro aael
robbed of $20.
A belt S5 feet long, 40 inches wide
has just been ootnpleted by !Messrs,
Regal alt Sadler, .Montreal, for the
Manitoba Electric and Om Light Vo,.
Winnipeg. Tina belt is made out of
three ply heavy leather, each outer
lily being a single width ot 40 inches.
and the centre ply two inch strips.
Tide la the largest ant lteavtest belt
as ver wade in .Canada.
Fur/hail's autobiography was put up
at auction at the Wooiistock tail Fri-
day. `!'here were .about 60 publieltera
in attendance, and the Witting was
very spirited u , to $1 510 After that
it was slow until $1.700 was reaebeal,
whilt it was knooke+t down to V. 1V,
!uniting, of the Toronto flail, half of
the purchase money was paid down,
and the other half wall be paid imtnedi.
ately after the eZeoution to Mrs Bir,
St, Thomas is inluok. A short Limo.
ago amovement was started with the
view el erecting a .hospital. Now a
wealthy old catizen, Anima Woof!,
comes forward and oilers to erect a
building emitter to' that at Brantford:
at a coat of $1.0,01)0 ahould the citizens
undertake to furnish end the city
maintain It. The nropoaal came bo-
fore the city council I:londay 'evening
and was referred red to a special com-
mittee to arrange the details. It is
tota1."Amnon,be called "The Amnon, Wood lIospi.
The month of October has been put
down by a French medical savant as
the principal suicidal month or the
year, April making a close second.
Probably the recent epidemic careens
(lest; notion
(lestanotion in Germany and France
has caused this defined setterent.
For the past few weeks aa many ns
twelve to eighteen euicides dally have
been reported in Paris and Berlin, the
victims being from all classes of so-
piety. Statistics given show that the
"fever" conies on early in spring and
autumn, and that the form of destruc.
tion varies according to the season.
Friday morning as the southbound
train on the Santa Fe Railroad pulled
out ot"Socorro N, M. three mean board-
ed it. After the train had passed San
Lome the strangers entered the Pull-
man sleeper and locked the door; they
drew their guns on the porter and con-
ductor and relieved them of their
surplua cash. They then introduced
themselves to the passengers, going
through most of them, and making
quite a hall. They jumped, from the
train on the Basque de Apache Grant,
taking to the hills. They got abou t
On British railways thenumber of
ah rawaYs
locomotive engines averages eighty to
the mile of road. It theUuited States
there are only nineteen to the mile.
Thirty billion dollars .represent the
world's capital invested in railway!.
Of this halt is owned in Europe. There
$115,000 to the mile is put upon the
railways, while in America and else-
wherethe figures are $69,001) to the
mile. �'lo set returns according to the
capital invested railway fares in Eur-
ope ought to be higher than in the
United "States, but quite the reverse
is the case.
- The body of the woman found in the
South .Hamstead locality, London,
Eng.. Friday night, shows that the
crime bears no resemblance to those
committed by "Jack the'Eipper," and
a medicat'examina ion of the remains
proves' that the woman did net belong
to the Whitechapel class from which
the "Ripper" selects hie victims. !T he
body is that ot a woman. about thirty
years ot age,- and was' well clad. Her
linen was marked. ,.Her throat had
been cut and her`,skull fractured, and
all of- ber rockets were empty. A
perambulator containing a blood
stained fur rug 'was found near by
which, it Is supposed, wass used. to
convey the body irons' ,the . spot where
the crime was comuaatted:>,to where it
was towel.' [Later -pie body found
has been inetentifiedas that ot ttlrs.
Hobbs, the wife of a porter employed
in London. Mrs Hobbs, on Friday,
started to visit a woman named Nellie
Piercy, an intimate friend of her fa:m
ily., who was married, but had sep_tr-
ated from her husband. A search.of
the house in which the.Piercey woman
resided resulted in the discovery, that
blood was everywhere. Windows were
smashed, and a bloody, careing knife
and a bent poker, Smeared with blood
and to which adhered, several locks of
woman's hair, were found. Piercy was
arrested, charered with having mur-
dered Mrs Hobbs and his wife. ',dielCry fd
xtor Bcllcr M1i1$.
Wheat t88c, to 90c. per bush,
OUR SEI"alrAnie a iwltUI S..
Flour, Strong Baker's, 32 75 per 100
do Beat Famity 2 60 „
Bien do Low Gradin 150
!Sian „ ,,, as 70e, "
lulddla><fi]< - ' . 90e. "
Screening . , , , 909.
Chop , . .., $115 to 1 25
Bran per ton, e
Middlings " - 16
Chop atone runiiivag every day,
Tltni; EXEPEtiv 11I1[414ust -Coy.
Ali Men
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them
selvea zaervous, weak and eibaested, who
are broken down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the foilowingsymptoma
Mental depression, premature ohl age, lase
of vitality. lose of memory, bad dreams,
diwueaa of eight. palpitation of the heart,
emissions lack of energy, pain in the kid.
°eye, headache. pimples ort the face or
body, itabing or peouler sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, :lit 1ueas,
speoka before the eyes, twitahiug of the
mueoles, eye lids and elsewbere, bashful-
nese, deposits iu the urine, loss of will power
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
flabby hinnies, desire to sleep, tailors to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper,suuken eyes eurronnd-
ed with leaden circle, oily looking akin, etc.,
are all symptoms of nervous debility that
lead to insanity awl death unless oured.
J'be spring or vital force baying loat ata
teneien every function wanes in consequence
Those who tbrouell abuse committed in
ignoraece may be permanently .cured.
Send your address for bank on all diseases
prettier to man. Address M. Y- Laubau, 50
Rout St. E.. Toroota, Oat. Rcoka sent
free sealed. Heart disease, the ayruptome
of which are faint cache, purple lips, numb
ness, palpitation, akin boale, hot flashes,
rush of blood to the head, dull pain hi the
heart with beats strong,. lapid sod irregular,
the errand heart beat picker than tbn that,
pain about the breast bone. etc„ can pas].,
lively Ise cured. No Cure, no pay. Send
for book. Address M. V. Lcuoti, 50 Front
Street East. Toronto. Out.
News In A Nutshell.
It is propilaod to light tbo whole interior
of the Parliainent house at Ottawa by oleo,
The report that Father Laoombe will be
the new bishop of the Northwest Diooese is
officially deuled,
Three tltonsaurl bushels of wheat were
burned in Meeks et Bann Head farm,
M anitoba, on Tneaday.
Tim Gower Pen Manufactnring Come
pany has renewed its entire business from
Montreal to Plattsburg, N. X.
•''It's only a question of time,' and a
short time, too, as to when your alieu tn-
atism will yield to Boccie Sarsaparilla.
The Presbytery of Whitby has sustained
the pall from Ashburn and Utica to Dan ii,
B. Smith, formei,ly of Rosemont,
The earringemakers of Montreal propose
to form an agreement by which they will
refuse to repair any carriages not mauufae-
tured in Canada.
ituh, flange and Scratches of every
kind, oneimivan or animals, cared in 130
minutes oy Woodford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz,
druggist. ,
The ringleaders of the gang of "green
goods" operators who have been flooding
Canada with their circulars, have been ar-
rested in New York.
Par W. Burke wrote to friends from
Seattle, W. T., that hundreds of men aro
there and without work. He advises Can-
adians to stay at home.
Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving
way to the gentle notion and mild effects of
Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them
they will certainly please vou.
A series of chemical and biologieial exam.
mations made of the water supply of Mont-
real show that the drinking water supplied
to the city is dangerously impure.
Quail hunters at South Essex, Ont„ do
not obey the trespass warnings given them
by the farmers, and they are being anus -
maned to appear before the local authorit.
Women with pale, colorless faces, who
feel wen` and discouraged, will receive both
mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's
Iron Pills, which are made for the nerves,•
blood and complexion.
Sal ah E. Larmour, convicted at Cobourg
on Wednesday of setting fire to the house
in wbioh her mother was bedridden ; was
Friday sentenced; to six years' imprison-
Mrs Beattie, aged about 30, wife of Jas
Beattie, cabinet maker, Campbellford, com.'
mitred suicide Thursday by nutting her
throat witb a razor. Melancholia is the
pause attributed.
Two carloads of smuggled whiskey were
seized Wednesday on their way to Quebec,
and while the , officers' attention were thus
occupied,, 148 barrels were safely landed by
the smugglers on Oileans Island.
Prompt relief in sink headache, dizziness,
nausea, oonstipatim, pain in the side,
guaranteed to those using Carter's Little
Liver Pills, One a dose. Small pride.
Small dose. Small pill,
English Stamen Liniment removes al
hard, soft orcalloused Lumps and Blemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints;
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore
and Swollen Throat, Couple, etc. Save
350 by use (toile bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
Tag Prorasi's Nlrsa'Aate-People make a
sad mistake often with sericns resu'ts when
they neg'ect a cnnttipated condition of the
bowels. Knowing . that Burdock Blood
Bitters is an tffeetual cure at any stage of
constipation, does not warrant us 10 neg•
letting to use it at the right time. Use it
WHAT Is A DAY'S LABOR ?-One. days,
work for healthy liver is to secrete three
aa§i a half pounds Of bile. If the ' bile
socretioo,-be deficient.' constipation, ensues 1
iF'Profuse , biliousness and j.undice :arise;
Burr -look Blood Bitters is the most Perfect
liver regulator known in medicine for pre,
eventing and curing all liver troubles.
Pitcher's Castor!:
Red wbteat
Spriug Woeat..,
Barley ,
Glover S sed ...
EOtatoes,per bnabol
tlpplet,per slag
AriedApplespr b
eeeese perlb,
Turkey per lb
Pucks per 1b
Chiekenapor pr
Sheepskins eacb
WOo] peels
5813 o 00 9
00 0
34 to 35
13 Seto202
55 to 57
0 40 to bl.
i3t 014
00 to5I0
70 to 0 7e
0 41o050
000 to 0 07
08 to 10
O 06 to 007
025 to 030
00 1050
400 te525
200 to 2A9
060to 2'a
050 to 054
5 t0 tot en
osotoe 05
250 to 500
Fall Wheat 0 S6 0 f+7
Spring WhetR F16 a hi
0 31 0 43
Clover Seed. .. .._
TinlOtby 1501 7 75
.,.1 Sia 3 Or
rime .....,.. 25 0 16
Butter 12 016
Potatoes per bag 75 ;ai
Apples per beds 050
Woolper Its 20 020
Ray porton 5 Sq G nc
Brea Per ton ,......., ,I4 00 14 e0
Shorts "' "" ,. �0 00 24 00
Qatmoalperbbi.,...� . ...,, 6 b0 7 00
Wheat. 9113 to Ole her bus. °ata, 351e to
.373e per bus. peas,S7e to Ole per bus. ]lars
ley.Stslting-45 to62ePer bus. Barlev Feed,
40a to 41e per bus Cora, lffa to sic per.
Toronto. 0e123- -Wheat Spring No Z. 92a
to 92 per bus; rad winteF No,2 "kla ta9.oper
bus Menitohp No.! hard 13'i tO 13' Nos 2,1 24
tu salt PES ette to Gla per bus OATS ? is
to 40c per buss FLOUR extra.!t4.10 to 84,15
per ted: straight roller. il.30 to 34.35 ;
s'rong linkers, ^4.00 to Q1.rQ. BA RI.,EY. No 1.
Ole to 03e; No 3 extra. 56o to Sae; No e. 59e
to 53e
05,3 0 fG
A majority of Detroit dealers will advence
the once of 10 cent cigars 35 a thousand -
a result of the S4eRtuley lull,
The Utica, N, 1"„ H,ernld aim gold out
on Wedneaclay. Liabilities, 0100,000;
plant. M0(10.
Mise Nellie Sutherland, daughter of lir
ll"agli Sutherland and one of the belle of
Winnipeg society, was married Thursday
to Lientenant Victor Williams of the Ta,
fontry Serinpl, a. son of the late Cal Wil-
liams of Fort Hope, Ont,
At Quebec, lllauterei, who seas deelare:l
,tot guilty of the charge of argon on Wel
neaday, has been remanded on a ebarge of
runnier. The Crown solicitor thinks he
has enough proof to proarcuto Delmore as
reeppuaihlo for the death of the Miranda
Bev A. J. Mowat, of Frederieliton, was
Wednesday called ti 'St Medium's Chitral),
Haider, N 5,. and offered 33.500 with a
manse, 'rhe other name Promh1e01y before
the congregation woe that of Rev W.' T.
Berridge, of Ottawa, formerly of Loudon.
B!11:.UM 113 ,I,
I l ltndoubtedly caused by lactic mild in
the blood. i.'liis acid attacks the fibrous
tissues, and caltsea the pains and aches in
the back, +shoulders, knees, auklca hips, and
waste, Tho
nsaidsof people have leund in
!food's Sarsaparilla a ' positive euro for
rheumatism, Th>s medieiva, by its purity
ing action, nentralizea the acidity of the
blood, and also builds no and -strengthens
the whole body,
Nothing breaks up a !!lumber ea badly as
to have to buy something at tt retail drug
s'o e. Nothing wakes better or more
beautiful biscuits than Imperial Cream
Tarter Baking Powder. Sold by all drug-
It Is said that a wealthy gentleman
of Liverpool has purchased the garden
of Gethsemane, near Jerusalem, in
which the Saviour passed the night
before His crucifixion. The purchase
was made In order to prevent specu.
litters from carrying out their scheme
of building on the sacred grounds a
hotel for the accommodation of visitors
and tourists in the Holy Land.
If you will send us your address, we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dyo's Col, brated Electro-Voltaio
Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system. and how
they will uiekl restoreyou to vigor andman-
hood. gm
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted,
we will send you aBelt and Appliances on a
VOLTAIC 13 ser Co:, Marshall, Mich.
Wilson's Wild Cherry has been prepared by
Archdale Wilson& Co , Wholesale Druggists,
of Hamilton, for nearly twenty years, for the
euro of Coughs. (:olds, ()roup. etc. it bas no
equal. Take no substitute but get the genuine
with white wrappers. ,•-
Frank Wilkinson, grain buyer at Hamilton,
.says : "I used several medicines and found no
relief until I' tried Wilson's Compound Syrup,
Wild Cherry.' Less than one bottle cured him
of a long standing and painful cough, with
tightness of chest anti short breath, Sold by
all druggists,
THE OLD RELIABLE.—In these days of humbug
it is a relief to hear of something chat can be
depended upon. Wilson's Wild Cherry has
been tested ae a remedy for the cure of all
disoasts of the throat, Chest and Lungs, for
nearly twentyyears,.with suoh success as to
earn foritself the title of the Old Reliable euro
for coughs. colds, croup, Asthma, Bronchitis
and other affections of the respiratory system.
See that you get thegonuino, in white wrappers.
Sold by all druggists.
Noon Ilaby was'siok. we gavo her Castor's
When' she wase Child: she cried for Caetona.
\4-hcn she became Miss, she along to Castoria,,
When she had Children. she gave them Castoria,
ADv1o79 TO 11oTHF]Ba.—Areyon -ttsturned at
night -end broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If to send at once and get a bottle
of`v1rs,Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
tt will„lieve the pOor tittle tuifnror tm
mediate!, aenend upon it, mothers ; there
is u„mistake about it. Itoures Dyseutery
and Diurncosa, regulates the Stomach and
l oweia,auros Wind Collo, softens the Gums.
reduces fnflammation,'and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. Ile s. Winslowi
Sootuing Syrup” for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription,
of nee of the oldest and best 'female
physicians and nurses in the, United
States, and is for,sale,by all druggists
thtougbn�it the world, L'rioe twenty-five.
(leans a butte. Bo sure and ask for' Hies
Wi-vsl,0ws So4Ttaeo- feentp"agd tike no
P .EL D AND .T"! ice „
The Best Goodsfor the Least Money.
We carry the largest s'ock of 1a1OVES and TINWARE in
tosyn, and We st 11 tlieOl at tb • lowest polsib'e price for .cash.
In 'Tall and Library Lamps we are showing
an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Han
Lamps at wholesale prices.
In CROSS -CUT SA WS we are showing all the latest and
leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from.
451=E5—A large stock at prices that defy competition.
As usual, t1 full stock of general Hard wale, Paints, Oils and Glass
on baud,
Agents for the eelebratted Raymond Sewing Machine.
Don't forget the placo—Sign of Big Elephant.
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly an
hand. Winan's
the hest
in the mark-
et .and al*ays
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared ut
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
c Llu'rz.
!ahna St1od
A. Q. BOWER, having leased Drew's
Block, 4, t, v'I
1 1• e pieascd to pay
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit-.
ings at any price; Pantings
at any price
Best Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave 'your orders early, for
with the beet staff of Tailors ; the best
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best,
Cutting in. Town ,:you are sure of sstisfae.1
atelltimes for butter awl eggs.
• .A.. Q. .6.ilQ,iari„+C.ra!t,-1,.a
Lav let, '00. Drew's Block, Sxoter
Loosens and quickly removes all stain, of
grey a and dirt without injuring the hands or
the finest materiels. It keeps down disease by
thoroughly disinfecting and puri 1.t in every-
thing. Saves soap. clothes, time and labor.
For alt domestic purposes it it the best article
ever placed before the pu'tlic. For the toilet
and the bath it is just splendid, making the
skin soft and health& Only 5e. for 3 pkts, All
grocers can supply it.
COT'PAM'SBird Seed
Cottam's Choice Imported and Ra-oleaned'
Bird Seed is the finest quality crown, thoroughly
re -cleaned and mixed tied eco idle
to the v�r-
g ions
seasons in proportions advised by Ornitholo-
gists and laird Fanciers. Every ono pound
package contains piece of cuttlefish bone gaud
full directlous "how to keep, a Bird in health
and song.
Cottam's has been awarded 1st prizes and
diplomas and is very highly recommended,
If you really want healthy Birds with choice
song and beautiful plumage be sure and use
Cottam's Bird Seed. 1111 grocers and druggists.
can supply it.
A,. J. NELL.'
t]ALL AT -
ID ".
Reliable Good'
At Prices Lower that so -ea....
led Cheap Houses can give
g in all it
S ieoossnr to 0 S. t;"idley)