HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-12-05, Page 21 e . !fir niipruh OIgiiat-.tar HURON COUNTY'S' FOREMOST WEEKLY ; 40% Established 1848. In its 110th year of publication. Published by Sigual-Star Publishing Limited `t Subscri, Jon Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United 0 States, $4.00. Strictly in advance. • i v mg Rates os request Telephone 71. 'P o Auth S d as second-class mail, Post Oise Department. Ottawa. U L Out -of -Tow presentative: C.W.N.A. 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over 9,000—Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron County --Over 9,000 NMmbor of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation GEO. L ELL.IS, Editor and Publisher. A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1957 THE 1958 •TOWN COUNCIL While the tower's nomination meeting Fri- day night failed to produce any ,remarks of a stirring nature, it was, nevertheless, • more virile than the pattern to be found in many municipalities; it produced a reasonably cred- itable array of nominations to contest muni- cipal offices and not an indifferent series of acclamations that is becoming all too common in so many centres. Reeve E. C. Fisher has been given an ac- clamation for Mayor and Deputy Reeve Jame; .Donnelly for Reeve. Last year these sanrs• two men were given acelamations, too, for the 'posts of Reeve and Deputy Reeve respectively. Reeve Fisher has been a hard-working, eun- scientious reeve and there is no reason to be- lieve he will be otherwise as he takes over the post of mayor in the rontiug► year. Moving up to the post of reeve fur 1958. .lames Don- nelly Can be cotiutetl 011 to ably represent the town in County Council un various 'matters that look as if they - will need vigorous rep- resentation in the year that lies ahead. ' Members of tNt'o well-known and old -es- tablished Goderich families, Peter f . MaeEsan and James A. Bisserwill contest the seat for Deputy -Reeve. Considerable interest will un- doubtedly be shower in the outcome of the elec- tion for this post. They" are both capable young men and it is unfortunate that either one or the other will be left out of the council. since only one can be elected. As stated last week in this column, the '('own Council can stand all the aggressive. young men with ideas for the future that it can get. It is to be hoped that regardless of which one is elec- ted the other will be hack seeking office the following year. THE WORLD An editorial in The Signal -Star of .January 5, 1956, started off with 'Having survived the Christmas and .ewy Year holidays, the work- aday world is getting hack to its normal course, and glad of it.'' It then went on to suggest that the two holidays were "-too (lose toi.reth- • er." The statements. -apparently came to the - attention of -A. J. hills, of Ottawa. who •is president of what is kncswn as- "The Inter- national World Calendar Association.'' This week Mr. Hills forwarded to The -Signal-Star a copy of the Association's proposed • \\-orld Calendar. Each year is the same. Each quar- ter of the year has exactly •91 days. 13 weeks. or, three months. The four quarters are iden- tical in form. Each month has 26 weekdays', plus Sundays. Each year begins on Sunday, Ika.tv..,"' January. 1. Each woi1tirr, Seat` b'e" itis on Moir - day, .June 2. Eaeh quat-ter begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. A copy of a letter from Mr. hills which' has gone out. to many organizations in Canada says, in part as- follows: "With Christmas Day of 1957 falling on Wednesday, followed by New 'Year's Day on Wednesday of the next week it seems oplpor- tune to ask all Myho have the 111,a11.; of (loins so to direct attention 6f -their members to the fact that The World Calendar, whirl► they have endorsed, is the only plan which without phange of date brings Christmas always on It's a healthy sign to see nine nominees for Town Council. Three of thein are going to be left behind and there will be the usual on -the -side bets, collectively and iitdividuall)=, ou which three will be left. We were glad.to see Mrs. May Mooney standing for council. \Virile, on the surface, Mrs. Mooney may be regarded by some as -a novice in the field, this is not actually the ease. During. the years in which her late husband served as a popular rueniber of eouneil and as deputy reeve and mayor, Mrs. Mooney naturally was exposed to some extent to the workings of the council, In her own right, she has served six years 011 the Public School Board and also on the Hos- pital Board. The women's vote alone is 1)01111(1 to ;,give Mrs. Mooney quite a head start and it i; rather reasonable to assume that a woman's viewpoint will be heard on the 1958 Town 1'ourleil. To guess the others who will be Orr the council is like trying to for -tell the outcome l of a horse race, but once again we assume that the former members of the council will have the edge in the race. Last year. Goderich gave Mayor J. 1-1. Graham a deserved reward when it elected him as Mayor to climax his many years of faithful pul►lie service to this town. But the passing of time eventually brings all Of us to the point where we have to retire. For this reason. credit is due Mayor Graham in not seek- ing re-election to the onerous- and exacting duties placed on anyone seeking the post of mayor in any municipality today. May Goderich electors exercise sound judgment in the selection of its council for 1938 on Monday. And by all means. ret out and vote. CALENDAR :Monday, with New Year's following seven day: later. "Also it inay be recalled that when a Bill was' before Parliament to place Victoria Day ; and Dominion Day on Monday, so -much objec- tion to ehanging the date of Canada's Nationlil Birthday was voiced. that the Bill was changed to (•over Victoria Day only. "With The World Calendar in effect, July 1st would always he a Sunday so that, as in 1956, it would, by statute, be observed on _Mon- day: Satisfaction when this occurred in 1956 was general, as 'stated when the matter was being discussed in the House. "Advocates of holidays on Monday have advanced as far as possible, under the present calendar, and even so the holidays fluctuate within a period of seven dates. They are not really fixed. "It is not necessary to enlarge on the general dissatisfaction that will result because of the mid -week occurrence of the approaching holidays. All businesses, industry, construc- tion. transportation and other interests will suffer: individuals will he annoyed and ineon- venieneed : layoffs and shutdowns will occur Starting with t•,►n.eyn(•nt loss of earnings at a period of the year when spendint demands are pressing.'' Maybe the day will Bothe when- such a \V'Heid calendar is adopted but like the idea Itf lt:lyl.;1ht. Saving '1'itne it will have rutr.r.t1 t•ri't it•i.rn both hefdre and after it is adopted— if it adopted. ' • 1 THE GODERIUH SIGNAL -STAR • My.♦.M M'14404O+.I, w.n/.....MM' • - THURSDAY, DEcEltIM Sth, 1957 Down Memory's Lane' 45 Years Ago street and the Square. The loca- Ontario Hydro sent Goderich a Ilion occupied by Harry Sturdy Thad been leased by the water and light commission from J. W. Craigle for $400 a year. S. D. Croft was elected president of Goderich Hockey Club at a displease many citizens who hoped meeting ,in the Town Hall. Other for the eventual construction of a 1 officers included: vice-president, low-cost power development on the Frank Hibbert; secretary, Ned Maitland River. 1Sale; treasurer, Bert Osborne; ex - At the annual meeting of Code- ecutivo committee, Rev. J. N. II. rich Rural Telephone Co. in Gode-' Mills, N. Mixter, Nelson Hill, Capt. rich, it was decided to move the Ed. Robinson; club physician, Dr. head office to Dungannbn where ; J. M. Graham the central exchange was located.! Reeve Haacke repbrted that William Bill, of Benmiller, was re- Goderich Township had a surplus elected president. It was reported of $1,700, and ,owed no debenturg that there were 394 telephones in debts. He was returned to office use. by acclamation, as were Council - Dr. Hunter, the medical health lors Frank Powell, J. Ernest John. officer, had a constable stationed ston, Oliver J. Jervis and -Harry alongside the steamer Turret Corey. Crown to see that no crewmen Councillor harry Corey said at came ashore while the boat was the Goderich Township nomination unloading in Goderich. The pre- meeting that members of Council cautionary measure was taken h1d cut their pay to $1.80 per day after one of the sailors developed as an -economy measure. ' Fifty a case of smallpox. years ago, he said. township coun- At a meeting of the Centre cillors were paid two dollars per Huron license commissioners in day. ' Goderich, the license of the Saults A Goderich native, Jack Craig, House was transferred from B. J. was elected' mayor of Barrie for Saults to Robert J. King. the eighth time. A mock court.trial in which "one 15 Years Ago of our most respected citizens" Due to a snow storm which raged was tb be charged with breach of all day, a busload of passengers promise ,was to be held at the bound for Clinton and Goderich Huron County Court house under was unloaded at Dublin and the the auspices of Ahmeek Chapter, travellers were obliged to make , IODE. J. L.. Killoran was to pre- the rest of the journey by train. side over- the court and Mrs. Bur- The gale reached mile -a -minute dette was to appear as the broken- velocity, according to the RAF hearted plaintiff. Admission was weather bureau at Sheppardton. 50 cents. - There was only one change in 25- Years Ago • the 1943 Town Council, which was! The local hydro office was to be returned without a contest. Wil- .moved to the corner of Colborne ham A. Sutherland took the place sample contract for the supply of Niagara power to the town. The Signal pointed vont _ that the con- tract made no reference to Mait- land power, a fact which would Of Dr. J. X Graham, who was nom - 1 inated for cdunclllor but did not stand. Mervin Snyder, organist, and choir director at North Street Un- ited Church, resigned to accept a similar position in the Presbyterian Church at Brampton. it was believed that a missing twin -engined Avro Alison training bomber, with its crew of four, had plunged Into—Lake Huron near Kingsbridge. 1 'Andrew Martin, a Kingsbridge district farmer, found pieces of wreckage on the beach. It was announced that the Sky Harbor Pilots would represent Goderich in the OHA intermediate league. Clinton and Seaforth were expected. to enter teams in the loop. J. R. Douglas was president of the Sky Harbor Pilots. 10 Years Ago A group of Bayfield citizens met in the Little Inn to form a 'fire department. Ernie Hovey headed the organization, which was self - ,supporting and not municipally - sponsored. Two former Goderich boys, Don- ald Murison and Basil Kelly, were candidates for seats on the London City Council. In Colborne Township, acclam- ations were given to Reeve E. Stan- ley Snyder and Councillors Ross Fisher, James Horton, Harold Montgomery and Howard Squires. School trustees elected by acclam- ation were Tait Clark and Fordyce Clark. Seventy-five members were reg- istered in the- Maitland Fish and Game Conservation Club. Judge T. M. Costello was president and W. C. Attridge was vice-president. Public school ratepayers' were •preparing to vote on a plebiscite to provide S325.000 foran addition to Goderich Public School. The addition was to house 360 pupils. 0 0 0 In, the Peace River district mid- summer days provide 20 hours of sunshine. 0--;► 0 A classified ad brings quick results. Letter to editor Editor, Signal -Star. Sir,—I think the townspeople would like to know the answers to a few questions regarding figure skating. 1. Is the Arena a community centre, or just for hockey? 2. If it's a community centre, why can't time be shared between hockey and figure skating? They don't have the use of the Ice for nothing, as I understand theylars paidforit. several hundred dol - 3. Will the townspeople think it's a good idea that the girls will have to go to Clinton for figure skating, because the Pee Wees have the ice all Saturday morn- ing, and it can't be divided? 4. Who gave most of the Pee Wees their pre-school skating lessons? Not the men, but the mothers, and it was all voluntary. The girls had pre-school lessons, too, • and some are doing well in figure skating, so why must the boys have illi Saturday morning, and the girls have to go to Clinton for figure skating, or give it up, as there's no time S•HEPPARLDToN SHEPPARDTON, Dec. $=-_Miss Evel''n Brown, of Blair, and Miss Shirley Brown, nurse's aid, of Wing - ham General Hospital, visited dur- ing the week -end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown. . Mr. Jack Graham and his father, Percy Graham. of Lucknow, were in Guelph Sunday .to visit with Mr. and, Mrs. Don Stonehouse, where Mrs. P. Graham has been visiting for a couple of weeks. Several in the district have been ill lately with the 24-hour flu. Mr. and Mrs. Crbe freeman and Caroline visited in Teeswater re- cently with Mrs. Freeman's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth. for them here? Seems to be something wrong' somewhere. Perhaps there should be one or two women on the Arena Commission to speak for the girls. Thanking you for the space. MRS. ALBERT TAYLOR. Read the ads with care and save money. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE MISSING LINK ARE ALL MEN CHILDREN OF GOD? IS THE BIBLE DIVINELY INSPIRED? WHERE CAIN GOT HIS WIFE. Do Not Fail To Read A NEWTHEOLOCYFORTIIE OLD FAITH written by the late Rev. A. E. Allis of Goderich. PRICE $2.50 AT ANDERSON'S BOOK STORE 47-8x She's hopingforci 04,., `F COLLECTIVE SPENDTHRIFT; 1 ALL the authorities on financial matters are warning that Canadians as a whole are spending too much and too fast. As a people, should we not delay for a while some of the things governments are providing, or planning to provide for us out of our taxes? Reducing government spending to a genuine minimum is abso- lutely necessary if inflation is to be halted. Your aldermen, your member of the legislature and your member of parliament are always glad to hear from you. - • 1' 't THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE - HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO • • • • ';;:•", r:< • FREE TYRKEY EVERY DAY MONDAY THRt7 SATURDAY Friday, bec. 6—Continuing 'til Christmas. NO OBLIGATION—NOTHING TO BUY. Just come inside and sign your name. • GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Him For Her Watches .. ;xr.:, • Watch Bracelets Diamond Stone and Signet Rings Pen and Pencil Sets Desk Pen Sets Desk Clocks Barometers Binoculars Cigarette Cases Pocket and Table Lighters Ash Trays Luggage Brief Cases Wallets and Billfolds Military Sets Cufflink Sets Portable Radios Musical Stein Diamond • Birth- stone and Signet Rings Watches, solid gold and diamond _ set Nurses' Pen Sets Ladies' Jewellery Jewel Boxes Bedroom- •Clocks Ladies' Lighters and Cigarette Cases Dresser Sets -Compacts Ladies' Luggage Manicure Sets Evening Bags Silverware Sets China Dinnerware Chime Clocks Electric Tea Pots Brass Plaques Vases Figurines • QUALITY -CONTROLLED means that every diamond we sell has been care- fully examined for weight, cut, clarity and colour during every phase of its processing, and has been priced accordingly by our diamond buyer. Such close control over quality and price is yqur 'assurance of greatest diamond value for every dollar you invest. There's no middleman's profit for you to pay! Because we buy direct from the world's largest diamond cutters, we elim_ inate the middleman and his profits. The dollars we save are the dollars you save. ' Q -C* DIAMOND SPECIALS FOR • 4f2.3A1 ter e,.,pi....i. poi .14.d As, GIVES DIAMONDS MORE %RIIUANCE MAI,FS DIAMONDS 100* LARGER GIFT WRAPPING at NO EXTRA CHARGE Incomparable.. 0/Tiia - War/al/az WATCHES , • 94 SQUARE PRICES' TO FIT ANY BUDGET Exciting beauty... world renowned dependability ... that's Lonnines. Wittnauor. Terms to suit you. $1.00 WILL HOLD YOUR CHOICE UNTIL CHRISTMAS Kltranctr.tc!etceev CHRISTMAS HOURS—Open All Day Wednesdays and Friday and Saturday Nights. Begitintng Dec. 16, the store will be, open every night. LONOINES. Handsome watch; stainless steel case. $79.30 WITTNAUIR. Smart bracelet watch for her. $49.73 , Orrnandy Jewellery • • PHONE 835 114