HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-28, Page 10THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR TiWRS ! ,Y, NOV. 2t , WWW irall part of Nova Scotia, New RrUilSW3e)ia. became a separate PrOViri e after tfi a: influx of United klinpirc Iloyalfsts. BUSINESS DOLUECTORV rbHll2OPRACTIC HERBERT a. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropratic OCQ '•ours: Mon., Thurs.--9 a.m. to 5 p.m Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.:,:� 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 aim Vitan'iin Therapy Office ---Corner of South St. and rituania . toad. Phone 341. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accounta ut Office House 343J 343W 33 Hamilton St. Goderich Stiles Ambulance Roomy Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHs}NE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich HARO JACKSON LICENSE • AUCTIONEER HURuN AND PE "Thi Phone 474 SEAPORT' P... Box 461 FRANK REID I LIFE Ur E WRITER fl:ae, annuities, business insdrance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. Alexander& Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Get Insured—Stay Insured— Rest Assured. A. .D. ALEXANDER C. F. tHAPMAN rank of Commerce Building, Goderich Phones 268 W and 18 W. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone Hu2-9097. • Charge model ate and satis- faction guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH 1 CEMETERY MEMORIALS T. Pryde & Son EXETER Local Representative— ALEX SIYIIT GODERICH 14& Elgin Ave. Phone 158 091136, C i OUT ON A LIMB WITH BLL nMtLJEY L• ike everyone else, l've been somewhat alarmed about the Sput- niks, proposed trip to the moon and other science -fiction talk em- anating from the Kremlin of Iate, and being commented upon with so much gusto by all the hindsight experts, who can explain now, al- ready, why the Russians are so far ahead and we're so far behind. But I didn't plan to do anything about it, until I read that "exclu- sive interview" with Nikita- Krus- chev in a daily paper recently. A reporter had written the Russian top dog a letter containing a lot of Tong -winded questions. Nik is no dumbell. He answered them, in his own brand of double-talk. Result was a noisy back patting job by the newspaper, on itself, and a couple of columns of free propaganda for the Kremlin. a * s This annoyed me hugely, so I decided to get the REAL inside story from Russia. And I knew just where to get it. I dropped a line to an old prison -camp friend of mine, a Czech called Joe, ex - pilot. Back in '44, he didn't think much of tithe British, detested the Yanks and French and bitterly hated the Germans. He thought Russia and communism were the answer to man's inhumanity to man, and went off with the Russian 1 BEAT COLD WEATHER WITH Heating Oils (Fuel Oil and Stove Oil) FROM BEN R. CHISHOLM AND sons Your Imperial Oil Agent Phone (collect) Dungannon 19R2. "Always look to Imperial for the best." -4ltf DA%YtA&U GOOD HEALTH IS THE 91`15 WE GET BY DRINKING MILK FROM ANDREW DAIRY troops cabin they liberated our camp. O 0 o 0 didn't sco Mian again, until 1 ran across hits a month ago, in a Toronto bistro of tho lower sort. 8o was not tho old Joe, wine could distill a batch of illegal hooch from a few spuds, argue all night about tho rights of ratan, or sing a wild, Czech song until the tears ran down his cheeks. Sot ho was still Joe, and nobody's satn but his own. 0 learned that he vioa about three weeks newly out of Russia, but not a word would ho say of how or why. * o So when I got furious the other day about the big deal "interview" with Kruschev, I wrote a list of questions to the address Joe had given me in Toronto, to find out what really makes Russia tick. Ilere they are, with his answers, in his own quaint brand off English. Question: Joe, what is it really like in Russia? Answer: So you're a chicken? You been inside a egg? That's what is like, and some day you are fried egg sandwich, no ketchup. * Question: What do the Russian people, not the leaders, but the people, think of the atom bomb and other nuclear weapons? An- swer: Rah! Russian peoples don't know atom bomb from Adam's apple. They crazy, them Russian. Nice people. But dumb. Crazy. O 0 * Question: As a recent resident in Russia, what do you think the Western world should do to count- eract the effect of the satellite Sputnik. Answer: So you jump off a roof, 0 gotta borrow money, buy a house so I can jump off a roof too? x * 0 * Question: Joe, do you think it's possible for the West and Russia to live in peaceful co -existence? We're all brothers under the skin, you know. Answer: Co -existence, Schmoe-existence! Okay. My bro- ther borrows my money, don't say thanks. Steals my girl, don't say sorry. I knock down a bully, he kicks him. Calls me dirty name. Under my skin he is, but not my brother. Maybe he your brother. By me, is lousy bum. * * * * Question:- Is It true there are millions of people in slave labor camps in Russia? Answer: I don't know millions. You remember dumb Vlodas, fat Chernikz, little Mladov, in our prison camp? They come .Russia with me. They ain't driving Cadillacs around Red Square, Moscow. They cutting trees near Tomsk. O * * * . Question: Some experts say there is a strong possibility the Russian people will revolt and destroy the communist regime, as they did the Czarist. What is your opinion? Answer: Oh, sure. Good chance. It happen same day all fish in Canada jump up, pull all fishermen out of boat, drown them. * 0 * Question: Joe, are the Russian leaders concerned about raising the standard of living of the work- ers, giving them more food, better livin§? Answer: Oh, sure! You ask biggest pig at trough step back, let little fellows have some. What he. do? He bite you on leg. * * * * Question: Do you think we NWELISIC Need money fast? Then simply pick up your phone and arrange for a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Loans from $150. to $2,500. without endorsers or bankable security. Up to 30 months to repay. And at Trans Canada Credit you can arrange for a -life-insured lean. Call us -today. DICK CASH LOANS THE ALL.CANADIAN4/ LOAN COMPANY TCA Photo An "Electronic Reservations Brain" was demonstrated recently in Toronto by Trans -Canada Air Lines. The prototype "machine with a memory" was built for TCA by Ferranti Electric of Toronto after being conceived by Lyman Richardson, Communications Analyst with TCA in Montreal. It is expected to provide an up -to -the -second inventory of all available seats and complete a reservation in a matter of seconds. It will reduce by some 60 per cent the three -and -a -half million transactions that are required to board TCA's 250 -thousand passengers a month. The nerve centre which handles all available space throughout the TCA network of some 26,000 route miles, processes 30,000 communications messages a day. The automatic system, if adopted by TCA, will reduce the number of messages by at least 80 per cent. LEGION LADIES PLAN ELECTION The Ladies' Legion Auxiliary completed their November activ- ities with a successful sale of home- made baking, candy and. Christmas cards. Highlight of the events was an enjoyable social evening spent with the Clinton Legion Auxiliary on the occasion of their 25th birthday. At the November meeting, four new members were initiated—Mrs. M. Brereton, Mrs. L. Grummett, Mrs. R. Rush and Mrs. V. Robinson. Plans were made to cater for two banquets. Mrs. Harbock, gift convener, will arrange for Christmas parcels for 'all ill veterans and all local servicemen in the forces. Mrs. N. Miller was in charge of nominations. The election of of - should try to reach the moon, and possibly other planets, before* the Russians? Answer: Moon? Por what? That makes the potatoes grow? -Let all Russians go to moon. Sooner better. * * * 0 And 1 think maybe Joe's got something there. ficers will be held at the December meeting with Mrs. R. Needham conducting. Lunch was , served by Mrs. C. Anstay and her committee. 0 0 —0 Y,hotofilm is made from wood. You can't o • � a ■ If you kel ALL•fN These dais most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep leu. ' This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living,'lowered resistance, overwork, wont'—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that .`.`tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney fills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better.. Ask::for-'-9odd's"Kidney --Pills at' any drug counter. 53 WHY WONDER ANY LONGER ABOUT THAT CHRISTMAS GIFT ? A relative or a friend of yours now living out-of-town would appreciate receiving A Year's Subscription To The Signal -Star WE SEND A LOVELY GIFT CARD SAYING YOU ARE SENDING THE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. ry It's a gift that keeps on giving all year long, and it's only $3 a year in Canada and 4 ti4 Drop in to TheSignal-Star ,and make arrangements NOW before the busy Christmas shopping season delays you. Crime Statistics By C. J. Harris Many of the Canadians who were stationed in the south of England with this country's World War Two army will remember that at one point during ithe prolonged training period prior to D,day some of the local Englishnewspapers seemed to go out oftheir way to blame ,Canadian servicemen for civilian. crimes committed in the area. For many Canadian soldiers the stay in Britain was long, and there were loiag periods of boredom. Some did commit crimes, petty and otherwise, but the number of Can- adian miscreants was never as great as ik was at one time sup- posed by heal residents: Perspec- bwve was restored when officers representing Canadian and British army headquarters toured the tom, mand area and suggested to local editors ,that it was unfair to Estate in reports of unsolved crimes that a Canadian was probably the culprit. The incident is not recalled here to implyeither dishonor to the Canadians or ,discredit to .the Eng- lish. Neither would be deserved. The story is retold only to illus- trate the point that it Ls a natural reaction --a 'human failing, if you 1 will --4o plane blame en the out- sider. And the same tendency has been apparent here in Canada in the post-war years in that there has been widespread belief that recently -arrived immigrants have been responsible for a high pro- portion of criminal offences. For- tunately, reliable evidence on the subject has been prepared by fed, eral government authorities. It is evidence that completely refutes the charge against our new citizens. The report is based on a study of criminal statistics for the, years 1951.1954. In that period the crime rate among foreign -,born Canadians was less than half the crime rate among native-born Canadians. For every 10,000 males between the .10011101111011111011011/11111100 ages of 15 and 49, there were 86.6 nat'ive.born offenders, only 42.8 foreign -born offenders. The single class of offence in which the for- eign -born rate was higher fiihap the native-born rate was in crimes re- lated to gambling and lotteries. Tho rumor of a high crime rate among foreign born can!: l ians w 11 not die easily. Th f:::..1 -"as re- ported by Ottawa should be em- ployed to sink that rumor wher- ever it pops up. Pure wood fibre is cellulose. Enpl0aives are made from, wood. TV ANTENNAS SOLD SERVIOED REMOVED 4, INSTALLED Les Chapman TV Phone 154 38 East St. -22tf as near as your telephone A COMPLETE • TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Can RAYE R. PATERSON, Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 For • Estate Planning and Wille • Real Estate Services • Inve ement Management and Advisory Service • 5% paid on Fixed Term Deposits • 3' i `7( on savings—deposits may be mailed Or Contact Any Office OJ GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • Vancouver MORE (XCITING THAN THE -STAN LEY CUP PLAYOFFS .. . Set up Power Plays - Check •- Stickhand le - All the --Action of Saturday Night Hockey • i • THRILL TO' THIS "PRO -ACTION" HOCKEY GAME; playing the "series" and the "play-offs" ... planning strategy and scoring plays • . . playing either wide open, positional or defensive hockey. Forwards and defencemen are individually controlled by •easy -to -operate controls at each end. The players move fcirward or backward .. pivot in a complete circle to catch- that trleky passor to make a difficult shot. Goalie moves back and forth in front of metal net ... is oven, able to stop the most deceiv- ing "slap shot" from any angle--- 'Rink" is colorfully decorated with the authentic colors of the N.H.L. teams and. is ruggedly constructed of wood and metal; masonite "Ice" surface hasll the -official markings . a red and blue lines, etc. Puck is smoothly finished easily slides along the playing surface Rubbertipped bottom; hthographed players: scoreboard at each end. Size, 28" x '181/2". Pro -Christmas Special 7.95 "NIP' u WHETSTONE 36- North 51. PHONE 69 Goderich