HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-21, Page 8PAGE MUT NEW FLORIST COMING HERE A new florist shop will be open- ed Qhh the Square in Goderich soon.' It will be operated by Wilfred J. I I'lcno>ln ne, of Clinton, who has been with K. C. Cooke, florist, of 'Ciiyinton for the past 16 years, dur- tiig which time he has had exten- sive experience in the nuking of floral arrangements for all pur- poses. A native of Clinton, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. " Lawrence Denomme. He has lived all his life in Clinton with the exception of three years spent in the Royal Canadian Navy during World War A member of the Canadian Legion he is immediate past presi- dent of the Clinton branch. Married with four children, he is a member of the Roman Cath - elle Church. o In 1956 there owere 100,884 bi- cycles produced in Canada, and 124,167 bicycles imported. gar ST. PETER'S P. T. A. PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY DEC. TI St. 'Peter's Parent-Teacher As- sociation met in the school on Wednesday of last week, with Mrs. Enzensberger in the chair. Final arrangements were made for the bingo to be held and for the children's treats at the Christ- mas concert witieh is to be held December lith,h MacKay Hall. At the conclusy` n of the busi- ness meeting, Sgt.' A. Goetz, of the Clinton Radar School, she w ed beautiful and informative colored pictures that he took while station- ed for three years at Gros-Tenquin in France. Mrs. Goetz gave the commentary. PERSONALS .'miss Jane Graham, student -nurse at Toronto Western Hospital, is now stationed at the Red Cross Outpost Hospital at Emo, in the Rainy River district. Miss Mary Graham, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, Nelson street. N••••••:N••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • HAVE YOU VISITED GARLAND'S TOYLA SEE W AT YOU ARE GETTING. NO BETTER C' "; OICE ANYW ERE! from infants up. GAMES, PULL TOYS, HOLSTER SETS, GUNS, RIFLES, • BLOCKS, DISH -SETS, ARCHERY SETS, DART GAMES, CUD- DLY TOYS, TRAINS, JACK-IN-THE-BOX, DOLLS AND • • CARTS, DR. AND NURSE KITS, EDUCATIONAL TOYS, • • UILDING KITS, DOLL BEDS, GUITARS AND MANY OTHERS. • • • OPEN FRIDAY St SATURDAY NIGHTS until 10 p.m. • • ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• USE OUR LAY -A -WAY. • • • i • • • ••• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HIGH .QUALITY Skating Outfits ' FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. 1- Infants' py Skates Youths' Skates boys' Skates Men's Skates pr.$6.95and P $e: Women's FigureSkating Outfits $s.c . pr. $5.50 pr. $5.95 and $7.9�,,. pr. $9.95 Misses' Figure Skating Outfits $8.50 Skating $9.95 SEE TIIEM AT ROSS SHOE SHOP ON THE SQUARE GODERICH -16 4 Memo From Reck Pharmacy: SEND A PHOTO -GREETING CARD made from YOUR own NEGATIVE - a truly per- sonal greeting that only you can send. 25 Cards for 3.50 50 Cards for $6.50 100 Cards for 12.00 BRIDE DOLL Completely dressed in Lus- trous Rayon Taffeta, match- ing Net Veil, rooted hair, moving eyes, all Vinyl body and V inyi head. Individu- ally bolted. et: egular 98 9.98. Other Dolls from 54.44 Brownie Movie Camera only only Turret f/1.9 $9950 ° Regular movies ° Wide-angle movies ° Telephoto shots Other Brownie MOVIE CAM- ERAS from $34.95 ,Get your MOVIE FILM and ACCESSORIES here. Rex -Way BATHROOM SCALES 'Reg, 9.95. SPECIAL 7.49 3 -piece Dresser Set in gift box. Reg. 6.50. SPECIAL 4.89 Rexall METAL YRUCK Reg. 5.49 WITH FRICTION MOTOR CAB AND TWO TRAILERS, over 25 inches long overall. •�� New! from KODAK BROWNIE STARLET CAMERA $6,9'�S Makes chlor slides as well as snapshots Other Brownie Star Cameras here, tt1o. Complete gift outfits trona $11.95 NEW for HER FRAGRANCES by SHULTON CARA NOME DOROTHY GRAY Perfume ATOMIZERS '1.35 Electric MIRROR 5.95 STATIONERY GIFT WRAPS GIFT SOAP .49 cap .10 cup .60 up TOYS (for all ages) .69 up PLASI#BULfS - COL FILM - •,EVELDPING & PRINTING ieck Pharmacy ittXALL D 176-2 ' irtt, LAREN hit Olt Phti.B. PONE 939 .12 Study Paying Fees For Area Pupils Enrolled Outside The question of paying the tui- tion of area pupils i,ho attend out- sade schools came ,in for plenty of discussion when Goderich Dis- trict Collegiate Institute Board met recently. A letter from Wingham !District High School, :•oard said that five pupils from the GDCI area are at- tending high school in Wingham. The letter claimed that there is an old 'agreement whereby the GDCI Board should pay the tuition of these pupils. Tuition amounts to around $350 per pupil' Principal A. R. Scott, secretary - treasurer of GDCI Board, stated that a 75 percent grant can be ob- tained from the provincial gpvern- ment for tuition of area pupils who are attending outside schools. On the other hand, he pointed out, if those pupils stayed in their own area, the local board would receive special grants of $100 per pupil from the provincial government on the basis of average attendance here. Apparently most of the pupils mentioned in the Wingham letter reside in the St. Augustirie area. Since the GDCI bus , passes the door of ane of these pupils, it was decided to advise the Wingham Board that the GDCI Board will not pay for tuition of this par- ticular student. Az 'for the -others, the GDCI Board will pay their tuition fees at Wingham for the remainder of this school year. An attempt will be made to .provide all with bus service to GDCI next September. If they do not take advantage of this service, the GDCI Board will not accept responsibility for their tuition fees. During the meeting, the GDCI Board also agreed o pay. tuition fees for a girl from ibis area who is attending a London secondary school, where she is taking a course that is not available here. Holes Ip Ceiling Dr. N. C. Jackson, Goderich Pub- ; lic School representative on the board, reported as chairman of the property committee. There are two holes in the ceiling of the GDCI gymnasium, he said. and it is probable that repairs wall be made during the Christmas holi- days. It was disclosed that one hole was made when a student kicked a ball through the ceiling. The board decided-. that the party responsible should be assessed a portion of the cost of repairing this damage. The, board decided to write Gode- rich ,Public Iltalities Cornrnission to repeat its re ueat that a water meter be installed at the school in preference to the board paying a flat rate for water. The board approved payment of expenses of J. F. Stephens, of the teaching staff, for attendance at a two-day conference that is to be held in Toronto within the next few months. The meeting is for persons who teach driver education classes. 0 0 0 Ol OBIT.VARY MRS. W. LADD A lifelong resident of Clinton, Mrs. William Ladd, died at the Earnshaw Nursing Home, Gode- rich, on Saturday morning. De- ceased was in her '79th year. She is survived by two sons and two daughters. Her husband pre- deceased her. The funeral service was held on Monday afternoon at Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clin- ton, with interment in Clinton cemetery. RUSSEL T , R. G I _LAZIER 1)aath came suddenly to a corn: ear; tively young man on Sunday night when Russell R. Glazier died at his home on Mary street in his 49th year. He was born in Clinton a son of Mrs. Elizabeth Cook and the late Peter Glazier. At the age of two years his family moved to Goderich Township where he continued to live for 18 years. After his marriage to Sarah Jane Foster, at Holmesville in 1929 he lived for three years in Bayfield and the last 18 years in Goderich. He received his early education at Porter's Hill school. Mr. Glazier was a member of the Bethel Pente- costalTabernacle. Surviving besides his mother in I Clinton are his wife and four I daughters Mrs. Rosaire DesRoches (Vesta), Anita, Joyce and Pauline, all of Goderich and three sons, Ronald, Wayne and Gordon, of Goderich. He had two sisters, Mrs. Albert Kneeshaw (Isabelle), of Goderich, and Mrs. McKee Falcon- er (Louella), of Clinton and one brother, Wilfred, of Holmesville. There are four grandchildren. The funeral service was at Stiles funeral home on Wednesday after noon conducted by Pastor R. .1. Green with interment in Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers were Leslie Hoy, Norman Hoy, William Hoy, Alfred Hoy, Joseph Berry and T. Gower. FRANCIS .TEFFREY Francis Jeffrey, a resident of Goderich for over fifty years, died in Alexandra Hospital, on Satur- day, at the age of eighty-four years. He was born at Drysdale, a son of the lath Mr. and Mrs. ('yprian Jeffrey, and was an empfoyee of the Canadian' National Railway until his retirement twenty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey cele. orated their sixty-third wedding anniversary just shortly before (Mrs. Jeffrey, the former Annie Badour, passed away in February last., He was a devout member of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as a member of the Holy Name Society, the League of the Sacred Heart and the Propagation of the Faith. Mt. Jeffrey was an ardent, fisherman and hunter and will be remembered by many for his entertainment on the violin accompanied by members of his family. Surviving are three daughters, Mas. W. A. Maguire (Gladys), of THE GODEmIC I SIGNAL -STAR Grandchildren Re-enact Wedding. Of District Crashes Couple Observing 50th Anniversary Result In Injury, • , A mock 1.7elling performed by Wedding cafe shaped in the figures Extensive Damage six of their grandchildren was part 50 and gold tapers were used. • of the celebration Wednesday (Arena After dinner the evening was Several accidents, causing con- siderable damage to the vehicles involved and injury too at least one of the drivers. have been investi- in to mark the 50th wedding an pent in singing and reminiscing. g g Mr. and Mrs. Bettger were mar- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Milton ried at New hamburg 50 -yeas ago E. Bettger, of Monkton, three of and after a few years residence whose children reside in Goderich. there moved to Monkton, where The anniversary party was held Mr. Bettger has beenve successful at Tiger Dunlop Inn with members business man. He is the son of The of the family and a few close late Mr. and Mrs, O. Bettger, and - friends **sent. !Mrs. Bettger is the former Clarissa The she grandchildren staging Mary, daughter off the late Mr. and the mock wedding were: Marianne i1rs. G. K. Forler, all of New Chapman as the bride; Elizabeth Hamburg. Harley as the bridesmaid; John They had eight children, two of Hopkinson as the groom; Peter whom, "Ethel and Lloyd, are de- Bettger as best man; Bryan Bettger ceased. The remainder are: Mire. as the minister; Bill Bettger, who John Walls (Ruth), Mrs. G. Hari* played the wedding music. The (Verne) and Mr. Harold Bettger, of bride and bridesmaid in the Mock Goderich; Mrs. W. Gia a p m a n wedding wore the gowns and wed- (Helen), of London; Mrs. W. Half - ding veil worn at the wedding 50 night (Mary), of Guelph, and Mr. E. years ago. G. Bettger, of Stratford. It was referred to as a chrysan- Besides their immediate family themum wedding when Mr. and the guests included Miss Louise Mrs. Bettger were married 50 years Bettger, bridesmaid, and Mr. A. ago and on Wednesday evening the Forler, best man of 50 years ago of golden anniversary was celebrated the couple, Mrs. A. Forler, Mr. C. with gold and bronze mums. The Forler, Mr. H. Forler, Mrs. L. dinner table was centred with the Bingenian, all of New Hamburg. Goderich Joins Mutual Aid Plan Goderioh Fire Department will participate in the mutual aid sys- tem being set up in Huron County. A by-law authorizing participation was passed at Friday's Town Coun- cil meeting. The by-law directs that "the Town of Goderich Fire Department be authorized to leave the limits of the municipality, at the discre- tion of the chief and under the direction of the Huron County fire co-ordinator (Fire Chief John F. Scott, of Seaforth), to respond to calls for assistance from other municipal fire departments (in the system) on a reciprocal aid basis.". Under the mutual aid plan, if Goderich needed help to fight a major blaze, local officials would contact the co-ordinator for the program. He would send up the Clinton brigade, while Seaforth would cover Clinton with one of Seaforth's two trucks. If both Clinton fire trucks were called to attend a blaze "in Seaforth, Goderich might have to send one of its trucks to Clinton to stand by until the Clinton firefighters returned. The county mutual "aid system has been organized atthe urging of provincial adtherities. Miss Jayne Ford, student at Trinity College, Toronto, spent last week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ford, and attended the Drama Festival Thursday and Fri- day nights. Goderich Township, Mrs. John D. Clifford (Valerie), of Detroit, and Mrs. Walter Johnston (Laura), of Windsor; three brothers, Peter, of Grand Falls, North Dakota, and George and John, of Drysdale; three sisters, Mrs. Gilbert Plante, of Goderich, Mrs. Delia Ducharme, of Zurich, and Mrs. Pauline Den- omy, of London; also five grand- children and 15 great-grandchild- ren. The funeral service on Tuesday morning was conducted at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church when Rev. Fr. J. P. Gleeson of- ficiated. Interment was made in the Colborne R.C. cemetery. The pallbearers were Robert, Edward and Richard Jeffrey, Tim O'Dwyer, D. J:'Lassaline and Leo Chisholm. HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVILLE, Nov. 18. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman were in Toronto on Friday attending the Royal Winter Fair. Their son, Jack, of the University of Toronto, accompanied them home and spent the week -end here. - Miss Sandra Williams, who is attending Siratford Teacher's Col- lege, spent the week -end at her home. Mrs. Bert Trewarthe is a patient in Clinton Publics Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon. gated by officers of Goderich OPP detachment in recent days. William Gordon, of R -R. 2, Brus- ..gels, suffered a fractured knee cap when his car was in collision with an auto driven by Kasimir Kuch- mistrz, of R.R. 3, Auburn. There was considerable damage to the vehicles, according to police. The accident happened on coun- ty road 25, near 'Blyth ' at about 4.10 a.m. on Sunday. The injured man was treated by Dr. R. Street, of Blyth, and then taken to Wingham Hospital. Provincial Constable D. Trumbley investigat- ed. 'Provincial -Constable Bruce John- ston! investigated an accident in which. a car driven by William A. Stanbury, of Goderich, was in col- lision with a bridge abutment, one- half mile _ south of Duniop,,.,...n . highway 21. Damage was estimat- ed at around $200. The mishap occurred at about 2.40 a.m. Sunday. Damage amounted to around $500 when an auto driven by Mrs. Beverley Ann Orr, of R.R. 2, Gode- rich, went into the ditch and rolls ed, said police. Scene of the ac- cident was the fourth concession of Goderich Township, about one and one-quarter. mile south of highway 8, on November 11. Provincial Constable Alex Twaddle investigat- ed. No one was injured but damage totalled about $300 when two vehicles met on the brow of a hill on a aideroad north of St. Augus- tine at about 11 a.m. on November 13. The drivers were Alfred Bur- chell, of 'R:R. 5, London, and Gor- don Foran, of RR. 2, Lucknow. The mishap was investigated by Provincial Constable D. Weston, of Goderich. Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -Star 'HOLLOW BLOCK MASONRY for tow cost well construction No skill necessary V,ith Durisol. •Just lay blocks up dry with no mortar in the joints. Fill cores with concrete and you have a completely'insulatedhearing wail of concrete and an ideal base for stucco or plaster. Durisol can ho sawn and nailed through like wood. Savings are astounding. In an exterior wall construction costs can be reduced by as much as 10''i over conventional methods. it's simple ... Anyone can build with DURISOL • EASY TO LAY! 1 CMHC APPROVED NAIL IT I Local distributorship available I)URISOL MATERIALS LTD., MVIITCHELL, ONT. iNNN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14v1.r&-ik7A'=i'�7J . A., NW • I ;s*1. R', IOW 1!, Maybe YOU'RE A LADY N A =GET, OR Maybe YOU'RE A LUCKY LADY WHOSE I' UDGET 13 LDNI AITEDI n Whatever the condition of your pocketbook, you°l1- appreciate the variety of permanent waves we offer, tailored to suit every budget, each one an excellent value. Quality is never sacrificed in any one of our waves . professional standards always remain high. That's why smart women will phone 1095W NOW and make an appointment for a permanent wave . . . the shortest distance to hairstyle perfection. PERMANENTS BY ERIC, STYLING BY VERNA VERNA'S BEAUTY SALON 67 WEST ST. GODERICH Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -star Y,. LOOK HOW MUCH MORE YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY 4 SPEED "FLOATING ACTION" RECORD CHANGER! • Changes records quickly, silentlyI • Simplest record changer ever! • Lightweight, twin - styli tone arm! Yours at no extra cost in all Hi-Fi "Victrolas" The Fairfield (HFC397) Solid wood cabinet. 4 -speakers. Stereo -switch. i .1 FOR THE FINEST IN ENTERTAINMENT, ALWAYS PLAY - RCA VICTOR NEW ORTHOPHONIC HIGH FIDELITY RECORDINGS T LES. CHAPMAN 38 EAST ST. (Opposite Fire Hall) PHONE 154 HOOT MOIL! HAVE YOU SEEN? The Beautiful and Original P SONALIZED (Please note) Christmas Greeting Car AT THE .SIGNAL -STAR THEY'RE NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS BUT.. PLEASE BE CANNY: Place Your Order EARLY So That YOUR NAME and MESSAGE Might Be printed On Them Ready For EARLY MAILING. Delay can mean that the card you select is out of stock and not available.