HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-21, Page 7'11 i JE c.AY, NOV. 2 , 1 At Sept. 1, 1957, Canada's popu- lation was estimated to be 16,745,- 600, , an inerease of 552,390 in the =preceding 12 months, ami of '.2,177,000,in a five-year period. In the danuarjr-Janne period of 190,7 Canada suffered a fo 'cion trade deficit of $Y14 mi11ioin, a' re- cord deficit for the first six months of any year. SUNDAYSERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Nov. 24th, Sunday next before Advent. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 D.M. Morning Worship. "The Materialism of Christianity." Junior Congregation and Nursery. Every Member Canvass. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox. Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP—"The Love Of God." (Nursery and Junior Congregations 4 p.m. AFT.ER'NOON SERVICE—"In the Image Of Godes NO EVENING SERVICE. A Friendly Welcome Awaits You COI& 'TO tHURCH-TH'i'S"SUNDAY: dE3DfRK#-I SAPTtST__£i-ttJRCH SUNDAY, 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Stewardship Sunday. (Junior Congregation and Nursery). 7 p.m. Searching The Scriptures, Tuesday, 8.30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Rei►, S. H. Findlay, B.A.; B.D., Minister. Mrs. E. 'Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist. WORSHIP GOD AT . BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST., SUNDAY 10 adm.—Sunday School for All Ages. 11 a.m. Morning Praise and Worship. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study. Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's. Service. (Coming Dec. 3-150—Evangelistic Services.) REV. R. J. GREEN (Pastor) UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria St. Benmiller Union 10 and 11 a.m. 12.30, 1.30 p.m. 2 and 3 p.m. "Back to Church and Forward with Christ, March, March To -day'° THEME—"FACE THIS ENEMY OF THE HOME". , MINISTER: REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR: MR. FRANK BISSETT. THE GODJRIOR CARLOW (ARROW, Nov. 19.—.Mrs. David Bean has been bereaved by the death of her father, William A. Addison, at Londesboro id his 34th year. Ho was a lifelong resident of Hullett Township where he en- gaged in farming. The funeral was on Tuesday afternoon at Clinton with interment in urns cemetery, Mullett Township. Surviving be- sides his wife, the former Martha ,Hofgart, are two sons, George and 'Clifford of Hullett Township, and two daughters; Mrs. David Bean of Colborne Township, and 'Mrs. Charles Wallace, of Goderich Township. A brother, John, of Orillia and a sister, Mrs. Dora Walker, of Clinton also supvive. Looking for a Christmas gift which the receiver will remember the year round? Your friend, rela- tive, neighbor would iY ppreciate a year's subscription to The Signal - Star. Only $3 in Canada and $4 to U.S.A. We send a gift card on date requested telling person you are sending the paper for a year. Why not make out a. list now and attend to it before busy Christmas season? 41tf O O O KINGSBRIDGE KINGSB1RiIDGtE, Nov. 19. — St. Joseph's sub -division, CWL, Kings- bridge, held their monthly meet- ing in the church vestry Monday. Mrs .Ray Dalton, president, was in charge. The meeting opened with prayer. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved. The treasurer's report was given. Re- ports were also made by the spirit- ual, press and financial conveners. It was decided that the first Friday of each month would be designated as "Priest Day" when special -pray- ers are to be recited for all priests. Mrs. Dennis Dalton gave a report on the Stratford deanery meeting which was held in MacKay Hall, Goderich, October 23rd. Plans were completed for the concert to be held November 29th. Tickets were distributed to members, to be sold on their prize-winning quilt and a lovely hand -made needle- point handbag donated by Sander - sons, of Lucknow. The draw is to be made at the Christmas party December 27th. Looking for a Christmas gift which the receiver will remember the year round? Your friend, rela- tive, neighbor would appreciate a year's subscription to The Signal - Star. Only $3 in Canada and $4 to U.S.A. We send a gift card on' date requested telling person you are sending the paper for_.,a..year. Why not make out a list now and attend to it before busy Christmas Welcome to he Church That Cares SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 10 a.m. Sunday 'School. 11 a.m. Morning WorThip. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Free Methodist Church Verlyn R. Snell, Pastor.' SALVATION ARMY Guest Speakers, Sr. Major and Mrs. Dumerton. Saturday, 8 p.m.—Fireside Hour. Sunday, Junior Soldier's Renewal Day. • 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Come and bring a friend. Capt. Reta Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell 23tf ol • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS ® THANK YOU CARDS st,r.e a, INT{R-11ATOMAL-ATA[TS Featuring "THER " O -C RAVURE" PRINTING (Raised Lettering) LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS ... You may select your Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Acknowledgments with complete confidence as do quality and correctness of form. WE ALSO 4A\E PIASONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATL6-1ira AND LAKE BOXES PH Goderich signal -Star WEST ST. NE 71 Demolition has begun to make way for the Bank of Montreal's new 14 -storey building in Mon- treal's financial district, a model of which is seen adjoining the bank's domed head officebuilding on St. James street. The building, to be erected on the site of the bank''= first permanent home, built in 1818 (inset), is scheduled for com- pletion in mid -1060. ews_ .of Dungannon DUNGANNON, Nov. 20. — Mr. ciordon Congrarn is ill at his home with plural pneumonia. Mr. and (.Mrs. Ivan Henderson spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs_ Victor Errington_ "'"""'- Visitors and callers recently with Mrs. Jessie,. Olver and Miss E. McMillan and also Miss Jessie Wal- lace were Mrs. Herb Morris and Mrs. Mary Morris, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson, Port Albert, and Mrs. Henry Bradley, Goderich. Miss Wallace, who was ill at her own home,-. was brought to the Olver home and is noW making progress to recovery from pneumonia. Mr. Roy Ratz, Dashwood, spent a few days during the deer hunt- ing season with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Errington. Miss Helen McGee, Cranbrook, spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. Harold Errington. Mrs. Jack Errington met with a misfortune while spending the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Melinda Nivins, Clinton. On Sat- urday evening, while leaving the house in company with two other ladies, she _slipped on the walk, breaking her right arm just above the wrist. The injury was treated at Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Ada Webster, Lucknow, visited her cousin, '.Mrs. S., J. Kil- patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Mr. Harvey Anderson and other rela- tives in the vicinity on Monday at- tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Will Reed, of Galt, who was formerly Etta Pellow, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pellow, of the Port Albert district. She suffered a stroke in her late 70's but had been in good health till lately. Mrs. Harvey Maize was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. Joe Prior, Guelph, who is crippled with a painful arthritic condition. Mrs. Sheldon Baxter and family, Mrs. Henry Bradley and_ family, Goderich, on Sunday, visittld their father, Hebert Stothers. The Woman's Association of the United Church met on Friday even- ing at the church. m/Irs. Omar Brooks presided and Mrs. Robt. Bere was hostess. Mrs. Harvey Alton conducted the devotional period with the theme, "Endur- ance." Mrs. Otto Popp read a chapter from the study book. The organization will cater for the Hereford Association banquet on December 3.1 A committee was appointed to arrange Christmas gifts for shut-ins. They are Mrs. Otto Popp, Mrs. Arthur Elliott and Mrs. 'Charles Fowler. The ladies discussed getting a church kitchen - stove. A donation of $100 was , made to the furnace fund. Mrs. i Wm. Cranston conducted a contest of Towns and Cities. Rev. R Ken- nedy installed4he new slate of of- ficers and arts follows: president, Mrs. Omar Brooks; 1st vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Clifford Cro-, zier; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Wil- bur Brown; assistant secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Howard Johnston; pianist, Mrs. Everett 'Errington; as- sistant pianist, Mrs. Raymond Fin• nigan; flower committee, Mrs. M. Reed, Mrs. Tom Webster, Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Mrs. George Hodges; parsonage committee, Mrs. Harvey Alton, Mrs. Frank Pentland, Mrs. K. K. Dawson; Christian steward ship, Mrs. Harvey Anderson; Chris tian education, Mrs. Ivan llivett; literature, ,Mrs. L. Ivers and Mrs;. Clifford Crozier; visiting and Chris- tian fellowship, Mrs. II. Alton, Mrs. ('ecil Blake and Mrs Herb Finnigan. Miss Barbara Wilson, nurse-in- tr.iining at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, was home for a few days last week. Mvs. Arthur ,Culbert and family were visited by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Daisy Tyndal, widow of the late Milton Tyndal, Prince Albert, Sask. It so happens that Mrs. Tyndal was a close neighbor and friend of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and Mrs. Diefenbaker. It was her privilege to attend the opening of Parliament and the Royal visit. Mrs. Tyndal, who has known them personally for years, speaks very highly of them. She also accompanied friends on a tour of Montreal and New York. Mrs. Jas. Wilson hal been doing private nursing at Goderich Hos- pital. Mr. Robt. McAllister has return- ed to his home from Victoria Hos- pital, London, much improved after his accident two months ago. At this time he was slashed with a limb of a tree across his fore- head when he was on a tractor doing bush work. A large cut which required many stitches did not give as much trouble as a severe pain that set in a couple of days afterwards. Treatments at London since is giving some relief, but he is not feeling quite up to par yet. The Woman's Association cater- ed to a turkey banquet at the church on November 12 for the Ashfield Federation of Agriculture. It was well attended. Rev. Roy Kennedy was the guest speaker. IMr. and Mrs. Walter Stafford, Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. J. Hamilton. 0 -, 0 DONNYBROOK bONNYBROOK, Nov. 18.—The W.M.S. of Donnybrook Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the, home of Mrs. -H. Jefferson with 11 Iadies present. Mrs. R. Chamney was in charge of the meeting. .Mrs. Jas. Leddy read the Scripture. Mrs. Harold Woods read an article on . .Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Sam ompson gave a reading. Mrs. H. Jefferson read a letter from Nancy Forbes, a missionary, for prayer. Mrs. Tom Armstrong and Mrs. Sam Thompson sang a duet. Mrs. Ernest Snowden and Mrs. Gordon Naylor read poems. Mrs. Wm. Hardy read the chapter on "Japanese Churches." The offer- ing was received by Mrs. E. Robin- son. Mrs. S. Chamney gave a brief report of the Sectional meeting which was held in Goderich. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by 'Mrs. Morley Johnston and Mrs. Ernest Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson were Sunday visitors with the Tat- ter's father, Cecil Chamney, in Vic- toria Hospital. Mrs. Chamney, who had spent a .few days in London, returnee( home with them. We are pleased to report that ('ecil is mak- ing satisfactory progress toward recovery. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Thompson and Howard included Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fitz- gerald, of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fitzgerald and family, and .Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wisemer, of Goderich. Other recent visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jeff erson and family, of Newmarket, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall, of Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. TI. Jefferson: Miss Lucy Thompson. of Bronte, at her home here; Mr. and Mrs Carman 'Horley, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson: Mr John Noble, of Blind River, at his home here; Mr. and Mrs. Kelland Mc, Vit.tie, of Rlyth, with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Chamney, and Mr and Mrs. Cliff Henderson and family, of Kip-- pe'n, with Mr. and Mrs. S ('hamney i and girls. County Judging Team Fourth At Royal Winter- Fair The Hurn County judging team of Raymond Cann, Exeter, Murray Dawson, Hensall, and Bruce Cole- man, Seaforth, stood third in the competition with 27 other teams in this year's Inter -County Com- petitions at the Royal Winter Fair. The winning team in the com- petition was from Peel County and the second place team was from Brant. The Huron County team was the runner-up for the Ontario Veterinary Challenge Tro- phy for the Beef Cattle Section which was won by Huron County's 1956 team. As individuals, all three Huron County team mem- bers were in the top 20, the only team in this year's competition with this standing. Bruce Cole- man tied for 15th place with 884 points; Murray Dawson tied for 17th place with 883 points and Raymond Cann 20th with 879 points out of 1,000. Raymond Cann was the high in- dividual in the Beef Section for the entire competition and receiv- ed the Royal Winter Fair Gold Medal which is awarded to the high individual in each section. As always, this competition was very keenly contested. o WINS $600,000 Mrs. N. McGrail. of Reddish, Stockport, England, who won $600,000 on the English rugby pool, a 34 -year-old widow, is a niece of Tom Pritchard, of Goderich. ___ Shop At.. f __ • itr s Give MOVIE the the s; rk :e L �k ,,,,,..., tt. Monterey Projector with one -inch 500 -watt lamp, built-in carrying cycle. ONLY SEE A BELL & CAMERA and ideal o Christmas lamely • , , . Monterey , _. t 8mm. • . #I Two-tone, die s ,: TO ft. film '' ff/ .3 lens t Also available ?���' f/ 1.9 lens at m , • � �,. , k f/1.6 lens, 400 -foot reel, case, 60- . MP► $99.95 yra.,,,...,,, THEM NOW HO PROJECTOR Movie cast aluminum run, with 'k }' .,,. f^n.� lx x3 s :: Gift, Camera housing, X54®95 $69.95 d ' ,h, ,„ AT for . ,L. N••••••••••••••••f•••N•N••••••••••••••••••••• THANK YOU! I • We wish to thank all the many people who accepted our :' invitation to visit our new, ultra -modern drug store during the • i Grand Opening celebration. b In appreciation, we are offering the following SPECIALS Iall this week— • Jack & Jill Reg. 98c bottle plus 1/2 oz. 98c • • COUGH SYRUP - jar Ohest Rub • Milk of 100's, 300's Reg. 39c •• MAGNESIA TABLETS , and 89c 29c, 590 i 'SACCHARIN TABLETS • 1/4 grain 14c, 39c, 59c • '1/2 grain 17c, 49c, 79c STOMACH POWDER IDA Brand 4 &16' ounce. • • Reg. 75c, $1.95 59c, • Vicks $1.09 • • VAPO-RUB and .15c Gough Drops Both for • Dr. West Special—TWO 69c Brushes • TOOTH BRUSH and a 25c Colgate Dental Cream—$1M3 value— for only - $1.29 WHITE RAIN 10c off special. Reg, 75c bottle 650 • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1.49 = 1.09 • CAMPBELL'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE .' ••••••••••••••••••••••0••••N•••i••••••••••••••• JAYCEE N'S PRE.. -CHRISTMAS SALE Friday, Nov. 22 to Saturday, Nov. 30 TWEE , FLANNEL AN' WORSTED SKIRTS Sizes 10-20 CAR COATS 4.95 — 14.95 in red, beige, charcoal, black. Sizes 14-1 12.93, 14.95 TAFFETA SLIPS Navy, black, gray, white. Sizes S2-442.00 ORLON SWEATERS w. °V -nock.. Sizac 34-36-38 4,9 5 All Sales Final n No Exchanges o) Refunds