HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-30, Page 1THE TIMES
,T.A.N'Y 1891
aTonly 'WHU'J ,a` Soli
Publishers and Proprietor
Barrister; Soli.
r s
e ,
•eller of Supreme eua Court. No
Public, teonveyaneerrs Oemintesiorier, &C.
Loney to Goan.
(Meaty. ,b'anson'a7}loek, Exeter.
k. COlal*Il1t't�,
8 t�� Solicitor,
O�l i
t � �QIlY g
ri t
leISTB1t, , ONT.
Ofllee Sentwell's Block. airs old, ofce-
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
CQl1{voyll,ue@Ps tze, tl',Q,
re 'Afouey to Loan at Lowest Hates of
n, T, ewer:. OT. 7. Zhe.107.
1213 N TAI,.
I, s
OFFICE : Over Q'Naire Bank.
Nitrous Oxide Gee for Painless Extraction.
6. , S.
Samwen's Mock, Maln•st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth 'is -luteus
rtill :at ."O
iit4 Frrgsecond
and fourth Tuesday: anti
Zo areu on tete tact Thum -
day of aaobruouth.
IC! 10 S/VO D.
Tilts been one of the difficult ques-
ticns ot the nineteenth century and
we think we have probably solved
the problem, at least in a measure,
viz: by dealing at J3rnnzptons•.
Let us reason together. In the Liras
place, we have the only genui ne
*tuck in town, bought at n rate On tie
dollar;and the principal parte of our
purOlmae$ stno than tiara been in
oloaring linea at A price that you Will
woe ata glance our stock has been
bought below its value. In tine second
pias we bitve to call, Wo have tried
in all reir:eaa to rent the premien viro
occupy at what we colraider reesougble
rent, but without euceeoe; and nosy
our only hope is to move, WtMM it pay
Ile better to sell the good* at a;Meriden
or move them? We think the formert
eo what la our loos will be your gain.
Titin Reek_ we offer you Men's all•wool
MN at 45c ; flrst.claea braces. 25c; boys
school cape, 25c; Children's and Ladies'
betide, 25o; Monti fur cute, $20. The beat
50e cesbnero holo in town,. All sinew io
these faMon 'Devonshire slippara. en Setae'.
day. Cou***ro��an� gest aa�E pair r only 22fio,aa (/��LL
,i:?d44. JFrfl TON JMtos
The Maisons a
W. . D., ;,
• I'. ti, tiradnaee Victoria University'
Office and residence, Dam -pion T,abara-
tory .'Exerter.
(011Aff,T.EUND IOY P40E411'a1EN T,1Cia)
aid U Qapital
tl`und ..
freed Office, Montreal.
t1gee Int OfaYAoits
20 bran ehotfcesInthe Denrinion, Agenelo
in thePominfon.U.S•A,and Europe.
Exeter Branco,
Qpen every Jew int day. free) 10 a.m.1o5 p.m
SA'TURA)ATS.10 son. to 1 p.m.
4Port;ont.poraouum aliowedformoney on
Deposit Reece pia
)R. EiYNDMAN, ooroaor for the
County ot Baron. Of Ice, opposite
Carling Bre store. Exe tor.
T��..R. . A.. ROLLINS,M.0..P,VS.
0. Offen Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Reactance, Munni rocontly ooeapied b7 i',
eloPledlips, Ease
+ F. CUT'TEN, M. D., 0. M.,
• (senate Trinity University, Tor-
onto; Fel. Med. school. Toronto ; Grad.
Am 1nst..Cranlorogy; Member N. Y. Aced.
Anthropology; Member Col. 1'. S., Ont.-
ofllce, Aaehwood.Ont.
Diseases of the
Eye glasses dna Spectacles furnished for
both Near mad Distant Vision.
Always at home, except en Fridays.
No. 185 Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
BOSSEN1 +'R '.Y, General If .
, • *rinsed al Auctioneer s ceududtod
n Sales
iu aUparts, Satisfaotionguaranteed, Charges
moderato. Ileusall h 0, Ont.
TTEN1%Y EILi3Li`R Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Flay, Stephen. npoltfo-
GlIlivray xowuahilts. Sloes oondnated at
maderatoratca. °aloe,atPoet-0Moe, Cred-
iton Ont.
TON GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townehtoa of Stephen, gay and 'Osborne
dna the Village of Exeter. Sales promptly
attended, and satisfactioa guaranteed.
Seise errataged at this office.
1J.. ArtotioneerandLandlealuator. Orders
sent by mail, to myndenies, 13aylieldP.0.,
will receive prompt attention, Terme moder-
ato. D. H. VQ1tTIett, Auctioneer.
Tennent& Tennent
Graduates ofthe Ontario Veterinary Col-
overall: one noor South of Town Hall.
Loaningrcompanies�re0 presentedte undg. Beet
Barrister, nxeter,
ADA. Head Office, London, Ont.
fter 31 yeers of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
andprivateresidences, either on buildings or
contents ,the most favorable protection in cease
of loss crdamage byfire orllegatee , at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
• cies in force lstTan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government dopost. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAMMIDs GRANT,
President ;1). C. Mo 0 oeate,Manager• DAVID
Temae,Agee t for 33xoter and viamity .
.d FIRE U '
Lt INS ItANdi~ 0.0,
Established in 1i463..
This conaeany has been over Eighteen
year, in Iucoeseful operation in Western
Onario, .and continues to insure against
loss orllamageby Giro IIuifdinge Mea;chate
dice, Manufactories, tied ail other desorip.
tions of insurable property. Intending
insurers have the option et insuring on
the Premium Note or one]) System.
During the past ten years this Coin
panyhas issued 57,026 Policies,covering
property to the amoo nt of •.;40,872,934; aucl
}7$id in losses alone' 3x700,752,00.
Assets, $17(6,10O.00, consisting of Cash
in°lhank, Government Der oeit and the un-
assessed Preiiiium Notes cn Land and in
force. 3 .ar • WAtamxt2 D,Preeider t. 0.
rat, 'lsrnoln Secretary. '.Is.7ivani<s, In-
octor . OITAS. SNF3LL, Asent''ter 'rcicotor
Aced y{ala(,..
0011.021.14 BED NEWS
Front Various Sen trees Through
out the District.
Parkhill ie agitatingfor eieatric light.
1440' were taken at tbe gate on the ooecas-
ion of the Parkhill Fair.
Tire Bishop ofl:uron will not visit St.
dame' church, St. Marys, aunt the 30th.
The town of \\Vingbam is introducing
eleotrio lights for rtreet lighting purposes.
The best stock of tweeds and ovorcoatings
ever shown in Zurich, at Appel sa Zeller's.
Mr Hothatn, teacher of the school in
section o 2, to e 1 at tbee
t N e ph u, eaves rad
of his term.
A bridge is to he built at Elimville,
and for wbioh posters are out calling ten-
Last week robbers broke into Mr John
Wiseman's store Canton, and ttoie a quan-
tity of goods, besides $50 in cash.
Bishop Baldwin has appointed the Rev,
A. D. Dewdney, of Durham, to the Rector -
shit' of Trinity Church, Mitchell.
MrDunoan Stewart, of the 12th coneeas-
IOn of Hibbert, having rented hie farm for a
term of years intends removing to Hensall
to live.
Yrs James Beer, of Exeter, is at present
in the city Hospital, awaiting to go under
a very dangerous operation. -Loudon Ex-
Mrs R Ferguson, of Hay, purposes sel-
ling by emotion on tine 31st of this month,
her personal property ; she having rented
her farm to Mr Goo Grain, for several
years, will retire.
Notwitbetanding the alleged scarcity of
apples in Huron this year Mr Thomas Cox,
of the 6th con., Goderich township, rejoices
in a 250 barrel yield from bis orchard. Not
it bad asset with apples ruling at $2 25 per
While driving pigs the other afternoon,
J.P. Bannon of the 4th oou Ellice, held a
knife in his hand. In some way he slipped
and the blade of the knife made au ugly
gash of two and a half inches in the calf of
his leg, The wound reached the bone.
Messrs Jas and Alex Fraser, Wm Mit-
chell and Paul Doig, of Farquhar, left this
week for California to push their fortunes
in that land of gold. The first three are
young Sootahmen who came out here last
A farmer named Stanley, on Wolfe Ix.
land, ppp
says he has the largest a le tree in
The Dominion. trunk is six feet in
oiroumference, and the highest branches
are forty-five; feet from the ground. The
yield from the tree this year was forty
bushels. .
Mr J. B, Snort', of Varna was brought
before John MoGarva, J. P„ on the charge
of uttering profane language in Mr More
row's store, Varna, on the 21st Inst ;; he
pleaded guilty to the information, and was
fined d5 and costs.
Glencoe Traneoript : "A young Jew who
has beentravelling about the country sel-
ling, fanny articles, and well known in this
voinite, hired a horse and buggy from Mr
Srnitl, of the Commercial Hotel, Newbury,
about two weeke ago to deliver` some goods,
and hag not shown up eines, 'nor can any
ti ace be had of the horse and rig."
The editors of the Goderich k ens' and
Clinton New Era are indulging `. in warfare
a8 to the size: of their respective publications,
cne claiming a larger sheet then the other,
and also a greater spread of reading matter.
A small head with an abunclanco in it is
more sought after than a largo head witn
little in it. This is exactly the case with
these blanket•shceis, as competed with the
smaller rized andnewsier eoutety weeklies.
Itii.-t,' ,.., :.r. •''LF )'; r ^' rap%M . c
Order yogi suite and overcoats at Appel
k Zeller's, Zurich,
a i a
Mr John Hanna. the !inion dairy m n,
has shipped, or is preparing to abip, a
car load of eggs to British Columbiw.
Young Mr Clarke died at Hills Green
last week shite unexpectedly, at the age of
26 years. Typtaoid Peyer the cause.
� r is ill, i
AI R. 3, G lay, of Blyth, killed pine
pigeone one of ten att the tournament in
°Gunton last week. ikfr Gridley ie a fanner
The young pian who wag accidentally
shot in Manitoba, was, we regret to learn,
Bubert, son of Mr Robert Taylor, of
Qn account of the heavy ooudition,ot the
tree!., canaetl by the resent rain, Weimar*
raeoa have again been postponed this..
time indefinitely.
Stewart Stratton, sun of station neat
Straiton, Goderice, left house on Tnes4ay
nlornipg week, for the Oeutral Scheel, bat
apparently failed to revolt there, and has
not bete, seen since, .
Walter Teekey, a St ?Alert's boy has TO•
eeivotl a cheque for 650t,0 the twentieth
part of the $100,000 prize of kite Louisiana
Lottery. Better to be born lucky than
?dr.' E. Harding, Q. C., of Stratford, la
being eongratulatel by hie many friends on
hia appoiota*ent to the otlioe ot Muter -in.
ultencery, Ile Will lake charge of hie neve
dutlee Nov 1.
By soma uaacceeotablo 1uletalto 1'dr 11.
feCoaraey, the well known pig breeder cat
gibbers. Mata not been receiving fair play
-n ttie prize lists this year. At .1.5abter 1*a
awarded fait prize for each of the fol.
lowing animate in the largo or madmen
lase, viz ; Age:! hear ; boar littered in
a<;cd sy,w and sown littered is 1850.
Mr d 1) McColl, of Iuean, waw cue of
the five Canadians who pulled lathe Wipe'
war against the Highlanders. of Chicago,
at London recently. The Highlanders won
in two etrsight palls is 45 mantes and 1
hour and Ave minutes. The Americus
nate harneas. Aar AloColl ways, had the
Canadianti .used harness they would have
pulled their opponents all over the field,
A. recent ifieao of the Stratford herald
outdo the startling announcement that a
cow in one of the back ;oarnehipe lead given
birth to a litter of 25 pigs. Some of lite
ntlsobleelnns typos in the office had chewed
the original by aubatituting a c for e, and.
the proof reader was eo thoroughly deceived
that bo felt Notified in adding that the
ciroumatenco was an nnuanal one.
While wore° L von of 81r George
Bentley, of 8t Marys, was arranging a rope
to a post in front of their *took bull the
other day in a ear at tbe town station, the
animal sprang at him and crushed him
against the aide of the oar,breaking two of
his ribs and crushing his lungs somewhat.
Fortunately the animal's horns came on
each side of the boy.
The little son of Mr Geo Leith, of Blyth,
mot with a paiuful aoatdcnt recently.
Some obildren were ridi g him around in a
small wagon, when he wan tbrowu out and
hie arm broken between the wrist and el-
bow. Tho little fallow seems to bo very
unfortunate, as it le but a couple of months
since be fell from a fence and bad his right
arm broken.
A valuable horse awned by 0. Robbins,
Kingston, jumped a rail fence, when a
Stake, about eight feet long and three in-
ches through, penetrated the fleah between
the four legs and came out back of the
shoulders, within three inches of the back-
bone, It remained impaled for four or five
days, without food or water. After dressing
the wound a surgeon said the animal
would recover,
An. interesting case to farmers and grain
buyers came up in the Brantford Division
Court recently. A. farmer named Leritt
sold 350 bushels of barb y to Mr Harold
for 58 cents per bushel. He delivered one
load to him, and then sold the remainder
to Mr Wood for 60 cents. Mr 'Harold re-
fused to pay for the first load, and Leritt
entered action. Mr Harold also put in a
counter claim of 4 cents per bushel for non-
delivery. The couuter claim was allowed.
Mr F. L• Hamilton, blacksmith, of Crom-
arty, met with a serious accident some
time ago. He was engaged aleauinR a
horse's hoof, when the knife he was using
broke, and a small portion of it penetrated
his eye, rendering him unable to work. Ile
consulted physicians of London and Tor-
onto but to no avail. They thought if
they out for the piece of steel they might
destroy tbe sight of the eye entirely, so
they told him it might heal where it was
and he wonid etiil epee soma psis of the
The Seaforth council have resolved to ap.
point Mr A. H. Ingram at the rate of 16400
per year, his engagement to continue until
the council of 1891 take office. Mr In -
gram's duties are to consist of running and
baying full cbarge and control of the dy-
namos,cleaning, and adjusting
R, oarbonin8 jR
the lamps, making all connections and re-
placing lamps when required ; to have full
control and charge of the electric light plant
and to be responsible for the proper reit.
ning of the same,
Mr John McLean, of the llth 000cessiou
of Taelersmith, hag some very 'fine Late
Rose potatoes.. One of these weighs 2 lbs.
and the other. 2e. lbs. Mr D. 8. Bruxer, of
Dublin, beats, these. He fins a monster.
which weighs 3,''r lbs., and lie pinked out
40 from a small pile, which together weigh•
ed 65 lbs., and the-yieldseems to almost
equal the Ate, as he dug 30 bags, being the
product, of one bag of seed. Mr W. J.
Allau, of the 4th ooncession of Hibbert,
also hag a very large yield. He had scarce-
ly half an acre under drop, aunt he harvested.
over 112 bushels of very fine potatoes.
M chiller.
1)s UH or scsi BoI,TON.-Another of gout'',
old residents' has passed to hie long home.
Mr Barnet Bolton, of 'tiro 8tb oon, died on
Tuesday last at the age of 73 years. Mr
Bolton, besides being troubled with the loss
of eye -sight, bas been in failnig health for..
some time. ;On Friday last be was pros,
tinted by a stroke of paralysis, from which
be never . rallied, and passed peacefully
away as above ststed.
Ladies, if you *venire anything in dress
geode, jacketing or nleterings, ebewls,
p tuts, eta,do not fail to call and oxsgtiaa
our goods. Appel ek Zeller, Zurich.
In the grouping of the Ontario Curling
Club for the tankard$, group No 10 cousiets
of Bright, Platteville, tat. Aiarye, 8eafortb,
Qoderrcb, Forest and Stratford.
Mr R. M. Hobbs, of Birr. ebipped 50
head of cattle to °laegow. Scotland. last
week, Mr G. Sleek, of 8t, tlfsrpa, *leo
tirade a heavy ehipruent this week.
The other day Mr James Reynold,. Hnl-
lett, packed a barrel of beautiful Northern
Spy aptlea that were expressly intended for
the Right Hon. W. R. Gladstone, 'owlet),
Qn Saturday last the meaabere .of the
4,l ;otua ban represented by .1. 3, . Kehoe,
Aistriet Attorney, and M. McFadden, form-
erly of Exeter, waited upon Judge end Aire
Johnston, formerly of Uoderich, awl pre.
aerated the latter will* tt handeorue meth e
clock, which bore the inscription, "To Mia
Jahnaten, with compliments of the Bar of
Sault Ste Merle."
4e are nsloiuted that the silk patched.
wilt which took the 21141 prize at the re.
cent thew In Exeter, wail Use work of Mie
Dinnin, of Lumley, in the townahip of
Vaboree. This gngtt was compact' of one
thousand Mocks and the whole wilt con.
tattled Ova thousand and -fifty pieesa, alt
eer•aeented. ']be quilt was *math ad•
mired by all who Paw it and when we con -
Wet that the work wee all tlouodnriug last
veer' 1=7 a lade wtin is now eesenty.el:;
care ; f age, the ,usenet iu it will be,++'oh
The death of :ire Wm ,eldou, sr, whiel*
Deterred at the reaideneo of her son Thoma,,
nit Friday leas, renrnvee another of Oxford's
oldest pioueere. Deceased was horn in
Qtvonabire,Fuglatid, on Dias 29th, 1812,
and iu company with 1'er huebend,te whom
the was married in 1810, came to thio
country in 1810, and aeltled an a farm iu
Xmas Oxford on the Themesfard ,gravel
road about a mile from Ingereon, 9'here
she resided continnally vier ,ince till within
* fortnight of her death, wit u eho removed
to Iugersoli. Two davit *iter she went to
Ingersoll alto was taken ill with dropsy ant
been diocese which resulted in her death.
Deceased had a timidly of six children, only
three of whom attrvive her, Aire Thane
Chapman end ex -mayor Time Seldou, of
Iugeraoll,aud Richard Beldon, who occupies
the old howeatead, add formerly a readout
of Exeter.
Bowe weeks ago. Mr L, 0. Jackson, son
of bir Geo. E. Jackson, of'Egmouville, left
for Oberlin, Kansas, with'the purpose of
entering into the banking busmen there.
Under of Oct Sri he writea :-"This is
a very poor country for any pronto coma
'o. cepeeiaily a Canadian, who haa any kind
of ant iu OntarIo. I do not intend to
reside hero very snug, merely a visit, 150
houses are left emptied here and coven
hnudred teams went cast the other day.
The crops are a failure foot a Canadian
failure) but literally nothing. Corn did not
grow over six inches abovo the ground and
other produce in a like manner. .5 farmer
drove a number of pigs iota this plane but
could not got a cont for thorn. Hetet them.
looeo in the streets to get what they canto
eat. He left for the east with his wile and
fancily in a delapidated looking rig and a
pair of bouts of home. My advice is to
keep away from Western Kansas,
A. Lobo correspondent .sonde the follow.
iug:-"While Messrs. Alex. McIntyre and
James autlterisnd were working on the
Lobo and Camden townlane the other day
they turned over an old log, and under it
partly covered r.:th earth, they caw a huge
sack, and don opening the same it was
found to contain nothing but coppers
They were consulting how to divide the
epeii, when to and behold they saw another
each of the same size and full to the brim
with the same valuable articles. They ware
now satisfied, as they could take one apiece,
but when they went to lift them they were
surprised that they could not even move
them from where they lay. After a little
reflection they throw away their dinners
and filled their pails with the coins and
started for home. Several trips were made
to and from the sacks with tee pails, tak-
ing each time as much as they could navi-
gate under, before they were able to take
the sacks and what remained in them.
The correct Amount is unknown yet, but it
is commonly believed there are thousands
of dollars.
RaaxovgD.-Rav Mr afoCuunoll, of this
place, who ler some time past has been
pastor of the congregations of Bayfield
Road and Berne, has r•eeiguod tue pastor-
ate of these charges. Rev Mr Henderson,
of Bayfield, preached iu boys clap -ghee last
S..bbeth and animal eee to the eongrega-
tions Mr MaOonnell's resignation. The
rev gsntlamau intends leaving 'Insfatnill
on his farm near here and will himself for
a time engage In missionary work in some
of the new fields in the Province.
Te\ A
BRrers--We are pleased to learn that
Mr Michael Burns, of the Centre road, who
has had a severe attack of inflammation of
the,lunge is now on a fair way of recover-
ing. -Mrs Galaghar, widow of the late Mr
Daniel Gallagher, is also. Ont of danger,
though her recovery was. at one time des-
paired of. ---Mr Jas Fenney, of eon 4, lost
his eldest daughter Katie on Thursday of
last_\veek• She had not beeu well for some
time, but was confined only a very short
Miss Minnie Magha , of Port Austin,
;Mob, is visiting her uncle, Mr James
IHenuosy, Biddnlph.-Miss Mary Tberesa
Dobbins, of Port Enron, is the guest of Mr
W W Revington, Biddulph..-Miss Minnie
Armitage and sister leave Laoau to -day to
live with their uncle, Mr A Atkinson, in
Winuipeg.-Miss Emma Port, of Olande-
boye, was united in the holy'bnnds of rnat-
rimouy, to Mr PutIingtmr, station agent at
Clandeboye, on Wednesday evrning,•22ud
inst.-Mr James Mcls'addee,of Glanaeboye,
is the guest Of Mr'Wesloy I3laokwelL
-Mr P Harding, Butcher, of Dream La
vQTIC1.-0qr !?alt and Winter Stook iQ.new
complete, and the pubic will audit interesting
to cell and examine goods and compare prices•
Ail winter goods of Ilai,pel . Cieehore will be
*obi below reg'ilar prices. Highest prices
paid at all times for butter and eggs.
DoweoN COURT..
Hie Manor Judge Doyle bell court bora
in Perue's !tall on Wednesetay lest, when be
diispr ed of the following ease*:
Halt vs Beanhan, Catbrn geiniabee.
Judgment Ler plei.etiff for 619.50 attefeett
defendant, anal for the costa of the, aeiNn
against garnishee. Ur Conine, of Exeter,
i for plaintiff.
Stephen V4 Miller---' is eatiau for wages.
The defence was payment. Jaigineut for
plaintiff for tall amount of ela,i t. Mr
Collies for plaintiff.
Zeller vs Weber -.\Vas en exatnittatfon of
detendaut acs a judgment debtor. Ordered
that defendant pay Eta per month until
debt and Coats ratiaaed, I'l' r °.+ilius for
p Hope. TS itlottrfl-Fxaiuinatien of jsi'lge
uiant debtor. Order made that defendant
pay $2 per month. Mr Conine fur taitf.
Atter the close of the court the Judge
sieited the new township hall and court
room, which is now nearly completed, end
will, donbtlees, bit quite reedy fur the hold-
ist a of the Next Ritttuga of this court His
Honor eat'reaeetl himself as delighted with
tate Ball, asyiug that there were few munici-
palitiea that hall st hand -outer er mere
cena'tiient oriel and that it erertran ro
fleeted great credit upon the council eta
pattc..ilaely Ivan the icor,, Air P. !less.
Afr Iicsa ling taken !treat Interest in the
hall. hosing diligently agperri-.r 1 the work
of iia erection. Messrs Raltafleisch. the
coutractore, aro to be camt:hue:40.1 tepee
the succeeeful completion of the work„'
They !rano erercisre their usual energy
and care thronelteut.
Mee .T. Suebler *WI wife. of Rodney,
Ont, viaitest their friends in Credtton
prevrrees t11 moviogg to 'amt.-4111sec;
Mare anti este rinkbeluer have left again
for Ilnffa'o.=-Thu 'Woiu, of London,
are home for it abort visit, they carne to'.
attend the wedding of Miss Lens, \',eip,.
-Mies Haunalt Towle live gond to London
it ehort time. -The numerone friends
of lint W S PIN, of Landon, formerly of
Crediton, were very sorry to hear of bio
sad and endden demise, Mr PIN had been
on the amok 'list for eume time but lately
hart been feeline ,omewhet better. Lately
Mrs Fife has not been feeling well and he
wait on tbt, way; with .her to see It doctor
when Le tunica coughing spell Ira etitob-
ea at the heart. He brae* r rt:kr the
first honsa they came to, and pe t•to bed,
wbore he lingered until the next day when
he died. The funeral was on Friday last
and several from here attended among
them being Rev Mr Richmond, Mr Lewis
and H Lamport, -Miss Abbie Clark and
Mrs Metcalf and children, of Detroit, are
visiting their mother here.
On Thursday dna Friday last socials
were held in the Bnglishchurch which
proved a great success. The ldrinslev
string band was in attendance and rendered
some nine music which was greatly ap.
preoiated.-On Thursday last another of
those interesting evenie took place at the
residence of Mr Math Wein, which was
the marriage of his daughter Lena, to Mr
John Switzer, of Exeter North. The
ceremony was performed by Rev 0
Staebler before about 125 invited guests.
In the evening the band serenaded them
and altogether a pleasant, time was spent
and we wish them every tnccesa.
If you want your moneys worth, esll on
Appel et Zeller, Zurich.
Groat bargains in Boots Sc Shoes for thirty
days at A. Weseloh's We have just received
over 1,000 pairs of Rubbers and Overshoes of
all kinds. which we will sell at the following
prices: Men's lined Overshoes for $7.10 a pair.
Men's Rubbers 55c a pair; Women's Rubbers
350 a pair, and all other goods equally as cheap.
Call andsooand be oonvinced that we mail Boots
and Shoes cheaper than anyone else. Butter
and eggs taken in exchange for goods. Sign -
the Big Boot. A. Wesseou.
BntsFs-Tho first of the harvest of
weddings which appear to be ripening this
fall took piece here Tuesday morning, 28th,
Mr Thomas Cook was married to Miss Mag-
dalina Coloeky. The ceremony wag
performed by lieu J 8 Cook in the presence
of a few friends and relatives, and the
eeeoad took place on Tuesday afternoon
when 11 Ir Wm Ball of the firm of MoAur.
that. & Ball hardware merchants, was mar-
ried to Miss Allie, eldest daughter of Mr
Geo Daubson, of Tuckersmith townsbip,
the ceremony being performed by Rev J H
Dyke brother in law of the groom, in the
cues of a number of relativesand
friends. Tito happy couple took the evening
train for Goderich. The These extends to
both couples its oengratulations.-A
harvest dinner in oonneotien with.. the
Metbodist church was held on Thursday of
last week, The weather was disagreeable,
oold rain falling most of the afternoon,.
which interfered greatly with the financial
resulta.of the dinner: In' the afternoon
Bev 8' J Allen preached a von y able and im-
pressive sermon in the church, after which
'dinner was served in Mr Colgill's oarrirem
repository. In the dinner the ladies of
Hensall fully sustained their reputation
for catering to the wants of the inner
man, After all were satisfied they, again
repaired to the church, where a riob mental
feast was ;7rovided, -Death has again.
visited our village, and hats taken Miss
Nellie, daughter of Mr R Morrison, general.
merchant: she has been ailing for over a
year, the disease 'developing into consomp
tion; which claimed her• for its victim on
Friday last at the emir age of twenty'
veers. Her remains we,e taken to Florence
Ont, for interment; ou Monday.' The fie
:caved family have the sympathy of the
l sold his business to Mr; llnwbray, of " Small nrnfits and quick 'l •ethnic, tbnt
1 (3rnn,oii, who t ti15 posse+-l0t last nes it. is win wr„fu. 3nn,.l & Z 11z=••, Z isms
And many nave teetitled That time spent
visiting our
s41.1tailay I?ZPOT
and examining our price, was truly money
very easily made. We don't sell below
coat, bee our value.* surpass thew who
claim to do basin,* lo that way; slur ON,
penes being light we aro satistred with
very emelt merlon.
°'a11 and examine our ?!fen's good worsted
Qvercoate at SS 25, worth $1 ;tlen'agood
tweed Overcoat% at 80, worth $9. Men's
Suite really made from 85 up; and re,.
member we sell lloye readytrtatie Clothing,
proportionately cheap,
Our Boot st Shoe atoolt is complete, . *Ad
r reputation is already s:stablisi:aed iu
is line.
t a sample of our 18e tea and be con-
vinced that this lathe proper p'aee to buy
your teas. Remember it is no trouble for
tie to chow goods.
or Exeter.
Balers -.The lecture ;e"" Moriarty I$$1st
by Or Wad -el -wad, was well attended, and
the audience was b ghly pleased and show.
ed their appreciation by many Hearty out.
Imre* cal laughter and applause. Tice new
on sehool No. 10 is loud enoneh to be
hued all over the tinction, and is quite an
adornment to the new building: -Rev,
Father CLinigny is to lecture ill the !baton
afethediet church Wednesday evening Nov.
stir, This will probably be the lest oppor-
tunity ot hearing this Bev. lecturer u lie 1;
A very old man. Leoturn to commence at
S o'clock, --Loyal Ortonie Lodge No 219
have ordered It load c f hay to feed horses
that Conte from a diatauce. The bay wile
be furnished free on application to any of
the members. Mr deem Neil. District
Master, of Centralia is invited to act as
chairman. A cordial invitation in extended
to ail elves,+. ladies and gentlemen.
Bhuuirs---Mr tteorre Stacey, it former
correspondent of the Tracts, returned' to
his !tome in Blansbard on Tuesday last.
after an absence of threoyeara in the (tooth
of Africa.. His many friends in the, vie.
betty extend a hearty welcome home. --
The sacred rite of confirmation will be he -
stowed on several candidates by His. Lord.
ship the Bieber) of Huron, et St Paul's
church, ou Friday, Slat inat, at 7 p mi -
The Rev W Mefaonagh'a lecture in the
Methodist church, on Monday last, ;•Cant,
in science and religion," was brim full of
humor, and was very highly appreciated
by the attentive audience. -Pictures from
Grip to the farmers of Canada have found
their way from the office of Ras Wiman,
New York, to some of our store keepers
and agents, with instructions to poet up
conspicttonaly for the benefit of the neigh-
boring community. The populace return
sincere thanks to the New York leader of
the Canadian Reform party for the beau-
tiful sheets, which help to augment the art
gallery of this, sublinary sphere. -The
lecture by the wife of Rev C Fletcher, iu
the Kirkton Presbyterian church, on Fri-
day last was well attended despite the
unfavorable weather. Those fortunate
enough to be present experiences a rare
treat, the lady lecturer giving a minute
description of her recent visit from thea,
place to the Pacific coast, which proved°
highly interesting; and instructing, the
entire audience highly appreciating the
Biddulph council.
Oetober mreting-Tho council met pur-
8naut to adjournment, the reeve and all
the members present.
A petition to the county judge, from the
Royal Standard Loan Co'y and others,
asking to have certain streets in Clandeboye
closed nn, was received and referred to the.
reeve with instructions to defend township's
Mr T JIeKay asked to have the town
ship engineer examine aepart of the Digman
ditch and report-grazi'ted.
The following accounts were ordered be
be paid;-
5 Radcliffe, rep bridge N B $7 75; 3'
Perrin repairing culvert E 13, .50; D West
man contracts of gravelling 026 81; A
Bentson overseeing and spreading, 81 85;
A Langford plank--Awu,ik ditch, 825 70 i
W-Begq drawing plank, $1 1i0; Sansbnrai
n tb rs w
s d e olr
o r 6 67• J Jerm u re glitch
9. y p
$.., W ll Stanley work under ditches and
watercoureea vest $6j .1 bfax£oberts grayed
act$0 50; R Jackson do $1.0 80; Ryan,
85 60; J 111 Hodgins, do .26; das datrlg t9
do $2 P Butler do $1 50; R Seeli, do $A 75;
M Monckton do $3 35; JREI Mitthell, $6 961
J Leslie work- Awmik di oh $15 25;
5 H Hodgins attendiug court garnishee,
$2; C C Hodgins tiine ane expense -re
Olandeboye, $3; J Coursey ditching, 83;
J Kitt lumber .aces, ' $17 81; Armitage cit
Murray -grants agr'1 society $20; W
Gallagher ditehing and' rep culvert, $21;
Jas R;eder culvert, 05; Jas Heenan tile'.
ditch, $7 05; Jas Grace rep highway $14,
A McGee spreading and overseeing let avel
ling 512; W Gower bridge, Clandeboye,
$7; W Atkinson deranges drawing gavel,
T o council adjourned to meet in. Seller's
hall, Clandeboye, Nox aril, at 10 a m:•,
As a precautionarisirc ure Nasal lalr
should bo kept in evetyli u
p Dose. :It ruetnrat-
ly relieyou and perm anentl<y cures all.Qolrl.
in the head and eater,la. .Sold by all deal --
Hawking; spit Ling,
rlio of mimes,:
pro Lid denfnt'q., nn,l n »reesiee esve1n emcees
1 t,., s
nsr .1)111t( 511, 5,1, eit,ot,h. Nf nl 1411,1t
0(•','I Lillis 1u Cn i, (iC , i n til