HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-07, Page 9TIRIESDAY, NOV. 7th, 1057 KINTAIL KINTAIL, Nov. 4.—Kintai1 —The Kintail W.I. held an enjoy. - able "At Home" in Kingsbridg5 Hall. There was a -turkey supper with all the trimmings. 'It was a rather special occasion because this is the 60t11 anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute by Adelaide Hoodless, at Stoney Creek. ,When all the families were seated the Blessing was Mk' ed by Father Van Vynckt. The guest speak-er, Mrs. Bradnock, ti- triet president, eut the lovely 0 - tier birthday cake. After supper a short progratn was held. Those taking part were Barbara McKen- ale, Barbara and Jane Finlayeon,, Dorothy Alton, Mary Lou son, and IVkargaret McDonald. Mrs. Bradnock gave a fine account of the life history of the founder of the Women's Institutci A group of senior members of the Institute were honored at this time with the gift *of a lovely cup and saucer and Institute pin to each of the foll.ow-- ing lathes, Mrs. Dan Wylds, .Mts. Ken Farrish, Mrs. Dave Murchie, Mrs. Archie McMilrchie, Mrs. Jerry Dalton, and Mrs. George Collinson. On behalf of .these ladies, Mrs. Dan Wykls spoke a few words of thanks for the lovely gifts. Gordon Finlayson and Henry McKenzie made a few remarks at this time, thanking the ladies for the fine supper and expressing the hope that the ladies would ask them back again next year. 0 Balm of Gilead trees can be easily grown by burying poles of this specie i§ in moist ground. Ola.11401 gr. THE GODERICIL SIGNAL -STAR is.11.JRN, Nov, 4.-111ex. Arthur owbriek, of "turnaloy, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Raithby, of Goderieb, renewed acquaintaaces in the village recently. Rev. Bow - brick lived here over 50 yeaps ago at the home of the late John Hoare. Ws. Arthur Grange entertained in honor of the fourth.birthday af her 'daughter, Shelley.. The little guests, Patsy and Mary Wilkin, liffarie Plimkett and Gail Seers, were With her. to celebrate the event. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asquith and ID/Liss Mary Asquith visite-i over the week -end with Mr.and Mrs. Donald ;Gldrieve anti family, Mr. and Mrs. Reg'. Asquith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asquith at Toronto and Islington. Miss Gail Seers, small daughter ,of Mr. and is. William Seers, had the misfortune to become scalded with boiling water and was rushed. to (Clinton fur medical aid. After treatment she was able to return home with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnegan are having a beautiAil new sunporch added to their home. Mr. Graham McNee, of Dungannon, is the car- penter in charge. Mr. David Hamilton was taken away last week for more x-rays on his fractured leg. It was found that after two weeks more in bed he will be ,able to start to walk on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake, Faye and Maryanne, of Brussels, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. Mr. To:m McPhee and M.r. Gerald Kerr, of Colborne Township, and Mr, Lyle Youngblut, Who are atten- ding the Ridgetown Agricilltural Seheol, sPent • the veceleend at their homes. Mrs. DunearemacKay entertained in honor of the eighth' birthday of her son,, John, last Saturday with Joan and Bobby Weir, of London, and Alan CraigePeter Mc- Donald and John and Ronald Ar- thur as the little guests. Mrs. 1ld Davies and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt were in (Minton recently attending the 4111 .Clith "Westing with Wool" training school. Any girFbetween 12 and 15 years old wishing to take this Droje-ct please, contact these leaders as the first meeting is Friday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m: Several from this district visits c.d. the ColNorne Township new school at Zion which was officially opened last Friday evening. Mrs. Errington, of Dungannon, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies. Miss Lillian Stewart, of London, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. William Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Shirley, Barrie and Lynn and Mr 'Gedon Hesk visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kennetth Turn- er, Penny and Debbie, of Strathroy. Mr. and (Mrs. Ray Perdue and Larry, of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Bobby and Esther, of London, spent the week -end with Mrs. Stanley Johnston. Mr. George Timm and Miss Erma Bethkie, of Gorrie, visited on Sun-, day with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Mr. and Mee. Eldgar Lawson, Ma'. andDan. Oliver Anderson, William and Nancy, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse atial Elizabeth to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Lawson's wedding anniversary. Mr. Gary Bird and Mr. Gordon McDonald visited with friends in London and Brantford last Satur- da . and Mrs. Glen Raithby, of London, were recent visitors with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. James Raitlaby. Mr. Roy Finlayson has been con- fined to his home with an attack of the flu. 91st Birthday.—Congratulations to Mr. George Beadle who on Tues- day, November 5, celebrated his 91St birthday. Mr. Beadle is en joying fairly good health and re- ceived many cards and congratula- tions during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott were London visitors last Saturday. Miss Margaret R. Jackson visited last week hi Toronto with her friend, Mrs. Jemima Barker and Dr, and •Mrs Grierson. 'Walked:porn Club.—The Walker - burn Club held their monthly meet- ing last week at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ball. The president, Mrs. James McDougall, presided far the business period. The roll call was answered by 14 members and five visitors on "What you'd like to do on Hallowe'en;" A family night will be held in the Auburn Orange hall soon. The draw for the lucky prize donated by Mrs. Joseph lain:J.(4Se ?See. JUVradUg WS, q.von.bY (51rce J4111105' Jackeon. A peegtam of readIngs and cente4s 'were enjoyed, and also a .speciel reading by Mre- Harold Adams, of (Goderieh. The next meeting will be held at the h+ e of Mrs. Herbert. Duizer. Mrs. George Schneider read an address to Mrs. Toni Tonakowicz expressing regret at her leaving this commun- ity. and a gift was presented. A dainty lunch was served by the hostms, assisted by Mrs. Leonard Arehambault, Mrs. Guy Cunning- ham and Mrs. Toni To.. kowicz. Y.P.U.—The Young People's Union held their Halloween part/ last Wednesday evening in ICnost United Church. Everyone was in costume and contests and games were enjoyed andthen prizes awarded for the various eostumes. Lunch was served by Misses Shir- ley Tu,rner, Elva Gross, Louise Jefferson, Joan Mills and Mr. Ger- ald McDowell and Mr. John Buch- anan. The sympathy of this entire com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, of Gode- rich, whose little daughter, Don- elda was killed „in an accident last Thursday al terpoon. Heartfelt sympathy is also extended to the little girl's 'grandmother, Mrs. Stanley Johnston, and her grand- father, Albert Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Raithhy and family, of Collingwood, had the misfortune to lose their home and all their possessions by a fire last week. Huron County Goad Roads em- ployees of the Department of High- ways held their annual banquet last Tuesday evening in the Blyth Memorial Hall. Their wives were the guests at the annual event started six years ago. The Huron County Roads department has 125! .1.1111•11•11•11110111Mar .. .. • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sessesesseesesesaSeitiaSte(Ser • est*Si'. skiSISSigeseSeSS(Seese..„. e„eseseeSiSSSSSISSeSSOSSOSSiStitSiiitisss. sfietsSseteeteeiSeaSisiesi(e • Introducing the Magnificent 19.58 Meteor in a BOLD new way 74e /11094894t wat ir 1958 metpor This is n• o ordinary oar. Meteor nevenis4AVIeteor is a new car—from new Quadri-. Beam headlights to new Safety - Glow Dual taillights. Here is the bold look of the future in every line and feature. New Finger -Touch steering rolls away the work of parking and turning. New Multi -Drive ) Mere -O -Matic, transmission provides an extra forward range-eaciapts to the way you drive aUtomatically. Performance too—is bolsi and new! All-new Tempest V -8's put up to 303 hp. at your discretion for safety and re- sponse. New air suspension lets you ride on cushions of air that absorb bumps and shocks —keep car level at all times. In every way (there are hundreds), the magnificent 1958 Meteor is new—in a bold new way. Your future is with Meteor. See it at your Meteor dealer. 5 • ,wf: • ••. - ( W.: • 114(ed: 44:444 .•:•:*:•:•.:044 • r 4:1'inUSENENNAMMISONMESSINK,: • ‘• ••••••knam,:tti..;:t: i de 0.1. itiakteSene. '"*MgefSIMMMEIMiPttaa otme,....xeeemtkletemeee'R -ore, • Wegittay.,4 NNW 4, • ONE OF FORD OF CANADA'tt FINE CARS (Certain features illustrated or rnentioned are standard on some models, optional at extra cost on others.) 4- - I See it Now At ABERHART'S GARAGE In Goderich a a • empi9yeee and aa -annual budget r about $700,000, Presiding 4?r the dinner was Mr, Jelin. Iteru deputy county clerk -treasurer, flanked eby Harry Gowdy, reeve o alowick and warden of Theron, and Ws William 11. Morritt, reeve of lyth, and chairman of the county roads eommittee. Also attending were the other tIve mem-. bens of the County. s ad commit- tee, Reeve Cecil lake, of Ashileld, and Reeve, Harvey Coleman, of Stanley; also Reeve ailie Parrot, of Morris Township. Ineluded among those at the head taie were A.: H. Erskine, clerk -treasur- er of Huron, with Mrs. Erskine and 'County Engineer J. W. Brit - welt and Mrs. Britnell. A variety program follow and then danc- ing was, enjoyed. Plans for the evening were in charge of Messrs. Gordon 111,111er, Gordon McDougall, Courtland Kerr and Kenneth Mor ris. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. Jesse Walden and relatives in the sudden death of his son, Lloyd, of Carlisle, Sask. He left by plane to one with the family and also attended the fun- eral. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Ileprien, of .Goderieh, and Mrs. Geedon Snell,of Westfield, recently visit- ed with the ladies' niece, Mrs. John Daer, Mr. Deer and family. Rev. A. J. ,Bowbrick, Baptist min- ister of 8. Burnaby, B.C., was guest speaker last Sunday at the Auburn and Goderich Baptist churches. After his inspiring messages, he renewed old acquaintances with friends and relatives. His first ser- mon was preached at Donnybrook, 51 years ago. Rev. Bowbrick came east purposely to visit his brother, John, who resides in Toronto. He had not seen his brother for 45 years. He also accomplished his other desire—to preach in one of his native churches. Looking for a Christmas gift which the receiver will remember the year round? Your friend, rela- tive, neighbor would appreciate a year's subscription to The Signal - Star. Only $3 in Canada and $4 to U.S.A. We send a gift card on date requested telling person you are sending the paper for a year. Why not make out a list now and attend to it before busy Christmas season? 41tf BAYFIELD BAYFIELD, Nov. 4.—Miss Mary Marks, Toronto, spent the week-en.1 Mwaitrhks.her mother, Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson left on Saturday to spend the winter in Goderich. Mrs. Wm. Desjardine is spending this week in Appin. George Little and • Reg. Frail& left" on Saturday on a hunting trip throughout Northern Ontario. Mr. and (Mrs. Norman Toms, De- toit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. E. W Oddleifson, London, were at their home over the week -end. Miss Florence Stirling, Goderich Township, is sp-ending.a few days with her aunts, Misses Maude and Josephine Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reynolds and baby, Streetsville, spent the week -end in the viaage. Mr. and Mrs. E...:waid Sturgeon are spending a few days in Mitch- ell. Mr. and .1Virs. Fred Fraser, River- side, came on Friday to spend three weeks at their home they recently purchased from Mr., and Mrs. George Castle. They were accompanied ,by Mr. and Mrs. George Fellows, also of Riverside, who spent the week -end with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bryant, Byron, spent the week -end, at their cot, - tage. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Charlton and three daughters, Stratierd, spent the week -end at the Metcalf cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey, Toronto, were at their home over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl, London, spent the week -end at their cot- tage. Mr. George Telford, Stratfor spent the week -end at his home. The Liens Club held their an- nual Hallowe'en frolic in the town - hall on Thursday evening wmithanya large crowd attending. were in costume and prizes were given. After the judging of cos- tumes apples and candy were given to the children. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Matthews, London, spent the week -end wish the latter's mother, Mrs. A. M. Bassett. Miss Shirley Brandon, London, spent the week -end at her home. Miss Irene Loftus, Toren to, spending two weeks with Miss Ruth Hayman. Suffragan Bishop Wm. Towns- hend, London, spent the s.sek-end in the village. On Friday evenirg he held a Confirmation Service in Middleton church. . 0- 0 The aim of forest management is to harvest trees and maintain the yield on a perpetual basis. .0 • A quarter of the irec•ome of all Canadians comes from the wood- lands. • 90411004114110061114110C;;;0000060111••••••••••••••••0000000111411411 SHFIELD 0 ASHFIELD, 'Nov. and 8,1re. Win. Johnson are visiting their eouein, Frank Johnson, at 13eaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Witz Vander' Ley and baby and Leo Vander Ley, all of Oshawa, spent the week -end with atetr parents, Mr. and Mice P. Vender Ley. Mr. and (Mrs. Geo. Leadbetter and Barbara, of Toronto, were week -end 'visitors with Colin Mac- Gregor. Miss Mabel Macdonald, of Wind- sor, was home for the week -end. The C.G.I.T. entertained tile Ex- plorers and the Mission Band in the church basement on- Hallow- e'en. Looking for a Chrietmas gift which the receiver will remember the year round? Your friend, rela- tive, neighbor would appreciate a year's subscription to The Signal. Star. Only $3 in Canada and $4 to U.S.A. We send a gift card on date requested telling person you are sending the paper for a year. Why not make out a List now and attend to it before busy Christmas season? 41tf 0 0 0 Balsam is used for paper making. PAGE NINX ingsnc,ge If:IN410,1061E, Nov. 4e-eMr. and Mte,'. Cyril Austin and Zif. Jerry O'Connor visited with'Nlatives Winghana during the past week is Cejest tS-Driet wad her sister, Sinwne, of Langton, WOW week -end visitors at the Sectary with the Limn= family. MA's. Desmond O'Donnell is visit- ing with her ,hushand rnJemes. town, N.Y., where fUr. OTormel1 fe .patient in tl5te hospital there. Week -lend vigttors • here were: Mrs. Eyal Lannon, of London; Miss Fiances Dalton, Arnold Marsman, Peter Lierman, Douglas PraYne,) all of .London; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Garvey, Miehael Gat*ey and friend, of Toronto; Miss Mrgaret Foley, of Strathroy; Michael Dalton, Guelph; We and Mts. G. Gilmore and Miss Frances Gilmore,' of Lon- don. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton upon the birth of a son in Goderich hospital during the past week. As much wood is used for fuel wood in Canada as is harvested by the pulp and paper mills. Save T 1 4imansarsoimoss.we E and -Ai-- way/ wo II with a PERSONAL MOVING ACCOUNT 1 Your new, low service charge of 10 cents a cheque ' is prepaid when you get your book of 20°cheques. . 2 s Nolassbook —quicker service. 4 . . . ._ 3 Deposit slips are in your cheque book—for banking by - mail or speedier service ' at the bank. A quarterly statement is mailed to your home.,,. . , 5 Your Cheques are held for you' ' at the bank as a permanent ' record. For further details inquire at our nearest branch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE N 7S0 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE rou W -227 GODERICH -BRANCH: F. A. WATERS, Manage:. 0 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS AND EGULAR AKING, INSIST ON THE .BEST- BISSET BR -OS. CREAMERY BUTTER 011411011141,110,0041100041111000061100411004041000411000410114110041001100 Fred Marie Fraser's jiew Butter recipes. Write today • riAanv AfIMERS or 'CANA* 4oiumn Otree%Throilto