HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-07, Page 4"WE 14) R i] A il'1i, Colorado Springs; three grand- children and three great-grand- children. Mrs. Walden was born i*t Sheppardton on the farm now owned by Lloyd Brindley, and went to Colorado Springs in 1698. She was the last survivor of a family of six, and was the daughter of the late Wm. Hawkins and Maria Christalaw. 0 o 0 T N WW4 P.ARm o , Nev. 5. - Mr. mi Mrs. V 't31k (tooth, orf Clinton, sited Sat LUd y with Bar. and Mrs. Wart, I3egie. ' 'aid Mrs: Aiarvin Russ and �Yt o. alt, visited during the 'Week -e 1 Gith the former's grand- ther, • Mrs. Jones, and other ends.. [', avid Mrs. Tony Vrooman Were to London Thu 'sday taking `Tony's father, Wm. Vrooman, to ViOtnria hospital. We hope for Illi.. Vroonian a speedy recovery. Mrs, IL Pimlott, of Toronto, spent a. few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rising. • The public school pupils have bad several days holidays owing to the illness of their teacher, Mr. D. Maize. The death; of Bessie (Hawkins) Walden, Aster, of the late Wm. Hawkins, in her 95th year, occur - fed• recently in Colorado Springs. Widow of the late Dave Walden, she is survived by two sons, D. A. H. Walden, Colorado Springs, and B. Cliff Walden, of Oakland, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Ethel Nichols, of ST. HELENS ST. HI1LE.NS, Nov. 3. -Sunday was Men and Missions Sunday in .the United church when Gilbert Beecroft of the Bret United Church was the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryan and daughter, Lorna, of Tottenham, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mr. E. W. Rice and Mr. A. G. Webb. A Memorial service will be held in the community hall and at the oenotaph next Sunday afternoon at 2.30. Everyone' is invited to attend. o -o--- o Quebec's 4 -11 -Clubs, engaged in forest conservation, have 10,000 members.' SPECIAL OFFER SAVE MANY DOLLARS When you purchase a famous SUNBEAM IRON and Adjust- able Ironing Table at BRECKENRIDGE'S $ I K 4 { ht'''.• -4 < �. - > {. W " 11111,01/611111160001111011164141001,00.006014000111411111100401110000 Get the new lightweight SUNBEAM DRY 1RONMASTER and Sunbeam IRONING TA :LE worth $17.95 BOTH FOR ONLY $2545 Regular $31.45 value. r OcMasao1/0111111s0oees®sO611o00111,o04111/1A0O••s••040i01111110 Or choose the Famous SUNBEAM STEAD or DRY IRON and Sunbeam IRONING TA LE worth $17.95 OTH FOR ONLY $31.90 Regular $37.90 value. NOT1g: The Sunbeam Ironing Table is fully adjustable to 36 inches in height and has offset legs for sit-down ironing. Made of sturdy metal, with ventilated ironing surface for cooler, drier ironing. 00010e0000 '.00000000S00000000000014 00!•041104,41100 Core on in and see these and other famous SUNBEAM APPLIANCES now on display at (Hardware Phone 135 PLUMBING - HEATING - GIFTS - TOYS ;,"1"". .` '30,"_ u. it ,• . womarbommaxams ^'+q 44 THE GODERICH SIGNA STAR Pitre Tops AHTime ]J013N'1 BI OfO , Nov. 5. -The W. DONNYBROOK -wtParaden �•e S M. andill, meet en Tues- MMrs..S.S. NHv. Je W.A.'W.'W.A. Garry Pitre remains the top ratan president, Doreen Cooper; secre- on the all-time hit parade at the tart', Marie Liddiotte; treasurer, Little owling Alley; He recent- -Beryl Pollard. Team standings to ly rolled three nice games of 313, 266 and 351 for a triple of 935. date: Geenhorns, 30 ('Capt. Mrs. E. Garry bowls for Huron Tower in Allison); Wild Cats, 26 (('alt. Dor- the Men's Industrial League and sera Cooper); Lucky Strikes, 17 for Pin Poppers in the Men's Com (Capt.ilM s. ,Bob Good); alexic u - mereial League. ters, 14 (Capt. Mildred Dougherty); Mad Young holds' the ladies' White Dots,,10 (Capt. Ruth Gareau); high single and high triple to date. Knock Outs $ (Capt: Mrs. J. (Elliott). She led off with 347, then a 278 Officers of the ` Legion Mixed and a 159 for a 778 triple. She is League are: president, Archie M�e- a member of the Knox "B" entry Lean; secretary, Dorothy Weber; treasurer, Doe Queen. Team en- tries and points to date: Privates, 30; Colonels, 26; Lieutenants, 28; Majors, 16; 'Cwalts, 19; Sergeants, 9. Officers of the Junior Boys' Bowl- ing Club are: president, Donald Larder; vice president, David Gow- er; secretary, Donald McWhinney; treasurer, Briane McLean. Team standings to date: Hawks, 40; Pis- tons, 24; Spitfires, 15; Loafers, 5. The Ladies Social League (Mon- d -ay) is showing some very nice games this Year. Isabel Riehl holds a 346 single, only one point off the high single rolled by Marj Young. Jo Ryan has a 310, and Ila Williams a 310. Team standings to date in this league are as follows: Toppers, 35; Alley Cats, 32; Bombers, 27; Loaf- ers, 25; .Happy Gang, 15; Strike - Outs, 13. Following are standings in the Men's Industrial League: Group "A"-Sifto Salt, 33; Legion "A," 33; Legion . "B," 28; Ryan's Feed 18; Goderich Elevator, 20; Little Shavers, 15.Group "B" -Tigers, 35; Mathieson's, 27; Sheaffer Pen, 27; Huron Tower, 26; Goderich Manufacturing, 18; Block Busters, 14. in the Church League. Summary of Leagues Officers of the Goderich Church League are: president, Les Pit- blado; secretary, Alma Chisholm; treasurer, Kay Glenn. Team stand- ings to date: St. George's, 42; Knox "B", 33; Knox "A", 16; St. Peter's, 21; Victoria Streeet, 24; North Street, 11. Officers of Men's Commercial League are: president, Jack McMil- lan; secretary, Ray Smith; treas- urer, Charles Larder. Team stand- ings to date: Stymies, 39; Pin Pop- pers, 27; Blow Boys, 13; Goofers, 18; Butchers, 13; Zanies, 11. Officers of they Ladies' Social League ,(Thtirsday night) are: OBITUARY MRS. HENRY McLEAN An account of the death of Mrs. 'Henry (Margaret) McLean, who was born at Brussels, Ontario, on May 22, 1857, is contained in a copy of the Grand Forks (N.D.) Herald, sent to the Signal -Star by Dr. H. Tisdale, of Grand Forks *Dr. Tis- dale was born at Donnybrook, Ont. Mrs. McLean died in hospital at Hannah, North Dakota, where she had been a patient for five days. She is survived by a .sister, Mrs. H. Dunford, Langdon, N.D., who was 192 on July 10. Mrs. McLean came to Cavalier County, N:D., 73 years ago from Brussels, Ont. Her husband , was the late Senator Henry McLean. Two sons and two daughters sur- vive her. She served as teacher for her children, and her log cabin home in Cavalier County, N.D., housed the first missionaries in the area. Twists of straw were butaned for fuel since woad had to be hauled from Canada. The family drove oxen in the fields and on the an- nual trip to the nearest shopping centre. MRS. JOHN MacKAY A lifelong resident of Goderich died on Tuesday at Victoria hos- pital, London, following a long ill- ness, in the person of Margaret Christina MacKay. She was a I. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Nivins and was born in Goderich 72 years ago. Her hus- band; a commercial fisherman,' died in 1948. M.rs. MacKay was a _member of Knox Presbyterian, Church. Surviving are three sons, Donald and William, of Goderich, and Ian, of Sarnia, and a daughter, Marion, ofGoderich. There are three grandchildren, Janet, Judy, and Karen. One brother, John Nivins, of Goderich, also survives, as well as three sisters, Mrs. Ed Carter, of Galt, Mrs. Jim Heddle, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Mrs. Verne Gledhill, of Benmiller. The funeral service will take place at Lodge funeral home, on Friday af- ternoon at 2 p.m., with interment in Maitland cemetery. Rev. R. G. MacMillan Will he the officiating clergy. 0- SIFTO SALT DONATES A cheque for $1.500 has been ' donated by Sifto Salt Limited to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital to aid in furnishing the new wing. --- -_ ---0 0 ' • Cellulose comes from wood fibres. * FINAL EEK �F Campbell"s Giant Removal Sale SURPRISE PACKAGES - 50c ($1.25 `value or over) $1.00 ($2.50 value or over) Special 1 PALMOLIVE CLEARANCE 4 SOAP Bath Size for OF BOXES of CHRISTMAS 33c CARDSCleaiing Sale 01 •HAIRBRUSHES CHRSTMAS CARDS 1ood Purifiers Cough Syrups CLEARING AT ONLY A FRACTION *F Cs 5T0- $1.50 Topics for 50c $1.00 Tonic for 3 3 c $ BIG SAVINGS ALL THIS WEEK TOILETRIES i0LEARrN2G '/s OFF BUY FOIL CW uSTMAS1 mpbell's Drug Store GODERICH T H O TIN t PENil'dO. OP OUR NEW STORE ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Der 12, Vit- the home of fgerson. Mr, Sam Thompson and Mrs. Cecil •Chananey visited on Sunday with Mr. Ohamney at Victoria hos- pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton and family and Mrs. Anson Thornton, of Gerrie, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeff- erson. This community extends sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mes. Donald Campbell, Goderich, in their recent -- bereavement Mr. and Mrs. R. Chainney visit- ed on Friday with Mr.- and Mrs. Elliot Sandy, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker and Teddy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong, of Belgrave, were recent visitors with Mr. and ,Mrs. John R. Thompson° and Howard. Messrs. Keith and Roy Hardy, Wes Jefferson and George Naylor are home from the West PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S !HILL, Nov. 4.-A seeial evening was spent last _Sat- urday in the schoolhouse in honor of the newly-weds, liar. and Mrs. Bob Markham (nee Irene Bell). The first part of the evening was spent playing "500," prizes going to Mrs. Bob Markham, high lady; Shirley ;:-ell, low lady; :• ill Burke, high gent; Donald Harris, low gent. Bob and Irene were then asked to come forward and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison read an addre's while Harry Torrance presented them with a lovely floor lamp. Bob on behalf of his ,wife and himself,: expressed there appreciation. Lunch was then served by the ladies. The W.A. of Grace church will hold their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Doug McDougall on Thursday, November 14. A quilt will b& quilted and the ladies are to hared in their holiday bells at this meeting. 0----- ------n- -- 0 The "lady slipper" flower is a Canadian orchid. Beware Of Icy Roads Why take a chance on approaching winter driving conditions with faulty steering? Drive in now for a check-up on the Visualiner at Davidson Visualining and Collision Service PHONE 320 HURON ROAD GODERICH <v �T. AUGUSTINE ST. AUGUSPlTIN] , Nov. 5. -.Con- gratulations to Miss Betty Dever- eaux on completing her four years of High School. Betty received her diploma -on commencement night in the Wingham High School on October 25. Mrs. Sarah Leddy, Wingham, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Leddy and accompan ied them to the Boyle-Koob wed- ding at Petrone. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Boyle visited their friends here on Sunday. Miss Carrie McCann has return - TEFLIESDAY, NOV. 7th, 1,957 ed home after spending several days with her niece, Mis. Joseph Courtney, Mr. Courtney and other relatives in Ashi&'ield. Monica, : erned tte and Kathleen Leddy spent a Sunday recently with Zeta Redmond on her parents' farm home on the 6th concession of West Wawaziosh. Those of us who attended the Graduating Exercises bah i- mencement night at Goderich Co1- legia'te enjoyed- the evening very much. Miss Mary .:-oyie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. :•.oyle, form- erly of this community, was among the graduates w.ho received their diplomas for completing their four years of High School. GARLAND'S CHILDREN'S WEAR TOYLAND IS NOW OPEN Toys for all ages. Choose yours while the .choice is good. It's not too early to shop for Christmas. GIRLS' AND BOYS' COATS - COAT SETS - JACKETS - SNOW SUITS PRAM SUITS - JEANS - SHIRTS - SLACKS BLOUSES - SKIRTS - DRESSES -HATS AND ALL ACCESSORIE-S. BE SURE TO VISIT OUR BABY BAR LAY -AWAY Open *Friday and Saturday nights tAntil 10 p.m. "TNE NEW IR CO le,,r9 ARE HERE... BRINGING VC, LIP ...THE NEW WAY COIF GCOI NG PI._ACES "ITV THE ROCKET AGE 1• r,.•!, ! }::w}i>+4+i ::: ri'. (> ?. + 1 / 1.�, i + •. - {•N,f an ! ,.• +y +,t, •.: NEW FOUR -BEAM HEADLAMPS increase driv hg safety, reduce glare. Lo-lites (outside beams) give 50 feet more visibility; Hi•9tes (all four beams) give more light in an improved pattern. FOR 195 3 ...OL,_DSiVIOBII._E CREATES_ A NEW CLASS , a GARS S Introducing New -Matta Ride` (a true alr suspension) and a holt of exclusive new features for your comfort, safety and convenience With New -Matic ride, you ro really riding an airl Four rugged rubber -nylon air cushions replace steel springs] You always ride on the level, too ... adjustment to road • and load is automatki With New -Matic Ride each wheel is cushioned in air, keeping car on a level piano, regardless of load or road! KINGSTON STREET In^the 1958 Oldsmobile you'll find most everything you've ever wanted in a motorcar -outstanding styl- ing; smart, tasteful design; delightful new features; alert new Rocket Engine pertoi-mance; sepreme comfort; daring new colors and fabrics. And most important of all, you'll find real down-to-earth oper- ating economy ! As never before, Oldsmobile for '58 gives you true big -car site, comfort and handling, big - car smartness- combined with budget -ear thrift. Once you Rocket -Test the '58 Oids, you'll know for sure, that 'from its sophisticated Four -Beam headlamps to its sparkling Twin -Blade rear -fender styling ---it's the biggest value in Oldsmobile's 60 history -snaking vearti ! *Optional of sutra end. New, more efficient Rocket Engine gives you outstanding performance. Remarkable im- provements in carburetion offer you a marked advance in fuel --economy, tool Try it todayl New Safety -Vee Steering Wheel -offers new, dee-recessed, twin -spoke design. Hom buttons are handily located on wheel spokes. Standard on Ninoty- Eight, Super -88 series. New Safety Sentinel* sot at any desired opoad, lets you know with Tight and buzzer when you've reached that speed limit. It minds your speed while you mind the road) Dual -flange Power Neater* do - livers the exact amount of heat or ventilation exactly where and when you want it. Olds - pioneered push-button controls aro a miracle* of convenience, CSN DISPLAY TOMORROW AT ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC Now Trans -Portable Radio* serves as your regular car radio, but can also bg unlocked and used as a lightweight, 160 - hour battery-powered,trynsistor portable. 4 -DYNAMIC 88 • SUPER 88 • NINETYAEIGHT 16 Models to Choose Front! Oldsmobile for '58 intros duces`a panorama of subtle" pastel finishes, stunning new fabrics and interior trims ...new and exquisite appointments to delight the eye. PHONE 165 d