HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-23, Page 7YOUNG _FO 1KS.
In e stately old castle. protected by strong
walls, end surrounded by a large forest of
giant oaks, there lived one time a queen
whit her two children, a boy Stoll agirl.
The ycupg Prince Henry was a brave, hand-
some youth whom ev. ybetly,loved, but his
sister PrincessRo�.a, was so. beautiful that
people came from all parts of the kir-gdow
to get a sight; of the lovely maiden. The i
Queen loved her daughter with such levo-
tion that she could not refuse her any request,
anal thus the Princess grew to be a Ivay'wa?rd,
disobedient child, mule source of great au-
Iioy once to her teaellers, because she was not
studious tjl.e her !Welber,
The mother was greatly distressed to see
her beautiful &wet der grow up in ignorance;;
but she knew not hos, to prevent it, Finally
she detsr'lied to take the advice of the old
witch cif the w, -e ert, who wasftinted through-
out the land for her wisdom. But to enter
the witch's teastle was tloeasy task ; for the
gate w4s guarded by two fierce lions which
never slept, and winch t:onit] tear its pieces
anyone atteiupting to pass them. Fortun-
ately theQueen knew that the rage of the
lions coni"l ha subdued by feeding them
honey ea'kes ; and providing leer: eat with.
these she set out on foot alone to the desert.
Whets the Queen had walkers many miles
she wag •e o 'overcome with fatigue that she
*topped under a large tree to rest, awl there
fell into a deep sleep.
She was steddeuly aroused by a Treat
noise. as of thunder, and to her dismay. site
s:tw the witch's liens rushing toward her.
4he quietly reached for the honey cakes;
but they were gone, and the basket war
empty-. Ilweriug the rustling in the
braneles. of the tree, Ale looked up and saw
peering through the tomes the ugly distort-
ed face of a dwarf, who said, in a short',
piercing voice ;.
"queen yon are in great +Inger; bow
can you hope to ese"ape the holes, when you
have no sword?'
" My honey salves wouldhave tamed the
• furious beasts," said the Queen; '" but I
• have lost them, Oh, s:a, -&' ono front this ter-
rible death,' •
" On one condition shall I Faye yon,' re-
ovd the dwarf ; '" when your s]utnghter,
Rosa. is 1(1 years old, you must give her to
Inc for ten years.
The queen eh;ultlercd at the thought of
giving Iter br'autifel darrtghlerto this hideous
creature ;but. the lions saute hearer and
• wattle:mil alt terror, the (huhu erieil t j
"• Soca me, rind I shall give Yen nab d.tnL;]f-
She thou fell into a death•1ike swoon, and
w^h.n she revived she was in her own Patna
in the cantle. And now the queen fell very
ill. and although the most learned physi•
elate; seem 4rs11ed, none could give relief to
the aitR'ring; one. Then the Whims s l.osa,
who dearly loved her mother, n.19 , ttre die•
meted, and thought : " if my mother could
only be restored to hold', never again
shouldI troublet.ur with nly wilful wept.
I shall go to the old wItdI 'ill the desert.
,Site ha* healed °them:S, and surely She will
not turn 1110 Away."
The Prineext then mewed the honey-
eakes for the (ions, and begin her dangerous
jotrhey. k It happened that on the way to
the if• i rt stood an n gran ,. tree loaded with
large, vip'd' orange:t. The 1'rinceee pieced
her basket, on the ground. and begin topinek
the hravious fruit. But at the s:uuc ibst:u'tt
the rear of the lions rounded with such force
that the earth trembled, Rosa hastened to
her basket, only to lint. it empty, and the
honey e tikee were nowhere to Immo). Then
the 1'rlta•hells wrung her hands in despairend
cried ozTt with terror. In a moment the
dwarf stood before her, and the lions be-
canto quiet and gentle and approached no
" W'ity do yon cry so heel, and for what
reaS011 do von come here:" asked the dwarf,
Retia told hien that elle w.0 on her way to
the old witch of the desert to ask the CA1190
of bee moth er'st illness.
" ]'hen you need. go no further," sail the
dwarf ; " the queen moldy grieving bemuse
she has promised. that when yon are ltf you
shall spend ten years with ole."
"I cannot believe that,"snide the Prineees ;
"for it is not possible that my mother should
promise me to so ugly a creature as yon."
"I have spoken time truth," said the
dwarf ; and unless you also give your e,n-
sent I shall leave you to be devoured by the
And again the furioue beasts began to
roar in such a frightful manner that the
Princess cried : bale me and I shall do as
you desire."
Im;ncdiately both the dwarf and the lions
disappeared, and the Princess sadly return-
ed home. ROM went at once to her mother
and related her adventures with the dwarf.
"And now, dear mother," she said, "you
must grieve no more ; for I have thought of
a plan to escape this dreadful fate. I shall
go to distant lands, beyond the power of this
wicked dwarf, and there I shall remain for
the ten years."
From that time the Queen began to im-
prove, and when she had entirely recovered
the Princess made her preparations for the
long journey. At last the day mune when
Rosa should say good-bye to her horn° and
friends. The royal coach stood at the door,
and just as the Princess was about to enter,
four peacocks appeared drawing a small red
• chariot, in which sat the witch of the des-
ert. At the same moment the dwarf him-
self riding on a huge yellow wildcat rushed
into the courtyard and demanded the Prin-
cess. Then the brave Prince Henry, draw -
in gg his sword, stepped forth and cried:
"13° gone, wicked people, and leave my
sister' in peace, or I sballpierco you with my
But the witch. laughed scornfully and
cried: "I shall foe justice done to rry son,
the dwarf, and you dare nohtouch me."
And there arose from the ground two
fiery dragons, at the sight of which all the
courtiers fled in horror, and the Queen's
beautiful daughter was carried away by the
hideous dwarf. Then there was great mourn.
ing at the castle for the princess Rosa, and
for many weeks brave soldiers searched in
vain for the lost Princess, Prince Henry'.
traveled into distant lands, thereto seek his
sister and bringher;to thetsorrowing mother.
When he had searched, through anany, coun
tries he came one evening, to the shore of a
crystal leke. Pausing there,.',fete thfnstaut
he heard a voice say :s `Prinee"Henry, listen
tome 811(1 I will helpyoti." ^:
• On looking about for the speaker' the
.Prince discovered rocking in the waver a
little nymph, who continued: "The witeh
of the desert and her son,' the dwarf, are
our worst enemies,an• sed
much Unhappinessd have often caused
to our race. For that
reason Iwish to destroy them. They have
carried your sister to the magic palace in the
tesert, and in the beentifel garden the
Princess wanders and grieves over her sad
fate. I sliallgive you a jeweled sword with
which yon can safely enter the magic'palace
and strike lifeless the witch and her son." •
The nymph then produced a sword gleam -
in 6 r with goms, and when the Prince had re-
ceived it
e-ceivedit mid thanked his friend, he joyfully
returned to his native land and was not K0ep Your fikuth Gio;e3,
los%g in hastening to the witch's palace. At
the sight of the jeweled !.word the raging The following is suggested tosnorers:There
lions fled away, and unimarmed, the Prince I are two channels in ,vilich the air travels in
entered the garden. Here he was met by a 1 going to the lunge, namely, the nose and
score of beautiful maidens, who cried : "13e- 1 month. These too passages unite in a coni.
ware, Prince, the dwarf le thine ent Wry, ' mon cavity, and :stun that point there is but
and should he find you here death will be s one tube leadirg to the laugs. There is a
your fate. Give Sts timy sword, and then bone called the hard palate, which forms the
haste away." I roof of the mouth and the floor of the nose,
But when the Prince cried, "With this' separating these two air cl.anuele from each
sword I shall slay both the dwarf and his other. At the ironer or posterior end of the
evil another," the maidens disappeared and bona is a little body caned the soft pal tie,
the Primmeess Rosso entered the garden. She tootle of museic and covered with a delicate
was greeting her brother with teals or joy : shut. This soft p elate is attached at one end
when the dwarf's sharp voice was heart to to the hard palate ; the other end haegsloore
say : "So you will carry away my prisoner and nerres nr taps in the net of 1 re:athileh
without asking; my leave?"
sonmetElatn;; like window t:mu'tain a lion tweet
But before he could utter another word, 111011 by a emrr'eut ()faits 'ilia is itt ewilitiou
Prince Henry had struck him with his " while we are asleep or awake, though (Ito Mg
sword, and the wicked dwer 1feil deal to the :.sleep it, lacks in tonicity. . thing nnieh mere
ground. When the witch heard of ltereon's reiaxed or I1.tbby than when, we are awake.
death site was very angry, and rushed upon Now, iu order to snore; one must keep the
u.o .
Ili .
eratoo rr . as the ,
Princeif tear himto pieces. t e a9 we(
; e . 1',;t p it it se, and in this
she too was made lifeless by the water condition the two c:lrrents of air passing iu
ny;nple's sword. And today, in the great and ow, together during the net of breathing
desert, may be seen the ruius of the adagio 0n1111 this little ctartmin between them and
palace; while in the stately old erstle in the % throw it into sapid vibration This +fibra
oak forest is shown the jeweled sword which''i tion, more or less intense and souorons, is
reteuetl Princess Rosa from the evil dwarf. ° what w•e Cali snori g.
It is only with lilac'''. month open that snor-
0onllu]zialEli"s' u Bacon.mess" nt le nc=mend° eheetithetirvetsleep. tltwalce
it the nose ieelose d by the thuitnls n,d finger,
For 100 years. the Abbots of St. Mel:.sine,' by easing. ,t fIS.' 1bia. breath, :ath, it ie pousi?,te to
in Bretagne, bestowed a. flitch of heves as a' snore, and the -11* 11+ sat ma's' mmeae ontpiielt-
prize for connubial contentment, awl at the ed with the mouth s1mmmt amil the nese open
Abbey of Weir hung a flitch of bacon lvitit i' belt the mer .e -mmol l.t itrt re+ c saav t i acs
the following Lues: c mlpliaiunm int is mere than SVC. hos e•immand
"Is there to he found a main'' ed nli'n �� tictriug sleep, anal would w8k++ up the per:a,u
That in 'retitle declare oho who might uttc i a foo tc nn she the 4 tna"rn.
'that Stu. masa-tee him d *h not rete,• i If tl"e mo ltlt 1 a. t t+n.'"t "
uhf. hh ha,no esti Swire far i► nhrow. (•1." ti;Itln o " °'u•
Ile truly the : haeou for himself den n hew." f bolt during elunlle a y lett one enter,. lot t.f air
il1most orally htstortewise tl-e Dunmow ~will pat's tt. and nem the hugs. '1im eters
flitch—tbouela the records of it leave het rent, iirt mg n1t,111 P:fia'ly on ail Wales of
been ept—wits the Witicheuorrc Ilitoh. • Ilio ung will Pars 's?al salt palate toilworn
Sir Philiptie Somerville held the Matter of and,.-ldot !Ili mrd u7 til it is azispba'tl to the
\Vhieheuovre, or, as it is given in all old "'kW, i1will hold it dere ;o-mitly, thea
documents, t" \\•liieIie;twur,' from the Neils " Preventing ativ nlnn't,1 vibration. It fol.
of Lancaster, half the fees to the renlatte+l, flaw''tll:zt auv.Iev t•siwnich preve"ty the loww-
us seed as half tate !lames, oar enuutitimi 1)41,5 er 3 tw front "lrnpping; ad'nwu "guying, tlo' reLt'i•
Ire kept to flitch of it,econ :iii tits hit l tat nit ;i .taU,li ut fi rep, anml i"jIf'Altllj; Stilt" nl"alltlt. it`Ill
times—Lent aloud c:ccbpttd--really for i slmiit oat tl.ori i a unnatural current of air and
delivery to every mala or woloomi married, 1 sh
after a year and a day of the marriage be ji ;ill a!Pin:1t'ls eotlll Ila+ tootle of a situp'.e
passed; and to be given to every mall of "IP tt) tat- lural sult,4ly--a c'ep of ort
ieliece t
,;domz .ltrhbishc,p, I'rioE, at ohne, lelig;•oneterial Flat ti- w.j;idni,ug tahe chin rl ttothoflhiia ,d h if� a -n1
taus i and to every ry priest after the year roil to ti;" 11",14-1P nr :r ed tri t n. '1'Le tvebbmg
dday of their 7ll;oitat:tan finished, or of their 4411 it • Mime mu°t-ttr tt' a tt'n6ea. Itmti 1i
dignity received. There is not the It esti • y
doubt, 1 bliert4. tient either this twat eephet rt,anir.a1 to ear •t 11,0 4141 tIN Of tin" et1,tteh.
from Punt -now (fir that Minnow was levied wt+' 'I: n.,r;ttiis is e, :bItnl,le 1?t3t any a, 4 "'311
from this; but which i3 she whets hem,. 111.1' 0 5i, lata. silo er:", you 4+411 Chian *L(
the custom it i3 i5;ala assail,* to Fay.
windpipe, awl the n Fl•etterc 1`et welt leo lett
1 tutu :111 old aat;un; a^ of dile Sv. Peafrd', lir. „ 10 Sloe 4311;1 14'.'.:*' Ors t]a.ar) 16 t5 ti:tun5.1 II. -1.
I iott:'c "" Hitit91"ITY lytatiln,iahrre,' Q24,11 . .
other coin"es, it iillp. V'a diet 'r- 1'?aslw'd► it; est': t 11�t October.
Somerville held the 'et:inons of \Vlaiehaen- 1
(i r St:ireaiOit, R •+dia•,+re, \-'the, ¢4•n, i;aa"l
erosive. all, in the l snatuty of St-atfotiq, of the
Earls of Lout: atter, by *VAIs nesneentde 01';-
vie., "*1110 C11141 1'+lilip 0111111 roll, main-
. of i.;;;r.011.F. inr t>'iaeisfr t -Shure
I1•all 4 iii parilwad
11 al°a1•i 4"f a t r rl;a' 4.a aa,t1a1'y;)-r11tr.
tl.a„.ami,) arae seta, ell the•stanlntlr■ witr'rt'-
evertwent :
taut, and toodoin One ]aeon 01"1Anti
l u1gngt” ne , swheti the lease are with nestingin lti;t hall nt Whieltenovre. rehdy erroyedteseessid.
at all troll's of the ye;tr gait Itf 1014, t"t l" .end the zO,+4n'4 St•lit4n1111 •e lin 114111 4V
w fa
given to every mono or weartn nr earl, after
,ar t
the slay :;nd ¢1r0 hear of their uret'rrag o he I dee ant oglorious f ttre "oridie o I have spent
poet, in form following : ^ } 1
*' hennoever the any our studs before
married will came .o ,'t'lmurt, for the 1";leon,
in their own person. they r4t:tll .acme to the
Ilailitl' or • the . orler ,f the hvrdship of
Whiohenovre, and spell say to them itt
lnattner as e"stteth : • }..Snarl, for Porter.! I
do you to a ,now thet I ail come for my
self to demand one ]aeon Ilyke 1h:stein in
the hail of the Lord :tf the Hibor of
\Vhic]'.euour after the farm thereunto be-
jepniig,) u.
An Extraordinary Railway Accident,
It was a singular series of events which led
to the killing of twenty -ono persons and the
wounding of thirty near Shoemakcrsville, on
the Reading Railway, during the early The Fquiro and the keeper in brown vel
evening of a roeent Friday. A loaded coal vetei•n •
train broke in two partions, and as the rear Tite .ppar::on short•skirted, and out of his
hart slowed up, a following thein run into it, 4.42111
loih :
with the result of throwing; two laden ears
on to the opposite gamic. This httppeited
just beyond 0. curve where the tracks hug
the haulm of the Selutydktll River, miming,
not very deep, bn t Very swift, near thirt y feet
1.dnw. l?p to this Point dashed the Potts-
ville "eannbn•baall'- express, carrying; over
leo people in seven cars. \lo. tly they went
returniug from pleasure excureione to the
lherks t minty hair and the Pennsylvania,
Firemen's Convention. Usually the "c:un-
non-b.tll" stops only at important towns, audl
runs forty miles an hoer. On Friday it was
behind time, and running.), little faster than
ordinary, when it struck the derailed coal
cans with aeists11 heard for miles. A wit-
ness declared. that of the forward ears the know which pot •t was the north. He at
wreck could not have been more templets,. mice pulled otlt iris watch, looked at it, and
Nothing remained but a heap of nnngletl pointed to the north. I asked him whether
fra"mtents ;and dead and dying ;nen and wo- he
et1184ll 1 acc watches," he rass eplied, t compasses."o his watch.
men. The engine plunged 150 feet over the "]len a explained, po me how Oda was.
bowlders and flown the bank until the river
extinguished its fires. beneath it lay the Point the hour hand to the sun, and tiles pith
headless and dismembered body of the engi- is exactly half wiry between the hour and
neer, who died ahnost before he removed the figure XII. on the watch. For instance,
his hand from the air -brake, which he had suppose that it is four o'clock. Point the
band indicating four to the sem, and II. on
the watch is exactly south. s uppose
that it is eight o'clock, point the hand indi-
cating eight to the sun, and the figure X on
the watch is due south. My American friend
was quite surprised that I did not know this.
Thinking that very possibly I was ignorant
of a thing that everyone else knew, and hap-
pening to meet Mr. Stanley, I asked that
eminent traveller if he was aware of this
simple mode of discovering the points of the
compass. He said he had never heard of it. 1
persume, therefore, that the world is in the
same state of ignorance. Amalfi is proud of
having been the home of the inventor of the
compass. I do nob know what town boasts
of my American friend as a citizen.
Li a Ketati•ta thatobet, tate p:,4.lcauts
A wiawion of Indian ntnil;l;errl sof l by
As lihie ns .tuti.►aIi t'n, cf fr+wst-sharpclletl,`
And freet-she'lbened mornings, of p;atchc
Of rye,
Left for !veiling and cover, of hop•pele lin
sheat t m+,
A vision of tt:004 in eprinl ;they ofham
Vere it; not for the t. ritam on aiirl geld in their
dye -
And the curly Marts dog, who the Owe, -
sluts retrieves,
And the liver -anti -white deg, who sets when
they lits
A jattl et from \m folic, a kilt from Kildean,
With suleiulid young iellowa, six•footers,
]11 I;"lh ;
A flash of gold feathers -•young cooks of
full growth,
A Hideo of some from the t•orner, unseen,
Then Innrh with brown ale (anti Miss Male)
all are loath
When the squire gives the word, " take the
dogs up," at e'en.
--..Doroi.nls SL,ralatr
Every Watch a Compass..
A few days ago I was standing by au Am-
erican gentleman, when I expressed t a wish to
faithfully set, but not soon enough to appre-
ciably check his traie. Hundreds of oonit-
try 1 olks,attractcd by the crash and screams,
were speedily at land, and Soon there lay
upon the bank a dreadful row of corpses,
close by where the doctors were busy in the
open air with the lirstremedies toneer two-
scorewounded. And, as if the scenewere not
already horrible enough, one wretch,noticed
skulking among the disabled passengers,
was found with his rockets full of trinkets
taken from his helpless victims. Tire broke
out among the debris,threaten ing to consuine
such of the survivors as had escaped crush-
ing and drowning, but a train hand, who
had been thrown into the river, retained
presence of mind enough to dash water over
the flames before they gained headway. It
-was altogether the worst accident which
ever happened on the Reading Railway,
and the jury found that the company,
through one of its employes, was to blame.
The iwdividnal who bears this awful re-
sponsibility tsas asignal-man, who delayed
fn giving the warning which would have pre-
vented. the eollisionwhicli blocked the track
of the express.
A Woman Estimates Woman's Oapaoity.
A woman writer in the Chicago Herce1cl
says: "Women are either the noblest
creation of God orthe meanest. A good
woman is little less than an angel, a bad
woman is considerably more than a devil:
And by women I do not mean women
who drink, or who steal, or frequent broth-
els. The chief weapon of a bad woman is
her tongue. With a lie she can do 11105.e_
deadly work than the fellow in the bible did
ewith the jaw -bone of an ass. Untruthis
sthefundamental. strata of 1l evil is a bad
twoman's nature, and withitshe is more to
he dreaded than many Wien with revolvers.
There is absolutely no protection from a lie.
The courts cannot protect from its .venom,
and to kill a defamer and a falsifier is not
yet adjudged as legalized murder."
Sunday School Teacher—t" Love thy
neighbor as thyself.' Who is thy neigh-
bor ?"
eighbor?" Little Girle" Please ma'am, the
folks as borrows from us.
Before Death Comes.
Oh, if you'd speak a kindly word,
Do not too long delay it,
But let it by :our ears be heard—
We fain would bear you say it.
Of friendly cheer our hearts have need
Along life's pathway dreary ;
Remember we shall nes er read
Our own obituary.
If there's a deed which you can do
To ease our yoke of sorrow,
Oh, do it with a impose true 1
Nor wait for the to -morrow,
Make all eurltearts with joy to laugh;
While we are wills you love us.
ne'er peruse the epitaph
Yon'll kindly write above us.
If you have loving gifts to make,
l)o noti-too:long witbold them ;
But give them now that we may take
And in our hearts enfold
Oh, crown us with a wreath to-dayay
Our hungered spirits ask it,
We'll never see the rice; bouquet
You.piace upon our casket.
His Truthfulness Discredited.
Lawyer—Weil, sir, we won thevictory,
but it was a pretty narrow victory.
Client—Yes,- I thought the other side had
us until you showed that their principal wit
ness was a fisherutar
Indian hi/ /e and UX Brown btu!
Highest mlwaras ani .micdals for Purity and Excel
• truce at Centennial 3:shi;,itien, Phil adelpltia,
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Prol„ft 11 Croft, Public %uelyst. Tor.aute. says t
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utenu aesured vdoa.a Itshett. It a:t'i.ei.rl State, an,l sieve
found it a llehttn)e, couaaa:ing but little n'e•)hel, et 11. 11411-'
adtxt"tat,Alut of a Per, a;;reegta@e title 'aril Esme >r p,
4,10 slaty. fa:a , et'cnpares wait time best in set:rte.) ales. I a •vas
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u] i1t isofe,eellent quality• els Savor is very agreeab:6
a 124;?; Ietpenergetic: titan the glove aro, for it is a
littte rieeer nteheStol, and can, be compared atl-raatate-
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EXETER Zzaii.,5,
lePetitioned ehary7.°lturaday morn n g,at
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er pion* attention.
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astitutetliuthoplace where the paper is pub.
ished, although the subaoriber may reside
hun,lreds of miles atony.
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affice,orramming caul leaving them uncalled
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