HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-23, Page 6FIGURES TELL / Silver poplar, balm of Gilead, cot• t t v e t V 1 L LL, ton trees and willow, with chestnut and ash are to be excluded from the Stoves, public streets of Toronto. Ezcior O! Tinware, rk Hardware, Groceries w. $ cts get Mica axle Grease 2 for... 25 P Sunshine Stove Polish, sixad boxes for 25 d Shoe Blae1di g. 6 boxes for 25 0 Steel Nails, 3 to 6 in., keg 2 90 4 gallons Coal Oil,70 e,A 4 ga.s do., i tVetern hitel.. 1 00 ri-� Annealed wire, per 1001Ls a 90 r" Barb wire 4 "• 5 50 Ile Plain strap wire .' " 5 v0 fps Fire clay- 's ". 1 00 R�„v Q Common iron " " 2 75 1-i Horseshoe nails, 0, per box 2 73 el •.d Cjesnut Coal per ton 4 coal " Blacksmiths' Coal per ton, 0 00 Brilliant Penensular cook 15 00 eo CI Fatuous \'i ootl Stove.. , . 12 00 1.i See these Stoves and other Heating & Coal Stoves ees Vbefore ibuying. P - t No. 9 Tin Boiler for $ 2 00 . ee Hi No, 2 Dafsy Churn 4 50 ree No. 3 Daisy Churn..... ,5 50 1" Ft T '.. F Spin Francisco.. flet, IL—The strips H t ROGERIES, SURARS, TEAS. R..1,., l imams from, New A arts and ✓ e'.__,,r,.,,,.., Ates al et'ullotrt from Baltimore arrived • ▪ Tui'et soaps full line- l:le.iri"', ficin gums were black and swollen here yesterday wall scurvy on board. Reagan, Loudon, les-male. anti hi.+f their tenth, 'Elie Hien stud r4,7- Are t Appl.s. S::a31rSt:Ius, Rides.- that during the 154 days' passage they eel 1_1 Fags, etc, taken in Lift—belief,. r Exeter Roller Flour oil. hand at $2,00 O Der cwt. JAS. N. HOARD, Proprietor W. H. MONGOR, — Manager The oldest preacher in the episcopal Church of England is 1tsv. Joseph Hudson, vicar of Chillingbatn. He was ordained 73 years ago, and will be 100 years old next January. The assessors'retarns show that in the matter of religion Windsor, Ont., contains 3320 Roman Catholics, 1,930 Epistle) . miens, 2,450 Methodists, 1,445 Presbyterians , 540 B tptists, 120 Luth- erans, 8=) 'Salvation soldiers, 82 Jews, 30 Congregationalists, 12' Unitarians and 800 without a religion. Alen treat, Oet. 20. --The rumor which gained currency sortie weeks ago that an English syndicate z7tas etre t to purchase all the flour mills in Canada has gained new credence. The three principal mills are Ogilvie's, Like of the Woods and Hudson 13ay, and they have already been secured. The out- put is 7,250 barre's per day, and the price named is nearly, $3,000,000, 14 Ir C. W. Tyler, ot the New York Evening Sun. is negotiating with J Reginald Borchelt for his autobiogra- phy. The prisoner bas a very reten- tive memory, and in writing a history of his life has been able to recall so many thrilling ineldents that he thinks now the nmettsor'ipt ought to he worth Pore than V,00°. Ur Tyler Oiled at the gaol to ser the prisoner, haul not tasted vegetabkea and the meat given them was putrid. "Phos. Haves and chutes ltlassuro hee.ime blinti and werecovered with running sores as a result 01 the disease. The mortuary statistics for the month of September show the ratio per thousend of population in the principal cities of (`mads to be as tallows :..,;Toronto 1.22 ; Quebec. 2,31; NEWS NOTES Hamilten,1.49, tVinnipeg. 1,32; Brant- ford, 1.0:a; St. Thomas, 94; Belleville, J. 1'. Clare. of Waterloo, Ont„ sold y 2.W; Petr+rboro', Sic; Brockville. 1.12; en Detroit on Thursday a steer weigh. Galt, .05; Montreal, 1.01 ; uttawe, 2.0.4 ing 4,000 pounds. Stirs. Stanley has persualed her taus* band to decline the position of ger. ernorabip of the Congo offered to h.w by the King of the Belgians. The Russian Government will short- ly introduce a reformed judtoiat eye - tem in :Siberia and the Russian pos- sessions in Central Asia, While sufl,'eriug from an attack of delirium tremens,George Perry entered St. Marys Catholic Church, Winnipeg, on Thursday and destroyed $50) worth of property. Christina Williams killed her hus- band, E:i Williams, Thursday morning at their home in Iialtitnoro. The mean's head was nearly severed from has{body by a razor, A m+rnument has been procured at Montreal tor the grave of Louis Riel, t and i A w 1 w 1 ba forwar led in a few days. It beers the inscription ; "tale!, Ibth :November, 1SSS." In the case of Andrew Welts, the young Scotchman who took poison London, Lill; Kingston, 1.35; flint, 2.21; Guelph. 1.23; Windsor, 1.30; Woodstock, .54; Chatham. 1,37. Sone interest is aroused in Toronto by the proposals for the shipment of Canadian eggs to the English market. A difference ot opinion exists alt to the possibilities of the trade, but several leading dealers in London say they think the idea worth careful inquiry. Moreover, whatever may be the case as regards domeatto demand, there are fair prospects of developing a trade in eggs suitable for manufacturing pur- poses, if proper care be taken to meet the special conditions of the trade. Same samp,es of the product of the two rowed barley distribute,l by the Government last spring have been re- ceived at Toronto. One tat trout the township of Artetnesia weighs 58 pounds to the bushel. fills is two pounds over the best aamples sent out from England, and better than the Standard weight required in the Eng- lish market, which readily take! grain at 58 ponnds to the bushel. Tho sea- '11.1r1t1KE;T ltEPO1t'1'S. Wheat .. ,88e. to 90c, per bush, 0 O SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 75 per 100 do Best Family 2 00 " do .glow Grade .. 1 50 " Oran . , ... „ 70e, "" Middlings 90c. " Screening , , ., 90e. Chop .. .,. 1 15 to 1 25 " Bran per ton, - - $12 Middlings " -- 10 Chop stone runaiiug every day. 'TERMS CASH. THE EXWINE: ftt MILLI\TG Coy.. the panic was over was terrible. '1'he stone steps at the entrance were cov- ered with blood. 'rhe carpets on the Hoer of the church and many of the peers was torn up, and the church looked as though some bloody riot had taken place. All Men young, old, or .middle-aged, wbo find them selves nervous, week sad exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwsrk, resulting iu many of the followiue symptoms Mental Jerre ,don, premature old dE t. loss 01 vitality, to of meeaory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, enmis>ions, lack of energy, Pain in the kid. neys, healache, pimples on the face or body, itching or punier srnsatiou About the �Cr+r;llln, wa.tiug of the organs, dizzinea•i, Epistler before the eyes, twitnlriug of the muscles. eye lids and elsewhere, bashful• urss,depo'itain the urine, loss of will power tenderness of the scrap and spine, weak and flabby ruuacles. desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, cousttpatiou, dullness of hearing. loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper,suukcu eyes surround. and with leaden circle, oily loekine akin, etc., are all ayrnptoius of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless oared. Pite spring or vital force Laving lost its tension every fanetiou wanes incousequcure Those who through abuse committed in iguoi•anee may be pertuaueutfy oared. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to roan. ?lddress'.i1. V, I,nban, 50 Frout St. E., Torsuto, Out•, Books sent Inc aled. He in disease, the symptoma of which are faint spells, purple lips, numb uess. palpitation, skin beats. hot Bashes, rush of blood to the hoed, dull pain In the beam with beats stroug, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, paiu about the breaat bone, ate„ can poet - Hyatt? be cured. No euro, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. /MOON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto. Out, News In A Nutshell. Premier Mercier was 50 years old Friday, arta his birtltley was honored in a sub- stantial way by his friends in Montreal. Ten thousand barrels of p;nteetocs are being slrippell front Kiug'a oauuty, N. S. to Havana, alley are sold there at n Wee profit. Catarrh is a foreruuuer of consumption" The prompt use of Nasal Battu may save you from au untimely grave, It has mired others ; it will mare yon. Try it, Dr Gonigle, ohareeti with malpractice in white traveling on a Toronto streetcar son has only been an average one for the case of Annie Goodwin, at New York, on Monday night, the jury returned a barley, and the result of the experi- was sentenced Wednesday to fourteen verdict at suicide. ment, so far, is, therefore, consitared years iu State prison. Felix Dueling of'Phurlcwant fell ah promising. The steamship City of New York left " " New York Ne etineedav at 7,30 a in. and the. from a loaded waggon on Saturday, and Windsor, Ont., Oct 30. -When the Teutonic four minutes later on another race was instantly ,tilled by the wheels pas- (Jonathan Pacific freight train leaving (eross the Atlautie. sing over his head. Deceased was in Windsor at 7 o'clock last evening had lteh, il]auge and ~crutches ot every his sixty-fifth year, reached a point about hall a wile west kind, on human or animals cured in 30 The convention of Protestant teach- of the Leke Erie & Detroit River Bail- mintes oy Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. ors in Montreal announced that there road crossing, the engineer saw the This never fails. Sold by O. Lutz, will be offered three prizes, amounting body of a man lying directly across Druggist. to $2.5110, open to the world, for the one of the rails. Although he did Rev R. C. elaoBeth, of Carman, Mau, best Dominion textbooks of Canadian everything possible to stop the train was married on Tuesday to Minnie Snther- history. the wheels of the engine passed over laud, daughter of Senator Sutherland. There is a farmer in the townshipof the body, cutting it iu two. the re- Sudden Oranges of weather are the fruit - mains were conveyed to the junction, ful sources of cold in the head and Catarrh. Mose, E� ward Leech, who rs the From books and papers found in the for these diseases Nasal Balm is the only father of I children, fourteen of whom pockets the coroner decided the re- speedy and certain care. Alt dealers. are living. yin Leech is upwards of 70 years of age, but is stilt active and , mains were those of Frank E. Allen, The schooner, George Clinton, of Det - works every day. atimekeeper at Ouollettes mill at reit, coal laden, forleincardine, went ashore McGregor Station. about half a mile north of the Kincardine As a result 01 the publication by the Cumberland, Ont, Oct 2). -The in- piers on Monday night The vessel and Globe of the allegeconfession by quest into the recent outrage and mur• cargo are a total loss. GrosvBirchenor ll, suit has been, commenced by er of the der children was re. Dixon's rope walk from the Patterson Grosvenor Hood xraeme, whose name sumed to day. Louis Somerville, aged house to Parker's drug store on Wednesday was mentioned in connection with the twelve years, and Sarah 111inoque, also was the greatest performance of the kind for $5 ll murder, against that paper twelve, testified to Larocque, who is ever given in Owen Sound. The streets for $50,000 damages for libel. accused of the present crime, having were packed for blocks. Alfred Gordon and John Beatty acted indecently towards them, and 3drirxe NEWS -Mining rxperts note that have issued wri•s for $2,000 and $5,000 threatened to choke and kill them it cholera never attack the bowels of the damages respectively against Sheriff they made any outcry. Doucith Lav- earth, but humanity in general find it Wtddifield and Constable Robert Rum•ergne testified to the finding of foot necessary to use Dr. Fowler's Extract of bue, of Toronto, for false arrest andprints near the scene ot the murder. Wild Strawberry for bowel complaints, imprisonment and malicious prosecu-In which Larocque's boots fitted per- dysentery, diarrhoea, etc. It is a sure cure. tion. fectly, even to extra wear on the aide Tho monster flywheel in the A W. Everyone will be pleased to hear of the heel. Other boots were trie4 in Wright Company's Paw mill, Saginaw, that the report that Mr Mowat had the prints but would not fit. Heber buret Friday morning and smashed the ny eall to been stricken with paralysis is untrue. Orten recognized the broken elm twig pieces ngine The damage, itis saidnsed as a fuelawill ramount Even those who differ with him will which he found one hundred and fifty to at least 2,000. admit his removal from the scene yards from the scene of the murder. TIMELY Wianox-Great and timely wis- would be a deplorable boas to the Pro- Two leaves shined with blood, were dem is shown by keeping Dr Fowler's vjnce and the Dominion. stuck to a twig when found. The twig Extract of Wild Strawberry on band. It By the explosion on a threshing en and bloody leaves were found on the has no equal for oholera, cholera morbus, gine boiler, within 12 or 13 miles of road leading to the prisoner's cousin's, diarrhoea, dysentery, oolie, cramps, and all (dark, Dakott, Newton, son of Mr where he went, but says by another summer complaints or liose.re(r of the Isaac Ullyott, formerly of St, Marys, road Th'j ;ry. eturne l averdict that the Mr James 0 Macklin, of Toronto, who and a Mr Stacey, who went from St. girls met their death by strangulation, died last week in that city, was iu his Marys last spring, were killed on Oct ani that from the evidence they earlier days one of London's most ptomin- 10. the engine Lelonged to Mr Ullyott. strongly suspect Narcisse Larocque as est merchants and one of Ibe best known being the guilty party. They ordered men of Western Ontario. The widow and his arrest and committal to the next family of the de,cased aro comfortably pro - Assizes. sided for. Chicago, Ill, Oct 17. -While Rev ZICARXET REPORTS. sxzweit Red %Vhoat Sp6. r1ey Wing Wheat ,4 Oats Clover Sred Timothy Peas r... Corn 11355 Batter Flour perbbl ,. Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per Dag DriecUpplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per ,b Ducks por lb Chiokensper pr Hoga,droeseaperlC0 Beet nideerongb ,,, dressed Sheepskins eaoh Oalfskins Wool per lb ... Hay porton Onionsuerbusb Woodperoord INK mon gee 88 to 00 10 oo s0 to 00 90 40 to 00 45 34 10 35 300 to37o 1 50 co 2 Q0 54 to 55 0 40 to t•1 17 to 17 13 co 013 00 to 510 70 to 070 1 CO to 1 00 0 4to000 006to0.07 008 to 10 Q 06 to 0 07 0 25 to 0 30 00 bo 5 50 400 to 52.5 300 to 250 350 be 390 060 to 20 050 to 0 5 018 to 021 5 C0 tog e0 050 to0(,ri 250 to300 se:manes St Fall Wheat „ 086 087 Spring Wheat....,...........,.. .. ....... 0 86 0 87 Bare43 Oats y i 0 34 0 34 Clover Seed .....,... 150 1 75 Timothy . . .................... 1 50 200 Peals l,ggs. Butter Potatoes per bag Apples per bub Wool per ib 05.40 `6 ................ le 0 16 12 0 15 '75 91 91 30020 Rey porton .,.,.. 5 50 600 Bran per ton 14 0014 00 Shorts "• •• 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl ........ .... .. 6 60 7 00 Wheat, Roe to Ole nor Maus, Ottts, aeala to 361e per bite. PEAR.57o to Ole per bus. Bar• ley,1tf1Itiug.45 to,•"eper bus. Bardov Feed, 40, to 410 per bus flora. elle to e7e nor, bushel. T')R°NTO Tnrouta 00.22. --Wheat Spring -No, 2. sae to fanitoba'7 o 1 bard.1 P' to 132 No �)2.174 e24 to 1 30 ; }„E.1S Goo to tile per bus. HATS 39e to 40c po bus, FLOUR, extra, .4.10 t0 sees per bid : straight roller. it .",r, to $4.40; serene Wiese, easel to $4. tet, BAIRLEY. 110 2•': Ole to 02c , No 3 extra. 53e to We; No 3, 43e to 4ile. Archdeacon Farrar, the famous preacheraad author, has been appoint- ed Chaplain of the house of Commons, in succession to Hon. and Rev. F. E. C. Byng, M. A. The duties are mere- Father Barnziskey was conducting a ly nominal, and the salary is $2,000 a service for children in St. Stanislau's year. As one of the canons residenti- Church, thismorning, the altar drap- ery of Westminster Abbey, Archdea- aries caught fire from a candle, and a con Farrar receives $5,030 a year. panic ensued. In the wild rush about It is stated that Secretary of State twenty of the children were crushed Chapleau and Speaker Outmet have and trampled on, and some of them laid a wager of a sumptuous repast to received fatal injuries. There were ten persons on the qneation ot next about 1.500 children, accompanied by Dominion elections. The Secretary of their m alters, in the church at the State bets that the elections will no• time, The women and children be- take place before two more sessions of came panic stricken and rushed pell- Parliament have been held, while the melt to the exits. Those in front were Speaker wagers that the election will pressed upon by those behind and talcs before another session is held.lost their tooting on the stone steps in A leading produce firm in London I front of the building, where they were writes to Montreal in the most encour- aging way about Canada's egg and butter trade and the prospects of their export trade to Great Britain, ,Tust give trade a little tinsa and it will find .;".able outlets other than through I was quickly extinguished, and the poi- •• ed States. 1 ice with much difficulty rescued the trampled upon by the fleeing multi- tude. The arrival of the fire depart- ment added to the stampede, and in a. few minutes 10.000 people had gath- ered in the neighborh god. fie fire , wounded children. The scene after A Coon Ceesexp iter --51r It°iiliatns. "Why as a drum without a head like a model wife?" Ur Cross, (a toupecl:ed huebaud.) ",Be- cause alta is mute, Mr Williaree. "1113111, now tell rue why a mnsenlar wife, a drum without a head, a turnip, a plumper nod Imperial Create 'tartar baking Powder aro simihar 8" Mr Cross, (triumphantly.) "Because they caul be beat, Tho failed States Treasury Depert- rueat has informs tion by telegraph of the Dominion Government in removing the export duties on certain toga. The inform- ation stated that thea order went auto effect ou Oct 13. Tug Pnoftlee Mia€rill*--People make a sad mistake often with sericus resu:te when they neglect a constipated cnudition of the bowels Knowing that Ourdow; Blood Bitters is an nffoctnai aero at any stage of conetipattnn, does not warrant us in ne3- letting to use it at the right time. Rae it now. The Treasury .Department at Washing- ton lies uoliled eolleetors of customs of the action of the Canadian Government in re• moving the export duty ou logs, and in- structed them that hereafter lumber from Canada wilt be anbjeot to the duty fixed in the new tariff hill. Meer Is A. Dara LABOR 3 -Ono days work for a healthy liver is to secrete three and a hall pounds of bile. If tho bile secretion be deficient, coustiration, ensues; it profuse . biliousness and jeuudice arise, Burdock Blood Bitters is the most perfect liver regulator known in medicine for pre- venting and oaring alt liver troubles. • Tho total number of student. already registered at Anu Arbor University is only seven lees than the total last year. After this time last year 241 registered, and the same ratio will bring the number over 2,500. levee Rtonrs-all have equol rights iu life and liberty and the pursuit of happi- ness, but many are bandioappod in the race of dyspepsia, biliousness, lack of energy nervous debility, weakness coustipatiou, etc., by completely removing these com- plaints Burdock Blood Bitters confers un- told benefits on all sufferers, The removal of export duty on logs is causing a revival iu shipment to the United States. One dealer alone has ap- plied to the Canada Atlantic Railway for 100 ears. The 0. P. R. also reports big orders. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your addresp, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will guiekly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will sand you aBe1t and Appliances on a trial. VOLTAIC; BELT Co., Marshall, Mich. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from practice. hav ing had'plaood in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of it simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and partnanentcure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung -affections. also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive. and a desire to releive human suffering,I will sond free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe in German, French or English. with full directions fr r preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 823. Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. —WHERE TO BUY The Best Goods for the Least Money. We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARE in town, and. we sf it theta at the l:ywest possible price for cash. pringmmotaw In Hall and Library Lamps we are showing an elegant display at right pt -ices. All hinds of Table and. Hand Lamps at wholesale prices, In CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing all the latest and leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from. .4$ES—A large stock at prices that defy competition. As usual, a full stock 01 general Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass on baud. • Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine. BISSETT BROS. The POPULAR FURNACE 1 • Don't forget the place—Sign of Big Elephant. WELL TOLLAND. OENTRAL Cash For {e �rstore !I1Drug� O a nt.„ 11110 A. Q. BO11IleR, having leased Drew's A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Condition Powd- er, the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. English Spavin Liniment removes al c LUTZ. hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes ,i,i st from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save 1, $a0 by use of one bottle. warranted the most wonderful 131emish Cure ever known.hi tyc!Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. �Aw NN Wilson's Wild Cherry has been prepared by Archdale Wilson& Co . Wholesale Druggists, of Hamilton. for nearly twenty years, for the cure of Coughs. Coils, Croup eta. 1 t has no equal. Take no substitute but get the genuine with white wrappers. Frank Wilkinson, grain buyer at Hamilton, says : "1 used several medicines and found no relief until I tried Wilson's Compound Syrup, Wild Cherry." Less than one bottle cured him of a long standing and painful cough, with tightness of ohest and short breath, Sold by all druggists. TAR OLD RELIABLE -In these days of humbug tohie it is a relief hear of something ghat can be t depended upon. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been tested ae a remedy for the cure of all diseases of the throat, Chest and Lungs. for nearly twenty years, with such success as to earn for itself the title of the Old Reliable cure for coughs. colds, croup Asthma, Bronchitis and other affections of the respiratory system. See that you get the genuine, in white wrappers. Sold by ,t11 druggists. When Baby was sick, we gavo hor Custom* When she was r• Child. she cried for Castor's. When she became Miss. she clung to Uastoria, When she had Children. she gavo thow Castoria. Abvlcii Told OTHEaB. Areyou dtetnroedat nigh Land broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and 'crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" tor Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willoslieve the poor little sufferer im mediateb ionendupon it, mothers ; there is 1.;/mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach end lioweis,oures Wind Colic, softens the. Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. •Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to .the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beet female physicians and nurses to thea United States, mous:, for sale ,by „a1;;1, dguggista throughout the world. 'Prete twelrty five Dents a bottle. Bo' sure and ask for 'Mae VAXstows Sedrunto gyarrp"and take no other. 0 0 H if co1.,,,,,,,, 4 g 2 El z H If; "-i 0 Bok will 1e i Block, ! t las c to;1 I I P3 WRIEST Cash PRICES at all times for batter and eggs. ets.. Q. 330231E11,„ May 1st, '00. Drew's pluck, Exeter; COTTAM'S Washing Compound Loosens and quickly removes all stains of grease and dirt without injuring the hands or the finest materials. It keeps down disease by thoroughly disinfecting and purifeing every- thing. Saves soap, clothes, time and labor. For all domestic purposes it is the best article over placed before the public. For the toil.. and the bath it is just splendid, making the, skin soft and•health6. Only 5c. for 3 pkts. All grocers can supply it. COTT.AM'SBird Seed Cottam's Choice Imported and Ile -cleaned Bird Seed is the finest quality grown, thoroughly re-olcaned and mixed according to the various seasons in proportions advised by Ornitholo- gists and Bird Fanciers. Every one pound Package contains a piece of cuttlefish bone and full directions "how to keep a Bird in health, and sung. Cottam's bas been awarded 1st prizes and diplomas and is very highly recommended, If you really want healthy Birds with choice hong and beautiful plumage be sure and use Cottam's Bird Seed. All grocers and druggists. can supply it. DO YOU WANT.TO BUY CJ FIRST-CJ,ASS 0 gFURNITUR - AT LOWER RATES LJ THAA SHAM °CCS —ARE USUALLY SOLD-- THL BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Overcoatings at any price ; 'Sult- inge at any price ; Pantings at any price Rest Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for r with the best staff ,of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yoga are sure of satisfac. tion -THEN CALL AT- GIDLEY"S --ONLY FIRST -(:LASS - Reliable Good At Prices Lower that sr led Cheap Houses c , Uridertakir iii. r, T. SNELL.r