HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-10-10, Page 8SEE and HEAR HI-FI NOW Bring your favorite record if you wish. Various Sets on display. MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR AT HUTCHINSON RADIO & TV Huron Rd, Phone 498 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. THE .GO EMIL SIGNAirSTAR Modern\ Trend ! Because of apparent lack of interest in competing, the field day of WeicrschtAlltfl far last Thug' egtelVaatt wat4., calla celled' - indefinit There. wereonly 20 boys who signed the list denoting. their intention of taking art in any of the events. *`.Me number of girls who were interested in competing was about 80. The list for students to sign shtw- ing they wanted to compete was posted in the school for a period of about two weeks. 'Wore,/ the number of pros- pective track and field athletes was so small, principal A. R. Scott decided it was not worth welling all classes for the afternoon for so few devotees of track and field sports. A traek and field day was planned last spring at GDCI but was called off, too, when interest was too snail. Last time a field day was held at GNI( was in 1954. Looks a$ if today's students prefer "specitator sports" rath- er than the participating variety. O 0 0 CALENDARS �1!lIr1I CUPS calendars, ' with the Wire et Alexandra. Hospital on ekt At,. sre, >aow pri:t.ted and are fit .sale by members of the Wo- *sis (1f%j4tal Aueiliary. With spree around each date to M1i4e .Sit iemiadea's of coming elfaaoto in which the owner is inter - amok they are calendars that come im *we handy.• IRST RELIEF FOR IIIIEIMATIC PAIN Hid Beer Under Straw, Man, 64, Seat To -Jail Gordon Turner, 644year-old Stan -1 ley Township man, was to start work; Monday at a new job, his lawyer said in court here last week. There was a change in Mr. Turn- er's plans, however, as Magistrate I). E. Holmes sentenced hiss, to three months in jail foe keeping liquor for sale. A second offender, he wan also ordered to pay court costs or serve two weeks additional. Provincial Constable A. Hardy, of Goderich; told of finding 24 cases of beer under somee straw in Mr. Turner's barn on September 30. The Turner property fronts on highway 4, south of the RCAF School, the court was informed. Altogether, police seized 360 pints of beer in the raid. No one was around at the time except the accused's own family, said Con- stable Hardy, -but he added that there had been previous complaints about the place. Constable Hardy said that the raid had been carried out as a result of evidence given in an abduction case heard in court Ster4ng\Coal ORDER NOW "IT'S SILVER COLORED"' Protective `silver -wrap" on Coal keeps heater surfaces clean, increases efficiency. OVERHOLT COAL (0. PHONE 1002 GODERICH NOT!CE CHANGE OF BUS TIME TABLES FALL AND WINTERS(HEDULES Effective October 7,1957 Obtain your copy from your local Agent. SAMIS MOTORS -PHONE 344. THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS LIMITED KITCHENER ONTARIO Since /889 READ Off/CE. WATERL 00.0A4AR/O EBB ROSS Says: Why not retire on Easy Street? With our Dominion Security person- al savings plan you can co-ordinate your Old Age Pension with personal savings. Choose the monthly income you need, now, to start your retire- ment before age 70. Let's talk it over! E. M. ROSS Representative Goderich, Ont. Phone 37 Ask about our low cost Group Life Insurance Plans. SATURDAY EXCURSIONS .o TORONTO. EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL DEC. loth) Good going and returning some Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM Aflanford $5.05 rampton .95 Brussels 4.60 Chesley 5.03 Clinton 5.05 Elora 2.60 Fergus 2.60 Georgetown 1.30 Goderich 5.30 Guelph $2.05 Hanover 4.60 Harriston 4.00 Ingersoll 3.95 Kincardine 6.20 Kitchener 2.60 I_ i stowe I 3.80 Mitchell 4.20 Owen Sound 5.05 Palmerston $3.55 Sarnia 6.85 Southampton 6.25 Stratford 3.65 Strathroy 5.50 Walkerton 4.85 Watford` 6.05 W i ngham 5.05 Wyoming 6.50 Paisley 5.50 Corresponding fares from Intermediate Ppint:. FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS T-7-60 ceaatly. The beer noentioued in the abduction case had been secur- ed at Mr. Turner's place, it was learned. James Donnelly, counsel for Mr. Turner, said that the -year-old Yvan is the father of eight children -including six that are still at= tending school. He had just won a job as a ee nmissionnire and was to start Monday, he added. The magistrate . ordered confisca- tion of the beer. BAYFIEL BAYF E7LD, Oct. 7. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Day and family, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Charlton and three children, Stratford, spent the week -end in the' village. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bauer and Tommy, Waterloo, were at their cottage over the week -end. Mrs. R. J. Larson is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital where she underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson and baby, London, are visiting J. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Castle and four sons left last week to reside in Kitchener. Mrs. F. V. Martin left on Satur- day for her home. in Detroit after spending the summer at her cot- tage. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder and children, of Dawson Creek, B.C., arrived on Thursday to reside in London. They are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer. Mrs. C. W. Brawn spent last week with her sister, Mrs. A. Arm- strong, Stanley Township. The Wanstead Co -Op. held a three day convention -at the "Little ltiri." Dr. and Mrs. Aron Chapman, De- troit, spent from Friday until Tues- day at their . cottage. Mr. John MacLeod, Port Burwell, spent Thursday and Friday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Matthews, Lon-. don, spent the week -end at the Albion Hotel. Mis.s Ethel Blair, London, spent the week -end at her home. HAD Nd PERMIT`' Pleading °guilty to driving with- out a license, a 17-yearea1d Gode- rich° boy was fined $15 and costs or five days. The charge was laid after the boy was involved in a minor accident, Magistrate D. E. Holmes was told. o----() -n Per capita consumption of cot- ton, synthetic and wool fabrics in` Canada today is about 42.5 yards per year -about three times the world average. �UICK CASH LOANS Borrow the cash you need, quickly and easily at Trans Canada Credit. Take advantage of the new low rates. Up to 30 months to repay. Your own credit, backed up by your car or household effects is all the security we need. Call us today. THE All -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY 148 THE SQUARE . PHONE 797 457.6 101106 to b s '4 to �� 4 Al* f0* I'N GrODERICH ON WEDNESDAY -16 OCTOBER A SPECIAL RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR !' Sr,;- bee, rid fund euf wiel. tee tee Fart t:ff :r;, you in .44,iutible cm frade'i trceemme .e'eey `"• eerveon --and other benefits 1 AT 'THE TOWN HALL from 3 p. rr . ---- 6 ,p.m. OUT ON A LIMB WITH H BILL SMILEY It's a good thing Thanksgiving comes along once a year. It gives us a chance to go around looking thankful for a day or two before we go back to our habitual expres- sions of sour indignation at the shabby way in which the world is treating us. 0 * 5 It's good for the facial muscles to ease them out of that cramped scowl once a year. Of course, there's the odd fanatic who goes around being thankful all the time. His silly, happy face stands opt among all our normal, frowning ones with the incongruity of sweet. peas in a slaughterhouse. Maybe it's just as well, though, that Thanksgiving has become, via our national virtue of putting first things last, merely a day to watch the football game, close up the cottage, or get in that last game, of golf, with a turkey dinner orgy thrown in somewhere along the line. If we really took the occasion seriously, we might get into all kinds of trouble. Imagine the chaos that would result if everybody started being truly thankful for what he had, and not wanting, •som thing more. Our entire economy would be shat- tered if people stopped grabbing for all they could,gast. Two years of people being satisfied with last year's car would ruin the autO uo- bile industry and. throw hupdteds of thousands oat of work. If people started patching their old trousers, instead of throwing• them out, the textile industry would be wiped out in no time: * * 4 If they began to make -do with what they had, and were thankful for it, the entire structure kriown as free enterprise would come crashing about our ears. Advertis- ing executives, whose job is to make people want what they don't really need, would be leaping from high windows. Finance companies, bad cess to them, would , he .a shambles overnight. And you can scarcely view with equanimity the feeble makeshift society we'd have without the finance company. Maple Leaf IODE Has October Meet The October meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter, IODE, was held at the home of Miss E. Cooper with the ,regent, Mrs. R. Hughes presi ngk Thei,pclucational report, given by the cciivener, Mrs. A. M. Harper, told that five books had been sent to the adopted school. Int was de- cided that a prize for English in Grade 12 be given .in place of the essay contest. Night gowns were handed out to be made and knitting was brought in for the work of services at home and abroad. Rua' plans were made for the Fashion Show and for the semi=annual meeting to beheld in Brantford, October 24 and 25. Delegates to this con- vention are . Mrs. A. Waters, who will carry the Chapter's standard, -end Mrs.'R. Hughes. - u u 0 LARGE ORDER PLACED WITH MASSEY HARRIS - FERGUSON A third, large order, this time for 1,1)00 Ferguson tractors and 6,500 implements, has been placed by Yugoslavia with the United Kingdom subsidiary of Massey- , Harris -Ferguson. The Company's total sales to Yugosl via since the contract was rnacle - ' 1. - 5 now amount to $18,33,000. =x .* * Next thing to collapse Would be our whole political system. How can you have democracy if' every- body is thankful forwhat he has? Think of the consternation if the usual windbag who seeks office, saying: "It is only on the insistence of my many friends that 1 run, and my only thought is to work ceaselessly to serve my country and my fellow -taxpayers of this banner riding," were to say, when approached, "Nat. I dowanna run for parliament. I like it here on the farm." Without politicians, our country would be in a sorry state. It would be like a good ripe cheese without the maggots. There's no use pursuing the whole idea any further. The very thought of the shambles we'd'° be in, if we all started being thankful, makes my blood run cold. Busi- ness ruined, democracy lost. Why, 'f we let this thankfulness get out f hand, we'd be just a mass of mis- ided Christians wading around up to the knees in the milk of human kindness. Such anarchy might eve start us thinking about some 7of the people of the world who have a lot less to be thankful for than we have, and who knows where that might lead. Why, we'd be just as liable as not to give them a few billion bushels of wheat, or do something equally silly. * 4 4 It couldn't happen here, you say? That's what they said about rock 'n' roll, brother. It's not that simple. We've got to fight it. People are weak, you know. For example, suppose the farmers stop- ped complaining about the wea- ther, and just said: "I'm thankful we had a good crop last year, and Ma and I have our health. There'll either be a crop failure or there won't, and there isn't much I can do about it." That may be true, but the first farmer who said it would be destroying a tradition that goes back thousands of years. ., * o U What do you suppose would hap - ren if schoolteacher stopped kick. mg about being underpaid, and admitted they were thankful to work in cosy classrooms, get lots 1 of holidays, and retire „honorably with a reasonable/ pension? I'II tell you what would happen. All kinds of younW people would want to be schoolteachers. Imagine where that could lead. Think what would happen if all steady drinkers in the world suddenly became thankful they were not yet alcoholics, and stop- ped guzzling. Millions of waiters, brewers, truck drivers, distillers and salesmen would be jobless. Governments, - deprive& of all that tax revenue, 'would fall like spent rockets. There'd be no money for baby bonuses. The Birthrate would fall, there'd be enough housing to go around and the builders and money -lenders would be out . of business. 4. 4 4 4 By now, 1 hope you have the picture. Society, and the world as we know it, would crumble into dust if this being -thankful business got the bit in its teeth. So, on Thanksgiving ©ay, keep a ,,tight rein. bon't let yourself bo carried away. Just keep in mind the cal- amitous consequences. if you let it get out of hand and scowl, brother, scowl. A good look beats eooti'Ouek in fhe firth of safe driving.- -DRIVE SAnLY. K1DNIYACIDS yoUr RobRst.. Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They turn and toss -blame it on `nerves' -when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from ' the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system -disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's elp the kidneys so that you can rest better -and feel better. 136 Dodd's Kidne Pilis Little Theatre Plans A Play .Mns. Allan,MacDonald,. known to Goderich residents for her delight- ful performance on the blades, promises them another interesting performance when she was the boards, as 'Lucy, in "White Iris." Mrs. Floyd Lodge is reviving this play as the Goderich Little Theatre's entry for the tenth sal. TV ANTENNAS • SOLD • SERVICED REMOVED I INSTALLED 'les Chapman TV Phone 154 38 East St. -22tf DAtAY iA6fS THERE'S NO MATCH FOR QUALITY - AND THAT WHAT WE GET IN MILK FROM ANDREW DAIRY to • oci4004111t J ], iival Dramas Festival in November. nounoed as yet, Mr. Harold` Brea. Other incinbegg of the taut will be Mrs,• Fi4yd IfOdge is0a. lis. Robert Wilson as Dorcas, and Mrs. Sur=e Sully as Jessa rny. Mr. Charlet, Brown, PresidePt o London Little Theatre, and digrict representative for this area for the Western Ontario Drama League, will open the Festival. :Although the adjudicator is not being an - non's aerc-egtanee of the ptriifitto of 'eptivid,diteotor, wW euailre ra well-run show. The, C0 *rents eohn n In this issuQ contains lather news* about the G.L1I'. You're never safe enough to af- ford fford one careless rue r. ent.--DRWE SAMY. Life insurance companies must report their financial operations to the Superintendent of Insurance.` Accord, g , to the latest official figures here are the facts about the Life insurance Dollar: Where each Dollar comes from: 74¢ comes from premiums paid by- policyholders for insurance to protect their wives and families .. . ,end for security in their own old age. What happens 82¢ is for policyholders. 43e is paid out to living policy- holders and to beneficiaries. 390 is invested for future benefits to policyholders. wore- oaeaetiaaaOaa* 26¢ comes rr:,m earnings on policyholders' funds. These funds are invested under Government supervision and help to develop Canada. - 45 to each Dollar: 1$¢ is used for normal operating c-.penses which include taxes, licenses and fees paid to Govern- ments. *The latest report from the Superintendent of Insurance, Ottawa, shows that in 1956 the life insurance companies in Canada paid out $371 million in benefits to ,policyholders. By far the greater part of this money ($216,million).went.to living policyholders. THE LIFE .INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L 357D COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF T1NC� HERDS 31 R.EGISTERBD HEREFORDS Thursday, Oct. 17 This year, a better buy than ever THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA at 1.30 p.m. 10 Cows with calves at aide. 2 Herd Sires (including) 0. A. tarry Domino 48th and Del Zento Portage, Plus 8 Bred Heifers and 6 Young Bulls. Sale to be held at the Fitilayaon Farm, 21/,,miles east and 2 miles south of Brucefie ld. HOWARD C. WRIGHT, Oronlarty, Ont., Owner. ART FINLAYSON, Kippen, Ont., Owner. W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer, enfield, Ont. �•A•:•:•i�: itis:: �!�•:: W DON'T BE COLOR-BLIND WHEN YOU BUY COAL= Get 'bIue-coal'.. and be sure! Don't just order coal ... insist on 'blue coal'! This famous fuel is so good, it's trade -marked blue for your protection. Carefully graded and inspected from start to finish, 'blue coal' gives you the clear full flame that means better heat -thrifty heat -safe heat. Thousands of Cana- GODERICH ana . GODBRICH blue dian families rely on this high-grade anthracite for real heating economy with far less waste - far less attention to the furnace. Remember, don't be color-blind when you buy coal. Get 'blue coal,' the anthracite that's so all -fired good, it's tinted blue. COAL CO. coa&" CLEAN*..SAFE...LOLAI'' COST HEA, 41144) V_