HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-10-10, Page 7ThititiiitAY4 °MOOR 1000 1967 Huron County Court Ponders Riddle Of Stray Blood Test Farm Report tiy P 11. Miles, HUM A. The bean harvest is practically completed. Mearemeirt of sagar beets to the loaders has just .,start- ed. Silo filing is about tvvoithirds completed anti a fair =want of fall plowing has been comi*ted- Some Om is still going to the eaunin f at Mr cars and roads have been impr.oved. NoW lera bipove our driving.----DRIIM SAM . flOWWWINPIMIlliptc.mraNsoilminarlOOONia00101,01111111; HURON COUNTY HOLSTEIN CLUB BRED HEIFER SALE' AT CLINTON FAIR BARNS SAT., OCT. 12 at 1 p.m. A choice lot of heifers. A large percentage are from arid bred to unit sires. Quite a number will be fresh and balance due shortly after the sale. Bob Shore, Gordon Bell, Auctioneer. on pedigrees. For catalogues write W. it–Clutton, R.R. 5, Goderich. S. C. Galbraith, Blyth. 39-40. A recommendation that special care lie taken in conducting blood tests on suspected impaired drivers was Made by maystrate Holmes in court here. Defense counsel James Donnelly eontende(1 that his client Wilfred ltlerS, 24, of Cioderich, had been deprived of his fundamental right to make 4full ddenee because a blood test ' taken at Mr. Gliders' own request had gone aetray in sone manner. Though !agreeing that the blood test could be an important part a tilease, the Magisteate said he felt thatthe evidence of two local police officers was enough to war- rant a convietion, Mr. Gliders, Who pleaded not guilty to the im- ! driving driving charge, was lined 59 and costs or 10 days, and his wing, license was suspended for three months. The charge was laid after Con- stables Martin Horan and L. Theri- stammemaiamasmams............0.amaumeas rite********6•INNOW******6 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC TTERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropratic Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.xn. to 8 p.m. Wed. 64, Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office -34.11 33 Hamilton St. House 343W Goderich 1 Stiles Ambulance Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE399 77 Montreal St., Goderich VIMMINIMINNO EIAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phil's 346 Church St. 101.11111=111111111111111111.111111111MMINNINNIIIIIIIMMEIPIMM Alexander & Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Get Insured—Stay Insured— Rest Assured. A. J. ALEXANDER C. F. CHAPMAN Bank of Commerce Building, Goderich Phones 263 W and 11 W. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEIR Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date • by calling Phone Hu2--9097. Charge modeiate and satis-' faction guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong "'- OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH 1. -CEMETERY MEMORIALS T. Pryde & Son EXETER' Local Representative— ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phonic 1511 JimmosissaismisamisolmiL . . is a time to think "of all the good things that have come your way. We'd like to think we've added our bit with service that keeps you groomed . . expert dry clean- ing you can count on the year looking poised, attractive well- . 'round. s. 7 - w GODeRICH DRY CLEANERS wEssr sr C.R.LOWE P.Y , PrZOP. ault observed a car driven by 7,fr. Gliders in town On August 24 at about 2 eon, After pollee took the drive; to • the station, ite de - mended 'a blood test and this was done by a elector at the local hoe, pital. Constable Theriattit said that he mailed the blood. sample after the chief had planed a stamp on it. It was intimated. that the sample had been sent to, the pro- vincial pathologist at Stratford for a report. The court was told that report had never been returned to police and it appears the .sample was lost. 'Satisfied Sample Lost When Mr. Donnelly indicated that he was prepared to call more evidence in an attempt to clarify this point, the magistrate said he was satisfied :that the report on the test has never been received by anyone here. Speaking on his client's behalf, Mr. Donnelly said: "Through- no fault of his own, he has been de- prived of either the !benefit or the harm he night g,t from that test." Mr. Donnelly submitted that his client must have felt that the test would help him; or else he would not have asked for it. Commented the magistrate: "The greatest care should be taken when blood tests are Conducted --espec- ially at the request of the accused —to see that the package is proper- ly labelled and properly put in the ,mail." In future, he suggested that two constables should participate when an accused person requests a blood test. The magistrate said that two officers should be able to give evidence as to the address on the label, sealing and mailing, 0 -- Victoria St. WMS Autumn Meeting The Autumn Thankoffering of Victoria Street W.M.S. was held Tuesday of last week in the Sun- day School room. 'Guests were W.M.S. members, C.G.I.T. girls and leaders, and Baby Band leaders from Benrailler, Un- ion and Victoria Street United. Special speaker was Mists Sybil Courtice, of Clinton. She had an interesting display of articles 'brought from Japan and explained the use of most of them. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Minnie Tabb, and Mrs. McKinnon offered prayer. A quar- tette from Willing Workers Class sang "Beautiful Isle of Some - Where." BOth Mrs. Mote and the president, Mrs. Frank Wilson, thanked the speaker and all those who took part. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Wilson, and a sOcial' half hour was enjoyed by all. Since 1941 the number of horses on Canadian farms has decreased • ***********.0.00........ from 2,789,000 to about 800,000. Time -tested service assures best money service tiacked by 79 years experience Whenyou need up to $1,000, bring your money problem to HFC, Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company. You receive money service backed by 79years' experience—prompt attention, a wide choice of repayment plans, and your money in one day. Visit or phone HFC today. HOUSEHOLD FINANC R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH THE oopER jIGNATA-STAR MS NM County 4-11 Club Lucknow. Considers Centennial In 1958 To Mark Its 100th Birthday Girls On Project Huron County 441 n ation being .gzven qte the staging Club girls will soon be starting o their Fall igoieret, "Working with Wool." ,Vaeh girl malces i woollen skirt or Ju2n during the club's year and 4t. bits it at Aeliieve- ment Day next spring. She has a new garment to add to her winter wardrobe Witch will always be suitable for school, church or sports. As well as learning how to make the skirt, she will learn the different types of woollen fab- rics, the care and pressing of wool- len garments and how to choose styles to suit the individual Women's Institutes throughout the County are busy selecting local, leaders who will attend the tWo day training schools tin Clinton on October 22, 23 and in WingItam, October 24, 25. After thorough in- struction on how to conduct meet- ings and armed with a knowledge of the techniques of construction of the .wool skirt,. they Will return to their home communities to teach the Homemaking Oiub girls be - (ween. the ages of 12 and 26 years. The eight club meetings which are required to complete the project will be underway immediately after the Leader's Training School o—o 0 VISIT AREA FOLLOWING FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY The (yillaige of Ludlum will be rand( by Stauffer to Miller, 43ad that 1950 and consider- sane year 1858, seemed Mr. Stauf- fer$ min land 'right to /he land., Ti the summer of 1858, Mr. Somer. Ole made the Arst survey of lots on the Rimless side of the road, the plan being registered on Sep. tesaber 21st, 1858. fl'he plan show- ed a grist roil!, which it is believed Mr. Somerville had built that year in addition to the Stauffer sawmill which was also shown. These village lots were offered for sale on, September lst, 1858, when the ceremony of naming the place was celebrated by a salute of 21 "guns"—the explosions being gunpowder charges in auger holes m virgin trees. The survey of village lots on the Ashfield and Wawanosh side of a eentennial celebration in tite Sepoy centre- 14ast time a cele- bration was held there was in 1910, when it was an Old Boys and Girls Reunion. The settlement goes back more than 100 years, says The Sentinel, but it was James Somerville who made the fizst survey of village lots. He is credited with being the founder of the village. The first settler was J. EA Stauffer who accepted the gOirCril- meat offer of 200 acres of land en the Kinloss-Wawanosh boundary on the condition that he erect a dam and sawmill on the Nine Mile River. efir. Stauffer, of German ancestry, came .from Waterloo County. The mill, though not a 'first class one, served the needs of,. the early setUens round about. One of the first to settle near tbe mill , was Ralph Miller, who purchased a small parcel a land from Mr. Stauffer, upon which he built a log tavern called "Balaclava House," and by which the settle- ment was first briefly known. James Somerville had come to Wawanosh in 1851 and built a • sawmill between Belfast and St. Helens. He witnessed the sale of Recent visitors in the district were Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Lane, of Edmonton, who went West in 1007, and returned East for a visit following their golden wed- ding anniversary which was cele- brated iii Echnonton on June 26th with an open house reception for two hundred guests when Mrs. Lane was presented with luggage and Mr. Lane jewellery and a purse of money, "Mr. Lane is a native of Ashfleld. He was one of five sons born to Richard Lane and Mary Irving. His father 'was storekeeper and post- -master at Lanes. Cameron Lane, a brother of Thomas, lives in Regina. Three other brothers, Bob, Jack and Russell have died. Thomas is a retired railway em- ployee. At the time of his mar- riage to Lyla Maye Timmins of Midland, Mr. Lane was a telegraph- er for the Grand Trunk Railway. The couple went west to North Battleford and thence to Veregin, where Mr. Lane became station agent for the Canadian National Railways. In succeeding years, they lived in, Rruderheim for six years, in Fort Saskatchewan for 15 years, and in Wainwright for 16 years before retiring to Edmonton in 1948. Mr. arid Mrs. Lane have two daughters, Mrs. IW,. Elliott and Mrs. B. Graham, both of Edmonton, and one son, Mr. Earl Lane, of Barr- head. There are seven grand- children.—The Sentinel. o 0 C.N.I.B. FUND CAMPAIGN PASSES 'HALF WAY MARK The .C.N.LB.'s annual operating fund campaign passed the half -way mark even before the campaign ended. Committee Chairmen for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in Huron, Perth and Middle- sex, anticipate a continuing flow of contributions even though the , campaign ended September 28th. Two communities have passed their objective: Thorndale • $6.00 over its $100.00 target and Parkhill $28.00 over its $360.00 target. By counties the preliminary re- ports showed Perth $1990.22 out of $3800.00; Middlesex $21r72.44 out of $4000.00 and Huron $2281.60 out of $5,000.00. You are urged to help raise the $12,800.00 by sending a donation to the C.N.I.B. in care of J. H. Kin- kead, Goderich, or Reg. Francis, Baydeld, your local campaign chair- men. RAILWAY TIME TABLE ORANGES Effective Sunday Oct. 27th, 1957 Full lnformatlon from aging's laaaallraaeamasxaammma.......IItWeaIaaNsaMo ALCOHOL EDUCATION During 1957, 13,000 students (Roman Catholic and Protestant) received information about the alcohol problem in 96 school as- semblies and classroom neriods, conducted by the Ontario Temper- ance Federation. During the first HALF of 1957, an equal number have had similar instruction. / In every case these lessons have fen sponsored by local educational and ministerial bodies. 1800 young people throughout Ontario, last year attended social nights promoted by the Federation, in cooperation with local leaders. 170,000 leaflets, pamphlets, books, posters Bald other material were distributed from the Federation Library. through the Advocate. and scrapbook contests promoted There were 150 entries in essay Some 900 film programs were put on in Church, school and community groups. Two of the most effective films are "Alcohol is -Dynamite" and "Far From Alone." "Many of our country's alco- holics need never have been ad - dieted had they known the danger signals early in life." Dr. Bell, Director of Shadowbrook Health Foundation. This advt. sponsored by The Huron County Temperance Fed - 'ration. et the boundary was not'mde iuntbt the early spring of 1881. B. OF M. AD WINS AWAitO MONTAli, Rating first wog eatraclioul baxik* for its *4. ver:tistag, during the past 12 monthe, the Bauk of llontreal ias nail) won the- Socrates Award for the 'beet 44 a the month" and awned the third highooft ROO* foe North America in the vieWe" MOM eslimaitie ing covering the( W111014 Staitti CaDitda, ate ilnite4 Church of Costs waa formed 44 1925 by tho Torethocliote, Coo e* part of the Pr )iter DO YOU KNOW- - Right next door to you.aat Clinton, is to be found ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS OF HOMING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT IN ALL OF WESTERN ONTARIO! You'll be antazed at the wide selection— and the reasonalle prices. • Drive over to Ellwood Epps store this week for your hunting and. fishing, marine supplies• or sporting equipment. OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. every week -day and until 9.30 o'clock ' Friday and Saturday Evenings ELL -WOOD EPPS KINGESTREET (on Bayfield - Road) 'CLINTON. Bring this ad and get a 10% discount on your purchases r II CAN BUY A at' MY HAW TO 2 MILL/011 CANAD/ANS YOU CAN BUY YOUR BONDS -for cash or by instalments - at your neighbourhood 8 of M branch 403*.4. DOWN PAYMENT OF 5 .2i° FOR A$50 BOND, SS FOR A s100 BOND, etc, BALANCE IN EASY. INSTALMENTS OYER A YEAR WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1317 Goderich Branch: Bruce Armstrong, Manager. Get, That Soda Feeling From the World's Most Refreshing Sleep! Come in. INON1111111•111... IR 1 Swap morning growl for morning grin wiffi Wake up with the GO of Youth, the GLOW of youth, from the world's most refreshing sleep! That's 'the sleep you get with patented Sertaliner Construction . . . the only mattress invention that gives you top softness to relax every muscle and deep support for spine -level rest --both in one mattress. Come in and see the Serta Per- fect Sleeper mattress for yourself. Make the easy 1-2 test on this great mattress value: .. Make this easy 1-2 mattress test yourself! Mode by a Sena &satiate Patented Sertaliner Construction gives you permanent top softness in the innerspring construction—not just the upholstery. Press lightly, feel how responsive at body contact. It's permanent comfort! At full body weight, ribbons of steel in Sertaliner Construction give firmness to the innersprings—distribute your body weight as many doctors advise, for sag -free posture and refreshing /deep. a LODGE FURN TU rhis mattress advortised In mo if to itilliPi'fran Medical Asccriattam ,30,00 Guaranteed b,;41 GernIlleusekeeping 44414ertiinsta ttt. WEST STREET GODERICH 49, a