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The Exeter Times, 1890-10-23, Page 4
Established 1877. B. $. O'NEIL, ILS. r� )BASHER, b�TER, '* ONT. ('ran acceaaeneralbankingbusine,s. Receives the accounts of merchants and others on faavorableternas. oilers every accoraanodationeonsistent with alga:xleonrervetis t Bann in gprieeiples. Sive eer cent interest allowed on deposits !leafs leseeapaynbieat any office of the Men -beads Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, ,k MONEY TO ilAN ON NOTES AND 1IQRTGAGEB TIIRrR WAY,, OCTOBER st�o. OCR CIII.EF CUSTOMER. The B stun Herald occasionally IlStS utterance to wise editorial eleass anal nnatters connected with ` a"LGsI and eccenomic questions. The leQlowing ffrotaa, the Herald is >a case in p seat : The Herald e.4`4`s iia ,taiMary e er elny business the ear. 4? i gat a „• .=1 customer mer is a eon. t 1n- ¢ inc13: f erer in the winds of 540 ,4 is aa: �,eotr. , y enrol aani r , rs, A matt el et ttrALei at short interval regular p,tnleteea, Waite plys kr stat sty and without ,luestio n,: is gigsYtii y calueimidktton Iii :lily es - R 1,. a cl t„ � it t ^. i � r' r131ift $a S ,, a ii t s'04.!.,,,;I.: harps and tlintaulactat en etc:l"ta davivo of abrenis- frog their wares, cosi! sero oaf talent spend ant!!!!..11y l 4rge set ns of money in send - lug ago -a.. around the eetktn¢ry to solicit merchant who had 3 good 4(n C...4.i0T, aa ri,i inat::ierertt.. oate eentine ally ei ase hies utNi put 4A, a Qts en" %r -T ia¢ lO5 ett4ti,"7tt?3' $ :Ear s su a °n sanguis l'sa lt?ti1;a al 441o.1tn l a>a `44e0:4',.; LRC tilde* Eli little bet. ter r ;alk i e : t.,:444 Reit.. N xtY t'1 si ae t']t ¢:t7"a ac4'll r@,'i'+ gnized ba r.ie.s ceg•e'r,iarc;r:, it Is a curaap;u3 fact i".;ia,,; .,.nt i,,t1¢14117 as a whale. we are c . t t In E t a; abusing 11 word ter deo!, eeln eelvery beet. customer. As will 3,s+ even by we. give below, the EtetLeii buy ef us more than twice as r.1nteic as we bay of them. Incised if it l , l- , l ai r n�i tt the a were net fee their lite walla,l loaf:ince of traria of this ccs ntry c:na%the rest of the svcrlai sealant] be very �re>.ele a amst 1•.aeh year for the le c ttytn 62;)e7,0417,01;1Q 1,vorth of weeps ri ,r tlr,•.t Britain Reil, t4) us she pur- chases ,e s n, arly �tabl,tltl;1.t111f,1 worth of our proiithe itk general n@rit v t} . t er F:1 �'tiit Illt,i. it Britain tea pair- hose t'f ui nut fetreirn tr :r3t: astotaCei Le one elf cute lege And s..t. i n slate t'F tlii3 dependence that a,, 4 # Britain, tl;ert, is �rest l r noz, n U pr's;:•ably tic, cradle) liras: '.e. take gr, ,'41'a•r ai.:eld.;iat in rev mutt. our thi:; 1,r,w.tzeo improves our trade came etet f urda believe. :1s a tustter of fee*, it to serieze.ly to a.ur detriment. It ilh'tt; sic ren :1 Small clatter to pass !lee e xce'eli:lttlP inimical to English ieitlt•.rC 7, under Like sni,lu,sitittn that the l.n,;is�lk mugs buy ttf tie whether they moat tet gm net ; but the in3udit:ittus tt:3© of at mon +1,+sly i,l tele e,f th;i surest ways of teslaimiin it, and the time may come assts.; before the time of (Fut children and grandchildren, when the peoples of the t'kaitt d States will look back regretfully t,a the market they once found in Great Britain, wltt:,h wheat, cotton and other Ettl.l,lie3 were taken in (•Ilorineus quan- tities 1.y the wither country. which may have then, for gelid and sufficient res - 5 113, ce,nsidered `it advisable to go else- where fur the materials it needs. Be. twuen each tether nations are but as in- dn acitt'ils and must be treated as such ; and ter. this account we say that a policy that no prudent business roan would think for a moment of adopting is not env which the United States as a whole, can wisely or successfully take up. The follewin, are the figures of the trade between the United States and the United Kingdom, for the hist ten years • Exp ,Imports from Excess of telt('''ited Kingdom. Exports. 15S0 i,00 5213.182;883 1844 310.611.350 185 012,71$.463 `'•p1,55, i WHEREIN IS THE PATRIOT ^" The TorontoEmpire has gone into the tiao waving business with a ven- geance, and is now giving a flag to be competed for in every county for the best essay on the subject "The Flag on the Schoolhouse." We suppose it's all right to give the youngsters a revetence for the *'old piece of bunting." but it should be remembered that patriotic feeling lies deeper down than a senti- mental veneration fora thing of"Shreds and patches." Let tate: Empire and its confreres try and do something to keep Riur young folk here after they leave sehool,- Goderich Signal. Patriotic feeling, however, does not lie very deep, and goes for lit, tie with a number of the Liberal press, the Signal included. Their >; eueration for the country is meagre; and while the Couser-t votive press is diligently pointing colla the superior advantages of our t'anadtan Nordh•west, the Oppas- ition press is strongly advocating the claims of the America') States. In which exists a p'atriotie feeling— hose endeavoring to 1)ut'd up Canada or those fostering a Hostile reiinblie? The cenchisiee is easily aceached. As regards tate "Flag on the iSchoo;11ouse," the Em'pire's pat-. riotic spirit is commendable. It is is goad and wise idea to incur. Gats on the minds of the youth ef t lit< countryal loving pride land t n - oration for the heroic exploits of tlheir ancestors. The early history of Canadaand the war of r t -I 3 fslrnislkes several Notable miniver - .s%ries, in the celebration a winch tall our people could join with equal li SOt•btion and enthusiast!!. French as well as British Casal!- inns .are cry ltwirs to the memories of those. heroic days, and may with equal pride congratulate each rather on the anniservey thereof. Ikeyend doubt the people of this Dominion are firmly, determinedly attached to the institutions planted in the soil by those who have made i, this country what it is today, be- lievin them to be the best legacy they could bequeath to their pos- terity, th fathers e terity t> those , d t'tkuntrp who lined the frontier for the pre,servation of their institu- tions and the involability of their s t hones, each succeeding generation owes a debt of honor and grafi, rotas. It is, moreover, a fact of the utmost significence and value, at tested by all history, that the best alio; a people can do is to preserve with patriotic care the memories of their national sfrugeles and tri- umphs. Canadiaus can celebrate the ecluevenients of their fathers with national enthusiasm, because those achieyemeuts had the effect of reserving this country for a des- tiny of its own, of the glory of which we now see the dawn. Trr>r Mitchell Recorder says that eggs in Mitchell* sell for only xs cents per doz, and claims that had not the (McKinley tariff went into operation ao cents would have been the price. The !Mitchell eggs must be ancient when only 15 cents are allowed for them, as in Exeter and other prcegressive towns, the price has been x7 cents since the bill became law, and as regards the Mo cents per doz, had the duty not been put on, we might ask our contemporary if in previous years eggs ever sold for that .advanced price. The fact is 1'IeEinley has not injured the egg trade of Canada a single iota. NOTEf AND OOM MIENTS. Ontario is a great grain growing Pro. evince. So far as the average yield per acre of the leading cereals is concerned it shows a better record than any of the states. The following are the averages for the :eight years 11382-9 for the four leading grains: Fall wheat 19.4 bushels per acre. 156 ,F ,. ,F 20.5 .R tF F,: 55.3 FF RR RF Spar.( 'wheat Barley. Oats "If the Lord intended that man should smoke tobacco," said a truly good man at the Methodist conference, "Ile won to base put 3 chimney en the top of his !lead." If the boil intended man to a rear short hair H e weal have caused it to grow that waay. If the Lord intended shut man sUnuld wear clothes He would loads famished buttons at I,ariuus handy parts of his anatomy. If the Lord in- tended man to rat onions He would i, lea's furnished l' u ars mouth withpatent a I ,tt nr deoderizer. That sort of argument works every nay. The American Government having decided to protect their future ships of war with nickel -steel armor, they have not been long in scenting out the very best nines of that mineral. Phey have a little nickel in the States, but of yoi.r quality, so they have turned their atten- , tion to the Suilbury tulites in O,atario, They are so caper to wears) the mineral that they have put nickel ore and meat t in the tree list, but to atop Canadians eons manufacturing it fur water plates. he cunningly put a duty en reline.l achel EO ns to benefit their own refiners. ever $1,000,000 itis bean votad for -el plates on ' couple of ships, that money might as well he spent at Sud- bury as in Pittsburgh;and the Dominion Govern nentsl u ld impose oxo a dutyon the (+nand matt, suflicient to make it more profitable to do all the relining at Sud- bury. It appears that the United States as a country will not be nflieinlly rep rese nted at the coming n� JamaicaC1 in consequence tln appropriationshav having been provided for r the! purposes. The cause of the apathy and indifference shown. by Mr. Blaine is very plain. Jamaica Is a British pussessiun and that is sufficient reason fur llim tea Mack any representation Rona the United States. The success of the ex- hibition however, is assured. This is a grand opportunity for Canadian mer- chants to go boldly in and capture the American trade of Jamaica, which has for years been large and profitable. Can- ada can furnish nearly the same pro- ducts as the United States, and there is only a Clay or two's difference in the sen voyage from New York, as against Hali- fax and St. John, N. B. IIALIFAx and St. John papers contain highly gratifying reports of the increasing prosperity of the trade between those ports and the West India Islands. The steam- ship Loanda, which leaves Hall fax this week on her regular voy- age, cannot find room for all the goods sent forward from all pacts of the Dominion to make up her cargo. This is a pretty good in- ';cation that the new foreign mar nt the myth some people '''ed to make it ap- Division °curt Exeter. SNEI.L 13nos vs BARNES -This was an action upon a meat account in whiclt the defends t claimed a, c o ] n setoff for t lerico of a sewing machine sold to him by plffs. Plaintiffs claimed that the machine was sold by deft as agent for Bissett Bros., and credited on Bissett's meat account. Judg meat for plaintiffs. Elliot for plffs, Dick- son for defendants, MATHESON VS MCINxYRE—SwITzEIt garnishee. This was an action in which the primary creditor claimed from the primary debtor the sum of $94 on an ac- count, and from the garnishee the sum' of $35 admitted to be owing primary debtor. The primary debtor claimed that the ac- count was excessive and that only $15 was owing to him from garnishee, the balance of $20 belonging to his wife. Judgment against primary debtor for $67.40, and against garnishee for $15 in favor of prim- ary creditor, and for $20 in favor of primary debtor's wife. Dickson for prim- ary creditor, Collins for primary debtor. SVHITL1iY vs P&ARSON—This was an action anon a promissory note, the defence being failure of consideration. Judgment for plaintiff. Collins for plft, Dickson for deft, B1sSETT vs SNELL BROS-This was an action for $70.25 for digging a cellar for defendant in 1887. The defendants claim- ed that they had settled the accou nt, but "ing to the death of one of the partners -et give all the particulars of the ludgmeut for plaintiff for foe pill, Collins for "e Jim SALE REGISTER, Thursday, Oct 30 -Executors' sale . of valuable farm in the tp of Hay. Property of the late Henry V. Dirstein. Sale to. commence at 2 o'eloelr at Polne's Rotel Zurich. Ed. Bosseuberry Auot. Taras»Ar. OCT 130.--Stoek, implements, householdfurniture, eto,theproperty of liars Jas Pie terd, Exeter. Sale me the premises at 1 o'clock sharp, Mr Jno Gilt, aue, 13QRN. Nonvrncoer-In Exeter, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. 3. H. Iortheott, .a son. Ross. -In Exeter, on the 22nd fust, the wife of Ur John Ross, a daughter. MAARRIED. I annuF.a-.-SPSSCER In A,lsinstou, an the 15th Inst, by Rev Mr bieCuteheon, ;air J H Latimer, of liidgetowu, son of Mrs L Hunter, of Exeter, to Mies Lizzie Spencer. ettso:r-Mo:ersrxn -At the residence et the bride's parents, on the 22nd Inst, by the Rev Colin Fletcher, Mr John Allison, to Miss Jennie, da-rghter of lir Chas Monteith, all of Thames road, Usborue. Nren—Btnnr—ln St t.'alnmiian cligre➢t, Irisbtoivn, by t e Rev Dean Murphy, :lir Win Nigh. of T'uekersmith, to Miss Mary Barrie, of Uihbert, oreetrtt--linawra'E-In blitoheu, et the residence of Mr Jemes Derry, by the lire Mr Nugent, on the (;tit insr, .lir d.i.cp➢a tllof'rth. L elan, to *boas Sarah Ellen Danwiek. of Stanley. 1's --In St. 3fnrte on the Past Wet., at the residence of the bride's termite. by the Bev, ti-, J. Taavl rr, t1 aafra:1.1 Rowe, of lietiato, to Katie, ,etas daughter of 'Ir. W. 11. Hunt, of en. sfarys. r..toli--1f.tt.>a- In I. oiion, on tins 02nd asset, lav Ilei Mr Poi /Pr, in T'ulh.et ist 1 (tchurch, Rev Ia lxrr.„, �f 1'erklr, glee, e, f rtre,tly of Exeter to r tp Mies ,glary Jane Ii deo, of Inimion, alai, for- uleily pl Exeter DIED. 11 rrsrrr-In F xeter. on the I9th lust, Win Webster, aged 70 y-eare, 1 neur:azntsn-ala D tslawi o 1, on Oct. LOtit, iia May Isesherclinr, aged 3 orae. lemon,. Pnal,wo.t A on the StGt ;lost., ,,. Clara C. idltontt„ mewl 2 ulas, noir.-.iu Daslrtroaj, ou Ort !lith, Barbara :11,31app, n;t*.i 81 years. 5 rniaa, 27 days. War—IN—in Pa' nwoaii, on Oet Iltb, Lente V. i➢+cri, aged 7 trios. Seuee r•...In Egeisnlrille, en the !ilii llust., Mary Milligan. wife of Mr, Davi:! Sprout, aged 52 years and 6 mos, t ARNEE-In Toronto on the 13th Wel, wrl hark Garner. formerly of St. Marys, a e r aced t,.o years and 3 months. Comics -In Usborue, on the 20th last, Elizabeth Jane. daughter of Mr Thomas Coates, aged 1.2 yeare, 1 month and 21 bye. We have, s',' g a . raw o ( ) w of underwear. hem +e o , i C n r Oddities, tt ,tiN 4and a full llu + cf (Vents fuauishiut s. Appal & %-'ller's. Berlin's taxation is 114 mills on the dollar. 11 you ouce try Carter's Little Liver Pian Lir sick headache, biliousness or constipa- tion, yen will never be without them. 'Tiley are purely ve,:etable ; still and easy to take• Don't forget this, THEQ OE CEN PAYS ALL EXPENSES The Queen's hest "Free trip to Europe” hav- ing excited such nniver..ai interest. the peb- le•ehers of that popular magazine viler enuther and c'.alit extra tor expenseP, to the pereau sending thein the largest list of English words constructed from lettere eontnined in the three words"Britisli North America." Additional prizes consisting of Silver Tea Sets, (`hint prizes tiold hyatohes.Prenclt Music Boxes Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, mantel Clocks, and many other useful and valuable artioles will else be awarded in order of merit. A special prize of a Seal Skin,laaket to the lady, and a handsome Shetland Pony to girl or bay (delivered free in Canada or United States) sending the largest lista. Everyone sending a list of not less than twenty words will receive a present lus rat acatnlogueaofprizes, and vain - pia \ Quxry, Toronto.�CanadaAddress TEE CAxe- 'EjOR SALE OR TO TEN T. A first class .frame house on Nelson-st. One fifth of an acre of land. The house con- tains 10 rooms; hard and soft water. Tonne easy. Apply to Wm. HOwAnD, Exeter. 1590. 1890. 'a11 and Winter Stook Complete in every line. All bought for cash and will be sold at reasonable prices. FARMER ER BROS, Wholesale and Retail GitOC...S. WINE and SPIRIT MERCiIANTS, • STAR GROCERY MAIN ST.. EXETER. NEW Mhnt Tailor ! MB. J. 11. GRIEVE, (Late Cutter for R. Pickard) has:opened out a stock of CANADIAN AND Illiported. !'weeds, SUITING., ch: -:Worsted COATINGS, and allthe new- est things in PA.N TINES, evade up in the Latest Stye esetNnee A good fit Guaranteed - ores sate. Special attention given to adf'es' JACK T and MANTLE Making TANI) ; (Inc door North of E. !boo's Bather Shop. EXTRA VALUES IN Tweed and Fur Overcoats A full range of Flannels, Meltons, Dress Goods, Gloves, etc. Our MILLINERY STOCK is com- plete in,eyery line. A fine range of Beaver Hats, and Ladies' and Children's•Qaps. A. call solicited. JOHN HALL, Dashwood. FRED w. ?rolrinoial Land Surlre Oiiice, Upstairs, Samwell's Block, SA LESM KN. Salary and Expenses. or Commission ! Paid to the right men. I want :men 25 to 50,. aears of age to sell a full line of krst class Nursery Stock. All stook guaranteed. Aptly at once, stating age and references, C. • BooriIBY. lltooieester.11. Y x vELrr•DIGG1NG.-")Ii. THOS. SMALE is p pard to dig w ell s at 5 0 cents per 15 feet ncents on every adi"¢aonna ten deettp sixty feetif required-- brie c uiscd-- bricuandtg include,!. Taos. 5%IAI.11.B1saavilleP.O. • 1Lt.)YElt :1f1LL . FOR SAI, �.o L. D.Sawyer make --in good running order, and a bargain for cash. Apply t n .still BURNS. o'atul Ii irtetun, pp i',I;vf.IP11I, ti� A�, 11.I) volt A. EXETER PUBLIC $C11.0O1F for 130 . 1c rhnent , Standing not less thou second A. Married, Protestant rhureb member preferred. 11'plyper+oually or by letter with photo up to the :'-7th inst, to J. °MOO. Exeter. Oct. i,,'10.. Sees I' OTIC L:--GAliltIAGE ANI) wagon makers' stand for sale or to rent, Pituuted in the village of taramarty owned by the late W. F. Johnston, being a shop and house combined, Thoshop to be rented with or without the house. including cue half acro of land to be rented if the house is. or the shop. house, and one quarter of an acre of land to bo sold, also a quantity of oak and other kinds of luiuber end wagon makers stock and tools, and several colonies of bees to be (11sposea of, Particulars will bo furnished by the execut- ors on apnlieation, Thonaldumae pt.aParkeg Executors. D elm Cromarty, P. 0. ALESME � N WANTED Having done business in Canada fax the past 30 years, our reputation and responsibility is well known. We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satistactory, No previous experienoo required. Write us for terms, which are very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. References-Bradstreet's or Dun nmWiman & Co's Cotereial.. Agencies, well known to business mos; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Nunsnarsrv, COLBORNE, ONT. REMOVED DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and ()entree orshavo removedtoSwallow's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidley streets and are prepared to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding cheaper than any other firm in town. Build- ingsGontracted for, Plans, Specificetions and Estimates furnished if required_ AB work done with neatness and despatob and satisfao- ion given. Seasoned Lumber always on band Davidson Bros., W11I'. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON P y te , •'FREE A. S. 111. a✓.RIZAAT, Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N.Y Eyes tested; defective sight restoredbytht aid of fine glasses. Largo assortment of tilt finestglasses on nand. A callsoliaited. A. 6_ 1uCVRRB.72-, 160 3D'a"Na.A.S-ST London. Eyes Tested ae )TICE. - veto Wanted - MEN. local or travelling,to sell my guar- anteed NURSERY STOCK. Salary or Cont- mission, paid weekly Outfit free. Special attention given to biginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write rue at once for,partienlars' E. Q. GRAHAM, NURSERYMEN, (This hoose is reliable), Toronto, Ont, CO** anon One Door South of Post Office --...-RE HAS — A NEW AND OO11.P.14E` 14 STOCK OP -- Boots & Shays. Sewed work a speciality. spearing promptlyattauded to. GEO. J ANSON, INTERGOLONIAL RAILWAY OF CANADA; The direct route between the West and at F !taints on the Lower St. Lovcronce sand hale des Chelenr,Produce of ( itebee; oleo for New llrnnswiek,1ava Seotan,Prince Edward Cxpoltretonlslands,and iewfoundlaniland St. Pierre. trains leave Montreal andMitten. clotty Mondays txcentodl and run tbrongh without chance between theeo pointe in 30 Lome, Tbe through express train cars of theIn- tnrcolonial lkailwsy are exultantly t.chtsd by electricity and/mated by lama froru tba locomotive. thus greatly l.nc"caeing the com- fort and safety nt travellers. News do elegant le t buifats o0 1 in and day carerun ouihrougla oxpresstrutue. Canadian -European Mail and Passer.gex Route. rassengersfor Great Britain or tbo conti- nent by leaving luotetieal on Vrideymorni011 will Join outward mai/steamer at Halifax 10, tiltrda , u Y The attention of t,ht alrere is tlireetea tothe impeder fkoilitlesoffered by this reutvlor the transport of How and general niprellan- disc intended fur the biaetera Provinces and Newfoundland (deo for shipments of grain r u e, ,, and edacodnto odfort tact iru i • a d u to m ;. ket. t a Tickets may be obtained and infortntitian about tberoute; also freight and passenger rates onapplicatien to N . WE t'TR1It8T t)N WestornFrolghtttPassouge Agent 03RessdnEiouse Jiook,york St,Toreuto D POTTINGI;IS, Chtofsuporintendent J Railway oflice,t>foneon , v '89. New Fall Goods New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. Flannels. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. ac Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Underwear. 55 t cc CC cc cc cC CC IC cc J. MATHESON HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. Dominion Laratery HEADQUARTERS --FOR— Pure Drugs; Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toildt Articles. School Books and Stationary Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand 'oriptions carefully pre- ' ;rom the purest