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The Exeter Times, 1890-10-23, Page 3
IC, and, roubles, use TRIM DAVIS' Used both internally and eetornally. Rads enickle, affodiugalmost instant relief from the severest pain, BE SURE: to GFT THE; GENUINE 25e per bottle. _.. M , MEDICINE and FOOD COl'aINED 1 ,l► -EMULSION '11FCOD LIVER SIL HI'Pt eFLLticuroStDA: Increases Welght,Strengthene Lungs and Nervee. PrioiuiOc. and $$1.00 per Bottle. Ministers and Public Speakers use SPENCER'S Chloramine Pastilles For Clearing and Strengthening the voice. Cure Hoarseness and Soreness of Throat. Price 250 per bottle, Sample free ea application to Druggists. TO MOTHERS 0 AL O®Q AR 8041' Nursery, Indispensable al eanine the the Bath, rSk n. en THE BEST BMWS StIAP KNOWN. Pelee QSe. Physicians strongly recommend Wyeth's Za1t Extract, (Liquid) To patients suffering from nervous ethane• time; toimprove tho Appetite, to uasint.1h gebtion. a valuable ;Genie. 40 cents per bottle. lingSZLECNIZCZP AMMO Tho most eatisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER is s ari lir Chc�nrtt,�g s Stir ap , it is Grunt HEALTH BESTQREIS. Will ante the worst form of skin disease; wilt cure1(itouinntisw; will cure Salt. Means Larg© Bottle;ts, L+1QQ. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSLIaiPTION, Conchs. reglectcd Colds Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Lungs. In three sized bo*Uos 250, 50; and $1.00. 1938111111 FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, Late British News. NEW .ARNO URED SHIP A Courageous Convict. A 1)1i RFWL DENIM , Shocking Discovery. The Princess Louise IS suffering from neu- ralgia brought on by overwork, Tho newalmourerlbattleship Hoots --which will t1 largest vessel 1 a 1 bo the lar e, t soul most orcernil ci. 1 r �, r n. her caes aver built at :ha hau-- iIi aid £600,000. • The English authorities are investig atins:- the lt rthe habit of ether drinking, width is said to he spreading in that country, many persons rising ether as a substitute for alcoholic• liquors. - An extensive post -office robbery is reported • roni Middlesbro'. Cheques fromalit1ddlese Iwo' firms amounting to £1E, 11('O are said to `lave been stolen during transit to Londnt. 'ncd alp till Mnaday no intimation of their eeeovoryhad been rcei'red. Wright, the Hoxton blirg!ar, whomurder- •nsly attacked a wartier at Portland, has re 'deed 36 strokes with the cat as pert punish- neut. He exhibits a desperate demeanor. -teetering that he will berevenged and hang 'ether than undergo Itis sentence. A Wicklow telegram reports tint a matt :anted .Tones, near Ratlutrumu, attempted to. Toison his wife and fancily on Monday. The :rife seems to have suspected his attention. ted refused to take the draught. He then oak it himself, olid has since expired. It stated that the eourageeus centime •f the young; convict at Portland, who rt- ently rescued a warder frotel the• s tiag;a- iolenee of 'Wright, the Hoxton burglar, has teen brought under the notiee of tie Hone ]face, with a view to obtaining a rcmissbn r n'cduetion of hi& Renteave, ae hut for lei- •a•rvention the warder must have beau stilled. 11'illiam York, an employe of the Midland fairway iu elrage of telegraph extensions. net wit11 it fearful death yesterday morn ng at Thwaitea. a village near Bradford le was engaged supervising the wozkmet+ oder laic control, and, not tlotdedntt the leaner of the 1(1.811 exprces front Leeds. 'gipped on the line in front of it, His bods as eat iuto two pieces in the sight of hi workmen. Easton, the London long•distauee swan - net`, arrived its Oxford en Monday tnornnt;: t'• a•- Isamu, and n e i c d the l haauc• •a c t r lt �.>l early t the Folly Bridge at Salts for an attengc swim to Teddington ut six days. 1 crow.; several thousand people assembled to wit - ess the start. and I:aaewn was greeted with •ud applause lis he entered the water. He .act lied Riley, the first lock, a dietanec ort ''tout One mile, its just au hour. For Lutahaco, S ,t1Ca. •• CrtckS;'• Tic, •• site; es.+ tut.eumatia ilius att1 t ,;tunic rla•tanatiw. Bach piaster in an air.'.'aht tin box. 2$c. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim., MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents eat afoSr (*.Tun roPULJR Proprietary or Pharmaceuticalliedicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumory- 1. 1Cordsm1-1)""s I'.un Easy NO BACKACHE. let U'.: t: MAN. \( rate for lescriptire catalogue vontainina testlnannlaly 'rem Nat nrrna Of people site baro sawrd ,rata 4 to U cutch Nally. Z: •t i) 11e1v success• ialiy us3d. 11SearCV can be bat mere there 1a a VrtCancy. A re:w 1NVE\rnon for mem Rawl lent tett with each 'n'1 try the um or tut it'nl evertbacly can Ale t.air t.wu salve now and ea is ire• for than circ greatest expert in without it. ,\: aFted to all croes•cut saws. r er7 One tubo owns t. 13.,V 'Cheek: have One. ivo lnty t a any; no mnmrrnrtur. In :on t+Ir. A"1 veer dealer ar writ„ hollow KA11';Ne: 151.1 e'inN L co., CCU to 911 fit. Canal St., Chicago, 1.1 i ,.-n ri tri CRANO LOVE SPIP., f1 c u r. package of ,^,00du w. two doiiar to rnanuftteturo, and a 1 l07p lekture Boot, that will mole put • on the road to . l`ancisozao fortueo. C tlu!ds, and.: end 5e.„ ally ne to bele tt.y tree: Pr. Feti Insect Stings Sore Eyes EruptionR Sore F Soreness Chafin Cata Bor Cuts Piles Female Complaints Mose,iuito Bites Sunburn Inflammation REFUSE SUBSTITUTES BE SIiRE THAT BOTTLE WITH BJtF',WRAPPER LOOKS LIKE T111S.' 4• MANUFACTURED ONLY DY PO N D'S EXTRACT CO M PAW, 76 FIFTH A'IE..NLFJYORK. thchild• "at the unfortunate boy was the driver's At Clerkenwell Police Court on Wednes- day, James 1;atchelor (43), desergied as a sack mender, was charged with attempting to murder his wife by cutting her throat with a razor. The woman went to lied, leaving her husband sitting downstoire. and she was awakenedby feeling the raze drawn across her throat. She gave tate slawe ail.: the prisoner was. arrested. The wotuau lost much blood, •bot the wound ;tae not sufficiently deep to be den:serves. - prisoner wastemandecl.. An inquest was held at ('hatwyn,l. Salop. on Saturday, on the hod, of Vt Learn IL Raines.' a clerk, of Sheffield, wet, met his ideathutiderpaiatfaleircuini,tauees. D_ etseti and his son were on a visit t[t a rt'la,.hr', soul on Friday were returning from a shooting expedition, when a tem which the soft We: ca ryirg was accidentally die hterg ed, and the contents /edged in the father "sbody. death taking place in mimeo of an hour. The jury returned a verdict of a:eidenta' death. Joseph Walker Smith, a young pian, living: in Lewis Road, Huddersfield, while playiu, ina football match ou Saturday at Hudders- field With Lockwood club against Primros, Hill la the first round for the Holiday Charities Cup,`came into collision with- a1 ohnoalv`nt. Ile received ablow in the groin. sued, becoming worse, an operation was per- formed, but he (died on Moutley morning. An inquest was held on Saturday on th !astir of a child named Hleilier, aged I: tilonthe, wi-liose death was due to starvation. The father • land mother were atdcdietetl t( hink. A doeter stated that the child suf. tered from Wasting and diarrhoea. Zh' jaws r'etnrnerl as verdtet that the ehild die,". from starvation and wilful nog*!eet. Tier .'droner said it was: fortunate tltit the pal, ants could he dealt with in another court. A Birmingham p:rstman, having tltret letters to deliver at a buteber's shop, elippte• them under the door, and when the plat' wits opened 'only two letters were found. the third, wlaichc'nutainc'd a cheque for £1O, kitty u►issii.g. After a st'urch the missing "otter was f,nrnd under the Roaring, Itavint been carried away he rets. The teeth marks were visible, while one end of the elicqu had been waxed ae.•y . • At the Revision ('olrrt '.X (.ail'•. f. r,l t mime appeared on the list of a menta:.0 who ;tad einee been married. The Liberal ;a„r•te isked that the matter might steed over. a he was going to ask ft r a etere. Its an objec- tion1,5v the Conservatilee to the vote n! Lady bullus in Woking Par:sh, Mr F. P. "+neall,it, e, the aemeareeet a a;:eet, sari` lately Itilke was n'.triedbeforr'till lista were p14 i;ned. The revising banister ar"e:att(• the ranee of Lally flake, on the pound that she 11.1', not married whets the ti'. , nett prepared. 1114re is a large Board Mend il, ., ,ndou it4 ttleii'Ii the managers have (ler seed as very in- :;e'telt7ela noel Ie of washing the tilt 1. '"..t Uf 1:oy s very expeditiously and elliettltllly. I.:tclt bot stands upright in a stung] 1.O v, fain clew' sides of 'which ttllnet'1'(rlt r rprat.t of 11';trna uvatOt play upon all parts of 11.1 bods. 'Three nate A butchernalned Emil Itohrbeek of Sa :acs are allowed hien for thoroughly I;oap- lerkgrafeuttaese, Berlin, wan idiot tot n"e rn: Mg grim -elf, the sprays of water closely fol •euelay by a half-witted mall, max 1rot a•i h- .owing, the soap. At the curl of that tint(' .'Ib has been recently attending S,eivaatlo;, la* steps Datil to rub hint elf with the usual Inlay meetings, and thought that his mit- entree dry newels. In this n :v it is lime Con was to clear the World of smut rs. When ' hat melt seludat in a school of 309 boys eat. tohrbeek opened his .In..pl ltaerisla vete smut; laatve a thorottnit e'Ieansintt epee a week. :g outside. lie turned anti ening out, •"1 on :tiauday atternt,nn a fearful fatality eenge the lord, .Amt Rolt1•bcek twiets i1= he back. He then' put a bullet into lis own caul, 't"we injuries of the wottnthd butcher re not fatal. A panic acenr.•d at Wellingloraunh on Monday afternoon by which it i umh r of vomer and children were inert. There had leen a procession in conteetion with Sangers' 'hens, including a live lion an the top of at •atr, and as the animal was be ng brought to 1►e ground somebody started a ery that it ,vas loose. In the fright which followed everal people and children were crushed, aid one child trampled ou by a oireus parse .s dangerously ill.. C'onsideringtlle number of euresof sea sick - :less of which the world has heard, it is rc- uarkable that there should be so little evi- •Icncc of the abatement of this malady. ,;ninine, according to The La,u-,I, is now culled to the list of infallible remedies." M. Charles Richet- has used it with such effect drat "a persounl friend extremely susceptible to sea sickness" kept his sprig;ht- liaiess at sea when everyone on board Was said to be suffering except himself. An inquest was held at Beueetr near Bournemouth, on Wee. esday on the body of Ambrose Selby, a silo-r.n,,,.er, aced .its, working as a labourer. The bady Was round lyiug on the Smith -Western Railway early an Monday morning. The jury found that death was caused by violence, but there was no evidence to show by whom caused. Deceased had been drinking in public -houses and it is conjectured from injuries found on him that Tie must have been fighting, and that the body was placedupon the line after death. • A shockingdiscovery was made at Cardiff yesterday.. A number of men were sent to chert repairs on the steamer Harrogate, on widish a fire recently occurred. The first yuan who descended into the hold gave no. response, and four others went to his assist- ance. A cry for help was raised, and upon the foreman and. others 'descending all the previous hien were former suffering from suffocation. They were got out as speedily as possible, but J. Ails succumbed. The others were taken to the hospital. A inan, at present unidentified, was found ou Monday afternoon lying in a gutter in Commercial Road. Whitchapel, with wounds on the scalp and left eye. After being re- moved to London Hospital he was pron.otuio- ed to be dead. Benjamin Marks, fruiterer and fislunonger, was afterwards arrested itt his premises, 108 Whitechapel Road. He admitted striking deceased, who was loiter- ing about his shop after his servant. Some witnesses state that itiarks struck deceased with a weight. . At South Shields on Tuesday, acting on information, the police went to a house in Lawson's Lane and there found the occu- pant, Itfary Harley, lying dead on the floor with her throat cut. By her side was a table knife with which she hacl committed the fatal act. Deceased resided by herself, occupying one oonn.. She was about 50 years of age. • On Monday morning Private Salton, of the King's Royal Rifles, aged 24, committed suicide in Richmond Barracks, Dublin, He left his bed seem, and inthe corridor outside shot himself in the left breast with his rifle. Just previous to the occurrence a sergeant observed him cleaninghis rifle carefully, but while thinking it unusualyhe passed in with- out comment. Death was instantaneous. An accident which is iikoly to end fatally occurred in the]3lackfriars Road on Saturday afternoon. It appears that a man was driv- ing a cattle waggon, and in attempting to pull up to save running over a little girl crossing the road, the jerk which., sem from the sadden stoppage tlepearanlictd341l' who was npthe zveigggge :blit ayee t' hp Ql w .. > elakissed oaandi s eadla- Te wash :seal ea°1 el aot+4 g DC �e a .e -: , A. tin b� �tql.( a e aaC • le'Q Qat • csc • s� 0a 01.1aa 000.0 �0 a's e't° ea't la 114 occurred at tetratford 2'ullitrt•irs, near Tetras - ley, to an ander• manager named Christopher Haswell. 44, belonging to ht'dliugton, tvhe only removed a few weeks ago front Snydalc, where he was employed at Mt :srs. ]lrigg; s collieries, I)ecea9t'dl was descending the shaft, when by some means he fen headlong down the shaft about 130 yank His mutt - listed rennins; Were 1110 11 up by two Wort:• melt named Carr and Evancc. His skull was smashed arms ulasliedl in, and bath legs and ann- were fractured. He leaves a widow an 1 four datighten's, his only son having been drown- ed a few weeks ago. A curious adventure has just befallen the Mayor of Truro(Ma A. Lavertonl. He was bathing at Perrauporth, (Cornwall, when he was approached by what appeared to he a fellow -bather. As the object came nearer, however, it turned out to be something moult more formidable, and Mr. Laverton, who lead been proceeding in the direction of the sup- posed, bather, hastened ashore. Seeing, however, that the monster had got into shallow water, his worship again went in and succeeded in taking by the tail a porpnie:e above 6 feet long, which, with the aid of a man, he managed to bring ashore. The Book ofLife. Our life s a book -a different page Is turned each Clay ; The alv-teries the next conceals None dare to say. The binding- of Lifer; book, is Hope, With Faithenwove The golden riin about its leaves • Is human love. And oaeh event, each deed of ours. 1tve:f prints therc- In blurted typo, Sin ; while Virtue stamps In letters clear: Eaeh noble act performed is marked lir blue and gold ; But alt uniust or wicked deeds, Back lines enfold. A bright, illuminated scroll Adorns each page For each temptation we withstan$ From youth to age. Our days its nunlberetifolios are, And. Death its clasp, Tho power to make this volume fair Is in our grasp. So live, that when all work is done And laid aside, Our children's eyes may look upon This Book with pride ; Then, void of shame or haunt'ng fear, It maybe road When, haply, we may rest among The honored dead. a Los lJ. Eking;,. Bride of the Autumn Sun. O, Goldenrod! sweet golden rod i Bride of the Autumn Sun • Incihe kissed thy b:ossoms'this mellow morn, And tinged then' one by ono Did tho crickets sing at the christening, When, in his war:u embrace, Ifo gave thee love from his fount above, And beauty, and cheer, and grace t Ile brightens the asters, but soon they fade ; .13o'roddons the sumach tree ; And the elennatis loses its sunny bloom, • But ho's true as truth to thee. Scattered on mountain -top or plain, Unseen by human eye, Ile turns thy fringe to burnished gold By love's sweet alchemy. And then, when the chill November comes, And the flowers their work have done, Thou art still unchanged, dear golden rod, Bride oz the Autuma Sun. SAiaAII K. BOLTON. HOW TRE CZAR GETS TRE NEWS. It Is Well Filtered Iterate It Reaches the Great Iili;n.'s'Eyes. At present the czar eschews all Russian • newspapers ; their palmus and their lemon - Melons never reaeh his ears. Among the fleetly departments of the ministry of the interior ther'eIS one called the "Department of his Majesty's Journal,." which is charged with preparing day by day 'a carefully worded resume of some mild articles and items of intelligence meant f -r the emper- or's eye. A tseitinovnik of the treasure' rises from his bed in the gray of the early morning and hurries old' to the department, where advance sheets of the journals coarse• in damp from the press. a l:ese he reads over, smirking with ' t, a nitang it 'etdpencil sill the pets. sages the interest of width le not i tarred by injudieiousness. There are certain &setate ,se well acs nutmeriotts words and phrases which a Russian emperor, like a certain French king, Must never Le allowed to hear. "Fen le Rai d'Eepag ne?" (the late king •,f Spain) "What does feu mean t" asked;a French king once indignantly. "tilt it is a title, your majesty, taken. by the king of pain after the lapse 'of a certain time.'' The marked psssag;esare then cut out, p.tsrs:•1 together on sheets and handed over to the ,director of the department, who, after cam - fully considering andif need be curtailing them, signifies Inc approval. The extraet- ire then copied ,alis aphit.tlly on the titian •lescription of paper, forty or lift -y word ts. the page, and the journal in this state i• riven to the minister of the, interior or his tdjumet. If this dignity is satisfied it is passetl" on to the genet al iu wrtiting.. who iepos'ts it on his majesty's table tiittert 4 cluctt the following day. The new, that ;rawly dibbles through this tannins tiltor is dodetsm of a nature to disown) else the feel ings of the czar ar disturb hissleep. Getting; anti Saving Malley. :some mets have the money -getting, others the ntoney•saviug;. faculty ; very few hiave ;loth. Those endonsetl wnIt the former hi is plentitudta, and 11161 exereiee it to the utmost, atm' Inc:' •inc' deli while iudulgwg in all the expl sive luxuries width sump. thous tastes can sueet-t ; but the.:eac :sal 'n •4 k domes of ti11a1ace, the giants at cite kink. note world," Ly whose side the Mali -million load Xuilliou fell,. s are merely respectable dwarfs, are generally rigid er••tt.iists in their per. ental expenditure•:i, and ,unit• ple are 'discourteous enough k, c;d! Milli screns•"' Upon the 'avhadc. it is tench c• asier to matin •hunt's than to save it, and al-Hemel* we would not asllvi a any one to b:• 1111411y. do le certainly the part of to isdam:atid prielie •.' to set aide a tc•usidct.tl•le ir,'rti.'il ref as targe ` 1'n i. t• 1 Cur income as X 1 1 1 the future, and t1 n a n f t al o inVe t Ate reeerve hied as tel h'al't, it if paseiltic, beynitd the reat°h of all l the air. 4lulary t;outiag eneics (.f hesitates. It '14 a pleasant thing, during one of tim e° tinatteixl .:velour:; which every terlw anti then melte shipwreck of dnnllmertble f(,rtun(., la• feel that one has an ancitnr to ' indwaarad than will not drag;. `Therefore, while yt'%% are making money, stave it ; mid as yen *exec it, 1,11t it where no monetary convulsion can hying; gone " nobles to nitt('peut•e," OBBAURESZEMOIEWEENglantaZiMMIEMINVI for infants and Children,' '"Castoriaissowelladep•.,edtoeb4I3reuthat Canaria cures Celia Const 'pato n, trecoaii. enditassuperiortoacyprescriptton Sour Stomach, Diarrbsea, Ira.-a.cttt:aln.. ftnolna tc, rue: • iL A At„ s u. D., Silts Svorms. ante sleep, ant pr + .ores ca. 11180.isles, 5,., l .'ookly V. witL u; 2n unions medication. THU essma n Censor', SS Murray Street, It T. • . ! R. W. H. GRAHAM, 198 Ring Street West, Toronto, Out,.. Aphorisms. Certain tltougltts ate prayers. There are moment,: when the soul is kneeling, no((141- ter what the attitude of the body may bee- f Victor lingo. The send must sometimes sweat blond. Nothing areal iy nrhicve'1 without thesever• 1•:i1 di-e-'ptine of heart and mind : notitime is well tlohetltat is Clone easily. Illayard Tay lnr. Energy will do anything that clic be done in this world ;a1141 no talents, no eirettm- stantes, no apportunitiee, will matte as tWo• legged animal a mai without it..t(ioetlte. If \i e are ever in doubt what to do, it is 0 'moll rule to ask ourselves what we shall wilt on the morrow that we had clone. --(Sir John Lubl,ock. Yon will find the mere resolve not to he useless, and the honest desire to help other people, will, in thequiektst and dolietatest ways, improve yourself.--[:tuskin. A Woman's Question, Do you know you have asked for the cost- liest thing Ever made by the Hanel above -•-- A woman's heart and a woman's life And a woman's wonderful love? Do you know you have asked for this price- less thing As a child might have asked for a toy, Demanding what others have died to win With the reckless dash of a boy ? You have written my lessons of auty out ; Manlike you have questioned nue ; Now stand at the bar of my woman's soul Until I have questioned thee ! You require your bread should be always good, Your socks sand your shirts should be whole ; I require your heart to be true as Cod's stars And pure as heaven your sour! I ou require a cook for your mutton and beef - I require a far hotter thing ; A seamstress you're wanting for stockings and shirt - I want a man and a king ! A king for the beautiful realm called home, And a man that the Maker, (cod, Shall look upon as He did the first And say, 1t is very good ! I am fair and young, but tho rose will fade From my soft young cheek one day ; Will you love me then 'mid the falling leaves As you dicl'micl the bloom of May? Is your heart an ocean so strong and deep I may launch my ail on its tide? A loving woman finds heaven or hell On the day she is made a bride ! I require all things that are good and true, All things that a man should be; If you give this all 1 would stake my life '1'o be all you demand of me. If you cannot do this, a laundress, a cook You eau hire with little to pay, But a woman's heart mid it Woman's life Are not to be won that way. Obstinacy is a thing to live with e to have to submit to. but inflrmity.� % pose is a word. In the foi`7ne yQldlhavaaV,i) le st eve Safie of s d't)r j? etaiRsehce• wi ll The latter ins+ ilce ac�gsY-uo � to]ue a•\ hecgr'rent, info dabouton%teefos,g e 7 here,.you pp(il10. 'lanclecl'is a,aatet'to Vane you have1fot thEillPemetcketl rue. 0� bad 4� 0a ea> 'B w� s9A eoolcl6 eFA1 al prJ aLS� 0'TY , 300 3..� . God's Music. TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES--'au3 aches Special atteutiou to SKIN DISEASES, as. Pimples, Veers, etc. • PRIVATE DISEASES -and I)ieeeees of a Priaate Nature, as Impotence, Sterility, urieeeele, 'Nervous De- bility. etc., (tlae,esu:t of youtt,fi:l foliy anal eseeasej Wiest • and Stricture of long standing. DISEASES OF WOMEN-'-Paiufaii, Profuse or Sap •:,1`' pressed Menstruation. 1..fiee:;lti.'u, L':i►eorrh'a'a, nsi, al °Ere Hours-te a.rn to R p.m. Iiietlaeeutente of .the 1ti crab, T,tateas,/ U Ill. to3eau. GOING TO CALIFORNIA VIA THE Santa fe ,Clue, Ise 1'' c Ln . ; p. nt. Sun :'lion Tue• i4 e,,a 1 ln1 at , ,- e C dr, Kansas Cite a -• p• tn. Alun :Tees "1\"cti ,Ther Fat Wel Ar Ilutchinst,n ,, .:.:I 1' m. Piton Ines 'Wert 1 bur 1':• :fiat As 'Trieedaid '11118 a• in. Tues ,'t (:1 Mut Fri I VI' ]If h ay. Jere Yeats.,., o ij p. to. 'Tues °VI c i lilt Fri Fat aeon :Ar.Albuquercine • I N'a.iu• 'led 'Thur 4°ri Sat sun .Tees Ar ltarstuty. . . ; 1 :45 a. n1. Thur 'Fri Sat .bun 5lc,n %sed Ar. l.t,eAngeles • 4:I1P M. t'hur. .Fri •at Sun :Slob tttd At tan lutcge.,.• ...... •t• t,". It. Ea 1bar,,.. .1' el itt a un Men 1WFel You get the only liras' of thin' ;h Cara lritla.'at chane.' 1C'!i'1 a.• to Lo . Ugeits, acyl you Have •_"e hours time. UFd'ICI: -. 4 ttitisis ?LIa.ti1 , Ifr1.TI:(tFi'. MI1111. to F (1, E. t:I l.�I.1 ti, l'z, set gar ... um LAv .INE OIL 1 The Farmers Heavy Bodied Oil, macre tidy b McCOLL BROS.& CO., TORONTO TRY 1T ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. McCo.i's Famous Cylinder OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. As f6r, Lardiue. FOR SALE BY LTSSETT DIMS. G`' it eat Sy a sea eta, ae tis ea c``e, Cdt�,e e's• O x)). •c, ;<. 4 too - t� . e- C4' ' ., a '�9 `lq M40 rJ ``ten ``� �•� - •S,a, cam$ i \* . `C4 > see e9, Manufactured only by Thames Holloway, 78, 1cw Oxford Street, 1 rat, 535, Oof.:rd :tr.et, Loadtn. zee- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots' If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious." R ORE9S SPECI1 �C (TRADE MARK REGISTERED ) Sold by all druggists. Sole Proprietor, R. SCHOFIELD, Schofteld's Drug Store, ELnt ST, Tonowro. The only itomocly which will per- manently cure Gouorrhtna, (fleet, and all private diseases, no matter how l ong standing. "aslong and successfully used in reach and English hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to cure the worst case. _ Price, $1 per bottle. bottle has nature on bel, None genuine. wit o have U tried o- ther remedies without avail will not be disap- pointed in this. Every my sig - the - other Those Since ever the world was fashioned, Water, and air, and sod, A music cf divers moaning Has flowed from the haled of God. In. valley, and gorge, and upland, On stormy mountain height, He makes Hini a harp of the forest, He sweeps the chords with might. He puts forth his hared t 1 the ocean, Re speaks and the Waters flow, - ter-, t Now in a chores of thnude;,,o$ye 0 s\V' Now in a cad lit0 esea eee, tq� He.tg§ie }';e d\a'' g4 ►f lsae bts115,. eat ,pill eito atig:e'eiantieai streams-. ctrl .. shl aaamo .her t3 Sst� o, •x ) 'gym�` �. Y1sic iviues n � d Mee ever the eatr'he 10. l\ Is the manlfo e®vf froi ,, Drax •• 63 .tva a�' O� i,tip Ps° • �" o rats V music too • ear ogxtiat$itm A -yf qui wlychrto tT east quickly cure them selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost %Watnitood, from yyouthfw errors, etc., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 9O years' experience. Address-- ir}'sS,DT;D PILL CO., wOR.ONT0, Canada. Lf,�®rjFe our" Rollet for women"fa.120andsiwaya rte, ti � p� rennbl n boast tl s. %,got, s regularity. ar Pennyroyal Pill,. Insures rogularlty. Sand for particulnra. Address ,ATF DNI2 i,r7.4. CO.„ TORONTO, Canada. Exeter Butcher Shop 11•DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer -IN ILL %INDS F -- \T EATS astomerssappliea TUESDAYS, THURS AYS AND SATUBDAYS at their :esktane ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Ei 1EAn RDSeadOs.1RGEDonye oothest7aces;hair greaten4 achievement of modern Baena 1 Most won- derful discoc'ery of the age. Luka no other preparation 1 Magical, sere. almost inatantaneoue in action 5 novo with whiskers 1 Bald heads "livered i" Curious spectacles, but positive truths. Only genuine article in market, and certain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price SI a bottle, or three betties for S8. Bach bottle lasts one month. Address A. DIXON, Boa 805, TOBUNTO, CANADA. 'COWIE MUNK :'S PRI ::a:'� •� jQla�gY�.at��opr�Y3lt38Y �ef�uia�lla� y •,rf{noe kf�e?.br8 �ntanmrotZby�Fl. \"e\poople,� p g� �4 no eB3ih,t SIt • aq'I:tatn no poi•bt�' d i�rrct ly1�H�t t eacmoat,N,; tp4r,P1 9,,. , �B��il1�1�gpt i Gq ,11lA Og1jt • e sk nhtYeoOlonnt�hPettar $5 41' tsar ant S litre Sl . or t•.Buses fbr $50? eo ofu�, epi tltu„ t tbaitt 'Wry CA tantieZa e e8. �f from Ot SU n 4B. ai�A it artccttr et Use sin U�G1i u � ri tot ..•, st f solicit t0 . ortn "onPle © n r he • u ,an r�p�r o o ono or t r �eibnths' aiu 1' ec as , eeQ �1u � w'oCA¢e3aaao .11o��� - �� <\lgel' obtgef 1a ate est e, o ' `1 ea as �° tees ,/"� Qa4 ate s 6s mat as max Noe ;� Q }1a�A st o • • teals evlq ueS na S isa a� oaetA0 o') It 93`'e9 (yt 4.�d apes :eel: • es a1 ee S$ o‘ flat tea° 0a 11I' �M v?Qo �a' tle se ° 'o':) 'a ea? a� v s \`a a1!`t au ,1ua It 05"1.6 • a `a 61' riOA) ,QaaaQ ala\ oo (' .�.oa- a1,v_xt a NASAL BALI t,"•c bA ce_tfta,rpc a'fitid ckftea ir,. 4`.b` �es trie,, pS1r aiyilS 4r5QirP t�,3tSg to ,atq'R• $'t� Qa,I41.NSINO, oat a!"` sen5lEAi;NC, p Ot14. sf taRctJ Pcrmane :`@0; 4°t Imp�sit�, tsoa rQa • m ...s�z..:.-,•,..1..47: •nit v2 �t , hf.�qy so-called diseases Itseei mply sy'Qtnptottts'mCr Ot O1?ih, such as hes�1 pay�,g�, aRG splaiing sp0A usedg moll, foul fl ea niVi(v)ci acitlt spi s Icge leistMelinn+ �del:,'},'�yi etb. I��p� na 5 S1�3�41N• r�roub' ' kv tri a ni)tlteseR�1eklve 1Cd sys ' tSmsr}tots .r ep%, a q��$ t �tb� sh i0s tMe t arts �I• �dtat ams gl,l�l �Q q,p�r W traayg(�8f N Bktx altswutitgo`m.time a o l�u� nerrhWhtcicol t teas3 esus in�atatrh, £olio c10W •"Qa e00�' $by}c n la's ,l�dtaagh. t sal $Ar.at i v ..p t I,a�t• 1`be T st aid � ' 1 u tsts t vvii s R R ® p l° a ....pp o b alit -si a l,�t• 6til4 • t7 lair 5s It 3J�tio . Y a�c�� n6` b 6G;313-:.°1sei.:.3:3;ost. e J. �Fa i FORD & 62 _ !n is ,4her,� , sso aia aoDova �A°`s''l�ta t' ao 'o3aa aq)�}ealc' eoe°:sa. 63.10 Vic+?3e ala ��or X01 ego .ad atl0p 5 �9 V. • Dao 5, s 9' t q ISS ill �t1Q 0 �� �� t1Saloe 0saes este 1?a 6y9 O a 0.1°e�,>tipo�a el°°e`aaa `)e'j9 5°t 'ft. °t;ay�� a�t� 5 °,"(oliete, Ott 60