HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-09-26, Page 51131aURSDAY,SPT.2Gtlis, 1951 1957 governMent transfer !says estente---that is, money collected by taxation and then paid out oast to the public in the form of family allowanees, old age panelons, wel- fare payments, etc. - totalled $g2o•,v3e3m3,0m0e9n,0t0.0 at ell leveOf dditional ClassifiedAds GoderK. h In Heart Release Tenor • • GODERIOR MUM' (10151.741ATZ steeriffg-vvheel ienq a sefsty device. 21. Business Notice Mame A l'i VII iomato Belt, Of Wok! Tale 0-----.--0--. •,,, 4 "tight ,cut" at the end of a Ark is was --eDRIVE SAFIILY, 0 THE GODEUICH SIGNAL,STAR f!,41tGit inrit ROSS REP SERVIWE lecated in 3turon Automotive and Supply building on Hu= road. Phone 1415. Samervice as always. -16I1 SUNDAY SERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 HARVEST THANKSGIVING 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. GUEST PREACHER REV. M. C. ROBINSON, B.A., L.Th., ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, LONDON (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. PREACHER -THE RECTOR. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D.. Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP'. "Playing Games." Junior Congregation and Nursery. NO EVENING SERVICE. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister MR. RONALD 'KLINCK, Music Director. GODERICR BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, 10 a.m. Sunday School, Rally Day „Service. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery). 7 p.m. Searching The Scriptures, Tuesday, 8.30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A. B.D., Minister. Mrs. E. Donaldion, A.L.C.M., Organist. WORSHIP GOD AT BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST. SUNDAY 10 a.m.-Sunday School for All Ages. 11 a.m. Morning Praise and Worship. , 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer and Bible Study. Friday, 8 p.m:-.-.Y\k.4 People's Servite. 'Come Thou With Us and We Will Do Thee Good" Num. 10:29. REV. R.J. GREEN (Pastor). VICTORIA STREET AND BENMILLER UNITED 10 a.m. VICTORIA ST. SUNDAY SCHOOL BUT 11 AA. SERVICE WITHDRAWN TO WORSHIP WITH BENMILLER. 3 p.m. Union Service also withdrawn for Benmiller. BENMILLER UNITED HARVEST ANNIVERSARY 11 A.M. and 7.30 P.M. uest Preacher: REV. R. B. CUMMING, B.A., B.D., Brigden, Ont. Past President of London Conference. Special musk under direction of Mrs. Howard Feagan. MINISTER -REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MINISTRY OF MUSIC -MR. FRANK BISSETT SE) •31U124N'S O.A.BINDT Ssa0P, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kitchea cupboards and furni- ture repairs. Saw sharpening. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1254. -38tf RIM'S UPHOLSMRDIG, 59 hAMILTON ST. - THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE --WE HAVE COVERINGS OF ALL KINDS AND COLORS TO SUIT YOUR FURNI- TURE - CHESTERFEDIJD, SOFAS, CHMRS, ETC., CORRECTLY DONE -PHONE 1536.i. -22t1 CARPENTRY, BUILDING, RE-' MODELLING, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel roofing. FRANK McMICHAIIL, phone Carlqw 1108. 10-13x DEAD STOCK: MOM, UP promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect: Goderich 1483-J 4. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LimrrED, Ingersoll. -3547 VOR ALL rotrit INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or AGO:DENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) -11tf pOrt ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- 's TION - information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSMATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able -top quality at low cost. Welcome to fhe Church That Cares SUNDAY 10 a:rn. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning ,Wcisship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service; Wed. 8, p.m. Hour of Power.' f ree Methodist Church Verlyn R. Snell, Pastor. SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. Bright Singing, Testimonies and Gospel messages. EVERYONE IS WELCOME At THE ARMY. Capt. RetioMatchett Lieut. Pauline Howell 23tf KNOX. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. Robert G. MacMillan, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, A.R.C.M., F.R.C.O., DIRECTOR OF PRAISE 122nd ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 10.00 a.m. 1100 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY. (Back to Sunday School Sunday). ANNIVERSARY SERV ICE. Guest Preacher: Dr. Wm. H. McConaghy, B.A., B.D., D.O. Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Syracuse, N.Y. Sermon: "Our Unfinished Christianity." Musk by the "Former Members Choir" under the leadership of Mrs. W. F. Saunders and Mr. W. H. Bishop. _111.00 a.rn. JUNIOR CONGREGAT ION AND NURSERY. 7.00 p.m. ANNIVERSARY SERV ICE. Guest Preacher: Dr. Wm. H. McConaghy, Sermon: "The Book of Life." Music by the Chancel and Junior Choirs. A FRIENDLY WELC ME AWAITS YOU B.D., D.D. COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY SAVE UP TO. 50% OW AUTO repairs at BLUDAVATER SER- VICE STATION, Motorcade Ser- vicentre. Phone 232, Goderich. Free quotations on repairs. -23tf IIIMMENIPMS:111a1MOIsaftliffl 22, Lost and Found LOST, WORKING MECHANISM of Hamilton wrist watch. Finder please content R. WM. DOME, 5,5 Murdock St., London. 38x 110111111111111111111101111MISVOUNifialliffair 23. Used Lars 1951 AUSTIN A 40, IN GOOD condition. Perfect for that second car. Priced right. Phone CHRIS LEE at 112 or call at 56 'Church. street. 38x 1950 PLYMOUTH, GOOD CON- DITION, fully overhauled. Phone 1151. 38x CARLOW CARLOW, Sept. 24. -On Monday evening a large number of friends and neighbors gathered in the Township Hall at Callow to honor bride -elect, Miss Bernice Bean. The evening started with some of the ladies present preparing a bridal scrap -book, after which a game, "pass the parcel," was played. Then Bernice commenced to un- wrap and display her many lovely gifts. Proceedings closed with a very tasty lunch. Mr. Melvin Tyndall is now home from hospital, and we wish him better health in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Joao!. Fisher, af Galt, visited with the Ray Fisher family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Gorden McGratten visited with Mrs. Jennie ,McGratten, Goderich, on Sunday. Although the weather has been somewhat changeable, silo -filling is in full swing now. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kolkman, formerly of Saltfond, have purchas- ed the, Roy Liuklater place on highwair 21. o 0 0 Miss Lynne Gibbings, four-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Gibbings, of 'Claston, has ap- peared twice on Wingham TV as a model and will be appearing again. Lok out for the driver who doesn't look out for you. --DRIVE SAFELY. Goderich must be in the centre of th9 Tomato Zeit judging by the reaction which followed publication of a tama- to story in last week's lesue. The story stated that John Craddock, of R.R. 2, Goderich, wanted to know if anyone could beat the monster tomato which he picked in his garden. He reported that it !measured 151a inches in eircunaference. Since then, Mr. Craddock hes been challenged for the tomato king's crown by at least four local and district rest - dents. L. R. Holman, of Cameron street, produced a tomato mea- suring 16178 inches in circum- ference and weighing 1% pounds. Then Donald Fowler, of Au- burn, and Harold C.. McGee, of Nile, reported that they both had picked tomatoes that were 17 inches in circumference. Mr. McGee's entry weighed 1 lb. 12' ounces, but weight of Mr. Fowler's was not learned. Then on Wednesday, Mrs. George Morley, of Quebec street, came in with the top- per -a beefsteak tomato grown in her own garden. It weighed 2 lbs., 1 oz. and measured 18 inches around. Plan To Coptact Trade Officials A delegation from Goderich In- dustrial Commission is expected to go to Toronto in a few days to contact trade commissioners there, states William Anderson, chairman. The delegation will probably in- clude G. F. O1ingan, secretary of the commission, and one other member. Object of .the strip, a course, will be to keep the town's name fresh in the minds of the men who handle enquiries from firms wish- ing to locate in this area. With them, the members of the delega- tion will take a series of maps which are being completed now. These maps show the land in Gode- rich that is available for industrial purposes. Councillor Peter S. MacEwan, who is president of Mid -Western Ontario Development Association, announces that the regienal indus- trial promotion g,roup.is setting up Committees now to deal with water resources, publicity, transportation and agriculture. As for prospective industries for Goderich, officials here say that contact is being maintained with certain interested firms, but there is nothing new at the moment. Seek County Princess and Prince from Among Huron's Farm Folk (By J. Geri Hemingway) This item IS directed a) the younger members of our farm fam- ilies. The Ontraio Department of Agriculture has been making re- markable progress in their 4-H Club and Junior Farmer and Junior Institute work. At Seaforth Fair, the Calf Club exhibits looked more like '-the Royal than a local fair. The exhibits of the Junior Insti- tutes would meet professional standards successfully. We, of the Federation of Agri- culture, feel that these juniors will soon be takiig an active part in our farm organizations and pro- ducer groups. As an incentive to this end, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture is organizing a Prince and Princess contest. This is not a beauty contest but rather a test of knowledge and leadership. Contestants must be from a Huron County farm, but may ,be working away from home, and from 16 to 29 years of age, inclusive. As time is limited, contestants are asked to notify the Secretary of the Hurcu County Federation of Agriculture, Box 310, Clinton, not later than October 5Jh. Mater ial for study will be available at the County Federation Office and the County Contest is being plan- ned for October 16th. Contestants will be judged in a written examination on -knowledge of farm organizations and agricul- ture -80 points, deportment and appearance oral -20 pOnts. We ,hope to have prizes for all contestants in the county. The winners will advance to a Zone contest and the zone winners will ciiiter the finals at the Ontario Fed eration of Agriculture annual meet- ing in Toronto, November 5, 6 and 7. The Provincial King and Queen will get a free trip to the Can- adian Federation Limual meeting in Montreal, January, 1958. With such active 4-H and Junior Farmer and Institute organizations Huron County should do well. itaLrel• HAS TW1N-PAK RIBBON CHANGER Exclusive Twin -Pak Ribbon Royal's Now Brilliant Actioq cone; rolled in two CaRe3. makes all tying easier. Nothing to wind or thread. Lightning carriage return, Just lift out old Twin -Pak, fast, comfortable lieya, Easy - drop in new one. out Cylinder. Choice of 5 two-tone colour combinations. You must try the brilliant new ROYAL CALL US FOR A FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OFFICE floced Trodo Mark s %ad Office Supplies Phone 611 Goderich iiiiimirmii,,,00dtetsmotimeisembeeesesoloottemmteeeeeededeseeeesso a • A 20-yearfold Stratford YOUtla, whose wild tale sent Rve poieo ears .and a naotoIcycle after his hamIf, ars! Ottaeken, was placed . on suspended sentence for aZc months when he appeared in Gado, rich eourt on a public nitchief charge. Magistrate D. E. Holmes re- leased Glen Allen rolden after the youth agreed to post $200 recognizance. He told the magi's. trate he was "very sure" he had learned his lesson. A few weeks earlier, when Fol. den made his first appearance in court here to answer the charge, he was sent to Ontario Hospital, London, for observation. Findings of this examination were not dis- closed in court when the youth appeared again • for sentencing. Folde was in a state of shock when he as found running on the beach at . Joseph by Mrs. Napol- eon Ca n, of Royal Oak, Mich. He said he had been forced to drive two men from Stiatford to St. Joseph in his delivery truck. He claimed that they had taken his wallet and tried to drown him in Lake Huron. Under detailed questioning by police, Folden later confessed that he attempted suicide because he was unhappy. He didn't go through with the suicide, but made up the tale he told Mrs. Cantin to try to cover up for the condition in which she found him. -0 SHEPPARDTON SiHEPPARDTON, Sept. 24. -Mrs. Jack Hussey and John spent the week -end in Lucknow with Mrs. Husey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nixon. Mrs: Elmer Graham was in Tor- onto 'last week attending the East- ern Star Chapter. Mr. and Mrs, S. Snyder and daughter, of Benmiller, visited Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Sowerby and Don. - Mr. and Mrs. Cree Freeman and Carolyn visited Sunday with Has. Freeman's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth, 12th concession Culross. New York Man Will Speak Here James E. Ghecn, New York pub- lic relations counsellor, is to speak here next Wednesday. He will address the fall dinner meeting of. the Peath-Huron Section of the Industrial Accident Prevention As- sociations at the Canadian Legion Mr. Gheen has had wide experi- ence and enjoys an enviable repu- tation as an after dinner speaker. The theme of the meeting will be safety. ,T. K. Sully, of G-oderich, is chair- man of the Perth -Huron Secticri. o DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, Sept. 23. -An- niversary services will be held in Donnybrook Church next Sunday, September 29th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. R. S. Hiltz will preach and special music is being provided. Mr. and Mrs. Elw'n ('hasnney, of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Chamney, of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cipmney and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney were guests at the Fox-Chamney wedding in W'ndsor on Saturday. INSTITUT* goy MARION SUTHERLAND) Six cheerleaders were chosen lost Wednesday by the physical education teachers. They are awardBaarr,rom GEruswtavge,e, Emlizarablturumeth earrlAIY: Mar:rwina:dnaZt'acryll willLytme bLeon p:1 this Friday. Nineteen boys from the anca will be participating in the event. The GDC1 field day will be held on Thursday, October 4, in the Agricultural Park at 1.30. The lio follow:s toantd times of events are as llvs: Junior Boys 1.00 -1.30 -High jump 1.30 -2.00 -100 -yard deeh 2.00-2.30-I-Et:op, step and jump 2.30 -3.00 -220 -yard dash 3.00 -3.30 ---Broad jump 3.30 -4.00 -440 -yard dash 4.00 -4.30 --Relay Intermediate Boys 1.00 -1.30 -Broad jump L30 -2.00 -100 -yard dash 2.00-2.30---1. mile; 2. High jump 2.30 -3.00 -220 -yard dash 3.00 -3.30 --Hop, step and jump 3.30-4.00 440 -yard dash 4.00 -4.30 -Relay Senior Boys 1.004.30 -100 -yard dash L30 -2.00 --Hop, step and jump 2.00-2 e mile;j .30--1. l 2. Broadjump 2.30 -3.00 -220 -yard dash 3.00 -3.30 -High jump 3.30-4.00--440-yard dash 4.00 -4.30 -Relay Junior Girls 1.004.30 -Softball distance 1.30 -2.00 -High jump 2.00 -2.30 --Softball speed 2.30 -3.00 -Volleyball keep up 3.00 -3.30 -75 -yard dash 3.3Q -4.00 -Broad jump 4.00 -4.30 -Relay intermediate Girls 1.00-1.30 'Softball speed 1.30-2.00-Baoad jump 2.00 -2.30 Softball distance 2.30 -3.00 -High jump 300 -330 Volleyball keep up 3.30 -4.00 -100 -yard dash 4.00 -4.30 -Relay Senior Girls 1.004.3Q -Volleyball keep up 1.30-2.00 'Softball distance 2.0-2:3-100- i rdumdpash 2.3O -3O0 -Broad 3.00 -3.30 -Softball speed 3.30 -4.00 -High jump 4.00 -4.30 Relay The anhual Commencement pro- gram will be held Friday, Novem- ber 1. The tball game played iik.i. $ortb ItesdaY, xesult(id irt 28-9 victory for Goderieb. oroueb, deans for Goderich werc soortd by 1illrt,obinson with .two, .and Clam Unman and Att reachey with 0*. There will,be a dance, vousored by the football team this Itiday at the GDOX. ST. ALIGUSTiNE ST. AUGUSTINE, Sept, 24, --Mr, John O'Connor, A.shfield, visited the Kinahan family on Sunday. Mr. Eugene Devereaux attended a convention for the Beaver lawnber Company, Wingchara, in Rita,. ener, on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Devereaux spent the day there with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carroll. Congratulaticais to Miss Maureen Leddy, who was successful in pass- ing her government examination as a registered nurse's assistant. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boyle and Raymond, Colborne, spent Friday evening at the Mission here at St. Augustine Church. Mrs. Katie Moir, of Wingham, spent last week with Mary Ada and Ambrose Brophy. Mrs. Hilda Kurtz and Mrs. Helen Montgomery, Galt, are spending a few days with the Devereaux family. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Boyle, Wing - ham, visited their friends here Sunday night. A number from here attended the dance at the Community Hall, Ethel, for Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Leddy. A good crowd attended and a generous purse was given to the young couple. Lunch was served, and a goad time was re- portedi Forty Hours devotions commenc- ed in St. Augustine Church on Sunday, September 15th, followed. by a four days of Mission. Devo- tions were conducted, by Rev. Fr. Kramer, C.S.S.R., ofathe Redemps tartist Order, Toronto, assisted by -our pastor, Rev. Father Urbanksi. Father Kramer was an eloquent Speaker. He spoke ardently and sincerely on the Holy Sacraments but especially on the salaraticri of souls. The Mission dosed Septem- ber 22. 0 0 o You don't buy safety, you build it.-DRIIVE SAFELY. Need A Taxi? PHONE 71 FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE GODERICH CAB OFFICE LOCATED IN CITIES SERVICE STATION, NEXT TO A&P STORE. 38 • • Ladies! Read This Ad, And SAVE! QUALITY-" Super Ifealtif' Ware is designed and built in double strength. No weld- ed parts or rivets to loosen, leak or trap particles of food with hang-up rings. qamitai• NOTE -The British Medical Journal reports, the best metal for food vessels -even better than SPECIAL SALE OF GENUINE "SUPER HEALTH' ALUMINUM WARE SAVE AS MUCH AS $5.00 ON A SINGLE UNIT eat resisting handles VARIETY -Almost every type + of utensil available. - - -Next to gold and platinum, Aluiminum is silver." Examples Of Savings Now Offered - c, ONE -QUART SAUCE PAN Reg. $5.50 SPECIAL- 040 Call in and see for yourself to -day at ri TWO -QUART SAUCE PAN Rog. $8.25 •60 SPECIAL- s6 6o SAUCE PAN Rog. $10.25 SPECIAL® $8.20 E.BRECKENIRIDGE Hardware Phone PLUMBING • HEATING - GIFTS T Ys •